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Mixing and Matching Learning Design and LearningAnalyticsConference or Workshop ItemHow to cite:

Nguyen, Quan; Rienties, Bart and Toetenel, Lisette (2017). Mixing and Matching Learning Design and LearningAnalytics. In: Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Technology in Education - 4th International Conference, LCT2017 Held as Part of HCI International 2017 Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9–14, 2017 Proceedings, Part II (Zaphiris,Panayiotis and Ioannou, Andri eds.), Springer, pp. 302–316.

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Mixing and Matching Learning Designand Learning Analytics

Quan Nguyen(&), Bart Rienties, and Lisette Toetenel

Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK{quan.nguyen,bart.rienties},

Abstract. In the last five years, learning analytics has proved its potential inpredicting academic performance based on trace data of learning activities.However, the role of pedagogical context in learning analytics has not been fullyunderstood. To date, it has been difficult to quantify learning in a way that can bemeasured and compared. By coding the design of e-learning courses, this studydemonstrates how learning design is being implemented on a large scale at theOpen University UK, and how learning analytics could support as well as benefitfrom learning design. Building on our previous work, our analysis was conductedlongitudinally on 23 undergraduate distance learning modules and their 40,083students. The innovative aspect of this study is the availability of fine-grainedlearning design data at individual task level, which allows us to consider theconnections between learning activities, and the media used to produce theactivities. Using a combination of visualizations and social network analysis, ourfindings revealed a diversity in how learning activities were designed within andbetween disciplines as well as individual learning activities. By reflecting on thelearning design in an explicit manner, educators are empowered to compare andcontrast their design using their own institutional data.

Keywords: Learning analytics � Learning design � Virtual learningenvironment � Learning media

1 Introduction

In the last decade, there is a growing body of literature [1–3] that seeks to develop adescriptive framework to capture teaching and learning activities so that teaching ideascan be shared and reused from one educator to another, so called Learning Design(LD) [4]. While the early work in LD has focused on transferring the design for learningfrom implicit to explicit, the relationship between LD and the actual learner response hasbeen not fully understood. As the majority of feedback takes forms of assessments, andcourse’s evaluations, which typically takes place after the learning process has finished(except for formative assessments), it prevents teachers from making in-time inter-ventions. Recently, the advancement in technology has allowed us to capture the digitalfootprints of learning activities from Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This richand fine-grained data about the actual learners’ behaviors offer educators potentiallyvaluable insights on how students react to different LDs.


© Springer International Publishing AG 2017P. Zaphiris and A. Ioannou (Eds.): LCT 2017, Part II, LNCS 10296, pp. 1–15, 2017.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58515-4_24



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Learning analytics (LA) has the potential to empower teachers and students byidentifying patterns and trends from a wide variety of learners’ data. Substantial pro-gress has been made both in conceptual development [5, 6] as well as how to designappropriate predictive learning analytics to support students [7, 8]. Nonetheless, in linewith [7, 9], findings from LA research in the past have been rather limited to deliveringactionable feedback, while ignoring the context in which the learning data is situated.Thus, there is an increasing interest to align LA with LD, as the former facilitates thetransfer of tacit educational practice to an explicit rendition, while the latter provideseducators with pedagogical context for interpreting and translating LA findings todirect interventions [10–14]. While there are abundant discussions on the value andimpact of integrating LD into LA to improve teacher inquiry [13, 14], only a fewstudies have empirically examined how teachers actually design their courses [15, 16]and whether LD influences satisfaction, VLE behavior, and retention [9, 17–19].

This study builds on previous work by [17, 19, 20] by dynamically investigatingthe use of learning design in 24 modules over 30 weeks at one of the largest distancehigher education institutions in Europe using a combination of data visualizations andsocial network analysis. Our work contributes to the existing literature by capturing:(1) how learning activities interact with each other across modules, and (2) howteachers configure their course at activity level.

2 Learning Design at the Open University

2.1 Aligning Learning Analytics and Learning Design

In the last five years, LA has attracted a lot of attention from practitioners, manage-ment, and researchers in education by shedding light on a massive amount of (po-tentially) valuable data in education, as well as providing means to explicitly testexisting pedagogical theories. Scholars in the field of LA have exploited varioussources of data, such as activity logs of students [21], learning dispositions [22–24], ordiscussion forum [25]. While these studies provide important markers on the potentialof LA in education, critics have indicated a gap between pedagogy and LA [26, 27].Interesting patterns can be identified from student activities, such as number of clicks,discussion posts, or essays. However, these patterns alone are not sufficient to offerfeedback that teachers can put into actions [8, 24]. Without a pedagogically soundapproach to data, LA researchers may struggle with deciding which variables to attendto, how to generalize the results to other contexts, and how to translate their findings toactions [27]. Hence, LD can equip researchers with a narrative behind their numbers,and convert trends of data into meaningful understandings and opportunities to makesensible interventions.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, the term learning design has emerged as a“methodology for enabling teachers/designers to make more informed decisions in howthey go about designing learning activities and interventions, which is pedagogicallyinformed and makes effective use of appropriate resources and technologies” [1]. Formore discussion on the origins of ‘learning design’ and ‘instructional design’, we referreaders to Persico, Pozzi [12]. Several approaches for designing learning have been

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proposed, yet, one common stage in almost every approach was the evaluation of theLD [12]. Persico, Pozzi [12] argued that the learning process should not only dependon experience, or best practices of colleagues but also pre-existing aggregated data onstudents’ engagement, progression, and achievement. In a similar manner, Mor et al.[13] suggested that LA could facilitate teacher inquiry by transforming knowledgefrom tacit to explicit, and perceive students and teachers as participants of a reflectivepractice. For instance, in a study of 148 learning designs by Toetenel, Rienties [28], theintroduction of a systematic LD initiative consisting of visualization of initial LDs andworkshops helped educators to focus on the development of a range of skills and morebalanced LDs. Feeding information on how students are engaged in a certain LDduring or post-implementation can provide a more holistic perspective of the impact oflearning activities [10].

Several conceptual frameworks aiming at connecting LA with LD have beenproposed. For example, Persico, Pozzi [12] discussed three dimensions of LD that canbe informed by LA: representations, tools, and approaches. Lockyer et al. [10] intro-duced two categories of analytics applications: checkpoint analytics to determinewhether students have met the prerequisites for learning by assessing relevant learningresources, and process analytics to capture how learners are carrying out their tasks. Inthe recent LAK conference 2016, Bakharia et al. [14] proposed four types of analytics(temporal, tool specific, cohort, and comparative), and contingency and interventionsupport tools with the teacher playing a central role.

In this paper, we will use the conceptual framework developed by Conole [1] andfurther employed by Rienties, Toetenel [17]. Both conceptual and empirical researchhas found that the Open University Learning Design Initiative (OULDI) can accuratelyand reliably determine how teachers design courses, and how students are subsequentlyusing these LDs [17, 19].

While there were numerous discussions in aligning LA with LD, the amount ofempirical studies on the subject has been rather limited. For example, Gašević et al. [8]examined the extent to which instructional conditions influence the prediction ofacademic success in nine undergraduate courses offered in a blended learning model.The results suggested that it is imperative for LA to taking into account instructionalconditions across disciplines and courses to avoid over-estimation or underestimationof the effect of LMS behavior on academic success. From our observation, most of theempirical studies attempting to connect LA and LD are derived from students activities[10], or differences in discipline [8], rather than how teachers actually design theircourse [29].

In our previous work, we have highlighted explicitly the role of LD in explainingLMS behavior, student satisfaction, retention, and differences in prediction of academicsuccess [8, 9, 17–19]. For example, in our first study linking 40 LDs with VLEbehavior and retention, we found that strongly assimilative designs (i.e., lots of passivereading and watching of materials) were negatively correlated with retention [18]. In alarge-scale follow-up study using a larger sample of 151 modules and multipleregression analyses of 111,256 students at the Open University, UK, Rienties, Toetenel[17] revealed relations between LD activities and VLE behavior, student satisfaction,and retention. The findings showed that taking the context of LD into account couldincrease the predictive power by 10–20%. Furthermore, from a practitioner’s

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perspective, the combination of a collaborative, networked approach at the initialdesign stage, augmented with visualizations, changed the way educators design theircourses [28].

While these three studies at the Open University UK (OU) highlighted the potentialaffordances of marrying LD with LA on a large scale, two obvious limitations of thesestudies were the aggregation of learning activities in predicting behavior and perfor-mance (i.e., rather than their interaction), as well as the static rather than longitudinalperspective of LD. In these studies [9, 18], aggregate learning design data across the 40weeks of each module were used, while in many instances teachers use differentcombinations of learning activities throughout the module [29]. To address this, in ourrecent study [20], we have dynamically investigated longitudinal learning design of 38modules over 30 weeks and found that learning design could explain up to 60% of thestudents’ time spent on VLE. While learning design at weekly level has revealedpromising results, the design of individual learning tasks has not been examined due tothe lack of data. Therefore, this study takes a further step by looking at the learningdesigns and the inter-relationships between learning activities at individual task level.

2.2 Research Questions

Our previous works have shown a diverse of learning designs across different disci-plines over time. In this study, we take a further step by looking at the learning designat activity level.

• RQ1: How are different types of learning activities connected, both within themodule and between modules?

• RQ2: What media were used to deliver the individual learning activities?

3 Methodology

3.1 Study Context

This study took place at the Open University UK, which is the largest distance edu-cation provider in Europe. Data in this study was generated from the OU Learningdesign initiative, which helps teams in defining their pedagogic approach, choosing andintegrating an effective range of media and technologies, and enable sharing of goodpractice across the university [30]. When using data to compare module design acrossdisciplines and modules, according to our previous work [17, 19] it is important toclassify learning activities in an objective and consistent manner. In particular, eachmodule goes through a mapping process by a module team which consists of a LDspecialist, a LD manager, and faculty members. This process typically takes between 1and 3 days for a single module, depending on the number of credits, structure, andquantity of learning resources. First, the learning outcomes specified by the moduleteam were captured by a LD specialist. Each learning activity within the mod-ule’s weeks, topics, or blocks was categorized under the LD taxonomy and stored in an‘activity planner’ – a planning and design tool supporting the development, analysis,

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and sharing of learning designs. Next, the LD team manager reviews the resultingmodule map before the findings are forwarded to the faculty. This provides academicswith an opportunity to give feedback on the data before the status of the design wasfinalized. To sum up, the mapping process is reviewed by at least three people to ensurethe reliability and robustness of the data relating to a learning design. Even so, codinglearning activities remains a subjective undertaking and efforts to increase the validityin coding instruments have to date resulted in lack of data which can provide context toanalysis (Table 1).

3.2 Measurement of Learning Design

Seven categories of learning activities were measured in terms of workload, which isthe number of hours that was allocated for each type of learning activities. Time spenton learning activities was restricted based on the size of the module, such as 30 creditsequated to 300 h of learning, and 60 credits equated to 600 h of learning. However, theactual LD depends on individual teacher. Descriptive statistics of the seven types oflearning activities can be found in Table 2, Appendix.

In addition, assimilative activities of five modules were decomposed intosub-categories such as: Words, Figures, Photos, Tables, Equations, Audios, Videos,and Others (Fig. 1). These represent different channels that students absorbed infor-mation. Due to limited space, we chose to report the results of an exemplar module inSocial sciences. In this exemplar module, there were in total 267 individual learningactivities that were decomposed, descriptive statistics can be found in Table 3,Appendix.

Table 1. Learning design taxonomy

Type of activity Example

Assimilative Attending to information Read, Watch, Listen, Thinkabout, Access

Finding andhandlinginformation

Searching for and processinginformation

List, Analyze, Collate, Plot, Find,Discover, Access, Use, Gather

Communication Discussing module relatedcontent with at least one otherperson (student or tutor)

Communicate, Debate, Discuss,Argue, Share, Report,Collaborate, Present, Describe

Productive Actively constructing an artefact Create, Build, Make, Design,Construct, Contribute, Complete

Experiential Applying learning in areal-world setting

Practice, Apply, Mimic,Experience, Explore, Investigate

Interactive/Adaptive Applying learning in asimulated setting

Explore, Experiment, Trial,Improve, Model, Simulate

Assessment All forms of assessment(summative, formative andself-assessment)

Write, Present, Report,Demonstrate, Critique

Source: Retrieved from Rienties, Toetenel [17]


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3.3 Data Analysis

Prior studies of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in e-learning, particularly in theimprovement of LD have concentrated on examining patterns of learner communicationand collaboration in various situations, such as when discussing, blogging and e-mailing[31]. Within the last three years in LA, SNA has been shown to be an effective tool toexplore the relationships of learners in online discussion forum [29], as well as inface-to-face interactions, tracked for instance in eye tracking movements [32]. However,none has looked at the LD from a social network perspective, identifying connectionsbetween learning activities using ‘big data’. Hora, Ferrare [29] suggested that teachingpractice should be best viewed as situated in and distributed among features of particularsettings. According to the systems-of-practice theory by Halverson [33], local practicesare informed, constrained, and constituted by the dynamic interplay of artifact and tasks.Thus, in order to understand how teachers design their course, it is necessary to considerthe inter-relationships among different learning activities, which is why we haveemployed a social networking analysis approach.

We used Tableau 10.1 to visualize the LD of 24 modules over 30 weeks of studytime, and social network analysis (UCINET 6.627) to visualize the inter-relationshipsamong learning activities. The LD dataset was a weighted two-mode network as itconsisted of different learning activities across several weeks. Since we are primarilyinterested in the relationships among learning activities, the dataset was transformed toa one-mode network. We refer readers to our previous work [20] for more details of thedata transformation process.

Fig. 1. Workload tool at individual task level of an exemplar module in the Social sciences

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4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Learning Design Within and Between Modules

The average time allocated for different types of learning activities per week of 24modules were illustrated in Fig. 2. At a glance, there were a lot of fluctuations in thetime allocated for each type of learning activities over time, which implies a dynamicusage of LD from educators. This is an interesting finding in itself, as it demonstratesthat the format of learning changes on a weekly basis, rather than following an identicalformat week after week.

In line with our previous findings [17, 19, 20], assimilative activities accounted for themajority of study time (M = 3.49, SD = 3.29), followed by assessment activities(M = 1.64, SD = 2.80), and productive activities (M = 1.16, SD = 1.49). Other typesof learning activities such as communication, experiential, finding information, andinteractive activities were underused on average. Assimilative activities and assessmentactivities seemed to follow opposite path, suggesting that where educators provide a lotof content, they do not provide assessment tasks and vice versa. In the beginning of amodule, more assimilative activities were used to disseminate information to studentswhereas more assessment activities were used in the end of the module. The initial peakin assessment activities at the beginning of the module (week 5) suggests that manyeducators include an early assessment task to identify students that require additionalsupport. Further correlational analysis (not included) suggested that assessmentactivities were negatively correlated with assimilative, information, communication,and productive activities. It was also interesting to see that many educators alsoincluded substantive time for productive tasks throughout their module, but the timeallocation stops when students are due to prepare for their final assessment. Figure 2

Fig. 2. Learning design of 24 modules over 32 weeks

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shows, in line with our previous work [20], that educators had the tendency to reduceother learning activities when introducing assessments, in order to remain a balancedworkload.

After capturing the dynamic picture of LD over time, we took a further step toexamine how different learning activities are configured within each module. Due to thelimited space, we only reported the LD of an exemplar module (60 credits) in Socialsciences throughout the rest of the analysis. This module was selected based on theavailability of LD data at individual task level, e.g. the time educators expected learnersto spend on activities was mapped by minute on a weekly basis. A close look at the LDwithin modules (Fig. 3) revealed a combination of assimilative, assessment, produc-tive, and finding information activities that were used. Similar to the overall trendsshown in Fig. 2, this exemplar module allocated the majority of study time forassimilative activities (M = 3.29, SD = 2.38) with six formative assessments duringthe learning process and a final exam at the end.

Our social network analysis demonstrated the inter-relationships between differenttypes of learning activities used in the exemplar module (Fig. 4). The network densitywas 14.3%, with 6 ties in total, and the average distance between pairs was 1. Pro-ductive and assimilative activities were strongly connected, implying that in thismodule educators combined productive and assimilative in the weekly LD. Assim-ilative activities had strong influences on both productive and finding informationactivities with the weight of 71.0 and 13.5 respectively. On the other hand, there wasno connection between assessment activities and others, despite of its high frequency in

Fig. 3. Learning design and learning engagement of an exemplar module in Social sciences

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the overall LD. This suggests that educators excluded other learning activities whenintroducing assessments, allowing learners to focus on their assessment task.

To sum up, our analysis at module level indicated a wide variety of learning designbetween and within modules. SNA analysis of the exemplar module indicated thestrong influence of assimilative activities in both workload and in relations with otherlearning activities. In the next step, we will consider the media types that are used inassimilative activities, which provides a rich picture of the media mix used in a par-ticular Learning Design. This is important as it is likely that not only the activity type,for instance assimilative in this case, bears a relation on satisfaction and engagement ofstudents, but also the way in which the activity is delivered. We decompose assim-ilative activities of this exemplar module at individual task level to unravel how the LDwas configured within each learning activity.

4.2 Learning Design at Individual Task Level

When coding learning activities, media assets are indicated at a high level, in order tocompare the overall amount of time spent on video, words, photos and figures forinstance. We accept that this high level notation does not indicate whether a moduleincludes one video of half an hour or six videos of five minutes, as the total time spentper item is recorded. The decomposition of assimilative activities of the exemplarmodule was illustrated in Fig. 5. On average, the majority of assimilative activities tookforms of words (M = 3.32, SD = 1.92). This suggests that educators were more likelyto use reading materials to convey information, but most weeks also included anothermedia element. Figure 5 also shows that figures and videos were also used overtime,but in less frequency compared to words.

Further SNA analysis demonstrates the inter-relationships between different typesof assimilative activities and other learning activities. There were in total 40 ties in thenetwork, with the density of 22% and the average distance between a pair of ties of2.036. Firstly, there were strong connections between the use of words with photos,tables, and figures. These forms of assimilative activities often appeared together inreading materials. In line with the multi-media principle of Mayer [34], this moduleemployed an integrated representation of graphics and words. Given the nature of thismodule, most of the graphics were representational (visuals that illustrate the

Fig. 4. Inter-relationships between learning activities of an exemplar module in Social sciences

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appearance of an object), organizational (visuals that show qualitative relationshipsamong content), and interpretive (visuals that make intangible phenomena visible andconcrete) [34]. The use of words had a strong influence on photos, figures, and tableswith the weight of 38.9, 16.4, 38.4 respectively (out-degree centrality = 118.541)(Fig. 6).

Secondly, videos were often used in combination with finding information activitiesand productive activities. For example, students were asked to watch a short video, and

Fig. 5. Assimilative activities of an exemplar module in Social sciences.

Fig. 6. Inter-relationships between assimilative activities and other activities of an exemplarmodule in Social sciences. Note: Blue nodes represent assimilative activities, red nodes representother activities (Color figure online)


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answer some questions using the information from the video. Alternatively, studentswere asked to interpret and draw conclusion using the information from the video.

The structure of the network also revealed interesting findings. There are two localnetworks in which the first one (right hand side) consists of mainly assimilative activ-ities, whereas the second one (left hand side) consists of some assimilative activities (i.e.videos, others), finding information, and productive activities. The connection betweenwords and productive activities acted as a bridge between these two local networks. Thebetweenness centrality of the edge productive-words was 28, which means there were28 flows between all pairs of nodes which were carried using this edge.

5 Conclusion

This study examined the learning design of 24 distance learning modules over 30weeks at the Open University UK using a combination of visualizations and socialnetwork analysis. Our first finding at module level suggested that LD as employed atthe OU is dynamic and varies on a weekly basis for the modules investigated. This maybe surprising as modules are often follow the same high level pattern, but the individuallearning activities show a different visualization. In line with our previous findings [17,19, 20], assimilative activities accounted for the majority of study time, followed byassessment activities, and productive activities. Assimilative activities and assessmentactivities seemed to follow opposite paths, suggesting that educators strategicallyreduced the time allocated for other learning activities when introducing assessments.Given the majority of OU’s students were having either a full-time, or part-time job,ensuring a balance learning design is vital for students who are sensitive to suddenchanges in the workload.

Our second finding from the analysis on an example module in social sciencesrevealed interesting pattern of learning activities. While assimilative, productive, findinginformation, and assessment activities were used frequently throughout the module,there were no communication, interactive, or experiential activities. Our SNA indicatedstrong connections between assimilative, productive, and finding information activities.The data exposure provides educators with explicit feedback on their learning design,allowing them to reflect on current practices and predict potential problems. Forinstance, educators can consider introducing more communication activities, whichhave been shown in our previous work [20] to increase students’ engagement.

Thirdly, our analysis on 268 individual learning activities demonstrated the usage andconnections of media in assimilative activities. In general, most assimilative activitiestook forms of words. This suggests that educators were more likely to use readingmaterials to convey information, but also included another media elements. Further SNAanalysis revealed strong ties between words, figures, photos, and tables. This implies thateducators employed an integrated representations of words and graphics, which has beenshown to be effective in helping learners absorb information [34].

By capturing the pedagogical context, researchers in LA can go beyond the tra-ditional process (trace data) – output (performance) model by incorporating the input(learning design). This will not only strengthen the predictive power but also empowereducators to better translate LA findings into direct interventions.

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Table 2. Descriptive statistics of 23 learning designs over 32 weeks

Variable N Mean SD Min Max

30 credits modules (13)Assimilative 397 2.89 2.46 0 12.44Information 397 0.11 0.29 0 2.25Communication 397 0.16 0.36 0 2.00Productive 397 1.36 1.52 0 9.54Experiential 397 0.15 0.76 0 9.00Interactive 397 0.15 0.59 0 3.42Assessment 397 1.27 2.25 0 10.5Total 397 6.10 3.65 0 23.6160 credits modules (10)Assimilative 337 4.17 4.00 0 15.00Information 337 0.12 0.57 0 5.00Communication 337 0.17 0.55 0 3.00Productive 337 0.91 1.43 0 10.03Experiential 337 0.04 0.20 0 1.75Interactive 337 0.17 1.14 0 19.1Assessment 337 2.13 3.33 0 15.00Total 337 7.71 4.89 0 35.85

Note: Unit = hours. There were 23 modules with774 weeks in total

Table 3. Descriptive statistics of a learning design at individual task level of an examplarmodule in Social sciences.

Variable N Mean SD Min Max

Assimilative 267 0.58 1.60 0 9.00Words 267 0.39 1.17 0 6.80Figures 267 0.06 0.23 0 2.08Photos 267 0.03 0.12 0 0.90Tables 267 0.01 0.07 0 0.58Equations 267 0.00 0.02 0 0.33Audios 267 0.01 0.09 0 1.00Videos 267 0.03 0.12 0 1.00Others 267 0.04 0.56 0 9.00Information 267 0.06 0.24 0 2.00Productive 267 0.09 0.18 0 1.00Experiential 267 0.00 0.00 0 0.00Assessment 267 0.25 0.91 0 6.00Total 267 0.98 1.75 0 9.00

Note: Unit = hours. There were 267individual tasks in total

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