Opening Eyes in Israel Professor Finkelstein Lecture sold ... CRAMNOTES... · By Fritz Springmeier...

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Transcript of Opening Eyes in Israel Professor Finkelstein Lecture sold ... CRAMNOTES... · By Fritz Springmeier...

B6 Toronto Street News Oct. 16-31, Volume 11, #8/2009

Professor Finkelstein’s lecture at University of Toronto documented the rash of lies promulgated by the co-opted media from TV, radio, newspa-pers, etc.

Besides the 1400 Palestinians massa-cred including 300 children he related the bulldozing of 17,000 homes and the fact that no lumber or cement is allowed to rebuild the newly created refugees.

Children are denied the supply of crayons and paper — “it’s a “security problem” ???

He related the tanks that killed 17,000 chickens to deny eggs to the Palestinians — again an Israeli “security secret” for reasons to do this.

Next, the only flour mill was blown up. Another “security threat to Israel”.

There were no Hamas using ambu-

lances, there were no Hamas using ci-vilian shields for their guns nor the storage of explosives.

3 months before the start of the planned massacre Israel organized a media campaign ready to go for the massacre.

They also appointed a woman as head of the army to “soften” the image of the approaching terror campaign and slaughter.

Professor Finkelstein explained that there were no local zionists to make themselves available with taunts, spit-ting, or handouts of propaganda about Israel as they were shamed by the Goldstone report.

The UN Goldstone Report as written by Goldstone himself, a zionist and supporter of Israel shows that the zion-ists will have to be charged with: “war

crimes and crimes against humanity”. Professor Finkelstein reported that

one house was damaged by Hamas defending itself and described Pales-tinian weapons as msere “popguns”.

Israel used fighter jets to attack and strafe with illegal weapons such as phosphorous to attack hospitals which he described as containing no Hamas enemies.

Torture of detainees also occurred when Israel grabbed Palestinian civil-ians.

Israel used human shields — Pales-tinians were forced to dig protective trenches for Israeli tanks while being fired upon by light weapons.

Mankind Held Hostage by Satanists

By Fritz Springmeier (Excerpt from "The Rockefeller Blood-

line" ) I have often been

asked who are the Illu-minati? Who are the people at the top of the conspiracy? Who are the generational satanic families? The Illuminati consists of 13 magical and pow-erful bloodlines. There are also some other powerful blood-lines that are worth naming but if they are in the Illuminati they have blood ties to one of the 13 pow-erful lineages.

About half of the Illuminati people I know have had their parentage hidden from them. Many of the those who still know who their real parents are, still do not know what bloodline they belong to until the Illuminati chooses to reveal it to them. Most of the Illuminati have MPD.

When high level Satanists do not have MPD [multiple personality disorder] they very often emotionally break under the stress of the horrible blood rituals that are required. Recently, a non-MPD Satanist in Chicago emotionally broke and gave his life to Christ. (I have videos available of an in-terview of this man exposing Satanism.) One of the important lineages has remained secret until 3 investigators named Lincoln, Leigh, and Bageant were spoon-fed leads and secrets. They put this into a book called "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." I recommend the book and the two books which are its se-quels, because they show how just one part of the 13 lineages has kept itself secret and has taken immense power of all forms to themselves.

In Southern Belgium there is a castle. (If any one is traveling there and wants to find the castle, I will show them on the map, and describe it.) This is the Mothers of Darkness castle. In that castle, is a cathedral and in that cathedral's basement a little baby Is sac-rificed daily and Is coming to power. The pages are written almost round the clock. (This castle is also described in my Be Wise as Serpents book.)

The history in that handwritten book would reveal the real facts behind the propa-ganda that the world's major news medias give the gullible public. The history as that book reveals it would tell people about how Abraham Lincoln was a descendant of the Rothschild's. Abraham Uncoin was the se-cret head of the Rosicrucian's, a member of their 3 headed top council. (I have seen the paper trail proof to these things about Lin-coln to my satisfaction that these things about Uncoin are true.)

Adolph Hitler was also a secret member of the Rothschild lineage. Hitler carried out blood sacrifices to open his mind up to high level demonic spiritual control. Rockefeller sold Hitler oil during W.W. II via Spain to keep W.W. II going longer. The history in that book mentions people that the "history books" given the public don't-- like Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold, the most powerful Satanist in the world a few years ago. Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold had 66 Satanic Brides. And that Satanic book in the Moth-ers of Darkness castle also mentions the Rockefeller bloodline.

Only insiders are supposed to know the real history of what has taken place in hu-man history. The real decisions and the real movers and shakers have been hidden from the public's eyes. What the public is given is a stage show where illuminati puppets pa-rade around and make big speeches accord-ing to their script.

Each of the 13 families has their own set of Mothers of Darkness. Each of the 13 fami-lies has their own secret Sa-tanic leadership Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes of Darkness. For instance, the Rockefeller family has people who are selected as Kings and Princes within their own blood-line in secret rituals. The Kings and Princes, Queens and Prin-cesses are strictly bloodline. They secretly rule over an area of the world for their own bloodline. IlluminatiPyramid_001.jpgThis is independent of the Illuminati hierarchy which was dia-grammed in the Jan 1993 news-

letter. (my Newsletter from a Christian Ministry.) In the January, 1993 issue the Covens, Sisters of Light, Mothers of Dark-ness, and the Grande Mothers were dia-grammed. The illuminati pulls its various bloodlines together under several councils. The Grande Druid Council or your Council of 13 is your principle council for the Broth-erhood of Death.

Above the Council of 13 is a higher Coun-cil of 9, and an inner group of 3 is believed to head that Council of Nine. How do we know about these things? The power of God has reached into the very heart of Satan's empire and pulled out some of the most powerful Satanists and drawn them to Christ. There are several Satanists that were at the top which have managed to find Christ.

In addition, some of the next echelon of the hierarchy, such as some of the Mothers of Darkness are also finding Christ. if some-one wants to understand how and why deci-sions are made in world affairs and by who-- then you need to study the Illuminati. The real answers do not rest with the proceed-ings of the Congress of the United States or with the publicly known leaders of the Com-munist countries. An example of what I am talking, there is a book entitled "Who Fi-nanced Hitler" by James Pool and Suzanne Pool. I am always glad to see that some peo-ple are wiling to look behind the scenes. Be-lieve me, there were people that Hitler lis-tened to. They were the people he went to ritual with, and who put him into power.

A continuation of the series of articles on the top 13 Illuminati bloodlines. The rockefeller family: The first notorious Rockefeller

The first notorious Rockefeller that re-searchers who are not working for the Rockefellers refer to is William Avery Rockefeller (1810-1906?). William Avery Rockefeller was totally corrupt and lacked any type of morals. He was involved in the occult and practiced magic. He married a number of women around the country in bigamous relationships. He also had a num-ber of mistresses, and a large number of sex-ual partners. He was charged with raping a woman and escaped the state of New York to prevent being sent to Jail for it. He stole, lied, and abused his way through life. He wore the best of clothes, and he never lacked for money, including gold coins. Besides loving women, he loved gambling. And where did his money to gamble with come from? He made much of his money dishon-estly. His life is a carbon copy of other men

who are known by this author to have been in the Illuminati. (The reader also needs to bear in mind that the Illuminati carries out a large number of secret occult marriages, which only insiders learn about.) One of his wives was Eliza Davidson. She was an ex-tremely cruel woman. Historians who have been bought off by the elite like to picture Eliza Davidson as a very pious woman. Al-though she had a religious front, there are a number of things in her life that show that she was not the paragon of virtue that the paid-for historians have made her out to be. When she married William Avery Rockefel-ler she moved in with him and his mistress.

The first notably rich Rockefeller William Avery Rockefeller had many bas-

tard children, and it can be imagined many children born for ritual or for the cult. His wife Eliza had 6 children for him and of those John Davidson Rockefeller is the infa-mous one who brought the family into lime-light. John D. Rockefeller in his lifetime be-came one of the most powerful men in the world. One of the most best kept secrets were his secret dealings with the other Illu-minati families. The Payseurs and other Illu-minati families are all intimately involved in the rise to power of the Rockefellers. The other factors involved in John D. Rockefel-ler's rise to power is his utter ruthlessness. He was willing to do anything for power. John o. Rockefeller established the family in their principal estate at Pocantico Hills in New York. I have lost the exact figure, but over 100 Rockefeller families live at the pri-vate land of Pocantico Hills.

A brief survey of the Rockefeller’s influence

The Rockefellers have divested much of their holdings into places which they con-trol, but nominally they are not owners of. The Rockefellers financial power which is far greater than the balance sheets would indicate. The Rockefellers can give dona-tions from an organization which they con-trol to another that they control, and not lose any control over the money. The donations look Impressive, but the Rockefeller blood-line hasn't lost. Have you ever noticed that Rockefeller's Standard Oil uses the satanic pentagram in a circle as their logo?

Just three of countless Rockefeller compa-nies are Texas Instruments and General Electric, and Eastman Kodak. The Rockefel-lers also control Boeing. This author (Fritz Springmeier) has repeatedly been given in-formation from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Mon-arch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta symbol is a very widely used satanic sym-bol? Is It any wonder so many Illuminati and CIA, and world financiers, and people like Chuck Colson (see the exposes on Chuck Colson in 93's newsletters) use Delta to fly on.

The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations. Interest-ingly, you will notice that Prince Charles is the spokesperson for Lucis Trust and also works with the United Nations in various ways. Prince Charles Is from another satanic bloodline. Readers need to study my Be Wise As Serpents book to see how Lucis Trust fits into things. The Rockefellers were involved in the creation of the FBI, so that the FBI has always been an arm of power for the Illuminati. That is why there are offi-cial FBI programs in action today to kidnap children and provide them for sacrifice.

Yes, American people, the wolf was set in charge of guarding the chicken coop. The organization that is working as part of the

FBI is the Finders. (The stink was so bad that US. News & World Report did a story to soften the impact of the scandal. See the article on a following page. Ex-Satanists who worked with the FBI to receive the children the FBI kidnapped and sold to them for sacrifice have been trying to get the word out publicly about the FBI's corrup-tion. When the Illuminati was beginning to get exposed in the Franklin Saving & Loan case in Lincoln, NE the FBI was part of the dirty actors and was part of the cover up.

The Rockefellers have had control over the FBI since they helped get it started. When Congress wanted to investigate the CIA for wrongdoing they appointed a Com-mission headed by Rockefeller to investigate the CIA's wrongdoings! Yes, the Rockefel-ler Commission did a big study and slapped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investi-gation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA's mis-deeds got overlooked!

A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside infor-mation about the FBI and the CIA pro-grams which kidnap children in order to supply Satanic rituals with sacrificial mate-rial. The names of the agents who spend their official government time kidnapping children for Satanism that Michael knows about are as follows:

Chucky "Mike," "Peters"-FBI hit man in Div, 5 of FBI, involved with Inslaw case Nichol Harrah--FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Unda Krieg Satanist working for FBI Ken Lanning FBI agent who abducts chil-

dren for sacrifice Nick O'Hara FBI hit man, Satanist, has

covered FBI child kidnappings by murder Kape Richardson CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Rather, than risk election, a brilliant coup d'etat which is exposed in Be Wise As Ser-pents. was carried out to put Nelson A. Rockefeller into the Vice-Presidency.

The Rockefellers control both education and religion in this country by their founda-tions.

The Rockefellers have played key roles in the CFR. Rockefeller wrote the book the Future of Federalism which supports the union of nations into a world government. For many years the Rockefellers have been pouring billions of dollars into projects and international groups which are working to bring in a public One-World government. (The world already has a secret One-World-Government.) The Rockefellers take part in decisions that effect Russia, China and other parts of Asia and with good rea-son, the House of Rockefeller has holdup and assets in these countries too.

The investigator of the Rockefellers will find that they have secretly had their hand in the politics of the U.S. during the 20th century. The decisions and directions this nation has taken, are the result of countless orders which the Rockefellers have given to their underlings.

Henry Makow’s books are available at

Conspiracy Culture, 1696 Queen St. W., east of Roncesvalles 416 916-1696

Seekers Bookstore 509 Bloor West. E. of Bathurst 416 925-1982

Opening Eyes in IsraelOpening Eyes in IsraelOpening Eyes in IsraelOpening Eyes in Israel

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Professor Finkelstein