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OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SUMMARY REPORT DALY SHOE BUILDING 68 BIRGE STREET BRATTLEBORO, VT Prepared for: Deb Zak Windham and Windsor Housing Trust 68 Birge Street Brattleboro VT 05301 ECS Project No.04-206909.01 June 30, 2014


1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1

2.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF SDS ............................................................. 2

2.1 SYSTEM MONITORING ...................................................................................................... 2 2.2 SYSTEM INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT SAMPLING ................................................................. 2 2.3 ASSESSING NEGATIVE PRESSURE BENEATH SUBSLAB ...................................................... 2

3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................... 4


Figure 1 SDS Layout


Table 1A System Monitoring

Table 1B SVE Well Monitoring Data


Attachment I Analytical Laboratory Data for Effluent Air Sampling

Operations and Maintenance Summary Report ECS Project #04-206909.00

Daly Shoe Building June 30, 2014

68 Birge Street, Brattleboro, VT Page 1


On behalf of Windham & Windsor Housing Trust (WWHT), Environmental Compliance Services, Inc.

(ECS) has prepared this Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Summary Report for the subslab

depressurization system (SDS) currently operating at 68 Birge Street in Brattleboro, Vermont (i.e., the

Site). The operational monitoring this period was completed in November 2013 and May 2014.

Maintenance activities have been completed by WWHT on a monthly basis.

The SDS was installed as part of corrective actions conducted at the Site that included the excavation of

impacted soil, placement of engineering controls and the filing of a Notice to the Land Records. Upon

completion of construction, the SDS began operating in February 2008 to provide a negative pressure

beneath the building to mitigate risks associated with exposure to potential vapor intrusion from

volatilization of residual chlorinated solvents (i.e., mainly trichloroethene-TCE) that remain in soil

beneath the subslab.

This O&M Summary Report is being submitted as part of the requirements of the 2007 Corrective Action

Plan (CAP). The O&M is conducted to ensure that the SDS is maintaining the performance goals

established in the CAP. Since the system was not designed to remediate TCE impacted soil detected

beneath the subslab, the performance goals for the system are to maintain a negative pressure of at least

0.02 inches of water column (in. wc.) beneath the foot print of the building to prevent vapor intrusion. To

assure that a negative pressure is constantly maintained, the system operates on a continual basis for 24-

hours a day.

Additionally, since it was not technically feasible or cost effective to remove all impacted soil from the

Site, engineering controls were constructed to prevent the risk of exposure to residual impacted soil

located outside the building footprint. The engineering controls consist primarily of caps constructed of

soil, asphalt and polyethylene sheeting, which were designed to reduce the risk of direct contact and

inhalation exposure to the residual impacted soil. A Soil Management Plan (SMP) was developed to

protect the integrity of these engineering controls and describes procedures to follow when subsurface

work is conducted at the Site.

A copy of the SMP is located in the maintenance supervisor’s office at the Site and is readily available for

review. As recommended in the SMP, WWHT will provide annual reports to Vermont Department of

Environmental Conservation (DEC) on the conditions of the engineering controls. In addition, this O&M

Report provides information on the conditions of the controls (i.e., caps) based on visual observations

during O&M service visits for the SDS.

Operations and Maintenance Summary Report ECS Project #04-206909.00

Daly Shoe Building June 30, 2014

68 Birge Street, Brattleboro, VT Page 2


This section of the O&M Summary Report provides a brief overview of the work completed to ensure the

system is operating efficiently and that performance goals identified in the CAP are maintained. A layout

of the SDS is provided as Figure 1.

2.1 System Monitoring

As part of the system operations and maintenance program, ECS monitors and records:

System vacuum and flow rate;

Vacuum and flow rate at each extraction well; and

System effluent and off-gas treatment screening utilizing a photoionization detector (PID).

System monitoring was completed on November 19, 2013 and May 6, 2014. The data collected

during these monitoring events was tabulated and is summarized in Table 1A and Table 1B. As

shown on Table 1B the system continues to operate with an air flow rate 5,900 feet per minute (fpm)

at a vacuum of 40 inches of water column (in. wc.) at the system influent.

As part of the O&M, ECS has been monitoring the sight-glass in the knockout tank for buildup of

condensation. No liquid was drained during the O&M visits completed during this reporting period.

2.2 System Influent and Effluent Sampling

The SVE system was equipped with a 400 pound drum (Model-Tetrasolve VR-400) of vapor phase

granular activated carbon (GAC) to treat air/vapors before discharging to the atmosphere. ECS

collected an air sample at the effluent (i.e., post-carbon treatment) on both November 19, 2013 and

May 6, 2014, to monitor for residual TCE concentrations being captured beneath the subslab and

ensure that the GAC continued to function within design parameters. No influent sample (i.e.,

collected pre-carbon treatment) was collected this reporting period. The effluent samples were

collected in a summa canister and submitted to Spectrum Analytical of Agawam, Massachusetts, for

analysis of chlorinated solvents via EPA Method TO-15.

A low concentration of chloromethane was observed in the effluent sample collected in November

2013. Laboratory analytical results indicate that chlorinated solvents were not present in the effluent

sample in excess of the laboratory detection limit during the May 2014 sampling event; however, low

concentrations of volatile organic compounds were observed during both sampling events. The

absence of chlorinated solvents, and particularly TCE, is indicative of proper system function. Based

on the observed breakthrough of volatile organic compounds from the vapor phase GAC unit, the

GAC unit was replaced on June 25, 2014. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports are provided in

Attachment I.

2.3 Assessment of Negative Pressure beneath Subslab

During the November 2013 and May 2014 O&M activities, ECS was on-site to assess the efficiency

of the SDS for maintaining negative pressure beneath the footprint of the building. ECS collected

vacuum measurements at the nine monitoring points located throughout the interior portion of the

Operations and Maintenance Summary Report ECS Project #04-206909.00

Daly Shoe Building June 30, 2014

68 Birge Street, Brattleboro, VT Page 3

building. The locations of the monitoring points are depicted on Figure 1. Table 2.1, below,

summarizes the vacuum readings recorded at the nine monitoring points. Negative pressure was

recorded at the nine monitoring points at levels ranging from 0.011 inches of water column (in. wc.)

to 1.5 in. wc.

Table 2.1

Measured Vacuums at Monitoring Points to Evaluate Negative Pressure

Date MP-1 MP-2 MP-3 MP-4 MP-5 MP-6 MP-9 MP-10 MP-11 Total Air Flow (fpm) and

Vacuum at blower

2/7/2008 0.02 2.0 0.40 0.45 1.5 0.15 0.060 0.020 0.070 4,220 fpm / 38 in. wc.

2/15/2008 0.03 1.5 0.20 0.40 0.90 0.25 0.055 0.015 0.070 3,870 fpm / 36 in. wc.

2/26/2008 0.035 0.50 0.25 0.60 1.1 0.20 0.060 0.020 0.075 4,870 fpm / 41 in. wc.

5/1/2008 0.055 1.3 0.41 0.52 NS 0.22 0.085 0.035 0.11 5,410 fpm / 46 in. wc.

7/22/2009 0.02 0.55 0.33 0.25 0.38 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.15 3035 fpm / 30 in. wc.

12/9/2010 0.025 0.35 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.07 3,200 fpm / 36 in. wc.

3/15/2011 0.020 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.12 0.15 0.09 0.10 6,200 fpm / 45 in. wc.

5/16/2012 0.023 0.12 0.23 0.45 0.27 0.11 0.18 0.05 0.12 4,500 fpm / 30 in. wc.

11/28/2012 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 Unable to

Access 0.1 4,556 fpm / 66 in. wc.

4/2/2013 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.3 4,850 fpm / 70 in. wc.

11/19/2013 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4,700 fpm / 30 in wc.

5/6/2014 0.012 0.022 0.070 0.011 1.2 0.020 0.065 0.021 0.016 5,900 fpm / 40 in wc.

As concluded in previous reports, the placement of the extraction wells and trenching is shown to

influence the propagation of vacuum. However, based on the operational evaluation data collected in

May 2012, it is safe to continue to assume that at least a 28-foot ROI is occurring across each of the

extraction wells, and thus providing a negative pressure beneath the subslab of the building. The 28-

foot ROI is depicted on Figure 1. This operational evaluation is scheduled to be repeated in the fall.

Operations and Maintenance Summary Report ECS Project #04-206909.00

Daly Shoe Building June 30, 2014

68 Birge Street, Brattleboro, VT Page 4


Based on the data collected during the O&M visits completed in November 2013 and May 2014, ECS

is of the opinion that the SDS is continuing to operate at its performance goal, maintaining an induced

vacuum averaging greater than 0.04 in. wc. throughout the footprint of the building. In addition to

O&M activities, ECS also completed a cursory inspection of the asphalt and soil caps and observed

that the caps were all in good condition.

General maintenance of the components of the SDS in the shed is currently being conducted by

WWHT. These practices consist of changing the oil and filter for the blower as recommended by the

manufactures’ specifications. Additional maintenance also includes lubing all grease fitting on the


Based on the data collected during the November 2013 and May 2014 O&M activities, ECS is of the

opinion that all O&M work should continue on an annual basis with the exception of monitoring the

influent and effluent air at the carbon vessel unit. Monitoring should be completed on a semi-annual

basis to monitor for breakthrough of TCE at the unit. Based on observed low level concentrations of

volatile organic compounds in the effluent from the vapor phase carbon unit, the carbon unit was

replaced on June 25, 2014.

If you have any questions regarding this plan, please contact Holly Hockertlotz of ECS at 802-257-






Daly Shoe Building

68 Birge Street

Brattleboro, Vermont

Hours Cumulative Cumulative SVE System SVE System SVE Cat-Ox Cat-Ox SVE Mass Removed Cumulative

Operated Hours of Days of Flow Flow Influent Influent1

Effluent Removal this Period Mass Removed

Date This Period Operation Operation (fpm) (scfm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Efficiency (pounds) (pounds) Comments

07-Feb-08 0 0 0 4,220 368 0 NA NA NA NA NA SVE system started.

11-Feb-08 48 48 2 3,895 340 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

15-Feb-08 48 96 4 3,870 338 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

22-Feb-08 84 180 8 5,700 498 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

26-Feb-08 48 228 10 5,150 450 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

06-Mar-08 96 324 16 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA System motor observed to have failed

28-Apr-08 0 324 16 5,615 490 0 NA NA NA NA NA System restart with new 7.5 hp motor

01-May-08 30 354 18 5,590 488 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

20-May-08 138 492 21 5,485 479 0 NA NA NA NA NA System shut down due to Site power outage

29-May-08 113 605 25 5,410 472 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

20-May-09 3,415 4,020 <365 -- -- 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

15-Jul-09 566 4,586 24 3,035 265 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

09-Dec-10 4,974 9,560 207 3,200 279 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

15-Mar-11 972 10,532 41 6,200 541 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

17-May-12 9,098 19,630 379 4,500 393 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

28-Nov-12 3,671 23,301 153 4,556 398 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

02-Apr-13 2,828 26,129 118 4,850 423 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

19-Nov-13 4,501 30,630 188 4,700 410 0.1 0.1 0 100% NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.

06-May-14 3,494 34,124 146 5,900 515 0 NA NA NA NA NA System operating at arrival and departure.


Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) System started on February 7, 2008 and set to run on timer for 12 hour periods per day.

fpm is feet per minute.

cfm is cubic feet per minute.

ppm is parts per million.

TOV is total organic vapors.

SVE Motor upgrade from 5.0 HP to 7.5 HP to accomdate for backpressure associated with the pretreatment of system air. System restarted on April 28, 2008.

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Daly Shoe Building

68 Birge Street

Brattleboro, Vermont

SVE-1 SVE-2 SVE-3 SVE-4 SVE-5 SVE-6 SVE-7 SVE-8 SVE-9 SVE-10 SVE-11 SVE-12 Total Influent

TOVs * Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow Vacuum TOVs Flow VacuumDATE (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in (ppm) (fpm) (in

7-Feb-2008 0 657 23 0 851 24 0 650 21 0 1,500 24 0 1,100 22 0 1,070 21 0 1,710 22 1.5 1,025 26 0 1,500 22 0 1,822 21 0 1,700 23 0 1,800 24 0 4,220 38

11-Feb-2008 0 759 29 0 862 28 0 850 28 0 1,250 31 0 1,050 30 0 980 28 0 1,490 28 0 895 28 0 1,690 28 0 1,980 29 0 1,563 30 0 1,100 29 0 3,985 32

15-Feb-2008 0 780 30 0 940 30 0 928 32 0 1,200 31 0 925 32 0 1,100 32 0 1,380 30 0 780 29 0 1,230 29 0 1,380 30 0 1,143 29 0 1,220 30 0 3,870 36

22-Feb-2008 0 1,320 36 0 1,500 38 0 1,250 34 0 1,150 36 0 1,000 38 0 1,400 34 0 1,500 32 0 1,800 31 0 1,150 36 0 1,250 36 0 1,500 33 0 950 34 0 5,700 42

26-Feb-2008 0 975 34 0 1,250 35 0 1,125 34 0 1,025 34 0 950 35 0 1,100 35 0 1,300 33 0 1,220 32 0 1,050 33 0 1,350 35 0 1,250 32 0 1,100 35 0 5,150 41

28-Apr-2008 0 3,315 45 0 3,020 46 0 3,245 44 0 2,115 48 0 2,015 44 0 2,990 45 0 2,785 44 0 3,245 43 0 3,090 47 0 3,260 44 0 3,050 46 0 3,525 44 0 5,540 46

1-May-2008 0 3,225 45 0 3,120 45 0 3,190 44 0 2,150 47 0 2,150 43 0 3,010 46 0 2,600 42 0 3,210 43 0 3,180 47 0 3,290 43 0 2,980 45 0 3,400 44 0 5,480 47

20-May-2008 0 3,280 45 0 3,200 46 0 3,170 45 0 2,240 47 0 2,100 44 0 3,130 45 0 2,840 43 0 3,310 42 0 3,120 47 0 3,170 44 0 3,110 46 0 3,640 44 0 5,570 46

28-May-2008 0 3,410 46 0 2,915 48 0 3,300 42 0 2,032 47 0 2,265 45 0 2,860 44 0 2,790 44 0 3,160 42 0 2,985 46 0 3,065 45 0 2,960 47 0 3,760 44 0 5,410 46

20-May-2009 0 600 30 0 1,030 30 0 830 30 0 800 30 0 1,040 30 0 950 30 0 2,140 30 0 1,000 30 0 2,200 30 0 4,910 30 0 3,000 30 0 1,010 30 0

15-Jul-2009 0 580 0 0 860 30 0 725 30 0 575 30 0 936 30 0 600 30 0 1,625 30 0 730 30 0 708 30 0 2,880 30 0 1,630 30 0 800 30 0 3,035 30

9-Dec-2010 NS NS NS 0 1,050 32 0 700 32 0 610 32 0 850 34 0 650 36 0 1,500 30 0 850 34 0 820 34 0 1,910 32 0 1,450 34 0 910 32 0 3,200 36

15-Mar-2011 0 1,300 50 NS Water -- 0 2,200 50 0 1,050 50 0 1,520 50 0 1,110 50 0 3,400 50 0 980 50 0 4,052 50 0 5,300 50 0 970 50 0 Water 50 0 6,200 50

17-May-2012 0 850 22 0 580 22 0 1,210 23 0 840 24 0 1,205 22 0 845 22 0 816 23 0 790 23 0 1,500 23 0 1,753 23 0 1,302 23 0 890 22 30 4,500 30

28-Nov-2012 0 >15,000 46 0 >15,000 46 0 >15,000 48 0 1,100 46 0 1,514 46 0 1,055 46 0 >15,000 46 0 >15,000 46 0 3,519 46 0 2,270 48 0 1,590 48 0 >15,000 47 0 5,362 66

3-Apr-2013 0 >15,000 45 0 >15,000 48 0 >15,000 48 0 750 48 0 1,250 48 0 974 48 0 Water 48 0 953 48 0 8,194 48 0 7,202 48 0 3,611 48 0 >15,000 48 0 7,857 70

19-Nov-2013 0 NS 46 0 NS 48 0 NS 48 0 2,100 48 0 2,600 48 0 1,750 48 0 NS 48 0 NS 48 0 3,150 48 0 3,000 48 0 NS 48 0 NS 48 0 3,400 64

6-May-2014 0 2,350 34 0 NS 34 0 NS 34 0 2,150 34 0 NS 34 0 2,100 34 0 2,000 33 0 3,100 34 0 2,800 34 0 NS 34 0 NS 34 0 2,375 34 0 5,900 40

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) System started on February 7, 2008 and set to run on timer for 12 hour periods per day.TOV is total organic vapors. PID used to screen for organic vapors was equipped with a 10.1 eV lamp. Typically an 11.7 eV lamp is needed to screen for TCE vapors.ppm is parts per million.fpm feet per minute.in w.c. is inches of water columnNM is not measured.

SVE system total influent readings taken from a 4" pipe.Each vapor extraction leg is 2-inch diameter.

Page 1 of 1


Revised Report

Environmental Compliance Services

30 Harris Place

Brattleboro, VT 05301

Attn: Holly Hockertlotz






Project #:

Report Date:

Re-Issued Report

Final Report

Laboratory Report

05-Dec-13 09:37

Daly Shoe - Brattleboro, VT


Laboratory ID Client Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date ReceivedContainer

20-Nov-13 09:2519-Nov-13 12:30AirSB80590-01 GACEFF Summa canister 6 liter

I attest that the information contained within the report has been reviewed for accuracy and checked against the quality control

requirements for each method. These results relate only to the sample(s) as received.

All applicable NELAC requirements have been met.

Massachusetts # M-MA138/MA1110

Connecticut # PH-0777

Florida # E87600/E87936

Maine # MA138

New Hampshire # 2538

New Jersey # MA011/MA012

New York # 11393/11840

Pennsylvania # 68-04426/68-02924

Rhode Island # 98

USDA # S-51435

Spectrum Analytical holds certification in the State of New York for the analytes as indicated with an X in the "Cert." column within

this report. Please note that the State of New York does not offer certification for all analytes. Please refer to our website for specific

certification holdings in each state.

Please note that this report contains 10 pages of analytical data plus Chain of Custody document(s). When the Laboratory Report is

indicated as revised, this report supersedes any previously dated reports for the laboratory ID(s) referenced above. Where this report

identifies subcontracted analyses, copies of the subcontractor's test report are available upon request. This report may not be

reproduced, except in full, without written approval from Spectrum Analytical, Inc.

Spectrum Analytical, Inc. is a NELAC accredited laboratory organization and meets NELAC testing standards. Use of the NELAC logo however does

not insure that Spectrum is currently accredited for the specific method or analyte indicated. Please refer to our "Quality" web page at

www.spectrum-analytical.com for a full listing of our current certifications and fields of accreditation. States in which Spectrum Analytical, Inc.

holds NELAC certification are New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida. All analytical work for Volatile Organic and Air

analysis are transferred to and conducted at our 830 Silver Street location (NY-11840, NJ-MA012, PA-68-04426 and FL-E87936).

Please contact the Laboratory or Technical Director at 800-789-9115 with any questions regarding the data contained in this laboratory report.

Authorized by:

Nicole Leja

Laboratory Director

Headquarters: 11 Almgren Drive & 830 Silver Street � Agawam, MA 01001 � 1-800-789-9115 � 413-789-9018 � Fax 413-789-4076

www.spectrum-analytical.comPage 1 of 10


Data has been reported to the RDL. This report excludes estimated concentrations detected below the RDL and above the MDL


Samples are received and the pressure is recorded from the gauge on the canister. If a canister does not have a gauge, a vacuum gauge

is attached to the valve and pressure is recorded. If the canister is below -10 psig, the can must be pressurized to 0 psig. Tedlar bags

do not have the pressure recorded. The can pressure can be located within this report in the sample header information.

If a Duplicate (DUP) was not requested on the Chain of Custody, method criteria may have been fulfilled with a source sample not of

this Sample Delivery Group.

See below for any non-conformances and issues relating to quality control samples and/or sample analysis/matrix.




Analyte percent recovery is outside individual acceptance criteria (70-130).

Naphthalene (57%)

This affected the following samples:







Analyte percent drift is outside individual acceptance criteria (30), but within overall method allowances.

Naphthalene (-44.4%)

This affected the following samples:




This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 2 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Sample Acceptance Check Form


Work Order:


Sample(s) received on:

Received by:

Environmental Compliance Services -Brattleboro, VT

Daly Shoe - Brattleboro, VT / 206909



Katy Wilkinson

Were samples properly labeled (labels affixed to sample containers and include sample ID, site

location, and/or project number and the collection date)?


Yes No N/A

Were sample containers received intact?

Were samples accompanied by a Chain of Custody document?

Did sample container labels agree with Chain of Custody document?

Were samples received within method-specific holding times?

Were samples received at a temperature of 6°C?

Were samples cooled on ice upon transfer to laboratory representative?

Were custody seals present?

Were custody seals intact?









The following outlines the condition of samples for the attached Chain of Custody upon receipt.

Does Chain of Custody document include proper, full, and complete documentation, which shall

include sample ID, site location, and/or project number, date and time of collection, collector's name,

preservation type, sample matrix and any special remarks concerning the sample?












5. Were samples refrigerated upon transfer to laboratory representative? ü

This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 3 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Sample IdentificationMatrix

19-Nov-13 12:30

Collection Date/Time Received


Client Project #

206909 AirGACEFF


Analyte(s) Result/Units *RDL AnalyzedMethod Ref. Cert.Batch*RDLResult ug/m³CAS No. Flag Analyst

Air Quality Analyses

Volatile Organics in Air Prepared 03-Dec-13 Can pressure: -2ppbv

Dilution: 1 Can ID: 1384

Propene EPA TO-15 04-Dec-13 1329133< 0.86 0.86< 0.500 0.500115-07-1 BRF

Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12) " " "< 2.47 2.47< 0.500 0.500 X75-71-8 "

Chloromethane " " "12.68 1.036.14 0.500 X74-87-3 "

1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) " " "< 3.49 3.49< 0.500 0.500 X76-14-2 "

Vinyl chloride " " "< 1.28 1.28< 0.500 0.500 X75-01-4 "

1,3-Butadiene " " "< 1.10 1.10< 0.500 0.500 X106-99-0 "

Bromomethane " " "< 1.94 1.94< 0.500 0.500 X74-83-9 "

Chloroethane " " "< 1.32 1.32< 0.500 0.500 X75-00-3 "

Acetone " " "6.68 1.192.81 0.500 X67-64-1 "

Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) " " "< 2.81 2.81< 0.500 0.500 X75-69-4 "

Ethanol " " "24.51 0.9413.0 0.50064-17-5 "

Acrylonitrile " " "< 1.08 1.08< 0.500 0.500 X107-13-1 "

1,1-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X75-35-4 "

Methylene chloride " " "< 1.74 1.74< 0.500 0.500 X75-09-2 "

1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113) " " "< 3.83 3.83< 0.500 0.500 X76-13-1 "

Carbon disulfide " " "< 1.56 1.56< 0.500 0.500 X75-15-0 "

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X156-60-5 "

1,1-Dichloroethane " " "< 2.02 2.02< 0.500 0.500 X75-34-3 "

Methyl tert-butyl ether " " "< 1.80 1.80< 0.500 0.500 X1634-04-4 "

Isopropyl alcohol " " "5.15 1.232.10 0.500 X67-63-0 "

2-Butanone (MEK) " " "< 1.47 1.47< 0.500 0.500 X78-93-3 "

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X156-59-2 "

Hexane " " "< 1.76 1.76< 0.500 0.500 X110-54-3 "

Ethyl acetate " " "< 1.80 1.80< 0.500 0.500141-78-6 "

Chloroform " " "< 2.43 2.43< 0.500 0.500 X67-66-3 "

Tetrahydrofuran " " "< 1.47 1.47< 0.500 0.500109-99-9 "

1,2-Dichloroethane " " "< 2.02 2.02< 0.500 0.500 X107-06-2 "

1,1,1-Trichloroethane " " "< 2.73 2.73< 0.500 0.500 X71-55-6 "

Benzene " " "< 1.60 1.60< 0.500 0.500 X71-43-2 "

Carbon tetrachloride " " "< 3.15 3.15< 0.500 0.500 X56-23-5 "

Cyclohexane " " "< 1.72 1.72< 0.500 0.500 X110-82-7 "

1,2-Dichloropropane " " "< 2.31 2.31< 0.500 0.500 X78-87-5 "

Bromodichloromethane " " "< 3.35 3.35< 0.500 0.500 X75-27-4 "

Trichloroethene " " "< 2.69 2.69< 0.500 0.500 X79-01-6 "

1,4-Dioxane " " "< 1.80 1.80< 0.500 0.500 X123-91-1 "

n-Heptane " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500 X142-82-5 "

4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500 X108-10-1 "

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene " " "< 2.27 2.27< 0.500 0.500 X10061-01-5 "

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene " " "< 2.27 2.27< 0.500 0.500 X10061-02-6 "

1,1,2-Trichloroethane " " "< 2.73 2.73< 0.500 0.500 X79-00-5 "

Toluene " " "< 1.88 1.88< 0.500 0.500 X108-88-3 "

2-Hexanone (MBK) " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500591-78-6 "

Dibromochloromethane " " "< 4.26 4.26< 0.500 0.500 X124-48-1 "

1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) " " "< 3.84 3.84< 0.500 0.500 X106-93-4 "

This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 4 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Sample IdentificationMatrix

19-Nov-13 12:30

Collection Date/Time Received


Client Project #

206909 AirGACEFF


Analyte(s) Result/Units *RDL AnalyzedMethod Ref. Cert.Batch*RDLResult ug/m³CAS No. Flag Analyst

Air Quality Analyses

Volatile Organics in Air Prepared 03-Dec-13 Can pressure: -2ppbv

Dilution: 1 Can ID: 1384

Tetrachloroethene EPA TO-15 04-Dec-13 1329133< 3.39 3.39< 0.500 0.500 X127-18-4 BRF

Chlorobenzene " " "< 2.30 2.30< 0.500 0.500 X108-90-7 "

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane " " "< 3.44 3.44< 0.500 0.500630-20-6 "

Ethylbenzene " " "< 2.17 2.17< 0.500 0.500 X100-41-4 "

m,p-Xylene " " "< 4.34 4.34< 1.00 1.00 X179601-23-1 "

Bromoform " " "< 5.17 5.17< 0.500 0.500 X75-25-2 "

Styrene " " "< 2.13 2.13< 0.500 0.500 X100-42-5 "

o-Xylene " " "< 2.17 2.17< 0.500 0.500 X95-47-6 "

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane " " "< 3.43 3.43< 0.500 0.500 X79-34-5 "

Isopropylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X98-82-8 "

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X108-67-8 "

4-Ethyltoluene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500622-96-8 "

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X95-63-6 "

Naphthalene " " "< 2.62 2.62< 0.500 0.500 X91-20-3 "

1,3-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X541-73-1 "

Benzyl chloride " " "< 2.58 2.58< 0.500 0.500 X100-44-7 "

1,4-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X106-46-7 "

sec-Butylbenzene " " "< 2.74 2.74< 0.500 0.500135-98-8 "

4-Isopropyltoluene " " "< 2.68 2.68< 0.500 0.50099-87-6 "

1,2-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X95-50-1 "

n-Butylbenzene " " "< 2.74 2.74< 0.500 0.500104-51-8 "

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene " " "< 3.71 3.71< 0.500 0.500 X120-82-1 "

Hexachlorobutadiene " " "< 5.33 5.33< 0.500 0.500 X87-68-3 "

Surrogate recoveries:

70-130 % " " "460-00-4 "1024-Bromofluorobenzene

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 5 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1329133 - General Air Prep

Blank (1329133-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03-Dec-13

ppbv< 0.500Propene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Vinyl chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3-Butadiene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Bromomethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Acetone 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethanol 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Acrylonitrile 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Methylene chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Carbon disulfide 0.500

ppbv< 0.500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1-Dichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Isopropyl alcohol 0.500

ppbv< 0.5002-Butanone (MEK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Hexane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethyl acetate 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloroform 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Tetrahydrofuran 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Benzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Carbon tetrachloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Cyclohexane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichloropropane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Bromodichloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Trichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,4-Dioxane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500n-Heptane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Toluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5002-Hexanone (MBK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Dibromochloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Tetrachloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 1.00m,p-Xylene 1.00

ppbv< 0.500Bromoform 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Styrene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500o-Xylene 0.500

This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 6 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1329133 - General Air Prep

Blank (1329133-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03-Dec-13

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Isopropylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Ethyltoluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Naphthalene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Benzyl chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500sec-Butylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Isopropyltoluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500n-Butylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Hexachlorobutadiene 0.500

10.0 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9.00 ppbv 90

LCS (1329133-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03-Dec-13

10.0 70-130ppbv9.14 91Propene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.20 92Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.85 98Chloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.52 951,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.42 94Vinyl chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv9.29 931,3-Butadiene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.62 96Bromomethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.12 91Chloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.23 92Acetone

10.0 70-130ppbv8.63 86Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.59 86Ethanol

10.0 50-150ppbv8.58 86Acrylonitrile

10.0 70-130ppbv9.62 961,1-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.01 90Methylene chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv9.50 951,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.83 98Carbon disulfide

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 106trans-1,2-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.49 951,1-Dichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv10.3 103Methyl tert-butyl ether

10.0 70-130ppbv8.33 83Isopropyl alcohol

10.0 70-130ppbv10.0 1002-Butanone (MEK)

10.0 70-130ppbv10.5 105cis-1,2-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.84 98Hexane

10.0 70-130ppbv10.2 102Ethyl acetate

10.0 70-130ppbv9.23 92Chloroform

10.0 70-130ppbv10.5 105Tetrahydrofuran

10.0 70-130ppbv8.72 871,2-Dichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.01 901,1,1-Trichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.74 97Benzene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.21 92Carbon tetrachloride

10.0 70-130ppbv10.4 104Cyclohexane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.61 961,2-Dichloropropane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.36 94Bromodichloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.92 99Trichloroethene

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 7 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1329133 - General Air Prep

LCS (1329133-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03-Dec-13

10.0 50-150ppbv9.31 931,4-Dioxane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.48 95n-Heptane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.80 884-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.74 97cis-1,3-Dichloropropene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.44 94trans-1,3-Dichloropropene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.63 961,1,2-Trichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv10.2 102Toluene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.92 992-Hexanone (MBK)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.54 95Dibromochloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.76 981,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 106Tetrachloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.3 113Chlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv10.3 1031,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv11.2 112Ethylbenzene

20.0 70-130ppbv22.4 112m,p-Xylene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 106Bromoform

10.0 70-130ppbv11.5 115Styrene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.4 114o-Xylene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.5 1051,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane

10.0 50-150ppbv10.5 105Isopropylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.2 1121,3,5-Trimethylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.2 1124-Ethyltoluene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.2 1121,2,4-Trimethylbenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv9.08 91Naphthalene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.7 1071,3-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.66 97Benzyl chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv11.0 1101,4-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv10.6 106sec-Butylbenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv10.5 1054-Isopropyltoluene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.8 1081,2-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv10.3 103n-Butylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 1061,2,4-Trichlorobenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.32 93Hexachlorobutadiene

10.0 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 10.4 ppbv 104

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 8 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Certificate of Analysis

Container Type:

Canister ID:

Date of Analysis:

Analyst's Initials:5588

Summa canister 6 liter 11/15/2013


The sampling device detailed above has been tested and is certified to the limits for the target compounds as listed below.

Analyte Quantitation Limit (ppbv) Analyte Quantitation Limit (ppbv)




Benzyl chloride





2-Butanone (MEK)

Carbon disulfide

Carbon tetrachloride









1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)




Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12)









1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)





































4-Isopropyl Toluene

Ethyl acetate






2-Hexanone (MBK)

Isopropyl alcohol

4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)

Methyl tert-butyl ether

Methylene chloride













1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113)

Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)



Vinyl chloride





































This certification applies to the following sampling devices:


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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 9 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Notes and Definitions

RPD Relative Percent Difference

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

NR Not Reported

Laboratory Control Sample (LCS): A known matrix spiked with compound(s) representative of the target analytes, which is used to

document laboratory performance.

Matrix Duplicate: An intra-laboratory split sample which is used to document the precision of a method in a given sample matrix.

Matrix Spike: An aliquot of a sample spiked with a known concentration of target analyte(s). The spiking occurs prior to sample

preparation and analysis. A matrix spike is used to document the bias of a method in a given sample matrix.

Method Blank: An analyte-free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in sample

processing. The method blank should be carried through the complete sample preparation and analytical procedure. The method blank

is used to document contamination resulting from the analytical process.

Method Detection Limit (MDL): The minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence

that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix type containing the


Reportable Detection Limit (RDL): The lowest concentration that can be reliably achieved within specified limits of precision and

accuracy during routine laboratory operating conditions. For many analytes the RDL analyte concentration is selected as the lowest

non-zero standard in the calibration curve. While the RDL is approximately 5 to 10 times the MDL, the RDL for each sample takes

into account the sample volume/weight, extract/digestate volume, cleanup procedures and, if applicable, dry weight correction. Sample

RDLs are highly matrix-dependent.

Surrogate: An organic compound which is similar to the target analyte(s) in chemical composition and behavior in the analytical

process, but which is not normally found in environmental samples. These compounds are spiked into all blanks, standards, and

samples prior to analysis. Percent recoveries are calculated for each surrogate.

Continuing Calibration Verification: The calibration relationship established during the initial calibration must be verified at periodic

intervals. Concentrations, intervals, and criteria are method specific.

Validated by:

Nicole Leja

This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 10 of 1005-Dec-13 09:37

Revised Report

Environmental Compliance Services

30 Harris Place

Brattleboro, VT 05301

Attn: Holly Hockertlotz






Project #:

Report Date:

Re-Issued Report

Final Report

Laboratory Report

15-May-14 11:35

Daly Shoe - Brattleboro, VT


Laboratory ID Client Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date ReceivedContainer

06-May-14 17:0006-May-14 12:05Indoor/Ambient


SB88911-01 GAC EFF Summa canister 6 liter

I attest that the information contained within the report has been reviewed for accuracy and checked against the quality control

requirements for each method. These results relate only to the sample(s) as received.

All applicable NELAC requirements have been met.

Massachusetts # M-MA138/MA1110

Connecticut # PH-0777

Florida # E87600/E87936

Maine # MA138

New Hampshire # 2538

New Jersey # MA011/MA012

New York # 11393/11840

Pennsylvania # 68-04426/68-02924

Rhode Island # 98

USDA # S-51435

Spectrum Analytical holds certification in the State of New York for the analytes as indicated with an X in the "Cert." column within

this report. Please note that the State of New York does not offer certification for all analytes. Please refer to our website for specific

certification holdings in each state.

Please note that this report contains 10 pages of analytical data plus Chain of Custody document(s). When the Laboratory Report is

indicated as revised, this report supersedes any previously dated reports for the laboratory ID(s) referenced above. Where this report

identifies subcontracted analyses, copies of the subcontractor's test report are available upon request. This report may not be

reproduced, except in full, without written approval from Spectrum Analytical, Inc.

Spectrum Analytical, Inc. is a NELAC accredited laboratory organization and meets NELAC testing standards. Use of the NELAC logo however does

not insure that Spectrum is currently accredited for the specific method or analyte indicated. Please refer to our "Quality" web page at

www.spectrum-analytical.com for a full listing of our current certifications and fields of accreditation. States in which Spectrum Analytical, Inc.

holds NELAC certification are New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida. All analytical work for Volatile Organic and Air

analysis are transferred to and conducted at our 830 Silver Street location (NY-11840, NJ-MA012, PA-68-04426 and FL-E87936).

Please contact the Laboratory or Technical Director at 800-789-9115 with any questions regarding the data contained in this laboratory report.

Authorized by:

Nicole Leja

Laboratory Director

Headquarters: 11 Almgren Drive & 830 Silver Street � Agawam, MA 01001 � 1-800-789-9115 � 413-789-9018 � Fax 413-789-4076

www.spectrum-analytical.comPage 1 of 10


Data has been reported to the RDL. This report excludes estimated concentrations detected below the RDL and above the MDL


Samples are received and the pressure is recorded from the gauge on the canister. If a canister does not have a gauge, a vacuum gauge

is attached to the valve and pressure is recorded. If the canister is below -10 psig, the can must be pressurized to 0 psig. Tedlar bags

do not have the pressure recorded. The can pressure can be located within this report in the sample header information.

If a Duplicate (DUP) was not requested on the Chain of Custody, method criteria may have been fulfilled with a source sample not of

this Sample Delivery Group.

See below for any non-conformances and issues relating to quality control samples and/or sample analysis/matrix.




Analyte quantified by quadratic equation type calibration.


Methylene chloride

This affected the following samples:






Calibration 1404030

The %RSD for analyte Ethanol is 30.9%. The calculated %RSD for the RRF for each compound in the calibration must be less

than 30% with at most two exceptions up to a limit of 40%. This affected the following samples:


Laboratory Control Samples:

1410791 BS

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene percent recovery 140 (70-130) is outside individual acceptance criteria, but within overall method

allowances. All reported results of the following samples are considered to have a potentially high bias:


This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 2 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Sample Acceptance Check Form


Work Order:


Sample(s) received on:

Received by:

Environmental Compliance Services -Brattleboro, VT

Daly Shoe - Brattleboro, VT / 206909



Mary Wilson

Were samples properly labeled (labels affixed to sample containers and include sample ID, site

location, and/or project number and the collection date)?


Yes No N/A

Were sample containers received intact?

Were samples accompanied by a Chain of Custody document?

Did sample container labels agree with Chain of Custody document?

Were samples received within method-specific holding times?

Were samples received at a temperature of 6°C?

Were samples cooled on ice upon transfer to laboratory representative?

Were custody seals present?

Were custody seals intact?









The following outlines the condition of samples for the attached Chain of Custody upon receipt.

Does Chain of Custody document include proper, full, and complete documentation, which shall

include sample ID, site location, and/or project number, date and time of collection, collector's name,

preservation type, sample matrix and any special remarks concerning the sample?












5. Were samples refrigerated upon transfer to laboratory representative? ü

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 3 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Sample IdentificationMatrix

06-May-14 12:05

Collection Date/Time Received


Client Project #

206909 Indoor/Ambient AirGAC EFF


Analyte(s) Result/Units *RDL AnalyzedMethod Ref. Cert.Batch*RDLResult ug/m³CAS No. Flag Analyst

Air Quality Analyses

Volatile Organics in Air Prepared 13-May-14 Can pressure: -2ppbv

Dilution: 1 Can ID: 1389

Propene EPA TO-15 13-May-14 1410791< 0.86 0.86< 0.500 0.500115-07-1 KRL

Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12) " " "< 2.47 2.47< 0.500 0.500 X75-71-8 "

Chloromethane " " "< 1.03 1.03< 0.500 0.500 X74-87-3 "

1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) " " "< 3.49 3.49< 0.500 0.500 X76-14-2 "

Vinyl chloride " " "< 1.28 1.28< 0.500 0.500 X75-01-4 "

1,3-Butadiene " " "< 1.10 1.10< 0.500 0.500 X106-99-0 "

Bromomethane " " "< 1.94 1.94< 0.500 0.500 X74-83-9 "

Chloroethane " " "< 1.32 1.32< 0.500 0.500 X75-00-3 "

Acetone " " "4.63 1.191.95 0.500 X67-64-1 "

Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) " " "< 2.81 2.81< 0.500 0.500 X75-69-4 "

Ethanol " " "18.10 0.949.60 0.50064-17-5 "

Acrylonitrile " " "< 1.08 1.08< 0.500 0.500 X107-13-1 "

1,1-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X75-35-4 "

Methylene chloride " " "< 1.74 1.74< 0.500 0.500 X75-09-2 "

1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113) " " "< 3.83 3.83< 0.500 0.500 X76-13-1 "

Carbon disulfide " " "< 1.56 1.56< 0.500 0.500 X75-15-0 "

trans-1,2-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X156-60-5 "

1,1-Dichloroethane " " "< 2.02 2.02< 0.500 0.500 X75-34-3 "

Methyl tert-butyl ether " " "< 1.80 1.80< 0.500 0.500 X1634-04-4 "

Isopropyl alcohol " " "6.28 1.232.56 0.500 X67-63-0 "

2-Butanone (MEK) " " "< 1.47 1.47< 0.500 0.500 X78-93-3 "

cis-1,2-Dichloroethene " " "< 1.98 1.98< 0.500 0.500 X156-59-2 "

Hexane " " "9.27 1.762.63 0.500 X110-54-3 "

Ethyl acetate " " "2.38 1.800.660 0.500141-78-6 "

Chloroform " " "< 2.43 2.43< 0.500 0.500 X67-66-3 "

Tetrahydrofuran " " "< 1.47 1.47< 0.500 0.500109-99-9 "

1,2-Dichloroethane " " "< 2.02 2.02< 0.500 0.500 X107-06-2 "

1,1,1-Trichloroethane " " "< 2.73 2.73< 0.500 0.500 X71-55-6 "

Benzene " " "< 1.60 1.60< 0.500 0.500 X71-43-2 "

Carbon tetrachloride " " "< 3.15 3.15< 0.500 0.500 X56-23-5 "

Cyclohexane " " "< 1.72 1.72< 0.500 0.500 X110-82-7 "

1,2-Dichloropropane " " "< 2.31 2.31< 0.500 0.500 X78-87-5 "

Bromodichloromethane " " "< 3.35 3.35< 0.500 0.500 X75-27-4 "

Trichloroethene " " "< 2.69 2.69< 0.500 0.500 X79-01-6 "

1,4-Dioxane " " "< 1.80 1.80< 0.500 0.500 X123-91-1 "

n-Heptane " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500 X142-82-5 "

4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500 X108-10-1 "

cis-1,3-Dichloropropene " " "< 2.27 2.27< 0.500 0.500 X10061-01-5 "

trans-1,3-Dichloropropene " " "< 2.27 2.27< 0.500 0.500 X10061-02-6 "

1,1,2-Trichloroethane " " "< 2.73 2.73< 0.500 0.500 X79-00-5 "

Toluene " " "< 1.88 1.88< 0.500 0.500 X108-88-3 "

2-Hexanone (MBK) " " "< 2.05 2.05< 0.500 0.500591-78-6 "

Dibromochloromethane " " "< 4.26 4.26< 0.500 0.500 X124-48-1 "

1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) " " "< 3.84 3.84< 0.500 0.500 X106-93-4 "

This laboratory report is not valid without an authorized signature on the cover page .

* Reportable Detection Limit Page 4 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Sample IdentificationMatrix

06-May-14 12:05

Collection Date/Time Received


Client Project #

206909 Indoor/Ambient AirGAC EFF


Analyte(s) Result/Units *RDL AnalyzedMethod Ref. Cert.Batch*RDLResult ug/m³CAS No. Flag Analyst

Air Quality Analyses

Volatile Organics in Air Prepared 13-May-14 Can pressure: -2ppbv

Dilution: 1 Can ID: 1389

Tetrachloroethene EPA TO-15 13-May-14 1410791< 3.39 3.39< 0.500 0.500 X127-18-4 KRL

Chlorobenzene " " "< 2.30 2.30< 0.500 0.500 X108-90-7 "

1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane " " "< 3.44 3.44< 0.500 0.500630-20-6 "

Ethylbenzene " " "< 2.17 2.17< 0.500 0.500 X100-41-4 "

m,p-Xylene " " "< 4.34 4.34< 1.00 1.00 X179601-23-1 "

Bromoform " " "< 5.17 5.17< 0.500 0.500 X75-25-2 "

Styrene " " "< 2.13 2.13< 0.500 0.500 X100-42-5 "

o-Xylene " " "< 2.17 2.17< 0.500 0.500 X95-47-6 "

1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane " " "< 3.43 3.43< 0.500 0.500 X79-34-5 "

Isopropylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X98-82-8 "

1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X108-67-8 "

4-Ethyltoluene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500622-96-8 "

1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene " " "< 2.46 2.46< 0.500 0.500 X95-63-6 "

Naphthalene " " "< 2.62 2.62< 0.500 0.500 X91-20-3 "

1,3-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X541-73-1 "

Benzyl chloride " " "< 2.58 2.58< 0.500 0.500 X100-44-7 "

1,4-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X106-46-7 "

sec-Butylbenzene " " "< 2.74 2.74< 0.500 0.500135-98-8 "

4-Isopropyltoluene " " "< 2.68 2.68< 0.500 0.50099-87-6 "

1,2-Dichlorobenzene " " "< 3.01 3.01< 0.500 0.500 X95-50-1 "

n-Butylbenzene " " "< 2.74 2.74< 0.500 0.500104-51-8 "

1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene " " "< 3.71 3.71< 0.500 0.500 X120-82-1 "

Hexachlorobutadiene " " "< 5.33 5.33< 0.500 0.500 X87-68-3 "

Surrogate recoveries:

70-130 % " " "460-00-4 "934-Bromofluorobenzene

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 5 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1410791 - General Air Prep

Blank (1410791-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 13-May-14

ppbv< 0.500Propene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Vinyl chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3-Butadiene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Bromomethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Acetone 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethanol 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Acrylonitrile 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Methylene chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Carbon disulfide 0.500

ppbv< 0.500trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1-Dichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Isopropyl alcohol 0.500

ppbv< 0.5002-Butanone (MEK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Hexane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethyl acetate 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chloroform 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Tetrahydrofuran 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Benzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Carbon tetrachloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Cyclohexane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichloropropane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Bromodichloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Trichloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,4-Dioxane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500n-Heptane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Toluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5002-Hexanone (MBK) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Dibromochloromethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Tetrachloroethene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Chlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Ethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 1.00m,p-Xylene 1.00

ppbv< 0.500Bromoform 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Styrene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500o-Xylene 0.500

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 6 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1410791 - General Air Prep

Blank (1410791-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 13-May-14

ppbv< 0.5001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Isopropylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Ethyltoluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Naphthalene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Benzyl chloride 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500sec-Butylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5004-Isopropyltoluene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500n-Butylbenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.5001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.500

ppbv< 0.500Hexachlorobutadiene 0.500

10.0 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9.25 ppbv 92

LCS (1410791-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 13-May-14

10.0 70-130ppbv8.30 83Propene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.32 83Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.30 83Chloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.54 851,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.52 85Vinyl chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv8.45 841,3-Butadiene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.25 82Bromomethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.11 81Chloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.31 83Acetone

10.0 70-130ppbv9.98 100Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.44 84Ethanol

10.0 50-150ppbv7.89 79Acrylonitrile

10.0 70-130ppbv10.0 1001,1-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.95 100Methylene chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv10.1 1011,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.35 84Carbon disulfide

10.0 70-130ppbv8.06 81trans-1,2-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv7.77 781,1-Dichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv7.43 74Methyl tert-butyl ether

10.0 70-130ppbv9.34 93Isopropyl alcohol

10.0 70-130ppbv7.60 762-Butanone (MEK)

10.0 70-130ppbv7.85 78cis-1,2-Dichloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.26 83Hexane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.13 81Ethyl acetate

10.0 70-130ppbv7.90 79Chloroform

10.0 70-130ppbv7.31 73Tetrahydrofuran

10.0 70-130ppbv8.05 801,2-Dichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.11 811,1,1-Trichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv7.51 75Benzene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.81 88Carbon tetrachloride

10.0 70-130ppbv7.65 76Cyclohexane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.06 811,2-Dichloropropane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.70 87Bromodichloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.70 87Trichloroethene

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 7 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Air Quality Analyses - Quality Control

Result Units




Result %REC


Limits RPD


LimitFlagAnalyte(s) *RDL

Batch 1410791 - General Air Prep

LCS (1410791-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 13-May-14

10.0 50-150ppbv8.21 821,4-Dioxane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.44 84n-Heptane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.72 874-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)

10.0 70-130ppbv8.18 82cis-1,3-Dichloropropene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.22 82trans-1,3-Dichloropropene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.36 841,1,2-Trichloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.28 83Toluene

10.0 70-130ppbv8.09 812-Hexanone (MBK)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.77 98Dibromochloromethane

10.0 70-130ppbv8.86 891,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)

10.0 70-130ppbv9.59 96Tetrachloroethene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.74 97Chlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv9.02 901,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane

10.0 70-130ppbv9.04 90Ethylbenzene

20.0 70-130ppbv19.1 96m,p-Xylene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.0 110Bromoform

10.0 70-130ppbv9.20 92Styrene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.88 99o-Xylene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.28 931,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane

10.0 50-150ppbv8.17 82Isopropylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.31 931,3,5-Trimethylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.20 924-Ethyltoluene

10.0 70-130ppbv9.69 971,2,4-Trimethylbenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv8.96 90Naphthalene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 1061,3-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv11.3 113Benzyl chloride

10.0 70-130ppbv10.6 1061,4-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv8.58 86sec-Butylbenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv8.81 884-Isopropyltoluene

10.0 70-130ppbv10.5 1051,2-Dichlorobenzene

10.0 50-150ppbv8.88 89n-Butylbenzene

10.0 70-130ppbvQC214.0 1401,2,4-Trichlorobenzene

10.0 70-130ppbv12.8 128Hexachlorobutadiene

10.0 70-130Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9.36 ppbv 94

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 8 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Certificate of Analysis

Container Type:

Canister ID:

Date of Analysis:

Analyst's Initials:0133

Summa canister 6 liter 4/29/2014


The sampling device detailed above has been tested and is certified to the limits for the target compounds as listed below.

Analyte Quantitation Limit (ppbv) Analyte Quantitation Limit (ppbv)




Benzyl chloride





2-Butanone (MEK)

Carbon disulfide

Carbon tetrachloride









1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)




Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon12)









1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (Freon 114)





































4-Isopropyl Toluene

Ethyl acetate






2-Hexanone (MBK)

Isopropyl alcohol

4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)

Methyl tert-butyl ether

Methylene chloride













1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113)

Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)



Vinyl chloride





































This certification applies to the following sampling devices:


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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 9 of 1015-May-14 11:35

Notes and Definitions

Analyte out of acceptance range in QC spike but no reportable concentration present in sample.QC2

RPD Relative Percent Difference

dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis

NR Not Reported

Laboratory Control Sample (LCS): A known matrix spiked with compound(s) representative of the target analytes, which is used to

document laboratory performance.

Matrix Duplicate: An intra-laboratory split sample which is used to document the precision of a method in a given sample matrix.

Matrix Spike: An aliquot of a sample spiked with a known concentration of target analyte(s). The spiking occurs prior to sample

preparation and analysis. A matrix spike is used to document the bias of a method in a given sample matrix.

Method Blank: An analyte-free matrix to which all reagents are added in the same volumes or proportions as used in sample

processing. The method blank should be carried through the complete sample preparation and analytical procedure. The method blank

is used to document contamination resulting from the analytical process.

Method Detection Limit (MDL): The minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence

that the analyte concentration is greater than zero and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix type containing the


Reportable Detection Limit (RDL): The lowest concentration that can be reliably achieved within specified limits of precision and

accuracy during routine laboratory operating conditions. For many analytes the RDL analyte concentration is selected as the lowest

non-zero standard in the calibration curve. While the RDL is approximately 5 to 10 times the MDL, the RDL for each sample takes

into account the sample volume/weight, extract/digestate volume, cleanup procedures and, if applicable, dry weight correction. Sample

RDLs are highly matrix-dependent.

Surrogate: An organic compound which is similar to the target analyte(s) in chemical composition and behavior in the analytical

process, but which is not normally found in environmental samples. These compounds are spiked into all blanks, standards, and

samples prior to analysis. Percent recoveries are calculated for each surrogate.

Continuing Calibration Verification: The calibration relationship established during the initial calibration must be verified at periodic

intervals. Concentrations, intervals, and criteria are method specific.

Validated by:

Nicole Leja

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* Reportable Detection Limit Page 10 of 1015-May-14 11:35