One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most ... July 2018.4 page.pdfbrown scapular -...

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Transcript of One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most ... July 2018.4 page.pdfbrown scapular -...

“One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will give a devotion to be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers she will give a devotion to


… Prophecy, Saint Dominic, Dominican,

4549 East Harmon Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 702-489-9336; Email: Facebook: Website:

Volume 32, Special Anniversary, Issue 1-2018

For your tax deductible donation, we are a non - profit, charitable organization,

Tax ID 94-3079081 as the Medjugorje Information Center of Las Vegas, NV.

Thank you!


The Brown Scapular … St. Pope John Paul II

When Pope John Paul II was shot and operated on in 1981, he told doctors not to remove the brown scapular he was wearing. [The brown scapular is] One of the two "most recommended" devotions of the Church ... (Inside the Vatican, July 10, 2001)

Pope John Paul II was still wearing his same brown scapular - 70 years later ...Scapular of Carmel, A Treasure for the Church ... by Pope John Paul II, Apr 4, 2001

It is good to remember his words on the 750th anniversary ...

"... I therefore learned with deep joy that the two branches of the Order of Carmel, the ancient and the reformed, intend to express their filial love for their Patroness by dedicating the year 2001 to her, invoked as the Flower of Carmel, Mother and Guide on the way of holiness. In this regard, I cannot fail to stress a happy coincidence: the celebration of this Marian year for the whole of Carmel is taking place, according to a venerable tradition of the Order itself, on the 750th anniversary of the bestowal of the Scapular. This celebration is therefore a marvelous occasion for the entire Carmelite Family to deepen not only its Marian spirituality, but to live it more and more in the light of the place which the Virgin Mother of God and of mankind holds in the mystery of Christ and the Church, and therefore to follow her who is the "Star of Evangelization" (cf. Novo millennio ineunte, n. 58) ..." “I, too, have worn the Scapular of Carmel over my heart for a long time! Out of my love for our common heavenly Mother, whose protection I constantly experience, I hope that this Marian year will help all the men and women religious of Carmel and the devout faithful who venerate her with filial affection to grow in her love and to radiate to the world the presence of this Woman of silence and prayer, invoked as Mother of Mercy, Mother of Hope and Grace ..."

Pope John Paul II,

March 25, 2001

GOSPA MONTHLY MESSAGES for your discernment

JUNE 25, 2018: through Marija Pavlovic Lunetti for the world

"Dear children! This is the day that the Lord gave me to give Him thanks for each of you, for those who have converted and have accepted my messages and have set out on the way of conversion and holiness. Rejoice, little children, because God is merciful and loves you all with His immeasurable love and leads you to the way of salvation through my coming here. I love you all and give you my Son that He may give you peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."

JULY 2, 2018: to Mirjana for the people who do not yet know the love of God!

"Dear children, I am the mother of all of you and, therefore, do not be afraid because I hear your prayers. I know that you seek me and that is why I am praying to my Son for you, my Son, who is united with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit - the Paraclete - my Son who leads souls to the Kingdom from where He came, the Kingdom of peace and light. My children, you are given the freedom to choose, but, as a mother, I implore you to choose the freedom for the good. You, with pure and simple souls comprehend - even if sometimes you do not understand the words - and within yourselves you feel what the truth is. My children, do not lose the truth and true life so as to follow the false one. By life in truth, the Kingdom of Heaven enters into your hearts, and that is the Kingdom of peace, love and harmony. Then,

my children, there will not be the selfishness which distances you from my Son. There will be love and understanding for your neighbors. Because, remember, again I repeat to you, to pray also means to love others, your neighbors, and to give yourself to them. Love and give in my Son, and then He will work in you and for you. My children, ceaselessly think of my Son and love Him immeasurably and you will have true life, and that will be for eternity. Thank you, apostles of my love."

Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us!

The Monthly Mass in honor Our Blessed Mother, Queen of Peace

Thursday, July 26th OUR LADY OF LAS VEGAS


Reverend Gerald Grupczynsk, Celebrant

Rosary at 5:30 pm, Holy Mass at 6 pm Celebrating 32nd Anniversary of the Medjugorje Information Center of Las Vegas

Mass Intentions: † Monsignor Benjamin J. Franzinelli , Founder

Rosary Intentions: Remembering Priests in Diocese, Supporters (living and deceased),

Your intentions


Information Center

Las Vegas, Nevada


It is important to Our Blessed Mother as she loves her prayer groups; we have experienced this in our own prayer meetings as she guides

and leads us, more so since Father’s passing.

Visionary Ivan has had a prayer group for many years now. His prayer groups began in 1982. "Prayer groups", Ivan said, "...are a protection from the triumph of Satan ..."In Medjugorje he meets twice a week with his prayer group and sometimes even more. When our small group stayed in his home in Me-djugorje in Aug/Sept 2010, besides the two days he regularly meets, he had a special meeting one night with his group. It made me realize more the importance of prayer groups and

the intense desire our late Spiritual Director Monsignor Ben has for more and more prayer groups to form. In 1983, our Blessed Mother called for a special prayer group through Jelena Vasilj, locutionist. She said to her "I wish for a prayer group...I will guide this group and later, when I say so, other groups can be formed in the world. This was a very special

prayer group for sanctification.

A very special message from Our Blessed Mother on prayer groups: "All people should be part of a prayer group" - "...Every parish should have a prayer group" ..."I would like to recommend that all my priests start a prayer group with the youth and teach them, giving them good advice." …

To read more: visit:


Articles of Incorporation: To disseminate information regarding the alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia (now in Bosnia-Hercegovina); to provide travel and background information to assist per-sons seeking to arrange travel to Medjugorje, formerly in Yugoslavia; to encourage prayer for individual peace of mind and heart, peace in our families and peace in the world we live in; to encourage prayer for the con-

version of all peoples to Jesus Christ.

Acknowledgement: We are

grateful to Richard George who

is the creator of the beautiful,

riveting painting of Our Blessed

Mother, Queen of Peace in our

June 2018 issue. Please visit: to order

his print, view his amaz-

ing creations & bio.

Perla Saenz, OCDS, co-Founder & Historian of the Medjugorje Information Center of Las Vegas, Nevada, July 7, 2018

To be an OCDS Carmelite is a call to a vocation. To be called to Medjugorje is a call to live that vocation. Our Lady calls us her little apostles and for me it is a call to strive to live my vocation the best possible way through her help. How exceptionally blessed we are to be living in this time when Our Blessed Mother visits the earth once again in this special way!

My husband and I made our first ever pilgrimage to the Shrines of Europe beginning with Rome and last stop Medjugorje June/July 1985. Upon returning home to Las Vegas I was invited to “come and see” a newly began Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites started by Fr. James Swenson at St. Bridget’s Catholic Church in September 1985. It was truly a God/incidence having just returned from Medjugorje and being on fire with Our Lady’s appearances there. I found a place where I felt at home to help me live her call to holiness. Almost at the very same time that year Fr. Ben Franzinelli of Holy Family Parish decided to go to Medjugorje to see for himself what our excitement was all about, although skepti-cal. Praise God, he also returned with a fire in his heart and shortly after his return became the founder of the Medjugorje Information Center. “Woah” I did not know it yet but I had been instantly blessed with both a vocation and apostolate under the guidance and protection of two solid, holy and strong priests both having a deep Carmelite spirituality.

As I compare what it is to be an OCDS Carmelite and what our Lady Queen of Peace is asking through her messages in Medjugorje, it is the same call. Our Lady comes to-remind us and help us to know Our Heavenly Father’s immeasurable love for us.

As a Carmelite we are called to a deeper spiritual life. A deeper union with God thru prayer, meditation and service under the protection of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. Through their writings and example, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Theresa of Lisieux, help us to discover and to enter into this deeper union in His Love. As Carmelites we try to live the 6 M’s… Meditation, Morning prayer/evening prayer, Mass (everyday if you can), Mary, Meetings, Mission (apostolate)

To be called to Medjugorje is a call to conversion to holiness. Our Lady points only to Jesus. To Jesus through Mary... Our Lady under the title “Queen of Peace” is sent by God. She comes and is with us, our heavenly Mother a real person showing us the way to Her Son and how to imitate the Saints who lived in His love, in His peace. It is a call to open our hearts to His love. That is the most important, Our Lady is calling all of us to know him, to love Him to serve him here on earth and to be happy with Him for all eternity. She wants us all, her children to be with her in heaven. God is doing an extraordinary thing for us through Medjugorje.

Everything the Carmelite saints tell us through their lives is what now Our Lady through Medjugorje is calling us anew. She calls us anew to open ourselves to His love. “...Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Especially during these days the Holy Spirit is working through you. Open your hearts and surrender your life to Jesus so that He works through your heart’s (May 25, 1985) Once she said: “...if you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything...”

Then there are the 6 little stones of Medjugorje (I added one more stone, Mary with us): Prayer with the heart, Eucharist, Holy Bible, Fasting, Monthly confession, Mary is with us.

What we are called to live as Carmelite’s, Our Lady Queen of Peace is calling the whole world to this way of life. Not to join the Carmelites or any order but to live this union with God in what ever state in life we are in or called to discover His love for us and to fall in love with Him, to live daily in His peace.

Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje are nothing new. It is a call to the whole world to discover anew our God, our faith in its fullness in whatever state you are in. It is a call to re-mind us that God exists. It is a reminder to every human being that we are children of God, He wants us to know His love for us like never before.

The difference is that this time Our Lady comes herself (the Mother of God and Our Mother) to teach us in her school of love. Through her real presence, her messages and pray-ers for us before the throne of God, she often tells us that this time is a time of great grace and mercy! She leads the way through her tangible immeasurable love for us. Truly, what I experience there is a little heaven on earth. (An oasis of peace) The Carmelite 6 M’s and the Medjugorje 6 little stones for me in my vocation to Carmel and apostolate to Medju-gorje go hand and hand with each other.

A few years later returning to Medjugorje, I found myself in confession after experiencing some torment in my soul. The priest told me I was a little soul and then he reached into his wallet and pulled out three little cards of St. Theresa the Little Flower and said to me. “Follow her little way”. I had not connected it yet but my final promises were coming up. My heart was left in a gentle peace.

The 6 stones of Medjugorje help me to live, understand and enter more fully the 6 M’s of my Carmelite vocation...Prayer is the main teaching of St. Teresa of Avila and prayer is the center of Our Lady’s call. Prayer is the main call of Medjugorje “...I call you dear children to pray with the heart...” “...May prayer reign in the whole world...” (August 25, 1989).

The bible was St. Teresa of Avila main book/Mass (Holy Eucharist in adoration), reconciliation with God, ourselves and our neighbor.

Our Lady says so many beautiful things on these truths of Our Faith. She is bringing us back to these truths and wants us to help her save the world through her appearances in Medjugorje. She’s tells us often to help her that she needs our help to help bring about God’s plan for the world. She tells us that what she began in Fatima, she will accomplish through Medjugorje. (It is interesting that in her last Apparition to St. Lucia, she came with St. Joseph and as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. For me it is connecting the dots of our faith. It is so common sense.)

It is a very great phenomenon what God is doing through Medjugorje. He wants us to open ourselves to His peace and to bring it to others. It needs a human heart and our obedi-ence and listening to Our Lady to bring this about to be Carriers of His Peace to others.

As I mentioned earlier that St. Teresa’s main book was the Holy Bible...Vatican II says that all the canonical books of the Bible were, "..written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author." (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) This means that no other book can be compared to this book. There is no writing even from a saint or inspired that can be compared to the Bible. That is why Our Lady asks to place the Bible in a visible place in our homes. (Continued back page)


As a young priest

The 23rd International Spritual Retreat for Priests began in

Medjugorje on July 2, with the evening prayer programme and

more than 300 participants from 24 countries: Lithuania,

Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Ger-

many, France, Croatia, Slovenia, India,

England, Denmark, Ireland, the United

States, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Peru, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy and

Romania, gathered on the first day. Fr. Ante Vuckovic, lecturer at the seminar cele-

brated the solemn Holy Mass at the White Dome of the St. James’ church. The

coordinator is Fr. Marinko Sakota, the parish priest, while the theme is "Living on

the Word of God “Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures” (Lk

24:45) The seminar will finish on Saturday, July 7. The first spiritual retreat was

held by late Fr. Slavko Barbaric in 1996 when about 30 priests gathered, but the

number kept increasing each year more and more. Parishioners of Medjugorje

are providing the free accommodation to the priests from all over the world,

as they do each year. …


RETREAT FOR PRIEST, July 2—July 7, 2018

Usually Our Lady comes to the visionaries happy and joyful. On one occasion, while talking about the Bible, She was crying. Our Lady said: "You have forgotten the Bible."

"Dear children, today I call you to read the Bible everyday in your homes and let it be in a visible place so as always to encourage you to read it and pray." (October 18, 1984) "Every family must pray family prayers and read the Bible." (February 14, 1985)

How beautiful that as Carmelites we pray the Liturgy of the Hours daily. We are steeped in His word through the prayer of the Church.

And on the Mass Our Lady says: “ ...You do not celebrate the Eucharist as you should. If you would know what grace and what gifts you receive, you would prepare your-selves for it each day for an hour at least." (1985) "There are many of you who have sensed the beauty of the Holy Mass... Jesus gives you His graces in the Mass." (April 3, 1986) "Let the Holy Mass be your life." (April 25, 1988)

"Mass is the greatest prayer of God. You will never be able to understand its greatness. That is why you must be perfect and humble at Mass, and you should prepare.

As Carmelites, our vocation is prayer, that prayer includes to pray for our priests, to pray for the Church. We are to be witnesses to the whole world. In Medjugorje in many messages Mother Mary asks us to pray for our shepherds, not to judge them. She tells us that her Immaculate Heart will triumph alongside them. Both as Carmelites and in Medjugorje she calls the whole world to live this witness to those who do not yet know the love of God...And that is all of us to some degree!

Medjugorje is a call to the whole world to help us open our hearts to God for our salvation. God wants through our Lady to save as many as He can. He came through her the first time as an infant. He comes to us through her again and she does not get tired of helping us. She is the BEST MOTHER EVER!!! She is the same Mother under many titles, Our Lady of Mt Carmel is where I’m planted and today she comes as Our Mother Queen of Peace to help me be a good Carmelite...Listen to her, she will help you in every state of life. She does not discriminate. She loves us all each one the same as if we were her only child. She can only lead us to her Son Jesus. Thank you most beauti-ful Blessed Mother Mary. I love you!!!

I’ll end quoting a line of one of her most recent messages: “...Be proud that you are baptized and grateful that you have been chosen ...”!!!


Advice of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. The following testimony of Fr. Joseph Dwight to brethren ...

I WENT TO MEDJUGORJE for the first time in October 2017; a beautiful experience! To let people know at least a little about my-

self, as I wrote in other communities: I am a diocesan priest in Perugia, Italy. I graduated from UCLA, Math, 1974. We are truly in the

period when “the woman clothed with the sun” (Rev 12:1-2) will crush the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15), which is rather well explained

by Saint Louis de Montfort, “True Devotion To Mary”.

Over three years ago a priest in my diocese committed suicide. Our Cardinal decided to put aside the topic of our monthly meeting to

talk about this. Many younger priests lamented at that time the lack of support by the Cardinal. I then spoke before the more than 100

priests present with the Cardinal and told them that I took the advice of Archbishop Fulton Sheen 14 years ago to spend more than an hour every day in

church before our Eucharistic Lord in the tabernacle. From that time on, even though I live alone, I never felt any loneliness whatsoever. I told them that when

I suggested this practice to 20 priests in our diocese, all of them said that they did not have time. I responded to them that if I do not spend at least one hour

with Jesus in the Eucharist everyday, I end up offering to people a poor priest, Father Joe, instead of offering them Jesus Christ.

Please pray for priests and bishops because we have a tremendous responsibility. Pray that we truly are willing, and will be willing when it is even more diffi-

cult, to be ready to do as Christ, the Good Shepherd, to lay down our lives for the sheep (Jn 10:11), to lead them to Christ, the Truth which does not change

with the world, and which sets us truly free (Jn 8:32), even though the Truth of God is very often uncomfortable and outright rejected, scorned and hated in

our world today!