One Ugly Pie 13.5

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of One Ugly Pie 13.5



Elmyra, “Hello, Ripp. Listen, there’s something that’s been on my mind for the past few days and I just wanted to say I need to see you in person before I can actually say what’s on my mind.”

Elmyra, “No, this isn’t a joke or trick of any kind. I just want to share something with you and it’s better to do this face-to-face rather than over the phone. Just meet me at One-Twenty Five Cent Café, ok? Ciao.”

Ripp, “Hey Elmyra, what is shakin’? And why did this other guy here ride in the taxi with us?”Elmyra, “I’m getting to that.”

Elmyra, “That guy, as you just called him, is none other than Stewart Armageddon.”Ripp, “So?”Elmyra, “So… whether you realize it or not, he’s my boyfriend.”Ripp, “I seem to, wait I thought you weren’t taken!”Elmyra, “Stewart and I had differences for a while, but now we’re back together. Understand? Now go make nice and introduce yourself.”

Ripp, “I, uh… I… I’m Ripp.”Stewart, “Stewart. And don’t try to be coy and call me Stewie!”Ripp, “Whatever. And how exactly did you two meet?”Stewart, “Blind date via gypsy.”Ripp, “Damn it. And I bet she paid the full price.”

Elmyra, “Alright you two, no need to gawk at each other, let’s go have some fun. Well, Ripp you don’t have to come, I just wanted to get things straight between us. Come on Stewart.”Ripp, Damn it. How the hell did I screw up so bad to cause this to happen?


Whatever happened to meAs I take this stroll down a dark empty street

Stars shine down to illuminate my pathThis night will be long until the burden is gone

Walking down this highwayLooking for someone to loveThe cars keep zooming along

Spraying the water as I move along

The crackle of thunder warns of rainAs mud gets thinker from the sprayCar lights shining, blinding my eyes

This journey is just beginning

A turn off ahead, an eighteen wheeler roars byThe drenching tears keep falling

I take this path, wandering at nightWondering if I’ve ever known truth

My boots sink deeperLegs aching with fight

As lightning dances along the cloudsI sink ever deeper, stuck and lost.

Giving way to a drizzleI pull myself up

The moon peeks from behind the cloudsSoaked to the bone

Not a person in sightAlong this road, I travel aloneLooking for someone to love.

He didn’t evenPay attention

Ginger, “Buck… is there something on your mind.”Buck, “Why are you asking?”Ginger, “I sung a song and the entre time your back was turned.”Buck, “Oh. I see.”Ginger, “Is that all you have to say for yourself? ‘Oh I see’?”

Buck, “I failed my semester.”Ginger, “What?!”Buck, “The professors didn’t like my report. The took one look at it and tossed it in the trash.”Ginger, “How do you know that.”Buck, “I stayed after class and watched.”

Ginger, “Are you sure it was your term paper?”Buck, “I’m positive. After they left the class, I went and dug it out. There were some coffee stains and some other trash on it, but I recognize the cover sheet.”

What do I say?

Buck, “That report was practically my life. At least, it certainly feels that way. I just don’t know what to do now. If the professors can’t take this report seriously, how can I expect them to take any future term papers as nothing more than mere trash.”

Wait, I have an idea!

Ginger, “Don’t you worry about it, Buck. Those professors of yours must just be jealous of your genius. If anything, they might have been embarrassed to even look at it knowing what you’re capable of. Now let’s take your mind off that silly term paper.”Buck, “It’s not silly.”Ginger, “No, Buck. What I’m saying is. Just stand up.”Buck, “Why?”Ginger, “Just stand up.”

Buck, “Ok, now what? You’re going to tell me why I should just let this off my mind?”Ginger, “No. I’m going to show you why you are such a wonderful person.”Buck, “And how are you going to do that?”

Ginger, “With a kiss, of course. Just let me kiss you and then you’ll realize just how foolish those professors are.”

Ginger, “And?”

Buck, “Nothing.”

So much for trying.