Offielnl PubUcation of me Unttecl (~essfederatlon BANK...

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Transcript of Offielnl PubUcation of me Unttecl (~essfederatlon BANK...

  • /

    Vol. III Nmnbcr 4 Offielnl PubUcation of me Unttecl States (~ess"federatlon Wednesday, Ocwbcr 20, 1948

    BANK EXHIBIT SELLS CHESS BA TIU OREEK SELLS · C.HESS WITH UNUSUAL DISPLAY Security National Bank Cooperates With Battle Creek Chess Club

    SiBling chess to .. the general public by Visual dlspla;r. the alert Battle Creek Chess Club and the Security National Bank of that city combined l'CSOIIl'Ces in a very efl'ective display in the lobby ot tIle bank.

    The display was .Jhe joint creation of Robert Hunkins of th i, bank (in charge or the looiJy displays) and of Howard Rlder .and Heuben Buskager of the Battle Creek Chess Club. For the periOd of two weeks

    _ it ·was a continuous feature in the bank and attracted much attention, while creating. a great doal of interest among non-chess players.

    Features of the display wel'e a jade chess set from Peiping and a bone set from Hong Kong, both hand carved. A magnetic set (loaned. hy USCF Secretary T)'e-end) aUI'acted con.siderable atten· tlon as Its pieces defied daily the laws or gravity. Other interesting Items included a hand·carved Mex· Ican set a~d a hand-caJ'ved GerlDlln . set. In the background large chess figures (gifts of Julius Ross, mana· ger of t he Nohil's Shoe Store) fo -cussed ~ttention on the display.

    The ~ecurity National Dank !!dv",rtised the ches~.,dlsplay In the


    In the annual Minnesota·Wiscon· sin team match. held at LaCI'osse. the Minnesota steam-roller flatten· ed out its Wisconsin r iv.als by a score of 21·7. George Barnes and Dr. G. A. Koelsche headed the Minnesota aggregation, wh!le Rich· ard Knjoth and Averill Powers led the Wi sconsin team.

    WI,oon.ln Mln"."t. H. "~joll, .............. 0 M"I:"I1i/ J'Wf~ ._ 1

    local pl'ess and during the coul'~e II. ScI""I,11 ........ _ 0 at" the exhibit- Mr. EdwllrtJ T~· 1:."1 LI" I:~ ........... )

    Ol'O. U",M" .. ....... 1 /JI. a. A . 1(iI

    so IntereBUld in the subJect that he Hld",rd. .... .. .. 0 Ie N. I 'erl~_" _ ... 1 ~. ,'lor~'I!"" .......... 1

    asked for lessons aner the broad- !>. Morfortl .... 0 cast was over, and Is now hecoml ng ~l':';n,i~;: '- ...... 6

    f'~ler lJa,,\,·II ......... I ~';;,.:; . M~~;~OI;·~:::::, ~

    a \'ery profiCient pla.yer under the ,A'lom"?,, .... () tutelage of Reuben Buskager. t~g~~'U'.I ................ ::: t

    Loyd KI1~ ..... _ .... _ I II. 1oI c(.'rt'.''''Y 0 II. G. J oh n""" ....... 1

    . EfI'ecUveness of the display was Wtltln,,'r ____ .......... 0 proven conclush'ely by the number ~\;S :~~.:~.~ ... ::::":": ~ of non-players who ev inced Interest &1h,unan () In learning the game; and the t:~~~~y"'''''''''''''':::::: :::: i Battle Creek Chesl> Cluh in co' &h" l l~ ._ ..... _._. __ . I

    ~: ~ ~~'t::~ ... :~:.:~ : 1il,~ldo" Heln ...... _ ~ ~1. hnowU~ _ .. ~. I Jlruce Ch urch ..... _ 0 J . A. Ihk~r _ ...... " .. 0

    operation with the YMCA ~s olTer- ~~~\:~ :::::::::::::::: ~ ing les,ons to those whose IIlTerest Alloo'l~ .. _ ...... _ .......... !

    F.. T. RaI,I,,'l n ...... 0 T. JOr.,.H":'H .... ...... 1 . :. Mel hl _ .. _ .. _ .... __ I

    wa s a)·oused. \\·IIielll't~tI-alid l1e talked. I got my 8tOI'y all right. But I nearly lost my ahht. I-Ie wns giving me a sou Ill! trimming. [was- ha\' lng a deuce (If a time keeping UI) with him 011 the chess·board, until , tor· tUliutely. a servant entered to J\ll· nounce dinner. see 111m!"

    Was I hallpy to

    The /...oulllvllie Chess ClutJ Is hold-Ill g rop eight weeks II school or chess on Monday nIghts at the YMCA. Cla Rses of beghlnel'S will l'oc&II'O IlJ lli l'uclJoli trom IInl"lOIlI 1I1

  • [bess ~ife ,

    Published twk~ a month on the 5tl; and 20th by

    THE UNITm~STATES CHESS Fm~RATION e~ttrcd a. 8econd cIa ... matt"" Septem~. Ii, 1941}, at the post ~fflce at ,n\!b,,~u e. IOWA.

    under th o act 01 M.rch 9. 1S79.

    " Sub.crip,;on-$Z.OO po< yeu; Single copies IOc each

    ... ddrcs. ,11 subscription, nll,hrcY, QAk [·ark. lIIinoa.; busi",,"" ",a"as:~.. ~I",.IJrO",ery lIajnr, 123 No. lfuI1I"h,,·y. o.k f·lrk. 111111010:

    !. Thl' U~ ...... IIH "" TIle! lInf too !l1.'ft Cb.- .·~tion, h,e ... COfl>orllt!oll nol lor "",lit. illCOfpOnOl",t "' .. I .... Ih .. I_WI of 1he atate- of JIIlnoOs, "~"in" .... -5(oek ho[de ....

    S. n .. t the kntlwII bOIl,II,,,lde.. IDOrt-IP'I(l". IIId ... 1 .... """urlly holdetll o"·lIh'lI ot ho[di lll; 1 r« Ct:llt "r mo .... 01 10t~1 ~m(ll"'1 of JKI"d" loort.a"..,.., or other >leal"l "1'0" th~ I>ookl of tile COml"'''! • • t~ or III I ny other fJduc:t.ry r"J~tioll, Ih~ name 01 the j>e1'lU" or eorpOnIt;o" fo. ,,·""rn '''ch ''''''toe II actlnll, 10 ;iven; abo lhot the .. 1I ... "I~r. 191&. ~y co",,,II .. Iu,, UI, Irt. .. M..-ch 24, I{IoUI,

    A\'IS I •. JlF'J:lKK

    Just OUt! WINNING CHESS $2,75

    By Irving Cherney and Fred Relnfeld

    USCF Service Department 2304 So. Ave.-Syracuse 7, N.Y.

  • C4eJJ Jo, :JJ.e 2,ed BUJineJJ man By Fred Rein/tid

    F or a ll our l'esJlectrul (a ~ilia I"Hy with NhnZ()vich's remarkable de,,-terl ty us a hcUcian, th is game s t l' ikes us as an eXeelJ tiona l l)er-forma nee. Th e number and Intellsity ot 8hat' (J COtlll)\lcations which lh e game conjures up in o llly 17 move1:l are truly astonis lling.

    H:ven more surprising, perhaJlS, Is th e fact. that all this bappens after what Is Jlrove!"iJia lly n tranquil Ilnd somelimes lifeless oJlenlng. 11\ the 1lan;1s of a genius like Nimzovlch, t he Giluoeo Plano ("The Quiet Game") becomes "The Unquiet Game." For genius a lways avoids the easy, well·worn pathS.

    GIUOCO PIANO Correspondence. 1913

    A_ NIMZOVICH Dr. O. F'LUESS WIlI1" RlR~k 1 P.K. P_M 2 KI_K8) KI -Q8) 3 KI-8) KI_8) 4 8-84 8-84 5 P-Q) P-Q) , B_KKtS P_KR3 1 B-R4 P·KKt4!? S 8_KKO B_KKIS 9 P-KA4 Kt,KR4

    Black hos I\rlven orr Ihe annoying • Ul~{}p, hut at lhe cost of wesken-

    htg- ~$ {,os ition. :\lmzo\'lch re:,:ol~mends 10. Kt-Q5, Kt·Q5; 11. P-H3 as the rIght Ilrocedure fol' White.

    10 P~P? Kt.Q5? Correct, saya "Nhn7.0vlch. was

    10. ,KtxB!; 11. PxKt. Kt-Q5 with 1he following posslbl!!tles:

    112. I{t·Q6, UxKl ; 13. P"ll. Qx!' ! : H. P-K I. .. 0 I I I 0 I I 5·g T,'~'~. Jr. . ..... I I 1 0 I lOr. -2 .1", ,' ,,"o ng ..... _ .... I 0 J I J 0 I 5·2 nile],. Jr . _ .. __ .... 0 I 0 I I 1 I r. ·2


    , --,--- .

    I'CI . 211.15 ~.OO 2~.:!!I 21,00 19,00 18.75 lS.r){l 1'1.1;0 lr~oo 14.00 ILOO

    "' Look ing to the fu ture, the SL Peten;burg (Fla.) Chess Divan has de ve l01led a tar-t'cachlng program to Instruct and encourage young people to pluy chess. Reduced llIemherShll) I'ates and fre e cpess Instruction are offered to the you11gsters who wish to l)lay chess_ And !l. recent In vita tion In the St_ Pete rsbu rg Tim es ros ulted In the &"lItherlng of twenty·flve boys, rang-ing from 10 to 18. all eager to leal'll and play the game of chess.

    Team Matches COLUMBUS, OHio

    Dayton Chtn Carl Dri oeU ""' 1 Juliu . Tere. ,,_ ...... 2 I'eler HeTban ...... 2 O«>r;:-~ n"~I ........... ~ }:n, ... t ltO)h"~,, ...•. ~ I'~"l \l'orl.nnll .. ___ II 11'. mackburn _._ 2 lIoworo JiI~ .. 1 ' .... __ !

    Do}"!"" ___ ._ 11

    Columbu. YMCA Wa lt", Mu"" ......•.. 0 0." {;Q.~y .... _ ..... ~. 0 f'mn"" Cute .:: ___ 0 Ja,,,,,,, StC"C' ''' _ ..... 2 J"" Terrill!. ___ ...... 0 J. Schroeder _. ___ 2 A. Siel)f(' •..•. _ ... ~. __ .. * 1 Randan .... __ •. "" ........ (I I)anid~ ,_. _____ .... ," ... 1 ~[lli~.,.,;· .. ::=::~::~":. ~ J. .. "cn.t ........ ... _' ... ,,", I !lux ....... ~ .... " ............ 0

    II.'-eThILi __ .... _" it ]'ort..!nouth ___ .• ~

    LAWRENCE, MASS, Nawburypor l Chall

    Waterma n _ .. _ .. __ 0 IVhil""mh ___ .. _ ....• ~

    ~eu?"ou~.~ __ ::~::.:=~: .. ~ \ l l. Gould ......... _ .... _ 0 Diamond ....... . ~ ......... 1

    Newburyport ..... 3

    White To Play And Win! c.:ondll(ltd by W illimll I(ojam

    Law,ence Chell 1k" nnan . Thcbad~" F-JMl •••• __ •••• __ ....

    Hln""n _""'" St. ".ou;e ......... . .De Gloria ~~"

    I .• " ·...,,",,

    P o!.a\l\ll\ed (No.3!. a n ex-aequo first and second prize composition by Z. 13irnov J yielded to a very obvious (to me) cook. T he key given Is: 1. Klxll(i but l. Kt·c7 Is equally effective.

    Des pite the row errors, lhe volume contslns much tlULt Is inle rest-ing, I)Uz~ling , enlel·tahllug a nd accurate. The enjoyment derived from solving the var\olls COJllI)osltions will more than repay the solver tOI' the oxpendltdre ot the mOlley required. to purchase the book_

    Anyone, wishing' to boy, I ~ requested to s elld $1.;;0 to A. Duschke, 80 ERs t 11th St., Now YOl'k City.

    Whe n a mercbant sees that hl3 business is not succoeding, he does well to liquidate If., ~ as to Inve~t lhe proceeds In a more promising one. Translaled Hlto tenns ot chess, I mOttn by this that when OliO'S develollment 19 tllreatened with holng he ld up, one must adopt a mdl cn l cure. and on no account try to remedy matt~I's by palliative meD.·sure~. "My Syllem" lrt A,,,,," Nim~" ... iluh.

    WtJ"uJtty. Oaobtr 20, 1948

    CJ.eJJofl/e -.Atroad

    Page I

    By G~r8e Koltanowski

    W HAT'S THE BEST MOVE 7 Among the Chess Masters wuo have comp·osed e nd-gumes are: Duras, Reli, }o'I·ed. '~al,ard . Seles· nlel'! , 01'. R. M_ Laske.', K ubbell. Cberon , PI"ZCIJiorka. and he l'e is ono by the ex-cbamplon of Pa"is:

    ,,, dl'sws through 1. 1'-B3, and no mattOI- what Black does his Ib re tn.ain auacked hy the HerOiC Bls holJ: For example: L ... • KR· Q5: 2. 8 -B3 or 1 • QR·Q5; 2. 9 -B2 or 1 KR·K8 5; 2. D·Q2 or 1 , QR· I

  • ([bess Cife P'g' 4 W~",uJd..", Octobu 10, '1948 Journantenl ollie '" M ~"c"ch dc· r~""". 12. P·KB. P·KB. H. B·IO P·QKtl U. KI·B) Kt ·Bl Illack 1101


    JOHNSON l!(oller 13. ___ • II .Qltll; 3l . II .C)II (If lIl. " I.-KI&. lhR!!; 35. QxR, Q.Q2) , 1/.< 1.' .-1_ III ... ~ oIra .. lnx cbl'-. )4. KI ·KIS Q· K2 Nn,," it', 0'.."..

    ll: 8~W ~~ R·K) ,., 11. KbO )1. I< h P! QUEEN'S· GAMBIT DECLINED

    Southern A6Ioclatlon Champlonsnlp Au g ... sta , 1948

    Nolu by J. B. Gn II'hll~ 11I ... ~

    J. G. SULLIVAN M. SOUTHERN 1. f".Q4 P..o4 2. P..o84 P .K)

    4. 8·KIS QKI·Q2 5. 1cUer. 26 .... "... Q.Kt>;1 ' t"" I, j" 1 ... ,,,1,10.

    ~: ~i~J. K~K~~ ~: ~:3~~l! 2!/. P'QR)! Q-RS

    A/In 31. R·QRJ SO UTHERN

    A II~r 15 . ........ , R·QI


    Will, Ihe Q "0'" U"L'Pt. D.B.); , . Ibl' eb, Kdl, ~ )(I · J( UI cit . ,~I .... 11... (a) II 2. KI.U!. P·1t8 ~~l~, ~x :~~I'6. ~~.I\~,Jl~.t5;K\~Qk.~~K'~. I~ ~''', ..... w ..

    I'( .. nlon No. 34 by Ro->Ilmo,-I. Q·Q7, It·KKLl (a); !. Q. 1J,5 elo, K.IlI; 3. Q·KI8. Q·K I!~; •• J{ .II2, Q. II8; 6. IJ·QH. Q.K II8 (I( 6. __ ~, Q.KRij.:· II. [I.Kt2 alld m od< II In .... ..... "jf); O. 1I·1t1!, I/.M: 7. K·KUI and lU~"k can 'oo 10nJ('r dtrend Ille KR I' or .. .. n m. I ~.

    (" If 1. _ .. _. K' '' I3: 2. " 1·Klich l ,.",t .Whlte ,..t", In ."y 01 IQur «ompllcftled .. ,b · "n;.lIo". 101) 101'11" 10 elle I,ere.



    D1ll.ckliurne: Terms and themes or chess problems . . $2.50

    Hassherg: Best American Chess Problems 19413-1947. 70 2'100\'01'8, 30 a·movers. Int roduction by A. C. Wblte. $1.50

    Ready In November-Order NOW ! Macken?,le: Chess, its I>oetry an d

    Jlroso. $6.50 Paros: SOvlel Ches, Com positlolls

    1945·194.7 .................... : ... S1.60 Wec.nlnk: T he Chen Pr·olil!3m. .. '. $6.50 White; Sam L oyd und

    Schacha urglllien. Gel'lll (l n. Pa lle r bound . $10,00

    Wll llallls: Model'll Chess Problem $2.50

    Many oth er chess problen\ books as well as Collect ions ot Master Games, MatCh a nd Tournament Uooks. Cbess Magal:ines, e tc" In s tock . .

    A. BU SC HK E, 80 E. 11th STREET, NEW YORK 3, N.. Y.

    Chess alld Checker LlteraluI'e Bought and Sold

    CLUB Sl~CR~TA RI ES: P Isk tor deta ils or "Our CL UB PLAN .