Open Door Day -January 2016

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Open Door Day -January 2016

And a display

Prepared by class 4. B

This project is funded by European Union

Welcome to our project room

Noticeboard with all our projecteTwinning partners

Leaflets informing about our project

To draw children with parents in ourroom we prepared display of our toys

We promoted visual aids used in English lessons

This book we made ourselves.It consists stories written by our pupils and photos

from our performances of English fairytales

These cubes were very popular amongour little visitors

We also used books to attractattention of children to have a chance

to tell parents about our project

Here is our project noticeboard

We informed out our 2nd meeting in Marbella, Spain in May 2015

During our 3rd meeting in Desio, Italy in October 2015 we visited Expo in Milano

I am ready to answer your questions

Our team was inviting visitors to ourproject room in the school entrance

Our headmaster on the left is talkingwith parents too

School headmaster´s deputy came to read our leaflet

These pupils from class 4. B prepared thetoy display and brought a doll which

arrived to visit us from Spain

He is reading our project leaflet

This T-shirt brought our team from Malaga in Spain from Mother´s day celebration

The big plush dog brought our team member Klára to support this display

We placed our leaflets everywhere

Another toy brought by our team member Karolína

When the Open Door Day was over we took thenoticeboard and toys to our English classroom