“Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck Context/Setting.

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck Context/Setting.

“Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck


Learning Intentions

• To learn about the context (background) to the characters/events in the story

• To learn about the importance of the setting in time and place of the story.

“Of Mice and Men”

• Published in 1937• Set in Salinas, California in 1930s

America – time of The Great Depression• Main characters are migrant farm

workers• Steinbeck wanted to show how difficult,

unrewarding and lonely the life of Migrant Farmers could be.


The Great Depression

• Wall Street Crash of 1929 (Stock Market)

• Caused great poverty in America in 1930s –unemployment increased: 25% in 1933.

• People (farmers) lost property – had to find work

Migrant Farm Workers

• Migrant means to travel – these farm workers travelled to find work.

• People from all over the world headed to America to find work.

• Dustbowl effect – In surrounding states (Texas, Oklahoma) adverse weather conditions ruined the soil, meaning even more people came to California to find work.

The American Dream

• The American Dream – common theme in American literature

• America – land of the free/opportunity• Idea that there is the opportunity for

ordinary people to succeed• In reality, people’s dreams were not

always achieved..• George and Lennie have a dream.

The American Dream