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The 2nd International Conference of Sport for Development & Peace





• Pencak silat is one of the cultural heritages of the archipelago which has ethical, aesthetic, competitive and sports values (IPSI, 2012).• Pencak silat is included as a physical and spiritual sport, is a vehicle that can develop character education values because it comes from Indonesian culture (Kumaidah, 2012).• Pencak silat supports character building and reflects social values and potential, but on the other hand, they claim that sport is full of opportunities to meet, learn, change, and enforce moral values (Mulyana, 2017)• Great attention was paid to what was later defined as the 'Sport for Development and Peace' (SDP) movement in the international development assistance sector.• It was proven in 2005, which was declared by the United Nations as the year of international sports and physical education, recognizing sport as a cost-effective and functional tool to achieve development and peace (Hasselgård, 2015)

• Over the past two decades, there have been concerted efforts to re-mobilize sport as a tool for broad and sustainable social development, especially in marginalized communities (Kidd, 2008).• In several countries such as AIDS-stricken East Africa, for example, a coalition of African and world-first agencies called the 'Kicking Aids Out' network uses sport to teach personal health and sexual responsibility to youth who are vulnerable to contracting HIV / AIDS between the ages of 15 and 15. 24 years old (Kidd, 2008).• In a broad scope, the SDP can be defined as an engine of development through intercultural exchange, conflict resolution and peace building, helping marginalized communities, or through a focus on public health (Peachey et al., 2015).• In line with the SDP concept, sports activities are expected to contribute to the development of a nation's society.• With the existence of a pencak silat training model, especially in all branches of the Tapak Suci College, Kuningan Regency, the age category of teenagers in the scope of value education is expected to be the basis for building community resilience from the physical, mental, moral, spiritual and personality aspects.


The method used in this study is the ADDIE research and development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation)A product/model is said to be good/worthy if it meets the quality aspects which include validity, practicality, and effectiveness (Nieveen, 2013). • ParticipantThe number of athletes fostered by the Pencak Silat Sanctuary in Kuningan Regency is 1988, who are members of 36 branches. Participants involved in the study consisted of a total of 76 participants in the category of children and adolescents.• InstrumentData collection techniques used in this development research are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The instruments used included a material expert questionnaire, a training model expert questionnaire, a coach respondent questionnaire, an athlete respondent questionnaire, and exercise observation sheets. Then the data obtained were analyzed descriptively.

Data AnalysisThe validation analysis of the training model was obtained using a Likert scale of 1-5, and the assessment used the ideal mean formula. The N-gain test is an instrument used to measure the effectiveness of the developed training model which consists of a pre-test and a post-test. The data obtained from the process of developing the model of the Pencak Silat practice of the Tapak Suci branch of the Kuningan Stkipm branch in accordance with what has been determined will be analyzed descriptively.


FINDINGSEach expert filled out a validation questionnaire that had been compiled based on predetermined aspects. Data from questionnaire model exercises by material experts are presented in Table 1.

Furthermore, the data from the model questionnaire by modeling experts are described in Table 2.

The trial was conducted at the Tapak Suci Stkipm branch. Table 3 is the questionnaire result of athletes' responses to limited trials.

The field trial athlete response questionnaire aims to determine whether the developed training model can be used properly. Table 4 is the result of the questionnaire response to the field questionnaire.

The field trial trainer response questionnaire aims to determine whether the model developed can be used properly. Below will be described in table 5 of the results of the field coach response questionnaire as follows.

The test was given to 76 athletes with the aim of knowing the improvement in training results from model development. Below are the results of the initial test and the final test are presented in table 6 as follows.

DISCUSSION• Based on the results of the analysis of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness criteria that have been described, this study has produced a new model, namely the pencak silat (tapak Suci) training model in the perspective of sport for development and peace. • The training models produced from this study are: (1) training material begins with a warm-up to increase aerobic capacity (15 minutes of activity with an intensity of 65% -80% of the maximum DNM pulse), (2) training begins with prayer and salutations, (3) the content of the material consists of organization, deepening al-Islam, basic techniques of martial arts martial arts (tapak Suci), setting goals at each exercise, and evaluation, (4) the closing ends with a reflection of each exercise material studied, cooling movements, and pray.

• One of the goals of sport for development and peace means developing the lives of children who have been eroded in poverty. This mission focuses on implementing sports and educational activities at the grass root level to enhance personal development, value education, sportsmanship, leadership, and peace (Burnett & Hollander, 2009). • The pencak silat training model that has been created is expected to be a product that can contribute to the development of Indonesian people through the sports activities of pencak silat tapak suci as expected by us together.


The training model in order to be used must meet three indicators, including; (1) the validity of the material expert and the pencak silat training model is valid, (2) practicality; the response of athletes and coaches states that the training model results of the development of the criteria are good, (3) effectiveness; The results of the initial and final tests show that the training model has increased, meaning that the pencak silat (tapak Suci) training model in the perspective of sport for development and peace can be used by athletes and coaches as a guide for training programs in the context of development through exercise.


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