Opening sequences

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Opening sequences

Opening Sequence Analysis

Insidious and By Jacob Hughes


0  Genre Conventions- 0 The Red Typography connotes blood, violence, gore and death. 0 There is very low key lighting, - black is prominent throughout .0 Slow, ambient music which is typical in any horror film. 0 It is set at night time.0 Set in a middle class suburban household. 0 Slow pace editing. 0 Hand held camera0 Red, black and white are the only colours featured.

0 Narrative ideas- 0 The opening credits takes place at night time in a typical suburban house hold in America. The camera

introduces the audience to a young boy sleeping. This connotes innocence because of his current weak, helpless state. The boy being introduced early on in the film represents significance for later on in the story. There are grotesque monsters in the form of silhouettes lurking in the dark. This signifies that this housed is haunted.

0 There is an establishing shot of the big house. This represents that the main narrative will evolve around the house. The significance of the house to the plot is reinforced by the hand held camera walking into most rooms. There are moving boxes left in the living. This represents how this family have just recently moved into ‘their dream house’. But… there is a massive problem with it!

0 The red typography dissolves during the opening sequence. This signifies death and disapearance of the characters.

0 Mise-en-scene

0 Soundtrack-

0 Editing-

0 Camera Work-

0 Lighting-