OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute · Web viewBob Koukol reviewed the safety...

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Transcript of OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute · Web viewBob Koukol reviewed the safety...





These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Committee in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Committee and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

TUESDAY, 19-FEB-2019


1.1 Call to Order/Quorum Check

The Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Standardization Committee was called to order at 8:00 a.m., on 19-Feb-2019 by Chairperson Bob Koukol.

It was verified that only NMC Members and invited guests of the Chairperson were in attendance during this restricted voting members only meeting.

There were three invited guests, Delton Carter (BAE Systems, Electronic Systems), Gina Fuzzell (Lockheed Martin), and Stan Trull (Honeywell Aerospace).

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


* Latch Anguelov SAFRAN Group* Tomohiko Ashikaga Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.* David Bale Pratt & Whitney Canada* Pascal Blondet Airbus Commercial Aircraft* Richard Blyth Rolls-Royce* Craig Bowden BAE Systems – Air (UK)

Delton Carter BAE Systems, Electronic Systems* Jeff Cerre Textron Aviation* Dave Cianfrini BAE Systems, Electronic Systems* Russ Cole Northrop Grumman Corp.* Rusty Freelen Lockheed Martin Corp.

Gina Fuzzell Lockheed Martin Corp.

* François-Simon Gauthier Pratt & Whitney Canada

* Frederic Grenon Bombardier Aerospace* Dave Hansen US Air Force* Bob Koukol Honeywell Aerospace Committee Chairperson* Ralph Kropp MTU Aero Engines* Marc-André Lefebvre Héroux-Devtek* Jeff Lott The Boeing Company* Scott Maitland Collins Aerospace (Goodrich)* Roger Merriman Textron Aviation* Steven Meyer Spirit AeroSystems* Daniel Muenter Liebherr Aerospace* Scott O’Connor Honeywell Aerospace* Alex Olmedo Triumph Group* John Pfeiffer GE Aviation Committee Vice Chair* Per Rehndell GKN Aerospace Sweden AB* Michael Roberts Gulfstream Corporation* Davide Salerno Leonardo S.p.A. Divisione Velivoli



* Victor Schonberger Israel Aerospace Industries* Lindsey Shaw Raytheon Co.* Dave Soong Pratt & Whitney

Stanley Trull Honeywell Aerospace* Scott Wheatley Collins Aerospace (Rockwell Collins)

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


* Jim Cummings Metal Finishing Company, Inc. Chemical Processing

* Jonathan Hebben Avcorp Composite Fabrication Supplier Support Committee

* Elizabeth Herman Kaman Composites Composites* Tommy Howland Lee Aerospace Aero Structures Assembly* Johanna Lisa Continental Heat Treating / Quality Heat Treating Aerospace Quality Systems* Tammi Schubert Helicomb International Measurement & Inspection* Christopher Webb PCC Structurals Inc. Welding* Wilfried Weber PFW Aerospace GmbH Heat Treating* Gary White Orbit Industries Nondestructive Testing

PRI Staff Present

Mark AubeleMike GrahamConnie HessScott KlavonJim LewisBob LizewskiKellie O’Connor

Bob Koukol reviewed the safety information and emergency exits in the Meeting Room. All attendees were advised to inform PRI Staff of any emergencies.

It was noted that this will be Bob Koukol’s last meeting as Chairperson of the Standardization Committee as he will be assuming the role of NMC Chairperson following this Nadcap Meeting. John Pfeiffer will become the Committee Chairperson at the June 2019 meeting.

The Code of Ethics, Anti-Trust & Conflict of Interest was reviewed by Bob Koukol.

The Committee agenda was reviewed.

Motion made by John Pfeiffer and seconded by Jeff Cerre to approve the October 2018 NMC Standardization Committee minutes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Motion Passed.


Bob Koukol updated the Committee on the status of the implementation plan developed by the Self Audit Sub-Team.

It was noted that the Materials Testing Laboratories (MTL) Task Group has implemented the checklist with the added three questions about submitting the self-audit into their checklists. All Task Groups are now complete.



At the previous meeting, the NMC requested an auditor survey on the effectiveness of the self-audit process. A survey was conducted in December 2018, and the results were reviewed (see attached). The feedback revealed the 90% of auditors feel the process is useful. Auditors also submitted several recommendations for improvement, such as the capability for suppliers’ self audits to be performed electronically, similar to the offline checklist completion by Nadcap auditors.

ACTION ITEM: PRI to include training on the reason behind the self-audit submittal requirement with auditors during the October Auditor Conference. It was recommended that an auditor present this if possible. (Due Date: 19-Oct-2019)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to consider adding an article on Self-Audit submittal requirement to the Nadcap Newsletter, including a reference on how to use Task Group Handbooks during self-audits to ensure correct interpretation of requirements. (Due Date: 04-Jun-2019)


Victor Schonberger provided an update on the Supplier Merit Sub-Team’s activities. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

During the October 2018 Planning & Ops meeting, the Task Groups were requested to conduct an impact assessment. In this assessment, each Task Group selected a sample of 5% of audits with one or more nonconformances conducted between 01-Aug-2017 through 01-Aug-2018. The results were received, and the sub-team collated the results. Data shows that there would be a significant increase in the number of advisories required which would have a high impact on merit. The Standardization Committee felt that the requirement to classify an NCR as major per the guidelines provided to the Task Groups was correct. In regards to the issuance of advisories, it was proposed that a team be formed during Planning & Ops to develop standard criteria for issuing an advisory. Once developed, the Merit Sub-Team would need to reassess the merit procedure requirements and make adjustments as necessary to minimize the impact to merit percentages.

ACTION ITEM: Merit Sub-team to request volunteers at Planning & Ops to give input on criteria for standard requirements for issuing advisories to minimize subjectivity. (Due Date: 21-Mar-2019)

ACTION ITEM: Merit Sub-team with Planning and Ops volunteer support to define standard criteria for issuance of Supplier Advisories. (Due Date: 4-Jun-2019)

ACTION ITEM: Task Groups to reassess each audit that they identified in their merit assessment to see if an advisory would still be required using the standard criteria, re-run analysis to impact on merit, failure and advisory. The results would be used to identify changes to the merit procedure that would minimize the impact to the current merit rate. (21-Oct-2019)




Bob Koukol reported on the current status of the Nadcap General Requirements Audit Criteria. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

The following actions are in process to implement this new checklist:

OP 1101 Document Control was revised to incorporate requirements for this checklist, and the last day for the ballot is 19-Feb-2019

An eAuditNet enhancement (#1161) was requested to allow a new ballot process, which is estimated to be worked on in Q2 2019

Ballot AC7000 once the enhancement is in place Revise and ballot OP 1104 Audit Scheduling during the same timeframe as AC7000 Release AC7000 and OP 1104 following ballot and 90-day implementation period Task Groups remove the associated sections from their baseline checklists at the next

revision after AC7000 is active

The draft checklist AC7000 has been created and is now on hold while the actions above are taking place. It is expected that the full implementation process, including all of the actions above, will take several months.


At the last Planning & Ops meeting, the Standardization Committee was given an action item to create guidelines related to reasons for overturning a failure ballot. Mike Graham reviewed a strawman proposal. For more information, please see the attached presentation.

The NMC Members agreed conceptually with the idea that failures should only be rejected/overturned if the supplier did not exceed the failure criteria (i.e. the number of NCR’s, the number of cycles, and/or cumulative delinquency did not exceed defined limits). A Failure Guidance Sub-Team was appointed to further develop guidelines for the proposal. The volunteers are: Russ Cole (Lead), Scott Maitland, Johanna Lisa, John Pfeiffer, Jonathan Hebben, Richard Blyth, Alex Olmedo.

ACTION ITEM: Failure Guidance Sub-Team to meet and develop guidelines for how/when a ballot can be overturned, and present at June 2019 Standardization Committee meeting. (Due Date: 04-Jun-2019)


6.1 Mike Graham reviewed status of Open Action Items from previous meetings and the following were closed:

STND-287 STND-291 STND-295 STND-296 STND-297 STND-302



STND-303 STND-304 STND-305 STND-306 STND-307 STND-308 STND-309 STND-312 STND-313

6.2 Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Survey

The SSC was asked to determine if a survey should be sent to the auditees regarding the effectiveness of the self-audit survey. They determined that a survey should be offered to Supplier audit contacts for audits conducted since the release of the self-audit enhancement, and proposed a list of five questions:

1. How many accreditations does your company hold?2. Accreditations held (dropdown menu)3. Do you believe the requirement to submit the self-audit 30 days prior to the on-site audit is

helpful to your company? (Yes or No)a. If yes, select a reason (check all that apply):

i. We were better prepared for our audit by completing the checklistii. We had a better understanding of the checklist questions prior to the auditiii. We were able to identify and correct NCRs prior to the auditiv. It gave our company an opportunity to solicit support from other departments

prior to the auditv. Other

b. If no, please select the reason (select all that apply):i. We didn’t like being forced to perform a self-auditii. We already understand the checklist and know what we need to doiii. The auditor didn’t look at / use the self-audit providediv. We are required to submit too much documentation prior to the auditv. Other (please specify)

4. Are there any process improvements you recommend to make the self-audits more effective? (free text)

5. Please include any comments that relate to a specific task group / commodity. (free text)

ACTION ITEM: SSC to revise self-audit survey as discussed during the Standardization Committee Meeting and initiate the survey to all Auditees (Suppliers and Subscribers). Tabulate results for review at the June 2019 NMC Standardization Committee Meeting. (Due Date: 04-Jun-2019)

Any new Action Items identified in the minutes will be added to the RAIL.

ADJOURNMENT – 19-Feb-2019 – Motion made by Jeff Cerre and seconded by Jeff Lott to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Kellie O’Connor



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