of truth€¦ · “God Will Make A Way” was written by Donald James Moen God will make a way...

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Transcript of of truth€¦ · “God Will Make A Way” was written by Donald James Moen God will make a way...

WingsOfficial Publication of the State of Virginia Church of God of Prophecy

of truth

July 2014

Jerry L. Schall, State Overseer

From The Overseer’s Desk:

2 Wings of Truth • July 2014Visit www.vacogop.org for updated events

Acts 13:22... “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who shall fulfill

all my will.”

The description of David as a ‘man after God’s own heart’ has been scrutinized, criticized, and preached about extensively. I will simply say God had a plan and God had a man that was going to ‘fulfill all of His will’. I’m sure David’s father, Jesse, and Samuel were bewildered as son after son was rejected. The Lord clearly instructed Samuel to not ‘look on the countenance or height of his statue; because the Lord seeth not as man seeth: for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.’ (I Samuel 16:7) Only God can know the intents of a man’s heart.

We will soon be blessed with a new General Overseer. So many intercessory prayers have been prayed for the will of the Lord. Fasting and praying is being done world-wide for the leader of God’s choice. We long to hear the approval of the Holy Spirit say, “Arise, anoint him: for this is he.” (I Samuel 16:12b) God hears the cry of his people. We must lay aside all opinions, prejudices, and evaluations and seek God’s perfect will. We must be submissive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. II Chronicles 20:12 gives a portion of the prayer of Jehoshaphat when they were in such despair. It is a timely prayer for us today as we call on the Lord “neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee.”

Leadership is not always easy or admired. It is not a popularity contest, beauty contest, or who can quote the most Scripture. Godly leadership is about relationship with the Lord, relying on the wisdom that only comes from the Father, submissiveness which cries out ‘not my will, but thine be done’ in every situation – no matter how difficult. Others will easily recognize the Lord’s presence and anointing in a leader of God’s choice. Even in times of uncertainty, the children of God will

continue to follow because the hand of the Lord is seen on this leader. This does not come by happenstance, but by complete dedication, obedience, and commitment to the cause of Christ.

The most powerful weapon we have is prayer. It is vital we pray for our leaders. Your prayers place a hedge of defense around our ministers, their families, and the church against Satan’s attacks. Your intercession will bring an anointing and effectiveness in the ministries of our church. Calling on the Lord will bring an abundance of blessings into the minister’s life – spiritually, financially, and physically. Your prayers will strengthen and bind a church together. Praying laity produces leadership after God’s own heart who will fulfill God’s will.

We end our Prayer Request list with the statement, ‘Your Prayers Make a Difference”. Understand the influence and authority you have when you come before the throne of God. Our International Leadership needs our prayers. As your State Overseer, I desire and need your prevailing prayers for my ministry and this state. Every minister in the state of Virginia covets your prayerful support. We must have the will of God in every decision that is made. Praying congregations produce anointed ministers and powerful churches. We hunger for souls to be won, miraculous healings and deliverances. This comes by prayer and fasting. I Timothy 2:1-2 says, “I urge, then, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made for all men. For kings, and for all that are in authority...”

The military once had a slogan of a “few good men”. I prefer, Virginia has some “mighty men and women” who are sacrificing on the field for the Lord. Please take this request to heart. Help bear the burden for the lost. Pray for Virginia and our “Mighty Ministry”. Pray for our leadership across the nation and throughout the world. Your prayers make a difference!

Jerry Schall

“Praying for Our Leadership”

We are saddened to announce this will be our last published issue of the Wings of Truth. It has been a great tradition and blessing to the state of Virginia. Due to low subscriptions and increased publishing costs, it has become necessary to end our published version of the Wings of Truth. I would like to commend Ron Boyd as Editor of our magazine. He has done an excellent job in compiling the Wings of Truth for many years. We sincerely appreciate his dedication in giving Virginia such a beautiful magazine.

We will continue to publish messages, announcements, and show pictures on our Wings of Truth Facebook page (Virginia Church of God of Prophecy “Wings of Truth”) and State Website (wwwvacogop.org). This will assist in giving current information. Robbie Boyd will be coordinating both forms of media. Please feel free to send him any announcements, church news, pictures, etc. to add to the church website and Facebook page. (rboyd@harvest-ministries.org or roboyd1@aol.com) You may also continue sending news to the State Office (PO Box 158, Troutville, VA 24175). We pray this will continue to be a ministry and blessing to the state of Virginia.

3Wings of Truth • July 2014

From the Editor’s Desk“God Will Make A Way!” “Know ye not that those who run in a race all run, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain it”. I Corinthians 9:24 “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will

starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” –Christopher McDougall, Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super-athletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way.” Isaiah 43:18-19

“God Will Make A Way” was written by Donald James Moen God will make a way Where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me

He will be my guide Hold me closely to His side With love and strength for each new day He will make a way, He will make a way

By a roadway in the wilderness, He’ll lead me And rivers in the desert will I see Heaven and Earth will fade but His Word will still remain And He will do something new today

The Word of God is filled with so many parallels of our Chris-tian Race. I’m much more concerned with the finish line then the starting block.

So many times during our lifetime we come to “forks in the road”. We ask or wait for signs or supernatural occurrences to assist us in choosing the correct path. However, sometimes it’s as easy as placing one foot in front of the other and join-ing something that God is already doing. It has often been said that “the true destination is the actual journey”. It’s said when Columbus set out he didn’t know where he was going, when he arrived he didn’t know where he was, and when he returned didn’t know where he’d been.

From time to time we all need help knowing which direction to go; whether or not to relocate, take a certain job, or commit to a relationship. Before making his decision, “David inquired of the Lord”. 2 Samuel 2:1

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or when-ever you turn to the left”. Isaiah 30:21God constantly speaks to us and when we don’t listen we in turn forfeit His blessings.

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud

of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” Hebrews 12:1-2.

God always provides the right people to run along aside of us. Others have sat where you’re sitting, so “Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.”

Are your grades failing, find a good tutor. Developing a new skill? Find a master of that art. Find it hard to withstand tempta-tion? Don’t hang around people that make you weaker or entice you to places that would cause you to be overcome by those very things. Find it hard to keep from gossiping? Surround yourself with people that refuse to say a harsh word about others. Before doing something you’ll regret, ask for help, but from the right people. .

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

God is much more interested in our future then He is in our past. Focusing on tomorrow will help us move away from today.

Our greatest glory is in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Confucius

Satan will do whatever it takes to keep you from reaching your destiny. The battle is always over your future! No matter what your past is like your future is worth fighting for-so rise up and fight.

We must never stop running. God always makes a way!

Notice that As Goliath attacked. David ran to meet him. “And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine”. 1 Samuel 17:48

Let these words of faith strengthen you throughout your race:

“For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. I Timothy 4:6-8

Isaiah 43:2-3 When I walk through rivers of difficulty (when I’m in over my head) you won’t let me drown, and when I walk through fires of adversity (when the heat is on) you won’t allow me to get burned for You are watching over me.

“When I walk in obedience before You, I will be blessed when I come in and blessed when I go out, blessed when I lie down and blessed when I get up”. Deut. 28:6

Remember “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Ev-ery morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t mat-ter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”

4 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Hot Shot youth camp originated as an introduction into the camping ministry for younger campers to be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Hot Shot fast became a “warm fuzzy” camp bridging the gap into the camping ministry as well as providing a bonding place for the adult and child. Recently Mary Chapman instituted a mentoring program into this camp where campers could attend who didn’t have an adult that could be with them during this weekend camp.

The camping ministry continues to shape the lives of young tender hearts as portrayed on the front cover. How fitting that the last published edition of the Wings of Truth would spotlight our youngest campers beginning their journey in this rich tradition of Virginia Church of God of Prophecy Youth Camps. The back cover features some of our youth worshiping during our Spring Renewal at Camp Lowman. So hopefully from the beginning of this issue until the end, we see the deep impact that the Virginia Camping Ministry and Camp Lowman have made upon these yielding hearts.

May we continue to pray, support and promote our youth camps as God allows us to harvest a field of upcoming young boys and girls for Christ and His church.

2014 Camping Season “Shaping Lives”The 2014 Virginia Camping Season is in full swing at the printing of this the last edition of the published Wings of Truth. As the Wings of Truth has long been a tradition in the Virginia Church of God of Prophecy so has the Virginia Camping Ministry.

While all types of media forms may transition and even become obsolete, the Camping Ministry has been a cornerstone in the state of Virginia for the “raising up” of leaders in our churches and even our pulpits. And we are confident it will continue to produce spiritual men and women in the state of Virginia. Since we will not be able to include all the 2014 camps in this edition, we did want to spotlight our Hot Shot Youth Camp which had a record breaking attendance this Summer.

Ron & Alma Boyd, Camp Coordinators

5Wings of Truth • July 2014

Retirement of Peggy BrownPraise be to our wonderful Lord for great things He has done and is continuing to do in our

lives. It is with great love for the state of Virginia (My Brothers and Sisters, and Friends in Christ) that I express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all of your prayers and support during my tenure as Virginia State Treasurer and working in the state offices for over twenty four years.After much prayer and seeking the Lord, I felt that God’s plan for my life was to retire as State treasurer and devote my time to fulltime pastoring at the Botetourt Church of God of Prophecy. This decision did not come easily and if I had gone with the flesh, I would have remained in the state office but I had to follow God for His will in my life and thus make a spiritual decision. This decision was made after much prayer and confirmation from God who spoke to me on five various occasions with words that could

have only come from God.I am doing well health wise but I ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers. It is a

privilege to be able to work for our Lord and His Church. We love you Peggy Brown.

Men’s Day SouthwestGreetings, Men of Virginia! I would like to take a moment to report on the Men’s Day event held on May 10th, at the Galax Church. Some fifty-plus men gathered together from churches around Southwest and Central Virginia for a service that was a mighty service indeed. The SPIRIT OF GOD was there right from the start and magnified Himself throughout the service. Our theme, “Band of Brothers” seemed most fitting as we saw brothers from different churches joining together in fellowship, worship and praise throughout the day. We were also blessed with talented musicians and wonderful singers who blessed all of us. Special thanks go out to The New River Boys, vocalist Johnny Walker and The Dan River Regional Men’s Choir. I would also like to thank three of our Regional Presbyters, Bro. Geary Jonas, Bro. Jimmy Hagy and Bro. Titus Anderson for the powerful and uplifting messages they brought us. No Church of God gathering like this would be complete without FOOD! I would like to give special thanks to Bro. Steve Shaffner, Regional Men’s Coordinator who worked tirelessly on this event and also provided us with a delicious “all you can eat” meal. We were honored to have our State Overseer, Bishop Jerry Schall with us. He delivered a powerful message that blessed us all. We appreciate so much his support of the Men’s Ministry in the state of Virginia. As I look back on this event I am so thankful that I took advantage of the opportunity to go to Men’s Day. How many times have I, like many of you, chosen not to do something and later found myself saying “Man, I wish I had gone.” As I look forward to the next Men’s Day event, let me encourage you to attend. I promise you that you won’t be disappointed.Mike Weeks, Virginia Men’s Ministry Coordinator

6 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Spring Renewal 2014 was an amazing time of worship, fellowship, and fun! It was such a blessing to see 127 campers come and fill Camp Lowman this year. Our theme for this year’s Spring Renewal was “The Year of Dedication.” We are so thankful that Chucky Chandler, SC State Youth Director, was able to come and minister to the youth of Virginia. God used Chucky to show the youth how they can be transformed through dedicating their entire lives to Christ. He brought words of hope, encouragement, and rejuvenation to everyone who attended. God used Chucky in a mighty way through scripture, music, and prayer, and several youth rededicated their lives to Christ and received salvation. The youth of Virginia are no longer settling for the bare minimum. They are making life-long commitments and truly dedicating their time and talents to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. It is awesome to see how God is working! This truly is the “Year of Dedication!” Thank you to all the staff who dedicated their time to serve as role models for each young person who attended. You are all such a blessing, and God used you each in a special way. As I said before retreat even began, God is ready to move the Youth of Virginia to a great depth and height in their WALK, CALLING, MINISTRY, DIVINE APPOINTMENT, and AND RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. WITH GOD BEING IN CONTROL ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! God bless you – Rev Rob

SPRING RENEWAL is here April 4-6 2014

7Wings of Truth • July 2014


8 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Many commented it was one of the best Ladies Retreats Virginia has ever had! We are thankful for a great attendance of over 100 women. We had several new ones who said they would be back next year! One was saved, 4 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many were healed and delivered. Friday night was a powerful service with the Spirit moving throughout the congregation. This service set the pace for the retreat.Bishop Fred and Betty Fisher were the guest speakers. What a joy and blessing! Between the tears and laughter, women were blessed and rejoiced in every session. Lonnie and

Jeanette Frazier were a great blessing during praise and worship.Director Peggy Brown coordinated and directed the Ladies Get-away. She was a great blessing. We thank the Lord for her dedication to this ministry. Join us next year April 24 - 26th. Start making plans now to be with us next year!

2014 Ladies Getaway, Gatlinburg, TN“At His Feet”

9Wings of Truth • July 2014

Upcoming 2014 Virginia State Events June 6 – 8 Hot Shot Camp June 18 – 21 Junior Camp June 21-26 Senior High Camp July 9 -14 Senior Camp International Assembly, July 30 – Aug. 3 Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, Florida September Saturday, September 13 – Harrogate Worship Center 13811 Harrogate Rd., Chester, VA

Saturday, September 20 – Pine Camp 4216 Halifax Rd., Coeburn, VA

Saturday, September 27 – Harvest Ministries 909 Blue Ridge Blvd, Roanoke, VA

Virginia Regional Leadership Conference Beginning 2:00 PM

October 3 – 5 Fall Refuel – Camp Lowman October 25 Camp Lowman Day (9:30 AM to 3:30 PM) November 26 – 28 Thanksgiving Break – State Office Closed December 23 – January 6 Christmas Break – State Office Closed Upcoming 2014 Virginia State Events April 10-12 Spring Renewal April 24-26 Ladies Getaway, Gatlinburg, Tennessee June 5-7 Hot Shot Camp June 20-23 Junior Camp June 23-28 Senior High Camp July 7-12 Senior Camp July 16 - July 18, 2015. (Thursday through Saturday

Virginia State Convention Tree of Life Ministries Lynchburg, Virginia

October 2-4 Fall Refuel For Updated Events Visit: www.vacogop.org OR

Virginia Church of God of Prophecy “Wings of Truth”)

Hot Shot Youth Camp

10 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Hot Shot Youth CampThis was our second year attending COGOP Hot Shots camp and we weren’t disappointed! Aside from it being one of the largest groups that Hot Shots has seen so far (47 campers!); the theme this year was “Round up for Jesus” was so fun! It was an amazing chance for the children to come out of their comfort zone with their normal children’s church experience and worship on another level. To watch our daughter praise and worship with her peers was priceless. To be able to share that time with the children and see them give themselves over to the mighty spirit that was flowing freely through the camp...words cannot express! Mary & J.D. Chapman made everything about the kids and they loved every minute of camp. Larry, Davina & Cady Hall

11Wings of Truth • July 2014

12 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Huddleston“For the last 3 years, the Huddleston COGOP has come together with several local churches in the community and put together an Easter egg hunt for the children and families of the Huddleston community. This is a fun family event not only with games and an egg hunt with THOUSANDS of eggs, but a chance to share the gospel as well. We had activities such as face painting, bounce houses, sticker tattoos as well as lots of food. Over 50 volunteers helped organize and serve at this event. After the egg hunt, our state children’s director, Alma Boyd, shared the gospel through the live jelly beans and the dance ministry team of Huddleston COGOP, Revolve, was able to minister! A new part of the event we incorporated this year was a prayer tent. We set up a tent with a few volunteers available to pray with anyone that may have a need.

We had a family ask for prayer for a very serious s i t u a t i o n

dealing with the safety of their children;

o u r p r a y e r volunteers were able to pray with this family and Huddleston COGOP has continued to lift them up in prayer. We wanted this event not to be another community day or free family outing; we wanted this event to be a light into the Huddleston community. We had a blast with fun games and lots of prizes, but

the best parts were the prayer tent as well as being able to share the message of Jesus with 150 children from the Huddleston community. It’s all about Jesus and we want the Huddleston community and surrounding areas to know about the awesome, l o v i n g , powerful God we serve. As C h r i s t i a n s , we have the responsibility

to spread the Gospel and the love God has for His children; Huddleston COGOP is starting with our community, with one egg hunt at a time.”

Around the State

Harrowgate Worship CenterOn May 3rd, the ladies of Harrowgate Worship Center gathered together for our first “God Speaks....” Fellowship. Our Guest Speaker was Betsey Brisson Kelley, published author of the Christian devotional book, “My Love, My Life: A Devotional for Any Day.” Twenty-three ladies gathered together to hear Betsey’s testimony of hearing God speak to her of life-changing events and learning to listen and be sensitive to when and what God was speaking to and through her. She journals these times on her Facebook page entitled, “God Speaks.” She closed the meeting with a specific word for the ladies that were present and also with a time of prayer. Each lady left encouraged and expecting to “hear” in the near future a time when God will speak to them individually.

Enjoy these pictures from our outreach this past Saturday, May 17. We went into a local community and gave out hotdogs, chips and drinks. The hot dogs were grilled on the spot. We also sat up a tent to register kids for our Vacation Bible School. Our church people were thrilled to be able to serve.

Around the State

14 Wings of Truth • July 2014

2014 Fall Youth Retreat Ages 13-19 October 3-5 at Camp Lowman

Applications available: vacogop.org or visit us on Facebook: Virginia Church of God of Prophecy “Wings of Truth”

Complete and mail to: Youth Retreat, PO Box 158, Troutville, VA 24175-0158 A $10 non-refundable deposit must accompany this form.

Cost: $55. Early Bird cost is $45 if received by September 1, 2014 Walk in Cost will be $60

Retreat/Room Information +Regular Cost $55 +Camper must have reached 13th Birthday by September 1, 2014 +Early Bird Cost: received prior to September 1: $45 +$10 discount per additional child from same immediate family +Registration begins at 3PM Friday, October 3, 2014 +Ages: 13-19 +Retreat ends at 1PM on Sunday, October 5, 2014 +Campers must leave the campground by 1:30PM on Sunday, October 5, 2014

You will need bed linens (twin size) or a sleeping bag, pillow, towels/washcloths, flashlight, Bible, some extra spending money to purchase items from the snack stand (soft drinks, candy, or other snacks). Bring a bathing suit, dirty clothes bag, appropriate shoes for recreation. Toiletry items (Toothbrush & paste, soap, shampoo, etc.) Robe/cover-up for going to pool and bathrooms.

Camp Lowman Rules Camp rules are designed to preserve an atmosphere of Christian growth, maintain a high standard of conduct and to insure the safety of the campers. Camp is a happy, positive place!

Campers will not be allowed to leave the campground without permission from the deans and/or directors. Campers are required to attend all camp activities and to be on time.

After lights out, campers should not leave the dorm without permission from a cabin leader for their personal safety.

All medications prescription or OTC drugs must be given to the Camp Nurse when you arrive. Campers are not allowed to keep any medications with them or in their personal belongings. The Camp Nurse

must dispense all medications. Report all illnesses & injuries to the Camp Nurse immediately.

Use of profanity, possession/use of fireworks, matches, lighters, tobacco products, alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited and will be considered grounds for immediate expulsion from campground.

Dress code prohibits midriff exposing tops, extreme shorts, suggestive or translucent clothing. Also any shirts promoting/advertising alcohol, tobacco/drugs,

Vulgar, profane or obscene statements or cult/occult illustrated apparel also will not be tolerated.

Don’t bring CD/DVD players, iPods, laptops or other electronic devices to camp. Cellphones are strongly discouraged. If the cellphone policy is abused, phones may be kept by the director until the end of camp. Camp is not the place for expensive items or large sums of money. Camp is not responsible if items are lost, damaged or stolen.

Respect camp property. Damage to camp property will result not only in expulsion from the camp, but liability to the parents/guardian.

No Visitors are allowed during Retreats. Visitors must register their visit with the Camp Coordinator and must agree to abide by the camp rules.

No inappropriate behavior, fighting or bullying will be tolerated. This also includes any PDA beyond holding hands.

NO guys in the girl dorms and NO girls in the guy dorms! Campers are not allowed to go to cars or cross road after being registered as a camper.

Anyone who is unwilling to abide by these camp rules may be sent home. May Blessings and safety abide upon all campers and staff, during your time at Camp Lowman!

Special Note: For GPS Navigation: Use the following address: 11744 Leesville Road Huddleston, VA 24104 —————————-

Camp is Located at 11738 Leesville Road.

Virginia Church of God of Prophecy Camping Ministries

15Wings of Truth • July 2014

Around the State Rocky MountEaster activities included selling 375 peanut butter eggs coordinated by Suzanne Trout; A mime by our youth under the supervision of Dreama Stump on Easter Sunday. We began a revival on Easter Sunday morning with Mitchell Looper. His anointed preaching and singing blessed many. Four received salvation and the Holy Spirit visited us in a great way.

On Mother’s Day over twenty mothers received a potted plant. Special gifts were given to the oldest, youngest and of course we honored our Pastor’s wife.

Lawrence Simpson spoke during a recent service. Following the service Pastor Graham and his wife blessed us with pizza and refreshments.

Our prayers and sympathy go out to Evelyn Edwards and family on the death of her brotherCarolyn Sloan

Richmond Decatur StreetOn Sunday, April 27, 2014 we enjoyed a special day. Our activities included singing by a quartet, Master of Ceremonies for the day was Junius Gosh. Our praise team led the congregation into worship and Apostle Harris spoke. We were blessed by “The Glorious Dancers”. Anassia Simmons led a mime ministry. The anointed Simmons Sisters sang.

Our special Guest, “The Soldiers of Vision” sang many songs including “I’ll be true Lord Jesus”. An altar call was given and one received salvation. The Church of God of Prophecy on Turner Road in Chesterfield presented us with a donation. Rev.

Charlie Jones offered remarks to the congregation. To God be the glory for the things He has done.Claudette Thomas Robertson

Lexington New Hope ChurchOur Easter Sunrise service was a great morning of worship and fellowship. It was held inside to accommodate our elderly members. The Sanctuary was decorated with Easter flowers throughout the church. Mary Camden arranged Easter lilies in front of the altar with a large flag displaying “He is Risen”.

Service began with the song, “Were you There?” led by Pastor Sonny accompanied by the worship team. The sanctuary was decorated with a large cross draped with a red garment representing the cross and blood of Jesus. Both podiums and the communion table were covered with white material representing holiness and purity. White covers were also draped over a speaker stand representing the empty tomb.

Blue was draped on the side representing the disappointment of Christ’s followers upon discovering His missing body. White seats in the front represented where “doers of the word” would be seated. Pastor Sonny elaborated on being doers of the word and not hearers only.

Linda Painter led the congregation in singing. The Loves’ sang a special, “In the Garden”. . Brenda Dotson prayed for the message as Pastor Sonny spoke on “Resurrection, He is Risen”. Service was concluded with the song, “When He was on the cross, I was on His mind”.

Linda Painter planned and served a wonderful breakfast donated by herself, Mary Camden and Nina Coffey. Special guests for the day were Mr. and Mrs. George Sullivan from Buena Vista. Nina Coffey.

Around the State

16 Wings of Truth • July 2014

Prayer Focus for the Staff, Leaders, and People of the Church

Pray for protection against the plans of the enemy. Declare “no weapon formed against Pastor ___________________________, and family members ___________________________ will prosper, and every tongue that rises against them will be cast down.” (Isaiah 54:17) Pray that the urgent of the day will not interfere with God’s will for Pastor ___________________________’s tasks of the day. Pray that your pastor will maintain focus on what he/she is to do daily, free from distraction. Pray for godly discernment and wisdom for pastor(s), staff and leadership. (James 1:5; Ephesians 1:16-17) Ask that Pastor ___________________________ would “trust in the Lord with all his/her heart and lean not on his/her own understanding. In all his/her ways acknowledging God so that He will direct his path.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) Pray that the church’s staff and leadership would be covered and protected by God, who will give angels charge over them to keep them wherever they go. (Psalm 91:11) Pray that the staff of ___________________________ Church would do the work of God without growing weary or faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31) Pray that the church’s staff and leadership would put God’s desires before their own, trying to do God’s will for their life and ministry. Pray that the leaders of the church’s ministries “might trust the power of God rather than human wisdom.” (1 Cor. 2:5) Pray that all leaders would “live wisely and fair, with a devout and disciplined life.” (Titus 1:8) Pray for the pastor, staff and leadership to daily put on the full Armor of God, using it to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Ask that they will stand their ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, pray that they will put on the peace that comes from the Good News, so that they will be fully prepared. Ask the Lord to arm them with faith as their shield to stop the fiery arrows of the enemy. Pray that they will put on as their helmet salvation, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. (Ephesians 6:13-17) (Adapted from United Methodist Church, Indiana Conference)

17Wings of Truth • December 2011


DATE RECEIVED: __________


AMOUNT DUE: $__________



2014 Fall Youth Retreat Ages 13-19 October 3-5 at Camp Lowman

Complete and mail to: Youth Retreat, PO Box 158, Troutville, VA 24175-0158

A $10 non-refundable deposit must accompany this form. Cost: $55. Early Bird cost is $45 if received by

September 1, 2014 Walk in Cost will be $60

Personal Data Local Church You Attend _________________ Race: _____ Sex: M / F Age: ______ Name_____________________________________________ Home Phone # ( ) - ____ - ____________

Address____________________________________________ City________________________________ State ___

Zip____________ Date of Birth ____/____/_______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (s) (if under 18) ___________________________________

Day Phone # ( ) - _____-_______ Night ( ) - ______-_______I Cell Phone ( ) - _____ - _______

Emergency Contact ________________ Relationship ______________Phone ( ) - _____ - ________

Other individuals authorized to pick up this person (If under 18):__________________________________

I would like to room with: __________________________________ _______________________________

Medical Data Insurance Company: ___________________ Company Address: ________________________ Policy #:___________ Please list any medical problems or unusual blood type that we should be aware of: _______________________________________________ Allergic Reactions to:_______________________________ Date of most recent tetanus shot: ____________Special Needs: _______________ I hereby give my child permission to attend the Virginia Church of God of Prophecy YHT. In case of emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me (Parent or Guardian). In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the Camp Director and physician selected by the camp to secure proper treatment for, to hospitalize, and to order injection, anesthesia, and/or surgery for the camper. I understand sickness/illness and pre-existing conditions are not covered by the camp insurance. Therefore, it is my responsibility and the camp will not be liable for any of the expenses incurred in such cases. I hereby waive, release, and discharge any and all claims, demands and causes of action against camp officials, the Church of God of Prophecy of Virginia and the International Offices (Cleveland, TN), their agents, employees and participants to injury, damage, or loss of property my child may sustain at a Virginia COGOP Retreat. I hereby affirm that I have read and agree with all information on the application form. NOTE: Camp nurse must administer ALL medications. The nurse will be present to collect medications at registration. If under 18, I hereby give my child permission to attend the Virginia Church of God of Prophecy Youth Retreat. _____________________________ ___/___/________________________________ ___/___/_____ Consent Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Applicant Signature if over 18 Date I CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS APPLICATION IS ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I UNDERSTAND THAT IN SIGNING THIS APPLICATION I AM AGREEING TO ABIDE BY ALL THE POLICIES AND DISCIPLINE OF THE CAMP (REFERRING TO ALL CAMPS SPONSORED BY THE CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY), ITS ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF PERSONNEL. _________________________ ___/___/___ ____________________________ ___/___/_____ Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Applicant Signature if over 18 Date

Retreat/Room Information +Regular Cost $55 +Camper must have reached 13th Birthday by September 1, 2014 +Early Bird Cost: received prior to September 1: $45 +$10 discount per additional child from same immediate family +Registration begins at 3PM Friday, October 3, 2014 +Ages: 13-19 +Retreat ends at 1PM on Sunday, October 5, 2014 +Campers must leave the campground by 1:30PM on Sunday, October 5, 2014 I would like to room with _____________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ You will need bed linens (twin size) or a sleeping bag, pillow, towels/washcloths, flashlight, Bible, some extra spending money to purchase items from the snack stand (soft drinks, candy, or other snacks). Bring a bathing suit, dirty clothes bag, appropriate shoes for recreation. Toiletry items (Toothbrush & paste, soap, shampoo, etc.) Robe/cover-up for going to pool and bathrooms.


Coming on Church Van or Bus ? □ Yes □No

Special Note: For GPS Navigation: Use the following address: 11744 Leesville Road Huddleston, VA 24104 —————————-

Camp is Located at 11738 Leesville Road.

18 Wings of Truth • July 2014

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19Wings of Truth • July 2014

October 25th, 2014 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM GPS Address: 11744 Leesville Rd., Huddleston

Mailing Address: 11738 Leesville Rd., Lynch Station, VA 24571

“From Generation to Generation”

Lunch will be for sale in the cafeteria OR you can bring your

own lunch. Churches are welcome to have church picnics, etc.

Everyone is invited to Camp Lowman!

You may bring a picnic lunch or buy from the cafeteria. This is going to be a special time of fellowship, worship, gospel singing, baptismal service, special guests, feasting and great memories!

All memorabilia and pictures are welcome! Please make sure your name and information is on each item. There will be unique session of “I Remember When...” directed by Wayne Murphy. (w.murphy33@yahoo.com)

Attention Pastors: If you and your church would like to be a part of the baptismal service, please let us know. This will be from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. Naturally, there will be rooms available for those being baptized to change clothes.

Any individual or church group desiring to spend the night will have to preregister at the State Office (540-992-3696 or 864-933-1899 or judys0830@sbcglobal.net) Anyone under the age of 18 must have a chaperone. All Camp Lowman rules will apply. A minimal fee will be charged.

Non-ProfitOrganizationU.S. Postage

P A I DWytheville, VA

Permit #172

Non-ProfitOrganizationU.S. Postage

P A I DWytheville, VA

Permit #172

Church of God of ProphecyPO Box 158

Troutville, VA 24175

Editor’s Emailronboyd@ntelos.net

VA Youth Webpage www.facebook.com/virginiayouth

State Website:www.vacogop.org

David Cosner,Christian Music Singer

434-250-2417 or 434-822-6540

Alma Boyd, Children’s Minister540-992-3696

Everett Mills, Evangelist304-645-0832


Kay Osban, Evangelist912-467-8188


James Pentecost540-588-4857

Jimmy Rorrer540-239-0468

Wanda Rorrer, Evangelist 540-674-5400 or 540-320-1613

Rebecca Spicer RevivalUSA@comcast.net

540.623.4960 or 540.674.4523

Gene G. Gillette JDSIGNSINC@aol.com

540.344.1777 or 434.944.5551

All Nations Church Choir“Ministering the gospel through song and testimony”

Chad Lambert(757) 941-5111


Available MinistersRobert Redd540-239-4116

Fred & Betty Fisher423-284-5071 or 423-284-4987


Patchwork TurnaroundChristian Music Artists-Dennis and Tammy Hayes

Call or text 540.525-3401Email: DEENTAMMY@COX.NET

Josie Deffinbaugh Evangelist 540-965-0274 or 540-969-8484?
