Once there was an ocean

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Once there was an ocean

Once There was an Ocean

By The Flaming Phoenixes

As part of our exploration of realistic fiction and human impact, we learned about the ocean and discovered its’ importance as well things that put it at risk.

Reasons it’s important.

Threats to the ocean’s health.

Once there was a beautiful ocean. Waves crashed on beaches, carrying a salt-scented breeze to the people playing on the beach.

Far below the waves, octopods hid in crevices, while sharks swam looking for their next meal.

The sea creatures loved their ocean home.

There was a farmer and he found a wooden home to live in and than he watched the news on the T.V. , the news said the lake next to the house is polluted. The farmer ran outside and he put his hand in the water and he felt something sticky, he realized it was dye.

A happy ocean is turning into disaster because we are using dye.

There were two best friends and they built a house Then saw a nice pound then went back home and came back the nextMorning came back and saw a very dirty and yucky pound.

There was especially lots of toxic waste and Dead fish. The toxic waste comes from factories.

One day I was playing with my friends at the beach and I saw a big blackblob of some gluey thing. The ocean didn’t look really healthy and the fish either.Then I went home, looked on the news and saw that there was an oil spill.I talked it over with my parents and they said that I can try to organize a team to clean the beach.

There was 3 girls who were on a trip and those girls were named K, Y and J they were hiking at mount Baker. They saw some human waste on the ocean they asked the tour guide and he answered them human waste. People that defecates goes down to the ocean and that is called human waste.

A little boy can't figureout what was going on with the water. He learned that chemicals were coming from the farm. He told the farmer Stop Polluting The WATER!!!

Three sisters threw their garbage away in the bin. The next day they went to the beach and saw their garbage and they found out the people at the dump put the garbage in the sea

In the pacific ocean there’s a big black shadow which is the great pacific garbage patch lots of people use plastics to hold things and a lot of people throw them away but when they get to the dump the dump gets full and they move it in to the sea.

Great Garbage Patch – 2x Texas

Once, there were two turtles. They wereswimming in the beautiful sea and saw somethinghuge and had a lot of colors. So they ate the first thing they saw and died by choking. It was the garbage. So people have to stop throwing garbage to the ocean and recycle the garbage.

Your plastic can be accidentally put into the ocean and be mistaken for food and be eaten by sea animals.

A fisherman moves in by the river and buys a new huge net. The Ocean is very worried that there will be no more fish. She sends the River to call the Fisherman, but he wouldn’t listen.

People are ignoring that we are killing the Oceans.

When you put fertilizer on a plant it rains and the rain carry's the fertilizerTo the river which lead’s to the ocean. The fertilizer are chemicals which could be poisonous to fish and other sea creatures.
