On some nonclassical fullerenes with several heptagonal...

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On some nonclassical fullerenes with several heptagonal rings

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2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 410 012164


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On some nonclassical fullerenes with several

heptagonal rings

Francisco J. Sanchez-Bernabe 1

1 Department of Mathematics, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, San RafaelAtlixco 186, Colonia Vicentina, Mexico, D.F., 09340, Mexico

E-mail: fjsb@xanum.uam.mx

Abstract. Several works on nonclassical fullerenes with heptagons have mainly consideredthe case with just one heptagon. In this context the isolated pentagon rule is not satisfied. Thestudy of nonclassical fullerenes is important because some of them are more stable than thecorresponding classical isomers with the same number of pentagonal bonds. We present severalnonclassical fullerenes with pentagons, hexagons and two, three, or more heptagons.

1. IntroductionClassical fullerenes are those carbon cage molecules with exactly 12 pentagons and n/2 − 10hexagons, Patrick Fowler and David Manolopoulos [1]. All classical fullerenes satisfy the socalled isolated pentagon rule IPR, Harold Kroto [2]. On the other hand, nonclassical fullerenesare those carbon cage molecules embedded with one or more squares or heptagons. In this lastcase, sometimes pentagon-pentagon adjacencies appear, and the most stable structure allows forthe least pentagon-pentagon adjacencies, which is known as the pentagon adjacency penalty rulePAPR, Eleanor Campbell et al [3]. Actually, the IPR or PAPR has been an efficient criterionfor explaining the stability of fullerenes.

2. BackgroundAn amount of work has been done to study nonclassical fullerenes. For instance, Andres Ayuelaet al [4] show theoretical evidence for the existence of a nonclassical fullerene C62 with oneheptagonal, 13 pentagonal and 19 hexagonal rings. Jie An et al [5] study the isomers of fullereneC26 composed of square, pentagonal, hexagonal, and heptagonal faces. Yuan-Zhi Tan et al [6]consider the fullerene C68 which contains one heptagonal ring. Furthermore, Li-Hua Gan et al[7] study fullerenes C46, C48, C50, and C52, some of them composed of one heptagonal ring.

3. CalculationsWe have obtained the graphs of our results by running the V0.3 version of (Carbon Generator)CaGe software, Gunnar Brinkmann [8], [9]. Schlegel diagrams [10] are also provided for eachconsidered fullerene. Our first example of nonclassical fullerene contains 68 carbons with twoheptagonal rings, 14 pentagons, and 20 hexagons. Therefore, this polyhedron has a total numberof 36 faces, 102 edges, and of course 68 vertexes. It is shown the 2-dimensional representation(Schlegel diagram) of this fullerene in Figure 1, and its 3-dimensional graph in Figure 2.

IC-MSQUARE 2012: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 410 (2013) 012164 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/410/1/012164

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

Figure 1. Schlegel diagram for the68 carbons fullerene.

Figure 2. Fullerene with 68carbons, 2 heptagons, 20 hexagons,and 14 pentagons.

The second example of nonclassical fullerene has 80 carbons, three heptagonal rings, 15pentagons, and 24 hexagons. This polyhedron has a total number of 42 faces, 120 edges, andof course 80 vertexes. The Schlegel diagram of this fullerene is shown in Figure 3, and its3-dimensional graph in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Schlegel diagram for the80 carbons fullerene.

Figure 4. Fullerene with 80carbons, 3 heptagons, 24 hexagons,and 15 pentagons.

IC-MSQUARE 2012: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 410 (2013) 012164 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/410/1/012164


Next, the third example of nonclassical fullerene contains 82 carbons with four heptagonalrings, 16 pentagons, and 23 hexagons. Therefore, this polyhedron has a total number of 43faces, 123 edges, and of course 82 vertexes. It is shown the 2-dimensional representation of thisfullerene in Figure 5, and its 3-dimensional graph in Figure 6.

Figure 5. Schlegel diagram for the82 carbons fullerene.

Figure 6. Fullerene with 82carbons, 4 heptagons, 23 hexagons,and 16 pentagons.

Finally, the fourth example of nonclassical fullerene contains 76 carbons with six heptagonalrings, 18 pentagons, and 16 hexagons. Therefore, this polyhedron has a total number of 40faces, 114 edges, and of course 76 vertexes. The 2-dimensional representation of this fullereneis shown in Figure 7, and its 3-dimensional graph in Figure 8.

Obtained results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Properties of considered fullerenes.

carbons edges heptagons hexagons pentagons

68 102 2 20 1480 120 3 24 1582 123 4 23 1676 114 6 16 18

4. ConclusionsWe have considered four nonclassical fullerenes with two, three, four, and six heptagonal rings. Inthe first case, the 68 carbons fullerene contains 2 heptagonal rings. One of them is surrounded by4 pentagons next to each other, and one pentagon lies between 2 hexagons. The other heptagonalring is surrounded by a couple of pentagons, which lies between two hexagons; the border is

IC-MSQUARE 2012: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 410 (2013) 012164 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/410/1/012164


Figure 7. Schlegel diagram for the76 carbons fullerene.

Figure 8. Fullerene with 76carbons, 6 heptagons, 16 hexagons,and 18 pentagons.

completed by one hexagon in the middle of 2 pentagons. With respect to the 80 carbons case,the structure of the pentagons and hexagons surrounding each one of the 3 heptagonal ringsfollows one of the patrons of the 68 carbons fullerene. A similar situation occurs with the 82carbons case. But, the 76 carbon fullerene, presents two new cases: a couple of pentagons, thena hexagon, followed by another couple of pentagons, and the boundary of this heptagonal ring iscompleted by 2 hexagons next to each other. The other type boundary surrounding a heptagonalring is: a couple of hexagons, which lies between two pentagons; the border is completed by onepentagon in the middle of 2 hexagons.

AcknowledgmentsThe author thanks Berenice Sanchez and Oscar del Valle for installation of CaGe software.

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IC-MSQUARE 2012: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Physical Sciences IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 410 (2013) 012164 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/410/1/012164