One-way ANOVA for Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) One-way ANOVA for Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

Transcript of One-way ANOVA for Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)One-way ANOVA for

Randomized Complete Block Design (CRD)

Group 5

• Mohd. Saddam Bin Zainuddin UK28366

• Tengku Muriana Binti Tengku AzmanUK28331

• Nor Atiqah Binti Lokman UK28376

• Siti Nur Adila Binti Hamzah UK28361

• Asmiza Binti Abdullah UK28373

• Nurfatanazirah Binti Saad UK28377

• Farah Nabila Binti Ali UK28380

• Siti Norhajar Binti Zakaria UK28316

Content List of Presentation

1) The research Problem

2) Treatments and Explanations

3) Field Layout of Experimental Designs

4) Step-by-step Procedures of Experimental Designs

5) ANOVA Table

6) Hypothesis Testing (Null Hypothesis)

7) Conclusions of Hypothesis Testing

8) Post Hoc Test (i.e. Tukey Test)

9) Result & Discussion (Give some logical Reasons)

10) Summary

Research Problem The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of three

treatments (T1; T2; T3) and control (T4) on average daily weight gain of steers (gram/day). Steers were weighed and assigned to five blocks according to initial weight. In each block there were four animals to which treatments were randomly assigned. Therefore, a total of 20 steers were used. The RCBD experiment is using 5 blocks. One of the measured parameter is on average daily weight gain of steers (gram/day). Using P=0.01 and P=0.05 as the level of significance, the null hypotheses are stating that the treatments and blocks have no different effects on average daily gain of steers. The collected data are given as follow:

Table 5. The average daily weight gain of steers due to treatments (gram/day)

Treatments and Explanations

This experiment conducted to determine the effect of three treatment and control on average daily weight gain of steers (gram/day).

Initial weight of steer were weighed and assigned to five blocks, where for each block consist four animals and totally, 20 steers were used.

This research would compare the above treatment also with the same type of steer to know which is the effective treatment used on average daily weight gain of steers (gram/day).

Field Layout of Experimental Designs

Randomization: Treatment


T1 T2 T3 T4


















T4 T3







Block 1 Block 2

Block 3

Block 4 Block 5

Step-by-step Procedures of Experimental Designs

Input data in SPSS

Variable view

Select menu

Analyze- General Linear Model – Univariate

Data view

Click “Model” button

Click “Post Hoc”


Click “Option

” button

Click “Ok” button



Hypothesis Testing (Null Hypothesis)

From the table is obtained sig of treatment and block.

Treatment : sig. = 0.000

Block : sig. = 0.024

significance level = 0.05

Hypothesis For Blocks

H0: All Blocks have the same effect

H1: All Blocks have the different effect

If the significance obtained > 0.05 , H0 is received

If the significance obtained < 0.05, H0 is rejected

For Blocks : sig = 0.024

That means: 0.024 < 0.05, so H0 is rejected, H1 is received.

In other word:

The Blocks have effect toward the steer’s weight gain. It is mentioned that the Blocks effect is significantly different.

Hypothesis For Treatment

H0: All Treatments have the same effect

H1: All Treatments have the different effect

If the significance obtained > 0.05 , H0 is received

If the significance obtained < 0.05, H0 is rejected

For Treatments: sig = 0.000That means: 0.000 < 0.05, so H0 is rejected ( H1 is received).

Let’s continue to sig = 0.01. Because sig = 0.000 < 0.01 (H1 is received at level of 0.01)

In other word: The treatments have effect toward the steer’s weight gain or there is effects of feeds for gaining the weight of steers. It is mentioned that the feeds are very significantly different.

Conclusions of Hypothesis Testing

The gaining steer’s weight is caused by the blocks and treatment. The different given feeds to the steers and different blocks did influence the weight gain of steer’s.

It can be concluded that different blocks and feeds to the steers can affect the steer’s growth.

Post Hoc Test (i.e. Tukey Test)

Effects of blocks on weight gain of steers

Block N Means

3 4 753.50 A

4 4 796.00 Ab

2 4 801.75 Ab

5 4 848.50 B

1 4 850.00 C

Means bearing the same superscript within the same column are not significantly different at 5% level


Treatment N Means

4 5 729.80 a

1 5 794.60 ab

3 5 806.00 b

2 5 909.40 c

Effects of treatments on weight gain of steers

Means bearing the same superscript within the same column are not significantly different at 5% level


Analysis for Post Hoc test for block

From the Post Hoc table obtained, for sig values 0.032 (sig < 0.05), that means block 1 and 3 have different effect. Block 1 and 3 are significantly different, that means block 3 is more effective because the weight gain of steer for block 3 is higher than block 1.

There are sig= 0.355, 0.380, 0.457, 0.486, 0.572 and 1.000 (sig > 0.05). That means between block 1,2,3,4 and 5 have the same weight gain of steers. For example, block 1 and 4 have same sig= 0.355, block 1,2 and 3 sig = 0.380, block 3 and 4 sig = 0.457 , block 4 and 5 sig = 0.572, block 2 and 5 sig = 0.572 and block 1,2,4 and 5 sig = 1.000. that means, they have the same weight gain of steers.

Analysis for Post Hoc test for treatments

From the Post Hoc table obtained, for sig values 0.003 (sig < 0.05), that means treatment 1 and 2 have different effect. Treatment 1 and 2 are significantly different, that means treatment 2 is more effective because the weight gain of steer for treatment 2 is higher than treatment 1.

From the Post Hoc table obtained, for sig values are 0.000 (sig < 0.01), that means treatments 1 and 4 have the very different effect. However, treatment 4 is more effective because the weight gain of steer for treatment 4 is higher than treatment 2.

There are sig=0.967 and 0.096 (sig > 0.05). That means treatment 1,3 and 4 have the same weight gain of steers. That means treatment 1 and 3, and treatment 1 and 4 have the same weight gain of steers.

Generally, all feeds are very significantly different each others, we conclude that all treatments are able to increase the weight gain of cows.

Conclusion for Post Hoc test

Generally, all treatments are very significantly different each others. We can conclude that all treatments are able to increase the weight gain of cows.

Based on post hoc table, we can conclude that the more effective block and treatment that give effect to the steers weight gain is treatment 2 and block no 3.

Treatment no 2 is most effective because Maybe the content values of each treatment is very different between each other and contain much more nutritional value.

Whereas, for Block no 3 it is more suitable for steer lives because this may due to proper feed choices, feed amounts, air temperature and roaming means.

Result & Discussion (Give some logical Reasons)

From the Post Hoc Test, for sig value is 0.32 and 1.00 (sig > 0.05), it means three solutions have not the different impacts. T1-T3, T1-T4 and T3-T4 are not significantly different.

Solutions T1, T3 and T4 are less effective than T1. Their causes are that T2 has better effective treatment used on average daily weight gain of steers (gram/day) (909.40).

There are sig = 0.32 (sig < 0.05). It means the two solutions are statistically different (T1:794.60 gram,T3:806.00 gram and T4:729.80gram). Three treatments have not the same ability level in increase the weight of steers.


In summary, each treatment has its own function. For T1, the treatment contain a highest nutrients supply for steers.

The Best Treatment is T2 because T2 having the most suitable combination of nutrient supply for growth of steers.

T3 which is far for supply for steers that is not suitable and may cause lack of nutrition action supply between them.

Nutrition is important which can make the steers keep healthy for life on. Because the growth of steers inhibited, the water weight of steers also effect by the day daily.