online exninition system ppt

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Transcript of online exninition system ppt

Online examination system


ID :12EJACS017

The Online Examination System is a web based application.

The system suits the need of Educational Institutions, Primary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, Professional and Vocational Institutes, Universities or Training Academies

The product (system) aims at reducing costs associated with conducting exams over a period of time and achieving total automation of examination system-related tasks like registration, publication of results, which leads to a very high degree of system efficiency.

Proposed System

There are three major components of effort required to administer an

examination: 1. Create the examination, and keep the contents secure until

the examination starts. 2. Supervise the examination 3. Mark the examinations. Using computer technology, it should be possible to

streamline these three phases, and also disconnect them from each other. examination system offers the following features 1. Reliability 2. User Details


it can be conducted for remote candidates and evaluation of answers can be fully automated for MCQ questions and other essay type questions can be evaluated manually or through automated system.

online examinations can be conducted at any time and does not incur higher cost as traditional exam scenario as there is no paper work involved.


• Online examination will reduce the huge work done by teachers,

administrators and also students.

• Responses by the candidate will be checked automatically and

instantly.• Reduce paper work.

• Result will shown immediately that reduce student anxiety.


Its design for school and college.• Design to facilitate administrator and

user.• Can be used anywhere anytime as it is

web based application.• Useful for teachers for managing

question paper and exam.• Online exam can be conduct any time.


Existing system

• The whole process of assigning exam and evaluating their score after the test was done

manually till date.• Processing result i.e. make question paper,

schedule exam, check exam papers, prepare result is a lengthy process and time consuming.• Difficult to analyze the exam manually.

• Fatal error may occur as all the process is done manually

• fast, flexible, and less prone to errors and reduce expenses and save time.

• generated result as soon as the student gives the exam.

• The logs of appeared student and their marks are stored in database for future use.

• Result will be very precise and accurate.

Proposed system

Programming Language : PHP,CSS,HTML

Database Used : MySQL

Server Used : Apache

Technology & Tools Used

Software Used : Macromedia Dreamweaver 8


SPECFICATION REQIREMENT The System should satisfy the following requirements:Administrator Aspect 1. Taking backup of the database. 2. Editing/Deleting/Creating the database. 3. Changing the super password.Faculty Aspect 1. Logging into the system. 2. Sending invitations to specific students by mail. 3. Adding/creating/Edit candidate groups. 4. Time limit of the test if any.

On-Line Exam


Student Administrator

Context diagram


The Administrator can do the following steps:

Create/delete accounts. Change password. Create/ delete/update semester courses. Insert questions for courses. Upload exam schedule. Specify the answers. View all records (student). Update/delete specific record. View result of student.

Context diagram

The Student can do the following steps:

Create account. Update optional info (contact no., address). Register courses. View registered course. Choose exam. Review answers. See exam mark. See total GPA. Download exam schedule and other


Student registration Use case Managing students information

by the system

Taking all the information of the student

Verify by checking required fields

verification error is signalized by error message

if verification doesn’t return error, user successfully registered

Use Case

Student profile use case viewing profile

student can view her information and edit

view semester courses and registered courses

view examination schedule

set for examination, view result and logout

Use Case

Admin profile Use case script

Managing details

admin adds, edits and removes questions

view student detail edit or delete

upload schedule, logout

activate exam so that students can run it.

Use Case

Appear for exam Use case

Start an Exam

student can choose one of available exams

after student finishes test, its result is being viewd and saved

system sets time of exam and process result

system sets time of exam and process result


Secure online sign on and access control Add, Delete and update User Information User can get results as soon as test completes Faculty can also add Questions in to the database Result Analysis in graphical form available to the power user Analysis will be very easy as it is automated system The student then answer and submit papers and is automatically

evaluated. Can be used anywhere and anytime as it is web based application



Current system provides only multiple choices but single correct answer selection.

Incase questions or answers need to be in graphics, current system has no provision.

Unregistered users can only access the home page not anything else like semester courses, type of exam.

No information about total amount needed or how and where to pay.

Student only can see her result. Top score is not displayed.


Develop a student profile that have the fetcher of upload profile picture, view the notifications given by the faculty, view classmate list, view academic calendar, notification

before examination etc. A user friendly interface in an enhanced version.

Divide admin panel into teachers and administrator who will mange it.

Make more protected and secure from spam, unwanted data hazard, secure user profile.

Future plan