One Century with V.M. Samael - Samael Aun Century With VM Samael.pdf ·...

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Transcript of One Century with V.M. Samael - Samael Aun Century With VM Samael.pdf ·...

One Century With V.M. Samael Aun Weor


The planetary Logoi are always witnesses to the dawn of life, because each one of them is the Cosmocrator or creator of the planet of which they are now regents. That is why they possess the lost memory of “the night of times gone by.” And in the case of our planet Earth, each time one of those Cosmocratores has incarnated—particularly the Logos Samael—and begins his mission, he then reveals to those of us who listen to him the true history of humanity. And little by little, the true one substitutes the false one, which at first and for a long time in the most skeptical, resists dying; so that in the end, and as it was prophesied, the light may prevail over the darkness of ignorance.

The New Gnostic Society

Samael Aun Weor


One Century With V.M. Samael Aun Weor

1917-2017 These questions: where do we come from?, why are we here?, and where are we going?, are very common in esotericism. Nonetheless, for me, the Gnostic answers to these questions have been very illuminating because I have been able to better comprehend “what I was,” “what I am,” and “what I can become”; in plural: “what we were,” “what we are,” and “what we can become” in good or evil. And specifically this year, 2017—March 6—which marks a century of the physical birth of V.M. Samael Aun Weor, I think it is appropriate to reevaluate once again. Divinity, in its immense compassion, has allowed us, has allowed me, through the Divine Solar Logos of our universe, and his advent for the fifth time in the Logos Samael, regent of the planet Mars, to recuperate this lost memory of “the night of times gone by.” So that now, in the Kali Yuga or Dark Age of the fifth race of the Aryans, we may decide, I may decide, how to better face one’s own destiny.

Where do we come from?

The planetary Logoi are always witnesses to the dawn of life, because each one of them is the Cosmocrator or creator of the planet of which they are now regents. That is why they possess the lost memory of “the night of times gone by.” And in the case of our planet Earth, each time one of those Cosmocratores has incarnated—particularly the Logos Samael—and begins his mission, he then reveals to those of us who listen to him the true history of humanity. And little by little, the true one substitutes the false one, which at first and for a long time in the most skeptical, resists dying; so that in the end, and as it was prophesied, the light may prevail over the darkness of ignorance. For example, regarding the origin of life: it’s not true that it began in a compressed space-matter somewhere in the universe, and that the expansion of galaxies, suns, and worlds began with an explosion. Life emerged from the superior dimensions of the cosmos; the same for mankind: it does not come from animal ancestors, until it reaching the monkey through evolution, without even knowing today how, one day, this monkey made a leap forward in "evolution" and appeared miraculously in the form of a man. All humanities come, like life itself, from the superior dimensions of the cosmos, from the first planetary rounds: mental, astral, etheric, and physical. And much before that comes humanity from past and infinite cosmic days. In a certain way the human and divine history of a Cosmocrator is the same as humanity. Therefore, everything we know about a Cosmocrator, of the creator of a planet, also serves to know about the true origin of anything, for example, about the kingdoms that precede the human kingdom, the mineral, vegetable, and animal. In conclusion, only a Cosmocrator Angel can tell us where we really come from.


Why are we here?

Like other Gnostics of the time, I knew the Dhyani Bodhisattva of the Logos of Mars, V.M. Samael Aun Weor. And I’d like to share with everyone what I will explain here in this space of reflection about the Gift of Ubiquity, which is what on a certain occasion the Master—as we caringly and respectfully called him—explained to us about that Gift his Being has to be able to express himself not only internally—which is very normal in any self-realized Being—but in addition, also physically in other human bodies and different places on the Earth. Even, beyond our planet. I yearn that this information may serve, not only to know more about what the Gift of Ubiquity is and what it’s for, but also to comprehend in each one of us why we are here? There were several occasions when Master Samael, in his house in Mexico City and in his national trips throughout the country, expanded on this topic, without those of us who listened to him having even basic information about it because nothing was written about it in his books. And the reason is very simple: this entire mystery belongs to his Being or Monad in his last stage of his path of the Second Mountain. The testimony I can give from those days is the following text and a few more, which are transcriptions of his recorded lectures:

A unique occurrence happened to me. It turns out that one of those many days, a woman adept visited me in the astral, she came to visit me at home in the astral. I started to talk to her about esoteric matters, and finally I ended up saying, “What I want is to disincarnate, I wish to die.” Answer, “Hopefully you can die, but neither you nor I can die!” She left me stupefied, “What? What are you telling me?” I said, “It’s just as you heard it.” She said to me, “What year were you born?” I said, “I was born on March, 6, 1917.” I was convinced I was born in Bogotá, Colombia, America. That’s what I said and what I thought. She answered me, “But don’t you remember that two years later, in 19, you lived in the north of Mexico? Don’t you remember those contracts that I sold to you when I worked in a warehouse in Los Angeles and that you traveled from the north of Mexico to Los Angeles to buy those contracts?” “I remember,” I said, “yes I remember, I have not forgotten.” I was amazed.

“TalkwithMasterSamaelinhishouse” It is evident that, because of the Gift of Ubiquity, it’s impossible for the son of a Cosmocrator, a Dhyani Bodhisattva, to physically die. Why? Because by living as one same “human soul” in different bodies, if he were to die in one or several of those bodies, he would nevertheless continuing living in others. Therefore, the soul of a Cosmocrator will never manage to physically die, because it will continue living in other bodies. Therefore, we can emphatically confirm that, Samael has not died, not will he die! This is interesting, isn’t it? And as I said previously, Master Samael practically writes nothing about this in his books. That is why when he touched on this very


important subject with the Gnostic missionaries, he found that we all did not have the adequate preparation to formulate questions correctly. And this was my case, that wanting to inquire, to investigate, to know more about the subject, I therefore mistakenly asked the Master: Q. “V.M. Samael, are you able to manifest in different bodies because your Essence is divided?” A. “Who told you I have an Essence? I have a Soul. Q. Therefore, is your Soul divided?” A. “No, it’s the same Soul.” And with these direct answers, but charged with great wisdom, the Master left me perplexed. However, I intuited in that moment that the Human Soul of a Dhyani Bodhisattva is like a God who can be in different parts at the same time. Just as the same Universal God or Eternal Common Cosmic Father, who is unity and diversity, but in this case, he was a “lesser god” or Cosmocrator. Then I had the answer about what is the Gift of Ubiquity. But I had to still meditate on this mystery more. Therefore, many years went by, and today, I comprehend the Gift of Ubiquity better, for that reason I can share a little more of my comprehension about this Gnostic mystery. But before, I have added other texts from Master Samael that expand on this topic a little more for those who do not have much information about this—so that the same thing does not repeat as it happened to those of us who didn’t know so much—and so from the beginning they can go deeper.

Q. How do you explain the Gift of Ubiquity that your real Being has? A. Well, ubiquity is very normal. Those of us who have completed the Great Work have the opportunity to manifest ubiquity splendorously. In this way, for example, I can live here in the western world, and nevertheless, simultaneously be in Tibet, becoming visible and tangible there, leading caravans through the Himalayas, etc. All these things are known in our monastery, situated or located geographically to the right of the sacred valley of Amitaba.


I have no fear in affirming that I am a Tibetan Lama. They will ask me how it is that I am here and there. This is possible through the Gift of Ubiquity. Yes, at the moment, I am in the valley of Ami-tattwa, and at the same time here in Mexico. Sacred processions are carried out in this valley. The Monastery is in the right side of the valley. Before, the Monastery was in the third dimension, now it is submerged in the fourth vertical. In the interior of the building, there are huge rooms where objective works are carried out. As a Lama, I have a small workroom. The Dharmapalas meet in the patio of the Monastery


Let’s reflect: the self-realized Monad or the one who has done the Great Work once, can become a Cosmocrator. At least it is what the Gnostic doctrine


teaches us, which is V.M. Samael Aun Weor’s case. And therefore he has Soul, and not Essence. Then, he will do the Great Work for a second time, a third time, until seven times, which are the Seven Philosopher’s Stones, that can be conquered, without going beyond seven times in order to not fall under a curse. However, this “single soul” will be able to express in more than one physical body, like the case I am explaining. And each one of those bodies has its own human personality, which is related with the education received, with some earthly parents, who were the ones who gave him his body. And as is natural, that “person” can unite in matrimony and even have a normal family. And it’s the human personality related with that family, country, profession, culture, etc., which will allow him —in the case of the Logos Samael—to be able to live in Mexico City as the Avatar of the New Age; to be able to live in Peru as a university professor; to be able to live as a Tibetan guide, leading caravans through the Himalayas, etc., without this being a conflict for that “single soul,” thanks to each one of those human personalities. And regarding all this, the Master said something very important in that meeting: when all those parts of his from the same human soul united into one, in the Sacred Order of Tibet, of which he was an active member, it was then when he felt complete, one, completely integrated. This allows us to comprehend that each one of those “people” would not be able, on their own accord, to do each one of the Seven Stones. This is not possible, because it is not a divided soul; it is the same human soul. The different personalities serve the Monad, through the different parts of the Being, in order to gain experience in different fields of life. But once these personalities die, the soul, which is the same, which is one, will always continue in its purpose of the absolute perfection of Mastery. For this reason, our Being is here for the conquest of a first Philosopher’s Stone, in order to enter into that sevenfold path of the Philosopher’s Stones. And if our Being obtained it one time, he will try for a second time, and later for a third, etc. Meanwhile, the different experiences of the human soul in different bodies will serve the Monad’s same purpose of the perfection of his different internal parts.

Where are we going?

Impressed by all of this, I had the opportunity to travel in the astral body to the planet Mars, and walking around there among the people of a Martian city, I stopped and invoked V.M. Samael Aun Weor. And the Master came. Because of his physical appearance I did not have the least doubt that it was the Master. But straightaway I realized that it was not the Master I had known in Mexico City, because of the personality he had there. It was the Master, but a different person, yet it was undoubtedly V.M. Samael Aun Weor. This seemed so strange to me. The Genie of our planet Melchizedek, the regent of the Earth, is also a Cosmocrator. Therefore, he is also one who enjoys the Gift of Ubiquity. And when I was in his Order, I was able to corroborate it. For example, I’ve seen him with an Asian face; I’ve seen him with a western face. Therefore, on one


occasion, when arriving to his order, the Genie of our planet was leaving through the same door I was entering, but with a different body, a western body, and strangely he was dressed like a priest, and without time to stop he said to me, “I’m on my way to Rome, to the Vatican!” I knew that the great Being, transfigured into that personality, was visiting the place for secret, karmic reasons. On another occasion, one of Melchizedek’s disciples revealed to me one of his Master’s secrets, which are many. He pronounced one of the many names of how he was known in Europe. The name he pronounced is very long, I couldn’t memorize it, however, it ended with Virgil.1 And I know it referred to Dante Alighieri’s Master. But I cannot believe what he revealed to me. I was surprised about what he just told me. Melchizedek, who was about three meters distance away from us, observed us in silence. He realized my reaction, but he didn’t intervene. I had already been told what I needed to know. I returned to the physical body and reflected on all of this. And that’s when I comprehended that it’s correct that it is so: that Dante, in his journey through the inferno, purgatory, paradise, and heaven was guided by a Being like this, Melchizedek, the Genie of the Planet. Don’t you think the same thing? And everything regarding the Gift of Ubiquity serves now to better explain the mysterious life, for example, of Count Saint Germain, of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, of Theophrastus Paracelsus, of Moria, and Kouthumi, etc. Especially the secret life of Jesus of Nazareth, the level at which his Gift of Ubiquity may be, is difficult to imagine. That is where we must walk. It’s the destiny that we should not wait for any more. It is the destiny that we must conquer, day after day, by working on ourselves. Therefore, from time to time the Cosmocrator Angels visit us, because humanly they were like us, and they know that we have the same possibility. And it serves, to finish this entire long reflection, to keep these magnificent words of our Guru, V.M. Samael Aun Weor in mind, now that one century of the anniversary of his physical birth is being marked:

Know that I, Samael Aun Weor, am your Avatar; I am your Buddha Maitreya. I have come down from the higher worlds to teach you, to help you. I am with you; invoke me when you need me. It costs you nothing to concentrate intensely on me and invoke me. You can invoke me mentally; I will come to your call to help you intensely. I am ready to help you. I want to awaken you! I want to illuminate you! Understood? Know that I haven’t come down from the higher planes to waste time. I came down to help you; I came down from the higher worlds to work with you, to serve you. I am your friend, your true brother who cherishes you with all his heart. You need to have faith in me. Brothers and sisters, these teachings you’re receiving will spread over the whole face of the Earth.

1Publius Vergillius Maro (born in the village of Andes, currently known as Virgilio, near Mantua, in Region X, Venetia, today Italian Lombardy, on October 15, 70 BC – he died in Brundisium, present Brindisi, September 21, 19 BC. Better known by his surname, Virgil, he was a Roman poet, author of the Aeneid, Bucolics, and Georgics. In the work of Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, he appears as his guide through Hell and Purgatory.


The time has come in which we must throw ourselves into the fray with these teachings. The time has come in which we must concern ourselves with profoundly, terribly, deeply knowing ourselves… Understood? You are not alone! I repeat: you are not alone! I am with you in Spirit and in truth. Hear me, oh centuries! Listen, oh ages! I am with you in Spirit and in truth! I am very close to you! Every time you think of me I am with you. I will be with you, my brothers and sisters, until the end of time. Keep moving forward with courage, with will, with tenacity. I am your true friend, your sincere friend. A friend who is with you, you truly respects you, truly, I am speaking about practical facts. Understood? Go forward my dear brethren! Go forward! May your Father who is in secret and your Divine Mother bless you! Paz Inverencial!

V.M. Zoroastro