Official Announcement of Faculty of Architecture ......Thanchanok Norakamon 001 -63-0001 009...

Post on 25-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Official Announcement of Faculty of Architecture ......Thanchanok Norakamon 001 -63-0001 009...

Official Announcement of Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University.

List of qualified candidates to study in Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts Program in Communication Design (International

Program). For the Academic Year 2020 (Early Admissions).


The Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University has completed the admission of new students to the Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts Program in Communication Design (International Program) for the academic year 2020 (Early Admissions).

The Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University therefore announces 53 qualified candidates to be officially offered places on the Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts Program in Communication Design (International Program), Faculty of Architecture, for Academic Year 2020 (Early Admissions), and as listed in the annex.

Qualified candidates must confirm their offered places in the TCAS63 system for Early Admissions round on 30th-31st January 2020 according to the announcement of Council of University Presidents of Thailand. If applicants do not confirm offered places as scheduled, their places will be forfeited. (See more details of confirmation for TCAS63 on website

Announced on January, 30th, 2020