One day with hiv positive persons

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Transcript of One day with hiv positive persons

Care and support to HIV positive persons

FeelTenth standard students from

Government Higher Secondary School, Kumarapuram Thoppoor wants to visit and spend one day with HIV positive affected people.

FeelThey got this feel when they study

the topic “AIDS awareness” from their tenth standard science book

FeelThey told their feel with their

teacher Mr.S.T.Perumal.


Teacher and children think for a new solution. They plan to visit Community care Centre run by Centre for Human Resource and Developmental Programme (CHARDEP), Nagercoil.


In this Community care Centre, counseling and care are given to people who were affected by HIV positive.

So, we plan to go to that community Centre and spend one day with them.

Students discussing about causes and prevention of AIDS

Students conversing with a HIV positive man

Students conversing with a HIV positive woman

Students demonstrated the importance of hand washing and its methods.

Students share healthy foods among HIV positive affected


Students share their experience with the director of community Centre.

Activities done by the children on that day

Students gave activities that relieve their stress, such as

exercise or hobbies.

Students share healthy foods among HIV positive affected


Students demonstrated the importance of hand washing and

its methods.

Shared the views regarding them to limit the amount of

caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and recreational drugs you use.

1. Discussion with the director of community care centre

2. Distribution of healthy foods to HIV affected persons

3. Distribution of healthy foods to HIV affected persons

4. Students learning AIDS awareness

Students share on you tube.

Video of our visit

Reko RajaAntony JeysonNallakannuJeya SudanSubithAntony VijaySujithJemes Eugin Vijay

Teacher : S.T. PerumalGovernment Higher Secondary School, Kumarapuram ThoppoorKanyakumari district.

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