Opening the Doors of Faith. Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus,...

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Transcript of Opening the Doors of Faith. Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus,...

Opening the Doors of Faith

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, ‘What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?’ They stood still, looking sad. Luke 24:13-15

Journal time…

• What have you left behind?• What are you hopeful about?• What are you discouraged about?• Where do you stand?

• How does the story of Emmaus help us in the planning for this period of Evangelisation, and how can we best facilitate the enquiry process?....

• ‘of no fixed duration or structure…an opportunity for the beginnings of faith’ (Outline for RCIA)

• What can Emmaus tell us about the VALUES of this period?

Setting the Scene

Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them, ‘What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?’ They stood still, looking sad. Luke 24:13-17

Map Stage 1:v13-17

• Values/qualities shown at this point in their journey?

– Disciples’ perspective?– Jesus’ perspective?

• Tensions at this point?– Disciples’ perspective?– Jesus’ perspective?

Jerusalem Stage One: v 13-17

Stage 2: v 18-24

Stage 3: v 25-27

Stage 4: v 28-32


Stage 5: v 33-35

• What are the ‘dynamics’ going on?

• For Enquirer?• For Team?• At this particular point in

the Emmaus journey, what do the actions of (1) JESUS and (2) the Disciples tell us about the role of the RCIA team at this stage in the journey of an enquirer?

3 bullet points only

Map Stage 1:v13-17 Role of the Team

• To listen, discern, sharing stories, where they are…

• Welcome and receptive/be open• Walking with, listening… sharing…• Cannot assume we have

enquirers – how do we reach out to people in today’s context? Where do enquirers come from….Jesus walked out…seeking them

• Will I fit in? Searching, uncertainty

• J: sense of openness, allowing space and time… allowing ourselves to get to know the people who come

• To be careful not to make assumptions – tempting!

• Encouraging enquirers to share – not always easy… reluctance… reasons for coming…vary

• Creating a space for people to stand still

• Stop…listen…and ask…• We are all friends on the journey,

all journeying… we are there to journey WITH

‘All About Jesus’A look at the Rite

RCIA 36, 37 & 38

On your own first, then tables• Highlight key words/phrases for you. What

strikes you? What do you notice?• Connections with scripture and what has gone

before?• Comments. Anything you want to add?

Role of the team in the light of the Rite, 36,37,38,40,42

• As a pastor… haven’t noticed No.40…..• 38: ‘help and attention’… to purifying a clearer intention• Faithful and constant proclamation of the living God**• … tension: those who are not yet Christians…talking about unbaptised…• Be careful… about ‘sin’ talk• Notional Christian…. • The mix in the group/discernment• Don’t frighten them away• Recognition that ‘September – Easter’ has become expected pattern but

requirements of this stage is MUCH longer….. Process… more than one year… tensions about time we give to people

• We need a process of Evangelisation for those who are BAPTISED too!• Some ‘Candidates’ – do not need a pre-cat• Adaptation and flexibility…• CELEBRATING with the pre-cat – their spiritual well-being, with

prayers/blessings with and for them… to welcome them well, as we do in ‘family’

Role of Team in light of RCIA (2)• Providing environment for spiritual growth = key into this part of process• 38: opportunities provided to meet families and other groups of

Christians…. (not an ‘RCIA meeting!) = spiritual growth and journey• 38: a suitable explanation of the Gospel – what does ‘suitable’ mean?

Accessible? And get to know them first!• Challenge in this story: recognising the unrecognised JESUS… those who

come are CHRIST to us.. And we are witnesses to Christ too. ‘Suitable’ = knowing who Christ is….

• Build on sense = work of the HS.. We listen, enquirers listen… as Team we witness to Gospel. 42: Ad Gentes ‘Mission’… something has moved them

• Relationship, sense of prayer… sense of ‘church’ what are we initiating people into

• What should Team be doing/what does Team do? In 36: ‘as a rule (the period )should not be omitted…’ and yet we don’t feel we have this period!!! Worrying! Basics missing!!

Meeting ChristAll about Jesus of Nazareth

• Session 2• Luke 24:18 – 24• ‘Stage 2a’ of Inquiry Period• Reflection on the text •

All about Jesus

Luke 24: 18 - 24

Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?’ He asked them, ‘What things?’ They replied, ‘The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place. Moreover, some women of our group astounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning, and when they did not find his body there, they came back and told us that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who said that he was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.’

All about JesusJournal on own first:• What is going on?

What are the disciples doing? What is their perspective? Where are they?

• What is JESUS doing? Where is HE? ….

Share in 2’s and 3’sAltobello Melone, National Gallery

Map Stage 2: v18-24 Table talk

• What are the Values/qualities at this point in their journey?

– Disciples’ perspective?– Jesus’ perspective?

• Tensions at this point?– Disciples’ perspective?– Jesus’ perspective?

Map Stage 2: v18-24

• Values • Tensions

Map Stage 2: v18-24 Table work

• What are the ‘dynamics’ going on?

• For Enquirer?• For Team?• At this particular point in

the Emmaus journey, what do (1) JESUS and (2) the Disciples tell us about the role of the RCIA team at this stage in the journey of an enquirer?

Feedback: 3 bullet points only

Map Stage 2: v18-24 Role of team

• To try not to get in the way of the Holy Spirit!!

• To recognise that we are just a link in the chain at this stage… we are not the beginning, middle or end of chain and if people walk away doesn’t mean HS not active in their lives

• To be Both Questioner and listener.. There with the Enquirers and not to give up on them – be persistent like Jesus

• Jesus asked ONE simple question ‘What things’.. Team needs to ask nice good open questions… not long and theological… but guide people to tell their story… be ready to listen

• Hope with expectation… but not to blame selves when it doesn’t go the way we thought it would

• To try not to get in the way of the Holy Spirit!!

• To recognise that we are just a link in the chain at this stage… we are not the beginning, middle or end of chain and if people walk away doesn’t mean HS not active in their lives

• To be Both Questioner and listener.. There with the Enquirers and not to give up on them – be persistent like Jesus

• Jesus asked ONE simple question ‘What things’.. Team needs to ask nice good open questions… not long and theological… but guide people to tell their story… be ready to listen

• Hope with expectation… but not to blame selves when it doesn’t go the way we thought it would

Reverse MissionariesBBC Documentary

• DVD – Reverse Missionaries– Introduce it….– Notice…– Connections/insights?– Drink and share…

Christ… about himself


‘constantly and faithfully the living God is proclaimed….’ RCIA 36

Then he said to them, ‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.

(Luke 24: 25 – 27)

Christ… all about himself….

• Invitation to walk with Christ and to reflect on the Christ we meet

• Please take a comfort break before you return and be back for coffee

(1)Table Reflection on Prayer Walk

• When & Where have we recognised Christ?

• Who was the Christ you met?• Who is the Christ you need at

the moment?

Then he said to them, ‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.

(2) Map Stage 3 v. 25-27Table reflection after prayer walk

What are the values and tensions at this point on the journey for Enquirer and Team?

What is the Role of the Team at this point?

Map Stage 3 v. 25-27

• values • tensions

Map Stage 3 v. 25-27Role of the Team• Stage where people are getting

deep into their stories and showing their vulnerability

• We need to be attentive to all their memories and to reflect on their memories

• We need to have a deepening trust, and help them remember these memories and that Christ is at work in them at this time, helping them to remember

• Empathy, nurturing, giving ourselves… to help them give of theirselves…

• Ready to enter into a little bit more formation… go a little further..

• We have to be patient, bit by bit, not be belittling..’how foolish you are’… but start fresh, be aware people might be cautious…about what they ‘know’..

• To be able to lead, teach, listen and respond…

• To inform and be informed ourselves about our own faith.. And

• Show and share the Christ within us

Role of team (2)• Theme of not rushing… stay with our

stories and journies a bit longer.. Give them time… listen to the stories underneath the images and walks

• Balance of head and heart… not put things down… but listen to the heart-beat of the enquirers….

• Help people to recognise they have already met Christ in their lives…

• Go the pace of the enquirers and not be concerned about OUR schedule

• Be able and willing to interpret Catholic teaching as Christ interpreted scripture to disciples – avoid jargon… commonplace language

• Begin to interpret life in the light of the scriptures

• Balance between content and process• Ongoing nature of the journey for all of us

– we are on the journey too…• Partly, to provide a multiplicity of images

of Christ rather than focus on one or two• Team needs to live the story themselves

in order to interpret – ie be fluent in two languages – be able to move between world and language of enquirer and the community that is the Church

• Analogy of falling in love – just on the edge… you want to talk, but not to tell too many people in case its not quite there yet… the wonder of first love…it unfolding..affirmation ‘yes this is right..’

• Hesitant… SAFE SPACE

Short 5m comfort break…..

Stay with us…..

Stay with us…Own Journal, then 2’s/3’s, then table.

1. What is going on? What are the disciples doing? What is their perspective? Where are they?

2. What is JESUS doing? Where is HE? ….

3. What is happening now? What are the movements?

Share in 2’s and 3’s

Map Stage 4: v 28-32 Table talk

What are the values and tensions at this point – –for the Disciples–and for Jesus

and for Team and Enquirers

Map Stage 4: v 28-32

• Values • Tensions

Table talk….

• What does Emmaus tell us about the role of the RCIA team at this point in the journey?

Prepare Feedback• Agree a Sentence on

the role of the team at this point

Map Stage 4: v 28-32• Role of the team… (sentences…)• Allowing the enquirers freedom

to choose, and respecting that choice

• To not get in the way!• To end each session with energy

and enthusiasm, leaving people wanting more!

• To allow the enquirers to travel at their own pace, and for the team to ensure that they are in step with them

• To respond to the needs of the enquirers, but in ways they may not imagine….mmmmm.

• Giving people the chance to explore their ragged expectations of belonging.

• Being adaptable, sensible, sensitive and discerning.

• Discernment… as a two-way process, enquirers wanting to know ‘will they be received next Easter’ and team wanting to slow down the process…

A Journal Moment……

Prayer at close of Session 4



Evening Prayer


‘Stay with us because it is getting dark and the day is almost over’

Session 5:He had been made known to them..

Map Stage 5: • Luke 24: 33 – 35

He had been made known to themThat same hour they got up

and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together.

They were saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

Luke 24: 33 – 35

Journal Time…..

–My heart burns when….

–My heart burned in these last days of the Conference when…..

Map Stage 5: v 33-35 ‘he had been made known to them’

In 2’s/3’s, then table

• What does JESUS do here?• What are the

Values/tensions at this point in the journey? What are the effects of Christ ‘being made known’ to you, on your work with others?

• Agree a sentence about the Role of team at this point in the journey?

Map Stage 5: v 33-35• Role of the team…..• None of the individuals in

the team is the source of revelation, only the community as a whole, including the enquirers!

• To actively encourage participation in the liturgical life of the community every Sunday

• Recognising mutual transformation and being ready to move on at the right time

• Faith sharing is how God makes himself known to all of us…

• The patterns we find in the life of Jesus now need to be embodied in the life and mission of the team.

• Celebrating the fact that Jesus has been revealed in a new way, nurturing and validating the faith experience.

• Listening to, sharing and affirming our experience of the Risen Lord

Table Group

• Look at your map as a whole…. ‘This is the journey of the period of Evangelisation’

–What do you see?–Does it mirror our parish practice?

It is suggested

• That at this point you refer back to the Rite itself, and the articles governing this period of Evangelisation and pre-catechumenate

• A look at the RiteRCIA 36, 37 & 38

• What has been confirmed in your experience?What has been brought to light ?

Table (buzz)

• From what we have heard and seen, how would we like the period of Evangelisation to be?– POSITIVES to build on

– then Everyone together….

We would like it to be….• Its messy, indeterminate, no ‘one

way’ = strength of the period• No artificial structure, nothing

imposed… whoever turns up..• Gives us freedom, possibility to be

surprised, a humbling and absorbing experience

• Lighten up this period – make it freer and more joyful, not tied to a ‘relentless process’.. Be joyful

• An OPEN period, enquiry goes on in many different ways, not necessarily in a structured group… keep the doors open

• Not putting obstacles in peoples’ ways too soon… don’t start there!

• Time developing spiritual life and calling on the community for this..

• All about relationship! “getting to know you… getting to like you and hope you like me…’ in song!!!

• Storytelling and faith sharing, companionship we offer, listening and learning from the Gospel to be encouraged

• Learning about going back to the sources – real appreciation of this period… every member of the team should have a copy of the Rite itself …(sue!)

• God is at work in the story of the Enquirer, and our process moves at pace of the enquirer not as a ‘defined step’ in a book.

• Time and support is required… keep it simple…

• Rites and Blessings are appropriate to this period…

• CALL on the COMMUNITY ‘to help’..?• Importance of LISTENING… and

process itself based on Gospel stories.. TIME for the journey, taking TIME to have that process.. Ongoing, don’t bracket people in time/window.

How do we get there?

• What is the experience out there!

• What might we begin to do differently?– 3 things….? One little step at a time…

How do we get there….

JOURNAL - Personal evaluation

How has the Conference time of reflection on the Emmaus Journey affected your own commitment to Evangelisation?– What can you use in your ministry– What might you do differently– Any insights/comments/something new?– Something you can put into practice?

Concluding Liturgy – round tablesPoem: This Door?

Evangelisation….describe it…and.. how you will stand at the door of faith with others. How do you want to BE?

‘A to Z’ Map…. One word!

Tell the story – we were there…. Tables tell us…

• We walked away… and Jesus….• We talked together… and Jesus….• Someone joined us but we didn’t recognise him..and Jesus• He asked ‘ What things….’ and Jesus• We told him, and Jesus…..• He said…….. And Jesus……• We invited the person……to stay with us…and Jesus• Then we …….. and Jesus…..• He vanished…. ……Our response….and Jesus• At the same hour….. We…. And Jesus…..

ResponsoryYou give the gift of time, unhurried friendALL: we want to have time and give time

to othersYou take us out of our loneliness, to be

with usALL: you call us friends and share our

journeys – may we too be loving companions

You surprise us and keep our faith stories alive

ALL: YOU FILL US WITH WONDER as we come to know who we are!

You respect our freedom, revealing joyful hope that is ours


Invitation to sign one another’s hands

• (name) Christ has called you to be his friend. Let this sign (cross on hands) remind you always of Him, and how much he loves you.

R: Glory and Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

Based on Part II CICCA 257


Concluding Prayer

LordYou have filled us with

good things.As we grow in wisdom and

knowledge,Respond to our hopes and

answer our prayersWe ask this through Christ

our Lord. Amen

And may God go with you always

Thanks be to God!


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