OLMC Distance Learning...

Post on 20-Apr-2020

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Transcript of OLMC Distance Learning...

OLMC Distance Learning Guide The purpose of this OLMC Distance Learning Guide is to:

• create a distance learning plan that will be effective and efficient for Students, Parents & Caregivers, and Faculty & Staff,

• for Faculty to efficiently communicate daily learning plans, longer-term lesson plans, and content delivery,

• for Students to receive effective distance learning through direct instruction and classroom interaction,

• for Students to efficiently submit schoolwork and assessments for teacher evaluation and grading, and

• for Parents & Caregivers to have confidence that their child is engaged during the school day, learning with purpose, and connected to their beloved teachers and classmates despite this most unusual time in our lives.

On March 10th, we all – students, parents, caregivers, faculty, staff and administration – had 24 hours’ notice to develop a distance learning plan. In phase #1, the OMC Administration and Faculty delivered instruction, ensured that all had ample access to WiFi and technology devices, and listened to important feedback. This OLMC Distance Learning Guide is our best effort to move into phase #2. I am sure that together we will continue to learn and have updated versions of this OLMC Distance Learning Guide, nonetheless, let’s move ahead together! This OLMC Distance Learning Guide is rooted in a few shared values:

• Sometimes less is more. Given that parents are now in a stressful situation having to juggle working at home, while also supervising their children’s learning, the OLMC Faculty understand that less can be more.

• Faculty will deliver content daily to ensure that students and parents don’t feel overwhelmed.

• Creativity will be valued! • We will base student learning on synchronous and asynchronous learning. Synchronous

means that students need to be online at the same time, while asynchronous learning – students are not required to be online at the same time – offers flexibility for both student and parent schedules.

• Distance learning encourages all to prioritize and standardize as a way to KISS: keep it simple silly!

• We want to honor the importance of mental– and physical – health at this time.

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The bright side of all this: each student is learning vital skills for their future! Distance learning will be used in our students’ high school, university, and professional lives. Becoming more independent for their own learning is an invaluable skill!

OPEN HOUSE Zoom Nights - Monday 3/23 & Tuesday 3/24

Topic: OLMC Distance Learning – Opening up the Conversation Time: 5:00-6:40 PM Pacific Time

Join Zoom Meeting each night at any time: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8584554277

Meeting ID: 858 455 4277

Monday 3/23 Tuesday 3/24

TK @ 5:00pm 4th @ 5:00pm

Kinder @ 5:20pm 5th @ 5:20pm

1st @ 5:40pm 6th @ 5:40pm

2nd @ 6:00pm 7th @ 6:00pm

3rd @ 6:20pm 8th @ 6:20pm

We are all in this together! ¡Estamos todos juntos en esto!

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Starting Monday, March 23rd, as an effort to promote consistency and simplicity for all students and parents, the following will be used for ALL OLMC classrooms. FACTS Family Portal: Every parent and most students have a unique FACTS Family Portal login.

Go to the school home page: http://school.mountcarmel.org and click on the FACTS logo. Daily plans will be posted by 8am in the Lesson Plan section.

E Note: To minimize confusion and missed emails, Faculty will NO

LONGER email parents with daily lesson plans. Instead, parents will be expected to log into Family Portal and view Lesson Plans.

GOOGLE Classroom: Faculty will have a GOOGLE Classroom where they will post all their

detailed schoolwork, assignments, and assessments. The GOOGLE Classroom code will be posted in FACTS Lesson Plans. Every parent should have access to their child’s GOOGLE Classroom username & password and parents & caregivers should login regularly.

ZOOM: Administration & Faculty will use ZOOM, a free video conferencing tool,

for all virtual direct instruction and classroom discussions. Prior to Monday, please download Zoom on the device you plan to use for our virtual classes (https://zoom.us/download). ZOOM is available for MAC/PC laptops, iPads, and smart phones.

Grade Level Specific Distance Learning Expectations

❖ PreSchool-TK-K-1st-2nd Grade Distance Learning Plan

● Faculty will coordinate Face-to-Face check-ins once a week with students. This may be whole group, small group, one to one.

● Weekly work will be shared with families no later than Monday at 8am. ● Daily posts will be made by 8am to FACTS Lesson Plans. This may include links to class Story

Time, Science Experiment, Phonics Instruction, Go Noodle performance via Dojo or other classroom tools.

● All students will be given accounts for Lexia Core5 reading and STMath adaptive learning software. Stay tuned for instructions.

● Art, Music, and Second Step (social and emotional learning) will post creative experiences.

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❖ 3rd - 5th Grade Distance Learning Plan

● 8am-10am (YOU DO) Assignments/Activity/Project time for all subjects ● 10am-12pm (I DO) Direct Instruction ZOOM ROOM (ELA & Math) ● 1pm-3pm (YOU DO) Assignments/Activity/Project time for all subjects ● Weekly work will be shared with families no later than Monday at 8am. ● Daily posts will be made by 8am to FACTS Lesson Plans. Detailed assignments and

instructions will be posted in GOGLE Classroom. ● All students will be given accounts for Lexia Core5 reading adaptive learning software. Stay

tuned for instructions. ● Students have access to ALEKS, Mathletics, and STMath (new!) adaptive learning software. ● Art, Music, and Second Step (social and emotional learning) will post creative experiences.

❖ 6th - 8th Distance Learning Plan:

Each day of the week will be assigned a color: Blue or Gold. On Blue or Gold days, specific subjects will be directly taught by the teacher. ● Week #1: M-W-F: Blue Day and T-TH: Gold Day. ● Week #2: M-W-F: Gold Day and T-Th: Blue Day. ● See calendars on pages 6-7 below for more detail, and calendar on page 8 for long-term

blue-gold rotations. ● Enrichment Pods will have a weekly assignment posted. ● Students have access to ALEKS, Mathletics, and STMath (new!) adaptive learning software. ● Art, Music, and Second Step (social and emotional learning) will post creative experiences.

Blue Day Gold Day

● Math ● Science ● Religion

● Literature/Reading ● English/Spelling & Vocabulary ● Social Studies


● 6th - Monday 1:00pm Group A and 1:30pm Group B ● 7th - Wednesday 1:00pm Regular and 2:00pm Advanced ● 8th - Friday. 1:00pm Regular and 2:00pm Advanced

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OLMC Commitments

❖ Teachers will: ● Conduct office hours and/or hold virtual class during the designated class time each day. ● Answer student questions/concerns in a timely manner during school hours 8am-3pm. ● Be available on ZOOM the entire duration of the 60-minute class.

● Post daily expectations and assignments on FACTS lesson Plans and Google Classroom each day by 8am.

❖ Students will:

● Login to ZOOM using the teacher’s meeting ID number and be present and actively engaged in learning during the 60-minute class.

● Enter the ZOOM group video meeting using the teacher’s meeting ID (shared to you by your teacher). Your microphone will automatically be on MUTE when you join the class meeting. Please leave your microphone on Mute.

The teacher will let you know whether to unmute your microphone to ask a question or if there will be a Q & A time during the video meeting. Remember to turn the microphone off when you are done speaking.

● Listen to all the teacher's directions before

● Keep discussion and answers on task and appropriate to subject matter when called upon by the teacher.

● If a student needs to use the bathroom during lesson, he/she will do so quietly and respectfully!

● No eating or drinking during ZOOM conference time. (water is OK)

● Engage in ZOOM text/chat only with the teacher.

● Exhibit behavior in the ZOOM group meetings and group discussions the same as if you were in class on campus at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Please note that all postings (even deleted ones) can be seen by your teachers and administration.

● Be respectful to one another to help foster a productive learning environment.

● Continue to submit work regularly and on-time through Google Classroom.

● Our OLMC schoolwide learning expectations-- Live with Integrity, Love like Jesus, Learn with Purpose – guide all our learning and interactions, even – and especially – during distance learning.

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OLMC Middle School Distance Learning Rotations BLUE DAY SCHEDULE

6th Grade Blue Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am Science Ms. Kim 756-250-014

10am-11am Religion Ms. Precissi 527-040-6401

11am-12pm Math Miss B 406-049-423

11am-12pm Math Mrs. Shockey 814 745 040

12pm-1pm* Math Mrs. DeMartini & Mrs. Toegemann


*Mrs. DeMartini’s class needs to be at noon, due to schedule conflict with teaching 5th grade math. 7th Grade Blue Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am Math Mrs. Maas & Mrs. DeMartini & Mrs. Toegemann


9am-10am Math Miss B 123-454-529

10am-11am Science Ms. Kim 653-680-394

11am-12pm Religion Mr. Borja 707-791-3221

8th Grade Blue Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am Religion Mrs. Furrer 980 146 1342

10am-11am Math Miss B 274-914-616

10am-11am Math Mrs. DeMartini & Mrs. Toegemann


11am-12pm Science Ms. Kim 357-329-794

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OLMC Middle School Distance Learning Rotations GOLD DAY SCHEDULE

6th Grade Gold Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am Literature/Reading Ms. Precissi 592-392-357

10am-11am English Spelling/Vocabulary

Ms. Precissi 592-392-357

11am-12pm Social Science Ms. Precissi 592-392-357

7th Grade Gold Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am Social Science Mr. Borja 707-791-3221

10am-11am English Spelling/Vocabulary

Mr. Borja 707-791-3221

11am-12pm Literature/Reading Mrs. Furrer 980 146 1342

8th Grade Gold Day:

Time Subject Teacher Zoom ID

9am-10am English Spelling/Vocabulary

Mrs. Furrer 980 146 1342

10am-11am Literature/Reading Mrs. Furrer 980 146 1342

11am-12pm Social Science Mr. Borja 707-791-3221

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OLMC Middle School Distance Learning Rotations


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