ome, Let Us ing

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TidingsOur mission is to ensure the flourishingof Jewish life through educational, socialand Conservative religious experiences in

a warm and dynamic community.

Founded in 1866Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 88 • Issue No. 5

June/July 2015Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Come, Let Us Sing has been made possible through the generosity of the Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund Harold and Sandy Levine, Trustees.

�ome, Let Us �ingSunday, June 7 • 7 pm • Doors Open at 6:30 pmB’nai Jeshurun Congregation27501 Fairmount Boulevard, Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124

FREEand Open to

the Public

Hosted by

Mark Opatow Lazer Lloyd Avram Pengas

Featured artists

For more information call 216.831.6555 •

B ’ n a i J E s h u R u n C O n g R E g a t i O n P R E s E n t s O u R s P R i n g 2 0 1 5 C O n C E R t

Cantor Aaron Shifman

(Psalm 95)

Please join us at our Annual Tribute Dinner

this year honoring Hedy & Michael Milgrom

Sunday, June 28 • 6 pmCocktails & Dinner • Auction • $90/person

Both Hedy & Michael have served on the boards of Beth Am and B’nai Jeshurun, and Hedy is a past officer of B’nai Jeshurun. They are the parents of Natan (Kate), Ari and Ben, and proud grandparents of Ellie. Hedy has been on staff at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland since 1998, currently as Chief Development Officer. She sits on Cleveland’s Advisory Board of the Foundation Center, is involved at Gross Schechter Day School and is a newly elected trustee at B’nai Jeshurun. She also plays violin in the Cleveland Women’s Orchestra. Michael is a recently retired staff attorney in the Cleveland office of the Federal Trade Commission, a position he held since 1978. He is a frequent Torah reader and teacher. He has served on the board of the Siegal College of Judaic Studies and was Chairman of the Akiva Advisory Committee.

All reservations must be made in writing or submitted online to Please RSVP by Monday, June 15.

27501 Fairmount Boulevard • Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 • TEL: 216-831-6555 • FAX: 216-831-4599 • EMAIL: • WEBSITE:

2 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Candle LightingJune 5 ................................................8:38 pmJune 12 ................................................8:42 pmJune 19 ................................................8:45 pmJune 26 ................................................8:46 pmJuly 3 ................................................8:45 pmJuly 10 ................................................8:43 pmJuly 17 ................................................8:39 pmJuly 24 ................................................8:34 pmJuly 31 ................................................8:27 pm

Torah PortionsJune 6 ......................................Beha’alotechaJune 13 .....................................Shelach-LechaJune 20 ....................................................KorachJune 27 ....................................................ChukatJuly 4 ....................................................... BalakJuly 11 ...................................................PinchasJuly 18 .........................................Matot-MaseiJuly 25 .............. Devarim/Shabbat Chazon

Daily Service ScheduleMondays – Fridays7:00 am, 7:30 am, 7:00 pm

Saturdays - 9:00 am, 6:00 pmSunday - 8:00 am, 6:00 pm

See page 6 for Tisha B’Av service schedule

Beineinu - Between Us

Submissions for August Tidings are due by Monday, June 15.

We will honor our dear friends, Hedy & Michael Milgrom, at our annual Tribute Dinner. They have been long-time members of Beth Am and now B’nai Jeshurun. Shabbat regulars and Torah readers, they have been involved in leadership, learning and volunteering. Their dedication to the synagogue and community, as well as their passion for Israel and Jewish life, is evident not only in their own

lives, but those of their children. I hope you will join us as we celebrate this amazing couple.

Balak, king of Moab, hires Balaam, a pagan prophet, to curse the Israelites. But every time Balaam tries, out comes a blessing instead. What was it about the Israelites that made them so invincible? When Balaam looked down on the Israelite encampment, he saw they had their tents facing each other. Their relationships were deep and solid and they stood as one unified, extended family. In that moment, Balaam knew the Israelites were so united they could never be defeated.

We, too, are stronger when we turn our tents inward toward each other. But too often, we don’t. We turn away from each other over differences in political views or affiliations. The differences are real and worthy of debate, but when we allow them to shatter our unity, we weaken ourselves and become vulnerable. We also turn away from family and friends, severing our deepest, most meaningful and sustaining relationships over hurts and slights that sometimes are real, but sometimes exaggerated or imagined.

We need to work to repair and restore relationships in our lives. The summer season is all about reconciliation. We mark the Fast of Tammuz, the day on which both the Babylonians and the Romans breached the walls of Jerusalem leading to The Temple’s destruction on the 9th of Av. Many other terrible Jewish tragedies happened on this day, but one courageous act of hope also occurred on this day: Moses smashed the first set of tablets following the sin of the golden calf. He could have kept the tablets as a reminder of their rebelliousness, but he smashed them, sending a clear message to God: Yes, this moment of rebellion and infidelity hurt, but your relationship with Israel transcends this moment. It is deeper, broader, more meaningful, fraught with more hope and potential.

The same is true of our relationships. Isn’t it time to turn your tent back toward those you love?

Rabbi Stephen Weiss

Friday, June 19 • 6 pm

Join us as we dedicate the new Ark, Torah Reading Table and Pulpit within Linden Family Courtyard, designed by Israeli artist Jeremy Kimchi, as well as new pavers and other dedications. We are thrilled that Mr. Kimchi will be joining us for this exciting celebration. Then, stay for Shabbat Rocks! under the stars (we will move inside if there is inclement weather).

Join Us Under the Stars

Happy & Healthy Birthday, Bill! Yasher Koach on your milestone! Many more

wonderful ones with all of us.Our love, Shirley, Michael, Raquel,

Jeffrey, Nicole, Rachael, Kyle, Alexandra, Sophia and Sammy June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 3

President’s MessageWhile there is little doubt that we are more fortunate than many synagogues, we at B’nai Jeshurun still must face a difficult reality. Membership continues to decline, and the income necessary for us to operate is becoming harder to collect. So a few months into my presidency, I

appointed a task force to look at alternatives to dues, a move that approximately 40 Reform and Conservative synagogues across the country have already made. We read articles, conducted conference calls with other synagogues and explored how that sort of change might work here at B’nai Jeshurun. More recently, we shared what we found with the Board and other constituencies and received agreement that we should continue down the path.

“…proposal to replace dues… with a single, annual pledge process.”

As a result, throughout the rest of this year, we will be arranging a series of community conversations to share a proposal to replace dues, Mahar and other fundraising we do with a single, annual pledge process. In those meetings, we will cover a lot of detail, but it boils down to this: your family will be asked to make a pledge for the coming year, based on information we will provide about what it costs per person to run the synagogue and what your family contributed the year before. No more first year membership rates, no more automatic increase because you had a birthday and are moved into a new age category, no more dues appeals.

Making this sort of change will have an impact not only on how we raise funds, but also on the very culture of who we are. Imagine a synagogue where membership isn’t defined as a business transaction based on your willingness and ability to pay the going rate, but is instead defined by

continued on page 11

From Our InternAfter receiving the Torah during Shavuot, the Israelites continue to wander in the wilderness, and through the weekly Torah portions all summer, we wander alongside them. As the Israelites grow into their freedom, their nationhood and their relationship with God, we learn from their

mistakes and their growing pains and apply their lessons to our lives. Over the course of the next few months, we’ll learn, through the Israelites’ eyes, that complaining is generally annoying and ineffective (Parshat Chukkat, June 27). We’ll learn that panicking is a bad idea, and usually backfires (Parshat Shelach Lecha, June 13). We’ll learn that even if the grass looks greener back in Egypt than it does in the wilderness, we’re better off appreciating what we have now (Parshat Beha’alotecha, June 6). As we join the Israelites on their journey and learn from both their highest and lowest moments, from their embrace of Torah and their grumbling ingratitude, I want to thank you for sharing your journeys with me this past year. As my time as rabbinic intern winds down, I’ve been reflecting on everything that I learned from each of you (not to mention from the clergy!). Thank you for allowing me to join you for your most painful moments and your most joyous, for sharing your frustrations with our tradition and your passionate commitment to it. Through your opening up to me and enabling me to see synagogue life through your eyes, I’ve been inspired by the holiness of the B’nai Jeshurun community and the individuals who comprise it. As my own journey leads me to the chuppah in August, back to rabbinical school in the Fall, and on to a new internship just outside of New York City, I will be carrying with me all that I learned from you. Thank you again for affording me the opportunity and privilege to be part of your lives, and as a Clevelander, I hope to be back to visit often, to share the stories and lessons of my journey, and to hear about yours.

B’ahavah (with love),Rabbi Paula Sass

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Education & YouthState of the

Youth & Learning CenterAt the end of the school year, we can reflect on all the wonderful things that have been accomplished, as well as the areas we are striving to strengthen. First and foremost,

we pride ourselves on the strong knowledge base we instill - Torah, Jewish values, Shabbat, Hebrew, prayers, holidays, Jewish history, Israel - that lead to strong Jewish identity and pride in our heritage. Seeing our 2nd graders engaged in Hebrew activities, watching our 3rd graders lead the entire Shabbat morning service, hearing our 4th and 5th graders chant from the Torah (join us any Shabbat during the school year at our youth service, 10:50 am in Nickman Chapel!); these are just a few examples of the tremendous learning happening here.

We all know that Jewish learning is not designed to be merely academic, but rather to be lived and cherished. To that end, it’s exciting to see our Shabbaton series continuing to get stronger, with over 300 people joining for Shabbat dinners over the course of the year, over 100 3rd - 6th grade students joining two Shabbat overnights, and 60 students joining our Israel-themed Youth Shabbaton this past April. We are working to add programs for our younger students, such as our Havdalah, Ice Cream, MeshugaNotes concert for pre-K - 2nd grade students and families, and beginning to strengthen integration between our Shabbaton series and youth groups, which extend the experience through their high school years.

This year marked the beginning of a process to adapt our post-B’nai Mitzvah program to better meet the needs of our students. As we strive to meet these needs, you will notice changes this coming year. We anticipate further changes in the years to come as we continue to learn what

continued on page 11

B’nai MitzvahMAX LAWRENCE STEIGERShabbat morning, June 6Max attends Beachwood Middle School and enjoys Destination Imagination and sports. For his Mitzvah Project, he is organizing a team for the Race for the Place and is raising money for the

Gathering Place. He is the son of Darby & Jon Miller Steiger, brother of Lily Steiger and grandson of Karen & Ezra Steiger and Susan Miller. Max is also the grandson of the late Dr. Herbert Miller.

SOPHIE MICHAL GLUECKThursday, June 18 (Rosh Hodesh)Sophie attends Star Prep Academy and lives in Los Angeles, CA. She enjoys art. For her Mitzvah Project, she works at a cat shelter and fosters kittens. She is the daughter of Cathy & Steve Glueck,

sister of Dakota and Chloe Glueck, granddaughter of Elayne & Richard Glueck and Judy Podewell and great-granddaughter of Jo Ross and Corinne Whitney. Sophie is also the granddaughter of the late Richard Podewell.

ELANA MICHAL RUBANENKOMonday, June 29 in IsraelElana attends The Agnon School and lives in Pepper Pike. She enjoys Playmakers, Camp Wise, art, guitar, Israel and Fantasy Football. She is the daughter of Kelly & Gil Rubanenko, sister of Jonah and

Gabriel Rubanenko and granddaughter of Donna & Howard Sperber, Barbara Rubanenko and Rosalie Fisher & Mullie Rubanenko.

4 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

School RegistrationRegister by Friday, July 17 to receive your “Early Bird” discount. Deadline for all registration is Friday, August 14.

Honoring our Youth & Teachers Saturday, June 13

A group honor will be offered during the Shabbat morning service to those who: • are B’nai Mitzvah tutors, or • participated in the National Bible Contest, or • are going to overnight camp or other Jewish summer programs, or • are teachers in our school

No RSVP necessary; please notify an usher when you arrive. June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 5

Mishpachot Shabbat Dinner Picnic Friday, June 5 • 5:45 pm

Join us for an outdoor Shabbat dinner on our playground with other families with kids ages birth - 6 years (older siblings welcome, too). Songs, Shabbat experience and entertainment by Outback Ray and his Live Animal

Show. Register for our family match-up program, letting us seat you with another friendly family.

Menu includes chicken, sides, dessert and drinks; vegetarian option on request. $10/adult; $5/child ages

2-12; under 2 free if registered on the BJC website by Thursday, May 28. After May 28, cost is $12/adult;

$7/child. Held rain or shine. This program is being generously supported by a grant from the JECC.

Popsicles on the Playground Monday, June 1 • 1 pm

Play outside on the B’nai Jeshurun playground with your friends. Popsicles provided. Free and open to the

community, but reservations requested.

Mishpachot Mitzvah at Memphis Kiddie ParkSunday, July 19 • 10:30 am - noon

Meet at the Park (10340 Memphis Ave., Cleveland 44144)

and enjoy a morning of rides and fun with your B’nai Jeshurun friends. Do a mitzvah by bringing a new,

unused box of crayons or markers to be donated to Stepstone Academy.

Cost: purchase your own tickets at the ticket booth.

Kinder Shabbat / Open PlayroomFridays • 10:15 am (no program July 3)

Drop in for our popular “get ready for Shabbat”program with challah making and singing.

Free and open to the community.

Playground Playgroup Wednesdays, June 3 & 10 • 10 – 11 am

Meet on the B’nai Jeshurun playground for outdoor fun and socializing. Free and open to the community. In case

of rain, program will be held in Room 1.

To RSVP, or for more information about any ofthese programs, please contact Risa Roth.

Education & Youth

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Our religious school and library are pleased to bring back…………..

Barbecue & BooksThursday, June 25 • 6 pm

featuring a story hour, games and prizes!

6:00 pm Supper (vegetarian available upon request when making reservation)6:45 pm Fun games with Rabbi Josh7:15 pm Special summer bedtime story hour with Rafi

Both libraries will be open so everyone has a chance to borrow books. Door prize drawing for all who attend. Reservations required by Monday, June 22; $6 per person; $18 family max. Please RSVP through the synagogue website, by e-mail ( or phone (216-337-6490 - leave a message) and indicate name and number of attendees. Payment will also be accepted on the night of the event.

8th Grade Shtetl Project & Camp Wise Shabbaton

6 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Upcoming EventsThe Barking Blessing

Friday, June 12 Cookout Dinner: 6 pm

Service: 7:30 pm

Sing with our furry family friends at B’nai Jeshurun’s Annual Canine Shabbat. Celebrate with a picnic dinner and awards, followed by service and oneg. All are welcome!

$10/adult; $5/child; $30/family max. Dogs beg for dinner. BYOB (bring your own bags for cleanup!) Dinner by reservation only; please RSVP to the synagogue office by June 8. Please bring blankets, towels and cleaning supplies to donate to local animal shelters.

Shabbat Rocks! Fridays, June 19 & July 17 • 7 pm

We hope you’ll join us at our popular musical Friday evening service. Shabbat Rocks! combines the flowing poetry of Psalms with a live band playing some of today’s hottest Jewish music. This unique

liturgical experience will make your heart sing, your hands clap and your feet dance. Listen to and download tracks from our website. Last date of the season: August 21

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Summer Reading Roundtable in the Courtyard with Rafi

Tuesdays, June 30 & August 4 • 2 pm

This is a new and exciting opportunity to share good books with fellow readers. We ask that books presented have a Jewish theme or content; fiction, non-fiction or biography may be chosen. Enjoy a glass of cold iced tea in the Linden Family Courtyard (will be held indoors in case of inclement weather). No charge, but reservations requested through the synagogue website or by leaving a message for Rafi at ext. 114. Books will also be available to borrow for summer reading. Tisha B’Av

Fast of the Ninth Day of AvSaturday, July 256:00 pm No minyan service7:45 pm Mincha8:10 pm Seudah Shlisheet / Seudah Mafseket (Meal before fast)8:51 pm Fast begins -Tisha B’Av study session9:29 pm Maariv, Havdallah, Reading of Lamentations(9:39 pm Shabbat ends)

Sunday, July 268:00 am Combined minyans – no tallit and tefillin6:00 pm Mincha – with tallit and tefillin9:22 pm Fast ends

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Tee it up at B’nai Jeshurun’s

4th Annual Golf OutingMonday, July 13

(Rain Date - Monday, July 20)Punderson State Park Golf Course

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Includes:Kosher Boxed Lunch • 18 holes of Golf & Cart

Variety of Contests & Prizes


Questions? Contact Julie Berman.

*please indicate foursome or individual* June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 7

From Our AffiliatesHazak Happenings

Hazak is B’nai Jeshurun’s senior adult group. To join, or for further information, please contact Membership Chairpersons, Barbara Warshawsky (440-473-0614), Adelle Gloger (216-292-2665) or

President, Betty Fishman (216-591-9550).

Indoor Picnic Sunday, August 9 • 5 pm

Musi-Gals present “100 Years on Broadway”Hazak members $15; Guests $18

Chairperson: Rose and Dan Lash (216-531-2668)

Cleveland Indians vs. Minnesota Twins Sunday, August 9 • Game time 1:10 pm

Great seats are reserved for YOU in section 448 - behind home plate. Meet at 11 am at B’nai Jeshurun for lunch before getting on the bus, which will depart at 12:10 pm. $30 per person includes lunch, transportation and your ticket.

There will be a silent auction for prizes, including jerseys and an autographed baseball. There are also three promotions planned for kids that day; for details, visit

RSVP by July 22 to David Cohen ( or 330-425-4989) and make checks payable to B’nai Jeshurun Men’s Club. Men’s Club is subsidizing this event to make it enjoyable and affordable for everybody.

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Sisterhood Opening EventSunday, August 16

As you are enjoying the Summer of 2015, keep your eyes open to check off Sisterhood dues when the Congregation dues statement is received. New and exciting events are being planned!

Tallit SaleThrough July 31, receive 10% off your purchase of any tallit in stock AND the Sisterhood gift shop will make a donation of 5% of the purchase price to the religious school or synagogue of your choice. We have very flexible hours; just call 216-245-8202 and we will be happy to schedule an appointment at your convenience.

Red Cross Blood DriveWednesday, July 15 • 9 am – 5 pm

Sponsored by Men’s Club.

Chesed volunteers at

Ronald McDonald


@ Mazal Tov to Our2015-2016 BJUSY Board

President: ................................................................ Evan Shaw VP Communications: .......................................Aaron Siegal VP Israel Affairs: ....................................................Jonah Ross Religious Education: .........................................Adam Miller Membership/Kadima: .........................................Abby Brick Social Action/Tikkun Olam: .............................Gabe Segar

8 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Tree of LifeHappy June Milestone Birthday to:Ann BerkMorris BordmanDeborah BotnickSteven DaskalKaren EvenchikEilene GolubWilliam HaasMoshe HyerSusan KarpLibby LermanJacob Lyndon

Richard MartinHelen MatlowAlbert ReetJodi RosenthalAlta RosenzweigNatalie RothenbergScott SableFlorence SchreibmanSabrina ShifmanLillian Ullman

Happy June Milestone Anniversary to:Karen & Len Steiger 55 YearsDee & Neil Cantor 50 YearsHarriet & Harvey Freiman 45 YearsSusan & Richard Glaser 45 YearsCaren & Harry Lever 45 YearsSue & Jeff Wyner 45 YearsTova & Chad Cohen 40 YearsSandy & Tim Wuliger 40 YearsNorma & David Belasco 35 YearsFran & Mark Doris 35 YearsMaureen & Barry Sokolov 35 YearsDebbie & Max Wiznitzer 35 YearsJudith & Lawrence Wolkoff 35 YearsLisa & Ken Ingber 30 YearsDarby & Jon Steiger 20 YearsEliana LeVine & Joshua Polster 15 YearsMartha & Jack Spaner 15 YearsMarian & Stuart Gertman 10 Years

If you have an achievement or mazal tov to share, please contact Diane Shalom. We are happy to share your good news! Milestone listings recognize birthdays at 5-year intervals beginning with age 25,

and every year after 90. Anniversaries are recognized at 5-year intervals.

Happy July Milestone Birthday to:

Morris AmonRachel BerkowitzBruce BotnickMarvin CherninLaurie DavisRichard DouglassSandra EllisMichael FrankelLynn GardnerHarry GipsLynn GoldmanIda GordonMorton J. GrossHazel GrossNancy Haarburger

Emily HoffmanShani KadisAllan KleinSherrie LindenScott MatasarBrad MeyerMarilyn MyersAbbie Nagler SenderGary NeidesSteven PolakofShaina RoodWendi ShapiroRenee SilverbergBarry Simon

Happy July Milestone Anniversary to:Marcia & Jerry Rothschild 60 YearsDoris & Pete Copeland 45 YearsHelen & Paul Wolf 45 YearsRonna & Edgar Bernstein 40 YearsSue & Mitch Frankel 30 YearsTheresa & Lee Markowitz 30 YearsEllen Kowit-Potter & Steven Potter 30 YearsRobin & Richard Douglass 25 YearsEllen & Ethan Walker 25 YearsJoan & Chuck Whitehill 20 YearsRachel & Richard Berkowitz 15 YearsDonna Krasney & Mark Fremont 15 YearsJeannie & Harley Gordon 15 YearsTong & Joe Zomber 15 YearsJulie & Alex Beynenson 10 YearsDana & Jonah Stulberg 10 YearsBrooke Lampl & Eric Rosenblatt 5 Years


Shirley Haas and

Diane Shalom for 15 years each of dedicated service to

B’nai Jeshurun.

Yasher Koach• Bernice Rothman received the Valued Volunteer

award at Sisterhood’s Central Great Lakes Region Conference.

• Rachel Cohen was awarded the Elliot and Rose Segerman 3rd Bienniel Scholarship Award at the FJMC annual meeting. She is the daughter of Margie & David Cohen.

• Monica Sass won the USYer of the Year award at the CRUSY Regional Convention. She is the daughter of Michele & Harvey Sass.

• BJUSY was awarded The Israel Programming award and Best Cultural Programming award at the CRUSY Regional Convention. Kadima was also acknowledged for showing the greatest chapter membership increase.

• Spencer Kawalek won first place in the National Bible Contest in New York City and will compete as the US winner next spring in Israel at the International Chidon HaTanakh competition. He is the son of Monique & Wayne Kawalek. Yasher Koach also to his teacher, Paul Koret.




• Matt Brower, Michelle Cydulka-Weinstein, Kimberly Levin, Dale Nash, Theresa Markowitz, Leah Polikoff and Jeremy Zelwin completed the Edna & Nat Marcus Leadership Institute training. (see page 9 for photo) June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 9

Tree of LifeIn Memoriam

We note with sorrow the passing of


SEYMOUR KAWALEKFather of Wayne Kawalek

*JEROME KOHNHusband of Elaine KohnBrother of Arnold KohnNephew of Meyer Kohn

ALLEN TRANGLEFather of Kevin Trangle


*B’nai Jeshurun member

We extend our deepest condolences to all the members of their families.

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Annual Meeting

Maz al Tov to• Michelle & Evan Hirsch on the birth of a daughter, Shaina Rose Hirsch.

• Shirley & Paul Eisenberg on the birth of a grandson, Abner Nasatir.

• Laurie Linden Rabovsky & Michael Rabovsky and Ethel & Earl Linden on the engagement of their son and grandson, Zachary, to Hallie Strauss.

• Wendy & Stephen Mendel on the engagement of their son, Eric, to Miranda Horne.


Strauss - Rabovsky

Photos by Pete Copeland

Rabbi Weiss and Shelley Scher are pictured with

Marcus Fellows Dale Nash, Leah Polikoff, Theresa

Markowitz, Kimberly Levin, Michele Cydulka-Weinstein.

Not pictured: Matt Brower,

Jeremy Zelwin

10 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Sign up for the College Outreach ProgramFreshmen are Free

Our College outreach program sends packages to your college students for the High Holy Days, Hanukkah, Purim and Pesach. Through the generosity of our members, Natalie & Ron Titlebaum, as well as Sisterhood, incoming freshman students are free. All freshman parents have to do is fill out the form below and send it in. For all other students, both undergraduate and graduate, the cost remains just $36 for this program. Your children will love receiving these packages and remembering the Jewish holidays. Help us keep in contact with our students. We also welcome monetary and goods donations.

Please printlegibly and besure to provide

completemailing address.



Student Name _______________________________________________________________College Attending & Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Semester Abroad Dates ______________Year of College Graduation ___________________Student Email ________________________________________________________________

Parent Name(s) _______________________________________________________________Parent Address _______________________________________________________________Parent Phone _________________________ Parent Email ____________________________

I would be willing to help on the College Outreach Committee q Yes q NoPlease send this information to Marcy Rosenthal, 32850 Aspen Glen Drive, Solon, OH 44139 or email

Although Barry Feldman became a member of B’nai Jeshurun Congregation only about four years ago, his connections and contribution to the shul have been tremendous. He is currently on our Board of Trustees and is the Co-Chair of the Development Committee, as well as a dedicated 7 am minyan and Shabbat

services attendee. In addition to his leadership roles at the synagogue, Barry is also on the Menorah Park Foundation Board and co-chairs their Endowment Committee, chairs the St. Petersburg Committee, sits on the Allocations and Strategic Planning Committee at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, serves on the National Board of American Friends of Magen David Adom, and is the Vice President of Jewish National Fund of Cleveland. JNF is honoring Barry with their Tree of Life Award this year. And yet somehow, he finds time to be the President of Kottler Metal Products, Inc., travel the globe and be a friend to all he meets!

You are tremendously committed to serving the Cleveland and global communities through volunteerism and philanthropy. What is your motivation for doing so? Why is this work important to you? I am most blessed even on in my worst of days. I have learned that with privilege comes responsibility. I truly

prefer to stay under the radar. Yet, I have also learned that we lead by example. I go through my days working these philanthropies, for this is my estate, not what I have, but what I can give of myself. These actions will be my legacy, to know that I will have left my mark on the world, and touched individuals in a positive way. It is our obligation to give back to our general community, our Jewish community and the global community. I have learned it is important for all to give of whatever their resources, as time commitments are as important as financial support.

Your giving to the synagogue has ranged from a Courtyard Dedication, to including the shul in your estate plans, to sponsoring minyan breakfasts and kiddushes and so many other things. What motivates you to support the shul and why is it important to you to include the shul in your estate plans? I feel a sense of community with our synagogue. It has become an extended family to me, both in day to day life, as well as life cycle events. While our synagogue has been a blessing to me, it is my dream to pass this wonderful support system to future generations.

Thank you, Barry, for all you do for our congregation, the Jewish community and the broader community.

Spotlight on Our Member June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 11

Concert Artists BiosLazer Lloyd is an Israeli singer/songwriter and an international recording artist influenced by blues, gospel, southern rock and the great guitar traditions of power and groove from Hendrix to Wes Montgomery. He has opened for such artists as Johnny Winter and Prince. His all new self-titled album was released in the Spring of 2015.

Mark Opatow was invested as a Cantor by the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in 2003. After serving for three years as the Cantor of the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Mark now travels regularly to congregations throughout the country. He can often be found at Alabama’s oldest Jewish congregation, the Springhill Avenue Temple in Mobile. His album, Shir Chadash: a New Song, is a collection of

original compositions with texts from the Kabbalat Shabbat section of the Friday night service. His song, L’chu N’ran’nah, is used in B’nai Jeshurun’s Friday night Shabbat Rocks! service.

Avram Pengas was born in Greece. His extraordinary talent and quicksilver fingers led him from playing lead guitar in the Israeli Air Force Band to performing at New York’s celebrated venues, such as Avery Fisher Hall, Alice Tully Hall, and Town Hall. A skilled musical arranger, lead guitarist and self-taught virtuoso on the bouzouki, Pengas creates music that is rooted in the Mediterranean and Middle East, and draws upon Eastern and Western musical elements. In 1979, he opened his own nightclub, “Noga,” in the heart of New York’s Greenwich Village.

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+ = A COMMUNITY Celebration

We want to ensure that all members of the B’nai Jeshurun community, past and present, are a part of the 150th anniversary celebration! Please join our special Facebook page, “B’nai Jeshurun 150th Anniversary”. Please also help us in locating our past members so they, too, can reminisce, share and be a part of the celebration. If you know of someone who lives out of town, or lives here but is no longer a member, please add them to the Facebook group. Learn more about our plans for the 150th at

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From the President continued from page 3

your participation in our kehilla kedosha - our sacred community - in the ways that best meet your needs. If we are going to be successful in making this change, it will require the support of our entire congregation to do it without putting our finances at risk. But, I’ve become more and more convinced that if we don’t do this now because we want to, some President after me will be doing it because he or she has to. I look forward to working with all of you towards a goal of making this change for the 2016-2017 fiscal year, which begins just four months before our 150th anniversary date. I can’t think of a better gift to ourselves.

B’shalom, Jody Katzner

From Rabbi Foster continued from page 4 draws our high school students to engage deeply in Jewish learning. At the same time, we recognize that change takes time, and in addition to reworking our post-B’nai Mitzvah education, recent changes in both our primary school program and weekday Bet Limmud program will continue to be examined and improved. I invite and welcome your feedback as we work to ensure the best learning and experience possible for all of our students.

As we head into summer, we are already actively planning for next school year, knowing there is much work to be done, but also proud of the tremendous knowledge and pride we have instilled in our students this year.

Rabbi Josh Foster

12 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

Donations Received as of April 15, 2015To better manage administrative expenses, it is requested that contributions be at least $10 or more each.

Thank you for helping us reduce the synagogue’s cost, which increases the actual value of your gifts.

JULIUS ABRAMS MINYAN FUND By: Sol Glasner. In Honor of:Milestone Birthday of Robert Zelwin by Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg…Murray Berkowitz by Barry Chesler. In Memory of:Faygah Finkelman and Max Drew by Sara Drew…Franklyn Weissman and Beatrice Weissman by Gabe & Nicki Adler…Rose Malik and Sarah Rosen by Sylvia Kugelman…Sarah Levin by Cheryl Rubin…Charles Goodstein and Rhonda Greenberg by Bob & Judy Goodstein…H. Yaakov Goldstein by Edith Goldstein…Joan Miller by Jay & Leslie Weller.

ALIYAH FUND In Honor of:Murray Altose’s Haftorah honor by Murray & Connie Altose…Jane Warn for being a Passover helper by Richard & Jane Warn…Our Aliyah by Alan & Judith Riga.

EUNICE AND ERNEST BENCHELL ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of:Ernie & Eunice Benchell by Bart & Carole Bookatz…Milestone Birthdays of Bill Jones, David Wakser, Lillian Gutterman, Marilyn Alpern, May Hershey, Robert Zelwin and Ruth Weil by Ernie & Eunice Benchell…Milestone Anniversaries of Brian & Lori Abraham and Frank & Beth Rosenberg by Eunice & Ernie Benchell. In Memory of:Ray Esther Davis by James & Ellen Liss.

BEVA BERKOWITZ USY FUND In Honor of:Murray Berkowitz, KIO Region Ma’asim Tovim Awardee by Murray & Connie Altose.

B’NAI JESHURN CHESED FUND In Honor of:Mishloah Manot by Sylvia Rose…Birthday of Mary Berkowitz by Murray & Connie Altose. In Memory of:Sally Schwarz by Joel & Rachel Schwarz…Hans Segal by Nelson Pole… Harry Golub by Adam & Michelle Levine… Jonas Miller and Leon Ades by Steve & Zehava Galun and Mark & Shelley Scher…Robin Rood’s brother by Mark & Shelley Scher.

BOHNEN SCHAFFER GARDEN FOUNDATION By: Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg. In Honor of:Birthday of Paul Greenberger and Milestone Birthday of Janice Greenberger byAaron & Andrea Canowitz.

TEMPLE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND In Honor of:Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Cantor Shifman by Lois Shepard. In Memory of:Andrew Spreiser by Loretta Benis...Armond Berk by Nancy Berk…Harold Willen by Arlene Willen…Jack Kowit by Ros & Ed Kowit and Flo Chelm...Lillian Nash by Dale & Karen Nash…Marlene Easterbrook by Morton Weisberg…Michael

Shepard by Lois Shepard… Nate & Gertrude Lippe byGary Lippe…Roy Bernstein by Rosalind Bernstein…Sol Kailes by Larelda Gruber…Stanley “Sonny” AbramsIan & Gloria Abrams…Evalynn Golder by Ed & Gloria Jacobson…Jonas Miller by Joel & Rachel Heiser…Rhonda Greenberg by Sylvia Kugelman… Edith Friedman by Eileen Frank & Bob Stovsky.

CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND By: Avery & Susannah Cohen. In Honor of:Our Aliyah by Malcolm & Evelyn Brahms…Cantor Shifman by Marcy Schindler, Richard & Jane Warn, Lenore Oscar…Birthday of Art Gelbart by Art & Rose Gelbart…Milestone Birthday of Ileen Tepper by Robert & Cheryl Spira… In Memory of:Anita Feldman by Raymond & Sandra November…Walter Freed and Ellen Freed by Vera Dombcik…Hans E. Segal by Howard & Deborah Willen...Fanny Ross and Dorothy Ginnis by Ruth Koway.

DOBRES-BERKOWITZ ISRAEL PROGRAMMING FUND In Honor of:Richard Berkowitz, B’nai Jeshurun Men’s Club Man of the Year by Murray & Connie Altose. In Memory of:Richard E. Schneider by Bob & Sandy Berkowitz…Joan Miller by Ruth Dobres…Leon Ades byMurray & Connie Altose.

EDWARD AND EDITH FREILICH ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of:Michael & Sylvia Blain by Luisa Aviv. In Memory of:Edith Freilich, Edward Freilich, Reinette Madow and Linda Savransky by Luisa Aviv.

GINSBERG FAMILY UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH (USY) FUND By: Bill & Shirley Haas. In Honor of:Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Cantor Shifman by Jeremy & Meredith Ginsberg and Mel & Diane Ginsberg…Birth of Mel & Diane Ginsberg’s grandson, Simon Ezra Ginsberg by Murray & Connie Altose.

LEO AND REGINA GOODMAN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of:Regina Goodman and Mildred Ludwig by Lenore Oscar.

GOTTLIEB FAMILY FUND FOR HOLOCAUST MISSIONS In Honor of:Alan & Lorin Gottlieb’s new grandson, Liam Saul Brenner by Bill & Shirley Haas and Joel & Cindy Herman.

BESSIE HERSHEY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL In Honor of:Engagement of Alec Simon and Jessica Roth by Larry & Marcia Simon. In Memory of:Sylvia Weinberg by Davida Weinberg…Bessie Bayer and Sam Spiegle by Martin June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 13

Spiegle…Shelley Weisman by Jed Weisman.

ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of:Evalynn Golder by Harvey & Harriet Freiman.

JACK JACOBSON AND BELLE WINOGRAD MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND In Memory of:Joseph R. Gross and Martin C. Gross by Suellen Gross.

ETOLE AND JULIAN KAHAN FINE ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of:Jackolyn K. Hanan by Dawn Brown and Julian & Etole Kahan.

MAZON HUNGER FUND In Honor of:Birthdays of Carol Macknin, Harry Lever and Irving Bell by Toby Macknin. In Memory of:Dorothy Siegan by Jerry & Linda Siegan…Gertrude Zychick Kleiner by Stuart Kleiner...Maria Persico by Robert and Barbara Leeson…Milton Kronick by Sylvia Kugelman.

NATHAN AND LENORE OSCAR EDUCATION FUND In Memory of:Nate Oscar by Toby Macknin, Dick & Marilyn Myers, Jay Ross & Susan Warshay, Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg, Bernice Rothman, Vera Dombcik, Rose Rubin, Shirley Shatten, Alan & Iris Goodman, Lois Klein, Sonya Shultz, Marty & Carole Blake, Sheldon & Marilyn Gerson, Ruth, Ron and Jan Moskowitz Families, Sarah Felder, Paul & Teri Madow, Elaine Wach, Eila Hattendorf and Friends at Fennemore Craig.

PAYNER-BESUNDER FUND In Memory of:Lilli Fiala by Jerry & Donna Fiala…Fran Hammer’s sister, Cheryle by Estelle Payner…William Leone by Sandy & Pam Besunder.

RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUNDS In Honor of:Rabbi Weiss by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz, Harry & Caren Lever, Richard & Jane Warn, Lenore Oscar, Marcy Schindler and Ian & Gloria Abrams…Rabbi Rudin-Luria by Ileen Tepper, Marcy Schindler, Richard & Jane Warn, Lenore Oscar and Elliot Teichman…Bris of Liam Saul Brenner by Alan & Lorin Gottlieb…Rabbi Schachter by Lenore Oscar. In Memory of:Andrew Spreiser by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz ...Sidney Franklin by Joe & Carol Feig...Joan Miller by Samuel & Enid Wapner… Richard Mark Handler, Milton Wasserman and

Agusta Turner by Steven & Joni Wasserman…Helen Kritzer by Keith & Marilyn Jacobs…Marvin Perlberg and Loretta Greenberg by Jeffrie & Sheryl Greenberg…Esther Chaim by Alan & Gail Moskowitz.

RABBI RUDOLPH M. ROSENTHAL MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of:Maxwell W. Cohen by Avery & Susannah Cohen.

ROSENZWEIG SINGER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of:Milestone Anniversary of Dr. & Mrs. R. Teichner by Arnold & Alta Rosenzweig. In Memory of:Benjamin Singer by Arnold & Alta Rosenzweig.

RUTH AND GEORGE ROTHSTEIN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of:David Ashpis & Rebakah Dorman by Selma Friedman and Lynne Friedman.

RONALD AND NATALIE TITLEBAUM ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of:Eugene Wolsky by Ron & Natalie Titlebaum.

IDA AND SAM ZELWIN FAMILY FUND In Honor of:Birthday of Judy Freedman by Larry & Ileen Boro. In Memory of:Ida Zelwin by Larry & Ileen Boro.

VIDEO STREAMING In Memory of:Sylvia Miriam Goldstein Gersch by Edith Goldstein.

ALBERT FISHMAN- PHIL THAL FUND In Honor of:Mary & Murray Berkowitz by Deborah Rossman... Lunch & Learn Series by Avery & Susannah Cohen. In Memory of:Bob Koway by Ruth Koway.

Please note: Donations may be made by mailing or bringing in a note to the synagogue office detailing the name of the fund, the reason for the donation, to whom acknowledgement should be made, and the donor’s name, along with a check made out to B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. It would be greatly appreciated if checks for donations were separate from other checks to the congregation. For Sisterhood Enrichment Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Millie Mandel, 25805 Fairmount Blvd., #103, Beachwood 44122. For Torah Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Lynne Friedman, 180 Fox Hollow Drive, #304, Mayfield Heights, 44124.

Thank you to our April kiddush & bima flower sponsors:

April 4/5: The bima flowers were sponsored by Flo Chelm and Roslyn & Ed Kowit in memory of their father, Jack Kowit. April 18: The extended kiddush was sponsored by Nedra & Nick Valdez in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jacob Solomon. The bima flowers were sponsored by Rayna & Steven Solomon in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jacob Solomon

TIDINGSVol 88, No. 5

June/July 2015Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

(ISSN 2327-2341)is published monthly

except January and July by

B’nai Jeshurun Congregation27501 Fairmount Boulevard,

Pepper Pike, OH 44124

Periodicals postage at Cleveland, OH.

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TIDINGS27501 Fairmount Boulevard,

Pepper Pike, OH 44124


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7:00 pm Come, Let Us Sing Concert

Father’s Day

6:00 pm Tribute Dinner honoringHedy & MichaelMilgrom

7:30 pm Board of Trustees Meeting

2:00 pm Summer Reading Roundtable

10:00 amPlayground Playgroup

10:00 amPlayground Playgroup

Rosh Hodesh Tammuz

Hazak @ Ohio Light Opera

Rosh Hodesh Tammuz

10:00 am Sophie Glueck Bat Mitzvah

6:00 pm BBQ & Books

5:45 pm Mishpachot Shabbat Dinner

7:00 pm Service; Birthday Shabbat

6:00 pm Canine Shabbat

7:00 pm Service

6:00 pm Courtyard Bima Dedication

7:00 pm Shabbat Rocks!; Anniversary Shabbat

7:00 pm Service

9:00 am Service; Max Steiger Bar Mitzvah

9:45 am Open Tent Minyan

9:00 am Service; honoring Youth & Teachers

9:00 am Service

9:00 am Service

Sivan/Tammuz 5775

1:00 pm Popsicles on the Playground

14 June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

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AffORDABLE ORTHODONTICS June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775 15


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Fast of Tammuz

10:30 am - noon Mishpachot Mitzvah @ Memphis Kiddie Park

Tisha B’Av

7:00 am Combined Minyans

7:30 pm Board of Trustees Meeting

9:00 am – 5:00 pm Red Cross Blood Drive

Office closed

7:00 pm Service; Birthday Shabbat

7:00 pm Service

Rosh Hodesh Av

7:00 pm Shabbat Rocks!; Anniversary Shabbat

7:00 pm Service

7:00 pm Service

Independence Day

9:00 am Service

9:00 am Service

9:00 am Service

Erev Tisha B’Av

9:00 am Service

8:30 pm Mincha Ma’ariv, Eicha

Tammuz/Av 5775

12:00 pmGolf Outing

RECURRING EVENTSTuesdays at 10:30 am Torah Study with Susan Wyner

Thursdays at 12:10 pm Lunch & LearnCommerce Park IV (corner of Chagrin & Green)

Fridays at 10:15 am Kinder Shabbat & Open Playroom

Saturdays at 9:00 am Starbucks, Bread & Torah

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PHONE: 216-831-6555 FAX: 216-831-4599EMAIL:

www.bnaijeshurun.orgStephen Weiss, Senior Rabbi ..................................................................... ext 104

rabbiweiss@bnaijeshurun.orgHal Rudin-Luria, Rabbi ................................................................................. ext 101

rabbirudinluria@bnaijeshurun.orgAaron Shifman, Cantor ................................................................................ ext 112

cantorshifman@bnaijeshurun.orgStanley J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus ...................................................... ext 106Michael Hecht, Rabbi Emeritus ................................................................ ext 105Josh Foster, Education Engagement Rabbi.......................................... ext 124

rabbifoster@bnaijeshurun.orgJay Ross, Executive Director....................................................................... ext 107

jayross@bnaijeshurun.orgKim Cole, Development Director ............................................................. ext 132

kimcole@bnaijeshurun.orgMarcy Stahm, Controller ............................................................................. ext 111

marcystahm@bnaijeshurun.orgShani Kadis, Membership/Programming Director ............................ ext 131

shanikadis@bnaijeshurun.orgBarbara Rosenfeld, Executive Educator ................................................. ext 121

barbararosenfeld@bnaijeshurun.orgDr. R. Raphael Simon, Librarian ................................................................ ext 114

ralphsimon@bnaijeshurun.orgDana Blocker, Youth Director .................................................................... ext 120

danablocker@bnaijeshurun.orgRisa Roth, Early Childhood Director ........................................................ ext 125

risaroth@bnaijeshurun.orgDiane Shalom, Asst. to Rabbi Weiss/Newsletters Editor .................. ext 104

dianeshalom@bnaijeshurun.orgPaula Botkin, Accounting/Cemeteries/Calendaring ......................... ext 109

paulabotkin@bnaijeshurun.orgWendy Altmire, School Admin. Asst. ...................................................... ext 123

wendyaltmire@bnaijeshurun.orgJulie Berman, Asst. to Cantor..................................................................... ext 102

julieberman@bnaijeshurun.orgShirley Haas, School Admin. Asst. ............................................................ ext 122

shirleyhaas@bnaijeshurun.orgRachel Taxer, Receptionist, Asst. to Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Jay Ross ............................................................. ext 100

racheltaxer@bnaijeshurun.orgRenee Greller, 150th Anniversary Coordinator ................................... ext 136

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