Opening titles media

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Opening titles media

Opening titlesKick Ass

The camera pans forward revealing the institution the film is distributed by ´´Lionsgate´´. The fact that it is the first title that appears connotes its importance. A teenage target audience may want to continue watching this film if they are a fan or Lionsgate films, they can then socially interact about the film to their friends (uses and gratification theory).

The camera pans out and a foreboding atmosphere is created through the transition of light colours to dark clouds and black font. This connotes that something bad may occur in the narrative creating an enigma (Barthes enigma code) for the target audience of teenagers. They would be attracted to watch this film as the enigma would offer them escapism from the real world( uses and gratification theory).

A still background is used here whilst the letters fade in one by one, the different colours along with the letters appear as if they have been hand written by a child connoting that it appeals to a younger audience. When all the letters have faded in it spells ´´MARV´´ which represents ´´MARV studio´´ ,which is a UK production company. Binary oppositions can be identified here as the childlike font is used to represent the studio that has produced this film which is opposite to the fact that adults produced it.

The camera pans forward to create the illusion that the font is coming forward. It repeats the who it is distributed by ´´Lionsgate´´ and the production company ´´MARV´´. The blue bold font along with the background of clouds connotes the narrative will based around the fantasy genre. This will appeal to a teenage target audience as it offers them escapism from the real world (uses and gratification theory).

The font used in the opening titles of this film are bold, this connotes youth and would appeal to a teenage target audience. This is because they would socialise with their friends about the film as it is connoted as cool from the graffiti type font- uses and gratification theory.

The blue colours of the font connote that is appeals to both genders as it is a universal iconic colour. This would help in attracting a mass target audience.

The blue font matches the background of clouds, this connotes that the film creates an uplifting atmosphere, which connotes it´s genre is comedy. This would attract a teenage and an adult target audience as it offers them entertainment- uses and gratification theory.

The camera pans forward into the titles, which gives the effect of the titles flying. This works alongside the uplifting atmosphere created which connotes it is of the comedy genre. We are again exposed to the production company ´´MARV´´ to emphasise it´s importance.

The camera pans forward to reveal that the producer is Mathew Vaughn, the fact that this title is also set in the cloud connotes that he is superior and is a star (Dyers star theory). This means a teenage target audience may want to watch the film because of their previous experiences of viewing this producers films and enjoying them.

Non-Diegetic sound of heroic music is used to connote the film may also have the genre of fantasy as well as comedy. This would appeal to a teenage target audience it would be escapism for them- uses and gratification theory.

Panning is used once again to bring forward the titles, the director is now introduced this is to make the teenage target audience aware of who created it. They are a star- dyers star theory.

The camera pans down increasing in speed every time it goes down, this is to increase the pace and make the audience wonder what is to come next. The camera pans down into an establishing shot of the city, this sets the scene and connotes that this film will be about super powers through the repeated imagery of the clouds, the sky and sky scrappers. The fantasy/comedy genre represented through these techniques will offer the teenage target audience escapism and entertainment (uses and gratification theory).

The opening titles end by showing the title of the film as well as where it was produced, New York. This provides information for the teenage target audience (uses and gratification theory).