OpenCms Days 2012 - OpenCms 8 in enterprise environments - will it blend?

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Software AG Tech Communitites are hosted with OpenCms for more than five years now. The evolution from OpenCms 6 to OpenCms 8 proved to be en par with the challenges developed ever since: whether it is stability, flexibility, scalability or versatility you're looking for - OpenCms delivers. However in order to keep pace with recent developments like social networking and dealing with volumes of large video files and other binaries it becomes tricky: Never reinvent the wheel and use your tools for what they were intended for. Thus the deployment of specialized third-party systems like for example Liferay, Alfreso and JForum. Depending on the scenario the optimal approach may look differently: tight vs. loose coupling, integration of external functionality into OpenCms vs. sharing OpenCms content with other applications via push, just to name a few. We will be discussing the pros and cons of the different strategies using OpenCms 8 as an example. The focus will be on dependencies and pitfalls to look out for when migrating several thousands resources from OpenCms 7 and how to integrate it with other legacy systems. In addition we present an optimized Designer-Developer-Editor workflow using our gradually evolved templating engine.

Transcript of OpenCms Days 2012 - OpenCms 8 in enterprise environments - will it blend?

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OpenCms & Enterprise -will it blend?

Sebastian BoltRobert Diawara

a presentation forOpenCms Days 2012

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Robert DiawaraSoftware AG

Sebastian Boltcomponio GmbH


OpenCms Days - 2012

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Software AG at a glance

OpenCms Days - 2012


� Located in Darmstadt, Germany

� Web-Centric Software Development� Knowledge Management

� Social Media

� Information Portals

� OpenCms development since 2005

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Will it blend?

Of course.Thanks for your attention!

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OpenCms Days - 2012


Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to version 8

OpenCms & third party applications

Extending OpenCms




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OpenCms Days - 2012

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8


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OpenCms Days - 2012


� 16.000+ members

� 100+ forums

� 50.000+ forum posts

� Discover New Assets, Share Insights,Collaborate with Peers

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OpenCms Days - 2012



� mobile

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Migration process

� New installation vs. Upgrade Wizard

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Migration process

� Soft migration

� Code could be reuseddue to modular approachfrom start

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Migration process

� Configurationparametersmoved to settings

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

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OpenCms Days - 2012


� Link Management

� History is lost

� Published/Unpublishedresources

Migrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Recommended sessionMigrating Software AG's TECHcommunity to OpenCms 8

Updating the Archdiocese of Cologne from OpenCms 7 to 8Wolfgang Koch-Tien


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OpenCms Days - 2012

OpenCms &third party applications


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OpenCms Days - 2012




OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Integration of subsystems


� Discussion forums

� Wiki

OpenCms & third party applications

� Missing components:� Social

� Personalization

� Integrated search over all subsystems

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OpenCms Days - 2012


� JBoss EPP 5.0

� Apache Jetspeed 2.2.1

� Liferay 6.0

� Clearspace / jive

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Liferay Features

� Personalized Dashboard / Homepage

� Friends / Knowledge Networks

� Activity stream

� Solr search interface

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Integration of subsystemsOpenCms & third party applications




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OpenCms Days - 2012

TECHcommunity - Home Page

� Available to all

� Stay updated on new resources

� Search all channels

� Sign up/Sign in

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

TECHcommunity - Personalized Home Page� Customize based on your interests

� Add new (external) channels

� Add or modify news streams/feeds

� Add gadgets

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

My Stream – All about Me

� Share informationwith the Community

� Tell others about yourself

� Establish yourpresence

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Members Stream – Build a Professional Network� Search

� Connect

� Chat

� Members activitystream

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012


� JAVA platform

� Scalability


� Single Registration

OpenCms & third party applications

OpenCms Days - 2012

Single Registration

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OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Liferay Integration

� Loose coupling

� Extended version of RSS portlet

� Menu integration

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Liferay Integration

� Aggregation ofmultiple feeds

� Duplicate itemelimination

� Caching via ttl

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Search technology

� Solr instead of Lucene

� OpenCms search index interfacechanges between versions 8.0.2 – 8.0.4

� Indexing OpenCms via Nutch

� 8.5 offering standardized search interface

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Faceted search

� „Drill down“style vs.hierarchical searching

� Available Facets� Asset type

� Date range

� Tags / categories

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Faceted search - Learnings

� Limit number of filter options

� Allow multiple categories

� Make faceted search easily distinguishable

� Monitor user's search queries

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Social Equity

� User actions in OpenCmsand JForum updateportals activity index

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Effects and Conclusions

� Increased activity

� Increased numberof registrations

� Robust platform forfuture extensions

OpenCms & third party applications - Liferay

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Document Management

� Alfresco as external data repository

� large files do not need to be in the VFS

� Metadata separate from binaries

� Crawler to mirror metadata in OpenCms

OpenCms & third party applications

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Extending OpenCms 03

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OpenCms Days - 2012


� Dynamic columns

� Flexible data sources

� AJAX enabled

� Based on jQuery plugin:

Extending OpenCms

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OpenCms Days - 2012

FancyTablesExtending OpenCms – Fancy Tables

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OpenCms Days - 2012


� Multiple Navigations

� OpenCms 8 ContainerElement

� Navlets associatedwith pages / folders

� Internationalization

Extending OpenCms – FancyNavigation

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Closing RemarksOpenCms & Enterprise – will it blend?

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OpenCms Days - 2012

Thank you for your attention!OpenCms & Enterprise – will it blend?

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OpenCms Days - 2012

And now forsomething completely different...

How Software AG is optimizing workflows with OpenCms 8 and the Theme EngineRobert Diawara


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OpenCms Days - 2012