Open street map

Post on 19-May-2015

178 views 1 download


Transcript of Open street map


Prepared by: Ket Mengcheang



What is OpenStreetMap?

Maps can be used by anyone without copyright restrictions

Editable by anyone Anyone can contribute new data to the

map or even edit the existing data A free and open data source The raw map data is available for

anyone to use in whatever way they like

Why the OSM is important?Existing Data not Free & Open

Limits your rights to use the data as you wish

Data as a Static SnapshotCommercial data may be years old

Existing data not editableIf you discover an error in an existing

map, you cannot instantly edit it

Where on the web?

Main site Wiki (the first point of call for all aspects

of OSM-related information)…

How does OSM work? Provide an Open Platform OSM Users may freely input and extract data Raw sources for OSM map GPS track logs Existing Free Data Sources (eg Road with

label, land administration boundary, lakes , ponds, rivers, protection area, etc.)

Historical Maps – Out of Copyright mapping Bing / Yahoo! Aerial Imagery Users Create Map from Raw Sources

What are our results so far?