OG News

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Official Newsletter of Open Gathering 2010

Transcript of OG News

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OOGG NNEEWWSS Official Publication of Open Gathering 2010 Issue 7



Miracles do happen – so it did happen again in OG: Open Gathering on

December 19, 2010.

Fr Gilbert Ramos invited all the churchgoers attending the Filipino mass on

December 19 for the shared lunch, entertainment and gift-giving activities at

the Social Hall of Good Shepherd-Balmoral. Auckland Catholic Filipino

Chaplaincy (ACFC) Chair Dicdic del Castillo was confident that there was

enough for everyone – and as it turned, there was more than enough.

The attendees numbering 308 had their plateful of food brought by generous

donors. But more amazing was that the gifts and toys were overflowing, that

not just new migrants and their children brought home the biggest wrapped

gifts, but all the rest of the attendees received as well. Sis Claudia

Menchavez and Sis Josephine Matiga, coordinators for gifts and for toys

respectively, were simply overwhelmed by the volume of donations given by

families, friends, associates, lay organisations and total strangers.

And the performers gave out their best to the delight of those in attendance.

Officers and members of ACFC, the KBNZ Singers and all the TawagAwit

chapters sang popular Christmas carols and Filipino ditties. KIS, TBB, JUNZ,

Angel Baguna and Joel Aquino delivered pop hits. The audience was also

treated to outstanding performances by Las Vegas bound Mark Singzon and

Spanish flamenco guitar duo Kisi Muevo. And bringing all on their feet was

Jam Parado, champion choreographer, whose Zumba dances heated up the

hall, though it was raining heavily outside.

Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant of TawagAwit, said that as organiser of the

event, he was thankful for everyone who gave support. “There are a lot of

good people in this world who give, care and share to those in need, like the

new migrants and their children. There are a lot of good people who

genuinely celebrate Christmas by acts of love.” He said that he could sum up

the whole event through the comments of a church volunteer, “It was truly

wonderful to hear the laughter of people, to see the joyful faces of children,

to witness the generosity of brethren. It was a merry Christmas.”

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OG 2010 in Photos

Photos by Peter Gayaman and Rey-Jam Parado Clockwise: L-R

KIS, Mark Singzon,

Angel Baguna, Kisi Muevo,


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Greetings in Christ, “Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.” ~Washington Irving The smiles in the faces of new migrants, the joyful laughter of children, the wonderful voices of the performers, the thoughtfulness of the donors who gave time, gifts and food, the inspiring messages of the speakers, the helping hands that prepared every aspect of the event – truly the celebration on the birth of Jesus Christ filled the Social Hall of Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral on December 19, 2010.

Salamat to one and all who made OG: Open Gathering attain its objective of “celebrating the true essence of Christmas”. In behalf of the organisers, I thank YOU for your invaluable contribution that made the new migrants and their children feel welcome in the Filipino community inAuckland. Salamat to the following organizations: Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy and all its affiliate groups, Katilingbang Bisaya sa New Zealand, AKLnzPINOYS,Leyte-Samar Waraynon ha New Zealand, Migrant Action Trust, Tahanang Pilipino Aoteroa Trust and CFC-FFL & CFC-IC. Salamat to Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral (Fr Ruben, Fr Gilbert and Bro Sheng) for the venue, the announcements and all the help. Salamat to our supporters: Western Union (for the prizes), DebtNav (sound system), Balloon Mania by Maria (stage decor), Vanilla Chic (special cake for Jesus), and countless others who prefer to remain anonymous. In behalf of TawagAwit, I pray that God continues to shower you with blessings, and that the spirit of love, peace and charity that you have demonstrated inspire others as well to make Christmas live in the hearts of people within the family, in the community, in the world. Merry Christmas! Love Peace and Harmony, Bro Mel

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OG 2010 in Photos

Top L-R: Gift-giving; Bro Ferdie interviews a new migrant; Ka Uro of AKL

nzPINOYS; TawagAwit-East Auckland; the youngest attendee, KC Bas

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Early in the morning of December 19, 2010, Sis Claudia Menchavez told me that she had received only two wrapped gifts to be given to new migrants during OG:

Open Gathering happening in the afternoon of the same day. While the rain was pouring outside the Good Shepherd Parish, Balmoral in Auckland, with the help of her husband, Bro Sendo, Sis Claudia arranged the tables infront of the stage. She placed in one table, the few gifts she brought with her. The other table, for toys donated, had one tiny gift on top as she arrived.

“Do you think we will have enough?” she asked, concerned on the prospect of having too many new migrants and children, with so few gifts and toys. “Don’t worry, we’ll see these multiply soon,” I responded, confident that as in the past three previous OGs, food, gifts

and toys simply poured in.

One hour later, just as the program started, I could barely see Sis Claudia as the number of gifts had occupied the entire table. The toys’ table had as much, where Sis Josephine and husband, Bro Jerry Matiga were stationed. That afternoon, not only did 30 plus migrants

receive gifts; all attendees brought home at least an item, thanks to the many donors who generously brought these in the true spirit of Christmas.

It is amazing how God works through people. While materialism and selfishness seem to have become the norm, we must realize that people are innately good and giving.

While God endowed man with free will, He made them in his own likeness, not merely in the physical sense, but more importantly, in heart and in spirit. Because God is love, each human being is meant to love. “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after

our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26)

The purest form of gift is the sacrament of goodwill; the kind of giving that seeks no return, public acknowledgment or note of thanks. In the book, The Angels' Little Instruction Book, Eileen Elias Freeman writes, “It isn't the size of the gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it.” “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give;

not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: For the rendering of this service not only supplies the wants of the saints but also overflows in many thanksgivings to

God.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8; 12) As God gave us His Only Son, Jesus Christ as a gift for our salvation, let us acknowledge this gift by paying it forward to others, especially to the least of our

brethren. Let us make Christmas merry to one and all. (mbl)

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OG 2010 in Photos Clockwise: ACFC Singers; Cake for Jesus; Zumba for all; Shared lunch; KBNZ Singers

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December 18, 2011 AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND

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OG: Open Gathering



The Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy is one of the few ethnic

chaplaincies in the Catholic Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand. The ACFC

operates as a quasi-parish community based at the Good Shepherd

Parish in Balmoral, Central Auckland. As a quasi-parish, it offers religious

services such as regular Sunday Masses in Pilipino, weekly Wednesday

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, fortnightly Bible apostolate,

monthly devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, house to house rosary

and various devotional practices to the Blessed Virgin.

The management of the Chaplaincy is a collaboration between the

Chaplain and the ACFC Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council is made up

of ten members who are elected from the Filipino Community every two

years and of representative from each of the different Catholic groups

and associations in the Filipino community who are appointed or elected

by their respective groups. As strategy for integration, the Chaplaincy is

represented at the Good Shepherd Parish Council and the Diocesan

Pastoral Council.

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission statement is to collaborate with the

Bishop of Auckland and the Chaplain in the pastoral care of the Filipinos

in the Auckland Diocese and to assist them in their journey towards

maturity in Faith and towards integration into the local church and New

Zealand society.

ACFC CHAIRMAN: Ma. Consuelo del Castillo

CHAPLAIN: Fr. Ruben Elago, MSP

Organized by: TawagAwit, a Catholic Ministry spreading

God’s Word through music and other acts of love


OG: Open Gathering

Email: tawagawit@gmail.com

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