Opensources benefits withlogo

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Opensources benefits withlogo



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Content � Open Source Software (OSS) � Open Source Business Model � Benefits For Developers

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What is OSS?

Open source usually refers to software that is released with

source code under a license that ensures that derivative works will

also be available as source code, protected certain rights of original authors and prohibits restrictions

on how the software can be used or who can use it

Free distribution

Source code

Derived works

Integrity of author’s source code

No discrimination against person or group No discrimination against fields or endeavor

Distribution of license

License must not be specific to a product

License must not restrict other software

License must be technology-neutral

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Open Source Licenses �  Apache License 2.0 �  BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license �  BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" or "FreeBSD" license �  GNU General Public License (GPL) �  GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License

(LGPL) �  MIT license �  Mozilla Public License 2.0 �  Common Development and Distribution License �  Eclipse Public License

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Misconceptions about open source �  Open-Source Development is Something New �  Open-Source Development Is Done by Hobbyists and Students �  Open-Source Software Is Low Quality �  Large-Scale Development Isn't Efficient �  If the Software Is Free, then Who's Going to Pay You to Write It? �  By Making Your Software Open Source You'll Get Thousands of Developers

Working on It for No Cost �  Open Source Doesn't Scale �  A Company Doing Open Source Gives Up Ownership of Its Source Code and

Patents �  An Open-Source Community is an Open Community

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Open Source Business Model �  Support Ware -- Pay us money and we'll support the software. We'll answer your questions. Or

we'll try to. Over the phone, on the Web, whatever. Pay us enough and we'll come over. Red Hat likes this business model.

�  Product Ware -- The software is free, you just buy the box it runs in. Android phones use this. So do some network routers. It's number two, but with a bullet.

�  Cloud Ware -- Our software is in the clouds now. Pay us for what it does. The money goes into the cloud. Later it will rain on us. SugerCRM likes this business model.

�  Project Ware -- Need something done? We'll do it with open source. Pay us for our work, and pay us for the project. IBM makes a ton on this business model.

�  SaaS Ware -- Our software is SaaSy. You can rent it, by the hour, by the month, by the user. This is wildly popular. Zoho uses it. So do many other companies.

�  Ad Ware -- This is a free version of SaaS Ware. You don't pay anything, the advertiser pays instead. Heard of The Google? This is their primary business model. ZDNet also uses this business model.

�  Sugar Daddy Ware -- Our software has a sugar daddy. Firefox has Google. Eclipse has IBM. Open Office has Sun, or it did. So just use the stuff. Daddy will provide. We believe in daddy.

�  Foundation Ware -- Our software has a foundation. It has lots of sugar daddies. Want to be one? Linux runs this way. So does Apache.

�  Beg Ware -- Please give us money. We know you don't have to. But give us money anyway. Lots of little projects use this business model. Or pretend to.

�  Let's Make a Deal Ware -- The programmers who wrote the software support it out of their own pockets until they can figure out something. WordPress started this way. So did Drupal. Go by Sourceforge and you'll find tons of folks still using this business model.

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Benefits for developers


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Learning � Programming � Software Design � Software Development Process � Testing � Documentation

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Learning � Where you can learn better than working

with a professional team?

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Make Money � Develop & sell extensions, plugins, themes

based on succeeded open sources � Providing support & customization services � Writing tips, blogs � Joining open source development team � Or building your own open source


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Successful stories Product

Company - Organization

MySQL Oracle

Android Google

Chrome Google

FireFox Mozilla

Linux Red Had

Magento Ebay

WordPress Automatic

PHP The PHP Group

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Web Browser Market Share

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Smart Phone OS Market Share

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Web Server Market Share

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Server Side Language Market Share

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Vietnamese Developers with Open Sources

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Vietnamese companies � � � � � �

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