Opportunity launch review

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Opportunity launch review


Opportunity Launch Review

Hi there, this is Ray Main here again, with more information, that will help you build your business, whatever that is.


Opportunity Launch Review

I guess your first question would be something like, what is this opportunity launch review all about?


Opportunity Launch Review

This is about an awesome company that offers, absolutely free, a training and lead capture system, that anyone can use, no matter what opportunity you are promoting.


Opportunity Launch Review

We offer over 500, ready made capture pages, for just about any company that is out there.


Opportunity Launch Review

If, by some circumstance, we don't have a capture page already, for your opportunity, we will show you how to make one, in less than a couple of minutes.


Opportunity Launch Review

Not only that, but, our capture pages allow you to inbed videos and/or pictures in them. You can put whatever picture you want as a background.


Opportunity Launch Review

You can even use our I-frame templates, to inbed your company website, as background in these capture pages. No one else has this technology.


Opportunity Launch Review

With over 25 templates to choose from, as far as style of capture page, combined with over 500 background photos for you to choose from, you can customize these in hundreds and hundreds of different ways.


Opportunity Launch Review

Most companies out there, have a company page they want you to use, with some sort of capture page, maybe, to capture a persons name and email, to build the company's data base.


Opportunity Launch Review

If they sign up under you, you can communicate with them, but, what happens to that information, as far as you are concerned, if you should leave the company, it folds, or a 100 different possible reasons, that you and the company part ways?


Opportunity Launch Review

You lose all those people that you brought to that company, and have to start over from scratch. It happens more often than you would think, and, probably has happened to you, at some point.


Opportunity Launch Review

This system bypasses that, by allowing you to use your company page, but, capture those folks information on the front end. Then you can deal with them in your back office, and they can't be taken away from you. Those leads are yours, and yours alone. Think about it.


Opportunity Launch Review

Now, as wonderful as all that sounds, it still wouldn't be much of an improvement, if you had to train yourself how to use these capture pages, and still were trying to market the way you always have.


Opportunity Launch Review

Most internet marketers know of only one way to market. This may be you. Just spam or post your links to every site that you can get by with doing that, in the hopes that someone will stumble across your links, and sign up, or buy from you.


Opportunity Launch Review

If you keep doing the same things you have always done, you will keep getting the same results, you have always gotten. If you are having good results, more power to you, but, most don't!


Opportunity Launch Review

There is a much better way, and, that is to promote you. When people learn to trust, and like you, they will come nearer signing up with you. It's called networking! How do you do that? We will train you.


Opportunity Launch Review

In addition to having tons of recorded training, presented in such a way as to try to keep you from going into "information overload", we also have four to five live webinars, every week, at night. We also, have breakout groups doing live webinars, in the mornings, during the week.


Opportunity Launch Review

All of the trainers here, have a sincere desire, to see others succeed, and most webinars end with an unfettered question and answer period.


Opportunity Launch Review

There are a lot more tools coming, that are already in the pipeline, to help you, to help you build your business even bigger and better.


Opportunity Launch Review

It's hard to have webinar trainings that are convenient for everybody, across the world, but, with the combination of recorded and live trainings, everyone has a chance to succeed with this program.


Opportunity Launch Review

All of the trainers have also made ourselves available on Face Book, Skype, and some even give out their phone numbers, in order to be more accessible to help you build YOUR business.


Opportunity Launch Review

That is the most important value for the opportunity launch system. We are here to help you build your business, not, to recruit you into our individual businesses. You can do that, if you want, but, that is not the focus here.


Opportunity Launch Review

See, we have a philosophy here at Opportunity Launch. "If you master the free, you will master the money". What does that mean.


Opportunity Launch Review

I believe it was Zig Ziglar that said, "If you help enough people to get what they want, you will eventually get what you want".


Opportunity Launch Review

I invite you to take a free tour, and see what I am talking about.


Opportunity Launch Review

Go to http://www.coachraymain.com , put your information in the form and take the tour.


Opportunity Launch Review

Once you see the value in the opportunity launch review, you can then give it away to build your own list.


Opportunity Launch Review

Looking to see you inside, this is Ray Main signing off.