On Boycotting

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Transcript of On Boycotting

8/12/2019 On Boycotting

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March 2013



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“Let not a person belittle or make slight of his vast knowledge,

of his copious knowledge, of his tremendous service, of his

massive benefit —  for he, in truth, is from the unique scholars

of this time and from those who have made strenuous efforts inthe service of the Sunnah of Allaah’s MessengerH.

 Al-’Abbaad on al-Albaani’s Knowledge

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loyalty   and disavowal [ al -Walaa   wal-Baraa]: is it permissible for a Muslim that the

’ aqidah   of loyalty and disavowal be made apparent [i.e., implemented] before,  ya ’ni ,

establishing the proof against another person, whether that other person is a non-

Muslim or someone from other than  Ah lus-Sunn ah ,  ya ’ni , someone astray …

AL-ALBAANI:  If you were to remove the term ‘loyalty and disavowal [ al -Walaa wal-Baraa],’ from your

question, do you think the question still holds? Because I see that a connection which holds the question

together cannot be found if you remove the term ‘loyalty and disa vowal?’

QUESTIONER : No, it does not hold.

AL-ALBAANI: Why … I then don’t understand the question, because the completion of your question …

QUESTIONER :  Loyalty … so, the question … it’s as though it is worded incorrectly, in the negative, I

mean disavowal …

AL-ALBAANI: Let us repeat the question. What is the question that is connected to [the term] disavowal,

is it permissible for a Muslim to what?

QUESTIONER : That,  ya ’n i , he starts from the person …

AL-ALBAANI: Now it’s clear.

QUESTIONER : … from the action, the basis is for him to start from the action … but from a person, [ hi s

 questi on is jumble d and not cl ear, he is saying th at if you want to boycott someone you boycott him fo r the acti on

 not because of hi m personal ly , so you say th e action is misguidance etc. , and th en afterw ards based upon th at that

the person is misguided etc.]  ya ’n i , who is involved in this a ction before the proof being established against

him, whether he is a non-Muslim or [a Muslim but] from othe r than  Ah lus-Sunnah .

AL-ALBAANI:  Now the question is clear. After this clarification, maybe we can replace the term,

‘disavowal,’ with another word which will make the question aimed at clearer, i.e., ‘disassociation or

boycotting,’ is this correct do you think, [answer me] so I can go on to answer?

QUESTIONER : Disassociation?

AL-ALBAANI: Yes, i.e., ‘Is it permi ssible for a Muslim to disassocia te [himself] from a non-Muslim and

not deal with him and to boycott him, [and] i s it permissible for a Muslim to disassociate [himse lf] from

an openly sinning Muslim who does not practice, [is it allowed for the practicing Muslim to] act upon

Islaam and boycott him?’ This is wh at is intended from the question or something else?

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QUESTIONER : Warning,  ya ’n i , against him.


QUESTIONER : Warning against him and his  da ’wah .

AL-ALBAANI: Warning against him, does this warning agai nst him necessitate cutting off and boycotting

him? Say [in response to this question I just asked], ‘Of course,’ or should he maintai n communicationand then warn against him? Namely, the question must be clarified until we can come to know the


QUESTIONER : … so that I understand …

AL-ALBAANI:  I’m saying, a person is warning against another, does he maintain relations with him or

boycott him?

QUESTIONER : He boycotts him.

AL-ALBAANI: Okay, so there is a correlation, the two issues are linked, after th is clarification I now say

that I can tackle the answer to the question.

Amongst our problems in this day and age is tha t we deal with issues based upon emotion.

[What] I want to say is that lots of the youth today who are enthusiastic about their Islaam, their

religion, deal with some critical/complex  fi qh  issues in a manner based upon [their] emotions for Islaam

… dealing with [those issues] in a manner not accompanied by knowledg e drawn from the Book and the

Sunnah and the methodology of the Pious Predecessors.

I believe that a question such as this, i.e., warning … cutting off … boycotting … loyalty and disavowal …

these are issues that are connected to a strong Islamic society which is capable of, firstly, implementing

issues such as these and secondly, is capable of benefitting from their outcome.

So now, it is not necessary/a prerequisite that [such a] warning is coupled with ostraci sm or boycotting

in this day and age, but as for when our society is an Islamic one then all of these issues must be brought

together. Nowadays, for example, there is a very clear example [which I will give you]: the Muslim wh o

doesn’t keep up/maintain his prayers [and thus] to whom applies the  hadith   which you mentioned in

 your [other earl ier] question, “Between a person and disbelief is abandoning the prayer, whoever abandons the pr ayer has di sbel ieved, ”   the correct, legislated expression concerning this man who I just mentioned is

that he be called someone who is defi antly disobedient [a  faasiq ], if not a disbeliever who has apostatized

from his religion, it is only by way of using gentler words that he be called, ‘not practicing,’ he is a  faas iq ,

and that disbeliever is more of a  fa asiq  than him, so [for now] we will speak about this person and th en

 we may be in need of ta lking ab out the one who is ever more defiantly disobedient than him, i.e. , the

 kaaf ir .

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This Muslim who has abandoned the prayer has left obedience to Allaah in that issue, for this reason

he deserves the title of  faasiq : if we warned the people against him and, along with this warning, [also]

connected what I just mentioned earli er, [i.e.,] boycotting him … this warning and this cutting off a nd

this boycotting will not produce the results desired by [the implementation of] these three words:

 warning … cutting off … boycotting—why?

Because if you cut off from him you will find tens of people like you who will keep contact with him,

and thus the situation will be turned on its head—you will be cut off from him and not him from you,

and at that point, what is the advantage of you boycotting him?

This reminds me of a S yrian saying and it ha s a similar [version] here [i n Jordan], but [whatever the case]

the Syrian expression says that the people thought that a  faas iq  who had abandoned th e prayer repented

to Allaah and turned back, and for the first time he goes to the mosque to pray but finds i t closed, and

so says, ‘You’re closed and [so] I have a day off [from pra ying]!’ obviously the saying is understood.

Okay, likewise nowadays this  faas iq , the one who has abandoned the prayer , when you decide to boycott

him … to cut off from him … to warn against him … he doesn’ t care, [and even if he doesn’t say it with his

tongue] his state of affairs says, ‘You’re closed and [so] I have a day off [from praying]! You’re cutting

off from me and I’ll cut off from you and distance myself from you,’ and so on.

In summary, the principle of cutting off/ostracizing today is out of the question because we are in a

time when the Muslims are weak.

And this connection [that I’m about to mention] which keeps them li nked together, [i.e.,] the correct

Islaam, represented in his sayingS  in the authentic  hadith , ‘The example of the believers in their

 mutual love , mercy and compassion is that of th e body , if one pa rt of it co mpla ins, th e re st of the body joins it in staying awake and suff ering fever, ’ —the Muslims today are not like that.

For this reason we do not have the means which it is fitting to rely on to bring together this widespread

and dispersed division of today ex cept by relying on His Statement the Mighty and Ma jestic:

ح    وهم  ٱة  وٱظة  ة   ر سيل    ٱدع “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue

 with th em in a way th at is be st.”  [Nahl 16:125]

This is now the means which it is fitting that we rely on.

So when we see a  faasiq   person who has turned away from performing some of what Allaah has made

obligatory upon a Muslim, we admonish him and remind him and are gentle with him.

Likewise, when we see a person or people who we cannot call  faas iqs because we [for example] assume

that they are guarding the obligatory duties whose obligati on is well-known amongst all of the Muslims,

i.e., the type of things [that are so fundamental to the religion and well-known] that they are from

the category of actions called, ‘known as being from the religion by necessity,’ for we may find people

 who perf orm such obligatory duties and who do not leave them, and [thus] their persev erance in those

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obligatory actions comes between us and the application of the term  faas iq to them, understood [so


Okay, yet along with that it is possible that in these people there is some deviation from the correct

’aqidah in a certain issue or in many points of ’aqidah, this is possible, like the groups whose names today

 we hear recorded in the books deal ing with sects and history [but which] we do not find [present] with

those names in the current day and age, but we do find their effects in the state of affairs of many of

the Islamic  ja maa’ahs or individual Muslims, the  Mu’tzailah  for example, the  Jabariyyah , the Qadariyyah,

the  Khawaarij , and so on.

In these sects there used to be people who had deviated from the Sunnah in ’aqidah and who were

regarded as righteous worshippers, yet along with that would be misguided, for example, ’Umar ibn

’Ubaid al-Mu’tazili, he would be cited as an example in his rig hteousness and his taqwaa but he held the

[belief of the]  madhhab  of the  Mu’tazilah , so it is not said of him that he is a  faas iq  but rather that he

strayed from the correct ’aqidah.

And this type exists today in the Muslim world even if there is no group or  Jamaa’ ah  which [verbally]

say, ‘We are  Mu’tazilah ,’—I haven’t heard of anyone except one man who openly declared i t in this city

in front of the people, he said, ‘I’m a  Mu’tazil i ,’ he said it openly, ‘I’m a  Mu’tazil i ,’ and he really was a

 Mu’tazil i  and [in fact] even more misguided tha n they were … [but] we’re not in the mi ddle of explaining

that right now …

So the point is that it is obligatory on us to be gentle with misguided people such as these too and to

establish the proof against them from the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of Allaah’s MessengerH,

the statements of the Pious Predecessors and the  Mujtahid   Imaams—this is what it is obligatory for

our stance to be towards those who have deviated from Islaam in either action or notion, until the

Muslims become stronger and gain power and a country, then when these people are told about the

correct Islaam and [still] do not restrain from the defiant disobedience [ fi sq ] and misguidance they are

upon, they then have a di fferent ruling, [but at the same ti me] this ruling is not connected to i ndividual

righteous Muslims [to carry out], but is rather connected to the Muslim ruler, and perchance this is

close, if Allaah so wills.

Perhaps I’ve answered your question?

QUESTIONER :  Yes, as a completion, what … [is it] likewise with non-Muslims?

AL-ALBAANI: Yes, it is likewise, without a doubt.

QUESTIONER :  The Jews and the Christians and so on?

AL-ALBAANI: Today, regretfully, my brother, th e situation of the Muslims is ve ry precarious. Today the

Christians, rather the Jews, in fact the Magians live in an Islamic country as natives and the ruler does

not differentiate between a Muslim and a non-Muslim, all are covered by the term citizen, and our Lord

the Mighty and Majestic says:

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تن يف  م     ٣    ٱ  ل “Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals? What is [the matter] with

 you? How do you ju dge?” [Qalam 68:35-36] 

For this reason this society which has reached this level of corruption … it is not permissible for an

individual, righteous Muslim who acts upon his knowledge to confront this society with force because

he will have to make an about turn, but rather [h e should use] the force wh ich cannot be overpowered,

and that is the force of proof/evidence and clear statements [explaini ng the truth].

Next question.

QUESTIONER : Also, as a completion, O Shaikh,  ya ’ni , a Muslim’s compassion for such a person before,

 ya ’ni , establishing [the proof] …

AL-ALBAANI: It is that, all of that …  ya ’ni :

ٱة وٱظة  ة   ر سيل    ٱدع “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instructi on.” [Nahl 16:125]

That is what this means, and in thi s regard I say that many of our brothers who are enthusiastic for the

correct Islaam [wrongfully] look at other Muslims, who have deviated due to their ignorance of the

Book and the Sunnah, with a look of scorn and contempt and spite and buried hatred. For example,

many [astray] Shaikhs permi t seeking succour from the Allies [of Allaah] and the righteous, they permit

other things even more readily [like] seeking intercession through them instead of the Lord of the

Worlds, they permit frequenting their graves and seeking blessings [from them] by coming to them

and so on. And another type [of Shaikh] forbids following the Book and the Sunnah based upon the fact

that [according to them] the general folk do not understand the Book and the Sunnah, and they impose

blind-following on them, and then the stance of the other people who are with us upon the Book and

the Sunnah and the methodology of the Pious Predecessors is to have enmity towards these people and

to hate them in a most severe manner, such that it is not possible that this person will meet that one—

this is a mistake.

I say: these people [who call upon the Allies of Allaah and the righteous etc.] … I do not refrain from

calling them by their [rightful] name … [i.e.,] people have ‘deviated from the truth [ daaloon]’ and when

I [do] say that they have ‘d eviated from the truth’ there is no problem i n using this expression from an

Islamic perspective, for Allaah the Mighty and Majestic used this expression concerning His Messenger

S [stating] that before the revelation was sent down to hi m:

هى  ا ووجك “And He found you lost [ daal ] and guided [you].”  [Duhaa 93:7]

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Thus, there is no doubt that these people who oppose the Book and the Sunnah  are misguided/lost

[ daaloon] … what I want to say is: as long as they are like that then they are ill and it is obligatory for

us to be compassionate towards them and to deal with them with gentleness and to call them [to the

Truth] as is mentioned in the previous  aayah:

ح    وهم  ٱة  وٱظة  ة   ر سيل    ٱدع “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue

 with th em in a way th at is be st.”  [Nahl 16:125]

And we remain in this state until it becomes clear to us from one of them that he is haughty a nd denies

the truth and that kindness and softness have no benefit at all with him, it is then that the Statement

of our Lord the Mighty and Majestic comes in to play:

هٱ   و ض “… and turn away from the ignorant.” [A’raaf 7:199]

Bring the next question.

QUESTIONER : I mean, O Shaikh, now … so that we can move on to the second question [let me just ask

about this final point so that all questions on this topic are finished] because it [i.e., the second question]

is totally separate from this one … [so] is this [i.e., the answer you just gave] regarding  Jamaa’ ahs as a

 whole or [i s it appl ied to] people on an individual basis … when it becomes clear that al l of them as a

 group or sect or such are haught y [subsequently] when someone meets one of them in dividual ly should

he apply this to them on an individual level?

AL-ALBAANI: No. That which is applied to a  Jamaa’ ah  is not applied to the individual.

We say, for example, the system and laws of some of the factions present today in the Islamic world,

unfortunately, are ones of disbelief, like the Ba’ ath Party for example and the Communist Party, there

is no doubt that these forms of government are those of disbelief, and that whoever adopts them as

religion is a disbeliever.

But we know that as regards the reality in many Islamic countries, especially Syria for example, many

of those people who used to affilia te [themselves] to the Ba’ath [ Party] used to pray and fast and totally

 gu ard the obligatory duties , an d [that] when they wo uld be reminded and warned from af fi liat ing to

a sect such as it they would say, and their statement was invalid [i.e., incorrect] … but we understand

that they have not adopted Ba’athism as a replacement for Islaam [and we know this] because they

 wo uld say, ‘Yaa akhi , what can we do, we want to live ,’ so the example of such a person is like a ny other

obstinate sinner [ fa asiq ] who does something forbidden in order to live … in order to earn a living.

And how many are the trades, professions and businesses many of the Muslims pursue nowadays which

contain forbidden things, and when you remind them and tell them that this and tha t are  ha ram, they’ll

say, ‘Yaa akhi , what can we do,’ and the good one from among them will say to you, ‘ Wallaahi , I’m

thinking about getting something … [getting] another job which will be [Islamically] legal but until it

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becomes possible I’ll carry on doing what I’m doing,’ and so on. This all shows that it is not possible

to declare these people to be disbelievers in th e same way that we declare the system and all those who

[actually] adopt it as a part of their ’aqidah to be disbelievers.

Therefore, it is possible that individuals in these factions can be found who really are disbelievers

because they have adopted their system as a replacement for Islaam and [at the same time] there are

individuals amongst them who are not like that and who only, as I gave you an example of just now,

take it as a means of living—[but by me saying this] I do not mean that this way is permissible, what I

mean is that as long as the individual has not adopted it as creed, as a system [which replaces Islaam],

as an ideology, then it is not allowed to deal with them as the system itself and those who do adopt it

as ’aqidah are dealt with.1

 Al- Hud a w an- Noo r , 735.


1Further answers by the Shaikh on boycotting can be found  here.