ongsight Team Newsletter - · patrols and house to house enquiries. We have been...

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Transcript of ongsight Team Newsletter - · patrols and house to house enquiries. We have been...

Our team covers Longsight, Rusholme, Ardwick,


Local Policing



September 2016

New Neighbourhood Sergeant.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ted Goss and I have been a Police

officer for 25 years. My previous experience has mainly been with Specialist Operations. I have worked in

most areas of GMP so I have a wide range of experience that I can bring to the neighbourhood.

My experience and background is in the enforcement side of Policing. I intend to carry this on within our

neighbourhood. This will mean we will be a lot more pro-active and dynamic in the way we deal with your

problems. If we have people committing crime and I have intelligence to identify offenders we will deal

with it in a positive and robust manner.

I understand that we can only solve our long term issues by working together with the community and

partners. I have attended some meetings already and it is clear to me from your comments that the

biggest issue that you have with the Police is lack of visibility and communication about what we are

doing. I will endeavour to keep you informed about our activities and there will be a representative from

the Policing team at your meetings.

I work with a small team of Police Officers and PCSO’s. Our current shift pattern means that we, as a

neighbourhood office will not be on duty 7 days a week. I understand your concerns, but please

remember that response teams cover the area 24hrs a day.

As I have mentioned on the meetings I have attended, to act on criminality and anti-social behaviour I

need intelligence from the community. I understand that people can be concerned about repercussions,

but any information no matter how large or small could be vital. Anyone with information can speak to a

member of the team, or call us on 0161 8563260 or the independent charity Crimestoppers,

anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Longsight Ardwick Rusholme


Your Neighbourhood Police officers for your area


PC 16213 Neil Moss

PC 13950 Tracy Wild

They are supported by 6 PCSO`s. The focus this

month has been Crowcroft Park following the

terrible Rape that has been in the press. The

PCSO`s have been busy providing reassurance

patrols and house to house enquiries.

We have been doing a lot of work around Longsight

market following numerous incidents of Theft From

Person and Robbery. The good news is we have

identified the gang committing these offences and 4

individuals have been given 30 day deportation


East Rd in Longsight has been plagued by

antisocial speeding cars/ burglary. An operation is

currently in place utilising Force Specialist

Operations which will run until 02nd October. As it

stands we have seized 10 vehicles and drivers

reported for various offences.

Victoria Park. Officers have been busy with

reassurance and crime prevention regarding the

students and Burglary issues.


Longsight Ardwick Rusholme


PCSO Leon Christoforou will be out and about

on patrol over the next month. If you have any

concerns about crime or anti social behaviour in

Ardwick please speak with him.

Don’t become a victim!

Our Top Five Tips

1) Keep mobiles out of sight wherever


2) Ensure your pockets are zipped or your

handbag sealed, and stay aware of who is

around you at all times

3) Use a secure passcode to prevent anyone

else accessing your phone

4) Install and activate tracking apps on your

phone and register with Immobilise

5) Back up your photos and data

Longsight Ardwick Rusholme

PC 5493 Warburton and PC 2140 Craig Warde

are your neighborhood officers for Ardwick. Our

main focus this month has been the return of

the students. We have conducted a 4 day

operation around the Brunswick area utilising

uniformed officers and officers in plain clothes.

During the period of the operation we had no

reported thefts. PCSO`s have been busy in the

halls of residence with workshops providing

crime prevention advice.

In response to resident’s information regarding

drug dealing 2 males were arrested around the

Brunswick St area for possession of Heroin and

are currently on bail. Officers chased and

recovered a vehicle from Skerry Close.

Unfortunately the occupants got away but not

before discarding £1500 worth of heroin. Also

recovered from the car were 2 lap tops that

have come back from a domestic burglary.

Enquiries ongoing…

Keep feeding us intelligence regarding drug

dealing and rest assured we will do our best to

take positive action.

Your neighbourhood officers are;

PC 2188 Mike Lindup

PC 16162 Ashworth

Are main focus in Rusholme this month has been the

ongoing parking issues around the Curry mile and

surrounding streets. We are also addressing the ongoing

issues of pavements being obstructed by tables and

chairs by some of the businesses along the strip. We will

be engaging with our communities to address the

problem in the first instance to keep the pavements free

for pedestrians.

Following intelligence being received about criminals

using some of the shops to off load stolen property from

burglaries, neighbourhood officers executed a warrant at

a property along Wilmslow Rd. We recovered over 200

items of stolen property, including alcohol and mobile

phones. A great result that could not have been

achieved without information from the community.

In another good news story, while PCSO Phil Mellor was

patrolling Wilmslow Rd he spotted a wanted male who

had breached the sex offenders register. Phil acted

quickly and detained the male who was subsequently

arrested and put back before the courts.

Longsight Ardwick Rusholme



This newsletter is very much a snap

shot of what we are doing in your

communities. I would very much like to

hear your views about what you would

like in the newsletter in the coming

months. Due to operational reasons I

cannot tell you about everything we are

doing in detail but I will tell you what I

am able to.

Please remember. Intelligence and

information from our communities is the

key. I would encourage people to ring in

with anything that is concerning them.


Sgt Ted Goss.

Going forward

Longsight Ardwick Rusholme


To report incidents or crimes ring 101, or

always dial 999 in an emergency

CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111.


Longsight and Moss Side

Telephone: 0161 856 3260
