'Online Safety' textbook

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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The 'Online Safety' textbook by Joseph Knight. It features the sections; Cyberbullying; Social Networking; Chat Rooms; and Computer Viruses.

Transcript of 'Online Safety' textbook

Final Version 1

Chapter 1: Online Safety


Page 2: Introduction to Online Safety

Page 4: Cyberbullying

Page 6: Social Networking

Page 8: Chat Rooms

Page 9: Computer Viruses

Page 10: Assessment

Final Version 2

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What is Online Safety?

Computers and mobile phones help us all to share things,

talk to our friends and meet new people. But they can also

make it easier for bullies and other people who might want

to hurt you to get close to you.

So it's important to know

how to be safe on your

computer, on your phone

and on websites. If you

want to stay safe, or find

out what to do if there’s a

problem, this guide has

some very useful advice.

Introduction to Online Safety

This is the Introduction to Online Safety! This Chapter of this

textbook will help you understand what Online Safety is and

will help you understand some of the important sub-sections

of Online Safety.

This Chapter will help you understand…

Online Safety


Social Networking

Online Chat Rooms

Computer Viruses

Final Version 3

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What is Online Safety continued

There are many campaigns that aim to give young people

advice regarding internet safety. A new internet safety

campaign; ‘Zip It, Block It, Flag It’, offers parents and young

people tips on how to stay safe online. By following the 'Zip

it, Block it, Flag it' code, parents and children can take a

few simple steps to help them stay safe online, while

continuing to enjoy the internet.

What will this chapter tell me?

This chapter will inform you about

everything connected to Online

Safety, what the main sections of

Online Safety are, how they can

harm you, and finally how to

combat them.

The final page of this Chapter will

be an assessment to test what you

have learnt from reading this

Chapter of the textbook about

Online Safety… so get reading!

Introduction to Online Safety

Final Version 4

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What is Cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is when a

child or teenager is

threatened, harassed,

embarrassed or targeted by

another child or teenager

using the Internet, on social

networking sites such as

Facebook, and digital

technologies such as

mobile phones. But be warned, cyberbullying is usually not

a one-time communication and escaping cyberbullying

can be very difficult .’

Who do people Cyberbully? There’s not one simple answer for why some people

choose to cause pain to others by bullying them. There are

lots of possible reasons, but here are some common ones:

Some people who cyberbully

think that they won’t get caught

if they do it on a mobile phone or

on the internet.

Cyberbullies often think that

getting their group of friends to

laugh at someone makes them

look cool or more popular.

Want to

know about

chat rooms?

Go to page

8 to find out!


Final Version 5

Chapter 1: Online Safety

Some people also bully others as a form of

entertainment or because they are bored and have

too much time on their hands.

Many do it for a joke or just to get a reaction.

How can you prevent Cyberbullying?

Although cyber bullying can't

physically hurt you it can still

make you feel bad and is a

form of emotional abuse. No

one has the right you make

you feel like this. It might seem

that there is no way to make it

stop, but there are things that

you can do to prevent it from

happening or make it stop.

Talk to someone you trust like a parent or teacher. They

can help you to sort it out. Or you can call us to speak

to someone who can help you.

Keep a copy of the abusive emails, texts or messages

that you receive and when they were sent to you.

Block email addresses and/ or complains to host


Never give out any personal details on the internet such

as your real name, address, age or phone number.

Even telling someone which school you go to can help

them find out information about you.


Final Version 6

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What is social networking?

Social Networking sites are websites where you can create

a profile all about yourself and contact other people. You

can also upload photos, music and videos to share with

other people, and on some sites, chat to other people on

forums. It's important to know how to stay safe online and

what to do if someone is nasty to you.

What are the risks of social networking?

Social networking sites

are rapidly becoming a

huge target from

preying cyber-

criminals. They are able

to abuse the nature of

these sites and gather

personal information

about its users -

information that users themselves are making publicly


Social Networking

The top 5 used Social Networking Sites

A Cyber-criminal

Final Version 7

Chapter 1: Online Safety

For young people, social networking sites can bring

together many of the risks associated with being online;

online bullying, disclosure of private information, access to

age-inappropriate content and online grooming and child


How can you prevent the risks of social networking?

When online you can chat to people, play games and

share pictures. But sometimes people may say nasty things

to you which upset you. You can avoid these risks and

enjoy social networking sites by following a few sensible


Be wary of publishing any identifying information about

yourself. In particular things like: phone numbers,

pictures of your home, workplace or school, your

address, birthday or full name.

Always tell a trusted adult straight away if you are upset

or worried about something that has happened online.

Use a strong password.

Social Networking

‘STOP Cyberbullying’ - A campaign to stop cyberbullying and

help the victims

Final Version 8

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What are Chat Rooms?

Chat rooms and online forums are a

great place to meet other people,

where you can talk about all the

things you enjoy… There are forums /

chat rooms where you can talk about

music, sport, and films - anything that

you find interesting.

You can read messages that have

been put up by other people, you

can reply to messages by adding

your own answers or ideas and you

can also put up a new message or

question of your own.

What are the bad sides of chat rooms?

When you log onto a forum or chat room, always use a

nickname rather than give your real name.

If you see a message that upsets

you, tell a trusted adult.

Some people who you meet

online may not be who they say

they are. It’s very easy for people

to lie when they’re chatting




asks to meet up with you, tell a

trusted adult.

Chat Rooms

An example of a chat

Final Version 9

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What are computer viruses?

Viruses are computer programs that serve no purpose other

than to cause serious damage to your PC by changing or

even deleting files. They can also spread to other files on

your computer and even other PCs.

Dr Fred Cohen, a virus researcher defined viruses as: ‘a

program that can infect other programs by modifying them

to include a... version of itself.’

How can you get them?

Viruses are all over the Internet, especially attached to files

you can download. Generally, the downloader of the file

won't even realise they're

distributing the virus, but if you

get infected, you'll soon know

about it. Trojans are viruses that

generally can't replicate

themselves but are just as

destructive, often opening up

your computer for computer

hackers to control. You normally

pick them up from malicious

files downloaded from websites.

Trojans and viruses aren't just annoying; they're serious

destroyers of personal data. Follow the advice below to

reduce the threat to you:

Install anti-virus software.

Install anti-spyware software.

Make sure your firewall is enabled at all times.

Don't open attachments from people you don't know.

These are some of the most well

known Internet Security Software

Computer Viruses

Final Version 10

Chapter 1: Online Safety

What is this assessment?

This assessment will test your understanding of Chapter 1.

1. Name one reason why people Cyberbully.



2. Name one way you can try to prevent Cyberbullying.


3. What are two ways in which Social Networking Sites are




4. Name two ways to prevent the risks of Social Networking




5. Name one thing that Chat Rooms can be used for.


6. What are two bad points about Chat Rooms?



7. Give a summary of what Computer Viruses are.




8. Name two ways you can try to prevent Computer Viruses.


