Opening Doors - · Opening Doors and Inspiring EPIC Change EPIC was a commitment I had to...

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Transcript of Opening Doors - · Opening Doors and Inspiring EPIC Change EPIC was a commitment I had to...


Opening Doors2 0 1 6 A N N UA L R E P O R T



Our mission is to help young people, especiallythose who need us most, build strong character and realize their full potential as responsible citizens and leaders.

We do this by providing: a safe haven filled with hope and opportunity, ongoing relationships with caring adults, and life-enhancing programs.

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston we’re dedicated to the children of our city.

Our 11 Clubs are strategically located in neighborhoods with pronounced need and our caring youth development professionals serve as positive role models to our members. We thoughtfully design our programs and activities to expand children’s horizons by exposing them to the arts, technology, and more. With the help of more than 200 community partners, we are able to provide the young people we serve with life-changing opportunities and experiences that they would not have otherwise.

And none of this would be possible without you.

Each one of the generous contributions — regardless of shape or size — made by the individuals, corporations, foundations and community partners listed in this report have an impact on the lives of thousands of children. While BGCB invests $3,100 to serve each member — many of whom come from households with incomes of less than $27,000/year — we only charge $25 per school year for 6-12 year olds and just $5 for teens, and no youth is turned away because of an inability to pay. In order to stay affordable and continue to offer even more enriching programs to the kids who need us most, we are in the midst of a five-year comprehensive campaign to raise $125 million.

Our members, past and present, all benefit from the Club in unique ways.

From homework help and music lessons to the warm, nutritious meals served nightly, we support our members across multiple dimensions. We invite you to read about some of the many opportunities we provide to nearly 16,000 young people at our Clubs and through our direct service programs each year. We hope the stories will inspire you.

On behalf of all the young people who benefit from the opportunities you help us provide to them, thank you.

With gratitude,

Josh Kraft Dana Smith Nicholas President and CEO+ Chair of the Board of Directors

+The senior professional position at Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston was named in 2006 in recognition of Pete and Ginny Nicholas to honor their deep commitment to the organization and to further their dedication to ensuring excellence in organizational leadership.


Dear Friends,


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1. Opened the Hennigan Club

Opened in 2013 in Jamaica Plain’s James W. Hennigan Elementary School, the Hennigan Club serves approximately 230 children ages 6-12.

2. Transformed the former Mattapan Library into the new state-of-the-art Mattapan Teen Center

The 2014 creation of the Mattapan Teen Center addressed the serious need for a positive place for teens in that community, and in its first year it saw nearly 300 members.

Mattapan Records offers opportunities in music production, song writing, recording, and performing.

3. Renovated the Edgerley Family South Boston Club

The new space, renovated in 2015, includes safe, accessible, and thoughtfully designed program spaces, which are a necessary component of the experience we create for members.

In its new space and through new partnerships, the Club reached an average daily attendance of 261 members. Sparked by the renovation, Club staff found creative methods to implement programs in ways that take advantage of the redesigned space.

4. Grew BGCB’s Endowment by more than $20 million

The endowment growth is giving the agency the stability we need to create a brighter future for Boston for generations to come. Endowment income now generates approximately 8% of our annual operating budget.

In 2013, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston embarked on a comprehensive campaign to raise $125 million in three

crucial funding areas: capital improvements, endowment, and five years of operating costs and strategic

investments. BGCB is grateful to the many individual, corporate and foundation donors who had contributed

a total of $115.1 million as of the end of the campaign’s fourth year, June 30, 2016, allowing BGCB to make the

following advancements:

5. Enhanced programming to benefit the youth we serve

The largest portion of our five-year campaign goal supports our ongoing efforts to enable our talented and compassionate staff of more than 240 to deliver high quality programs in a safe, supportive environment to the children we serve each and every day. In FY16, unrestricted operating funds from the Opening Doors Campaign allowed for the following investments at Clubs, instrumental to offering innovative programs to reach more young people and keep them coming back.

• Increased staff hours across Clubs, resulting in more one-on-one attention per member

• Added part-time staff for Friday and Saturday leagues at the Yawkey Club of Roxbury

• Added and strengthened targeted evening programs for teens at the Yawkey Club of Roxbury and Charlestown Club

• Improved outreach at all Clubs to increase number of summer campers served

• Created pre-teen transition programs at the Edgerley Family South Boston Club and Jordan Club

• Strengthened aquatics programming and swim teams by adding lifeguard hours at the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club and improving outreach to potential swim team members at the Charlestown Club

Every gift to the Opening Doors Campaign will benefit thousands of youth across Boston and Chelsea in unique and

powerful ways, and will help Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston create a brighter future for our city for years to come.

Your Support Opens Doors to Opportunity for 16,000 Young People

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Last spring, 46 young people became the first

graduating class of EPIC: Enhancing Potential,

Inspiring Change. The program, developed in

partnership by Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s

YouthConnect, the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety

and John Hancock, addresses the serious need

to provide a positive experience for at-risk youth

ages 11-14 during these critical adolescent years,

often a time of transition. EPIC aims to increase

self-awareness as well as empower participants

to reach their full potential. The 12-month

intensive program follows a curriculum with many

small group workshops like career exploration

and money management, coupled with regular

meetings with an appointed social worker who

also works with the young teen’s immediate family.

Teens visit the Mattapan Teen Center as part of

the program and earn a stipend, up to $800, over

the course of the program for participation and

attendance. EPIC is funded by a grant from John

Hancock and will continue as an annual program

serving 50 youth each year.

Ron, a freshman at the Boston Arts

Academy, was 13 when he participated

in the EPIC program and learned

invaluable life lessons. He says, “EPIC

was a commitment I had to make to

better myself and my future. It was an

opportunity to tap in to my success and

get me prepared for the real world.” For

one year, Ron attended workshops every

other week and visited the Mattapan

Teen Center regularly, where he enjoyed

singing in the music studio. “We learned

a lot of practical skills like how to budget

money, communicate, and also learned

about different career options. The

program helped me become a better role

model for my four younger siblings.”

Opening Doors and Inspiring EPIC Change

EPIC was a commitment I had to make to better myself and my future.

It was an opportunity to tap in to my success and get me prepared for the real world.

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On June 29, 1995, the Blue Hill Boys & Girls

Club opened its doors in one of Boston’s most

underserved neighborhoods, at the corner of

Blue Hill Avenue and Talbot Avenue in Dorchester.

BGCB’s fourth Clubhouse, the Blue Hill Club

provided a safe haven for youth, attracting more

than 1,300 members in its first year of operation.

Now the heartbeat of the Dorchester community,

the Blue Hill Club has helped shape thousands of

young people into effective citizens and leaders

who have embarked on lives of achievement.

Several of BCGB’s Board members spearheaded

the creation of the Blue Hill Club. One of these

individuals was Russell L. Epker, Co-Founder of

Berkshire Partners and Chair of BGCB’s Board

of Directors from 1992 – 1995. In the years since

Russ Epker passed away in 2003, his colleagues

at Berkshire Partners have carried on his legacy

with tremendous generosity and continuing

support of Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. To

celebrate the Blue Hill Club’s 20th anniversary,

several of these colleagues established the

Berkshire Partners Endowment Fund for the Blue

Hill Club, which supports day-to-day operating

costs and ensures the long-term sustainability

of the facility. To recognize Berkshire Partners’

unwavering financial support, in 2016 the Club

was renamed in their honor as the Berkshire

Partners Blue Hill Club.

Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club: 20 Years of Great Futures, Inspired by You

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In 1997, just two years after the Club opened,

6-year-old Shavoryia McElroy became a member.

“The staff at the Club were like family to me,”

Shavoryia says. “They opened their arms and their

hearts to me, cared for me, made me feel safe and

gave me memories I will never forget.” In 2009 she

was named Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Youth of

the Year, and went on to attend the University of

Massachusetts Amherst, spending her summers

working at the Club. After graduating Shavoryia

became an auditor with PwC, and now works at

WGBH as a staff accountant. She also recently

helped to launch the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill

Club’s alumni committee. Shavoryia says, “Without

the Club I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have.

The Club has changed a lot in 20 years, in a lot of

positive ways, but the best thing is that it’s still a

place where members can feel safe and comfortable,

like a second home.”

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The Club has changed a lot in 20 years, in a lot of positive

ways, but the best thing is

that it’s still a place where members can feel safe and

comfortable, like a second home.

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Aminata is only a junior in high school, but she is

already working toward her post-college goals of

becoming a pediatric doctor or nurse practitioner,

and credits her time at the Yawkey Club of Roxbury

over the course of the last 8 years with keeping

her on track and inspired. Aminata has worked her

way up the “leadership pipeline” at the Yawkey

Club, participating in programs designed to build

her social and leadership skills, including Girls

Group, Torch Club, Young Leaders, and Keystone

Club. Through College Club, which she joined in 7th

grade, Aminata has visited more than 10 colleges

and universities, studied for her SATs, and learned

about scholarships and financial aid.

Aminata also gained real world experience last

summer as an intern in the Renal Associates

Department at Massachusetts General

Hospital, through BGCB’s Summer Jobs initiative,

spearheaded by Dana Smith, Chair of the Board.

This year at the Club, Aminata is focused on

serving as the Vice President of Keystone Club

and participating in Explore India, through which

she will travel across the world with support

from the Fish Family Foundation. Aminata says,

“I am thankful every day for the Club and the

opportunities it has provided me—I have stepped

out of my comfort zone at the Club and my

leadership skills keep growing.”

The opportunities Aminata has earned through her

hard work at the Club are extremely valuable to her.

“My parents are from Sierra Leone, West Africa,”

she says, “and I have so many family members

back home who look up to me. For them, I am

determined to do well.”

The communities that BGCB serves have

low rates of high school and college

graduation and high rates of poverty

and unemployment. Our Teen Education

programs are designed to help our

members set goals for on-time high

school graduation, post-secondary

education, and future careers. In

particular, our Life After the Club

program, which serves about 2,500 teen

members annually, ensures that each

teen member has a positive relationship

with a caring, knowledgeable mentor.

Through Life After the Club, members

are provided with opportunities for

enrichment, life skills development, and

experiences and expectations that will aid

their successful transition into adulthood.

Career Ready, with Help from You

I am thankful every day for the Club and the opportunities it has provided me—I have stepped out of my comfort zone at the Club and my leadership skills keep growing.

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President’s Circle

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston gratefully acknowledges the members of the President’s Circle for their exceptional leadership and generous financial support. Individual, corporate, and foundation members of the President’s Circle contribute $100,000 or more each year, making a positive, lasting impact on the 16,000 youth we serve in Boston and Chelsea. The following list recognizes those donors who made unrestricted and restricted current use, endowment and capital gifts totaling $100,000 or more during fiscal year 2016.

Anonymous (4)

Edmund N. Ansin - Ansin Foundation

Bank of America

The Baupost Group, LLC

Josh and Anita Bekenstein

Brad and Terrie Bloom

Boston After School & Beyond

Michael and Lisa Bronner

Holly & David Bruce and The McGrath Family

Charles Hayden Foundation

John and Stephanie Connaughton

Converse, Inc.

Jonathan and Margot Davis/ Davis Family Charitable Foundation

The Devonshire Foundation

Paul and Sandy Edgerley

John and Cyndy Fish

Fish Family Foundation

Michael and Christina Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Greenberg

Phill and Elizabeth Gross

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hooley

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Jacobson Family Foundation

John Hancock Financial

Dave and Suzi Johnson

Darlene and Jerry Jordan

The Klarman Family Foundation

Knez Family Charitable Foundation

Mr. Robert K. Kraft

Michael A. Krupka and Anne C. Kubik

Richard and Nancy Lubin

The Lynch Foundation

Massachusetts General Hospital

Chris McKown and Abby Johnson

Mr. Brian T. Moynihan and Ms. Susan E. Berry

Music & Youth Initiative

New England Patriots Charitable Foundation

Pete and Ginny Nicholas and Family

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer Jr.

Nike USA, Inc.

Sally and Saul Pannell

Laura and Bob Reynolds

The Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation

Richard and Susan* Smith John and Amy S. Berylson and

James Berylson Jonathan Block and

Jennifer Berylson Block Robert Katz and Elizabeth

Berylson Katz Robert and Dana Smith Debra Smith Knez, Jessica Knez

and Andrew Knez

Jeffrey L. Shames

Christine and Rob Small

Robert and Dana Smith

Brian and Stephanie Spector

State Street Foundation, Inc.

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III

Frank Wisneski and Lynn Dale

Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett

Yawkey Foundation

Bob and Laura Reynolds Brian Knez and Wioletta Zywina

* Deceased

1 5

Planned Giving

Anonymous (2)

Sara J. Andrews

Jeffrey and Suzanne Bloomberg

Estate of Edward P. Bosson

Angela and Will Braman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Brickley Jr.

Estate of Richard L. Brickley Sr.

Denise and George Burgess

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Canfield

Howard and Sue Carver

Drs. Deborah and Larry Chud

Mr. Frederic C. Church Jr.

Estate of Frederic C. Church Sr.

Mr. Gerald B. Church

Richard L. Church

Robin Cohen

Rebecca Crawford

Mr. Gerard Cullity

Jonathan and Margot Davis

Mr. Dennis R. Delaney

Mrs. Diana Church Dohrmann

Patricia J. Gannon

Ms. Christine M. Gilman and Mr. Thomas J. Andrews

Alison and John Glover

Mr. and Mrs. John U. Harris Jr.

Chip and Donna Hazard

Estate of Adelaide B. Howland

Andy and Sara Hunter

Elizabeth A.* and John F. Hurley

Jeffrey F. and Susan C. Jones

Mrs. Elizabeth Church King

Joshua and Carolyn Kraft

Tom* and Barbara Leggat

Mr. Timothy Leland

Estate of Joseph E. Lovejoy Sr.

Kristin and John Macomber

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Martin Jr.

Estate of E. R. Mitton

Bill and Maggie Moran

Joanne Penta

Helen Chin Schlichte

Estate of Frank M. Sheldon

Jerry Steimel

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Steiner

Thomas G. Stemberg*

Lisa and Gregg Stone

John D. Spooner

Elizabeth A. Stevens

Mrs. William O. Taylor II

Courtney M. Tipping

Richard A. Voke, Esq.

Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett


Known as “Mr. Boys Club,” Frederic C. Church Sr. was a driving force in the growth of what is now Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. This civic-minded World War I veteran served as a BGCB volunteer leader for nearly 55 years and as Board president from 1935-1955. Mr. Church sought to ensure BGCB had a financial foundation that was built to last. He worked tirelessly to secure annual gifts, endowment support and bequest commitments.

Today, members of Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Frederic C. Church Sr. Legacy Society are establishing legacy gifts to ensure the financial security of this organization for future generations of Boston and Chelsea’s youth. They are doing this by including BGCB in their wills or trusts, designating us as a beneficiary of their retirement plans, or remembering us through other types of planned gifts.

We thank the below members of the Church Society for their special commitments, and invite you to join them. For more information please contact Elizabeth Stevens, Planned Giving Officer, at (617) 994-4784 or

Frederic C. Church Sr. (1897-1983)

* Deceased

Church Society members gathered ahead of BGCB’s 122nd Annual Meeting. Back row, left to right: Donna Hazard, Bill Moran, Gregg Stone, Jeff Jones, Robin Cohen, Don Steiner, and Elizabeth Stevens. Front row, left to right: Becky Crawford, Tim Leland, Helen Chin Schlichte, Angela Braman, Josh Kraft, Karen Canfield, Alison Glover and Trish Gannon.

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Robert Cleary Sr.— always said “yes” when it came to BGCBBy Robert B. Cleary Jr.

Dad always had a BIG smile and always said “yes” when it came

to BGCB. He dedicated more than 50 years to the organization

serving in numerous roles such as Board Chair, Director and

Senior Advisory Board Member until his passing in September

2015. He was honored posthumously by BGCB and the Lovejoy family in re-naming an exclusive annual

event, The Lovejoy-Cleary Luncheon.

His local, national and world athletic accolades and achievements from 1952 to 1960 were uniquely

highlighted through team sports of baseball and ice hockey at Belmont Hill School, Harvard College,

The Cape Cod Baseball League, Hearst U.S. All-Stars, U.S.A. Hockey and the 1960 Winter Olympic

Games. He learned valuable life lessons through these experiences, which he shared with every

community he visited. Offering opportunity and direction was important to him as he understood it

was highly influential for kids of all ages. It is no wonder that he recognized the Boys Clubs of Boston

as his passion early in his career with its athletic and mentoring programs for kids in need. Dad was

known for his personal style and his interactions with the kids and staff were always full of enthusiasm

and encouragement, reminding them that anything is possible.

During his leadership years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Clubs expanded to include girls’

programs and they renamed the organization Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston. Dad also shared his

passion by introducing his friends and business leaders in Greater Boston to the cause, many did get

involved and some became BGCB icons, namely Kevin Phelan, Jack Connors and, of course, Myra Kraft,

each of whom met challenges, raised the bar and had great influence on BGCB during their leadership.

For being involved with introductions such as those, and others, he was very proud.

Robert B. Cleary Jr. has been involved with BGCB since 1995, currently serving as a Director and

Chair of the Facilities Committee. Bobby is Senior Vice President at Colliers International, a global,

full-services commercial real estate company.

In Memoriam:

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Dr. Larry Cohn — world-class surgeon and mentorBy Anthony Norman

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston Trustee Dr. Lawrence H. Cohn M.D.,

Hubbard Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Harvard Medical School,

was not only a world-class cardiac surgeon but also an incredibly

generous and caring mentor.

I had the privilege of meeting him at BGCB’s Annual Dinner in 2013 when I was a sophomore at Boston

College with aspirations of becoming a physician. I would later join Dr. Cohn as his research assistant,

an opportunity that allowed me to peer through the gilded doors of academia and surgery. I still think I

have stars in my eyes from my very first summer in his lab.

I had been somewhat interested in the heart after an anatomy class in high school, but Dr. Cohn ignited

my passion for cardiac surgery. Before I knew it, I was reviewing medical charts, reading journal articles

and watching surgical videos at all hours of the day. I was always interested in medicine, but never had

I found myself more engaged. Fortunately, that excitement remains steadfast as I work diligently in

medical school today. Dr. Cohn was inspirational, but it was our interactions that ultimately elevated

him to becoming a great mentor in my book.

To this day, I’m perplexed by the undivided attention I received in the midst of his responsibilities as a

leader in the field. Over the course of a short three years, Dr. Cohn took the time to learn about who I

was and what got me up every morning. He knew about my passion for medicine, but also my hobbies

and home life. He was invested in me, and my triumphs became his triumphs. I remember the day I got

accepted to Tufts; I got the call right after a research meeting and I swear he was as excited as I was.

I also vividly remember speaking at the Corporate Leadership Council Breakfast in December 2015.

Dr. Cohn was the first one there, front row and center. He would introduce me with great enthusiasm

saying, “Hey! I want you to meet Anthony. He’s a research assistant in my lab at the Brigham and he’s

going to medical school too! I think he might be the first one from BGCB!” He didn’t have to come to the

breakfast, but he did, and he was truly proud of me!

Most important, Dr. Cohn became my greatest advocate. He always had my back, and I never doubted

that. His dedication was the greatest gift he could ever give me and I hope that one day I can be a

mentor like that for someone else.

Anthony Norman is an alum of the Jordan Boys & Girls Club in Chelsea and is currently enrolled at

Tufts University School of Medicine. Dr. Cohn offered Anthony an internship after hearing him speak

at BGCB’s 2013 Annual Dinner.

In Memoriam:

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Tom Leggat—our unsung heroBy John U. Harris Jr.

Tom and I joined what is now Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston in the

1960s, as the elders Frederic C. Church Sr. and Forrester A. (“Tim”)

Clark Sr. brought younger men on to the Board. I found myself

spending a lot of time with Tom as the new Roxbury Clubhouse

was coming on stream, a move which required numerous evening

meetings in the Clubhouse to work out what changes should be made in staffing and governance to

respond to the need for community participation. Since I was too cheap to park my car in the city

during the work day, after the meeting Tom would give me a ride out to Newton where I had parked,

and during this period we formed a strong and lasting friendship.

I did not, as was the case with most of the Directors, realize how much time Tom had spent on the

Roxbury project. He volunteered his experience in real estate for many hours on this and virtually

every major renovation and construction project for many years, including the sale of the abandoned

Girls Club property in South Boston. He worked in the shadows, so to speak, ensuring that the work

approved by the Board was completed on time and on budget. He spoke little at meetings, but when

he did, we all listened closely.

In 1998 Tom was accorded The Unsung Hero Award for this silent service. Belated as this may seem,

it is high time that we sing the praises of this dear departed friend.

John U. Harris Jr. is a member of the Senior Advisory Board and has been active with BGCB since

1963, also serving as a Trustee, a Director and Board Chair (1972-1976). John recently retired as

Vice President at Winslow, Evans & Crocker, Inc., a Boston-based investment services firm.

In Memoriam:

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Community Partnerships

Throughout our history, BGCB has leveraged the expertise and resources of other organizations to broaden our reach and deepen our impact. Our reputation for exceptional program delivery has, in turn, made us a sought-after partner for organizations seeking to provide beneficial programs or services to children and teens. BGCB’s partnerships play a vital role in serving members, in leveraging resources for maximum impact, and in helping us develop effective citizens and leaders among the youth we serve.

99 Restaurant


Action for Boston Community Development

Air Force

All Mass Camps

Allied Integrated Marketing

America SCORES Boston

American Red Cross

American Student Assistance

Appalachian Mountain Club

Associated Grant Makers

Babson College

Bank of America


Belmont Hill School

Berklee College of Music

Berkshire Partners

Big Apple Circus

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay

Big Sister Association of Greater Boston

Bigger Faster Stronger, Inc.

Bikes Not Bombs

Boston After School & Beyond

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

Boston Bruins Foundation

Boston Cares

Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation

Boston Centers for Youth & Families

Boston Children’s Hospital

Boston Children’s Museum

Boston College

Boston Day and Evening Academy

Boston Equestrian Center

Boston Fire Department

Boston Globe

Boston Harbor Island Alliance

Boston Inner City Youth Tennis

Boston Medical Center

Boston Neighborhood Network

Boston Police Department

Boston Private Industry Council

Boston Public Health Commission

Boston Public Schools

Boston Red Sox Foundation

Boston Rocks

Boston Symphony Orchestra

Boston University

Boston Youth Wrestling

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Brown Jug

The Browne Center

Build a Bike Boston

Bunker Hill Community College

Cape Cod National Seashore

Caron Treatment Centers

Carpe Diem Education

Castanea Partners

Catholic Schools Foundation

Celebrity Series of Boston

Charles Sumner Elementary School

Charlestown Against Drugs

Charlestown Ball Hockey League

Charlestown Park Rangers

Charlestown Public Library

Charlestown Substance Abuse Coalition (CSAC)

Cheetah Dojo Martial Arts

Chelsea Human Services Collaborative

Chelsea Little League

Chelsea Public Schools

The Children’s Room

Children’s Trust Fund

Chill Boston

Chop Chop

Citi Performing Arts Center

Citizens Bank

City on a Hill

City Year

The Clubhouse Network

Condon Community Center


Courageous Sailing

Cradles to Crayons


Curry College

Dan Duquette Sports Academy

Debate Mate

Department of Education

Department of Youth Engagement & Employment (formerly Boston Youth Fund)

Discovering Justice

Dive Kulture

“E” inc.

Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the US Senate

The Eliot School of Fine and Applied Arts


Fair Foods

Families First

The Family Van

Family-to-Family Project

Fidelity Investments

First Republic Bank

Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene

Franklin Park Zoo

Fresh Truck

Future Leaders in America’s Government (FLAG)

Generations, Inc

Generis International

Teen members visit Northeastern University for a campus tour.

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Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts

Girls’ LEAP

Girls on the Run

GOALS Soccer

Goggles for Guppies

Golf For All

Greater Boston Food Bank

Green City Growers

Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Harvard School of Public Health

Harvard University

Harvard University Men’s Basketball

Health Resources in Action (HRIA)

Hennigan Community Center

Highland Street Foundation

Himmel Hospitality/Post 390

Historic New England

Historic Newton

Holistic Life Foundation

Hope & Comfort Inc.

InnerCity Weightlifting

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston

Inversant (formerly FUEL Education)

James F. Condon Elementary School

James W. Hennigan K-8 School

JAM’N 94.5

John Hancock/MLK Scholars

Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center

Junior Achievement

Junior League of Boston

Labouré Center

Lasell College

Latino STEM Alliance

Lawrence Public Schools

Let’s Get Ready

Life is Good Kids Foundation

M.I.T. Media Lab

MA Golf Association

MA Mentoring Partnership

MA Promise Fellowship

MA Youth Soccer Association

Madison Park Development Corporation

Make a Splash

Manny Wilson Education & Basketball League

Margulies Perruzzi Architects

Marine Mammal Center

Marriott Hotels

Mary Baker Eddy Library

Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts Youth Rugby Organization



Matignon High School

McCall & Almy

Men of Color, Men of Action

Metro Bank


MGH Charlestown

Healthcare Center

MGH Chelsea Healthcare Center

MGH Institute of Health Professions



Middle School Academy

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Museum of Science, Boston

Music & Youth Initiative

Music Drives Us


Neiman Marcus

New England Aquarium

New England College of Optometry

New England Eye On-Sight Mobile Van

New England Patriots Charitable Foundation

New England Revolution

New Mission High School

Northeast New England Area Program Council

Northeastern University

Old Navy

Partners for Youth With Disabilities

Partners HealthCare

Peace & Kaos Martial Arts Academy

Peer Health Exchange

Pine Manor College

Planned Parenthood

Posse Foundation

Private Industry Council

Proctor & Gamble - Gillette

Project Adventure

Project Bread



Roslindale Clean & Green

Roslindale Community Center

Roslindale Open Studios

Save the Harbor / Save the Bay

School for International Training

School of Martial Arts

Science for the Shooting


Share our Strength

Shea Rose

Simmons College

Social Capital Inc.

South Bay Mental Health Center

South Boston Community Health Center

South Boston Summer Collaborative

Sports Museum of New England

The Sportsmen’s Tennis & Enrichment Center

Stanford Outdoor Education Center

State Street Bank

Strong Women Strong Girls

Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office

Summit Partners

Technology Goes Home

Temple Emmanuel


The Way LLC

Timothy Smith Network

Trinity Development and Management Company

Tufts University Occupational Therapy Program


Ultimate Self-Defense & Performance Center

UMass Boston

United Negro College Fund

United Parcel Service (UPS)

United Way of MA Bay & Merrimack Valley

Urban Adventours

Urbanity Dance

Urban Improv

USA Swimming

Wellesley Bank

Weston Ski Track

Wheelock College

Whole Foods

World Ocean School

Year Up

Yoga Reaches Out

Youth Enrichment Services (YES)

Youth Options Unlimited (YOU) Boston

Zelma Lacey House

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Artemis Circle LeadershipThe Artemis Circle, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s women’s leadership council, was designed to allow women to be involved with BGCB in a way that works best for them. This initiative is bringing the energy and passion of like-minded women together to collectively make a difference in the lives of Boston’s youth. Through fundraising, volunteering and a collective voice, the Artemis Circle supports BGCB’s commitment to help all children discover their talents and work towards achieving their dreams.

Co-ChairsEmily Brown

Melissa Weiner Janfaza

Elena Matlack

Michelle Vilms

Leadership CommitteeKaren Appe

Brooke Bartletta

Karen Canfield

Catherine Cantillon

Susan B. Cohen

Kristin Connell

Liz Dagres

Maura Driscoll Farden

Corinne Ferguson

Hope Foley

Tricia Herring

Linda Hooley

Jennifer Kolchinsky

Deborah Lewis

Carol Martignetti

Trina Martin

Kristine McDavid

Jean Mixer

Anne Moran

Dawn Neher

Kelly Nowlin

Dana Smith

Rachel Solomons

Kimberly Steimle Vaughan

Donna Venegas

Joan Walsh

JoyAnn Yarde

Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club member Dyana with Artemis Circle Leadership Committee member Carol Martignetti, President and Founder of Positive Tracks Nini Meyer and Artemis Circle Co-Chair Elena Matlack at the 4th Annual Spring Luncheon.

Artemis Circle Leadership Committee members Anne Moran (L) and Catherine Cantillon (R) join Artemis Circle Co-Chair Michelle Vilms at the Artemis Circle’s Fall Event, “Cocktails With a Twist.” The event provided the opportunity for guests to hear directly from BGCB Club staff about their work in the Club in a “speed dating” format.

LeeAnn and Julia Manning at the Sandra M. Edgerley Family Engagement Series Summer Club Cleanup.

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2015 – 2016 Friends Council

Co-ChairsGeoffrey T. Bernstein

Bradford R. Dunn

LeeAnn Manning

Leadership CommitteePablo Fernandez Alvarez

Victoria R. Bendetson

Mallory Boulter

Matthew Chardavoyne

Iria Veiga Couceiro

Teresa Curtis

Briana Denny

Eric R. Denny

Erin DiMella

Michael DiMella

Stephanie Sweeney Fink

William C. Fink

Danielle Frissell

Alison Glover

Nathaniel Gopen

Terron Hill

Brian J. Kelly

Joshua H. King

Sarah King

Alexis LeBlanc

Ben Long

Kate MacKinnon

Onnie Mayshak

William K. Moran

Nathan E. Myers

Marlo O’Donnell

Kate Smith

N. Fedor Smith

Justene Spaulding

Alexandra Vaughn

John Vaughn

Ari Williams

MembersAnthony A. Abdelahad

Mo Abdo

Salah Abdo

Hamza Abdul

Brendan Albert and Kate Gutierrez

William Alden-Dunn

Laura Ames

Brooke Appe

Patrick Barberio

Colleen Bartling

Taylor Blacker

Emily Bogan

Emily Brown

Alaska Burr

Brenna Callahan

Nicole Callahan

Alexandra Campanelli

Dana Capitelli

Jacqueline R. Centauro

Sam Chud

Arden Clapp

Robin Cohen

Stephen Connolly

Stephanie Costas

Peter H. Creighton

Michelle Custeau

Callie Davis

Raechel Dennis

Andrew Diehl

Dan Dortona

Danielle Drapeau

Stephen Dutcher

Paul Elia

Morgan Estey

Sarah Farrell

David Finkelstein

Chelsea H. Finn

Katherine Fischer

Callie Gauzer

John Glover

Erika Gobeille

Daniel Greenberg

Frances Hamilton

Alexandra Haseotes

Brittany Heier

Katie Hooley

Bruce N. Jacobs

Stephanie Jasson

Hazel Johnson

Ann Josephs

Joseph and Jennifer Kolchinsky

Slater Latour

Andrew Lefkarites

Lauren P. Lipscomb

Kate Lubin and Glen Sutton

Benjamin F. Luntz

Johanna MacInnes

Geoff Manning

Duke Martin

Lauren Martin

Alison McClearn

Erin McGrath

Phillip McIntosh

Joseph P. McKeever

Meghan Murphy

Colleen Murray

Kevin O’Donnell

Amanda Pallais

Daniel Palmer

Jarrod Pelletier

Robert Pineau

Michelle Pirro

Julia Pollack

Mary Purinton

Hansong Qu

Robbie and Kellie Rankey

Geoffrey S. Rehnert

Christopher A. Richardson

Carly Robinson

Sam Robinson

Elizabeth S. Skinner

Adam Slutsky

Joshua Stephens

Meredith Stoddard

Josh Sugarman

Cassandra Svolis

Jaclyn Sweeney

Rick Taussig

Courtney M. Tipping

Mary Jose Vasquez

Anna Walsh

Meghan Whyland

Madison Wilcox

Ashley Wisneski

Fiamma Zamori

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Friends Council provides opportunities for volunteering, as well as professional and social networking, while connecting young professionals who share a desire to help urban youth. The Friends Council represents the next generation of BGCB leadership and many members are continuing their family’s legacy of supporting BGCB.

Friends Council Co-Chairs Geoff Bernstein, Brad Dunn and LeeAnn Manning, and Event Committee Chairs Alexis LeBlanc and Kate MacKinnon take a moment to celebrate and connect with musical performers from BGCB’s Mattapan Teen Center at the group’s 7th annual summer benefit party, “A Night With Friends”.

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2015 – 2016 Corporate Leadership Council

Co-ChairsJohn F. Fish Suffolk Construction

Robert E. Gallery formerly Bank of America

Council MembersWilliam F. Achtmeyer Parthenon-EY

Bradley R. Balter Balter Capital Management, LLC

Jeffrey C. Bloomberg Gordon Brothers Group, LLC

William S. Buccella Northern Trust

James A. Calhoun formerly Converse, Inc.

Joseph P. Campanelli Consultant

James A. Canfield McCall & Almy, Inc.

Richard J. Caturano RSM

Miceal Chamberlain Bank of America

Jonathan G. Davis The Davis Companies

Karen M. Firestone Aureus Asset Management, LLC

Tom Fontaine Wellesley Bank

Carol Fulp The Partnership, Inc.

Bill Gelnaw Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP

Vicary M. Graham BNY Mellon

Roger Hobby Fidelity Investments

Andy Hunter Ridgeway Partners

Bruce N. Jacobs Westfield Capital Management, LP

Patricia Jacobs AT&T

David E. Johnson Bain & Company

Gerald R. Jordan Hellman, Jordan Management Co.

David C. Kaplan Shepherd Kaplan LLC

Brian J. Knez Castanea Partners

Robert K. Kraft The Kraft Group

Michael A. Krupka Bain Capital Partners, LLC

Kevin J. Leary VPNE Parking Solutions

Marc Margulies Margulies Perruzzi Architects

Thomas J. May Eversource Energy

Michael A. Miles Berkshire Partners, LLC

Edvaldo Morata Eneas International

David Mussafer Advent International Corporation

Betsy Nabel Brigham and Women’s Hospital

John Nadas Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP

Thomas J. Niedermeyer formerly Liberty Square Asset Management

Saul J. Pannell Wellington Management Company

Randy Peeler Berkshire Partners, LLC

Adrienne Penta Brown Brothers Harriman

Kevin C. Phelan Colliers, Meredith & Grew, Inc.

Richard P. Quinlan Liberty Mutual Group

Robert L. Reynolds Putnam Investments

Ronald L. Sargent formerly Staples, Inc.

Dana Smith Chair, BGCB Board of Directors

Robert A. Smith Castanea Partners

Donald J. Steiner Webster Capital

Kimberly Steimle Vaughan Suffolk Construction

Herbert S. Wagner FinePoint Capital

Marc A. White J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Stephen R. Woods Citizens Bank

Investment in youth is key to sustaining Greater Boston’s vibrant and diverse business community. For this reason, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston founded our Corporate Leadership Council (CLC) in 2008 to provide guidance and offer opportunities for the city’s business leaders to engage more deeply in our work.

Current CLC events include annual breakfast meetings featuring a prominent keynote speaker. In December 2015, we were pleased to welcome Michael R. Minogue, CEO of Abiomed as our featured guest.



Corporate Leadership Council

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Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club Facilities Renovation

Jeffrey L. Shames

Edgerley Family South Boston Club Facilities Renovation

Abacus Builders & General ContractorsMs. Tiffany BaionaMs. Jessie BariJosh and Anita BekensteinBoston Redevelopment AuthorityHolly & David Bruce and The McGrath FamilyMs. Johanna CullenMs. Lanie M. DonlanHarry DuvallPaul and Sandy EdgerleyTanya EzekielMs. Alyse N. FaiellaPatricia J. GannonAnne and John GordonMs. Audrey HamiltonMr. Shawn HilliardBarbara and Amos HostetterJ.P. Plunkett RealtyMs. Molly KaneMr. Stephen T. LampronMr. John H. LearyJennifer LydonKristin and John MacomberMassachusetts Convention Center Authority

Pattie McCormickMike MoganMr. Drew MottaMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. O’BrienKevin and Anne PhelanMr. Joseph Plunkett IIIMrs. Grace QuiguaMs. Bethany A. RileyMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. RogersChantha ToeumUnited Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack ValleyFrank Wisneski and Lynn DaleStephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. LovettYawkey Foundation


Unrestricted EndowmentJonathan and Margot Davis/ Davis Family Charitable FoundationPaul and Sandy EdgerleyKaren and David FirestoneBarbara and Amos HostetterJeffrey F. and Susan C. JonesMichael A. Krupka and Anne C. KubikPete and Ginny Nicholas and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer Jr.Helen Chin SchlichteStephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett


Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club

Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club Aquatics Director FundCreated in 2013 by Phill and Elizabeth Gross, this fund generates operating support to this critical staff position at our Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club in Dorchester. This fund will enable Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston to continue its long-standing tradition of teaching hundreds of youth to swim each year and will provide long-term investments in our Club members and their families.

Phill and Elizabeth Gross

Berkshire Partners Fund for the Blue Hill ClubBerkshire Partners has had a long history with Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston. Russell L. Epker, a Founding Director of Berkshire Partners and BGCB Board Chair from 1992-1995, inspired so many at the firm to become involved with BGCB. The following individuals made contributions to current operating funds as well as to long-term sustainability to the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club Facility Endowment.

Gideon Argov and Alexandra FuchsMike and Kate AscioneBrad and Terrie BloomMs. Jane Brock-WilsonKevin and Julie CallaghanChris and Keena Clifford

Endowment and Capital GiftsBGCB’s endowment funds provide a permanent source of revenue to sustain programs now and in the future. Capital support provides the funding necessary to renovate and improve Club facilities. We are grateful to the following donors who provided payments to endowed and capital funds from July 1, 2015- June 30, 2016. Gifts to funds in prior years can be found in Annual Reports published on our website, under “Who We Are.”

Bold denotes membership in Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Keystone Society, which recognizes five years of consecutive giving.

* Denotes that the donor is deceased.

Privacy Policy: Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston does not share its donor list, including email addresses, with other organizations or individuals, with the exception of annual report listings by giving category. However, we respectfully acknowledge the wishes of some donors to be listed anonymously.

We welcome unrestricted gifts, but also respect the wishes of some donors to restrict gifts to support specific program areas, Clubs or YouthConnect. This list includes all gifts and pledges of $500 or more made during our 2016 fiscal year (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016), and special gifts of any amount made in memory of an individual. We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy of this report, and offer our sincere apologies for any errors or omissions. Please contact Casey Fischl at 617-994-4754 to make us aware of any changes.

2 6

Carl and Judy FerenbachChris and Connie HadleyShar and Bill HeslamEmily and Ross JonesRichard and Nancy LubinJosh and Jessica LutzkerRandy Peeler and Kate KelloggChristine and Rob SmallEJ and Lori Whelan

Lifeguard Training Program FundCreated in 2008 by Lisa and Tom Knott, this fund provides support for the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club’s Lifeguard Training Program. Participants in this program are accomplished swimmers who learn CPR, first aid, and rescue techniques.

Wagner Family Art FundEndowed by Herb and Charlotte Wagner in 2015, the Art Fund supports the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club’s Wagner Family Art Director. Arts programming thoughtfully engages members in a variety of arts-based activities that build their skills, connect them with other cultures and communities, and promote self-expression. BGCB believes artistic engagement is critical to becoming well-rounded and successful adults.

Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III

Charlestown Club

Gerald Wall Education FundEstablished by Diane Wall in 2011 to honor her late husband and Club alumnus Gerald Wall, this fund provides financial assistance to individual members of the Charlestown Club for higher education in areas including SAT and college application fees, and underwrites special educational opportunities for the Club.

Edgerley Family South Boston Club

Paul D. Buckley Swim Team FundEndowed and named in 2005 by Martha and Gary Solomon in honor of Edgerley Family South Boston Club alumnus and former swim team member Paul Buckley, this fund supports the aquatics program at the Edgerley Family South Boston Boys & Girls Club.

Gerald and Darlene Jordan Club

Richard A. Voke Fund for AquaticsEndowed by longtime BGCB Director Richard A. Voke in 2016, this fund supports the Jordan Club’s robust aquatics program. In addition to teaching members how to swim, this program offers opportunities to

snorkel, surf and scuba dive, and helps advanced swimmers receive training to become lifeguards.

Richard A. Voke

Mattapan Teen Center

Mattapan Facilities FundCreated to support the continued maintenance of the Mattapan Teen Center, which opened in the fall of 2014, to provide a safe, attractive space where our teen members can take advantage of a wide range of programs specific to this age group.

The Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation Richard and Susan* Smith John and Amy S. Berylson and James Berylson Jonathan Block and Jennifer Berylson Block Robert Katz and Elizabeth Berylson Katz Robert and Dana Smith Debra Smith Knez, Jessica Knez and Andrew KnezRobert and Dana Smith

Yawkey Club of Roxbury

Matthew Vernon Memorial Life After the Club FundEndowed and named by an anonymous donor in 2008, this fund supports activities of the Yawkey Club’s Life After the Club program, including field trips, speakers and workshops that prepare teens for college or a career.

Sandy and Paul Edgerley Fund for AthleticsCreated in 2004 as one element of Sandy and Paul Edgerley’s generous gift to BGCB’s Comprehensive Campaign, the Fund for Athletics at the Yawkey Club supports the Edgerley Athletic Director, the Athletic Assistant, and program activities. The Athletic Program develops strong interpersonal skills and healthy lifestyles.

Karen Firestone, Phill Gross

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Special Endowed Funds

Edward P. Bosson Fund for BoysIn 2013 BGCB received a generous planned gift from the Edward P. Bosson Trust. Directly impacting the boys and young men we serve, this endowed fund supports a wide range of athletic activities across all Clubs, including basketball, baseball and swimming programs.

Richard L. Church Education FundEstablished by Richard L. Church and LandVest Incorporated in 1985, this endowed fund supports educational programming at BGCB.

Connaughton Family Music FundCreated in 2015 as part of John and Stephanie Connaughton’s generous gift to BGCB’s Opening Doors Campaign, the Connaughton Family Music Fund supports music programming agency-wide, allowing members to build their skills and self-confidence through vocal development, instrument lessons and music theory training, as well as recording and performance opportunities.

John and Stephanie Connaughton

Facilities Maintenance FundCreated to support the continued maintenance of Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s facilities, this fund highlights the organization’s need for continued financial investment in its buildings. The Clubs are key to BGCB’s effective service delivery, providing a safe, functional and attractive space in which our members can thrive.

Anonymous Chris McKown and Abby Johnson

Scott Farrar Memorial FundEstablished in memory of Scott Farrar, the Farrar Fund supports summer camperships, enabling deserving Club members to discover new interests, develop new skills, and make memories that will last a lifetime through BGCB’s summer camp experience.

AnonymousDr. and Mrs. Christopher FarrarMr. and Mrs. John R. HosmerTom and Elena MatlackMs. Doris E. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Schneller

Brian J. Knez Education FundThis fund was established in 2008 through the generosity of the Knez Family to honor BGCB Director Brian Knez for his commitment to BGCB’s mission and his instrumental role in shaping the vision of the organization through his active volunteer participation. The fund provides BGCB’s members with financial assistance for higher education in areas that scholarships typically do not cover, including application fees, standardized tests, transportation costs and text books.

Myra Hiatt Kraft Professional Development Award FundCreated in 2001 with a gift from Norman Knight to honor Myra Kraft for her devoted and tireless service to BGCB and the youth of Boston and Chelsea, this annual award supports staff growth and enrichment through a fellowship that recognizes outstanding leadership, service to the community, and dedication to continued learning—all qualities that are important models for the youth BGCB serves.

Myra H. Kraft Giving Back Scholarship FundEstablished in 2003 by Robert and Myra Kraft’s four sons to honor their parents’ 40th wedding anniversary, this fund recognizes Club members who give their time and talents to the community and instills in young people an understanding of the importance of community service for generations to come.Unrestricted gifts in memory of Myra Kraft are listed under “Gifts in Memory” on page 53.

AnonymousA Yankee LineMr. Derek AframeAlan & Esther Fleder FoundationDr. Jordan ArbitMr. and Mrs. Morton AronsonMr. Joseph L. Barry Jr.Marilyn Sargon BrierHolly and David BruceMs. Rena F. ClarkMrs. Roberta L. Cohn

Stephanie and John Connaughton

2 8

Mr. Christopher Connolly, Ph.D. and Ms. Marjorie LinerMs. Fotene J. Demoulas and Mr. Tom CotéDistrigas of MassachusettsMs. Janice M. FiandacaMs. Carol GoldfarbMichael and Christina GordonThe KBT Charitable FoundationThe Klass FamilyDr. and Mrs. Ernest KornmehlMs. Kelly LannanAndrew Ley and Carol SearleShelagh Mahoney and Joseph McNameeDr. Anthony MassaroMr. and Mrs. Richard R. McGinnisMr. Frederick MettersMr. Brian T. Moynihan and Ms. Susan E. BerryMr. and Mrs. Joseph MurphyGarrett Parker and Helen PetersMr. Jeffrey PashAmy and John PhelanMs. Kathleen ReganMr. and Mrs. John SchumacherMr. Jeffrey A. SchwarzMs. Kim SinatraMr. David J. SloaneThe Webber Family

Myra H. Kraft Giving Back Volunteer Services Fund Created through gifts in memory of Myra to honor her spirit of volunteerism, this fund allowed BGCB to create a new position, the Myra H. Kraft Director of Volunteer Services, who manages hundreds of volunteers who provide invaluable support to our Club members and their families on an annual basis.

Joseph E. Lovejoy Teen Leadership FundCreated in 2007 in memory of long-time BGCB Director and former Board Chair Joe Lovejoy with seed money from Joe’s planned gift to BGCB and gifts from the Ensign-Bickford Foundation, this fund underwrites activities that provide unique leadership opportunities and recognizes the accomplishments of our teen members.

Nordblom College Club FundThis fund was established by Rodger and Dawn Nordblom in 2005 as part of their generous commitment to BGCB’s Comprehensive Campaign. The Nordblom College Clubs encourage Club members to apply to college and help to make their aspirations a reality. Club staff members organize trips to visit college campuses, help Club members prepare for entrance exams, and guide members through the complex process of completing admission and financial aid applications.

Thomas A. Pappas Chef’s Club One of BGCB’s oldest restricted endowed funds, this fund supports programs that provide opportunities for Club members to learn essential skills such as how to plan, prepare and serve a healthy, well-balanced meal.

Whitlock Fund for Inspirational Leadership and ExcellenceCreated in 2008 to honor Linda Whitlock’s 10 years of service as BGCB’s chief executive, this fund supports program team innovations, the President’s Innovation Fund, and staff professional development opportunities.

Rob and Christine Small

Lisa and Paul Rooney

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Opening Doors Campaign: Multi-Year and Special Gift Donors

The Opening Doors Campaign is an ambitious $125 million initiative that will deepen Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s impact and broaden its reach – bringing hope and opportunity to our children, strengthening our city, and brightening Boston’s future. This Campaign is comprised of three crucial funding areas: Programs and Impact ($90 million), Endowment ($20 million), and Capital Projects ($15 million). Thank you to those donors who have made multi-year and special commitments to this effort through June 30, 2016.

$5,000,000+Josh and Anita Bekenstein

Jonathan and Margot Davis/ Davis Family Charitable Foundation

Paul and Sandy Edgerley

Chris McKown and Abby Johnson

Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett

$2,500,000 - $4,999,999Anonymous

Phill and Elizabeth Gross

Michael A. Krupka and Anne C. Kubik

The Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation Richard and Susan* Smith John and Amy S. Berylson and James Berylson Jonathan Block and Jennifer Berylson Block Robert Katz and Elizabeth Berylson Katz Robert and Dana Smith Debra Smith Knez, Jessica Knez and Andrew Knez

Robert and Dana Smith

Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III

$1,000,000 - $2,499,999Anonymous

Michael and Lisa Bronner

Holly & David Bruce and The McGrath Family

John and Stephanie Connaughton

Michael and Christina Gordon

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Jacobson Family Foundation

The Klarman Family Foundation

Peter S. Lynch and The Lynch Foundation

Laura and Bob Reynolds

Christine and Rob Small

$500,000 - $999,999Anonymous

Amy and David Abrams

Brad and Terrie Bloom

The Devonshire Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hooley

Mr. and Mrs. Weston Howland III

John Hancock Financial

Dave and Suzi Johnson

John Keane

Richard and Nancy Lubin

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer Jr.

Sally and Saul Pannell

Brian and Stephanie Spector

Frank Wisneski and Lynn Dale

Yawkey Foundation

$250,000 - $499,999Anonymous

The Baupost Group

The Boston Foundation

Ms. Jane Brock-Wilson

Kevin and Julie Callaghan

The Fallon Company

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Greenberg

Andy and Sara Hunter

Emily and Ross Jones

Joshua and Carolyn Kraft

Mr. Brian T. Moynihan and Ms. Susan E. Berry

Music & Youth Initiative

Mr. and Mrs. David Mussafer

Kevin and Anne Phelan

Mr. Bryan Rafanelli

Sandy and Paul Edgerley

* denotes deceased

3 0

The Roberta and Stephen R. Weiner Family Foundation

Roberta and Stephen R. Weiner Melissa Weiner Janfaza and Andy Janfaza

Rita and Adam J. Weiner

$100,000 - $249,999Anonymous (2)

Amelia Peabody Foundation

Arcadia Charitable Trust

Gideon Argov and Alexandra Fuchs

Mr. James Berylson

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Emily and John Brown

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Canfield

Mr. Marc N. Casper

Clifford Family Foundation

David and Victoria Croll

Eastern Salt Company, Inc.

Edward P. Bosson Trust

Michael and Barbara Eisenson

Carl and Judy Ferenbach

Karen and David Firestone

Ms. Vicary M. Graham

Chris and Connie Hadley

Chip and Donna Hazard

Jill and Rob Inches

Bruce and Ashley Jacobs

Jane and Fred Jamieson

John W. Henry Family Foundation

Jeffrey F. and Susan C. Jones

Kayem Foods, Inc.

Mr. Joshua A. Klevens and Ms. Anna D. Sinaiko

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Mrs. Joan D. Lovejoy

Janice Morris and Michael Coggin

Betsy and Gary Nabel

Dr. Karen Nanji and Mr. Farhad Nanji

The Norman Knight Charitable Foundation

Paul and Lisa Rooney

John D. Spooner

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Steiner

$50,000 - $99,999Anonymous

Mr. Andrew G. Arnott

Mike and Kate Ascione

Jeffrey and Suzanne Bloomberg

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campanelli

Drs. Deborah and Larry Chud

The Comcast Foundation

James and Kerrie Coughlin

Erin and Mark Epker

Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Ferguson

Mr. and Mrs. Ogden M. Hunnewell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lassen

Jenna and Kevin Leary

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Leland

Josh and Jessica Lutzker

Anne and Marc Margulies

Rosemary and Richard J. McCready

Mr. Edvaldo Morata and Ms. Carol Lu

Mr. John Nadas

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Gael Robinson

Ms. Holly Safford and Mr. Charles Weilbrenner

Susan Florence Smith

Lisa and Gregg Stone

Richard A. Voke

John and Joan Walsh

EJ and Lori Whelan

Mr. H. Mark White and Mrs. Elizabeth R. McCarthy-White

$10,000 - $49,999Anonymous

Ms. Maureen Alphonse-Charles and Dr. Jean-Bernard Charles

Sara J. Andrews

Karen and Stephen C. Appe

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Balter

Ms. Beverly Buker-Staley and Mr. Dean Staley

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carrabes

Mr. Robert B. Cleary Jr.

Mr. Terence A. Connell

Mrs. Michele Courton Brown and Mr. Philip E. Brown

Peter and Catherine Creighton

Mr. William A. Earon

EBS Capstone

Mr. Scott Farmelant

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fitzgerald

Patricia J. Gannon

Shar and Bill Heslam

Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hobby

Deborah Lewis and Robert Grinberg

Ms. Lauren Phelan Lipscomb and Mr. James E. Lipscomb

Kristin and John Macomber

Ms. Carolina Martignetti

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGinnes

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Marty Meehan

Bill and Maggie Moran

Mr. Steven W. Powell

Mark Robinson and Mark White

Kurt F. Somerville and Kendra M. Chencus

Michael and Jill Stansky

Karen L. Tucker and Jerome L. Avorn

Ms. Kimberly Steimle Vaughan and Mr. Michael K. Vaughan

Mr. Steven H. Wright

$5,000 - $9,999Harry Duvall

Gill Fishman and Barbara Tyrrell

Jeffrey and Susan Brudnick Family Foundation

Judith A. Malone and Stephen W. Kidder

Mr. and Mrs. William L. McMahon

Ms. Karen Voci

* denotes deceased

Bruce and Ashley Jacobs

3 1


The following donors provided essential current use operating support for FY2016 (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016). This list includes all gifts and pledges of $500 or more. Gifts of any amount made “in memory of” are listed separately. Gifts from $100-$499 are listed on our website,

Bold denotes membership in Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Keystone Society, which recognizes five years of consecutive giving.

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s President’s Circle plays an integral role in helping to close the opportunity gap for the young people BGCB serves. The following list recognizes those donors who made current use operating gifts totaling $100,000 or more during fiscal year 2016.

$250,000-$499,999The Davis Family Charitable

FoundationThe Devonshire Foundation

John Hancock Financial

Knez Family Charitable Foundation


The Baupost Group, LLC

Boston After School & Beyond

Charles Hayden Foundation

Converse, Inc.

Fish Family Foundation

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation

The Lynch Foundation

Massachusetts General Hospital

Music & Youth Initiative

New England Patriots Charitable Foundation

Nike USA, Inc.

State Street Foundation, Inc.

Suffolk Cares

CHAMPION SOCIETY Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Champion Society is a community of compassionate leaders whose annual investment of $10,000 - $99,999 opens the doors to 16,000 young people in Boston and Chelsea. The Champion Society’s collective vision and commitment to our Clubs and programs ensure that all young people in our community have the opportunity to realize their full potential.


Arcadia Charitable Trust


Bain Capital Children’s Charity Limited

Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Citizens Bank

Edwin S. Webster Foundation

Ever Higher Fund at Charities Aid Foundation America

Goldman Sachs Gives

Jones Lang LaSalle

Kelly Family Foundation

Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P.

The Nordblom Family Foundation

Rafanelli Events Management

Raytheon Company

State Street Corporation

The Roberta and Stephen R. Weiner Family Foundation Roberta and Stephen R. Weiner Melissa Weiner Janfaza and Andy Janfaza Rita and Adam J. Weiner

Yawkey Foundation


Bank of America

Jacobson Family Foundation

The Klarman Family Foundation

United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley

Partner for Youth $50,000-$99,999

3 2

Russell L. Epker Society $25,000-$49,999Anonymous

Balter Capital Management

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Boston Bruins Charitable Foundation

Boston Redevelopment Authority

BostonGives Inc.

Comcast Foundation

Choate Hall & Stewart LLP

Dell EMC

The Doe Family Foundation

Eastern Salt Company, Inc.

Eversource Energy

Fidelity Investments

Gap Inc.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

John W. Henry Family Foundation

The Ludcke Foundation

MA State Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs, Inc.

Massachusetts Port Authority


Putnam Investments

Roy A. Hunt Foundation


Schwarz Partners, L.P.

Westfield Capital Management, LP

William E. Schrafft & Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust

Winston Flowers

Champion $10,000-$24,999Anonymous

Alice Willard Dorr Foundation

Aureus Asset Management LLC

Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture

Beth Israel Senior Citizens Housing, Inc.

BNY Mellon

The Boston Foundation

Boston Partners Financial Group LLC

Boston Scientific Corporation

Bryson Road LLC

The Catered Affair- Holly Safford

Christian Dior Inc.

CHT Foundation

City of Boston

Creighton Family Foundation

CVS Caremark

Delta Dental of Massachusetts

Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation

First Republic Bank

Fisher Agencies of American Income Life

The Flatley Foundation

Frederic C. Church Sr. Charitable Gift Fund

Indicator Ventures

Iora Health

Kayem Foods, Inc.

Kenneth A. and Janet A. Himmel Charitable Foundation

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Life is Good

Linde Family Foundation

LPL Financial Foundation

MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Mary Gambrill Slavet Trust

Neiman Marcus

Newman’s Own Foundation

Newmark Grubb Knight Frank

The Perpetual Trust for Charitable Giving, Bank of America, N. A., Trustee

Post 390

Renee and Michael Minogue Foundation

Ridgeway Partners LLC

Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation


Saquish Foundation

Standard Life Investments

Staples, Inc.

Summer Fund


Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated

VPNE Parking Solutions


Wells Fargo Foundation


1893 Society $5,000-$9,999Abiomed, Inc.


Albert E. Pillsbury Trust

Babson College

The Boston Globe

Brown Advisory

Cabot Corporation Foundation, Inc.

Casella Waste Systems, Inc

Charlesbank Capital Partners

Charlesgate Realty Group, LLC

Charlestown Against Drugs (CHAD)

Clough Capital Partners, LP


Colliers International

Colony Realty Partners, LLC


Connell Limited Partnership

Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation

Cushman & Wakefield


Eastern Bank

The Ellen Abbott Gilman Trust

Ellin Smalley Fund at The Boston Foundation


Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

The Fallon Company

Fiduciary Investment Advisors


Goodwin Procter LLP

Gregory Lombardi Design

Grill 23 & Bar

Hood Park, LLC

Instinet, LLC

The James Smith Trust

J.P. Morgan Private Bank


Margulies Perruzzi Architects

McCall & Almy, Inc.

MCR Technologies


Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

National Association of Basketball Coaches Foundation

Northern Trust

One Canal

The Outdoor Foundation

Palace Travel (U.S.) Inc.

Simone and Ted Winston

3 3


Procter & Gamble - Gillette

Proskauer Rose LLP

Radius Bank

Ropes & Gray

South Boston Community Development Foundation, Inc.

Symetra Financial

Telecommunications Insight Group, Inc.

TIFF Advisory Servies, Inc.

Tufts Health Plan

UBS Financial Services Inc.

University of Massachusetts Boston

Wellesley Bank Charitable Foundation

Mentor Society $2,500-$4,999Action for Boston

Community Development, Inc.

Adelaide B. Howland Trusts

Anchor Capital Advisors LLC

Arthur J. Hurley Company, Inc.

Bloomingdale’s, Inc.

C&W Services

Carbone Sheet Metal Corp.

Charitable Adult Rides & Services, Inc.

Charles Sanders Trust

Chelsea Bank, a Division of East Cambridge Savings Bank

Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust

Columbia Construction Company

Distrigas of Massachusetts

Drink Craft Beer, LLC

East Boston Savings Bank

East Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation

Eaton Vance Corp.

Enterprise Holdings Foundation

Ernst & Young Foundation

Fairfield Center, LLC

Foley Hoag Foundation

Friends of Leo J. Martin Skiing

The Grousbeck Trust

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.

Herald Media Inc.

House of Blues Music Forward Foundation

James P. Murray Irrevocable Trust

Jefferies LLC

Marshall & Melhorn, LLC

Marion L. Decrow Memorial Foundation

Mary A. Crabtree Fund

Morgan Stanley

National Inclusion Project

National Park Foundation

Neighborhood Health Plan, Inc.

Nixon Peabody LLP

Olivia’s Organics Charitable Foundation Inc.

Red Sox Foundation

Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation

Summit Partners


Tropical Foods International

Venegas and Company

Vocell Bus Company, Inc.

West Roxbury Friends of Rosie’s Place

Whole Foods Market

Winfield S. Russell Fund

$1,000-$2,499 Anonymous

A. A. MacPherson, Co., Inc.

A Street Scrap Metal

The Abbey Group

Adelard A. Roy and Valeda Lea Roy Foundation

AEW Capital Management, L.P.

Aquidneck Foundation

The Architectural Team, Inc.

Aristotle Capital Management

Arthur J. Gallagher & Company

Au Bon Pain

B.N. Yanow & Co., Inc.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

BJ’s Charitable Foundation

Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589

Boston Community Capital

Boston Global Investors

Boston Light Source

Boston Medical Center Healthnet Plan

Boston Police Athletic League, Inc.

California Community Foundation

Castanea Partners

Causecast Foundation

Charlestown Mothers Association, Inc.

Chelsea North, LLC

Chisholm Insurance Agency, Inc.


Committee to Elect Bill Linehan

Committee to Elect Michael F. Flaherty

Crawford Strategies

Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC

Cruz Companies

The David Gopen Foundation

Dennis K. Burke, Inc. - Ed Burke

The Dolben Company, Inc.

Diversified Automotive, Inc.

Epstein Porter Trust II d/b/a Dunkin’ Donuts

Eagle Air Freight, Inc.

Epstein Porter Trust

Exelon Generation Company, LLC

Fidelity Investments- Back Bay Branch

GIANT Food Stores

Goldfine Foundation

Goldman Sachs

Goodrich ISR Systems

Grant Thornton, LLP

Guggenheim Partners, LLC

Holie Donuts III Inc. d/b/a Dunkin’ Donuts

HUB International New England

John Kevin Donuts d/b/a Dunkin’ Donuts

J.P. Plunkett Realty

Justice Resource Institute, Inc.

Kevin P. Martin & Associates, P.C.

Kirshon Paint Co., Inc.


Marcum LLP

Marmon Utility LLC

Mass Bay Credit Union


Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development

Catherine and Peter Creighton

3 4

Melwood Global Communications, LLC

Metro Credit Union

Metro Energy

MJW Charitable Foundation. Inc.

Morrissey Sweeney LLC

National Grid


The New England Foundation

New England Private Wealth Advisors, LLC

Officer Harold L. Vitale Memorial Fund

Olmstead Associates

P-3 Partners LLC

Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Inc.

Paul Revere Transportation

Pearson Foundation Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee

Performance Physical Therapy, Inc.

The PJT Memorial Foundation

Quiet Man Pub Memorial Fund

Russell Colgate Fund

Sapient Boston

Steven F. Lynch For Congress

Steward Health Care System

The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company, LLC

Susquehanna Financial Group

Teamsters Local Union No. 25

Three-C Electrical Company, Inc.

Tyco Electronics/Raychem

U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Ucon LLC

The Waldwin Group, Inc.

Weston Community Children’s Association, Inc.

Windhaven Investment Management (a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation)

$500-$999A. Andreassi & Son Inc.

A. Lane Charitable Fund

Abacus Builders & General Contractors

American Green Building Construction Services, Inc.

Anova Consulting Group

Anthony Memorial

Ben & Jerry’s Boston

Boston Freight Terminals

Boston Harbor Cruises

Boston Private Bank & Trust Company

The Boston Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

Buffalo Wild Wings

Capuano For Congress Committee

Carbonite, Inc.

Carpenters Local Union No. 33

Century 21 Elite Realty

City of Boston Credit Union

Committee to Elect Martin J. Walsh

Committee to Elect Salvatore Lamattina

Done Right Building Services

The Driscoll Agency, Inc.

Empire Valuation Consultants LLC

Garden of Eden & Associates Inc

The Georges Company Inc

I.U.P.A.T. District Council #35

Iron Workers Union Local #7

J A Realty Trust

J. F. O’Brien & Sons Funeral Home

J.T. Magen & Company Inc.

JB Sash & Door Co., Inc.

JPA Development Co., Inc.

King Mountain Foundation

Lake Cable, LLC

Laura Fisher & Associates LLC

Law Motor Freight, Inc.

Lucky Star Bus

The Mandrell Company

Martignetti Companies

Meco, Inc.

Michael Quigg Cancer Scholarship Fund

Mills & Company, Inc.

Monument Capital Partners, Inc.

Mortgage Network, Inc.

Natixis Global Asset Management

New England Electric Group, Inc.

New England Golf Management

New England Honda Dealers Advertising Association

News Corp

People’s United Bank

PS Gourmet Coffee

Pipefitters Local 537

Referee’s Crease, LLC Foundation

Gary and Betsy Nabel

Robert Kraft, Greg Shell

3 5

Star of Bethlehem Lodge AF & AM

Stephen O’Brien Memorial Golf Classic

Sterling Suffolk Racecourse, LLC

The Stone Family Charitable Foundation

Suffolk Downs

Sullivan & McLaughlin Electrical Contractors, Inc.

Taniguchi Deane Family Foundation

Tasty Burger 4, LLC


Tycor Corporation

U.A. Plumbers and Gasfitters Local Union #12

U.S. Electrical Services Inc.

United Way of Greater Portland

Vantage Builders, Inc.

Vigil Electric Company

West Insurance Agency

The Westin Copley Place

Zumes Coffee House

$100-$499 Anonymous (2)

18 Mossland LLC

36 Maloof Union Park Realty Trust

520 Club


Aberdeen Asset Management

Acadian Asset Management

Adler, Cohen, Harvey, Wakeman & Guekguezian,


Allen & Gerritsen

Alliance Bernstein


Andrew Square Civic Association

Asbestos Workers Local Union #6

Association of Corporate Counsel NorthEast

Aval Construction Inc.

Banyan Partners

The Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation

Bellingham Family Dental P.C.

Berenberg Capital Markets

Berkshire Partners LLC

Best Home Care n’More Inc.

Biogen Inc.

BIV Entertainment Corp

Blackey Family Foundation, Inc.

Blo Seaport

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont

Boch Honda

Boch Toyota

Boris Pest Control

Boston Partners & Mentoring, Inc.

Boston Security Analyst Society

Brady Realty Group

Bright Funds Foundation

Broadway Family Dental P. C.

Brookline Ice Co., Inc.

Buffalo Wild Wings

Bunker Hill Barber Shop

Bunker Hill Florist

Byrne & Anderson

Cambridge Racquetball Club, Inc.

The Canton Corp

Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Catalano Architects

Cetrulo & Capone

Charlestown Liquors

The Chappy Corporation

Charity Partners Foundation, Inc.

Chelsea Police Patrol Officer’s Association

Chelsea Police Superior Officers Union

The Chelsea Rotary Club

Chippewa Athletic Club

Cleary Insurance

Command Alkon Ltd

The Committee To Elect Anthony Galluccio

Committee To Elect Joseph A. Connolly

Committee to Elect Sal Didomenico

Committee to Elect Steve Byner

The Cooperative Bank

Copeland Toyota Brockton

Corbin Interior Specialties, Inc.

Costa Fruit & Produce Company

Coviello Electric & General Contracting Co., Inc.

CPI Management LLC

Cushing & Dolan, P.C.

Daniel J. O’Connell Association ILA Local 799

Daughters of Isabella No. 1

Davis Square Foodservice Inc.

Designers Choice, LLC

Devonshire Investors

Direxion Investments

The DMF Group

Downeast Cider

The Drew Company, Inc.

DST Systems, Inc.

Edelstein & Company LLP

Entertainment Cruises

Evestment Alliance

Exelon Dollars For Doers

Falmouth in the Fall Road Race Awards Committee

Family Endowment Partners LP

Find A Penny, LLC

Flatley Management Company, LLC

Folan McGlone, P.C.

FRE Northeast

Gallagher Sales Associates, Inc.

GE Foundation

The Goddard School

Got It Made SC Boston

The Greater Boston Concierge Association

Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau

Greater Framingham Running Club (GFRC)

Green Castle Business Solutions LLC

The Grossman Companies, Inc.

Hair Cuttery

Hammond Residential Real Estate LLC

Harvard Kent School

Hicks Auto Body, Inc.

The Law Office of John M. Iacoi, P.C.

Iaconelli Consulting

International Longshoremen Association, Local 805

J. C. Cannistraro, LLC

Jenny’s Pizza

Jo-Ann Fabrics Corporation

John Nagle Co.

Johnson O’Connor Feron & Carucci, LLP

JPMorgan Chase Foundation

Julie’s Family Learning Program

Kevin J. Joyce Attorney at Law

Knights of Columbus - Bunker Hill Council No. 62

Krazy Kat’s Embroidery

The Langham

Law Office of Paul J. Anthony

Lawson & Weitzen, LLP

Leers Weinzapfel Associates

Legal Sea Foods

The Loxahatchee Club

Madelyn Garcia Real Estate

Mamma Maria

Marine Systems Corporation

The Maura S. Doyle Committee

McCarthy Brothers Liquors

MFS Investment Management

Michael J. Perkins Post #67

Millennial Media

National Development & Charles River Realty Investors

Needham Electric Supply

3 6

Employee Matching GiftsAnonymous

Aberdeen Asset Management

Abiomed, Inc.

Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program

Anchor Capital Advisors LLC

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

Barclays Capital

The Baupost Group

The Benevity Community Impact Fund

Berkshire Partners LLC

Biogen Inc.

BNY Mellon

Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation

Dun & Bradstreet

Eaton Vance Corp.

Gap Foundation

Gartner, Inc.

GE Foundation

Goldman Sachs

Google Matching Gifts Program

Guggenheim Partners, LLC

John Hancock Financial

J.P. Morgan Private Bank

MFS Investment Management



MSD Capital

Natixis Global Asset Management

News Corp


Schneider Electric North America Foundation

State Street Corporation

Tektronix Foundation Matching Gift Program

Thermo Fisher Scientific

TIFF Advisory Servies, Inc.

TripAdvisor LLC

UBS Financial Services Inc.

UnitedHealth Group Employee Giving Campaign

Unum - Matching Gift Program

Verizon Foundation

Wells Fargo

Larry, Beth and Jeff Greenberg Maureen Alphonse-Charles, Dr. Jean-Bernard Charles

The New Brown Jug

New England Millwork, Inc.

NFP Thorbahn

Normandy Real Estate

North End Waterfront Health

Northshore Paralegal Services, Inc.

Nova Sheen Corporaton

Old Town Real Estate, LLC


OneVision Resources LLC

Orc International, Inc.

O’Reilly Family Charitable Fund

Oyster Harbors Club, Inc.

Paine Cooney LLC

Pan Communications

Pinnacle Transportation Solutions, Inc.

Plymouth South High School

Potamus Trading LLC

Premier Development, Inc

Prince, Lobel, Tye LLP

Ratner Companies

Ricciardelli & Small LLC

Rockinghorse Trail Foundation

Roxbury Community College Foundation

Running Deer Foundation

Sage Consulting Services, LLC

Sappi Fine Paper

Seapoint, Inc.

Sebastians Distinctive Caterers

Second Street Associates, LLC

Seven Hayes, Inc.

Signature Breads Inc.

Smolak Farms, LLC

Smudge Ink Incorporated

South Boston Neighborhood House, Inc.

South Shore Kings Management, LLC

Southwest Boston Community Development Corporation

Stanbill Investments, LLC

Sun Life Financial

Tintagel Holdings, LLC

Touchtone Enterprises, LLC

TripAdvisor LLC

Tudor Garage

Turner Construction Company

United Way of Delaware

United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey

United Way Of Greater Plymouth County, Inc.

W. H. Hughes Inc.

Warren Prescott School

Waterfield Sotheby’s Internantional Realty

Watermark Donut

WB Engineering and Consulting

West Springfield Fire Fighters Association

White Hawk Group LLC

Windle Young Trust

Woods L Street Tavern, Inc.

Wyspen Corporation

Zonta Club of Chelsea

3 7


We gratefully acknowledge the following donors, who provided essential current use operating support in FY2016 through outright gifts, pledge payments, or event support. This list includes all gifts and pledges of $500 or more between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Gifts of any amount made “in memory of” are listed separately. Gifts from $100-$499 are listed on our website,

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s President’s Circle plays an integral role in helping to close the opportunity gap for the young people BGCB serves. The following list recognizes those donors who made current use operating gifts totaling $100,000 or more during fiscal year 2016.


* denotes deceased

Josh and Anita Bekenstein

Jonathan and Margot Davis

Paul and Sandy Edgerley

Mr. Robert K. Kraft

Chris McKown and Abby Johnson

Robert and Dana Smith

Charlotte and Herbert S. Wagner III

Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett

$100,000-$249,999Anonymous (2)

Edmund N. Ansin - Ansin Foundation

Brad and Terrie Bloom

Michael and Lisa Bronner

John and Stephanie Connaughton

John and Cyndy Fish, Suffolk Cares

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Greenberg

Phill and Elizabeth Gross

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hooley

Dave and Suzi Johnson

Darlene and Jerry Jordan

Michael A. Krupka and Anne C. Kubik

Sally and Saul Pannell

Laura and Bob Reynolds

Christine and Rob Small

Brian and Stephanie Spector

CHAMPION SOCIETY Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Champion Society is a community of compassionate leaders whose annual investment of $10,000 - $99,999 opens the doors to 16,000 young people in Boston and Chelsea. The Champion Society’s collective vision and commitment to our Clubs and programs ensure that all young people in our community have the opportunity to realize their full potential.

Partner for Youth $50,000-$99,999Amy and David Abrams

Steve and Deborah Barnes

Mr. James Bevilacqua and Ms. Connie Bacon

Holly and David Bruce

Michael and Christina Gordon

John Keane

Richard and Nancy Lubin

Mr. Peter S. Lynch

Mr. Brian T. Moynihan and Ms. Susan E. Berry

Mr. and Mrs. David Mussafer

Mr. Bryan Rafanelli

Frank Wisneski and Lynn Dale

Russell L. Epker Society $25,000-$49,999Anonymous (3)

Alli and William Achtmeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Blumenthal

Lynn and John C. Bogle Jr.

Jeffrey and Jill Bornstein

Ms. Jane Brock-Wilson

Emily and John Brown

Kevin and Julie Callaghan

David and Victoria Croll

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Davies

Ms. Fotene J. Demoulas and Mr. Tom Coté

Ms. Vicary M. Graham

Chip and Donna Hazard

Bruce and Tricia Herring

Gregg Stone, Dana Smith, Chris McKown

3 8

Anonymous (2)

Ms. Nancy W. Adams and Mr. Scott A. Schoen

Karen and Stephen C. Appe

Gideon Argov and Alexandra Fuchs

Mr. Andrew G. Arnott

Mike and Kate Ascione

Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Baker Sr.

Mr. Dave Balter

Peter and Kay Bernon

Geoff and Taylor Bernstein

Mr. James Berylson

Jeffrey and Suzanne Bloomberg

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campanelli

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Canfield

Mr. Marc N. Casper

Ms. Christin Cella

Mr. Romie Chaudhari

Drs. Deborah and Larry Chud

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Conley

James and Kerrie Coughlin

Peter and Catherine Creighton

Joel and Randi Cutler

Mr. William A. Earon

Michael and Barbara Eisenson

Erin and Mark Epker

Mr. Jeffrey S. Feingold

Carl and Judy Ferenbach

Nina and David Fialkow

Karen and David Firestone

Linda and Michael Frieze

Dozier and Sandy Gardner

Jane Garnett and David Booth

Mr. William P. Gelnaw Jr.

Jonathan Goodman and Elizabeth Silverman

Josh and Sarah Greenhill

Harry and Gale Guild

Chris and Connie Hadley

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Haig

Mr. and Mrs. John U. Harris Jr.

Allison Horne and Peter Riehl

Mr. and Mrs. Ogden M. Hunnewell

Chris Iannuzzi

Jill and Rob Inches

Jeffrey F. and Susan C. Jones

Barbara Jordan and Robert Pemberton

Elizabeth and Brian T. Keane

Mr. Joshua A. Klevens and Ms. Anna D. Sinaiko

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Knight

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lassen

Jenna and Kevin Leary

Elizabeth and Phil Loughlin

Josh and Jessica Lutzker

Tristin and Martin Mannion

Tom and Elena Matlack

Michele May and David Walt

Rosemary and Richard J. McCready

The McLaughlin Family

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mead Jr.

Mr. Milton R. Millman III

Jean and Charles Mixer

Mr. Edvaldo Morata and Ms. Carol Lu

Dr. Peter Mueller and Mrs. Ulrike Eleonore Mueller

Mr. John Nadas

Dr. Karen Nanji and Mr. Farhad Nanji

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Andy and Sara Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ix

Bruce and Ashley Jacobs

Jane and Fred Jamieson

Emily and Ross Jones

Jerry and Suzie Kahn

Michele and Howard Kessler

Joshua and Carolyn Kraft

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Leland

Mr. and Mrs. Ian K. Loring

Mrs. Joan D. Lovejoy

Shelagh Mahoney and Joseph McNamee

Mary Ann R. and Peter Mattoon

Sean McGrath

Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Monkiewicz

Janice Morris and Michael Coggin

Betsy and Gary Nabel

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer Jr.

Ted and Erica Pappendick

Kevin and Anne Phelan

Ms. Bernadette T. Rehnert

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sebastian

John D. Spooner

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swanson

Michael and Kristen Swenson

Stephen and Karen Appe

* denotes deceased

Champion $10,000-$24,999

3 9

1893 Society $5,000-$9,999Joe and Kirsten Almeida

Dr. and Dr. Charles Anderson

Sara J. Andrews

Dr. and Mrs. Merle Berger

Christopher D. Bierly and Margaret Boasberg

Mr. and Mrs. Erik L. Brooks

Michele Courton Brown and Philip E. Brown

Ms. Kara Buckley

Ms. Beverly Buker-Staley

Susan Okie Bush

Carla Cabot and Joseph Boyland

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carrabes

Judy and Jonathan Chiel

Mr. Robert B. Cleary Jr.

Mr. Steven Conine

Mr. Terence A. Connell

Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Cook

Mr. Albert M. Creighton Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dagres

Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeJesus

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dillon

Erin and Mike DiMella

Deanna and Tony DiNovi

Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Elterich

Mr. Paul M. English

Mr. and Mrs. Tim C. Ferguson

Steve, Nancy, Laura, Ben and Wendy Fischman

Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Guzzi

Mr. D. Andrew Hall III and Ms. Natalie A. Olsen

Mr. Derek Hennessey

Julie and Bayard Henry

Mr. and Mrs. Weston Howland III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Infantino

Elizabeth L. Johnson

Holly and Bruce Johnstone

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kalick

John W. Keith and Shelley Hoon Keith

Mr. John C. Keogh

Mr. Joseph Kolchinsky and Mrs. Jennifer Kolchinsky

Mr. Daniel Kramer

Karen and Steven Krichmar

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Krupp

Wendy Evrard Lane

Lisa and Stephen Lebovitz

Mr. Jeffrey Leerink

Deborah Lewis and Robert Grinberg

Ms. Joyce Linde

Ms. Lauren Phelan Lipscomb and Mr. James E. Lipscomb

Mr. Gregory Lombardi

Patrick and Kristin Loranger

Kay and Peter Lyons

LeeAnn and Geoff Manning

Anne and Marc Margulies

Miss Noreen McCloskey

Mr. Thomas McNicholas

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McPherron

Karen and Michael Miles

Anne T. Moran

Kelly and Chuck Nowlin

Mr. and Mrs. Femi Obi

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Block

Joe and Kathy O’Donnell

Ms. Katie A. Oldoerp

Mr. and Mrs. R. Robert Popeo

Mr. Anthony Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Powell

Mr. Richard P. Quinlan

Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Roiter

Frank and Sharon Roop

Ms. Mary Ryan

The Saperstone Family

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Saraceno

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schuster

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Shell

Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Shockman

Ms. Ellin Smalley

Susan Florence Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Spangler

Mr. George Speropoulos

Mr. Russell J. Stein and Ms. Sandra Sloane

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Thornhill

Michelle and Andres Vilms

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Walsh

Scott and Mary Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Welo

Mrs. Nancy M. Wolff

Ms. Phyllis Yale and Mr. Tucker Taft

Stephen and Jeryl Oristaglio

Zamira Korff Oudens and Matthew Oudens

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Palumbo

Mr. Karl D. Riemer

Ms. Louise C. Riemer

Dorothy and Owen Robbins

Mr. Mark and Mrs. Gael Robinson

Paul and Lisa Rooney

Sue Rothenberg

Ms. Holly Safford and Mr. Charles Weilbrenner

Jay and Marilyn Sarles

Helen Chin Schlichte

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schuster

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Sclar

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Slavet

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Steiner

Katherine Chapman Stemberg

Lisa and Gregg Stone

Ms. Nancy A. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Sullivan

Bob and Eike Traina

Karen L. Tucker and Jerome L. Avorn

Richard A. Voke

John and Joan Walsh

Ms. Emily R. Weinberg

EJ and Lori Whelan

Mr. H. Mark White and Mrs. Elizabeth R. McCarthy-White

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Willoughby

Michele Courton Brown, Michelle and Andres Vilms

4 0

Mentor Society $2,500-$4,999Anonymous (3)

Ms. Maureen Alphonse- Charles and Dr. Jean- Bernard Charles

Thomas Andrews and Christine Gilman

Mr. Wayne Archambo and Ms. Mona Kumar

Ms. Bridget A. Basilico

Mr. and Mrs. Marques E. Benton

Meg and Tomas Bergstrand

Ms. Ellen Fels Berkman and Mr. David Bryant

Mr. Ian Blasco

Mr. Stephen Blewitt

Mr. John J. Boyle III

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Calhoun

Mr. Matt Chardavoyne

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Chope

Ms. Cynthia M. Clarke

Carolyn and John Coffey

Mrs. Roberta L. Cohn

Mr. and Mrs. Ron DePoalo

Tom and Midge DeSimone

Mr. Michael Doughty

Ms. Betsy Edie

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Elfland

Daniel and Grace Evans

Mrs. Karen Fabbri

Mr. Frederick E. Fairfield Jr.

Graig and Jackie Fantuzzi

Ms. Maura Driscoll Farden

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Fey

Mr. Bruce C. Gaffney

Patricia J. Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Gaudreau Jr.

Alison and John Glover

Jill B. Goldweitz

Dr. Gary L. Gottlieb and Dr. Derri L. Shtasel

Mr. Stuart Haber

Mr. and Mrs. Desmond J. Heathwood

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Herman

Marcia and Jeff Herrmann

Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hobby

Beth and Kevin Hoffman

Ms. Kathleen Katterhagen and Mr. Neil H. Smith

Ms. Sonja Kelly and Mr. Stephen Tordone

Adam Koppel and Brenda Haynes

Dan and Wendy Kraft

Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Krakoff

Gord and Tania Kluzak

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kumin

Ms. Andrea P. Leers

Tom* and Barbara Leggat

Kristin and John Macomber

Ms. Carolina Martignetti

Joseph and Donielle McKeever

Mr. and Mrs. P. Andrews McLane

Ms. Jane Meyer

Ms. Patricia Miron

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Monkiewicz

Ms. Frances S. Moyer

Ms. Kate Murphy and Mr. Thomas Kerner

Sarah and Jeff Newton

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ohanian

Ms. Kimberly O’Neil

Mr. Patrick J. Owens

Garrett Parker and Helen Peters

Carol Sawyer Parks

Mrs. Shannon Perschy

Christopher Picotte and Gilda Smart

Dr. and Mrs. J. William Poduska Sr.

Mr. Paul D. Popeo

Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Popeo

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Remis

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Robinson

Mrs. Laurie G. Schoen

Mark and Marie Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Seeman

Mr. Oleg Simanovsky and Ms. Martha Maguire

Medha Sinha and Bart Epker

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Sperling

Michael and Jill Stansky

Ms. Sharon A. Stehman

Ms. Meredith A. Stoddard

Mr. Zachary Sullivan

Mr. Robert W. Sweet Jr.

Beth F. Terrana

Mr. and Mrs. David T. Thibodeau

Ms. Lisa Tung and Mr. Spencer Glendon

Mrs. Jane Tyler

Ms. Kimberly Steimle Vaughan and Michael K. Vaughan

Roselee and Jim Wayman

John P.* and Elisabeth S. Weitzel

Mr. and Mrs. Damian Wilmot

Dyann and Peter Wirth

Michael and Jane Wolchonok

Mr. Steven H. Wright

$1,000-$2,499Anonymous (11)

Gretchen Adams and Rob Hayes

Dr. and Mrs. Dale Adler

Mr. John Agudelo

Mr. Dennis Albert

Mr. Stephen Alepa

Mr. Timothy Arel

Mr. Kevin Askew

Ms. Phyllis Barajas

Mr. Jeremy Baranoski

Mr. John K. Barry

Mr. Samuel P. Bartlett

Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bartletta

Mr. Jeffrey P. Beale

Mr. Douglas S. Beaudet

Mr. Robert R. Beck

Jim Becker and Aber Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Beer

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bellows

Mr. Richard K. Bendetson

Ms. Victoria R. Bendetson

Ms. Marlene J. Benson

Ms. Alison Berglund

Paul and Ashley Bernon

Ms. Mary C. Bersani

John and Amy Berylson

Mr. David Biele, Esq.

Ms. Kelly M. Bishop

Jerry and Tenley Blakeley

Ms. Grace E. Bloodwell

Mr. Richard C. Blum

Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle

Angela and Will Braman

Judy and Barry Bronstein

Mr. and Mrs. Dean BrownHolly Bruce, Kevin Phelan

* denotes deceased

4 1

Mr. Charles J. Brucato III

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Buccella

Ms. Bridget Buckley

Mr. Nicholas F. Burgin

Mr. Joseph R. Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Burkus

Mr. Steven Caissie

Mr. James Callanan

Mr. Alberto B. Calvo

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Campbell

Mr. Michael W. Canady

Richard W. and Carol J. Canady

Catherine and Philip Cantillon

Ms. Christiana Cappuccio

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Carey

Mrs. Bonnie Carr-Bowers

Mr. Philip Carver

Frank and Kelly Cassidy

Ms. Ellen R. Essenfeld Centanni

Meredith and Eugene Clapp

Kelli Clifford

Mr. Stephen M. Cohen and Mr. Bruce H. Withey

Mr. Dennis Condon

Bill and Barb Connolly

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Conway

Mr. Paul R. Corcoran

Ms. Alexa Nicholls Costa

Mr. Thomas Costello

Becky and Mike Crawford

Mr. Neil Cronin

Mr. Kenneth Cuffee

Sean and Christine Cunning

Ms. Teresa Curtis

Mr. Bruce Daniel

Mr. Nelson J. Darling Jr.

Mrs. Carol G. Deane

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Deane

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Delaney

Ms. Bailey DeNisco

Donna M. DePrisco

Mr. and Mrs. James S. DiStasio

Mr. Donald Doenges

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Doherty

Mrs. Kathy Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Duff Jr.

Harry Duvall

Tom and Kate Ellis

Mr. Brandon Eloy

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Englert

Mr. Robert S. Epstein

Ms. Anna Fang

Mr. Scott Farmelant and Ms. Alison Mills

Bill and Stephanie Fink

Mr. Edward F. Finn

Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Fireman

Philip and Anne Flink

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foley

Mr. and Mrs. Mohammed Fotouhi

Mr. Joseph R. Frechette

Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. French

Juliette M. Galicia

Ms. Susan E. Gallant, CPA

Robert and Jill Gallery

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gann

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gardner

Charles and Bernadette Geis

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Geishecker

Mr. David J. Geller

Mr. Greg Georges

Dr. John Duncan Glover

Ms. Margaret M. Golden

Mr. Ken Goode

Ms. Amanda Goodwin

Ms. Lauren Gosline

Cara Gould

Ms. Anne E. Grape

Mr. Samuel Graves

Patty and J. Brad Griffith

Mr. Bryan Grimm

William Grimm and Deborah Shadd

Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Grossman

Ms. Meredith Grossman

Ms. Mary K. Guy

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington

Ms. Stephanie L. Harvey and Mr. Andrew Goldfarb

Ms. Adriana Hassan

Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Hassey

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Hausman

Shar and Bill Heslam

Mr. Terron Hill

Ms. Oleksandra Hladkevych

Mrs. Judith Hood

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Horwitz

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howland

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Humphrey

The Family of Ben Hurley

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. Ingalls Jr.

Mrs. Adrienne Jaffe

Melissa Weiner Janfaza and Andrew Janfaza

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Janower

Kenneth and Traci Johnson

Ms. Michele Jordan

Marjie and Robert Kargman

Sinesia and Bill Karol

Mr. Stephen B. Kay and Ms. Lisbeth L. Tarlow

Mrs. Joanne Kazarian

Mr. Brian J. Kelly

Mr. Kevin S. Kelly

Ms. Michele Kelly

The Honorable John F. Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry

Mr. Ryan Kim

Melissa Weiner Janfaza, Andy Janfaza

Roberta Weiner, Holly Safford

4 2

Ms. Linne Kimball and Mr. Marc Zwetchkenbaum

Mr. Barry R. Kirshon

Ms. Shannon Kirwan

Ms. Sarah Koehler

Ron and Lori Kutter

Ms. Renee K. Kwok

Ms. Elisa Lam-Sheehan

Ms. Alexis LeBlanc

Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Leiden

Mr. Kevin Lema

Ms. Kearin Lewis

Mr. Andrew Little

Mr. James Lombardi

Mr. Jonathan Lonske

Christopher and Julie Lovell

Carolyn and Joe Mahoney

Mr. Michael Mahoney

Judith A. Malone and Stephen W. Kidder

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Martin Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Mastrocola Jr.

Onnie and Katie Mayshak

Tim and Marney McCabe

Mr. James J. McCarthy

Mr. Bruce McConnell

Kristine and Louis C. McDavid III

Ms. Denise McDonough

Andy and Deanna McFetridge

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGinnes

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McHugh

Mr. Lincoln R. McKie Jr.

Ms. Holly McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. William L. McMahon

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNamara

Doug and Diane McNary

Ms. Jill McNeil

Linda and William McQuillan

Ms. Mary Jo Meisner

Mr. Ralph Menzione

Mr. Thomas Merrill

Ms. Lucy D. Metcalf

Ms. Margaret A. Mignosa

Mr. Robert S. Miller

Mr. Steven Millhouse

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mitchell

Rich and Helene Monaghan

Mr. John M. Montgomery

Bill and Maggie Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moseley IV

Ms. Meaghan Moynahan

Mr. Daniel A. Mullin

Mr. William P. Musto

Ms. Allison Myers and Mr. Arnold May

Mr. Richard A. Nelson Sr.

Mrs. Dawn Nordblom

Ms. Jeanne M. Nutt

Mary and Kevin O’Connor

Ms. Susan O’Donnell

Ms. Dawn M. Olson

Thomas and Nancy O’Neill

Ms. Kathleen O’Sullivan

Mr. Peter Palandjian

Mr. and Mrs. Tim R. Palmer

Mr. John D. Patterson Jr. and Ms. Michele F. Demarest

Mark and Donna Pearlstein

Mr. Jeffrey R. Peek

Ms. Adrienne M. Penta

Ms. Pamela Perry

Mr. Samuel Plimpton and Ms. Wendy Shattuck

Mr. Joseph Plunkett III

Stan and Burkey Pratt

Dr. Guy F. Pugh and Mr. Steven A. Yakutis

Melinda and James Rabb

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Radley

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Raymond

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Reynolds

Mr. Matthew Richard

Mr. Russ Richmond

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riley

Ms. Heather D. Robb

Mrs. Arlene C. Roberts

Mr. Gavin Robinson

Mr. Jason L. Roelke

Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Christina Ronan

Ms. Roberta L. Rubin and Mr. Donald Abrams

Mr. Daniel Salera

Mr. Don A. Sanders

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sargent

Mr. Norman D. Satanoski

Robert and Sara Savage

Ms. Jean M. Scarrow

Mr. Christopher Scuderi

Steven and Ellen Segal

Mr. Gary Shaboo

Ms. Michael Shanley

Rick and Gitte Shea

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K. Sidman

Mrs. Paula Sidman

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Silverstein

Mrs. Gilda Slifka

Joel E. Smilow

Ms. Abby Smith

Fedor and Molly Smith

Ms. Katherine Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Smith

Rachel and Tony Solomons

Kurt F. Somerville and Kendra M. Chencus

Ms. Justene Spaulding and Mr. Ryan Spitz

Mr. and Mrs. Troy L. Stanfield

Mr. Matthew R. Steele

Donald and Erica Stern

Elizabeth A. Stevens

Mr. Glendon Sutton and Ms. Kate Lubin

Ms. Sarah Swan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sweeney

Anne and Lanny Thorndike

Ms. Courtney M. Tipping

Mr. Donald Tucker

Ms. Emmanuelle Turner

Mr. Ian M. Urquhart

Anne H. and Raimund G. Vanderweil Jr.

Mrs. Donna Venegas

Ms. Karen Voci

Mr. Jaime Waldecker

Roberta S. Weiner

Mr. Kent W. Whitaker

Mr. Marc A. White Jr. and Ms. Stephanie Andrews

Mr. Matthew White

Ms. Jane Williams

Ashley Wisneski and Will Heward

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe

Mr. William Yee

Adrienne Jaffe, Donna Venegas

4 3

$500-$999Anonymous (10)

Jack F. Agnew

Mr. John Agostino

Brendan Albert and Kate Gutierrez

Jay and Susan Ash

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Astley

Dr. Michael Ayers and Mrs. Virginia Ayers

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin X. Barbary

Ms. Donna J. Barry

Mr. Joseph L. Barry Jr.

Mr. David Basso

Mr. Robert L. Benoit Jr.

Mr. Andrew Blake

Mr. David Boire

Mr. Michael Bolton

Ms. Mallory Boulter

Mr. Daniel J. Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brady

Ms. Kathleen A. Brennan

Mr. Craig Bromley

Ms. Janelle Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Marie Buckhout

Don and Lynne Bulens

Ms. Alaska Burr

Ms. Lori Cashman

Mr. John D. Castro

Mr. Chris Catechis

Mr. Wesley R. Chedister

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chisholm

Mr. Frederic C. Church Jr.

Mr. Richard L. Church

Mr. Justin Clarke

Ms. Carol Feinberg Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cohen

Ms. Marsha R. Cohen

Ms. Robin E. Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Collins

Mr. Chad Collins

District Attorney Daniel F. Conley

Ms. Monica Connarton

Ms. Kristin Connell

Mr. Paul M. Connolly

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Conroy

Mrs. Judith H. Cook

Ms. Rhonda Corey-Myers

Mr. Tim Corsi

Ms. Alice M. Cort

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Curley

Mr. Robert M. Currey

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis

Ms. Bernice G. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Degrenier

Eric and Briana Denny

Mr. Vincent Diiorio

Mr. Kevin Dillon

Mr. Nathan Dionne

Mr. John Doherty

Mr. Paul Doupe

Mrs. Elizabeth Dowd

Mr. J. Barry Driscoll

Ms. Laurie Duffy-Panariti

Mr. Bradford R. Dunn

Mr. Frederick E. Ehrsam Jr.

James and Kathleen Elcock

Mr. Donald J. Evans

Ms. Linda Farrell

Ms. Anne Finucane and Mr. Mike Barnicle

Ms. Jeanne Fitzgibbon

Mr. Neil Fitzpatrick

Mr. Stephen Flaherty

Mr. Zachary Flechtner

Ms. Kristen Flores

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foley

Ms. Amy Foohey

Mr. George Foreman III

Mr. Ames Forish

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Forrester

Danielle Frissell and Adam Slutsky

Mr. Douglas Fry

Ms. Jennifer Fu

Ms. Yichang Fu

Joe and Ruthanne Fuller

Ms. Danielle Furman

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Gagne

Mr. Gonzalo Garcia

Ms. Penny Garver

Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Gates

Mr. Peter Gelzinis

Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Geysen Jr.

Ms. Maureen Goggin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldberg

Mr. Gonzalo Gomez

Ms. Katherine Grassa

Mr. Guy Grassi

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Greatorex

Mr. Daniel Greenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Barry E. Greene

Ms. Megan Greene

Ms. Marni Grossman

Mr. Andrew Grzelcyk

Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Guerriero

Ms. Patricia A. Harding

Anne and Neil Harper

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Heafitz

Ms. Patricia A. Herbai

Mr. Jonathan M. Herzog

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hestnes

Mr. Adam Hirsch

Gail and Matthew Hoffman

Ms. Jeannette Hsu- McSweeney

Mr. Stephen Hugel

Mrs. Emily W. Hughey

Mr. Justin Hupp and Dr. Natacha Hupp

Ms. Tricia Hutton

John M. Iacoi & Family

Mr. Cecil Jones

Ms. Leslie Jacobson Kaye

Mr. Robert D. Keefe

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keleher

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kelley

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Kiley

Mr. Kevin Killoran

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua H. King

Mr. Tony Kingsley

Mr. Greg Klemmer

Ms. Jane Kringdon

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kuzmich

Ms. Kathryn Lakin

Cynthia C. and Seth W. Lawry

Ms. Sarah Leggat

Ms. Andre Lemelin

Mr. Ryan Lentell

Mr. Richard J. Lettieri

Mr. Galen Lewis and Ms. Meaghan Sanders

Mr. Walter Lincoln and Mrs. Catherine Lincoln

Mr. Christopher Loose

Ms. Ann Lord

Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Lucas

Ms. Maryann Lynch

Ms. Lucy G. Mack

Ms. Katherine MacKinnon

Anne MacLean

Mr. Willie J. Mandrell III

Mr. Michael Marien

Bill and Maggie Moran

4 4

Ms. Heather Markey

Ms. Alexandra Marshall and Mr. James Carroll

Mr. Bryan Martin

Mr. Leo F. Martin Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masdea

Mr. Christopher Mays

Ms. Sheila C. McCann

Mrs. Virginia R. McCourt

Mrs. Kara McDonough- McInnis

Mr. Kevin McKeon

Mr. Steven K. McLaughlin

Ms. Marilyn Miller

Ms. Jessica Mols

Mr. Ian Moreau

Ms. Rebecca A. Mores

Mr. Robert Morrison

Richard and Claire Morse

Mr. Robert Moulton

Dr. and Mrs. J. Keith Motley

Mr. Daniel T. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murphy

Mr. Michael Murrin

Mr. Stephen F. Nazzaro

Ms. Dawn Neher

Mr. Bill Nobles

Mr. Thomas O’Hara

Mr. Jason O’Leary

Mr. James O’Mahony

Adetunji A. Onamade

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O’Neill III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Orr

Maureen and Michael Pace

Mr. Andrew Parker

Ms. Melissa Partridge

Mr. Daniel Pepler

Anne L. Peretz

Ms. Kathryn C. Pinch

Mr. Jeffrey Powers

Brian and Gail Powers

Ms. Alison Premo

Mr. Alfred Rainha

Mrs. Rama K. Ramaswamy

Mr. Brian Ratliff

Mr. Edmund F. Reagan III

Ms. Terry Reagan

Mr. Joseph T. Realmuto Jr.

Mr. John J. Recinito

Leah J. Reich

Ms. Christi Reis

Ms. Mauryanne Remondini

Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Resnek

Ms. Martha L. Richardson and Mr. Avrum Belzer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Rickabaugh

Kay and Peter Ridgard

Mr. Matthew Rigatti

Mr. John Riordan

Mr. Frank J. Rispoli

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosen

Ms. Justine V. R. Russell

Ms. Chelsea L. Ruxton

Mr. Paul Saia Jr.

Mr. Anthony A. Samuels

Ms. Kristen S. Santos

Ms. Ellen Saunders

Mrs. Eleanor Sawyer

Eric and Beth Schlager

Mr. and Mrs. David Shapiro

Ms. Christine Simeone

Mr. Steve Sionne

Ms. Ashley Smith

Mrs. Allys C. Spilios

Ms. Samantha Spina

Ms. Bernadine Spivey

Jerry Steimel

Ms. Ronia Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart

Ms. Lauren Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Suskind

Mr. Patrick Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin V. Symmons

Mr. Tushar Tanna

Ben and Kate Taylor

Mr. Angelo Thalassinos

Ms. Kathleen Thomson

Nick and Joan Thorndike

Mr. Brian Torrisi

Mr. Patrick Towler

Ms. Nina Vansuch

Ms. Christine L. Vaughan

Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughn

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard V.


Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Vigil

Mr. and Mrs. Monte J. Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Wallace

Ms. Johanna Ward

Mr. Paul Ward

Ms. Donna L. Warren

Ms. Ann Wasmer

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Webb III

Ms. Jennifer Wheaton

Mr. Robin White

Mr. Douglas Winthrop and Yamilee O. Bermingham M.D.

Mr. Richard J. Wood and Ms. Deborah Garnick

Ms. Nicole Zatlyn and Mr. Jason Weiner

Mr. Charles Ziegenbein

$100-$499Anonymous (34)

Mr. Jonathan C. Abbott

Mr. Anthony A. Abdelahad

Mr. Matthew Abernethy

Cynthia, Rick, Nikki and Steve Abrams

Ms. Sonia S. Abrams

Mr. Brendan Adams

Ms. Claire A. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Adams

Ms. Ramelle F. AdamsAlexandra Fuchs, Liz Niedermeyer

Ed Morata, Carol Lu

4 5

Mr. Tom Adams

Mr. John Addeo

Mrs. Amy Addison

Mr. Stephen B. Addo Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth M. Adler

Ms. Sunita Advaney

Mr. Ved Agarwal

Mr. Jason Aguiar

Ms. Jennifer Alaimo

Mr. David Albertson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Margaret Albrecht

Lee and Nile Albright

Mr. William Alden-Dunn

Ms. Tracy Alfano

Mr. Lawrence Alford

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Alitz

Ms. Deborah Alkins

Mr. John Allegrini

Michael and Kohar Allen

Ms. Samantha Allen

Mr. John Allison

Mr. Matthew Almeida

Mr. Raimundo Almeida

Mr. and Mrs. Yanni Alphas

Mr. Rolf Alphonse

Mr. Hollace Alspach

Mr. Luis Alvarez

Mr. Vinod Alwani

Mr. Hyalker Amaral

Ms. Jennifer Amedo

Mrs. Laura C. Ames

Ms. Ashley Amicangioli

Mr. Edwin Amonoo

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Amory

Ms. Fawn Andersen

Mr. Chris D. Anderson

Ms. Christine Anderson

Ms. Deirdre Anderson

Mr. Jerry Anderson

Mr. John Anderson

Ms. Sue Anderson

Jim and Kathy Andrea

Mr. Cemir Angulo

Ms. Judy D. Anthony

Mr. Paul Anthony

Ms. Jennifer Antle

Ms. Brooke Appe

Ms. Susan Appel

Mr. Daniel Appugliese

Mr. Michael D. Aquilino

Mr. David Arbuckle

Mr. Paul A. Archibald Jr.

Mr. Jim Arizini

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arlauskas Sr.

Ms. Natalie Armano

Ms. Julie Armstrong

James M. Arrigal

Ms. Wanda Atkins

Mr. Corey Atturio

Ms. Alyssa Auciello

Ms. Michele P. Audet

Mr. Dalton Avery

Mr. Ken Ayvazian

Mr. Richard Babb

Ms. Rebecca Babbitt

Ms. Barbara Van Duzer Babin

Mr. Michael Bace

Ms. Sinae Bae

Ms. Eileen Baer

Ms. Sandra Bailey

Mr. Charles D. Baker Sr.

Ms. Katherine Baker

Ms. Navjeet Bal and Mr. Eric Fernald

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Balaconis

Mr. Gresa Balaj

Ms. Meghan Balbale

Ms. Heather Baldassari

Mr. Nino Balduzzi

Mr. William Ball

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balogh

Ms. Denise Ban

Ms. Lyn Banville

Mr. Hernando Barake

Mr. Patrick Barberio

Mr. Brendan Barca

Mr. Joseph Barca

Ms. Christina Bardenheuer

Mr. Tim Barile

Ms. Deborah Barnard

Mr. Scott Barnard

Ms. Heather B. Barnet

Mr. Brian Barr

Ms. Judi Barrett

Ms. Ellen C. Barry

Mr. Mike Barry

Ms. Colleen Bartling

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Basile

Mr. William E. Baskett

Mr. Robert Bass

Mr. Michael H. Bassett

Mr. Armand Bassi

Ms. Diane Bastos

Mr. Jason Batch

Mr. Brian Batchelor

Ms. Margaret Bates

Ms. Suzanne Battit

Ms. Jody R. Baum

Mr. Thomas Bean

Ms. Carmen-Anita Beaton

Mr. Thomas A. Beaton

Ms. Rachelle Beck

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Bedrosian

Mr. Brendan Behan

Mr. Bishnu Behera

Ms. Nichole A. Beiner

Mr. Pierre J. Belizaire Jr.

Ms. Ann Bell

Mr. Gregory Bell

Mr. Larry Bell

Mrs. Renee L. Bellinger

Mr. Brandon Bendes

Ms. Heather Benedetto

Mr. John Benedetto

Mr. Andrew Bennett

Ms. Brigitta Bentham

Ms. Samantha Berdinka

Mr. Adam Berg

Bernard G. Berkman and Nancy J. Berkman

Mr. Michael Bernard

Mr. Gary Bernstein

Mr. Michael Bertie

Mr. Jeff Bertoni

Ms. Teresa Bertorelli

Renee and Warren Besser

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Betty

Mr. Joseph E. Bevere Jr.

Dr. Diana Bianchi

Ms. Karen Bickford

Mrs. Angela Billick

Ms. Sarah Bintinger

Ms. Ashley Bisognani

Mr. Gerry Bissi

Mr. Eric Bjornson

Ms. Elizabeth Brannon

Ms. Pamela Brazeau

Ms. Ashley B. Breed

Mr. Eric Bremberg

Mr. Eric Brennan

Mrs. Melissa A. Brennan

Mr. Cornelius Bresnahan

Mr. Michael Bresnahan

Mr. and Ms. Edward D. Brickley

Mr. Thomas J. Brien

Mr. Chris Brigham

Ms. Sharon Brigham

Mr. Walter L. Brine

Mr. Laurence M Brock

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Brockelman

Dr. Steven N. Broder

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Brophy

Ms. Heather Brosseau

Ms. Debra Brown

Mr. Mark S. Brown

Robert and Barbara Brown

Mr. Stephen Brown

Ms. Elise R. Browne

Mr. Tim Bruce

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brundige

Jack and Vernita Bryant

Mr. John Bryson

Mr. and Mrs. David Bryson

Mrs. Marina Buatti

Dan Buckland

Mr. Casey Buckley

Mr. William G. Buckley

Mr. Daniel Buhay

Ms. Maria Buitrago

Mr. Jason Bulman

Ms. Joan L. Buonopane

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Buonopane

Ms. Sarah Burdi

4 6

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Burg

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burgess

Mr. Brian R. Burke

Ms. Deborah Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Burke

Mr. Jean Burke

Mr. Peter Burke

Mr. Timothy Burke

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Burke Sr.

Ms. Jan Burkhard

Ms. Alyson Burks

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Burr

Mr. Mark H. Burton

Mr. Keith Burwell

Mrs. Mary M. Butler

Mr. Bruce Butterworth

Mr. Miles M. Byrne

Mr. Robert Byrne

Mr. Philip F. Cacciatore

Ms. Georgia Cady

Mr. Patrick Caggiano

Ms. Catherine Caldicott

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Caldwell

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Callahan

Ms. Catherine Callahan

Mr. John Callahan

Michael and Kathy Callahan

Mr. Richard P. Callahan

Mr. Dean Callender

Mr. Larry Callender

Mr. Diana Callfas

Mr. Vincent Camacho

Ms. Holly Camillo

Ms. Kathryn Camp

Ms. Kerry C. Campbell

Mr. Bruno Campea

Mr. and Mrs. James Camyre

Mr. John Canesi

Ms. Jeanmarie Cannon

Mr. Michael P. Cannon

Mr. Michael Capella

Mr. Mark Capitanio

Ms. Dana Capitelli

Mr. William Caporizzo

Mr. Michael Cappellano

Ms. Jennifer Capshaw

Mr. Thomas M. Caputo

Ms. Ainsley Carbone

Mr. John Cardarelli

Mr. Michael Cardin

Ms. Susana Carella

Mr. Paolo Carfagnini

Dennis M. Cargill - NRE

Ms. Diane Carioti

Mr. Owen Carlson

Mr. Robert Carlton

Ms. Marcie Carmody

Ms. Paula G. Carnelli

Mr. Greg Carnes

Ms. Ellen Caron

Mrs. Becky Carr

Mr. John Carrabino

Mr. John J. Carras

Mr. Brett D. Carroll

Mrs. Elizabeth Carroll and Mr. John A. Carroll III

Mr. John J. Carroll Jr.

Mr. Mike Carroll

Ms. Helen Carter

Ms. Holli Carter

Mr. Michael A. Carvalho

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cary

Mr. Sally Casella

Ms. Amy Casey

Ms. Debra Casey

Ms. Eileen Casey

Mr. James Casey

Mr. Sean Casey

Ms. Valerie F. Caso

Ms. Molly Casper

Ms. Barbara M. Cassavoy

Mr. Christopher Castagna

Mrs. Manuel R. Castellanos

Ms. Michelle Catalina

Miss Dianne Cavaleri

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ccolvario

Ms. Lisa Cebollero

Ms. Gina R. Centrella

Ms. Ellen Ceppetelli

Ms. Kathleen Chaconas

Mr. Bruce M. Chaffee

Mr. Ka-Kit Chan

The Honorable Sonia Chang-

Diaz and Mr. Bryan Hirsch

Mr. Paul Chapin

Ms. Marlene Chaplin

Mrs. Cynthia Chapra

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Chardavoyne

Ms. Sallie Charsky

Ms. Alaina Charters

Ms. Cui Yan Chen

Judith and Herman Chernoff

Mr. Chris Cherry

Ms. Virginia Chiampa

Mr. Frederick Chicos

Ms. Alyna Chien

Mr. Peter Chow

Mr. Carl Christensen

Mr. Sam Chud

Ms. Kimberly Ciccarelli

Ms. Melanie Cimini

Mr. Robert Cirame

Mr. Michael Clabaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clair

Ms. Arden Clapp

Ms. Anna Clauss

Mr. Daryl Clements

Ms. Elizabeth A. Clifford

Ms. Gladys Clinton

Ms. Eileen Cloherty

Mr. Michael Cloutier

Mr. Lawence Coblentz

Ms. Anne Cody

Ms. Francesca Coe

Mrs. Leslie Coffey

Ms. Tracy Cohen

Mr. James Coker

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Colburn

Ms. Gina M. Coletti

Mr. Paul Coletti

Ms. Erica Colleran

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Collier

LTC John F. Collier, USA (Ret)

Ms. Whit Collier

Ms. Barbara Collins

Mr. Gerard Collins

Ms. Joan Collins

Ms. Kristin Collins

Ms. Martha Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Colvario

Ms. Karen Comeau

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Comeau

Ms. Carolina Comella

Mr. Chris Comerford

Mr. Frank Comparato

Ms. Danielle Concannon

Mr. John Concannon

Mr. Michael W. Conley

Ms. Nadine Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Conniff

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Connolly

Mr. Stephen Connolly

Ms. Deena Conti

Mr. Mickey Conti

Ms. Joan F. Contompasis

Mr. David C. Converse

Cindy and Dean Conway

Mr. Dennis M. Conway

Rev. Richard C. Conway

Ms. Tanisha Cook

Ms. Elizabeth Cooley

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper-Wiele

Mr. Erik Copeland

John and Vinnie Copeland

Ms. Anne Marie Corazzini

Mr. Gregory F. Corbett

Ms. Elizabeth Corcoran Brennan

Mr. Will Corkhill

Dr. Kelley M. Cornell

Mr. Thomas Corsi

Mr. Frank Cortesa

Mr. Eugene Costa

Mr. Keith A. Costa

Mr. Marc Costantini

Ms. Stephanie Costas

Mr. John H. Costello

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Costin

Ms. Lee L. Coté

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cotter

Mr. Tyler Cotto

Mr. David Courage

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Coyle

4 7

Ms. Geraldine M. Coyle

Ms. Rosemary Coyman

Mr. Andrea Craig

Mary A. Crall

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Craven

Mr. Geoff Crickmay

Ms. Carla Crombie

Mr. Anthony Cronin

Mr. Josh Crowe

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crowley

Ms. Christina Crowley

Mrs. Joan E. Crowley

Ms. Sandra Crowley

Mr. Thomas Crowley

Mr. and Mrs. James Cruickshank

Ms. Susan Cruise

Mr. Hector L. Cruz

Mr. James Cuddy

Mr. Larry Cuddy

Ms. Elizabeth Cuff

Ms. Johanna Cullen

Ms. Deirdre A. Cunnane

Mr. Brian Cunningham

Mr. Jeffrey Cunningham

Mr. John Cunningham

Mr. Sarah Curiale

Ms. Patricia A. Curley

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Curley

Mr. William Curley

Mr. Thomas P. Curran

Mr. David M. Currey

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Curtis

Mr. John Cust

Ms. Yelena Cvek

Mr. Andrew Czuchra

Ms. Patricia Dacey

Ms. Kelly Dagdigian

Ms. Sarah Dale

Mr. Milton Daley

Mr. Gregory Dalle

Ms. Rose M. D’Ambrosio*

Ms. Diane Damphousse

Ms. Kelly Darcy

Mr. Steven D’Arigo

Mr. Elliott Davis

Joshua and Callie Davis

Mr. Scott Davis

Mr. Ryan Dawley

Mr. Joshua Dawson

Ms. Cristina De La Isla

Mr. Edward De La Torre

Ms. Paula M. DeAngelis

Mr. Peter Dearden

Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Deeble

Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeFlumere

Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Degagne

Mr. David L. DeGeorge

Mr. Micahel Deiulis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Del Col

Ms. Laura Del Pozzo

Mr. Ralph Dellatto

Mr. Shaun F. Delong

Ms. Raechel J. Dennis

Mr. Paul Denoon

Mr. Jason D’Entremont

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Derbyshire

Ms. Julie Derderian

Ms. Kimberly Derksen

Mr. Eric M. Derman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeRosa

Ms. Kristen Deshaies

Ms. Dana Desimone

Mr. Bernie Deutsch

Ms. Susan M. Deutsch

Mr. Michael Devine

Mr. Whitney Devito

Jack and Dee Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Warin H. Dexter

Altemis Diaz

Mr. Jon Didriksson

Mr. Robert J. Diettrich

Ms. Devyn Difronzo

Ms. Janice DiGioia

Ms. Annette Diiorio

Ms. Erika Dilorenzo

Ms. Maryann Dinatale

Mr. Perry C. Dinatale

Mr. Brienne Diskin

Mr. and Mrs. Gershon Distenfeld

Mr. Dexter A. Dodge

Mr. Marshall Dodge

Mr. Josh M. Dohan

Mr. Adam Doherty

Mr. Brian Doherty

Ms. Heather Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Doherty Jr.

Ms. Kimberly Doherty

Mrs. Nancy A. Doherty

Ms. Sharon Doherty

Mr. John F. Dolan III

Ms. Amber Dolman

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Donahue

Ms. Jennifer Donovan

Ms. Kristine E. Donovan

Ms. Mary Donovan and Mr. Mark Pendleton

Dr. Elizabeth C. Dooling

Mr. Dan Dortona

Ms. Danae Dotolo

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dougherty

Ms. Sarah Doupe

Mr. Michael Douvadjian

Mr. Shaun Downey

Ms. Jennifer Downs

Ms. Claire Dragon

Ms. Danielle Drapeau

Mrs. Ellin Drasser

Ms. Jennifer Drew

Mr. Thomas Driscoll

Mr. and Mrs. William Drucker

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Druker

Mr. Andy Dubiel

Mr. John R. Duffy

Mr. Brandon K. Dunn

Ms. Britt Dunn

Ms. Kathryn Dunn

Mr. Linda Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Dunn

Mrs. Lynn M. Dupin

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dupuis

Mr. Michael J. Dury

Ms. Purba Dutta

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Duvall Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dwinell III

Dr. George Dyer

Mr. Christopher J. Eagan

Ms. Chenae T. Earle

Ms. Mary Jo Easterday

Ms. Suzanne Eaton

Dr. William Eaves

Mr. Sean Ebanks

Ms. Storme Eckelhofer

Dr. Howard M. and Wendy L. Ecker

Mr. Jim Egan

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Egan

Ms. Kathleen Ekberg

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Ellis

Ms. Mary Elva Erf

Mr. Brian Emrick

Scott and Margaret Estes

Ms. Morgan Estey

Ms. Megan Eubank

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Evans

Mr. Patrick Evans

Mr. Paul Evans

Holly and Joe Evers

Mr. William Evers

Mr. and Mrs. David Everts

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ezekiel Jr.

Mr. John D. Fabiano

Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Fabiano Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fahey

Ms. Patricia A. Fahy

Ms. Rachel Fair

Mr. Fred E. Fairfield

Ms. Joan Falconer

Ms. Diane E. Fallon

Ms. Leslie A. Fallon

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Fallon Jr.

Mr. Arthur Falvey

Ms. Jennifer Famiglietti

Ms. Muna Farah

Mr. Joe Farina

* denotes deceased

4 8

Ms. Kathleen Farina

Ms. Lauren Farina

Mr. Dennis Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Farrell Jr.

Mrs. Laura Fay

Mr. Thornton Fay

Ms. Eiko Fazio

Ms. Jennie M. Federico

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Feeney

Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrie

Mr. Joseph Fidler

Ms. Heidi Fieldston

Ms. Chelsea H. Finn

Ms. Mary Finn

Mr. Robert A. First

Ms. Katherine Fischer

Ms. Frances Shedd Fisher

Mr. Jeremy Fitton

Mr. Bernard L. Fitzgerald

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick

Mr. and Mrs. Ronan J. Fitzpatrick

Mr. Thomas Fitzsimmons

Mr. Peter Fiumara

Ms. Catherine Flaherty

Mr. James G. Flaherty

Mr. John Flaherty

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Flaherty

Ms. Lindsey Flynn

Ms. Virginia G. Flynn

Ms. Ashley Fogarty

Mr. Glendon A. Foley

Ms. Judy Foley

Ms. Karen Foley

Mr. Kevin Foley

Mr. Mark Foley

Mr. Patrick L. Foley

Ms. Rosemarie Foley

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Foley

Mr. Timothy C. Foley

Mr. David Folk

Mrs. Daire Fontaine Moyer

Mr. Philip Fontana

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Forbes

Ms. Ashley Ford

Dr. Lachlan Forrow

Mr. Paul Forry

Mr. Joseph Fortes

Ms. Becky Fosnock

Mr. John Foundas

Mrs. Rosalie Fowler

Mr. Jeffrey Fox

Ms. Wendy Fox

Ms. Jacqueline Fraher

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Franco

Mr. Rajan Frantz

Mr. Joseph Fratto

Mrs. Jill Frawley

Ms. Jennifer Frederick

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Freeman

Mr. Mark S. Friedman

Mr. Scott Friedman

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Frisoli

Mr. Arthur G. Fritch III

Mr. Jim Froio

Dr. Ben Fry and Mrs. Shannon Fry

Mr. Arthur Fryar

Dr. Eric Fu

Mr. Jonathan Gabriel

Mr. Kiran Gada

Ms. Danielle Gaito

Mr. Avinash Gajula

Ms. Anne Gallagher

Derek Gallagher

Mr. James Gallagher

Mr. Jason Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Gallagher

Ms. Susanna Gallant

Mr. Richard Gallegos

Mrs. Barbara S. Gannon

Ms. Marybeth Gannon

Ms. Gwendolyn M. Ganong

Mr. Jason Ganski

Mr. Scott B. Garfield

Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Garth

Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Garvey

Ms. Lila Gates

Mr. Richard S. Gatti Jr.

Mr. David Gaudet

Ms. Erika Gaudrea

Ms. Deirdre Gavin

Mr. John D. Gaziano Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David Geever

Ms. Paula Gehr

Mr. Corey Gelormini

Ms. Nancy Genesky

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. George

Mr. Adam Geragosian

Mr. Pablo Geralnik

Mr. Mark Gerrish

Ms. Dana Gerson

Ms. Irene Gertner

Ms. Gina Gesamondo

Ms. Laurie Geston

Ms. Tory Getz

Dr. Debra Ann Gfeller

Mr. Thomas Ghidossi

Ms. Gina Giannattasio

Ms. Pam Gibson

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Gilbert

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gilbert

Ms. Amy Gilchrist

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gill

Ms. Joanne Gilligan

Ms. Melissa Gilligan

Ms. Elizabeth Gilmartin

Ms. Emilie Gitlitz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Gittens

Mr. Richard Giunta

Mr. Jimmy Glofelty

Mr. Robert J. Glynn

Ms. Erika Gobeille

Ms. Erin Goggin

Mr. Robert Goggin

Mr. Richard Gold

Ms. Debra Goldberg

Mr. and Mrs. Don Goldberg

Dr. Ronald P. and Lena G. Goldberg

Ms. Evie Goldfine

Ms. Darcy Goldman

Dr. Ronni L. Goldsmith, MD and Joseph R. Donelan

Ms. Susan S. Goldsmith

Jan E. Goldstein and Garrett T. Van Siclen Jr.

Ms. Gina Goldych

Ms. Amy Gooding

Ms. Stacy Goodman

Mr. Nathaniel Gopen

Mr. Angela Gordon

Anne and John Gordon

Ms. Julie Gordon

Dr. Leslie Gordon and Dr. Scott Berns

Ms. Pamela Gordon

Ms. Dorothy Gorham

Ms. Melissa Gorski

Mr. Christopher Gorton

Mr. Christopher Gosline

Mr. Matthew Gosline

Connie and Peter Gosline

Mr. Ryan Gosline

Dr. Edward Gotgart

Ms. Amy Gottschalk

Mr. Ronald L. Gover

Mr. Douglas Gower

Mr. Ivan Grabowski

Mr. Daniel A. Grady

Ms. Jennifer Graf

Ms. Lindsay Graham

Mr. Trevor Graham

Mr. William J. Graham

Ms. Jennifer Grandoni

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Grant

Mr. Terrence O. Grant

Mr. Peter Grape

Mr. and Mrs. John Grassa

Mr. Adam Grassi

Mr. Joseph Graul

Mr. Nicholas Graves

Ms. Lisa Gray

Mr. Morris Gray Jr.

Nairne and Shannon Gray

Mr. Courtney Green

Ms. Kathleen Green

Mr. Paul Greenberg and Ms. Marla Choslovsky

Dr. John A. Greene

Mrs. Veda Greene

Mr. Robert Greenleaf

Mr. Harvey Greenstein

Ms. Coleen Greenwood

Ms. Dawn Greenwood

4 9

Ms. Patricia Greenwood

Ms. Michele Gregg

Mr. Daniel Griffin

Ms. Debbie Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Griffin Jr.

Mrs. Jean M. Griffin

Mr. Richard Griffin

Ms. Mary A Grimes

Mr. Jonathan Griswold

Mr. Andrew Groh

Ms. Cindy-Jo Gross

Mr. Paul Grout

Ms. Ashley Grullemans

Ms. Gina A. Guange

Mr. Arthur Gutierrez

Ms. Jean L. Guttman

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gwozdz

Ms. Antranig Hagopian

Mr. George F. Hailer, P.C.

Mr. Richard G. Hajjar

Ms. Jennifer Haley

Mr. Michael Haley

Mr. Brodie Hall

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hall

Mr. Milton Hall

Ms. Rachel Hall

Mr. Ryan Hall

Ms. Sue M. Halloran

Mr. Kenneth Haman

Ms. Amy Hamill

Mr. George S. Hamilton

Katie Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hamilton

Peter G. and Meghan C. Hamilton

Mr. Nicholas Hamm

Mr. Gregory Hamrock

Ms. Carol Hamza

Mrs. Beatrice Handy

Mr. James Hankins

Ms. Elizabeth Hanlon

Ms. Joanne Hannaman

Mr. Gerald C. Hanrahan

Ms. Catherine Hanslik

Mr. Douglas B. Harding

Ms. Margaret Harding

Mr. Edward Harman

Mr. Ethan Harmon

Mr. Thomas E. Harrington

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hart

Mr. Robert Hartigan

Ms. Carol Hartman

Ms. Andrea Hartranft

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hartshorn

Mr. Scott Hartz

Mr. Evan Harvey

Amy and Bill Haskel

Mr. David Hastings

Ms. Linda Hastings

Phil and Peggy Haughey

Mr. Brian Hawley

Mr. Christopher D. Hayden

Ms. Kathryn Hayden

Mr. Christopher Hayes

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hayes

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hayes

Ms. Patricia Hayes

Ms. Amy Haynes

Ms. Jillian Hazelton

Mr. and Mrs. Dermot T. Healey Jr.

Ms. Erin Heaney

Ms. Jennifer Heaney

Mr. Brian Heapps

Ms. Kelly Heard

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Heelen

Mrs. Christine V. Hegarty

Ms. Rachael Heisler

Mr. Leland Helms

Mr. Raymond Henderson

Mr. David Hendren

Mr. and Ms. Peter A. Hendricks

Dr. Millard T. Hennessee

Mrs. Jaime Hennessy

Mr. Gregory Henning

Mr. Christopher Henry

Mrs. Jennifer Herlihy

Molly Herlihy

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Herscot

Ms. Emma Herzog

Mr. Jeffrey W. Heuer

Mr. Paul F. Hiatt

Ms. Tiffany Hibbs

Ms. Jessica A. Hiemenz

Mr. Richard Hiersteiner

Ms. Ann M. Higgins

Mr. Neil Higgins

Ms. Rosemary H. Higginson

Mr. Peter L. Hildebrand

Mr. Ben Hill

Mr. David Hill

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hill M.D.

Ms. Tracey Hill

Mr. Kenneth Hills

Mr. Brendan Hines

Mr. Ryan Hines

Mr. Philip Hirshberg

Mrs. Stephanie Hirshberg

Mr. David Hiss

Mr. Chuong Hoang

Mr. Tyson Hobbs

Ms. Catherine Hoch

Mr. Eugene Hodge

Mr. William Hoeger

Ms. Martha Hoey

Ms. Brooke Hogan

Mr. Dennis Hogan

Mr. Daniel Holbrook

Mr. Phil Holden

Mr. Timothy Holden

Ms. Donna Holloway- Abramson

Miss Alyssa Holmes

Elizabeth A. Holt

Mr. Matt Holthaus

Mr. James Hoodlet

Ms. Katie Hooley

Mr. Thomas Horack

Ms. Debra Hosmer

Mr. William Howell

Ms. Clara Hsieh

Mr. Ron Hsieh

Mr. Matt Hudack

Mr. David Huertas

Mr. Christian Hughes

Ms. Jennifer Huhn

Mr. Arthur J. Hurley III*

Mrs. Celeste L. Hurley

Mr. Nicholas S. Hurley

Ms. Therese Dwyer Hurley

Mr. Gregory Hurray

Mr. John Hussey and Ms. Kimberly A. Fletcher

Mr. Warren Hutchison

Mr. William Hutton

Mr. Marc Hymovitz

Mr. Timothy Iberger

Mr. Michael Ibrahim

Lydia and David Icke

Ms. Courtney G. Iglehart

Mr. James Interrante Jr.

Mr. Naftali Israel

Ms. Mary Lou Ivaska

Mr. and Ms. David M. Jackson Jr.

Mr. Conrade C. Jaffe

Mr. and Mrs. Andre Janelle

Kelly McManus Janjua

Mr. Sergio M. Jaramillo

Mr. Jennifer Jasmin

Ms. Stephanie Jasson

Mr. John L. Jayne

Ms. Heather B. Jenkins

Mrs. Lisa C. Jenks

Ms. Maryanne G. Jensen- Gowan

Ms. Jessica Johanson

Ms. Brenda Johnson

Dr. Carol R. Johnson

Ms. Hazel M. Johnson

Ms. Janice M. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson

Richard A. Johnston

Mr. Blake Jordan

Mr. Maurice Jordan

Mr. Theodore Jordan

Ms. Ann Josephs

Ms. Rebecca Josephson

Mr. Kevin J. Joyce

Ms. Karen Joynt

Ms. Daryl Juran

Mr. Andy Kaaz

Mr. James Kaaz

Mr. Kyle Kadlick

5 0

Ms. Edythe I. Kames

Rosemarie Kanaan

Ms. Jennifer Kanyugi

Mr. Brian Kaplan

Ms. Tina Karas

Mr. Daniel Karelitz

Ms. Suzanne C. Karl

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Karp

Ms. Anne E. Karpick

Mr. Brahma Anand Kasiraju

Ms. Marcia Katz

Mr. John H. Kavanagh Jr.

Ms. Shirley Kawamoto

Ms. Cathy Kea

Ms. Margaret Keane

Ms. Kristin Keating

Ms. Clara Kebabian

Mr. Samir Keco

Mr. Michael W. Kelleher III

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kelley

Mr. David Kelley

Mr. Derek Kelley

Mr. Francis X. Kelley

Ms. Karianne Kelley

Mr. Michael Kelley

John and Corinne Kelliher

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kelly Jr.

Mr. Joseph F. Kelly

Ms. Kara E. Kelly

Mr. Kevin Kelly

Mrs. Susan E. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kennedy

Mrs. Karen E. Kennedy

Mrs. Lisa Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kennedy

Mr. William F. Kennedy

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kenney

Mrs. Katherine O. Kenney

Mr. Terrance Kenniston

Mr. Terry Kerans

Mr. Imran Khan

John Killoran

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killoran

Ms. Patricia A. Kilty

Ms. Rosanne Kilty

Ms. Jane Kim

Mr. Lawrence Kimmelman

Ms. Chyld King

Mr. Patrick King

Mr. William J. King Jr.

Mrs. Paula Kirk

Mr. James Kissane

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Kitchenham

Mr. David L. Klebanoff

Mr. Timothy Kling

Ms. Kelsea Kneisel

Mr. Charles Knuth

Mr. Valdur Koha

Mr. Michael Kohn

Ms. Ivania P. Konieczka

Mr. Jonathan Koperniak

Mr. and Mrs. Joel I. Kornbleit

Mr. Eric Korpalski

Mr. Jeffery Koskinen

Ms. Claudia Kost

Mr. Paul Koster

Mr. Francis Koudelka

Mr. Will Krause

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Krepelka

Mr. Russell Krieger

Mr. Kennith Kruger

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Krupka

Mr. Brett Kuba

Ms. Nancy Kufferman

Ms. Susie Kuhn

Mrs. Lilia Kupovich

Mr. Scott Kushner

Mrs. Barbara Kvam

Mr. Eugene Kwong

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kyes

Ms. Eileen Labak

Mr. Joseph Lacey

Mr. Benjamin H. Lacy

Ms. Joann Laduke

Ms. Judith Laduke

Mr. Susan Lafferty

Mr. Vicma Lamarche

Mr. James Lamb

Ms. Suzanne Lambert

Ms. Sarah Lamitie

Mr. Jason Lamyuktseung

Mr. Daniel J. Lang

Ms. Kaitlyn Lang

Ms. Elizabeth Langenberg

Ms. Kelly Lannan

Mr. Eric Lannquist

Mr. Amanda Lapa

Mr. Ian Lapey

Mr. Arthur R. LaPorte

Mr. John Larimer

Mr. Richard LaRocque

Mr. David LaRovere

Ms. Laurie Larson

Mr. Robert Lash

Ms. Jenny Lashway

Mr. Rob Lashway

Mr. and Mrs. John Lastavica

Mr. Samuel Latour

Mr. Michael Latta

Mr. Scott Lattanzio

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lau

Mr. David Lau

Ms. Elise A. Laurenzi

Ms. Cathy Lauten

Mr. Thomas P. Lavigne

Mr. John Lawrie

Mr. Marshall B. Lazaro

Ms. Courtney Leahy

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Leahy Jr.

Ms. Donna Leahy

Mr. Keith Leahy

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leahy Jr.

Mr. Douglas Leblanc

Mrs. Marianne LeBlanc

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Lebranti Jr.

Ms. Britt Lee

Ms. Jane Lee

Ms. Karen Lee

Ms. Kathleen Lee

Ms. Laurie Lee

Mr. Richard Leeds

Mr. Andrew Lefkarites

Mr. John Leggat

Mr. John R. Leggat

Richard and Patricia Leggat

Mr. Dwight Leigh

Ms. Margaret Leipsitz

Ms. Carolyn Lemone

Mr. Arthur Lennox

Mr. Kent Lepard

Ms. Mariya Levchenko

Ms. Elizabeth Levin

Mrs. Cynthia Levy

Ms. Rebecca Lewis

Mr. David Libby

Mr. Matthew Libby

Mr. George Licht

Dr. and Mrs. Carl M. Lieberman

Mr. Dave Liebrock

Ms. Melanie Lindahl-Weitz

Ms. Lynn Lindsey

Mr. Thomas E. Lisco

Mr. and Mrs. Elliot D. Lobel

Mr. Michael Lodge

Mrs. Margaret Loehr

Mr. Timothy Loehr

Dr. and Mrs. John Loewenstein

Mr. Thomas Loftus

Mr. Ian Lomas

Ms. Anne London

Mr. Benjamin Long

Mr. Patrick Long

Mr. Rodney D. Lopes

Mr. Rolando Lora

Mr. and Mrs. David Lord

Mr. Paul Lorentz

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Loring

Ms. Mary Loutrel

Ms. Keely F. Lowe

Mr. Jerry Lu

Mr. Joe Luca

Mr. Kurt Ludwigsen

Mr. Craig Lund

Mr. Michael L. Lush Sr.

Ms. Diana Lyman

Ms. Alicia Lynch

Ms. Amy Lynch

Mr. Benjamin Lynch

Ms. Coleen Lynch

Ms. Eileen Lynch

Ms. Joanne D. Lynch

Mr. Matthew Lynch

Ms. Nanette Lynch

5 1

Mr. John Lyons

Ms. Ebony Maathey

Mr. Paul MacCready

Mr. Jesse MacDonald

Ms. Kathy MacDonald

Ms. Leslie Macdonald

Ms. Melissa MacDonald

Mr. Jeffrey Maciejowski

Mrs. Johanna MacInnes

Ms. Carolynn Mackay

Mrs. Laura M. Macklin

Ms. Jennifer Maconochie

Ms. Dorothy Madden

Ms. Mary Beth Madden

Mr. James Madison

Mr. Thomas Magee

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maher

Mr. James J. Maher

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mahoney

Mr. Timothy Mahoney

Mr. Robert Maietta

Ms. Joyce Maiore

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Malecki

Mr. Tim Malenfant

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Maletta

Ms. Theresa Malinowski

Ms. Mary Mallett

Ms. Bridget Malley

Mr. James B. Malone

Ms. Laura L. Maltby

Mr. Steven Manchel

Ms. Kristen Manganini

Mr. David Manion

Mr. Samer Mansour

Ms. Barbara A. Manzolillo

Mr. Josh Marauszwski

Ms. Melinda H. Marble

Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Marcus

Mr. Peter Marion

Mr. Glen Markey

Mr. William F. Markey Jr.

Mr. Steve Marlin

Ms. Nina Marlowe

Mr. David Marshall

Ms. Alison Martier

Mr. Angel Martin

Mr. Gregory Martin

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Martin Jr.

Ms. Lauren Martin

Mr. Leon Martin

Mompati P. Maruping

Mrs. Stephanie Mascia

Mr. Ronak Massand

Mr. Eric Masterson

Ms. Gina Matarazzo

Mr. Didier Matel

Mr. Andrew Mathison

Mr. Paul Mattaliano

Mr. Steven Mattheos

Mr. and Mrs. Todd T. Maynard

Mr. Mark Mazelli

Mr. Sean Mazelli

Ms. Erica McArdle

Mr. Brian McBride

Mr. Richard F. McBride

Mr. Chris McCabe

Mr. Mark S. McCabe

Mr. Dennis McCafferty

Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. McCann

Mr. Christopher McCann

Ms. Jennifer McCann

Mr. Kevin McCann

Ms. Anne M. McCarron

Mr. Michael McCarter

Mr. Matthew McCarthy

Ms. Sandra McCarthy

Mr. Sean McCarthy

Ms. Wanda McClain

Ms. Karen L. McCloskey

Ms. Angela McConney Scheeper

Pattie McCormick

Ms. Sheila McCourt

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. McCoy

Mr. Robert McCue

Mr. Mark McDevitt

Ms. Jane E. McDonald

Ms. Julia McDonald

Ms. Marjorie McDonald

Mr. John A. McDonnell

Mr. James M. McDonough

Ms. Kaitlyn McDonough

Ms. Kathleen McDonough

Mr. Kevin P. McDonough

Mr. William McDonough

Mr. Brandon McDowall

Mr. Linda McDowall

John D. McGee

Ms. Mary McGee

Ms. Stephanie McGirr

Mr. William F. McGoldrick III

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. McGonagle

Mr. Charles McGowan

Ms. Leslie McGowan

Mr. Edmond McGrath*

Ms. Erin McGrath

Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGrath

Mr. Thomas E. McGrath

Mr. John L. McGuire

Ms. Caroline McGuirk

Ms. Mary Beth McInerney

Mr. Andrew McInnes

Ms. Heather McIntyre

Mr. and Mrs. James T. McKenna

Ms. Kathryn McKenna

Mrs. Marisa McKibban

Mr. Maureen McKinnon McKinnon

Mr. John Paul McLaughlin

Ms. Laura McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin

Mr. Richard McLaughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McLaughlin

Ms. Beth A. McLaughry

Mr. James McLean

Ms. Karen McLean

Mr. Michael McLean

Ms. Erin McManus

Ms. Frances McManus

Ms. Barbara McMullan

Mr. Francis P. McNally

Mr. Brian McNamara

Ms. Cheryl McNamara

Mr. Joseph McNamara

Mr. Edward McNaught

Ms. Melissa McNeillie

Ms. Catherine McNichols

Mrs. Doris McNulty

Mr. Arthur K. McRae

Mr. Russell McWatters

Mrs. Debra Meehan

Mr. Michael Meehan

Mr. Christian Megliola

Mrs. Lisa Meland

Mr. Rojeh Melikian

Mr. Christopher Mellone

Ms. Dolores Mellone

Ms. Marie Mellone

Mr. Richard Mellone

Mr. Vincent Mellone

Ms. Karole Mendelsohn

Ms. Nelida Mendez

Ms. Maria K. Mendros

Ms. Julie Menendez

Mr. David Mercer

Ms. Donna Meredith

Mrs. Erinn Metzger

Ms. Elizabeth P. Meyer

Ms. Emily Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyer

Ms. Frances Michalski

Dr. Claudia Mickelson

N. Marcello and Pamela Micozzi

Ms. Mary Midence

Mrs. Betsy Millard

Mr. Drew J. Miller

Ms. Gail F. Miller

Mrs. Rebecca Miller

Mr. Reginald C. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Scot A. Miller

Mr. J M Milton

Ms. Jana M. Milton

Mr. Kurtis Milton

Ms. Paula Minella

Mr. Michael Mingolelli

Mr. Mustafa Mirza

Kevin P. Mohan

Mr. Rajeshkannan Mohan

Mr. Robert D. Monahan

Mr. Steve Monroe

John Montes

Mr. James Monteverde

5 2

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moody

Mr. John R. Moore

Mr. Shane Morales

Mr. Kevin Moran

Ms. Nancy Moran-Rice

Mr. Mj Moreau

Mr. John Moreno

Ms. Jennifer Morgan

Ms. Shaina Morrison

Mr. Arthur Morrissey

Mr. John Morrissey

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrissey

Mr. Stephen Morrissey

Mr. John C. Moseley

Ms. Ellen Moskowitz

Ms. Flora Moy

Mr. Timothy Moynihan

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mueller

Ms. Diane S. Mui

Mrs. Regan Muldoon

Ms. Kristina Mulholland

Mr. Dennis Mullen

Mr. John Mullen

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mullen Jr.

Mr. Thomas E. Mullen and Ms. Jennifer Ort

Ms. Barbara Mulligan

Ms. Amy Mulligan-Capocci

Mr. Blake Murden

Mr. David L. Murphy

Jerry Murphy

Ms. Meghan Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy

Ms. Nora Murphy

Ms. Sheila Murphy

Ms. Sheila Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Murphy

Mr. Thomas J. Murphy

Ms. Barbara Murray

Ms. Colleen Murray

Mr. Robert Murray

Mrs. Mary Anne Murray-Carr

Mr. Joseph Mussachia

Ms. Cherie Myatt

Mr. Glenn Myers

Mr. Kevin Myles

Mr. Alex S. Nadas

Ms. Jessica Nagle

Mr. Harry M. Nahatis

Mr. Robert J. Nahigian

Ms. Nay Naing

Mr. Geoff Nance

Mr. Jasmany Naranjo

Ms. Shari Narva

Dr. Barbara P. Nash

Mr. David S. Nash

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Nash

Mr. Peter J. Nash

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Nash II

Frances Nason

Mr. Stephen Nawrocki

Ms. Bridget Neal Paris

Mr. Mark Needham

Ms. Carol L. Negus

Mr. Michael Nellany

Mr. Dan Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Nelson Jr.

Ms. Margret Nelson

Mr. William P. Nelson

Mr. Brian Newbold

Ms. Claire Newman

Ms. Nini Nguyen

Mr. Thieu Nguyen

Mr. Tuyet Nguyen

Max L. Nibert

Ms. Gert Nichols

Mr. Kevin M. and Mrs. Leah F. Nichols

Sabrina and Bob Nicholson

Ms. Sabrina Nicholson

Mr. Paul Nielsen

Mr. Severo Nieves

Carmen C. Nieves-Flores

Mr. Brian F. Noonan

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noonan

Ms. Kelly A. Norris

Mr. Andrew Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Norton

Mr. Matthew Norton

Mr. Peter O. Norton and Ms. Joanne H. Hale

Mr. Stephen M. Norton

Mr. Timothy Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Radhames Nova

Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Novak

Mr. Stan Nowak

Mr. Dermot Nugent

Mr. Satish Nutakki

Mr. Colm O’Brien

Mr. and Ms. John E. O’Brien Jr.

Mr. David O’Brien

Ms. Katherine O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. O’Brien

Ms. Meghan O’Brien

Ms. Orla O’Brien

Mr. Patrick O’Brien

Mr. Patrick Obrien

Mr. Stephen O’Brien

Mr. Matthew O’Connell

Mr. and Mrs. TJ O’Connell

Ms. Courtney O’Connor

Mr. James B. O’Connor

Mr. John O’Connor

Ms. Mary O’Connor

Christopher and Nancy Oddleifson

Mrs. Kerry O’Dea

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Odom

Mr. Thomas L. P. O’Donnell Jr. and Dr. Elke U. O’Donnell

Mr. William C. O’Donnell

Mrs. Margaret O’Grady

Mrs. Bernadette C. O’Halloran

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. O’Halloran

Mrs. Mary O’Hara

Ms. Heather Olivieri

Mr. Jack O’Loughlin

Mr. Anders Olson

Ms. Anita P. Olson

Mr. Hollis Olson

Ms. Tommasina Olson

Ms. Ayca O’Mahony

Ms. Marjorie OMalley

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. O’Meara

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. O’Neil Jr.

Ms. Kristine O’Neil

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. O’Neill

Ms. Donna O’Neill

Mr. Joseph Onstott

Mr. and Mrs. O’Reilly

Mr. Thomas S. O’Reilly

Ms. Marilyn J. O’Rourke

Mr. Jeffrey Orr

Mr. Akinyemi O. Osinubi

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. O’Sullivan

Mr. Philip Ottaviani

Ms. Amanda Oubre

Mr. Kevin Ouellette

Mr. James Owen

Mr. William W. Owens Jr.

Mr. Nesrin Oztermiyeci

Ms. Louise B. Packard

Ms. Marion B. Packs

Ms. Danielle Paisley

Ms. Amanda Pallais

Mr. Daniel Palmer

Mr. Randy C. Papadellis

Mr. Peter Papajohn

Mr. Gary Pappas

Ms. Courtney Pardue

Ms. Rebecca C. Parkhill and Mr. Robert J. Willett

Mr. Steven Parkinson

Ms. M Louisa T Parsons

Ms. Tarin Patrikis

Tom and Jill Patterson

Mrs. Anne Patterson-Pisarri

Mr. Hanna Pattie

Mr. Kerry Pattie

Ms. Debra Paul

Ms. Donna Pawlowski

Mr. Eric Pawlowski

Mrs. Cindy Payne

Mr. Timothy L. Peace

Mr. Jeffrey Peach

Mr. and Mrs. Chandler

5 3

D. Pearce

Ms. Amy Pearl

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pecca

Ms. Gabriella Pecoraro

Mr. Douglas Peebles

Mrs. Samantha Pellegrini

Elizabeth A. Pellegrino

Mr. Jarrod Pelletier

Ms. Patricia Penyak

Mrs. Diane Perella

Ms. Sara Perkins Jones, Esq.

Mr. Keith Perry

Ms. Katherine H. Pershing

Mr. Mike Persia

Ms. Alyssa C. Pesce

Ms. Megan Petersen

Ms. Jenny Peterson

Mr. Michael Petrecca

Mr. Chris Petrini

Ms. Brigitte Petrocelli

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Petry

Evan and Michelle Peverley

Ms. Jennifer Phillips

Maleah Piazza

Mr. John Piccione

Mr. and Ms. David J. Picher

Ms. Barbara Pickard

Ms. Kelly I. Pielech

Mr. Robert Pineau

Mr. Sudha Pininti

Mr. Eric Pinkham

Mr. Michael Pirrello

Ms. Jan Pirro

Ms. Virginia Pitcher

Ms. Heather Pizzotti

Ms. Julia Pollack

Mr. Timothy Pond

Ms. Jenn Poole

Mr. Geoffrey J. Pope

Ms. Marissa L. Potter

Ms. Eileen M. Pouch

Dr. and Mrs. Adam C. Powell IV

Mr. Michael Powell

Ms. Michaela Power

Ms. Lois Powers

Mr. Sean Powers

Mr. James B. Praplaski

Mr. Patrick Prendergast

Ms. Jane Price Schwartz

Ms. Diane Price

Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Price

Mr. Richard Ethan Pride

Mrs. Mariana Primera

Mr. John Prosperi

Mr. Stan Przybylinski

Ms. Maryjane Puccio

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Pugsley Sr.

Mr. Rakesh Punwani

Miss Mary P. Purinton

Mr. David Putt

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Putziger

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Pyne

Ms. Melanie S. Quackenbush

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Quigg

Mrs. Johanna B. Quinlan

Mr. Derek Quinn

Mr. Edward L. Quinn

Mr. James F. Quinn Jr.

Ms. Christa Quiring

Mr. Vijayakumar R Kannan

Ms. Karen Rabidoux

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Rabkin

Mrs. Irene Radlo

Ms. Brianne Rafford-Varley

Ms. Julie Rafter

Mr. and Mrs. C. Jerry Ragosa

Mr. Lucas Rameaka

Mr. and Mrs. Greg G. Ramsey

Mrs. Kellie A. Rankey

Mr. Charles W. Rankin

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rapoport

Ms. Bee Raymond

Ms. Cecely Reardon

Ms. Dianna Reardon

Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Reardon

Mr. and Mrs. John Recco

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Redman

Mr. Steven Reepmeyer

Mr. Joe Regan

Ms. Karen Regan

Mr. John M. Reilly

Mr. Robert Rejewski

Ms. Amanda Resendes

Ms. Katie Resmini

Mr. Trey Reynolds

Mrs. Stephanie Rezendes

Mrs. Sarah Ricciardelli

Mr. Gordon L Rice

Mr. Edward Rich

Ms. Mary Rich

Mr. John Ridings

Ms. Bonnie Ridolfino

Mr. John Riley

Mr. Marcos Rios

Mr. Brittany Rist

Ms. Barbara Rizzo

Ms. Daniel Roarty

Ms. Barbara Roberts

Ms. Christine M. Roberts

Mr. John Robertson

Ms. Carly Robinson

Ms. Donna Robinson

Mr. Gus Robinson

Mr. Sam Robinson

Mr. Paul Rodenbush

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roderick

Ms. Courteney Rodman

Ms. Maricela Rodriguez- Oyler

Mr. William A. Rodriguez Rivera

Ms. Elizabeth Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers

Ms. Roberta Rogers

Mr. Scott Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rogers

Mr. Desmond Rohan

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Roland

Mr. Bruce E. Rollins

Mr. Chris Rooney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rooney

Ms. Susan Roper

Ms. Karen L. Rose

Dr. Daniel B. Roseman, DMD

Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rosenstein

Ms. Meredith Rosenthal

Mr. John Rotta

Mr. Reid Rovelli

Mr. Joseph Rowell

Ms. Karen Roy

Ms. Penny Rozelle

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Rubenstein

Ms. Nori Rubert

Mr. Sydney Rubert

Mr. Walter Rubert

Ms. Jessica K. Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rubin

Mrs. Megan Ruddick

Mrs. Haiyun Rudikoff

Mr. John Rudolph-Shabinsky

Mr. David Ruiz

Laura Rupenian

Ms. Ann Russell

Mr. Mark Russell

Ms. Amanda Russell-Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Carmen E. Russo

Ms. Joy Russo

Ms. Beidgette Rutter

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Ryan

Ms. Ilena Ryan

Ms. Michelle Ryan

Mr. Jack Ryerson

Ms. Colette Sagar

Ms. Janine Sala

Mr. Alfredo R. Salgado

Ms. Dawnmarie Salmons

Mr. Charles Salyards

Mr. Thomas Samoluk

Mr. Ryan Sample

Ms. Chaneara Samuel

Mr. Todd Sanderson

Ms. Louise Santosuosso

Ms. Lauren Santucci

Ms. Pamela Sarkar

Ms. Nancy Sartorelli

Mr. Mark Sashihara

Ms. Sharon Satkus

Mr. Paul Savarino

5 4

Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Savitz

Mr. Charles Sawyer

Mr. Mahmoud Sayani

Ms. Cyndi Scalzo

Mr. David Schaffer

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Scheff

Mr. Aaron Scheinfeld

Mr. and Mrs. David Schiller

Robert and Amy Schlager

Ms. Carole Schlessinger

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Schneider

Mr. Garth Schneider

Dr. Andrew Schneier

Mr. J Schoendorf

Mr. Braddock A. Schofield

Mr. Steven Schreckinger, Esq.

Ms. Lisa Scott

Mr. Joseph Scully

Ms. Candace T. Sealey

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sears Jr.

Mr. Christopher Sechler

Ms. Miriam E. Sedzro

Ms. Venkata Seemakurthy

Mr. Andrew Seligsohn

Mr. Lawrence B. Selvin

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Semine

Ms. Lisa Senatore

Ms. Diane Sepe

Mr. Russell E. Sergeant

Ms. Jill Setian

Ms. Jennifer Seyboth

Ms. Camille Shand

Mr. Thomas Shanley

Mr. John Sharkey Jr.

Ms. Mary Sharpe

Ms. Holly Sharples

Mr. and Mrs. John Shaughnessy III

Mrs. Margaret Shaughnessy

Ms. Elizabeth Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Shaw

Mr. Richard J. Shea

Ms. Alyce Sheehan

Mr. Michael Sheehan

Ms. Alison Shelby

Ms. Lisa Shepard

Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke

Mr. Daniel I. Sherman

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shevlin Jr.

Yogesh Shinde

Mr. Gordon Shone

Mr. Jeremy Shore

Mr. Paul Shoulla

Ms. Janet Shriber

Mr. Edward M. Sibble Jr.

Ms. Cynthia Q. Sickler

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Siegel

Ms. Janice Sikorski

Mr. Kathleen Silk

Mr. John G. Silletto and Ms. Barbra G. Rabson

Ms. Ruth Silman

Ms. Denise Silva

Ms. Emily Silver

Mr. Craig Silverio

Mr. Richard Silverman

Mr. Michael Silvoy

Mr. James R. Simcoke

Ms. Christine Simmons

Ms. Ashley Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Sinisgalli

Mr. John Sites

Ms. Pamela Skaufel

Mr. William Skerry

Mrs. Karen Skinner

Mr. Lawrence W. Skinner

Mrs. Sangita Skipitaris

Mr. David Slagle

Mr. Darren Sleep

Ms. Judith Slovin

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Smith

Mr. Briana Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. T. Smith Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Smith

Mrs. Heidi S. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Smith

Ms. Jennifer Smith

Mr. Joseph Smith

Mark and Lesley Smith

Mr. Meritt Smith

Ms. Penelope J Smith

Mr. Ryan Smith

Mr. Steven Smith

Ms. Wendy Smutok

Mr. Alexander Snow

Lucian Snow and Elizabeth Wilcox

Dr. Roberta Snow

Ms. Regina G. Snowden

Ms. Molly Soiffer

Ms. Yolanda Solana

Ms. Gabriela Sotomayor

Ms. Stephanie Souza

Ms. Tina Souza

Ms. Marlies Spanjaard

Mr. Bruce Speca

Mrs. Daveen Speer

Mr. Leon Spencer

Mr. Richard H. Spencer

Mr. Yong Hee Spiller

Mr. Jennifer Spina

Ms. Frances Spinelli

Ms. Michelle A. Spitzkoff

Ms. Marie Spoto

Mr. David Springer

Ms. Stephanie A. Spunt

Mr. David F. Squire

Ms. Manjula Srinivasan

Ms. Melissa St. Clair

Mr. Robert Stanley

Mr. Michael Stanton

Mr. Alan Starr

Ms. Deborah States

Ms. Jennifer Stebbings

Mr. Paul Stec

Ms. and Mrs. John Steele

Ms. Taheera Steele

Ms. Sophia Stein

Ms. Lonna Steinberg

Mr. David Stenberg

Mr. Joshua Stephens

Mr. Michael Stephenson

Ms. Gina Stewart

Mr. Mark A. Stewart

Mr. Paul Stickney

Mr. Charles Storm

Mr. Dorothy Straus

Mr. Michael Streeter

Ms. Judie Strickland

Mr. Joshua Sugarman

Mrs. Alexandria Sullivan

Ms. Donna E. Sullivan

Mr. John T. Sullivan

Mrs. Karen A. Sullivan

Ms. Patricia Sullivan

Mr. and Ms. William J. Sullivan

Mr. Carol Surabian

Ms. Joy Olaes Surprenant

Ms. Donna M. Susi

Ms. Cassandra Svolis

Andrea Swain

Ms. Courtney Swan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swanborg

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Swartwood

Ms. Jaclyn Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sweeney

Ms. Madalena Swope

Mr. Jarrett Sylvester

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sypek

Ms. Susan Taccini

Mr. Paul Talamini

Mr. Michael A. Talbot

Ms. Dorothy Tamasi

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tang

Ms. Barbara Tappan

Ms. Liz Tassey

Mr. Rick Taussig

Mr. Richard Tavilla

Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Teague

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Tebbetts

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Tedeschi

Mr. John Tegan

Ms. Leah R. Temple

Mr. Peter S. Terris

Mr. Richard Testa

Mr. Merrick Teti

Ms. Roma Thakwani

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Theilscher

Mr. Jonathan Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Thomas

5 5

Mr. Frank Thompson

Mrs. Jennifer Thompson

Ms. Peggy Thompson

Mr. Daniel P. Thornton

Ms. Lynn Thornton

Karen and Michael Tichnor

Mr. Jim Tierney

Ms. Elaine Tinlin

Mr. John J. Tinlin

Ms. Caroline Tipping

Mr. John Tipping

Mr. Michael Tise

Ms. Patricia A. Tobin

Chantha Toeum

Mr. Paul Tompkins

Mr. Michael Torpey

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Torrey

Ms. Audrey B. Tortolani

Mr. Gary Toth

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Towle Jr.

Mr. Neil Townsend

Ms. Alix Trabucco

Mr. Michael Tramontano

Mr. Brett Trask

Ms. Janet Trask

Ms. Kathleen Trask

Ms. Lisa Trask

Ms. Jane Travers

Ms. Christina Trethewey

Janelle Tribble

Ms. Martha A. Tripp

Ms. Jackie Trudel

Ms. Britta Truskey

Mr. Stephen Tucker

Mr. Alexander Turoff

Ms. Amanda J. Tweed

Dr. Wayne Tworetzky

Mr. Gary Tyhy

Mr. Harry Uhlman

Ms. Janet Vaillant

Mr. Thomas R. Valentine

Mr. Richard R. Van Veen

Mr. Craig Vanallen

Mr. Jeffrey Varughese

Ms. Katherine Vasil

Ms. Mary Jose Vasquez

Mr. Chase Vaughan

Ms. Karen Vaughan

Rosamond B. Vaule

Mr. Paul J. Verbesey

Michelle Perez Vichot

Ms. Elaine V. Vigneau

Ms. Liia Vilms

Ms. Maria Vivaldi and Mr. German Pihan

Ms. Katherine Vivian

Ms. Marianne Vivian

Mr. Tyler Vivian

Mr. Adam Volwiler

Mr. Chau Vu

Mrs. Traci Walker Griffith

Mr. Jack Wallace

Ms. Kathleen Wallace

Mr. Chris Wallrapp

Mr. Theodore Wallus

Ms. Anna Walsh

Mr. Daniel J Walsh

Mr. Patrick Walsh

Mr. Paul V. Walsh

Ms. Sheila Walsh

Ms. Kim Walters

Mr. Phillip Walton

Mr. Ho Hei James Wan

Ms. Karyn Wang

Mr. Francis Ward

Ms. Zina Ward

Mr. Champ Warren III

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Warren

Mr. Timothy Warren

Ms. Sara Warwick

Mrs. Kristin Waryas

Mr. and Ms. Edward Wasniewski

Ms. Deborah J. Watson

Mrs. Michelle Weatherbee

Ms. Mary Webb

Mr. Kevin Weeks

Mr. Scott Wegrzyn

Mr. David C. Weinstein and Ms. Clare Villari

Mr. David Weisman

Mr. John E. Weiss

Mr. Kevin Weiss

Mr. Francis Welby

Mrs. Kathleen Welch

Ms. Michelle Wellington

Mrs. Andrea M. Weltman

Ms. Amy Wendel

Mr. Geoffrey Wermuth

Mrs. Kathryn Wescott

Mr. Matt West

Mr. Bradford Wetherell

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Weyer

Mr. Bernard Wheeler

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Whelan

Mrs. Nancy Whelan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Whelan Jr.

Mr. Jeremy S. White

Mr. Michael White

Mr. Paul T. White

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Whitledge

Mr. Scott Whittemore

Ms. Meaghan Whyland

Ms. Madison Wilcox

Mr. and Mrs. Ross P. Wilcox

Ms. Brittany Williams

Mr. Glenn A. Williams

Mr. Ken Williams

Mr. Oliver Williams IV

Ms. Aimee Williamson

Mr. David Willis

Mr. Christian Wilson

Mrs. Ruth B. Wilson

Ms. Melanie Wilson-Williams

Mr. David Winston

Ms. Jo-Ann Winston

Mr. Wainwright Wint

Mr. Peter Winters

Mr. Griffith Winthrop

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wiper

Mr. and Ms. Adam Wise

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Witkos

Mr. Lisa Witlen

Mr. Peter Witlen

Ms. Jamie Wolf

Mr. Stephen W. Wolfe

Mr. Jared Wollaston

Mr. and Mrs. William Wolverton

Mr. Michael T. Wondolowski

Ms. Tiffany Wong

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wrean Jr.

Mr. Andew Wylie

Mr. Michael K. Yacobian

Ms. JoyAnn F. Yarde

Mr. Kory Yeadon

Mr. Robert Yeadon

Mrs. Elaine Yen

Mr. Edwin Yeung

Terry and David Yoffie

Ms. Doris Young

Mr. Michael Young

Ms. Hsiolan Yu

Ms. Linda Zablocki

Mr. Ronald Zagaja

Ms. Shari Zakim- Yacouby

Ms. Deena Zakim

Ms. Fiamma Zamori

Mr. Alfred M. Zarthar

Mr. Joseph Zavory

Ms. Jill A. Zeikel

Ms. Ellen Zellner

Mrs. Maddy Zeylikman

Ms. Jennifer Zinner

Mr. Matthew Ziolkowski

Ms. Rya W. Zobel

Mr. Bojan Zoric

5 6


Gideon Argov and Alexandra Fuchs

Ms. Meghan Balbale

Kyle and Jennifer• Betty

Angela and Will Braman

Ms. Joan L. Buonopane

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Burkus

Colin and Alix• Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Chory

Ms. Melissa F. Crane

Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Dacey

Cathy Dinardo

Ms. Julie A. Driscoll and Mr. Robert H. Morsilli

Ms. Brooke C. Freeland

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Gillooly

Chip and Donna• Hazard

Mr. Jeffrey W. Heuer

Lydia and David Icke

Ms. Kathleen Katterhagen• and Mr. Neil H. Smith

Stephen Langlois and Sally Marrer

Cynthia C. and Seth W. Lawry

Ms. Jill Lenhardt

Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Lucas

Mary Ann R.• and Peter Mattoon

Rosemary and Richard J.• McCready

Mrs. Tracey E. Morzano•

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Packman

Ms. Rebecca C. Parkhill and Mr. Robert J. Willett

Mark and Donna Pearlstein

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Renner

Mrs. Caitlin Salyer•

Mrs. Laurie G. Schoen

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Shrimpling

Arnold and Polly• Slavet

Mrs. Meredith P. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Welo

Weston Community Children’s Association, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wrean Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ziobro

South Shore Campership InitiativeFormed in 2004, this initiative connects residents of the South Shore to Roxbury youth by funding summer camperships at the Yawkey Club. In its 12th year, the Committee raised more than $40,000, providing more than 400 week-long summer camperships.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Astley

Renee and Warren Besser

Ms. Susan H. Blair and Mr. David T. Shukis

Mr. and Dr. Randall W. Bodner

Judy and Barry Bronstein

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Brophy

Emily• and John Brown

Mr. Joseph R. Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Campbell

James and Karen• Canfield

Catherine• and Philip Cantillon

Mr. and Mrs.• Joseph M. Carrabes

The Clutter Coach

Carolyn and John Coffey

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Comeau

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Craven

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Deane

Mark and Elizabeth Dunne

Daniel and Grace Evans

Mr. Donald J. Evans

Ms. Leslie A. Fallon

Dr. Ronald P. and Lena G. Goldberg

William Grimm and Deborah Shadd

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Harrington

Elizabeth A. Holt

Richard and Patricia Leggat

Ms. Sarah Leggat

Ms. Kearin Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. David Lord

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mahoney

Andy and Deanna McFetridge

Mr. and Mrs. William B. McGowan Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James T. McKenna

Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNamara

Doug and Diane McNary

Mrs. Betsy Millard

Rich and Helene Monaghan

Mr. John M. Montgomery

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Nash

Mary• and Kevin O’Connor

Christopher and Nancy Oddleifson

Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. O’Neill

Maureen and Michael Pace

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pecca

Mr. and Mrs. Jason J. Price

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Putziger

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Pyne

Mrs. Johanna B. Quinlan

Mrs. Megan Ruddick

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sears Jr.

Rick and Gitte Shea

Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shevlin Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Shockman

Mr. Matthew R. Steele

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swanborg

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Swartwood

Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Teague

Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Tedeschi

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Towle Jr.

Anne H. and Raimund G. Vanderweil Jr.

Mr. Robert L. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Witkos

Weston Friends of the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill ClubFormed in 2010, the Weston Friends of the Berkshire Partners Blue Hill Club support summer camperships at the Blue Hill Club in Dorchester. This year, they raised nearly $20,000, providing more than 200 week-long summer camperships.

• Leadership Members

5 7

Zizi Abdel-Ghaffar

Rick F. Aggeler

Ivonilde Alves

Joshua Alves

Kathy Andrea

Mark Arsenault

Mariana Avila

Marisol Ayala

Linda M. Bagley

Tiffany Baiona

Jessie Bari

Stefano Barros

Kevan Barton

Murray Bass

Charity Bell

Dana Benjamin

Willie Bennet-Fripp

Vanessa Benzan

Angela Braman

Molly Brown

Dan Buckland

William G. Buckley

Brenna Callahan

Ana Camacho

Melisa R. Canuto

Ronald E. Carroll

Marcus Carvalho

Gina R. Centrella

Adam Chaprnka

Kelli Clifford

Robin E. Cohen

Braidie Connors

Lauren B. Cook

Julianne Cox

Mary A. Crall

Becky Crawford

Johanna Cullen

Denise Daniels

Callie J. Davis

Eric Davis

Joshua Davis

Maia R. Debarros

Natasha Dennis

Altemis Diaz

Erin DiMella

Tabitha Dodd

Harry Duvall

Nicollette Echevarria

Penny Edelen

Lindsey Escoto

Tanya Ezekiel

Alyse N. Faiella

Lauren Farina

Devin Ferreira

Sharon Fidler

Michael Finkley

Casey Fischl

Krishna Foran

Pablo Friedmann

Olivia Friemarck

Derek Gallagher

Patricia J. Gannon

Lisa M. Gillis

Jill B. Goldweitz

Anne Gordon

Cara Gould

Brendan Grace

Jeff Greenberg

Jefferson Guzman

Janice Halpern

Bailey Harze

Portia Haygood

Molly Herlihy

Cristina Hinestroza

Tequan Hopkins

Hazel Johnson

Rosemarie Kanaan

Molly Kane

Denise Kasrawi

John Killoran

Kevin Klein

Wendy Knight

Josh Kraft

Stephen T. Lampron

Julius Leary

David Libby

David Lopez

Michael L. Lush

Jennifer Lydon

Pattie McCormick

Drew Miller

Kayla Miro

Mike Mogan

Daniel Molin

John Montes

Kate L. Moore

Caroline Moreno

Meghan Murphy

Lakayia Muse

Peter J. Nash

Richard Nelson

Johnny Nguyen

Severo Nieves

Carmen C. Nieves-Flores

Jennifer Nunez

David O’Brien

Anders Olson

Adetunji A. Onamade

Taylor O’Neil

Yemi Osinubi

Tarin Patrikis

Daniel Pattianarotta

Damaris Perez

Jonathan Perez

Andrea Perry

Alyssa C. Pesce

Aniela Petani

Diana Phillips

Kelly I. Pielech

Marissa Potter

Jamal Powell

Johnathan Prentice

Brianne Rafford-Varley

Kellie A. Rankey

Leah J. Reich

Jayne Richards

Kay Ridgard

Bethany A. Riley

Heather D. Robb

Traverse Robinette

Angela Rodruiguez

Ariana Rosa

Jason Rouse

Jessica K. Rubin

Dawnmarie Salmons

Briana E. Scafidi

Camille Shand

David Shaw

Ashley Simpson

Al Simpson

Adrian R. Smith

Subrenia Smith

Stephanie Souza

Jerry Steimel

Elizabeth A. Stevens

Greg Stoddard

John Sullivan

Andrea Swain

Lisa Swain

Carl C. Thompson

Mercedees Thompson

Courtney M. Tipping

Chantha Toeum

Henry Tyra

Nina Vansuch

Michelle Perez Vichot

Randi Viwes

Gretchen Wagner

Beth Weigel

Glenn A. Williams

Katrina Williams

Randy Williams

Quincey Williamson

Alfred M. Zarthar

Dorri Ziai

Staff Donors

Dan Buckland, Molly Herlihy, Robin Cohen

5 8

Carlos Acevedo

Joshua Addison

Dylan Agis

Claire Albensoeder

Daniel Alvarez

Nicole Anderson

Robert Anderson

Donna Appiah

Celia Aquilar

Carla Belloch Arango

Giana Armano

Charles Armstrong-Hicks

Audrey Arnold

Valerie Austin

Michael Avender

Jason Aviles

Gabriela Azurdia

Kariym Azzez

Diego Bacigalupe

Perla Baez

Nicholas Baglieri

Devin Bailey

Meghan Bailey

Kimberley Baker

Jessie Banhazl

Delcinaya Banks

Merrell Banks

Ty-ler Banks

Maureen Barry

Kathleen Barton

Edward Baszkiewicz

Deirdre Baugh

Suzanne Becker

Emily Beckler

Yvette Beldor

Sarah Bell

Ira Bello

Tariq Benton

Alexandre Berberi

Ally Bernstein

Camden Bickel

Lynn Bogle

Victoria Bosah

Carolyn Boumila-Vega

Bennett Bowers

Pamela Boykin

Dolore Boyle

Alexandra Bradley

Kayla Brady

Robin Brewster

Virginia Bridgeman

Nicholas Bronner

Claire Brooks-Schulke

David Brown

Rebecca Brown

Nicholas Bryan

Sheila Buckman

Shirley Burch

Jennifer Burke

Kailyn Burke

Cameron Burkey

Kathleen Byron

Lory Cadeau

Adam Calus

Steven Campbell

Giovanni Capeless

Luz Caraballo

Frances Cardentas

Charles Cardillo

Robert Cardoza

Shawna Carpenter

Jania Carpin

Joseph Carroll Jr.

Aja Ceesay

Nicole Cerelli

Theresa Cetina

Jenny Chan

Nicholas Chan

Elizabeth Chapman

Brittany Chartchaiganan

Daphney Chavre

Qiye Chen

Bhavika Chhabra

Linda Chiaramonte

Courtney Chiu

Irene Cho

Wenshiang Chung

Michael Cianciulli

Corinne Ciraldo

Mark Clarke

Melissa Clarke

Carolyn Coffey

Virginia Coffey

Robin Cohen

Katherine Cole

Timothy Cole

Barbara Comerford

Virgina Comma

Megan Conlin

Steven Connelly

Victoria Conrad

Emily Constantian

Kendra Constantine

Craig Conway-Smith

Denesha Copeland

Paul Corcoran

Luciana Corteggiano

Christina Cotter

Sarah Crawford

Emmanuel Crespo

Elizabeth Cronin

Erica Crowder

Nelson Curet

Henry Curletti

Sydney Cushing

Stephanie Dadds

VolunteersIn fiscal year 2016, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston benefitted from nearly 500 individual volunteers who committed at least one hour per week for 12 weeks, providing programming and administrative support to BGCB ‘s 11 Clubs across Boston and Chelsea. In combination with nearly 1,000 volunteers participating in one-day events and projects, the total value of the services volunteers provided to BGCB was more than $300,000.

5 9

Shannon Daher

Juhi Daryanani

Paula Deangleis

Sara Deconde

Katherine DeLaCruz

Courtney Denison

Gabriela Depina

Justina Desauguste

Kristina Devine

Kelly Dimasco

Lewis Dix

Kaitlin Doherty

Dianne Dolan

Cassandra Downey

Jillian Downey

Kelly Downing

Margaret Downs

Ava Dudani

Shirley Duggan

Sabine Dumornay

Jillian Dunderdale

Kenardo Dwyer

Brenda Elam

Simisola Familusi

Serena Fasano

Brittany Felteau

Katherine Fischer

Susan Flint

Mildred Flynn

Robert Forbes

Justice Forman-Dolan

Keenan Forrester

Aarien Foster

Amelia Fox

Emma Fox

Finn Fox

Wendy Fox

Christine Francis

Kathleen Frane-Connors

Michelle Freivald

Rodrigo Fuentes

Hillary Gabbidon

Rose Gallagher

Connor Galvin

Jason Ganski

Michael Gao

Alexandra Garibaldi

Erica Garufi

Heaven Gebremedhin

Sada Geuss

Ryan Giarraputo

Barbara Gildea

Maureen Gilmartin

Jules Ginsparg

John Glovsky

Erika Gobielle

Yoscary Gonzalez

Tanjanai Goss

Jennifer Graf

Denicia Gray

Nina Gross

Emma Hahn

Omar Halabi

James Hamons

Bruce Harrison

Natalie Hart

Eddie Hartfield

Olivia Hathaway

DeVaughn Hauck

Kathryn Hawkes

Ellen Helfrich

Kira Helper

Shirley Hentley

Sandra Hernandez

Lawrence Hickman

Nicole Hicks

Jonathan Higgenbottom

Maggie Hirshland

Christine Holley

Kally Hollister

Mary Hollyer

Christina Houle

John Howlette

Julia Hubbell

Lilly Hughes

Charles Hughley

Jack Hurley

John F. Hurley

Lincoln Hurney

Barbara Hylton

Jill Inches

Rebecca Isaacson

Jelena Ivanis

Eboni Jackson

Edward Jackson

La’Toya Jackson

Alexa Jacobs

Ashley Jacobs

Bruce Jacobs

Colton Jacobs

Dietrich Jacobs

Gordon Jacobs

Lariona Jacobs

Lincoln Janes

Kelly McManus Janjua

Jessica Jaro

Cassandra Jean-Louis

Anthony Johnson

Nicole Johnson

Sarita Lee Johnson

Pearl Jones

Anaika Joseph

Sloane Kaminski-Ditzel

Veronica Kane

Piya Kashyap

Amy Keefe

Stephen Keefe

Jon Keenan

Anya King

Tayana King

Jeffrey Kinney

Christina Knight

Rachel Konaxis

Georgia Kostopoulos

Brianna Krol

Victoria Kwong

Johnetta Lafond

Veena Lagare

Katherine Lagucik

Ashley Lam

Matthew Lamontagne

Mark Lane

Sally Langan

Libby Langsner

Roberta Lara

Aliese Lash

Marisa Leard

Nicole LeBel

Sara Lederman

Elizabeth Lee

Hannah Lee

Nah Young Lee

Neil Leifer

Jonathan Leuthner

Alison Lew

James Leydon

6 0

Yihang Li

Lauren Liebman

Justin Lindner

Maochen Liu

Richard Liuzzi

Bianca Loffredo

Noel Lopez

Julie Lovell

Lillian Lowe

Elana Lowell

Phillip Lund

Arthur Lynch

Marie Macchiarolo

Joy MacDougall

James Machaud

Douglas Mackinnon

Keely Macmillan

Eileen Macron

Maureen Madigan

Sharuhasney Mahenthiran

Ashley Maheris

Megan Mahoney

Karen Malacon

Gabriella Maldonado

Kristi Mancini

Julie Manning

LeeAnn Manning

Remy Mansfield

Michelle Mantilla

April Martin

Jordan Martin

Tanner Martin

Daniela Martinez

Stephanie Martinez

Carol Martignetti

Jasmine Mason

Joel Mather

Tangelo Mathis

Cole Matlack

Elena Matlack

Sarah Matuza

Shannon McDonald

Brennan McDonnell

Shavoryia McElroy

Melissa McGilvrey

Kate McGolderick

Courtney McIlveen

Aimee McNamara

Joseph McNamara

Carolyn Melley

William Mendelson

Junior Mendes-Correia

Lauren Messina

Kayla Meyer

Jennifer Michael

Corey Miller

Coletta Mills

Julian Mondonedo

Kristen Montana

Carrington Moore

Patricia Moore

Allison Morgan

Gabriel Moya

Austen Moye

Sarah Moylan

Leilani Mroczkowski

Carleen Mullally

Kiely Murray

Mary Nadeau

Christian Nagasugi

Emily Navarrete

Tania Nelson

John Neri

Justine Newman

Kayla Newton

Kim Nguyen

Vann Nguyen

Jasmine Nicholas

Neguine Niktash

Theordoria Nixon

Tayler Fernandes Nunez

Samuel Ocel

Andrew O’Hearn

Shavelle Olivier

Oluwapelumi Osibanjo

Katelyn Ouimet

Matthew Owens

Kayla Pagel

Emily Paparella

Anna Parell

Puja Patel

Abigail Pavelko

Natalia Perdomo

Marcelo Pereira da Silva

Harold Pertio

Jennie Peterson

Troy Pettit

Lucas Phillips

Ashley Piermarini

Patricia Pierre

Elizabeth Planansky

Samantha Plante

Jonas Ponil

Marcus Queen

Nahall Rad

Stephanie Ramos

Carolyn Reed

Amar Register

Elissa Rejouis

Amanda Rhine

Leilani Ricardo

Ryan Ricci

Stephen Richmond

Regina Rink

Rodford Ripent

Scarlett Rogers

Mynor Rosa

Hannah Rose

Jacqueline Rothmeyer

Jason Rouse

Matthew Rousseau

Valerie Rucker

Odell Ruffin

Lauren Ruotolo

Edwin Saltus

Adianna San Lucas

Donna Sandri

Nivedta Sarnath

Aaron Scheinfeld

Ilana Schlesinger

Kaleigh Schnell

Alanna Schoenfeld

Sophie Scholnik-Brower

Samantha Sears

Lorenzo Seay

Samantha Sergent

Malik Shaw

Edwin Sheehan

Alanna Shuman

Ariana Siegel

Marissa Simmons

Kelley Sivits

Sarah Smegal

Daniel Smith

6 1

Kishana Smith

Nolan Smyth

Matthew Snider

Rachel Solomons

Melissa Sonntag

Diana Soto

Mark Spolidoro

Meghan Spring

Jonathan Stanisz

Lindsey Staniszeski

Cleo Stannard

Brooke Steadman

Elizabeth Stefan

Lyric Stephen

Joshua Stephens

Kathryn Stewart

Lauren Stewart

Allyson Stoyle

Eliiana Streifer

Ashley Stuart

Caitlin Sullivan

Eleanor Sullivan

Kelsey Sullivan

Meghan Sullivan

Tracie Sullivan

Kyle Surrey

Diana Tai

Asmayt Tesfazghi

Annie Thao

Linda Therniza

Nicholson Thibault

Allison Thibodeau

Scott Thomson

Tia Thomson

Shannon Tierney

Juliana Tilleman

Lauren Tobar

Donovan Tolledo

Janice Torres

Katharine Torres

Clarie Trail

Tom Treacy

Quinlan Treacy

Justine Tresvant

Paris Tucker

Barbara Tull

Gabrielle Tulloch

Chelsea Ulrich

Shannon Van Ryder

Nicola VanManen

Lee Vanzler

James Vasquez

Alexandra Vaughn

Tommy Vaughn

Nikita Virani

Gabriel Voyard

William Wachter

Alease Walker

Toinaysha Wallace

Kevin Walsh

Kiarri Walton

Rebecca Watriss

Sarah Wetmore

Kathryn Wheeler

Erin Whitman

Camara Williams

Chitara Williams

Kathryn Willoughby

Mary Wilson-Joutras

Elizabeth Wimmer

Travis Winston

Justin Winuk

Denise Wiseman

Jamaal Womack-Hunt

Sammy Wong

Daniel Wrigley

Madeline Wunder

Awesta Yaqubi

Clydely Yarde

Charlay Yates

Andrew Yellis

Krista Zaremski

Drew Zeiba

Cuihua Zhang

Xiaoman Zhang

David Zheng

Caroline Zwahlen

6 2

MarathonJohn Hancock Marathon Team

BGCB is proud to partner with John Hancock for the Boston Marathon. The following employees of John Hancock ran the 2016 Boston Marathon and raised more than $100,000 in annual operating support.

John Agudelo

Jenniffer Holt Bakke

Brendan Barca

Jack Barry

Sean Barry

David Basso

Shawn Blackwood

Andrew Blake

Stephen Blewitt

Brian Bodjiak

Michael Bolton

Subroto Bose

Michael Bower

John Bryson

Timothy Burke

Corey Butterworth

Brenda Bzdak

Christiana Cappuccio

Matt Carpenter

Bonnie Carr-Bowers

James Coker

Dennis Condún

Monica Connarton

Antonia Corrales

Tim Corsi

Neil Cronin

Kenneth Cuffee

Quoc Dao

Prashant Das

Bailey DeNisco

Mike Doughty

Paul Doupe

Andy Dubiel

Britt Dunn

Kathy Ekberg

Brandon Eloy

William Estrada

Zach Flechtner

Jalon Fowler

Danielle Furman

Tory Getz

Jeff Giddings

Andrew Gilligan

Gonzalo Gomez

Amanda Goodwin

Trevor Graham

Meredith Grossman

Ethan Harmon

Zachary Hill-Joseph

Dean Hoeger

Matt Holthaus

Stephen Hugel

Sam Hutchins

Grant Hutton

Michele Jordan

Elisa Lam-Sheehan

Lynn Le

Samantha Lemelin

Danielle LeMott

Brennan Lincoln

Timothy Loehr

James Lombardi

Misty Lynch

Michael Mahoney

Greg Martin

Eric Masterson

Mark Mazelli

Sal Mbeyu

Matthew McCabe

Chris McCann

Michael McCann

Mike McCarter

Kaitlyn McDonough

Regan McDowall

Christian McGowan

Jimmy McLean

David McNamara

Nicholas Mellone

Scott Menke

Ralph Menzione

Steven Millhouse

Paula Minella

Ian Moreau

Rebecca Mores

Glenn Myers

Jasmany Naranjo

Stan Nelson

Bill Nobles

Johnny O’Mahony

Julie Otero

Bonna Pak

Robin Pak

Joe Palumbo

Kwi Nam Park

Eric Pawlowski

Shannon Perschy

David Plumb

Chris Porter

Jeffrey Powers

Terry Reagan

Matthew Richard

David Ricketts

Charles Rizzo

Emily Roland

Sydney Rubert

Chelsea Ruxton

Olivia Savarino

Christopher Scuderi

Michael Shanley

Ednize Silveira

Steve Sionne

Jennifer Smith

Gabriela Sotomayor

Karalyn Spadaro

Samantha Spina

Sarah Swan

Jonathan Thomas

Malcolm Thomas

Molly Thompson

Scott Tobey

Gary Toth

Patrick Towler

Don Tucker

Daniel Wagner

Jaime Waldecker

Scott Ward

Paul Wegerdt

Matt White

Peter Witlen

Scott Zeleznik

Dan Zibaitis

Charlie Ziegenbein

Matthew Ziolkowski

Charlestown Chris Boeker

Deana Boucher

Phil Brown

Richard Canady

Meaghan Doherty

Eric Fu

Jesse MacDonald

Dave O’Brien

Kristen Pearless

Courtney Tipping

South BostonAlexa Nicholls Costa

Lauren Gosline

Sam Graves

Holly McLaughlin

6 3

Gifts In-KindWe are grateful to the following organizations and individuals for their generous donation of goods and services in support of our work. This list includes gifts in-kind with a value of $500 or more. In-kind gifts with values up to $499 are included in the Annual Report listed on our website,


Ace Ticket Worldwide, Inc.

Adam Hemeon’s Golf Shop

Mr. Stephen Alepa

The Art Garden

Bank of America

Mr. Bill Beyer

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Binda Jr.

Boston Bruins Charitable Foundation

Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation

Boston Harbor Cruises

Broadway Jewelers

Buildout Construction Corporation

The Catered Affair- Holly Safford

Choate Hall & Stewart LLP

Citizens Bank

Clay Buchholz Foundation

Mr. Robert B. Cleary Jr.

Coca-Cola North America

Converse, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cooper

Core Investments, Inc.

Jonathan and Margot Davis

Mr. Dennis R. Delaney

The Dining Alliance

Dockside Restaurants

Mr. Jamie Dostou

Paul and Sandy Edgerley

The Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts


Equinox Group


Judi and Alan Fanger

FEAT Socks

Gill Fishman Associates

Food Truck Festivals of America

The Godfrey Hotel Boston

Mr. Steven Gonsiorawski

Grasshopper Cafe, LLC

Phill and Elizabeth Gross

Havas Edge Boston

Hemenway & Barnes LLP

The Highland Street Foundation

Gail and Matthew Hoffman

Ms. Jane Hoffmeister

Holland & Knight LLP

Hood Park

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Elizabeth A.* and John F. Hurley

iZotope, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Jick

John Hancock Financial

K & L Gates LLP

Kayem Foods, Inc.

The Kirson Family

Mr. Robert K. Kraft

Mr. Solomon Kumin

Lavishly Dunn Catering & Event Planning

Ms. Alexis LeBlanc

Longwood Events

Martignetti Companies

Martha’s Vineyard Youth Hockey

Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Monkiewicz

Mrs. Lindsay Santini Moran

Morgan & Milo

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Muggia

New Age Tickets

New England Patriots Charitable Foundation

New Era Cap

Old Town Trolley

Olmstead Associates

Omni Parker House Hotel

One Source Apparel

Steve and Judy Pagliuca

Tim and Maressa Patts

Paul Revere Transportation

PSAV Presentation Services

Kevin and Anne Phelan

Port Lighting Systems

Rafanelli Events Management

Mr. Todd Rapp

Rota Portrait Design


Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Shaw

Mr. Peter Simshauser

Robert and Dana Smith

Super Tours, LLC

Bob and Eike Traina

Venegas and Company

VPNE Parking Solutions

Ms. Jennifer Waldron

The Webber Family

The Westin Copley Place


Winston Flowers

Wolverine Worldwide

Wyndham Boston Chelsea

Brian Knez, Bryan Rafanelli

* denotes deceased

6 4

In-Kind Gifts up to $499Anonymous


A.T.E. Security Systems

AC Hotel Marriott

Amrhein’s Restaurant

Bakers’ Best Inc.

Barlow’s Restaurant

Bertucci’s Inc

Big Night Entertainment Group

Blank Label

Ms. Grace E. Bloodwell

Blue Mercury

Ms. Jennifer C. Borden and Mr. William Babine

Boston Athenaeum

Boston Athletic Club, Inc.

The Boston Beer Company

Boston Beer Garden - James Associates Inc.

Boston Duck Tours

Boston Harbor Boat Rentals

Boston Organics

Boston Scientific Corporation

Boston Tea Party Ship & Museum

Angela and Will Braman

The Briar Group

Building 19 Foundation

Cafe Porto Bello

Canobie Lake Park


Mr. Chris Carmona

Cataldo Ambulance Service, Inc.

Cathay Pacific

Charles Playhouse

Chelsea Clock Company

Ciao! Pizza & Pasta

Columbus Hospitality Group

Colwen Hotel Management Inc.

Compare Supermarket

Connecticut Tigers

Coolidge Corner Theatre Foundation


Core Power Yoga

Crane & Lion

Mr. Eric R. Denny, CPA

Details and Goods

Donna Rains Massage

Dunkin Donuts

Eagle Air Freight, Inc.

East Side Yoga & Fitness

Eastern Salt Company, Inc.


Entertainment Cruises

Exhale Battery Wharf

Exhale Mind Body Spa

F1 Boston

Mr. Jay Farraher

The Fireplace

Five Horses

Flour Bakery and Cafe

The Fours Restaurant and Sports Bar

Fowler House Cafe

Georgetown Cupcake LLC

Giovanna’s Salon

Grafton Group

Green Harbor Golf Club

Hair Cuttery

The Handle Bar

Harmon Golf

Harpoon Brewery

Hartford Yard Goats

Mr. Terron Hill

Hilton Garden Inn

Himmel Hospitality Group

Holie Donuts III Inc. d/b/a Dunkin’ Donuts



House of Blues

Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Hoyt

John M. Iacoi & Family

Improper Bostonian Magazine

Improv Boston

The Institute of Contemporary Art

InterContinental Boston

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Ms. Judith Ives

J. Pace & Son, Inc.

J.P. Licks

Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar & Grill

Jillian’s of Boston

Joan’s Olympic Gym Gymnastics and Dance School

Falzone Corp. D/B/A John’s Pizza

Mr. Robert Jones

The Junction

Mr. Kerry Kee

Kings Bowling

Kirshon Paint Co., Inc.

Kowloon Restaurant

Dan and Wendy Kraft

Mr. Mark Kramer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kuzmich

La Brasa

Laugh Boston

Legal Sea Foods

The Liberty

Lifted Fitness

Lincoln Tavern & Restaurant

The Living Room Bar & Restaurant

Ms. Kathy Lobuglio

Loco Taqueria & Oyster Bar

Loon Mountain Recreation Corporation

Love Travels

Lucky’s Lounge


Mr. John W. Mahoney

Shelagh Mahoney and Joseph McNamee

Ms. Toni A. Mansfield

Manulife Financial

McCarthy Brothers Liquors


MGA Links at Mamantapett

Mistral Restaurant

Mohegan Sun

Mother Juice

Museum of Science

Neatly Nested

New England Aquarium

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nicholas Jr.

Ms. Gert Nichols

North End Muscular Therapy

Mr. Leo P. Norton

Norwood Promotional Products

Omni Providence Hotel

On Demand Chefs, Inc.

On The Marketing

The Paint Bar

Peabody Essex Museum

PS Gourmet Coffee

Peter Welch’s Gym

Pier 6

Pilgrim Parking, Inc.

The Playwright Bar & Cafe

Plimoth Plantation

Portland Sea Dogs

Prezza Restaurant

Prince, Lobel, Tye LLP

Providence Bruins

Radiant Yoga

Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel

Roche Bros.

Rock Spot Climbing

Roger Williams Park Zoo

6 5

Salem Witch Museum

Salon de Cheveux

Salon Marc Harris

Sculler’s Jazz Club

Seaport Companies

Ms. Tracy Shaw


Sheraton Boston Hotel

Mr. Vladimir Smith

Southie’s Own

Mr. David Spinale

The Spot Clothing

Stapleton Floral Associates, Inc.

Stephanie’s Restaurant Group

Stoneham Theatre

Super Shine Auto Wash

Superior Dining Group

Mr. Paul Swartz and Ms. Sarah Aspinwall

Sweet Cheeks


Mr. Matthew Talcoff


Today’s Collision Repair Center

Top of the Hub

The Tremaines


Mr. Anthony Troiano III

The Uncommon Green

Wachusett Mountain

Washington Park Florist

Water Wizz

Ms. Dorothy Weigel

The Westin Boston Waterfront

The Whiskey Priest

Whole Foods Market

Mr. Peter Young

Ms. Holly Zacharian

Zoo New England

6 6

Gifts In MemoryIn Memory of Eugene BrezniakMs. Elizabeth M. Adler

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ashworth

Ms. Kerry Barnes

Ms. Sharon Brigham

Mr. Stanley Fridstein and Mrs. Gail Fridstein

Ms. Courtney G. Iglehart

Dr. and Mrs. John Loewenstein

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Rooney

In Memory of John BryantMs. Linda Stewart

In Memory of Robert Cleary Sr.Anonymous (2)

Mr. David Albertson

Mr. Dalton Avery

Mr. Charles D. Baker Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Basile

Mr. Michael H. Bassett

The Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Bedrosian

Mr. Richard K. Bendetson

Ms. Marlene J. Benson

Mr. and Mrs. David Bryson

Mr. Mark H. Burton

Mr. Philip F. Cacciatore

Mr. Richard P. Callahan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell

Ms. Christin Cella

Mr. and Mrs. David Cella

Mr. Frederick Chicos

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clair

Mr. Keith A. Costa

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cotter

Becky and Mike Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crowley

Mrs. Joan E. Crowley

Mr. Thomas P. Curran

Mr. David M. Currey

Mr. Robert M. Currey

Cushing & Dolan, P.C.

Jonathan and Margot Davis

Mr. David L. DeGeorge

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Del Col

Mr. Michael Douvadjian

Ms. Judith Dow

Ms. Mary Doyle

Mrs. Ellin Drasser

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Duvall Jr.

Harry Duvall

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dwinell III

Mr. Jeffrey Eiskowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Endlar

Mr. Arthur Falvey

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Farrell Jr.

Ms. Anne Finucane and Mr. Mike Barnicle

Ms. Gwendolyn M. Ganong

Mr. John D. Gaziano Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. George

Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ging

Carol and Edward Glick

Mr. Roger A. Godin

Mr. Michael C. Gorton

Mr. Daniel A. Grady

Patty and J. Brad Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Gwozdz

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Haggerty

Mr. George S. Hamilton

Peter G. and Meghan C. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. John U. Harris Jr.

Phil and Peggy Haughey

Mr. and Mrs. Dermot T. Healey Jr.

Ms. Georgette Heerwagen

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Herscot

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hestnes

Mr. Arthur J. Hurley III*

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hynes

J. C. Cannistraro, LLC

Mr. Barry S. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Karp

Mr. John H. Kavanagh Jr.

Mr. Kevin F. Kavanagh

Mr. Robert D. Keefe

Ms. Judith B. Kennedy

Mr. Stephen A. Knapp

Mr. Thomas P. Lavigne

Mr. Marshall J. Liff and Ms. Nahyon Lee

Mrs. Jean Lind

Mrs. Joan D. Lovejoy

The Loxahatchee Club

Mr. James B. Malone

MAPFRE Insurance

Mr. and Ms. William G. Morton Jr.

Mr. William F. Markey Jr.

Martignetti Companies

Mr. Richard F. McBride

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. McCoy

Mr. Paul McDonald

Mr. Richard McLaughlin

Ms. Linda D. McMahon

Ms. Paula Meridan

N. Marcello and Pamela Micozzi

Mr. Arthur K. Moher

Mr. David L. Murphy

Mr. Robert J. Nahigian

Mr. Joseph Onstott

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Orr

Mr. Harry M. Ostrander

Oyster Harbors Club, Inc.

Mr. Randy C. Papadellis

Mr. Charles A. Papalia

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Petry

Kevin and Anne Phelan

Mr. Edward L. Quinn

Mr. James F. Quinn Jr.

Ms. Nancy Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Radley

Mr. and Mrs. C. Jerry Ragosa

Mr. Charles W. Rankin

Mr. and Mrs. John Recco

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell K. Rudnick

Mr. Richard J. Shea

Mr. James R. Simcoke

Mrs. Allys C. Spilios

Ms. Lois M. Steven

Elizabeth A. Stevens

Mr. John Thorbahn

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Vietze

Richard A. Voke

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Walsh

Mrs. Carol Halpern Wernick

Mr. Griffith Winthrop

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wiper

Mr. Henry A. Zuccaro

In Memory of Ralph CompagnoneMs. Alexis Maddox

In Memory of Domenic CrespoMr. Kenneth A. Stein

6 7

In Memory of Anna CusciannaMr. Jeffrey Maciejowski

In Memory of Herman DonaldsonMs. Janice DiGioia

In Memory of Paul FoleyMs. Margaret C. Gannon

In Memory of Richard GannonRobert and Ann Arcidiacono

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont

Ms. Belinda Brano

Don and Lynne Bulens

Ms. Robin E. Cohen

Ms. Carol Costello

Ms. Anne M. Cussen

Jonathan and Margot Davis

Mr. John R. Dias

Robert L. Dini and Nancy Kocha

Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Dussault

Harry Duvall

Mr. Augustine J. Fabiani

Fiduciary Investment Advisors

Ms. Patricia J. Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. Andre Janelle

Mr. Kenneth D. Jayne and Ms. Marilyn Pereira

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kestigian

Ms. Tina Morrison

Ms. Marie Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Simard

Elizabeth A. Stevens

Ms. Talia Weiss

In Memory of James HigginsMs. Elaine Tinlin

In Memory of Thomas HoveyAnonymous

In Memory of Elizabeth HurleyAnonymous

Ms. Ramelle F. Adams

Ms. Mary Boyd

Ms. Nancy F. Curtin

Ms. Nancy S. Cutter

Mr. and Mrs. Warin H. Dexter

Mr. Michael J. Dury

Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Green

Mr. George Hurley

John F. Hurley

Mrs. Kathleen Knudson

Ms. Beth A. McLaughry

Mr. David R. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Norton

Mr. John S. Ramaker

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rapoport

Mrs. Stephanie Rico

Mrs. Gail Shapiro

Ms. Rita R. Vogel

In Memory of Allen JonesMr. Jeremy Baranoski

In Memory of Myra H. KraftDonors to the Myra H. Kraft Giving Back Scholarship Fund are listed on page 27.


Judith and Herman Chernoff

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence B. Gagne

Dozier and Sandy Gardner

Ms. Mary Loutrel

Schwarz Partners, L.P.

The Webber Family

In Memory of Christopher LafondBob and Eike Traina

In Memory of Thomas E. LeggatMs. Gabrielle Balkan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balogh

Ms. Catherine Caldicott

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cary

CPI Management LLC

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Donahue

Edelstein & Company LLP

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Ellis

Patty and J. Brad Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Grundy

Ms. Martha Hoey

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hubler

Ms. Ileana Z. Jones

Jeffrey F. and Susan C. Jones

Mr. John Kilmarx

Mr. John Leggat

Mr. John R. Leggat

Ms. Jacqueline Miller

Mrs. Abby D. Morgan

The New England Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Newhall

Ms. Marilyn J. O’Rourke

Ms. Geraldine Sanchez

Mr. David F. Squire

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Theilscher

Richard A. Voke

Ms. Margaret M. Willmann

In Memory of Dorothy MaturiMs. Ruth A. O’Connell

In Memory of Walter MillerMs. Mary Daley

In Memory of Arona ParkerGarrett Parker and Helen Peters

In Memory of Manny SelvinMr. Lawrence B. Selvin

In Memory of Mahesh ShahOneVision Resources LLC

In Memory of Angelo TomassoMs. Madison Steele

In Memory of George TrudeauMr. Donald S. Tucker

In Memory of Ethel WeissAnonymous

In Memory of Edward WhiteMs. Martha M. Asendorf

Mr. George Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Loveland

Mr. and Mrs. Spero H. Piantes

The Stacee L. Monkiewicz Playground at the Gerald and Darlene Jordan Club

6 8

Charlestown Club | Keane Children’s Center/ Ansin Youth CenterIn Memory of Lena BrooksMr. and Mrs. William D. Hamilton

In Memory of Michael CainPartners HealthCare and Massachusetts General Hospital

In Memory of Fred CefaloMs. Patricia A. Herbai

In Memory of Timothy CullityMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Browne

Mr. Michael D. Depauw

Ms. Lorraine M. Gardocki and Mr. Domenic A. Tringale

Mr. Robert J. Glynn

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Hannus

Mr. Edward McNaught

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Witham

In Memory of Rose D’AmbrosioBest Home Care n’More Inc.

Charles and Mary Burke

Ms. Valerie F. Caso

Ms. Claire Dantas

Fuller Pond Ladies’ Club

Mr. David Ruiz

Ms. Mary A. Sarno and Mr. Robert L. O’Clare

In Memory of Antonio DonahueRyan Cassidy

Ms. Catherine Flaherty

Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Marcus

Ms. Anne M. McCarron

In Memory of Daniel EganMr. John Evers

Knights of Columbus - Bunker Hill Council No. 62

In Memory of Bernard HurleyThe Family of Ben Hurley

In Memory of Brian HingstonMs. Mary M. Ridings

In Memory of Paul HurleyMr. and Mrs. Donne W. Cutting

Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Miller

In Memory of William KilloranMs. Alison Berglund

Mr. Stephen Kilcoyne

Mr. Mark G. Sweeney Jr.

In Memory of Sharon KingMr. Ronald L. Gover

Mr. William J. King Jr.

In Memory of Michael LaPorteMr. Arthur R. LaPorte

In Memory of Arlene Locke-O’NeilMr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Boudreau

Mr. John Callahan

Ms. Patricia J. Cantillon

Ms. Lisa M. Evangelista

Mrs. Krissy M. Mercer

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Merrill

Ms. Karen Paley

Ms. Karen L. Rose

In Memory of Margaret McNicholsMr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. Ronan J. Fitzpatrick

Mr. Kevin J. Joyce

Mr. Joseph F. Kelly

Mr. Joseph P. Langan Jr.

Mr. Robert Pineau

Mrs. Charlene E. Warren

In Memory of Danielle MillerickMs. Barbara J. Millerick

In Memory of Ryan MorrisseyMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Briand

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Haines

Ms. Ann Russell

Ms. Sarah Tapply

In Memory of John P. MurphyMr. and Mrs. John T. Murphy

In Memory of Regina Garvey O’NeillMs. Carol A. Ahern

Ms. Rita E. Butler

Ms. Mary E. Clark

Corrigan Financial, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Curtis

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Domaszewicz

Ms. Mary McGee

Troop #701 Boy Scouts of America

In Memory of Daniel O’NeilMrs. Carol Black

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Callahan

Ms. Wendy D. Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. Ronan J. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Anne F. Freeman

Ms. Sue M. Halloran

Ms. Jessica A. Hiemenz

Mr. Joseph F. Kelly

M P Quinn Scholarship Fund

In Memory of Joseph Patrick PattersonMr. Laurence M. Brock

6 9

In Memory of Mary BindaBinda Family and Friends

In Memory of Jason CurtisMs. Elizabeth Brannon

Mrs. Holly Curtis


Dr. and Mrs. Ray Pagaduan

In Memory of Paul DavenportMrs. Cecelia McBride

Miller Family Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Pugsley Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Rooney

Mrs. Karen Skinner

Ms. Donna E. Sullivan

Ms. Patricia Sullivan

In Memory of John FlanneryMs. Katherine Alexander

Ms. Julie Armstrong

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Binney

Mrs. Francine Bourne

Ms. Elizabeth A. Clifford

Ms. Patricia Moriarty

Ms. Marjorie Rosen

Mr. John Sands

Ms. Claire Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. James Werner

In Memory of Anne FoleyMrs. Agnes Ardagna

Ms. Catherine Callahan

Susan and Patty Connolly

William F. Connor and Karen Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper-Wiele

Ms. Anne Marie Corazzini

Ms. Stephanie Corazzini

Mrs. Ellen T. Duffley

Ms. Janis Duggan

Ms. Patricia A. Fahy

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Feeney

Mrs. Patricia Feeney

Ms. Lorraine Fiasconaro

Ms. Anna K. Flaherty

Ms. Karen Foley

Ms. Mary T. Gale

Michael and Jean Griffin

Mrs. and Mrs. Stephen Hawko

Mr. and Mrs. John Kane

Ms. Eleanor Kasper

Ms. Elaine Laurenti

Ms. Margaret F. Laurenti

Ms. Margaret McCusker

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. O’Brien

Ms. Eileen Smith and Mr. Earl Lacaillade

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard V. Vierbickas

Ms. Maureen Walker

In Memory of Arthur FritchMrs. Leslie Coffey

Ms. Margaret E. Caouette

Ms. Barbara E. McFall

Mrs. Anne Patterson-Pisarri

Mr. Timothy M. Patterson

Tom and Jill Patterson

Ms. Ellen Silva

In Memory of Robert PicardiAnonymous

Ms. Cheryl Crombie

Mrs. Anna May Hudson

Mrs. Carol Upton

In Memory of John SawyerMrs. Eleanor Sawyer

In Memory of Robert SeatonMr. and Ms. Andrew G. Malis

Ms. Leslie Seaton Malis

In Memory of Mary SheehanMs. Mary Borden

New England Electric Group, Inc.

Ms. Geraldine M. Ridings

Ms. Alyce Sheehan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilkins

In Memory of Theresa ShinneyMs. Megan Little

In Memory of David SmithAmerican Legion Auxiliary- PEM 143

Pembroke Dull Men’s Club

In Memory of Edward SmithMrs. Christine V. Hegarty

Ms. Elizabeth J. O’Brien

Ms. Melanie S. Pavao

In Memory of Herbert UptonBest Home Care n’More Inc.

Mr. Daniel Caba

Ms. Mary Cole

Ms. Judy Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Ronan J. Fitzpatrick

Mrs. Anna May Hudson

Knights of Columbus - Bunker Hill Council No. 62

Mr. Paul Power

Ms. Clare M. Prizio

Joanne Strano

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White

Edgerley Family South Boston Club

7 0

Ms. Joan Collins

Ms. Elaine Davis

Mrs. Anne Feeney

Councilor Maureen E. Feeney

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes

Ms. Maureen Kane

Mr. James Kelley

Massachusetts Convention Center Authority

Mr. and Mrs. Philip McMann

Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. O’Brien

Mr. Jeremiah O’Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. O’Sullivan

Mrs. Grace Quigua

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers

Ms. Diane C. Sances

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan

Warren Prescott School

In Memory of Kimberly JonesMs. Mary K. Guy

Ms. Kathleen O’Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. David Schiller

Friends and Colleagues at State Street Global Advisors

In Memory of James KaneMs. Dorothy Madden

In Memory of William KennedyMr. and Mrs. Peter Kennedy

In Memory of Father James LaneSouth Boston High School Class of 1952

In Memory of Helen McCormickMr. John J. Carras

In Memory of Cliff McDonaldMs. Jane E. McDonald

In Memory of Edward M. McGuireAnonymous

Mr. John Allison

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burgess

Mr. Brian Byrnes

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Canavan

Ms. Courtney Chazen

Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin

Mr. James Crowe

Mr. Richard Dahill

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Degrenier

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeMirjian

Mr. Dexter A. Dodge

Ms. Patricia Doherty

Ms. Arlene Evans

Ms. Lorraine Fiasconaro

Mrs. Barbara E. Foley

Mrs. Margaret V. Foley

Ms. Patricia J. Foley

Mr. Patrick L. Foley

Ms. Norine Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hayes

Ms. Phyllis K. Karas

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kenney

Karen and Steven Krichmar

The Langham

Ms. Donna McDonald

Ms. Kathleen McDonough

Taylor H. Mitchell

Frank and Maureen Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien

Ms. Patricia Orton

Ms. Mary Ellen Quigley

Ms. Dianna Reardon

Rice Realty, LLC

Ms. Marilyn Sferrazza

Mr. Robert Sferrazza

Ms. Eileen Smith and Mr. Earl Lacaillade

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Plante

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. William Sweeney

Theatrical Wardrobe Local 775

Mr. Harry Uhlman

Ms. Cheryl Varney

Mr. Kevin Weeks

In Memory of Elaine McGuireAnonymous

Ms. Eleanor Blume

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Burgess

Byrne & Anderson

Mr. Brian Byrnes

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Canavan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carson

Mr. Ron Casey

Mr. James Crowe

Ms. Linda Doherty

Ms. Patricia Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Driscoll

Mrs. Ellen T. Duffley

Ms. Judith Duffy

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Evans

Ms. Lorraine Fiasconaro

Ms. Kathleen R. Flynn

Mrs. Margaret V. Foley

Mr. Paul Forry

Ms. Marybeth Gannon

Ms. Norine Gannon

Mr. Michael J. Gill

Mrs. Jean M. Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hart

Mr. Tom Herlihy

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hill M.D.

Mrs. Joyce Kaszanek

Ms. Marie Lamonica

The Langham

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Lescinskas

Ms. Kathy Manganaro

Mrs. Marge McAuliffe

Ms. Marjorie McDonald

Mrs. Theresa McGlone-Mingo and Mr. Brian Mingo

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. O’Brien

Mrs. Mary O’Hara

Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Shuman

Mr. and Mrs. William Stager

Mr. Harry Uhlman

Ms. Elaine Wallace

In Memory of Bob MunsteadMr. John Egan

In Memory of Stephen O’BrienStephen O’Brien Memorial Golf Classic

7 1

In Memory of Scott SalmanMs. Treci Bonime

Ms. Carolyn Freeman

Ms. Tina Karas

Tim and Kathleen Shea

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Smith

Ms. Patricia A. Tobin

West Springfield Fire Fighters Association

Mr. Lawrence White

In Memory of Ruth TehanMr. and Mrs. Kyle Green

In Memory of Mark WolffMrs. Nancy M. Wolff

In Memory of Thomas AlbrechtMs. Kate Albrecht

Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Margaret Albrecht

Ms. Constance Trowbridge

Orchard Gardens Club

Yawkey Club of RoxburyIn Memory of David FairfieldMr. Daniel I. Sherman

In Memory of James GuilfordMr. Arnold Selig

Mr. Mitchell G. Selig

In Memory of Arthur HurleyChisholm Insurance

Agency, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Vigil

In Memory of David TeagueMs. Candace T. Sealey

7 2

Dana SmithChair of the Board of Directors Community Volunteer

Josh Kraft Nicholas President and CEO In recognition of Pete and Ginny Nicholas

In Memoriam Myra Hiatt KraftChair Emerita

Maureen Alphonse-CharlesSenior Vice President and COO The Partnership, Inc.

Anita BekensteinCommunity Volunteer

Jeffrey C. BloombergChairman Gordon Brothers Group, LLC

Michael E. BronnerFounder Digitas and Upromise, Inc.

Emily BrownCommunity Volunteer

Michele Courton BrownVice President and COO Quality Interactions, Inc.

Holly BruceTrustee The Highland Street Foundation

Joseph P. CampanelliConsultant

James A. CanfieldExecutive Vice President McCall & Almy

Dr. Lilian W. CheungDirector of Health Promotion & Communication Harvard School of Public Health

Laurence S. Chud, M.D.Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst Faculty Harvard Medical School

Robert B. Cleary Jr.Senior Vice President Colliers International

Stephanie ConnaughtonMarketing Consultant

Jonathan G. DavisChief Executive Officer The Davis Companies

William A. EaronManaging Director Coastal Capital Advisors, LLC

Sandra M. EdgerleyCommunity Volunteer

Corinne L. FergusonCommunity Volunteer

Karen M. FirestonePresident Aureus Asset Management LLC

John F. FishPresident and Chief Executive Officer Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.

Robert E. GalleryFormer Massachusetts President Bank of America

Mike GordonManaging Member Vinik Asset Management LLC

Vicary M. GrahamRegional President of Wealth Management BNY Mellon

Lawrence D. GreenbergGeneral Partner Alydar Capital

Donna K. HazardCommunity Volunteer

Joseph L. HooleyChief Executive Officer State Street Corporation

Ogden M. HunnewellFounder and President Nordic Properties, Inc.

Durant A. HunterPrincipal Ridgeway Advisors, LLC

Bruce JacobsManaging Partner Westfield Capital Management

Melissa JanfazaCommunity Volunteer

Dave E. Johnson Partner Bain & Company

Darlene L. JordanExecutive Director Gerald R. Jordan Foundation

Brian J. KnezCo-Founder & Managing Partner Castanea Partners, Inc.

Michael A. KrupkaManaging Director Bain Capital Partners, LLC

Richard D. LassenPartner Deloitte.

Elena M. MatlackCommunity Volunteer

Christopher J. McKownCofounder and Executive Chairman Iora Health

Edvaldo MorataPartner/CEO Eneas

Board of Directors As of June 30, 2016

Donna and Chip Hazard

Alissa and Jack Sebastian

7 3

Janice MorrisExecutive Vice President Fidelity Investments

Brian T. MoynihanChief Executive Officer Bank of America

Elizabeth G. NabelPresident Brigham and Women’s Hospital

John Nadas Chairman Choate, Hall, & Stewart LLP

Farhad NanjiManaging Director Highfields Capital Management

Thomas J. Niedermeyer Jr.Former Managing Partner Liberty Square Asset Management

Saul J. PannellSenior Vice President and Partner Wellington Management Company

Randy PeelerManaging Director Berkshire Partners LLC

Bryan RafanelliChief Creative Officer Rafanelli Events Management

Bernadette T. Rehnert Community Volunteer

Laura C. ReynoldsCommunity Volunteer

Paul J. RooneyPresident EBS Insurance Brokers, Inc.

Jack SebastianManaging Director Goldman Sachs

Greg A. ShellManaging Director Bain Capital

Robert J. SmallManaging Director Berkshire Partners LLC

Susan Florence SmithSenior Vice President Christie’s

R. Gregg Stone III Founder Kestrel Management, LLC

Michael J. Swenson Retired Managing Director Goldman Sachs

Kimberly Steimle VaughnChief Marketing and People Officer Suffolk Construction Company, Inc.

Richard A. Voke, Esq.Partner Law Office of Richard A. Voke

Herbert S. Wagner IIIManaging Director The Baupost Group

Damian WilmotVice President, Litigation Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated

Frank V. Wisneski Jr.Retired Partner and Senior Vice President Wellington Management Company

Stephen G. WoodsumFounding Managing Partner Summit Partners

Senior Advisory BoardWilliam W. Bain Jr.Co-Founder Bain, Willard Companies L.P.

Gerald W. Blakeley Jr.President Blakeley Investment Company

Frederic C. Church Jr.Senior Consultant Albert Risk Management Consultants

John M. Connors Jr.President Camp Harbor View Foundation

Terrence B. GagneChief Financial Officer Pine Street Inn

John U. Harris Jr.Senior Vice President Winslow, Evans & Crocker, Inc.

Richard Harte Jr.*Retired Vice President Birch Hill Investment Advisors LLC

Michael E. HaynesRetired Senior Minister Twelfth Baptist Church

Jeffrey F. JonesCounsel Williams College

Timothy LelandRetired Vice President The Boston Globe

John D. MacomberSenior Lecturer Harvard Business School

Pete M. NicholasCo-Founder and Chairman of the Board Boston Scientific Corporation

Kevin C. PhelanChairman Colliers International Boston

Helen Chin SchlichtePresident Emeritus South Cove Manor

John D. SpoonerManaging Director Morgan Stanley SmithBarney, Inc.

John P. Weitzel*Retired Partner Palmer & Dodge LLP

Joan Lovejoy, Helen Chin Schlichte

* denotes deceased

7 4

Stephen C. AppeTrustees Chair

H. Tommy AmakerDr. Charles AndersonSara J. AndrewsAndrew G. ArnottMichael C. AscioneNavjeet BalBradley R. BalterPhyllis BarajasBridget A. BasilicoJeff BellowsMarques E. BentonJames BerylsonJoseph BoylandWilliam S. BuccellaBeverly Buker-StaleyCarla P. CabotJames A. CalhounCatherine CantillonSusan C. CarrabesRena F. ClarkSusan B. CohenDr. Lawrence H. Cohn* Terence A. ConnellPaul R. CorcoranJames CoughlinPeter H. CreightonJoel E. CutlerStuart E. DaviesDennis R. DelaneyFotene J. DemoulasCraig DillonMichael DiMellaDr. Ronald Dixon

Mark R. EpkerScott FarmelantDavid P. FialkowGill FishmanJuliette M. GaliciaBernadette GeisAlison GloverJonathan J. GoodmanJack HartRoger W. HobbyWeston Howland IIIJill M. InchesFrederick H. JamiesonKenneth M. JohnsonDavid C. KaplanKathleen KatterhagenBrian T. KeaneRyan KellyJoshua A. KlevensGordon G. KluzakRobert A. KnightThomas A. KnottJoseph KolchinskyDaniel KramerSteven D. KrichmarKevin J. LearyPatrick A. T. LeeAndrea P. LeersDeborah LewisLauren Phelan LipscombKay G. LyonsMarc MarguliesCarol MartignettiKevin P. Martin Jr.Mary Ann R. Mattoon

Richard J. McCreadyMichael J. McHughJoseph McKeeverWilliam L. McMahonStephen Mead Jr.Mary Jo MeisnerRobert S. MillerJean K. MixerRobert D. MonahanWilliam K. MoranDr. J. Keith MotleyMarion M. MussaferPeter PalandjianJ. Garrett Parker Jr. Adrienne M. PentaSteven V. PopeoDr. Adam Clayton Powell IVSteve W. PowellBrian PowersRichard P. QuinlanRichard A. RemisArlene C. RobertsEric D. RoiterFrank RoopJennifer L. RosenbergHolly SaffordGirard R. SargentJeremy M. SclarMeredith Clark ShachoyRalph O. SmithKurt F. SomervilleMichael P. StanskyDonald J. SteinerDonald K. Stern

Meredith A. StoddardJoseph F. Sweeney Jr.Patrick J. Sweeney, Esq.David T. ThibodeauCedric TonelloChristian TosiBob TrainaKaren L. TuckerAlicia VerityMatt P. VerrochiMichelle VilmsKaren VociBrian J. WalshJohn D. WalshChristian WaylandMarc A. White Jr.Theodore WinstonAshley WisneskiChristopher WoodsSteven H. Wright

Trustee EmeritiJack F. Agnew Richard L. ChurchLois M. GallagherPatricia GriffithGerald R. JordanJoan D. LovejoyJudith A. MaloneArthur McGinnesMichael MitchellAnne T. MoranJoseph J. O’DonnellJoseph E. SwanJane M. Wolchonok

Board of Trustees as of June 30, 2016

Carol Martignetti, Catherine Cantillon

Margot Davis, Frank and Ashley Wisneski

* denotes deceased

7 5

BERKSHIRE PARTNERS BLUE HILL CLUBGeorge Robert White Youth Development Center | Smith Family Teen CenterBernard L. Fitzgerald, Chair

Daniel Acheampong

Courtney Brown

Rebecca Fracassa

Bernadette Geis

Captain Haseeb Hosein

Courtney Leonard

Keith Marion

Kevin McKeon

Carrington Moore

Steve Popeo

Julius Starkman

Ashley Wisneski

CHARLESTOWN CLUBKeane Children’s Center | Ansin Youth CenterPat Sweeney, Chair

Nea Hoyt, Vice Chair

Barbara Babin

Alison Berglund

Grace Bloodwell

Leo Boucher

Edward Coleman

Paul Collins

Eve Dougherty

John Fabiano

Mike Frawley

Jason Gallagher

Nea Hoyt

John Iacoi

Kevin Kelly

John McGee

Joe McKeever

Kevin O’Halloran

Carla Ryan

Danny Ryan

Lesley Smith

Janet Sullivan

Pat Sweeney

Ian Urquhart


Tim Rogers, Vice Chair

Will Averill

David Biele, Esq.

Euguene Binda

Timothy Buckley

Dianne Cavaleri

Tom Costello

Christina Dutch

Zach Fletchtner

Nina Hayes

Doreen Heath

Gail Hobin

Congressman Stephen F. Lynch

Andrew McInnes

Brett Peterson

Nicole Prairie Peterson

Joseph Plunkett III

Paul J. Rooney

Paul Saia

Sarah Smegal

Donna Susi

Michael Zulon

GERALD AND DARLENE JORDAN CLUB Kraft Family Youth CenterMatthew Monkiewicz, Chair

George Speropolous, Vice Chair

Sal Bertolami

Peter Carbone

Penny Garver

Sergio Jaramillo

Brian Kyes

James McCarthy

Joseph McNamee

Radhames Nova

J. Michael O’Brien

Daniel Ronan

Thomas Speropoulos

Elizabeth Gonzalez Suarez

Joseph Vinard

Leslie Vitale

Brian Walsh

Gerald and Darlene Jordan Club Honorary Advisory Board MembersRay Monkiewicz

Mark Robinson

Richard Voke

H. Mark White

YAWKEY CLUB OF ROXBURYSmith Family Teen Center Fred Fairfield, Chair

Michael Vance, Vice Chair

Emily Brown

Keith McDermott

Stanley Onuoha

Candace Sealey

Daniel Sherman

Ronia Stewart

Bernard Wheeler

Lorraine Payne Wheeler

YOUTHCONNECTJoshua Klevins, Chair

Ron Ansin, Honorary Chair

Laurence S. Chud, MD

Brian French

Michael Gass

Robert Gittens

Kanasha Herbert

Jeff Herrmann

Weston Howland III

Elizabeth Silverman

Donald K. Stern

Robert Sweet

Christian Tosi

Local Advisory Boards as of June 30, 2016

7 6

Independent Auditor’s ReportTo the Board of Directors The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts

Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. (the “Organization”) which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the years then ended and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Boston, Massachusetts November 15, 2016

This is an excerpt from the full financial statements and the auditors’ opinion covers the full presentation of such statements. The audited financial statements include footnote disclosures, which are an integral part of the statements. To review the complete statements, please visit and click on “Who We Are.”


Independent Auditor’s Report

To the Board of Directors The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts

Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. (the “Organization”) which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the years then ended and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston, Inc. as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Boston, Massachusetts November 16, 2015

7 7

Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2016 and 2015

2016 2015


Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,500,564 $ 931,188

Reimbursable program grant expenditures 302,927 251,115

Other receivables 2,333,458 1,643,065

Prepaid expenses and other assets 432,097 186,704

Pledges receivable 12,156,721 17,438,865

Beneficial interest in charitable trusts 1,825,183 1,285,010

Restricted cash and cash equivalents 650,744 4,478,518

Long-term investments 48,259,995 46,854,667

Land, buildings and equipment, net 34,839,879 35,595,002

Total assets $ 106,301,568 $ 108,664,134


Accounts payable – trade $ 515,469 $ 760,965

Accounts payable – construction – 1,641,578

Accrued expenses 897,792 611,917

Pension liability 4,142,988 2,079,733

Deferred revenue 402,993 326,302

Total liabilities 5,959,242 5,420,495

Net assets:

Unrestricted 34,994,100 38,844,442

Temporarily restricted 21,738,928 22,657,466

Permanently restricted 43,609,298 41,741,731

Total net assets 100,342,326 103,243,639

Total liabilities and net assets $ 106,301,568 $ 108,664,134

This is an excerpt from the full financial statements and the auditors’ opinion covers the full presentation of such statements. The audited financial statements include footnote disclosures, which are an integral part of the statements. To review the complete statements, please visit and click on “Who We Are.”

7 8

Statement of Activities (Unrestricted Net Assets Only) Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015

2016 2015

OPERATING ACTIVITIESRevenues, gains and other support

United Way contributions $ 596,248 $ 621,462 Contributions 11,741,686 10,842,514 Grants and contracts from governmental agencies 1,284,221 1,170,840 Parent fees, vouchers, member dues, and club camp fees 1,021,815 1,018,663 Gifts-in-kind 453,967 587,803 Service and other income 1,971,004 1,846,991 Appropriation of investment income on long-term investments 1,878,557 1,658,252 Net assets released from restrictions 4,589,020 3,515,283

Total revenues, gains and other support 23,536,518 21,261,808

Operating expenses

Program services 17,401,665 15,374,123 Management and general 1,865,070 1,753,758 Fundraising 3,601,783 3,558,160 Total operating expenses before depreciation 22,868,518 20,686,041

Income from operations before depreciation 668,000 575,767

Depreciation expense 2,146,379 1,803,249

Income (loss) from operations (1,478,379) (1,227,482)


Net assets released from restriction (capital expenditures) – 10,995,621 Appropriation of investment income on long-term investments (184,437) (187,957) Interest and dividend income 54,440 62,880 Investment expense (3,382) (4,807) Net realized gains on investments 115,526 113,400 Net unrealized gains losses on investments (280,806) (134,853) Capital grants 106,961 13,000 Comprehensive campaign expenses (92,240) (115,950) Loss on disposal of buildings and equipment (41,368) (437,995) Pension liability adjustment (2,046,657) 227,192

Non-operating gains (losses) (2,371,963) 10,530,531

Change in net assets (3,850,342) 9,303,049

Total Unrestricted Net Assets, beginning of year 38,844,442 29,541,393

Total Unrestricted Net Assets, end of year $34,994,100 $ 38,844,442

This is an excerpt from the full financial statements and the auditors’ opinion covers the full presentation of such statements. The audited financial statements include footnote disclosures, which are an integral part of the statements. To review the complete statements, please visit and click on “Who We Are.”

Opening Doors2 0 1 6 A N N UA L R E P O R T

MAIN OFFICEBoys & Girls Clubs of Boston200 High Street, 3rd FloorBoston, MA

BERKSHIRE PARTNERS BLUE HILL CLUBGeorge Robert White Youth Development Center | Smith Family Teen Center15 Talbot AvenueDorchester, MA 02124617-474-1050Carl Thompson –Executive Director

CHARLESTOWN CLUBKeane Children’s Center | Ansin Youth Center15 Green StreetCharlestown, MA 02129617-242-1775Peter Nash – Executive Director

CONDON CLUBJames F. Condon Elementary School200 D StreetSouth Boston, MA 02127617-307-6075David Shaw – Director

EDGERLEY FAMILY SOUTH BOSTON CLUB230 West Sixth StreetSouth Boston, MA 02127617-268-4301Harry Duvall – Executive Director

FRANKLIN HILL CLUBFranklin Hill Housing Development5 Shandon RoadDorchester, MA 02124617-282-2800Christian Pagan – Director

GERALD AND DARLENE JORDAN CLUBKraft Family Youth Center30 Willow StreetChelsea, MA 02150617-884-9435Gina Centrella – Executive Director

HENNIGAN CLUBJames W. Hennigan Elementary School200 Heath StreetJamaica Plain, MA 02130617-427-0144Marisol Ayala – Director

MATTAPAN TEEN CENTER10 Hazelton StreetMattapan, MA 02126617-533-9050Ronald Carroll – Director

ORCHARD GARDENS CLUBOrchard Gardens Community Center2 Dearborn StreetRoxbury, MA 02118617-516-5285Russell Lamberti – Director

SUMNER CLUBCharles Sumner Elementary School15 Basile StreetRoslindale, MA 02131617-363-9938Nina Vansuch – Director

YAWKEY CLUB OF ROXBURYSmith Family Teen Center115 Warren StreetRoxbury, MA 02119617-427-6050Andrea Swain – Executive Director

YOUTHCONNECT115 Warren StreetRoxbury, MA 02119617-427-0957Andrea Perry – Executive Director





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Editorial photos by:Nicolaus Czarnecki