OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED FOURTEENTH SESSIONniyamasabha.org/codes/fourteenthsession/resume14.pdf ·...

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Transcript of OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED FOURTEENTH SESSIONniyamasabha.org/codes/fourteenthsession/resume14.pdf ·...

©Kerala Legislature Secretariat

















1. Governor’s Address .. 1

2. Obituary Reference .. 1

3. Panel of Chairmen .. 1

4. Reference regarding Thazhathangadibus accident .. 2

5. Questions .. 2

6. Correction of answer to Starred Question .. 2

7. Correction of answer to Unstarred Question .. 2

8. Correction in Budget Speech .. 3

9. Adjournment Motion .. 3

10. Calling Attention .. 4

11. Papers Laid on the Table .. 4

12. Presentation of Reports .. 4

13. Consideration of Reports .. 6

14. Statement Under Rule 300 .. 7

15. Motion for Suspension of Rule .. 7

16. Motion under Rule 130 .. 7

17. Legislative Business .. 8

18. Financial Business .. 10

19. Private Members’ Business .. 11

20. Questions of Breach of Privilege .. 12

21. Visitors .. 13

22. Termination of the Session .. 13

23. Appendices .. 14



Deputy Speaker


Council of Ministers

Shri V. S. Achuthanandan (Chief Minister)

,, M. A. Baby (Minister for Education and Culture)

,, Kodiyeri Balakrishnan (Minister for Home and Tourism)

,, A. K. Balan (Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Communities and Electricity)

,, Binoy Viswam (Minister for Forest and Housing)

,, C. Divakaran (Minister for Food and Civil Supplies and Animal Husbandry)

,, P. K. Gurudasan (Minister for Labour and Excise)

,, P. J. Joseph (Minister for Works)

,, Jose Thettayil (Minister for Transport)

,, Elamaram Kareem (Minister for Industries)

,, Paloli Mohammed Kutty (Minister for Local Self Government)

,, N. K. Premachandran (Minister for Water Resources)

,, K. P. Rajendran (Minister for Revenue)

,, Ramachandran Kadannappally (Minister for Devaswom, Printing andStationery)

,, Mullakkara Rathnakaran (Minister for Agriculture)

,, S. Sharma (Minister for Fisheries and Registration)

Smt. P. K. Sreemathy Teacher (Minister for Health and Social Welfare)

Shri G. Sudhakaran (Minister for Co-operation and Coir)

Dr. Thomas Issac (Minister for Finance)

Shri M. Vijayakumar (Minister for Law, Parliamentry Affairs, Sports andYouth Affairs and Ports)

Leader of the House


Leader of Opposition





Fourteenth Session

Date of Commencement .. February 24, 2010

Date of Adjournment .. March 31, 2010

Date of Prorogation .. March 31, 2010

Party position as on 24-2-2010

Communist Party of India (Marxist) : 60

Indian National Congress : 24

Communist Party of India : 17

Muslim League : 7

Kerala Congress (M) : 8

Janatha Dal (Secular) : 5

Kerala Congress : 4

Revolutionary Socialist Party : 3

Nationalist Congress Party : 2

Congress (Secular) : 1

Kerala Congress (B) : 1

Janathipathya Samrakshana Samithi : 1

Indian National League : 1

Independents : 5

Nominated : 1

Total : 140

Speaker : 1

Grand Total : 141





The summons dated February 10, 2010 for the Fourteenth Session of theTwelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly was issued to Members on February 10,2010. The session commenced at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 andadjourned sine-die at 3.50 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31, 2010. The House meton the following days viz., February 24, March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31 (24 days of sitting). The Housetransacted business for 156 hours and 7 minutes.

Governor’s Address :

The Governor Shri R.S. Gavai addressed the Members of the LegislativeAssembly at 9 a.m. on February 24, 2010. The discussion on the Motion ofThanks to the Governor’s Address commenced on March 1, 2010 withShri Mons Joseph moving the following motion :—

“ 2010 s^_p-hcn 24 -˛mw XobXn Kh¿W¿ \nb-a-k-`-bn¬ sNbvX

]kw-K-Øn\v \nb-a-k-`mw-K-߃ Kh¿W¿°v \µn tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p.”

The discussion on the Motion of Thanks lasted for 3 days, viz., March 1,2,and 3, 2010. The motion was adopted on March 3, 2010. The House devoted12 hours and 47 minutes for the discussion on the Motion of Thanks and 44Members participated in the discussion.

The Speaker reported the Governor’s reply to the Motion of Thanks to theHouse on March 10, 2010.

Obituary Reference :

On March 1, 2010, the Speaker made references on the demise ofJyothi Basu, former Chief Minister of West Bengal, M. Sathyanesan, JoseThanikkal and N. Ganapathy, former Members of Kerala Legislative Assembly.

As a mark of respect to the deceased, the House stood in silence for awhile.

Panel of Chairmen :

The following members were nominated to the panel of chairmen for theSession.

Shri V. Sivankutty

Shri P. M. A. Salam

Shri T. N. Prathapan


Reference regarding Thazhathangadi bus accident :

On 24th March 2010, the Speaker made a reference regarding the busaccident which happened on the Meenachil River, Thazhathangady in Kottayamon March 23, 2010.

Shri V. S. Achuthanandan, Chief Minister, Shri C. Divakaran, Minister forFood and Civil Supplies and Animal Husbandry, Shri N. K. Premachandran,Minister for Water Resources, Shri\Ramachandran Kadannappally, Minister forDevaswom, Printing and Stationery, Shri Oommen Chandy, Leader of Oppositionand the following Members associated themselves with the sentiments expressedby the Speaker.

1. Shri P. C. George

2. ,, C. T. Ahammed Ali

3. ,, T. U. Kuruvila

4. ,, M. K. Premnath

5. ,, K. K. Shaju

6. ,, P. M. A. Salam

As a mark of respect of those who died in the tragedy, the Members stoodin silence for a while. The House adjourned for the day without transacting anybusiness.

Questions :

Details regarding the number of questions received, number of questionsanswered on the floor of the House etc. are given in Appendix I.

Correction of answer to Starred Question :

On March 26, 2010, corrected answer to Starred Question No. 66 dated10-9-2009 was laid on the Table by the Minister for Law, Parliamentary Affairs,Sports and Youth Affairs and Ports.

Correction of answer to Unstarred Questions :

On March 8, 2010, corrected answer to Unstarred Question No. 2394dated 19-3-2009 was laid on the Table by the Minister for Labour and Excise.On that day itself, the Minister for Co-operation and Coir laid on the Table thecorrected answer to Unstarred Question No. 1752 dated 27-2-2009.


Correction in Budget Speech :

On March 10, 2010 DR. Thomas Issac, Minister for Finance laid on theTable the statement correcting the errors on para 121 in the Budget Speech2010-11 as an item out of agenda.

Adjournment Motion :

During the Session 18 notices of Adjournment Motion were received. Outof these, two motions were taken for discussion in the floor of the House andtwo motions were admitted as submission. The Speaker withheld consent to theremaining 14 notices after hearing the views of Ministers concerned.

On March 1, 2010, the Speaker informed the House that an adjournmentmotion given notice of by Shri Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan and four othermembers regarding the serious situation reported to have arisen consequent onthe inaction on the part of the Government in preventing the illegalencroachment and environmental exploitation in Munnar and its adjoining areashad been received.

As the Minister for Revenue expressed the readiness of the Government todiscuss the matter, the Speaker informed that the motion under Rule 50 would betaken up for discussion at 12.30 p.m. Shri Thriuvanchoor Radhakrishnan movedthe motion and spoke. 18 Members belonging to both opposition and treasurybenches took part in the discussion. The Chief Minister, Minister for Forest andHousing, Minister for Water Resources and Minister for Revenue replied to thepoints raised in the discussion. Being not satisfied with the reply of the ChiefMinister and Ministers the members belonging to the opposition staged awalk-out.

On March 2, 2010, the Speaker informed the House that an adjournmentmotion given notice of by Shri Aryadan Muhammed and four other membersregarding the difficulties reported to have been faced by the people due to risein price of essential articles had been received.

As the Minister for Food and Civil Supplies and Animal Husbandryexpressed the readiness of the Government to discuss the matter, the Speakerinformed that the motion under Rule 50 would be taken up for discussion at12.30 p.m. Shri Aryadan Muhammed moved the motion and spoke. 19 membersbelonging to both opposition and treasury benches took part in the discussion.The Chief Minister, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies and Animal Husbandryand Minister for Finance replied to the points raised in the discussion. Being notsatisfied with the reply of the Chief Minister and Ministers, the Membersbelonging to the Opposition staged a walk-out.


Details of Adjournment Motions in respect of which consent was withheld afterhearing the views of Ministers concerned on the floor of the House are given inAppendix II.

Calling Attention :

During the session 40 statements were made by Ministers under rule 62,details of which are given in Appendix III.

Papers Laid on the Table :

The details of papers laid on the table are given in Appendix IV.

Presentation of Reports :

The following Reports were presented on the dates noted against each :

1. The Twenty-Ninth Report of the BusinessAdvisory Committee

2. The Twentieth Report of the Committee onPrivate Members’ Bills and Resolutions

3. The Report of the Subject Committee X on theKerala Sports (Amendment) Bill, 2010

4. The Seventh Report of the Committee onGovernment Assurances

5. The Sixth Report of the Committee on PapersLaid on the Table

6. The Third Report of the Committee on OfficialLanguage

7. The Report of the Subject Committee VII on theKerala Recognition of Trade Unions Bill, 2009

8. The Reports of the Subject Committee on ‘TheProblems and Remedies in Coconut Sector’ and‘The severe drought in Palakkad district: Reasonsand Remedies’

9. The Twenty third to Twenty fifth Reports of theCommittee on Local Fund Accounts.

10. The Twenty first Report of the Committee onPrivate Members Bills and Resolutions

March 2, 2010

March 4, 2010

March 9, 2010

March 11, 2010


11. The Thirtieth Report of the Business AdvisoryCommittee

12. The Fifth Report of the Committee on the Welfareof Backward Class Communities

13. The Seventy Seventh to Eighty Sixth Reports ofthe Committee on Public Undertakings

14. The Eleventh Report of the Committee onSubordinate Legislation

15. The Report of the Subject Committee IV on‘Excessive exploitation and Pollution of Water bythe Pepsi Company’

16 The Report of the Subject Committee III on theKerala Spinners, Alappuzha (Acquisition andTransfer of Undertakings) Bill, 2010

17. The Eleventh Report of the Committee onPetitions

18. The Twenty second Report of, the Committee onPrivate Members’ Bills and Resolutions

19. The Thirty first Report of the Business Advisory/Committee

20. The Report of the Subject Committee II on theKerala Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2008

21. The Report of the Subject Committee I on theKerala Dairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund

22. The One hundred and ninth to One hundred andfifteenth Reports of the Public AccountsCommittee

23. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Reports of theCommittee on Estimates

24. The Twelfth Report of the Committee on Petitions

25. The Fourth and Fifth Reports of the Committeeon the welfare of Scheduled Castes and ScheduledTribes

March 12, 2010

March 15, 2010

March 16, 2010

March 17, 2010

March 18, 2010

March 19, 2010

March 22, 2010


26. The Seventh Report of the Committee onEnvironment

27. The Report of the Subject Committee IX on theKerala Co-operative Societies (SecondAmendment) Bill, 2009

28. The Report of the Subject Committee VIII on theAbkari (Amendment) Bill, 2010

29. The Report of the Subject Committee X on theKerala Prisons and Correctional Services(Management) Bill, 2010

30. The Periodical Reports of the Subject CommitteesI to X for the year 2008-2009

31 The Thirteenth Report of the Committee onPetitions.

32. The Twelfth to Fourteenth Reports of theCommittee on Subordinate Legislation

33. The Twenty third Report of the Committee onPrivate Members’ Bills and Resolutions.

34. The Thirty second Report of the BusinessAdvisory Committee

35. The Report of the Subject Committee on theRegistration (Kerala Amendment) Bill, 2009

36. The Sixteenth Report of the Committee onEstimates

37. The Eighth Report of the Committee onGovernment Assurances

38. The Sixth Report of the Committee on theWelfare of Backward Class Communities

Consideration of Reports :

The following Reports were adopted by the House on the dates notedagainst each :

1. The Twenty ninth Report of the Business AdvisoryCommittee

March 22, 2010

March 23, 2010

March 25, 2010

March 26, 2010

March 30, 2010

March 31, 2010

March 2, 2010


2. The Thirtieth Report of the Business AdvisoryCommittee

3. The Twenty first Report of the Private Members’Bills and Resolutions.

4. The Thirty first Report of the Business AdvisoryCommittee

5. The Twenty second Report of the Committee onPrivate Members’ Bills and Resolutions

6. The Thirty second Report of the BusinessAdvisory Committees

7. The Twenty third Report of the Committee onPrivate Members’ Bills and Resolutions

8. The Third Report of the Rules Committee

Statements under Rule 300 :

On March 4,2010 Shri Jose Thettayil, Minister for Transport made astatement with regard to the revision of fares in buses, taxis and auto-rickshawsin the State.

Motion for Suspension of Rule :

On March 10, 2010 the House adopted the following motion moved byShri M. Vijayakumar, Minister for Law, Parliamentary Affairs, Sports and YouthAffairs and Ports :

tIcf \nb-a-k- -bpsS \S-]-S-n-I-ahpw Imc-y-\n¿∆-l-Whpw kw_-‘n® N -ß-

fnse N´w 142 ]Imcw _UvP-‰ns‚ s]mXpN¿® Ah-km-\n -°p -tºmƒ

[\m-`-y¿∞-\-Iƒ A\p-tbm-P-y-amb k_vPIvSv IΩn‰n°v Ab-bv°-W-sa∂pw

k_vPIvSv IΩn-‰n-Iƒ \mev BgvN-Iƒ°Iw Ah-bpsS ]cn-tim-[\ ]q¿Øn-bm-t°-

≠-Xm-sW∂pw ]kvXpX N´-ß-fnse N´w 236 -˛s‚ 2˛mw D]-N´w hy-hÿ

sNøp∂p. 2010-11 kmº-Øn-I-h¿j-tØ-°p≈ _UvP-‰nse [\m-`-y¿∞-\-

I-fn-t∑¬ k_vPIvSv IΩn-‰n-Iƒ \S-tØ≠ ]cn-tim-[\ \n¿±njvS ka-b-]-cn-[n-°p-

≈n¬ ]q¿Øn-bm-°m≥ km[n-°mØ kml-N-c-y-Øn¬ ]mtbm-Kn-I-X-bv°p-th≠n

236 -˛mw N´-Øns‚ 2˛mw D]-N´w ASpØ ktΩ-f-\-Øns‚ ]mcw`w hsc

kkvs]‚ v sNøp-∂-Xn\v Cu k` Xocp-am-\n-°p-∂p.

Motion under Rule 130 :

On March 30, 2010 Shri K. C. Joseph moved the following motion underRule 130.

March 12, 2010

March 19, 2010

March 26, 2010

March 31, 2010


“BtKm-f-Xm-]\w, Imem-hÿmhy-Xn-bm\w F∂nhaqew kwÿm\w t\cn-

Sp∂ AXn-cq-£-amb hcƒ®bpw IpSn-sh-≈£mahpw Irjn-\m-ihpw Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈

Kpcp-X-c-amb ÿnXn-hn-ti-jw t\cn-Sm≥ ASn-b-¥n-c-ambpw Zo¿L-Im-em-Sn-ÿm-\-

Ønepw kzo-I-cn-t°≠ \S-]-Sn-I-sf-∏-‰n k` N¿® sNøWw.”

13 Members took part in the discussion. Minister for Forest and Housing,Minister for Revenue and Minister for Water Resources replied to the pointsraised in the discussion. Then, the Minister for Water Resources moved thefollowing substantive Motion under Rule 275. The motion was unanimouslyadopted by the House.

“Imem-hÿm hyXn-bm\hpw BtKmf Xm]-\hpw bmYm¿∞y-am-sW∂ Xncn-

®-dnhv, ]Ir-Xn-tbmSpw h\˛Pe-hn- -h-ßtfmSpap≈ kao-]-\-Øn¬ ImX-emb am‰w


CXns‚ ^e-ambn tIc-f-Øns‚ A¥-co-£-Ønepw aÆnepw Pe-Ønepw

I≠p-Xp-S-ßn-bn-´p≈ am‰-߃, ]pXnb Hcp ]mcn-ÿn-Xn-Im-h-t_m-[-Øn-te°pw,

kap-Nn-X-amb I¿Ω ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn-te°pw \sΩ \bn-t°≠ kabw Bk-∂-am-bn-


Pe-tkmX- p-Iƒ ]cn-c-£n-°p-Isb∂ ZuXyw \n›-b-Zm¿Vy-tØmsS \mw

Gs‰-SptØ aXn-bmhq. CXn-\mbn Bhn-jvI-cn-®n- p≈ ‘Pe-kp-c£’ ]≤Xn hn]p-e-

s∏-Sp-Øm\pw Pe-kw-c-£W ]Inb-bn¬ P\-ßsf apgp-h≥ kPoh ]¶m-fn-I-fm-

°m\pw, Pe-tkm-X- p-Iƒ°v `oj-Wn-bm-hp∂ ]h¿Ø-\-ßsf \ncp-’m-l-s∏-Sp-

Øm≥ H‰-s°- mbn ]h¿Øn-°m\pw, tImSn-°-W-°n\p hr£-߃ \´p-h-f¿Øp-∂-

Xn-\p≈ “lcnX tIcfw” ]≤Xn hnP-bn-∏n-°m\pw, aen-\o-I-c-Whpw Du¿÷

Zp¿hybhpw Hgn-hm-°p-∂-Xn\pw Bh-i-y-amb ]h¿Ø-\-߃ \S-Øp-∂-Xn-t\m-

sSm∏w kwÿm\w t\cn-Sp∂ cq£-amb hcƒ® ]cn-K-Wn®v ]tX-yI hcƒ®m

[\-k-lmbw e`-y-am-°m≥ tIµ-˛kw-ÿm\ k¿°m-cp-Iƒ \S-]SnIƒ kzo-I-cn-°-

W-sa∂pw Xt±-i-k-z-bw- -cW ÿm]-\-ß-fpsS hm¿jnI ]≤Xn-bn¬ \o¿Ø-Sm-

[n-jvTnX aÆv, Pe -kw-c-£W ]h¿Ø-\-߃°v ap≥K-W\ \¬I-W-sa∂pw Cu

k` Bh-i-y-s∏-Sp-∂p.”

Legislative Business :

I Bills passed

The following Bills were introduced, taken into consideration and passed bythe Assembly during the session.

1. The Kerala Appropriation Bill, 2010.

2. The Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 2010.

3. The Kerala Spinners, Alappuzha (Acquisition and Transfer ofUndertaking) Bill, 2010.


4. The Kerala Recognition of Trade Unions Bill, 2009.

5. The Kerala Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2008.

6. The Kerala Prisons and Correctional Services (Management) Bill, 2010.

7. The Kerala Dairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2010.

8. The Kerala Sports (Amendment) Bill, 2010.

9. The Kerala Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Bill, 2009.

10. The Abkari (Amendment) Bill, 2010.

11. The Registration (Kerala Amendment) Bill, 2009.

Details regarding the date of introduction, passing of Bills and number ofAmendments received etc. are given in Appendix V. The salient features of theBills are given in Appendix VI.

II Bills Introduced

The Kerala Finance Bill, 2010 was introduced in the Assembly on19th March, 2010.

III Laying of Bills assented

The Secretary laid the following Bills, as assented to by the President/Governor, on the Table of the House

1. The Kerala Temporary Stay of Eviction Proceedings (Amendment)Bill, 2009 (Act 27 of 2009)

2. The Kerala Toddy Workers’ Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2009(Act 28 of 2009)

3. The Kerala Land Conservancy (Amendment) Bill, 2009 ( Act 29 of2009)

4. The Kerala Municipality (Amendment) Bill, 2009 ( Act 30 of 2009)

5. The Kerala Panchayath Raj (Second Amendment) Bill, 2009(Act 31 of 2009)

6. The Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically FragileLands) Amendment Bill, 2009. (Act 32 of 2009)

7. The Pampa River Basin Authority Bill, 2009 (Act 33 of 2009)


IV Reference of Bills to Subject Committees

Eleven Bills were referred to Subject Committee and Subject CommitteeReport on nine Bills were presented to the House. Details of the Bills are givenin Appendix VII.

V Reference of Bill to Select Committee

The Kerala Police Bill was referred to a Select Committee on 3rd

March, 2010

VI Bills published and circulated to Members

Sixteen Bills were published and circulated to the Members. Details of theBills are given in Appendix VIII.

Financial Business :

1. Budget for the year 2010-2011

The Budget for the year 2010-2011 was presented on 5th March, 2010.

2. Vote on Account

The Vote on Account for a period for four months (April to July 2007) waspresented on 5th March, 2010. The Minister for Finance moved the motionregarding Demands for Grants on Account towards defraying charges for themonths April to July, 2010 on 16th March, 2010. Discussion and voting on theVote on Account were held on the same day. The House devoted 4 Hours and 4Minutes for this business. Nineteen Members (including Minister for Finance)participated in this discussion.

The Kerala Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 2010, in respect of theDemands for Grants on Account was introduced, considered and passed on 17th

March, 2010.

3. Final Supplementary Demands for Grants for the year 2009-10

On 5th March, 2010, the Minister for Finance laid before the House theFinal Supplementary Demands for Grants for the year 2009-10.

Discussion and voting on the Final Supplementary Demands for Grants2009-2010 took place on 11th March, 2010 and the House devoted 4 hours and22 minutes for the transaction of the Business.

The Kerala Appropriation Bill, 2010, in respect of the Final SupplementaryDemands for Grants for the year 2009-10 was introduced in the Assembly on 15th

March, 2010. The Bill was taken into consideration and passed on thesame day.


Private Members’ Business :

As per the Calendar of sittings of the Fourteenth Session of the TwelfthKerala Legislative Assembly, three days were set apart for transacting PrivateMember’s Business viz. 12th 19th and 26th of March, 2010. Of these days 12th

and 26th March, 2010 were set apart for transacting Private Member’s Bills and19th March, 2010 for Private Member’s Resolutions respectively. During theSession, the House devoted two and a half hours for Private Member’s Business.

Private Members’ Bills

During the session, the Business on Private Member’s Bills was transactedin two days, ie, on the 12th and 26th March 2010. On the 12th of March, 2010,Motion for leave to introduce 3 Bills and the discussion on 3 pending Bills werelisted in the business. Out of these, Motion for leave to introduce 3 Bills andthe discussion on 1 pending Bill have come up before the House. Thediscussions were inconclusive in both Motions on 3 Bills and in the case of Onepending Bill. The discussion on one pending Bill could not be taken due to theabsence of the Member concerned and the discussion on the last pending Billcould not be taken up due to lack of time.

On the 26th of March, 2010, being the second day scheduled for transactingPrivate Members’ Bills, Motion for leave to introduce 5 Bills and the discussionon 3 Pending Bills were listed in the business. Out of these, Motion for leave tointroduce 5 Bills have come up before the House. The discussions wereinconclusive in Motions on 5 Bills. The discussion on 3 pending Bills could notbe taken up due to lack of time.

Details regarding the name of Members who moved the Motions for leaveto introduce the Bills and the results thereof, during the aforesaid days are givenin Appendix-IX.

Private Members’ Resolutions

During the Session, one day, ie. on the 19th March, 2010, was alloted fortransacting Private Members’ Resolutions. On that day, four resolutions came upbefore the House. The first item for the discussion was the Resolution whichwas moved on 10th July, 2009, given notice of by Shri Alphons Kannanthanamand moved in the House by Shri M. Prakashan Master, on authorisation byShri Alphons Kannanthanam.

Shri M. Prakashan Master continued his speech and after the reply by theHon’ble Minister for Home and Tourism, the Resolution was adopted by theHouse.


The First Resolution, given notice of by Shri P. Krishna Prasad was movedand after the reply by the Hon’ble Minister for food and Civil Supplies theResolution was adopted by the House. The Second Resolution given notice ofby Shri Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan was not moved due to the absence of theMember concerned.

The Third Resolution given notice of by Shri Babu Paul was moved andafter the reply by the Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture the Resolution wasadopted by the House.

The details regarding the name of Members’ who moved the Resolution, thetext of the Resolution and the results thereof are given in Appendix X.

Report Presentation :

Four Reports viz. Twentieth to Twenty third Reports were presented ofwhich three Reports were adopted during the session.

Questions of Breach of Privilege :

On March 31, 2010, the Speaker informed the house the following mattersregarding Questions of Breach of Privilege.

(1) Notices for which consent was withheld:

(i) Notice given by Shri Joseph M. Puthussery against the Ministerfor Home and Tourism alleging that the answer to the unstarredquestion No. 4007 dated 16-7-2008 regarding the policeattempt towards the Youth Front activists on 22nd June, 2008was incorrect.

(ii) Notice given by Shri A. P. Anilkumar against the Minister forWelfare of Backward and Scheduled Communities andElectricity alleging that answer to the unstarred questionNo. 2902 dated 9-7-2008 regarding the non-conventionalenergy consultancy was incorrect.

(2) Notices under consideration of the Chair :

Notice given by Shri P. C. George against the Minister forWelfare of Backward and Scheduled Communities andElectricity alleging that the answer to the unstarred questionNo. 1277 dated 8-3-2010 regarding the appointments inANERT and Question No. 3710 dated 22-3-2010 regarding thereconstitution of ANERT was false and aimed at misleading theHouse is under consideration of the Chair.


(3) Matter referred to the Committee of Privileges and Ethics :

The Speaker informed the House that the notice ofShri Madhavanunni, Advocate Commissioner issued to theSpeaker to direct the Chief Minister to be present before theAdvocate Commissioner was referred to the Committee ofPrivileges and Ethics.


The number of persons who witnessed the Proceedings of the Assemblyduring the Session was as follows:

Public gallery : 5651

Speaker’s gallery : 1101

Distinguished visitors gallery : 28

Termination of the Session :

The Fourteenth Session of the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly wasprorogued with effect from March 31, 2010 at the conclusion of its sitting videNotification No. 804/Table-1/2010/Leg. dated 3rd April 2010.

P. D. RAJAN,Secretary.




1. Total No. of notices Received & Registered 10111

2. Less Notices Disallowed 243

3. Actual No. of Notices Admitted (1—2) 9868

4. No. of Notices Admitted as Starred 3264

5. No. of Notices Admitted as Unstarred 6604

6. Total No. of Notices Admitted in the Starred and as 9868Unstarred list (4+5)

7. No. of Starred Questions in the printed list 655

8. No. of Unstarred Questions in the printed list 5239

9. No. of Questions withdrawn 3

10. Total No. of starred and as Unstarred Questions in 5891the printed list (7+8—9)

11. No. of answers Received upto 31-3-2010 (On Allotted 3706days of Answers itself)

12. No. of Answers Received Late and published as per 1567Bulletin (Upto the publication of Last Late AnswerBulletin on 30-3-2010)

13. Answer to be received 618

14. No. of questions Answered on the floor 69

15. No. of Short Notice questions Received 2

16. No. of Notices for Half an Hour discussion received NIL


The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on theGovernment Order dated5-2-2010 ordering todetermine the minoritystatus of Self FinancingProfessional Colleges as persection 8 of Act enacted in2006, which was quashedby the Hon’ble High Courtin view of that the samewas against the Constitution.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the failure ofthe Police in arresting theculprits who destroyed therubber trees of the small-scale farmers at Ottathil inKuttoor Panchayath nearThiruvalla.

The serious situationreported to have arisen inagriculture sector due to thescarcity of fertiliser becauseof the alleged diversion oflarge quantity of urea forindustrial and otherpurposes which was



Consent withheld after hearing the Ministers concerned

Minister forEducation and


1 March 4,2010

Shri K. M.Mani and

Four Others

Minister forHome andTourism

2 March 8,2010

Shri JosephM. Puthussery

and FourOthers

Subject matterSl.No.

DateName of

Member whogave the notice

Minister whowas heard

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forAgriculture

3 March 12,2010

Shri V. D.Satheesan andFour Others


supplied to the State by theCentre for agriculturepurpose at subsidised rates.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the attacktowards priests and devoteeswho assembled for prayerand on the damage to themosque at Unnyalil,Thanoor LegislativeConstituency in MalappuramDistrict.

The situation reported tohave arisen consequent onthe failure to keeptrustworthiness of theKerala UniversityExamination due to thealleged attempts tomanipulate the marks to getpassed the failed students inthe subject of PublicInternational Law andHuman Rights in the FinalYear LLB Examination.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the huge lossincurring to the Governmentdue to the GovernmentOrder granting 1% leakageallowance to the Kerosenedealers in spite of theverdict of the Hon. HighCourt to maintain revisedratio of 0.02% leakageallowance.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forHome andTourism

4 March 15,2010

Shri AbdurahimanRandathaniand Four


Minister forEducation and


5 March 17,2010

Shri P. C.Vishnunadh

and FourOthers

Minister forFood and Civil

Supplies andAnimal


6 March 18,2010

Shri AryadanMuhammed

and FourOthers


The situation reported tohave arisen consequent onthe failure of theGovernment to safeguardConstitutional responsibilityof protecting the propertiesof the citizens and thealleged encroachment ofgovernment land inWayanad District inspite ofthe strict directions of theHon’ble High Court ofKerala.

The serious situation ofconstitutional crisis reportedto have arisen consequenton the mentioning made bythe Chief Minister thathe had no confidence inShri Jose Thettayil, Ministerfor Transport, which wasagainst the basicprinciples of theParliamentary system ofcollective responsibility ofthe cabinet and thecontinuation of the ministerwho lost the confidence ofthe Chief Minister.

The serious situationreported to have arisen dueto the encroachment ofGovernment Land for salein Marayoor, Keezhanoor,Vattavada and KanthaloorPanchayaths in IdukkiDistrict.

Minister forRevenue

7 March 19,2010

Shri V. D.Satheesan and

Four Others

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forRevenue

9 March 23,2010

Shri K.Sivadasan

Nair and Fourothers

Chief Minister8 March 22,2010

Shri T. N.Prathapan


The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the failure ofthe Government to protectthe life and property of thepeople in view of themurder of a housewife andattack towards her motherin Palakkad district as thelatest incident of the seriesof robbery and murdersoccurring in the State.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the denial ofnatural justice to thecandidates belonging toreserved communities andregistered in theemployment exchanges inthe light of the GovernmentOrder giving instructions forappointment to thetemporary vacancies withoutobserving reservation normsand service rules.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the loss ofthe assistance of NABARDto the co-operative sectordue to the transgression ofthe terms and conditions ofNABARD by giving loan tothe individuals and privateestablishments by the StateCo-operative Bank.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forLaw,

ParliamentaryAffairs, Sports,youth Affairsand Ports on

behalf ofMinister forHome andTourism

10 March 25,2010

Shri C. P.Muhammed

and FourOthers

Minister forLablour and


11 March 26,2010

Shri M. A.Vaheed andFour Others

Minister forCo-operation

and Coir

12 March 29,2010

Shri K. C.Joseph andFour Others


The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on theuncertainty regarding thefuture of the Smart CityProject due to the failure instarting its functioning yet.

The serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on theadministrative deadlockbecause of the failure of theGovernment in appointingcandidates in the vacanciesarisen on 31st March due tothe mass retirement as aresult of the unification ofdate of retirement.

Chief Minister13 March 30,2010

Shri K. Babuand Four


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forFinance

14 March 31,2010

Shri V. D.Satheesan and

Four Others


To the necessity to resolvethe reported anomaliesexisting in the acquisitionof land for the proposeddevelopment of theNational Highway-47 inThiruvananthapuram district.

To the necessity topressurise the CentralGovernment to allocatesufficient food grains to theState for distributionthrough ration shops, torestore the reportedreduced quota of foodgrains intended to theB.P.L. category and torefrain from the stepsreported to have been takento increase the price of ricedistributed through rationshops.

To the reported non-posting of Doctors andPara-medical staff in theformer Medical CollegeHospital, Alapuzhaconsequential to theshifting of the MedicalCollege Hospital toVandanam so as to upgradeit to the status of a General



Minister forWorks

1 March 1,2010

Shri M. A.Vaheed

Minister forFood and Civil

Supplies andAnimal


2 March 1,2010



Minister forHealth and

Social Welfare

3 March 2,2010

Shri A. A.Shukoor

Subject matterSl.No.

DateName of

Member whogave the notice

Minister whomade thestatement

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Hospital and to the reportednon-establishment ofsufficient Primary HealthCentres in Alappuzha townin the light of spreadingover of epidemics andabsence of enough storageof Medicines in the Hospitals.

To the necessity to acquireillegal holdings of revenueland and surplus land byindividuals and institutionsand locate other availableland in the State so as todistribute those lands to thelandless including tribals.

To the necessity to takesteps for the prevention offood adulteration.

To the necessity toimplement a scientific andcomprehensive scheme forthe preservation of the KoleLands in Malappuram andThrissur districts.

To the necessity to executethe developmental works ofthe National Highway inMalappuram districtavoiding difficulties to thepeople.

To the necessity to takesteps to issue ‘patta’ to thefarmers of hilly area whowere in possession of landbefore 1977.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forRevenue

4 March 2,2010

Shri P.Jayarajan

Minister forHealth and

Social Welfare

5 March 3,2010

Shri ThomasUnniyadan

Minister forAgriculture

6 March 3,2010

Shri V. S.Sunil Kumar

Minister forWorks

7 March 4,2010

Shri P. K.Abdu Rabb

Minister forRevenue

8 March 4,2010

Shri S.Rajendran


To the situation reported tohave arisen due to the lackof effective implementationof the garbage treatment inthe State.

To the necessity to takesteps to include Alappuzha,Thrissur and Malappuramdistricts also in the NationalFood Security Mission ofthe Central Government.

To the reported difficultiessuffered by the peoplebelonging to the SC/STcategories due to the delayin the implementation of theSpecial Component Plan.

To the necessity to begin‘Floating Plane Service’ inbackwaters for thedevelopment of tourism inthe State.

To the necessity toaccelerate the implementationof Malayalam as OfficialLanguage and to establish aUniversity of Malayalam inthe State.

To the necessity to takesteps to preserve thewetlands of the State and toinclude them in the NationalWetland ConservationProgramme and to designatethem as ‘Ramsar Sites’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forAgriculture

10 March 8,2010

Shri MuraliPerunelly

Chief Minister9 March 8,2010



Minister forWelfare ofScheduled

Communitiesand Electricity

11 March 9,2010

Shri K. K.Shaju

Minister forHome andTourism

12 March 9,2010

Shri V. N.Vasavan

Chief Minister13 March 10,2010

Shri C. P.Muhammed

Minister forRevenue

14 March 10,2010

Shri K.Kunhiraman


To the necessity toformulate a Medicinalpolicy facilitating thesupply of life-savingmedicines and medicines tofatal diseases like Cancer atfree of cost or at the lowestprice.

To the reported issuesrelating to distribution ofland in Idukki district.

To the environmentalproblems reported to havearisen due to the use ofFerrous Chloride for thepurification of water inrivers of State especially inPampa river.

To the necessity to makethe demand before theCentral Government toestablish a Cashew Boardwith its headquarters atKollam.

To the necessity to achieveself-sufficiency in theproduction of food grainsby making the fallow landsand fields of the Statesuitable for farming.

To the necessity to completethe Muvattupuzha ValleyIrrigation project.

To the reported accidents inThiruvananthapuram cityand its adjacent places due

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forHealth and

Social Welfare

15 March 11,2010

Shri K. C.Joseph

Minister forRevenue

16 March 11,2010

Smt. E. S.Bijimol

Minister forWater


17 March 12,2010

Shri K.Sivadasan


Minister forLabour and


18 March 12,2010

Shri A. A.Azeez

Minister forAgriculture

19 March 15,2010

Shri K. P.Mohanan

Minister forWater


20 March 15,2010

Shri MonsJoseph

Minister forWorks

21 March 16,2010

Shri N.Sakthan


to the non-maintaining ofroads, which wereexcavated for variouspurposes, suitable forvehicular traffic.

To solve the problems facedby the organic farmers andto the formation of a specialagency to promote organicfarming in the State.

To the necessity to takesteps to solve the reportedscarcity of drinking waterexperienced in the State,especially in Kochi.

To the serious situationreported to have arisenconsequent on the ban onnight traffic on the inter-state roads connectingKerala, Karnataka andTamilnadu.

To the necessity to takesteps not to lose the elgiblegrants to the ‘Madrasas’ inthe State.

To the necessity to extendthe period of TsunamiRehabilitation Project for afurther period of oneyear in view of itsnon-completion and tocomplete the project in atime –bound manner.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forAgriculture

22 March 16,2010

Shri BabuPaul

Minister forWater


23 March 17,2010

Shri V. K.EbrahimKunju

Chief Minister24 March 17,2010

Shri P.Krishnaprasad

Minister forEducation and


25 March 18,2010

Shri U. C.Raman

Minister forRevenue

26 March 18,2010

Shri P.Viswan


To the necessity to conducta feasibility study on theconstruction of a fly-overfrom Kesavadasapuram toEast Fort to overcome thetraffic congestion inThiruvananthapuram city.

To the reported deadlock inthe developmental activitiesdue to the delay in thecompletion of P.M.G.S.Y.,Hariyali and other centrallysponsored schemes.

To the power crisis facedby the State due to the fallin the production andincrease in the consumptionof electricity.

To the necessity to takesteps to procure more rawcoconuts through Co-operative institutions and tomill the paddy procured bythese institutions and tomarket the rice throughTriveni Stores.

To the necessity to takesteps to improve thefunctioning of the FoodResearch Institutesanctioned at Konni andalso to start a foodprocessing centre under theaegis of KINFRA at Konni.

To the necessity to solvethe reported crisis faced bythe small scale Industrialsector in the State.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forWorks

27 March 19,2010

Shri V.Surendran


Minister forLocal Self


28 March 22,2010

Shri B. BabuPrasad

Minister forWelfare ofScheduled

Communitiesand Electricity

29 March 22,2010

Shri K. V.Kunhiraman

Minister for Co-operation and


30 March 23,2010

Shri C. K. P.Padmanabhan

Minister forFood and CivilSupplies and


31 March 25,2010

Shri AdoorPrakash

Minister forIndustries

32 March 25,2010

Shri SajuPaul


To the necessity to makeappointments to theUniversities of the Statethrough the KeralaPublic ServiceCommission.

To the necessity toconstruct urgently the‘Arogya Bhavan’intended for thetreatment of Sabarimalapilgrims by including itin the Sabarimala MasterPlan.

To the situation reportedto have arisen due to thenon-utilisation of fundsand grant-in-aid throughthe centrally sponsoredschemes sanctioned bythe Central Government.

To the necessity tomodernise the Fire andRescue ServicesDepartment.

To the necessity to avoidvehicle accidents inAlapuzha-Changanasseryroad by broadening thebridges and providingdividers and footpaths.

To the necessity toimplement the provisionscontained in the Inter-state Migrant WorkmenAct, 1979 so as toprovide benefits to theworkers migrated toKerala.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forEducation and


33 March 26,2010

Shri M.Ummer

Minister forDevaswom,Printing andStationery

34 March 26,2010

Shri K. C.Rajagopalan

Chief Minister35 March 29,2010

Shri V. D.Satheesan

Minister forHome andTourism

36 March 29,2010

Shri RajuAbraham

Minister forWorks

37 March 30,2010

Shri ThomasChandy

Minister forLabour and


38 March 30,2010

Shri K. V.Abdul Khader


To the necessity to sustainthe achievementsaccomplished by the Statein the Health sector and torestructure the functioningof the N.R.H.M. byrectifying its shortcomings.

To the crisis reportedlyexisting in the Handloomindustry of the Stateconsequent on the stoppageof marketing incentive andrebate being given tohandloom cloths by theCentral Government.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Minister forHealth and

Social Welfare

39 March 31,2010

Shri T. N.Prathapan

Minister forIndustries

40 March 31,2010

Shri V. J.Thankappan




The following papers were laid on the Table on the dates noted

March 1, 2010

1. ap≥ s]mXp-a-cm-aØv a¥n io. ‰n. bp. Ipcp-hn-f-bvs°-Xn-sc-bp-≈ Btcm-]-

W-ß-sf-°p-dn®v At\z-jn® PÃn-kv sI. sI. \tc-µ≥ IΩo-j≥

dnt∏m¿´pw, AXn-t∑¬ k¿°m¿ kzoI-cn® \S-]-Sn -Isf kw_-‘n-

®p-≈ satΩm-dm-≠-hpw.

2. Zn bqWn -th -g vkn‰n emkv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un -\≥kv, 2009(Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 27 Hm^v 2009).

3. Zn bqWn -th -g vkn‰n emkv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un -\≥kv, 2010(Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 8 Hm^v 2010).

4. Zn tIcf t]meokv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2009 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv

\º¿ 21 Hm^v 2009).

5. Zn tIcf t]meokv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv

\º¿ 5 Hm^v 2010).

6. Zn tIcf tÉv luknwKv t_m¿Uv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un\≥kv, 2010(Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 2 Hm^v 2010).

7. 2009 -˛se tIcf £oc I¿jI t£a-\n[n (t`-Z-K-Xn) Hm¿Un-\≥kv

(2009˛se 28 -˛mw \º¿ Hm¿Un-\≥kv).

8. 2010 -˛se tIcf £oc I¿jI t£a-\n[n (t`-Z-K-Xn) Hm¿Un-\≥kv

(2010˛se 10˛mw \º¿ Hm¿Un-\≥kv).

9. Zn A_vImcn (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2009 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿

26 Hm^v 2009).

10. Zn tIcf AKn-Iƒ®-d¬ h¿t°gvkv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2010(Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 1 Hm^v 2010).

11. Zn A_vImcn (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿

6 Hm^v 2010).

12. Zn tIcf kv]nt∂-gvkv, Be-∏pg (A-I-zn-kn-j≥ B‚ v Sm≥kv ¿ Hm v

A≠¿tS°nw -K v) Hm¿Un -\≥kv, 2009 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 24Hm^v 2009).

13. Zn tIcf kv]nt∂-gvkv, Be-∏pg (A-I-zn-kn-j≥ B‚ v Sm≥kv ¿ Hm v

A≠¿tS°nw -K v) Hm¿Un -\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un -\≥kv \º¿ 9Hm^v 2010).


14. Zn tIcf tem°¬ AtXm -dn‰okv tem¨kv (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v)

Hm¿Un\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 11 Hm^v 2010).

15. Zn tIcf bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Hm v sl¬Øv B‚ v AsseUv kb≥kkv

Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2009 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 25 Hm^v 2009).

16. Zn tIcf bqWn-th-gvkn‰n Hm v sl¬Øv B‚ v AsseUv kb≥kkv

Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 7 Hm^v 2010) Fdm‰w


17. Iw]vtSm -f¿ B‚ v HmUn -‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm^v C¥y-bpsS tIcf

K-h¨sa‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2008 am¿®v 31-\v Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ

dnt∏m¿´v (X-t±-i-k-zbw`cW ÿm]-\-߃).

18. Iw]vtSm -f¿ B‚ v HmUn -‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm^v C¥y-bpsS tIcf

Kh¨sa-‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2008-09 -˛se ^n\m≥kv A°u- ≠vkpw

At]m-]n-tb-j≥ A°u≠vkpw.

19. Iw]vtSm-f¿ B‚ v HmUn-‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm v C¥y-bpsS tIcf Kh¨sa-

‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2009 am¿®v 31˛\v Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ dnt∏m¿ v

(d-h\yq hc-hp-Iƒ—hm-eyw -I).

20. 2009-se tIcf kvt]m¿´ vkv (t` -Z -K -Xn) Hm¿Un -\≥kv

(2009-˛se 22˛mw \º¿ Hm¿Un-\≥kv).

21. Zn tIcf AU-z -t°‰vkv sh¬s^-b¿ ^≠v (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v)

Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2009 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 23 Hm^v 2009).

22. Zn tIcf AU-z -t°‰vkv sh¬s^-b¿ ^≠v (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v)

Hm¿Un-\≥kv, 2010 (Hm¿Un-\≥kv \º¿ 3 Hm^v 2010).

23. 2010-se tIcf kvt]m¿´ vkv (t` -Z -K -Xn) . Hm¿Un -\≥kv

(2010-˛se 4 -˛mw \º¿ Hm¿Un-\≥kv).

March 2, 2010

24. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 282/sI.-F¬./2008 XobXn 18-11-2008 Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

25. Xncp-ج ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 13862/Un.2/2008/KXm. Xob-Xn 3-10-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1194/2008˛s‚ Xncp-Øv).

26. k. D. (]n) \º¿ 1/2009/t\m¿°. XobXn 27-2-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 193/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.


27. k.D. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 2/2009/t\m¿°. XobXn 27-2-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 194/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

28. Pn. -H. ( -Fw -Fkv.) \º¿ 3/2009/t\m¿°. XobXn 27-2-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 195/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

29. k¿°m¿ DØ-chv (A-®-Sn -®-Xv) \º¿ 11/2009/D`.]h. Xob-Xn

26-8-2009 (Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 736/2009).

30. Pn. - H. ( -]n) \º¿ 13/2009/]n.&-F. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 30-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 848/2009).

31. Pn. -H. ( -]n) \º¿ 14/2009/]n.&-F. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 5-10-2009 v

(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 849/2009).

32. Pn. - H. ( -]n) \º¿ 16/2009/]n.&-F. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 8-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 867/2009).

33. Pn. H. (-FwFkv.) \º¿ 279/2009/Pn. -F.Un. XobXn 21-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1088/2009).

34. tIcf jn∏nwKv & C≥em≥Uv \mhn-tK-j≥ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚

2004-05, 2005-06 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-

Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

35. C≥Ãn-‰-yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚ v C≥ Kh¨sa‚ns‚ (IMG) 2005-06,2006-07, 2007-08 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pIƒ Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

36. sk‚¿ t^m¿ sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v ÃUo-kns‚ (CDS) 2008-09˛se

hm¿jnI IW-°p-Iƒ.

37. kwÿm\ hnh-cm-h-Imi IΩo-js‚ 2008-09˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

38. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 167/2009/D. -hnh. XobXn 25-9-2009 .

(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 780/2009, 781/2009).

39. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 185/2009/s]m. -hnh. XobXn 17-9-2009 .

(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 809/2009).

40. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 186/2009/s]m. -hn -h. XobXn 17-9-2009 .

(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 810/2009).

41. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 7/2009/kn.-FUn. XobXn 24-10-2009 (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 924/2009).

42. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 8/2010/D.-hnh. XobXn 5-1-2010 (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 39/2010).


43. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 13/2010/s]m.-hn-h. XobXn 15-1-2010 (Fkv.- B¿.

H. \º¿ 61/2010).

44. `mcXv `h≥ skmssk‰n Hm^v tIc-f -bpsS 2002-03, 2003-04,2004-05 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ Unte tÉvsa‚ v


45. tIcf t^mIvtem¿ A°m-Z -an -bpsS 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

46. tIcf kwKoX \mSI A°m-Z-an-bpsS 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v

Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

47. tIcf k¿∆-Iemime-bpsS 2008-09˛se hm¿jnI IW-°p-Iƒ.

48. sshtem-∏n-≈n kwkvIrXn `hs‚ 2008-09˛se `cW dnt∏m¿´v.

49. tIcf kwÿm\ k¿∆-hn-⁄m\tImi C≥Ãn-‰-yq -´ns‚ 2008-09h¿jsØ `cW dnt∏m¿´v.

50. hmkvXp-hn-Zym Kpcp-Ip-e-Øns‚ 2008-09˛se `cW dnt∏m¿´v.

51. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 60414//C.1/2006/tlmw. XobXn 3-4-2007(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 315/2007) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

52. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 927/2007/tlmw. XobXn 3-4-2007 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 351/2007) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

53. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 1081/2007/tlmw. XobXn 19-4-2007(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 389/2007) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

54. Pn. -H (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 2845/2009/tlmw. XobXn 24-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 776/2009).

55. Pn. -H . (FwFkv.) \º¿ 133/2009/tlmw. XobXn 21-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 832/2009).

56. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 2925/2009/tlmw. XobXn 3-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 834/2009).

57. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 8614//kn.1/2009/hnPv. XobXn 14-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 847/2009).

58. k.-D. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 154/2009/B`y-¥-cw. XobXn 1-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 852/2009).

59. k.-D. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 165/2009/B`y-¥-cw. XobXn 20-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 879/2009).


60. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3188/2009/tlmw. XobXn 29-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 910/2009).

61. Pn. -H . (FwFkv.) \º¿ 115/2009/tlmw. XobXn 25-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 915/2009).

62. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3221/2009/tlmw. XobXn 31-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 919/2009).

63. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3210/2009/tlmw. XobXn 30-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 951/2009).

64. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3326/2009/tlmw. XobXn 10-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 952/2009).

65. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 182/2009/tlmw. XobXn 18-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 961/2009).

66. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 183/2009/tlmw. XobXn 18-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 962/2009).

67. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3581/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1033/2009).

68. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 10967//kn.1/2009/hnPv. XobXn 17-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1079/2009).

69. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3694/2009/tlmw. XobXn 11-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1084/2009).

70. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 5/2010/tlmw. XobXn 1-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 13/2010).

71. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 6538/Fkv.-F-kv.F.5/2010/tlmw. XobXn

27-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 71/2010).

72. SqdnÃv dntkm¿´vkv (tI-cf) enan -‰ -Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-I-fpw. UntetÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

73. tIcf Sqdnkw sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-td -js‚ (sI. -Sn . -Un. -kn.)

2008-09˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-I-fpw.

74. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 1/1/sI.-C.-B¿.kn.2009/VII XobXn 29-9-2009.

75. Pn.- H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 11/2009/]n.Un. XobXn 3-10-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 824/2009).


76. tIcf kwÿm\ ]cn-h¿ØnX ssIkvXh ip]m¿inX hn`mK hnI-k\

tIm¿∏-td-js‚ 1996-97˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

77. tIcf kwÿm\ ]´n-I-PmXn˛]´n-I-h¿§ hnI-k\ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-

Uns‚ 2006-07˛-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

78. tIcf kwÿm\ ]nt∂m° hn`mK IΩo-js‚ 2006-07˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

79. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 35/2009/F®v . -F -kv .Pn . XobXn 19-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 968/2009).

80. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 50/2009/F v&-U-_vf-yp.-F¬.Un. XobXn 25-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1010/2009).

81. k. D. (]n) \º¿ 51/2009/h\w. XobXn 26-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 1013/2009).

82. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 53/2009/ F^v& -U-_vf -yp . -F¬.Un. XobXn

16-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1066/2009).

83. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 54/2009/ F^v& -U-_vf -yp . -F¬.Un. XobXn

17-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1074/2009).

84. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 55/2009/F v&-U-_vf-yp.-F¬.Un. XobXn 18-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1076/2009).

85. k. D. (]n) \º¿ 150/2008/Irjn. XobXn 22-9-2008 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 1027/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

86. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 177/2008/F.-Un. Xob-Xn 17-10-2008 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 1135/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

87. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 4823//Un.1/2009/F^v & kn.-F-kv.Un. XobXn

21-5-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 499/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

88. Pn. -H. ( -FwFkv.) \º¿ 7/2009/kn.F. -Un. Xob-Xn 25-8-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 722/2009).

89. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 163/2009/F.-Un. Xob-Xn 7-9-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 737/2009).

90. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13674/Un.1/2009/F v. & kn.-F-kv.Un. XobXn

29-10-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 912/2009).

91. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13674/Un.1/2009/F v. & kn.-F-kv.Un. XobXn

17-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 971/2009).


92. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 209/2009/F.-Un. Xob-Xn 25-11-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 1028/2009).

93. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13674//Un.1/2009/F v & kn.-F-kv.Un. XobXn

8-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1085/2009).

94. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(1)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1103/2009).

95. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(2)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1104/2009).

96. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(3)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1105/2009).

97. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(4)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1106/2009).

98. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(5)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1107/2009).

99. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(6)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1108/2009).

100. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(7)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1109/2009).

101. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13962/kn.F1/2009(8)/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn

22-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1110/2009).

102. ao‰v t]mUIvSvkv Hm^v C¥ym enan-‰-Uns‚ 2004-05-se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

103. tIcf ssehv tÃm°v sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v t_m¿Uv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2005-06˛sehm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

104. tIcf ^oUvkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

105. tIcf ^oUvkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

106. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 109/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn 17-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 704/2009).

107. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 139/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn 6-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 704/2009˛s‚ Xncp-Øv).

108. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 110/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn 17-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 705/2009).


109. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 154/2009/‰n.-Un. XobXn 24-8-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 710/2009).

110. Pn.- H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 118/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 27-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 720/2009).

111. Pn.- H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 121/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 730/2009).

112. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 160/2009/‰n.-Un. XobXn 10-9-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 739/2009).

113. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1298/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 26-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 756/2009).

114. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1299/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 757/2009).

115. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1373/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 10-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 768/2009).

116. Pn.- H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 134/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 7-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 840/2009).

117. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 135/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 7-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 841/2009).

118. Pn . -H . (FwFkv.) \º¿ 172/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 7-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 844/2009).

119. Pn.-H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 136/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 9-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 846/2009).

120. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1087/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 857/2009).

121. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1093/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 858/2009).

122. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1094/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 859/2009).

123. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1106/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 860/2009).

124. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1113/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 861/2009).


125. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1356/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 8-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 862/2009).

126. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1368/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 10-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 863/2009).

127. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1085/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 885/2009, 886/2009, 887/2009).

128. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1088/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 888/2009).

129. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1091/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 889/2009).

130. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1107/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 890/2009).

131. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1108/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 891/2009).

132. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1112/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 892/2009).

133. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1131/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 31-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 893/2009, 894/2009, 895/2009).

134. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1254/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 896/2009).

135. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1255/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 897/2009).

136. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1257/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 898/2009).

137. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1259/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 899/2009).

138. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1357/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 8-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 900/2009).

139. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1358/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 8-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 901/2009).

140. Pn . -H . (]n) \º¿ 187/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 29-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 903/2009).


141. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 189/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 2-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 913/2009).

142. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 190/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 2-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 914/2009).

143. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 191/2009/‰n.-Un. XobXn 4-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 916/2009).

144. Pn . -H . (]n) \º¿ 142/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 20-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 938/2009).

145. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1739/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 6-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 939/2009, 940/2009).

146. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1730/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 6-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 941/2009, 942/2009).

147. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1780/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 12-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 946/2009).

148. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1740/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 6-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 954/2009, 955/2009).

149. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 206/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 19-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 963/2009).

150. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1783/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 16-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 979/2009, 980/2009).

151. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1086/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 986/2009, 987/2009).

152. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1090/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 988/2009, 989/2009).

153. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1105/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 990/2009, 991/2009).

154. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1110/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 992/2009, 993/2009).

155. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1258/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 994/2009, 995/2009.

156. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1349/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 7-9-2009( -F-kv. - B¿. H. \º¿ 996/2009, 997/2009, 998/2009, 999/2009, 1000/2009, 1001/2009).


157. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1352/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 7-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1002/2009, 1003/2009, 1004/2009, 1005/2009).

158. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1365/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 9-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1006/2009).

159. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1369/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 10-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1007/2009).

160. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1370/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 10-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1008/2009, 1009/2009).

161. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 159/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 24-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1012/2009).

162. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 212/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 30-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1023/2009).

163. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1949/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 9-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1056/2009).

164. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 227/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 15-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1060/2009).

165. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 174/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 16-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1062/2009).

166. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 167/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 15-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1068/2009).

167. k.D. (I-sø-gpØv) \º¿ 166/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 15-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1069/2009).

168. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 229/2009/‰n.-Un. XobXn 17-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 1072/2009).

169. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1109/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1090/2009, 1091/2009, 1092/2009, 1093/2009).

170. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 233/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 22-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1094/2009).

171. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 234/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 22-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1095/2009).

172. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 170/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn 16-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1099/2009).


173. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1953/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 11-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1100/2009).

174. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1969/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 14-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1101/2009).

175. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 238/2009/‰n . -Un . XobXn 23-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1111/2009).

176. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1095/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1124/2009, 1125/2009, 1126/2009).

177. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1111/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1127/2009, 1128/2009, 1129/2009, 1130/2009).

178. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1253/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1131/2009).

179. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1256/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 20-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1132/2009, 1133/2009, 1134/2009, 1135/2009,1136/2009, 1137/2009, 1138/2009, 1139/2009).

180. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1366/2009/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 9-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1140/2009, 1141/2009, 1142/2009, 1143/2009).

181. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 2/2010/‰n.-Un. XobXn 1-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿


182. Pn.-H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2025/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 24-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 4/2010, 5/2010).

183. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 8/2010/‰n.Un. XobXn 8-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿


184. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 13/2010/‰n.-Un. XobXn 16-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 45/2010).

185. tIcf Bt´m-dn£m sXmgn-emfn t£a-\n[n ]≤-Xn-bpsS 2004-05,2005-06 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse `c-W BUn‰v dnt∏m¿´pIƒ Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

186. tIcf Npa-´p -sXm-gn -emfn t£a t_m¿Uns‚ 2004-05, 2005-06,2006-07, 2007-08 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse ]h¿Ø\ dnt∏m¿´pw, HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´pw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.


187. tIcf C≥Ãn-‰ -yq´ v Hm^v te_¿ & Fwtπm-bvsa‚ ns‚ (In -se)

2005-06-se `cW dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

188. tIcf kwÿm\ Iip-h≠n hnI-k\ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚

2005-06-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v


189. tIcf Xø¬ sXmgn-em-fn- t£a\n[n t_m¿Uns‚ 2006-07˛se `cW

dnt∏m¿´pw HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´pw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

190. tIcf sXmgn -em -fn - t£-a -\n[n t_m¿Uns‚ 2006-07˛se `cW

Hm-Un‰v dnt∏m¿´pIƒ Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

191. tIcf tjm∏vkv B‚ v Ita-gvky¬ FÃ-m-_v-fn-jvsa‚ vkv sXmgn-emfn

t£a-\n[n t_m¿Uns‚ 2007-08-˛se hm¿jnI `cW dnt∏m¿´v Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

192. dolm-_n-en-t‰-j≥ πmt‚-j≥kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se hm¿jnI


193. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 54/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 10-9-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 761/2009).

194. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 55/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 22-9-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 765/2009).

195. Pn. - H.(B¿Sn.) \º¿ 337/2009/KXm -KXw. XobXn 23-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 771/2009).

196. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 369/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 20-10-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 871/2009).

197. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 62/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 13-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 947/2009).

198. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 63/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 13-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 948/2009).

199. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 64/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 21-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿.

H. \º¿ 974/2009).

200. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 407/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 26-11-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1015/2009).

201. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 429/2009/KXm -KXw. XobXn 10-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1082/2009).


202. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 1/2010/KXm-KXw. XobXn 6-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 16/2010).

203. tIcf tÉv tdmUv Sm≥kvt]m¿´v tIm¿∏-td-js‚ 2005-06- se HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

204. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 914/F®v2/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn 3-2-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 128/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

205. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 17721/F®v2/2009/]n. -U-_vf -yp .Un. XobXn

25-8-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 742/2009).

206. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 20052/Un.1/2008/s]m.-a.h. XobXn 14-8-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 753/2009).

207. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 17582/F®v1/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn 3-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 754/2009).

208. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 14770/Un.3/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn 15-9-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 766/2009).

209. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 23932/F®v2/2009/]n. -U-_vf -yp .Un. XobXn

21-11-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1035/2009).

210. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 24823/F®v1/2009/]n. -U-_vf -yp .Un. XobXn

8-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1144/2009).

211. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 27067/F®v2/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

11-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1149/2009).

212. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 27068/F®v2/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

11-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 2/2010).

213. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 26528/F®v2/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

11-12-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 6/2010).

214. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 16986/Un1/2009/]n.-U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn 21-12-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 32/2010).

215. ]Jym -]\w \º¿ 18241/F3/2009/sF.Un. XobXn 13-8-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 695/2009).

216. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 32088/F3/2009/sF.Un. XobXn 9-12-2009(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1063/2009).

217. tIcf tÉv UKvkv & ^m¿a-k-yq-´n-°¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 1998-99,1999-2000 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p -Iƒ Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.


218. lm≥Un-Im^v‰vkv sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-td-j≥ Hm^v tIcf enan-‰-

Uns‚ 2003-04-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v


219. tIcf JmZn & hnt√Pv C≥U-kvSokv t_m¿Uns‚ 2004-05˛se HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

220. tIcf kwÿm\ ssIØdn hnI-k\ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan -‰ -Uns‚

2005-06˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v


221. tIcf Km¿sa‚ vkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2006-07-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w

IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

222. BkvS¬ hm®kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2006-07, 2007-08 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

223. Smh≥Iq¿ kna‚ vkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v

Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

224. tIcf kwÿm\ hy-h-kmb hnI-k\ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚

2007-2008-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

225. ae-_m¿ kna‚ vkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

226. bpssW-‰Uv Ce-IvSn-°¬ C≥U-kvSokv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

227. tIcf I¨kvS-£≥ Iwt]m-W‚ vkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

228. tIcf tÉv Ce-IvtSm-WnIvkv sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-

Uns‚ (sI¬tSm¨) 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿ v Unte tÉvsa‚ v


229. koXmdmw sSIvÃ-bn¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v

Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

230. sa‰¬ C≥U-kvSokv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v-.

231. Ão¬ & C≥U-kvSob¬ t^m¿PnwKvkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw.

232. Ão¬ tImwπIvkv enan-‰Uns‚ 2008-09-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

233. tIcf t¢bvkv & kndm-anIvkv s]mUIvSvkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.


234. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 137/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 20-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 623/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

235. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 138/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 20-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 624/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

236. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 139/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 22-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 632/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

237. k.- D. (]n) \º¿ 165/2009/Xk-z`-h. XobXn 25-8-2009.

238. Pn. -H. (Fw-F-kv.) \º¿ 168/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 28-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 751/2009).

239. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 177/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 15-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 814/2009).

240. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 189/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 26-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 821/2009).

241. Pn. -H. (FwF-k. v) \º¿ 188/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 26-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 845/2009).

242. Pn. -H. (FwF-k.v) \º¿ 192/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 12-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 869/2009).

243. Pn. -H. (Fw-F-k.v) \º¿ 194/2009/Xk-z`-h. XobXn 13-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 870/2009).

244. Pn. -H. (Fw-F-k.v) \º¿ 199/2009/Xk-z`-h. XobXn 19-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 878/2009).

245. Pn. -H. (FwF-k.v) \º¿ 197/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 19-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 882/2009).

246. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 198/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 19-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 883/2009).

247. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fk.v) \º¿ 204/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 31-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 935/2009).

248. k. -D. (A) \º¿ 216/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 17-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 959/2009).

249. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 210/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 11-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 970/2009).

250. k. -D. (A®Sn) \º¿ 229/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 28-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1014/2009).


251. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 220/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 18-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1026/2009).

252. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 224/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 23-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1042/2009).

253. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 226/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 24-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1051/2009).

254. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 228/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 26-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1052/2009).

255. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 230/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 28-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1053/2009).

256. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fk.v) \º¿ 231/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 28-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1054/2009).

257. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 237/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 3-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1057/2009).

258. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 238/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 3-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1058/2009).

259. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 239/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 3-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1059/2009).

260. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fk.v) \º¿ 249/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 16-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1070/2009).

261. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 246/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 14-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1080/2009).

262. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 240/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 8-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1083/2009).

263. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 248/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 15-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1102/2009).

264. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 242/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 10-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1115/2009).

265. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 243/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 10-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1116/2009).

266. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 251/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 19-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1117/2009).


267. Pn. -H . (Fw -Fk. v ) \º¿ 2/2010/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 1-1-2010(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 34/2010).

268. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fk.v) \º¿ 258/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 30-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 40/2010).

269. tZiob KmaoW sXmgn-ep-d∏p ]≤-Xn- (tI-c-fw)˛bpsS 2007-08 -˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Un-te -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

270. tZiob KmaoW sXmgn-ep-d∏p ]≤Xn (tIc-fw)˛bpsS 2008-09 -˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

271. hnim-e-sIm®n hnI-k\ AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI `cW

dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

272. Xt± -i -k- z -bw` -cW ÿm]-\ -߃°m-bp≈ Hmw_p -Uvkvams‚

2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

273. t\m´n -^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 20884/Pn.U_vfyq1/05/U_vf-yq. -B¿. -Un.

XobXn 22-8-2005 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 792/2005) Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v


274. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 58/2005/U_vf-yq. -B¿.-Un. XobXn 19-11-2005(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1021/2005) Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

275. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 48/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿.-Un. XobXn 29-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 904/2009).

276. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 53/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿.-Un. XobXn 28-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1027/2009).

277. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 60/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 8-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1047/2009).

278. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 32297/kn.-F.Un. 1/2009/U_vf-yq.-B¿.-Un.

XobXn 16-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 47/2010).

279. tIcf Umw tk^v‰n AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2006-07, 2007-08 F∂o h¿j-

ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pIƒ Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

280. tIcf Umw tk^v‰n AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

281. Iam≥Uv Gcnb sUh-e-]vsa‚ v AtXm-dn‰n (Im-U) bpsS 2006-07,2007-08 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI IW-°p-Iƒ Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v


282. Pn. -H. (Fw-F-kv.) \º¿ 332/2009/ -B¿. -Un. XobXn 22-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 728/2009).


283. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 370/2009/ - dh -\ -y q . XobXn 24-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 836/2009).

284. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 442/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 11-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1049/2009).

285. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 410/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 8-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 850/2009).

286. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 444/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 12-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 850/2009s‚ XncpØv).

287. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 443/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 12-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 945/2009).

288. k. -D. (]n) \º¿ 469/2005/ - dh. XobXn 21-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 985/2009).

289. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 5/2010/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 2-1-2010(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 7/2010).

290. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 59/2010/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 7-1-2010(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 33/2010).

291. io IqS¬am-Wn-Iyw tZh-k-z-Øns‚ 2008-se `cW dnt∏m¿´v.

292. Kpcq-hm-bq¿ tZh-k-z-Øns‚ 2008-se `cW dnt∏m¿´v.

293. tIcf tÉv shb¿ luknwKv tIm¿∏-td-js‚ 2005-06˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

294. tIcf Im¿jnI k¿∆-I-em-im-e-bpsS 2008-09- se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw


295. tÉv ^manwKv tIm¿∏-td-j≥ Hm^v tIcf enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09 -˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

296. Hmbn¬]mw C¥ym enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

297. Zn πmt‚j≥ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ Hm^v tIcf enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

298. tIcf AtKm -sa-jo\dn tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan -‰ -Uns‚ (KAMCO)

2008-09-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

299. tIcf kwÿm\ I¿jI ISm-i-zmk IΩo-js‚ 2008-09- se hm¿jnI


300. tIcf kwÿm\ I¿jI ISm-i- zm -k- I-Ωo -js‚ 31-3-2009 - ˛¬

Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v.


301. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 162/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 14-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 741/2009).

302. Pn.- H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 60/2009/ -F^v & ]n.-Un. XobXn 31-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 820/2009).

303. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 183/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 26-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 881/2009).

304. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 216/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 2-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1036/2009).

305. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 218/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 4-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1039/2009).

306. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 224/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 14-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1073/2009).

307. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 230/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 18-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1077/2009).

308. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 231/2009/ - ‰ n . -Un . XobXn 18-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1078/2009).

309. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 17155 /Pn.-1/2009/F®v B‚ v F v U_vf-yq.-Un.

XobXn 26-8-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 718/2009, 719/2009).

310. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 49/2009/Fkv.U_vf-yq. Un. XobXn 2-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 917/2009).

311. tIcf h\nXm IΩo-j-s‚ 2008-09-˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v.

312. k. -D. (B¿-Sn . ) \º¿ 931/2009/hyh. XobXn 17-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 640/2009).

313. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 123/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 687/2009).

314. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 122/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 688/2009).

315. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 113/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 16-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 689/2009).

316. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 133/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 692/2009).

317. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 124/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 700/2009).


318. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 135/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 14-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 706/2009).

319. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 139/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 707/2009).

320. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 140/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 708/2009).

321. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 125/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 711/2009).

322. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 126/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 712/2009)

323. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 142/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 713/2009).

324. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 149/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 714/2009).

325. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 145/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 25-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 721/2009).

326. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 146/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 25-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 733/2009).

327. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 151/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 16-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 747/2009).

328. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 148/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 31-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 758/2009).

329. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 150/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 10-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 759/2009).

330. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 149/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 8-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 763/2009).

331. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 154/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 22-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 764/2009).

332. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 152/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 779/2009).

333. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 115/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 22-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 815/2009).


334. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 153/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 816/2009).

335. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 1/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 2-1-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 819/2009).

336. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 158/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 24-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 825/2009).

337. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 159/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 24-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 826/2009).

338. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 160/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 24-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 827/2009).

339. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 161/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 24-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 828/2009).

340. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 162/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 25-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 829/2009).

341. Pn.- H. (Fw.-F-kv.) \º¿ 156/2009/tIm˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 23-9-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 839/2009).

342. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 173/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-10-.2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 842/2009).

343. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 174/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 843/2009).

344. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 164/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 6-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 853/2009).

345. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 165/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 6-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 854/2009).

346. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 168/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 855/2009).

347. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 166/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 856/2009).

348. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 167/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 905/2009).

349. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 171/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 906/2009).


350. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 172/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 907/2009).

351. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 176/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 14-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 908/2009)..

352. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 178/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 20-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 909/2009).

353. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 180/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 29-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 920/2009).

354. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 175/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 12-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 925/2009).

355. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 179/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 27-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 926/2009).

356. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 193/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 960/2009).

357. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 183/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 10-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 964/2009).

358. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 188/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 13-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 965/2009).

359. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 191/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 966/2009).

360. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 187/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 13-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 967/2009).

361. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 186/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 13-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 973/2009).

362. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 192/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 975/2009).

363. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 196/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 976/2009).

364. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 200/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 977/2009).

365. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 201/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 978/2009).


366. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 197/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1016/2009).

367. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 198/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1017/2009).

368. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 199/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1018/2009).

369. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 202/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1019/2009).

370. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 204/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1020/2009).

371. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 203/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1031/2009).

372. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 194/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1037/2009).

373. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 206/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 21-11-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1038/2009).

374. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 169/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-10-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1044/2009).

375. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 209/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 2-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1048/2009).

376. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 213/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1061/2009).

377. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 212/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 9-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1087/2009).

378. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 223/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 23-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1112/2009).

379. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 216/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1118/2009).

380. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 217/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1119/2009).

381. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 220/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 22-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 1145/2009).


382. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 2/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 4-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 9 /2010).

383. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 226/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 26-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 11/2010).

384. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 219/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 22-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 12/2010).

385. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 218/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 24/2010).

386. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 225/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 26-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 25/2010).

387. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 228/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 30-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 26/2010).

388. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 222/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 23-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 27/2010).

389. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 227/2009/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 28-12-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 28/2010).

390. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 4/2010/tIm˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 5-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 36/2010).

391. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 3/2010/tIm˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 5-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 37/2010).

392. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 5/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 11-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 42/2010).

393. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 6/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 11-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 43/2010).

394. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 7/2010/tIm˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 12-1-2010 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 46/2010).

395. tIcf kwÿm\ Ib¿ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan -‰ -Uns‚ 2006-07 -˛se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

396. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 161/2009/‰n.Un., XobXn 14-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 740/2009).

397. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 366/2009/^n≥, XobXn 28-8-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 755/2009).


398. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 42650/AUvan≥.-F1/2009/^n≥ XobXn 19-9-2009.(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 762/2009).

399. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 365/2009/^n≥. XobXn 28-8-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 767/2009).

400. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 158/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 9-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 769/2009).

401. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 165/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 18-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 770/2009).

402. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 168/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 26-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 808/2009).

403. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 169/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 29-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 811/2009).

404. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 170/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 29-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 812/2009).

405. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 421/2009/^n≥. XobXn 30-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 817/2009).

406. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 413/2009/^n≥. XobXn 25-9-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 837/2009).

407. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 178/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 24-10-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 876/2009).

408. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 179/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 24-10-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 877/2009).

409. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 182/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 26-10-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 880/2009)

410. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 456/2009/^n≥. XobXn 19-10-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 918/2009).

411. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 197/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 5-11-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 922/2009).

412. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 196/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 5-11-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 923/2009).

413. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 198/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 9-11-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 928/2009).


414. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 208/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 21-11-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 972/2009).

415. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 209/2009/\nh.. XobXn 21-11-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 984/2009).

416. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 210/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 25-11-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1022/2009).

417. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 213/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 30-11-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1024/2009).

418. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 214/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 30-11-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1025/2009).

419. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 215/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 30-11-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1029/2009).

420. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 235/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 22-12-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1096/2009).

421. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 236/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 22-12-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1097/2009).

422. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 242/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 28-12-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1120/2009).

423. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 246/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 31-12-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 1146/2009).

424. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 04/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 1-1-2010. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 08/2010).

425. tem°¬ ^≠v HmUn‰v hIp -∏ns‚ 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05,2005-06 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse kam-lrX HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´p-I-fpsS


426. tem°¬ ^≠v HmUn‰v hIp-∏ns‚ 2006-07-se kam-lrX HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

427. tIcf tÉv ^n\m≥j-y¬ F‚¿ss]-kkv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2007-08-se

hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

428. tIcf ^n\m≥j-y¬ tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚ 31-3-2009-¬ Ah-km-

\n® h¿jsØ IW-°p-I-fn¬taep≈ kn & F.-Pn. -bpsS HmUn‰v



429. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 15039/F 2/2008/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 9-12-2008(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 1257/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v klnXw.

430. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 6725/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 1-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 724/2009).

431. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 21/2009/\nbaw. XobXn 29-8-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 734/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v klnXw.

432. k.-D.( -Fw-F-k. v) \º¿ 183/2009/s]m. -hn. -h. XobXn 15-9-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 745/2009).

433. Pn. -H.( -Fw-F-kv.) \º¿ 184/2009/s]m. -hn. -h. XobXn 15-9-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 746/2009).

434. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 6435/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 8-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 749/2009).

435. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 7097/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 7-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 750/2009).

436. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 6011/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 1-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 772/2009).

437. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 7474/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 30-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 773/2009).

438. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 8085/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 30-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 774/2009)

439. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 8686/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 19-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 831/2009).

440. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 23/2009/\nbaw. XobXn 5-10-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 833/2009).

441. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 9180/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 25-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 866/2009).

442. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 9671/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 7-9-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 868/2009).

443. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 5379/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 7-9-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 874/2009).

444. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 9632/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 7-9-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 911/2009).


445. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 11093/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 14-10-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 921/2009).

446. Pn.-H. (]n) \º¿ 25/2009/\nbaw. XobXn 5-10-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 931/2009).

447. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 10517/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 6-10-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 943/2009).

448. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 10480/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 6-10-2009(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 944/2009).

449. hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ 12095/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 2-11-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 981/2009).

450. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 11819/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 28-10-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 1040/2009).

451. Pn. - H. (B¿-Sn .) \º¿ 1075/2009/\nbaw. XobXn 2-12-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 1045/2009).

452. ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 13535/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 7-12-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 1050/2009).

453. Pn. - H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 179/2009/\nbaw. XobXn 15-12-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 1065/2009).

454. tIcf tÉv amcnssSw sUh-e-]vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚

2003-04, 2004-05 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´p -Iƒ

Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

455. Xncp -h -\ -¥-]pcw Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o -kkv AtXm -dn -‰ n -bpsS

2007-08 -˛se HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

456. Be-∏pg Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2007-08- se HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

457. ]Ø-\w-Xn´ Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2007-08 -˛se

HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

458. Fd-Wm-Ipfw Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2007-08 -˛se

HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

459. Imk¿tKmUv Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2007-08 -˛se

HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

460. CSp°n Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2008-09-˛se HmUn‰v



461. ae-∏pdw Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆o-kkv AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2008-09- se HmUn‰v


462. tIcf AU-z -t°‰vkv ¢m¿°vkv sh¬^-b¿ ^≠v IΩn -‰n -bpsS

2007-08, 2008-09 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v Unte

-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

463. sIm¶¨ sdbn¬th tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09 - se hm¿jnI


464. 2008˛se tIcf s\¬h-b¬ XÆo¿ØS kwc-£W BIvSns‚ Fdm‰w

(2008 -˛se 28-˛mw BIvSns‚ Xncp-ج).

465. 2009 -˛se tIcf Hgn-∏n-°¬ \S-]-Sn-Iƒ Xm¬°m-enI \n¿Øn-h-bv°¬

(t`Z-K-Xn) BIvSv (2009 -˛se 27-˛mw BIvSv).

466. Zn tIcf tSmUn h¿t°gvkv sh¬s -b¿ ^≠v (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) BIvSv,

2009 (2009 -˛se 28-˛mw BIvSv).

467. Zn tIcf em‚ v I¨sk¿h≥kn (A-sa‚ vsa‚ v) BIvS v , 2009(2009 -˛se 29-˛mw BIvSv).

468. 2009 -˛se tIcf ap\nkn-∏m-en‰n (t`-Z-K-Xn) BIvSv (2009 -˛se 30 -˛mw


469. 2009 -˛se tIcf ]©m-bØv cmPv (t`-Z-K-Xn) BIvSv (2009 -˛se 31 -˛mw


470. 2009- se tIcf h\w (]-cn-ÿnXn imkvX-]-c-ambn Zp¿∫-e-amb `q]-tZ-

i-ß-fpsS \n£n-]vX-am-°epw Imc-y-I¿Xr-Xzw \S-Øn-∏pw) t`-Z-K-Xn

BIvSv, (2009 -˛se 32-˛mw BIvSv).

471. 2009-˛se ]ºm \Zo-XSw AtXm-dn‰n BIvSv (2009-˛se 33 -˛mw BIvSv).

The following papers were relaid on the Table :

472. Xncp-ج ]J-ym-]\w \º¿ 13292/Un.2/2008/KXm-KXw. Xob-Xn

6-6-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 1159/2008˛s‚ Xncp-Øv).

473. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 6931//Un.2/2008/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 22-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 645/2009).

474. Pn. - H. ( -FwF-kv.) \º¿ 177/2009/Pn.F.-Un. XobXn 29-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 658/2009).

475. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 60/2009/D.-hnh. XobXn 12-6-2009. (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 503/2009).

476. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 2/2009/kn.-F.Un. XobXn 12-6-2009. (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 586/2009).


477. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 3/2009/kn.-F.-Un.XobXn 7-7-2009. (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 619/2009).

478. k.- D. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 161/2009/s]m.hn.h. XobXn 4-8-2009.

479. k.- D. (km[m.) \º¿ 1849/2009/s]m.hn.h. XobXn 14-5-2009.

480. Pn. - H. ( -FwFkv) \º¿ 36/2009/tlmw. XobXn 25-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 315/2009).

481. Pn. - H. ( -FwFkv) \º¿ 61/2009/tlmw. XobXn 14-5-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 541/2009).

482. Pn. H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1844/2009/tlmw. XobXn 29-6-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 546/2009, 547/2009).

483. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1850/2009/tlmw. XobXn 30-6-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 548/2009).

484. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1851/2009/tlmw. XobXn 30-6-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 549/2009, 550/2009).

485. Pn. -H . ( -B¿Sn .) \º¿ 1569/2009/tlmw. XobXn 5-6-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 552/2009, 553/2009, 554/2009, 555/2009, 556/2009, 557/2009, 558/2009, 559/2009).

486. Pn.- H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1862/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 560/2009).

487. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn .) \º¿ 1863/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 561/2009).

488. Pn.- H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1864/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿.

H. \º¿ 562/2009, 563/2009, 564/2009, 565/2009, 566/2009).

489. Pn.- H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1865/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿.

H. \º¿ 567/2009)

490. t\m´n^nt°j≥ \º¿ 4662/kn1/2009/hnPv. XobXn 10-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 601/2009).

491. Pn.- H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2047/2009/tlmw. XobXn 14-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 605/2009, 606/2009).

492. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2329/2009/tlmw. XobXn 5-8-2009. (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 665/2009, 666/2009).


493. t\m´n^nt°j≥ \º¿ 36475/Fkv.Fkv.F.2/2009/tlmw. XobXn

7-8-2009 (Fkv. B¿. H. \º¿ 669/2009)

494. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2373/2009/tlmw. XobXn 10-8-2009 (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 677/2009).

495. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2434/2009/tlmw. XobXn 14-8-2009 (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 680/2009).

496. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 2571/2009/tlmw. XobXn 25-8-2009 (Fkv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 715/2009).

497. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 72/2009/F^v&-U-_vf-yp. -F¬.Un. XobXn

12-2-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 146/2009)

498. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 32/2009/ F^v&-U-_vf-yp.-F¬.Un. XobXn 4-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 573/2009)

499. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 34/2009/F^v&-U-_vf-yp.-F¬.Un. XobXn 20-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 638/2009)

500. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 4293/kn.F2/2006/kn.-F-.Un. XobXn 3-2-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 134/2009).

501. Pn.H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 1/2009/kn. -F- .Un. XobXn 27-5-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 436/2009).

502. DØ-chv \º¿ 11443/Un1/2008/F^v & kn. -Fkv - .Un. XobXn

24-7-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 654/2009).

503. Pn. -H. ( -B¿.Sn) \º¿ 1818/2008/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 7-7-2008(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 39/2009, 40/2009, 41/2009, 42/2009, 43/2009,44/2009, 45/2009, 46/2009).

504. Pn.-H. (-]n) \º¿ 25/2009/sXmgn¬ .XobXn 25-2-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 186/2009).

505. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 480/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 28-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 39/2009˛s‚ XncpØv).

506. Pn. -H. (B¿Sn - .) \º¿ 804/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 12-6-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 482/2009).

507. Pn. -H . ( -]n) \º¿ 108/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 18-6-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 510/2009).

508. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 366/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 526/2009).


509. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 371/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 527/2009).

510. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 363/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 542/2009).

511. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 364/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 543/2009).

512. Pn. -H . ( -]n) \º¿ 85/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 3-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 574/2009).

513. k.D. (km-[m -c -W) \º¿ 925/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 2-7-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 577/2009).

514. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 380/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 578/2009, 579/2009, 580/2009, 581/2009).

515. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 314/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 4-3-2009(F-kv. - B¿. H. \º¿ 596/2009, 597/2009, 598/2009, 599/2009,600/2009).

516. Pn. -H. (-]n) \º¿ 124/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 14-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 602/2009).

517. Pn. -H. (-]n) \º¿ 125/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 14-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 603/2009).

518. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 126/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 14-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 604/2009).

519. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 936/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 6-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 615/2009).

520. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn - .) \º¿ 315/2009/F¬_n-B¿. XobXn 4-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 625/2009, 626/2009, 627/2009).

521. Pn. -H. ( -B¿Sn.) \º¿ 365/2009/F¬_nB¿. XobXn 17-3-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 628/2009, 629/2009, 630/2009, 631/2009).

522. Pn. -H. (-]n) \º¿ 82/2009/sXmgn¬ XobXn 2-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 641/2009).

523. Pn. -H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 100/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 23-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 643/2009).

524. Pn. -H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1071/2009/F¬_nB¿. XobXn 27-7-2009(F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 649/2009).


525. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 567/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 22-4-2009(Fkv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 650/2009, 651/2009).

526. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 140/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 31-7-2009 (F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 657/2009).

527. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 379/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 18-3-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 671/2009, 672/2009, 673/2009).

528. Pn. H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 106/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 10-8-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 674/2009).

529. Pn. H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1101/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H \º¿ 676/2009).

530. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 146/2009/‰n.Un. XobXn 14-8-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H

\º¿ 678/2009).

531. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 147/2009/‰n.Un. XobXn 14-8-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H

\º¿ 679/2009).

532. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 104/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn 10-8-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 681/2009).

533. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 42/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 14-7-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 608/2009).

534. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 50/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 14-8-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 682/2009).

535. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 52/2009/KXm-KXw. XobXn 14-8-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 683/2009).

536. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 9961/F®v2/2009/]n. -U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

8-6-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 480/2009).

537. t\m´n -^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 7406/Un3/2009/]n. -U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

9-7-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 614/2009).

538. t\m´n -^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 7830/Un1/2009/]n. -U-_vf-yp.Un. XobXn

5-7-2009 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 636/2009).

539. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 7844/F3/2009/sF.Un. XobXn 7-6-2009(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 467/2009).

540. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 71/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 2-5-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 528/2009).


541. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 116/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 25-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 570/2009).

542. Pn. -H. (Fw-Fkv.) \º¿ 115/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 25-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 583/2009).

543. k. -D. (A®Sn) \º¿ 135/2009/Xk-z` -h. XobXn 20-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 618/2009).

544. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 21/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 24-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 536/2009).

545. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 22/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿. -Un. XobXn 26-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 568/2009).

546. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 8702 /kn.-F.Un 1/2009/U_vf-yq. -B¿.-Un.

XobXn 2-7-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 576/2009).

547. Pn . -H . (Fw -Fkv .) \º¿ 68/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 3-2-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 142/2009).

548. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 226/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 20-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 525/2009).

549. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 248/2009/ - dh -\yq . XobXn 29-6-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 551/2009).

550. Pn. -H . (]n) \º¿ 273/2009/ -B¿. -Un . XobXn 15-7-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 609/2009).

551. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 120/2009/ -‰n.Un. XobXn 9-7-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 591/2009).

552. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 123/2009/-‰n.Un. XobXn 13-7-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 595/2009).

553. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 133/2009/-‰n.Un. XobXn 23-7-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H.

\º¿ 634/2009).

554. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 21661 /Pn.-1/2009/F®v B‚ v F v. U_vf-yq.-Un.

XobXn 10-6-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 498/2009).

555. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 19358 /Pn.-1/2009/F®v B‚ v F v. U_vf-yq.-Un.

XobXn 12-6-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 538/2009).

556. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 32903 /Pn.-1/2008/F®v B‚ v F v. U_vf-yq.-Un.

XobXn 8-7-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 653/2009).


557. t\m´n -^n -t°-j≥ \º¿ 32 /2009/Fkv. U_vf-yq - . Un. XobXn

17-8-2009 (F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 696/2009).

558. Pn. -H. (]n) \º¿ 33/2009/Fkv.- U-_vf-yq -Un. XobXn 17-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 697/2009).

559. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 34/2009/Fkv. -U-_vf-yq- Un. XobXn 17-8-2009(F-kv. -B¿. -H. \º¿ 698/2009).

560. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 27/2003/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 10-2-2003(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 136/2003).

561. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 8/2008/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 4-1-2008 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 118/2008).

562. Pn . H. (B¿.Sn) \º¿ 674/2009/sF. -Un . XobXn 5-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 481/2009).

563. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 91/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 3-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 493/2009).

564. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 80/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 1-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 515/2009).

565. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 82/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 1-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 516/2009).

566. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 93/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 3-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 517/2009).

567. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 94/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 3-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 518/2009).

568. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 95/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 3-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 519/2009).

569. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 96/2009/tIm- -Hm-]v. XobXn 3-6-2009 (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 520/2009).

570. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 100/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 8-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 521/2009).

571. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 102/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 10-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 522/2009).

572. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 92/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 3-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 531/2009).


573. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 105/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 532/2009).

574. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 106/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 18-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 533/2009).

575. Pn . H. (B¿-Sn . ) \º¿ 449/2009/sF-Un. XobXn 1-4-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 534/2009).

576. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 108/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 26-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 544/2009).

577. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 109/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 27-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 571/2009).

578. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 110/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 30-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 572/2009).

579. Pn . H. (B¿-Sn . ) \º¿ 814/2008/sF-Un. XobXn 26-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 622/2009).

580. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 115/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 22-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 659/2009).

581. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 127/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 1-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 660/2009).

582. Pn. H. (Fw-Fkv.v) \º¿ 121/2009/tIm-˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 28-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 664/2009).

583 Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 118/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 25-7-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 668/2009).

584. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 136/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 685/2009).

585. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 138/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 686/2009).

586. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 117/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 24-7 --2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 690/2009).

587. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 129/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 5-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 691/2009).

588. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 131/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 693/2009).


589. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 132/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 7-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 694/2009).

590. Pn . H. (]n) \º¿ 137/2009/tIm -˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 17-8-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 703/2009).

591. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 223/2009/^n≥. XobXn 9-6-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 523/2009).

592. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 261/2009/^n≥. XobXn 4-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 582/2009).

593. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 122/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 13-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 594/2009).

594. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 127/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 16-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 610/2009, 611/2009, 612/2009, 613/2009).

595. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 134/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 23-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 635/2009).

596. k.-D. (]n) \º¿ 132/2009/\n.h. XobXn 20-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 646/2009).

597. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 136/2009/‰nUn.. XobXn 24-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 652/2009).

598. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 153/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 21-8-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 701/2009).

599. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 16/2009/\nbaw XobXn 25-6-2009.

600. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 17/2009/\nbaw XobXn 7-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 584/2009).

601. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 19/2009/\nbaw XobXn 23-7-2009. (Fkv. -B¿. H.

\º¿ 633/2009).

602. t\m´n -^n -t°-j≥ \º¿ 1/Un/2009/sI¬k. XobXn 25-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 637/2009).

603. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 5413/F 2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 2-6-2009(Fkv. -B¿. H. \º¿ 656/2009).

March 11, 2010

604. Pn.H. (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3891/2009/tlmw. XobXn 28-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 10/2010).


605. Pn. H. (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 29/2010/tlmw. XobXn 4-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 15/2010).

606. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 5/2010/tlmw. XobXn 7-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 50/2010).

607. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 20/2010/tlmw. XobXn 20-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 54/2010).

608. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 5/2010/hnP v . XobXn 3-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 106/2010).

609. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ sI.F-kv.-C.-B¿.kn./11/sdKp-te-j≥/2009Xob-Xn 16-12-2009.

610. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 05/2010/F^v- . B‚ v U-ªyp. -F¬.Un XobXn

20-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 172/2010).

611. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 3/2010/knF-Un. XobXn 29-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 79/2010)

612. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 165/2009/F¬_n -B¿ XobXn

11-12-2009 (F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 1067/2009)

613. k. D. (ssI.) \º¿ 175/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 16-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 1098/2009)

614. k. D. (ssI.) \º¿ 177/2009/sXmgn¬. XobXn 28-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 3/2010)

615. k. D. (ssI.) \º¿ 5/2010/sXmgn¬. XobXn 8-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 44/2010)

616. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 18/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 23-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 60/2010)

617. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 8/2010/F¬_n -B¿. XobXn

21-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 65/2010)

618. Pn. H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 12/2010/sXmgn¬. XobXn 30-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 110/2010)

619. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 31/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 115/2010)

620. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 32/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv. -B¿.H.

\º¿ 116/2010).


621. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 33/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 117/2010).

622. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 34/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 4-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 118/2010) F-kv.-B¿.H. 402/2009-s‚ XncpØv.

623. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 35/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 119/2010) F-kv.-B¿.H. 510/2009-s‚ XncpØv.

624. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 15/2010/sXmgn¬. XobXn 6-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 147/2010).

625. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 11/2010/F¬_n -B¿. XobXn 29-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 148/2010).

626. Pn.H. (]n) \º¿ 11/2010/KXm-KXw. XobXn 15-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 155/2010).

627. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 10/2010/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 15-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 158/2010).

628. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 12/2010/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 22-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 186/2010).

629. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 28929/F®v2/2009/]n. -U-ªyp.Un. XobXn

22-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 108/2010).

630. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 101/2009/sFUn. XobXn 18-8-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 807/2009) Unte kt‰-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

631. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 7/2010/Xkz -`h. XobXn 12-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 41/2010).

632. Pn. H. (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 6/2010/Xkz -`h. XobXn 11-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 51/2010).

633. Pn. H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 16/2010/Xkz-`h. XobXn 20-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 63/2010).

634. Pn. H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 17/2010/Xkz-` -h. XobXn 22-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 82/2010).

635. Pn. H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 179/2009/Xkz-` -h. XobXn 17-9-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 120/2010).

636. Pn. H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 21/2010/Xkz-`h. XobXn 30-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 143/2010).


637. k. D. (A®Sn) \º¿ 28/2010/Xkz -`h. XobXn 9-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 145/2010).

638. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 66/2009/Uªyq -B¿Un. XobXn 31-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 35/2010).

639. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 41/2010/B¿Un. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 125/2010).

640. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 243/2009/‰nUn. XobXn 28-12-2009 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 1121/2009).

641. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 17/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 21-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 57/2010)

642. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 30/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 2-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 81/2010).

643. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 40/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 11-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 152/2010).

644. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 47/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 17-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 165/2010).

645. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 51/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 23-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 184/2010).

646. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 5537/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 11-2-2008 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 198/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


647. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 5948/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 12-2-2008 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 202/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


648. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 5954/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 15-2-2008 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 212/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


649. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 6184/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 19-3-2008 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 299/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


650. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 11459/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 27-3-2008 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 337/2008) Unte tÉvsa‚ v



651. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 1532/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 22-1-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 54/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


652. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 51179/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 22-1-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 55/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


653. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 282/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF vU-ªyp-Un. XobXn

28-1-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 85/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v klnXw.

654. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 3452/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 29-1-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 86/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


655. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 3304/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 28-1-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 87/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


656. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 3748/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 3-2-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H \º¿ 122/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


657. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 1374/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 3-2-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 123/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


658. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 587/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF vU-ªyp-Un. XobXn

3-2-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 124/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v klnXw.

659. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 3306/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 5-2-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 125/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


660. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 51172/Pn1/2008/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 9-2-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 135/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


661. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 26766/Pn1/2009/F®v-B‚ vF^vU-ªyp-Un.

XobXn 5-8-2009 (Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 670/2009) Unte tÉvsa‚ v


662. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 10/2010/FkvU-ªyp -Un. XobXn 11-2-2010(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 153/2010).

663. Pn. - H. (]n) \º¿ 11/2010/FkvU-ªyp-Un. XobXn 11-2-2010(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 154/2010).


664. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 184/2009/tIm˛ -Hm] v . XobXn 12-11-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 17/2010).

665. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 8/2010/tIm˛ -Hm] v . XobXn 21-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 72/2010).

666. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 16/2010/tIm˛ -Hm] v . XobXn 29-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 73/2010).

667. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 15/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 29-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 109/2010).

668. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 10/2010/tIm˛-Hm]v. XobXn 22-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 111/2010).

669. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 11/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 22-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 112/2010).

670. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 17/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 29-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 113/2010).

671. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 18/2010/tIm˛-Hm]v. XobXn 1-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 114/2010).

672. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 21/2010/tIm˛-Hm]v. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 149/2010).

673. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 23/2010/tIm˛-Hm]v. XobXn 5-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 157/2010).

674. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 19/2010/tIm˛-Hm]v. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 161/2010).

675. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 24/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 11-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 162/2010).

676. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 27/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 16-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 176/2010).

677. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 34/2010/tIm -Hm]v. XobXn 23-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 187/2010).

678. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 16/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 21-1-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 56/2010).

679. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 14/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 19-1-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 58/2010).


680. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 25/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 1-2-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 78/2010).

681. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 29/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 2-2-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 80/2010).

682. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 39/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 11-2-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 151/2010).

683. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 43/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 16-2-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H

\º¿ 159/2010).

684. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 46/2010/‰nUn. XobXn 17-2-2010 (Fkv.-B¿.H.

\º¿ 164/2010).

685. ]Jym-]\w \º¿ 13865/F2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 10-12-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 74/2010).

686. ]Jym-]\w \º¿ 14209/F2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 21-12-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 75/2010).

687. t\m´n- n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 13484/F2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 3-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 126/2010).

688. t\m´n- n-t°j≥ \º¿ 14113/F2/2009/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 21-12-2009(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 127/2010).

689. Pn. - H. ( -B¿Sn .) \º¿ 158/2010/\nb -aw . XobXn 23-2-2010(Fkv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 182/2010).

March 15, 2010

690. N´ßƒ kw -_-‘n® kanXn AwKw io. Bc-ym -S≥ apl-ΩZ v

kan-Xn-bp-sS Bdm-aXv dnt∏m¿´v tai-∏p-d-Øp-h®p.

March 24, 2010

691. Iw]vtSm -f¿ B‚ v HmUn -‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm^v C¥-y -bpsS tIcf

Kh¨sa‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2009 am¿®v 31-˛\v Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ

knhnepw sImta-g vk-yepw dnt∏m¿´pIƒ [\-Im-cy hIp -∏p -a¥n

tUm. tXmakv sFkIv tai-∏p-d-Øp-h®p.

March 25, 2010

692. Pn. -H . (FwF-kv .) \º¿ 5/2010/sF. -‰ n . -Un . XobXn 3-2-2010(F-kv.- B¿. -H. \º¿ 160/2010).


693. Pn. - H. (FwF-kv.) \º¿ 7/2010/sF.-‰n. -Un. XobXn 23-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 190/2010).

694. tIcf ]ªnIv k¿∆okv IΩo -js‚ 2005-06˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´pw AXn-t∑-ep≈ satΩm-dm-≠hpw Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

695. tIcf kvIqƒ Sot®gvkv & t\m¨ So®nwKv Ãm v sh¬ -b¿ tIm¿∏-td-

j≥ enan-‰-Uns‚ 2004-05- se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte-

tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

696. Pn. -H . (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 3582/2009/tlmw. XobXn 1-12-2009(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 1041/2009).

697. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 131/2010/tlmw. XobXn 12-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 38/2010).

698. Pn. - H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 19/2010/tlmw. XobXn 20-1-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 53/2010).

699. Pn. - H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 33/2010/tlmw. XobXn 1-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 107/2010).

700. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn .) \º¿ 606/2010/tlmw. XobXn 17-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 168/2010).

701. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 36475/Fkv.-F-kv.-F.2/2009/tlmw. XobXn

18-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 171/2010).

702. t_°¬ dntkm¿´vkv sUh-e-]vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-td-j≥ enan -‰ -Uns‚

2006-07 -˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v


703. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ sI.-F-kv.-C.-B¿.kn./2009/ XVII XobXn


704. tIcf tÉv ]h¿ & C≥^m-kvS-IvN¿ ^n\m≥kv tIm¿∏-td-j≥

enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09- se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿ v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

705. Pn.- H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 2/2010/F®v.-F-kv. -Pn. XobXn 16-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 185/2010)

706. tIcf tÉv luknwKv t_m¿Uns‚ 2005-06 -˛se HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´v

Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

707. k.- D. (ssI-sb-gp-Øv) \º¿ 147/2009/sXmgn¬ XobXn 26-10-2009(F-kv.-B¿.H. \º¿ 884/2009) Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.


708. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1089/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿. 83/2010, 84/2010, 85/2010, 86/2010, 87/2010, 88/2010, 89/2010, 90/2010).

709. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 1092/2009/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 28-7-2009(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 91/2010, 92/2010, 93/2010, 94/2010, 95/2010).

710. Pn. - H. (B¿-Sn . ) \º¿ 1323/2009/F¬. -_n. -B¿. XobXn

27-8-2009 (F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 96/2010, 97/2010, 98/2010, 99/2010,100/2010, 101/2010, 102/2010, 103/2010, 104/2010, 105/2010).

711. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 322/2010/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 23-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 196/2010).

712. Pn.- H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 263/2010/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 16-2-2010(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 243/2010).

713. Smh≥Iq¿ jptKgvkv & sIan-°¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09- -se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´p-w IW-°p-Ifpw Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

714. tIcf _oUn -˛ -Np -cp´ v sXmgn -emfn t£a-\n[n t_m¿Uns‚

2008-09- se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´pw Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v


715. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 14/2010/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 2-3-2010 (F-kv.B¿.-H.

\º¿ 221/2010).

716. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 15/2010/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 6-3-2010 (F-kv.B¿.-H.

\º¿ 222/2010).

717. tIcf Hmt´m-sam-ss_¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2006-07-se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿ v

Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

718. Smt°m tI_nƒ Iº\n enan-‰-Uns‚ 2006-07-˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v

Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

719. tIcf an\-d¬kv & sa‰¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´v Unte -tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

720. Smh≥Iq¿ sIm®n≥ sIan-°¬kv enan-‰-Uns‚ 2008-09 -˛se hm¿jnI

dnt∏m¿´v Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

721. Pn. - H. (FwFkv.) \º¿ 27/2010/Xkz -` -h. XobXn 8-2-2010(F-kv.B¿.-H. \º¿ 170/2010).

722. Pn. - H. (B¿Sn.) \º¿ 3162/2004/B¿.-Un. XobXn 17-8-2004(F-kv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 1071/2004) Unte- tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.


723. Pn.- H. (B¿-Sn.) \º¿ 3162/2004/B¿.-Un. XobXn 17-8-2004 (F-kv.-

B¿.-H. \º¿ 1072/2004) Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

724. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 24/2010/B¿.-Un. XobXn 23-1-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 64/2010).

725. io Iq-S¬am-Wn-Iyw tZh-k-z-Øns‚ 2005, 2006, 2007 F∂o h¿j-ß-

fnse `cW dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

726. tIcf Im¿jnI k¿∆-I-em-im-e-bpsS 2004-05 -˛se HmUn‰v dnt∏m¿´pw

IW-°p-Ifpw Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

727. tIcf Im¿jnI k¿∆-I-em-im-e-bpsS 2005-06- se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw

kw£n-]vX-cq-]hpw Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

728. tIcf AwK≥hmSn h¿t°gvkv & sl¬t∏gvkv t£a- \n-[n-bpsS

2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 F∂o h¿j-ß-fnse hm¿jnI

`cW dnt∏m¿´p-Iƒ Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

729. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 22/2010/tIm˛-Hm-]v. XobXn 4-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 146/2010).

730. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 26/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 16-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 175/2010).

731. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 30/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 19-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 177/2010).

732. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 28/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 16-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 180/2010).

733. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 29/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 16-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 181/2010).

734. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 32/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 20-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 192/2010).

735. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 33/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 22-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 193/2010).

736. Pn. H. (]n) \º¿ 37/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 23-2-2010 (F-kv.-B¿.-H.

\º¿ 194/2010).

737. Iw]vtSm -f¿ B‚ v HmUn -‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm^v C¥-y -bpsS tIcf

Kh¨sa‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2009 am¿®v 31-˛\v Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ

dnt∏m¿´v (kn-hn¬).

738. Iw]vtSm -f¿ B‚ v HmUn -‰¿ P\-d¬ Hm^v C¥-y -bpsS tIcf

Kh¨sa‚ns\ kw_-‘n® 2009 am¿®v 31-˛\v Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ

dnt∏m¿´v (hmWn-Py]cw).


739. io. Sn.- F. tPmk^v ^b¬ sNbvX tIknt∑¬ (\-º¿ 1157/06)tIcf temIm -bp -‡-bpsS ]tX-yI dnt∏m¿´ v FIvkvπt\-‰dn

satΩmdm≠w kln-Xw.

740. Pn.- H. (]n) \º¿ 2/2010/\nb-aw. XobXn 25-2-2010.

741. t\m´n-^n-t°-j≥ \º¿ 611/F2/2010/KXm-K-Xw. XobXn 23-1-2010(Fkv.-B¿.-H. \º¿ 173/2010).

742. tIcf kwÿm\ a\p-j-ym-h-Imi IΩo-js‚ 2008-09 -˛se HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´v Unte-tÃ-‰vsa‚ v kln-Xw.

March 30, 2010

743. Pn. H. ( -]n) \º¿ 3/2010/]n.& -F. -B¿.Un. XobXn 19-2-2010(F-kv.- B¿.- H. \º¿ 183/2010).

744. Pn. H. ( -FwFkv.) \º¿ 209/2009/tlmw. XobXn 21-12-2009(F-kv.- B¿.- H. \º¿ 68/2010).

745. tIcf tÉv Ce-IvSn-kn‰n t_m¿Uns‚ 2010-2011˛te°p-ff _UvP‰v

FÃn-ta‰vkpw 2009-2010˛se kπn-sa‚dn ^n\m≥j-y¬ tÉvsa‚pw.

746. Pn. -H. (-FwF-kv.) \º¿ 25/2010/F¬.-_n.-B¿. XobXn 24-2-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 218/2010).

747. k.- D. (-FwF-kv.) 32/2010/sXmgn¬ XobXn 9-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 252/2010).

748. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 62/2010/‰n.-Un. XobXn 12-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 256/2010).

749. Pn. -H. (-]n) \º¿ 63/2010/‰n.Un. XobXn 12-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 257/2010).

750. Pn. -H. (-B¿Sn.) \º¿ 393/2010/F¬.-_n. -B¿. XobXn 8-3-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 258/2010).

751. Pn. -H. (-]n) \º¿ 66/2010/‰n.Un. XobXn 15-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 263/2010).

752. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 64/2010/‰n.Un.- XobXn 15-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 264/2010).

753. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 67/2010/‰n.Un. XobXn 15-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 266/2010).

754. Pn. -H . ( -]n) \º¿ 18/2010/KXm -K -Xw XobXn 12-3-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 254/2010).


755. tIcf hm´¿ AtXm-dn-‰n-bpsS 2005-06˛se hm¿jnI IW°p-Iƒ Unte

tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

756. tIcf tÉv tIm°-\´v sUh-e-∏vsa‚ v tIm¿∏-tdj≥ enan-‰-Uns‚

1994-95 -˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

757. Pn. -H. ( -]n) \º¿ 7/2010/Fkv. -U-ªyp.Un. XobXn 1-2-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 124/2010).

758. tIcf kwÿm\ h\nXm hnI-k\ tIm¿∏-td -j≥ enan -‰ -Uns‚

1995-96˛se hm¿jnI dnt∏m¿´pw IW-°p-Ifpw Unte tÉvsa‚ v


759. Pn. -H . ( -]n) \º¿ 43/2010 tIm˛Hm -] v . XobXn 4-3-2010(F-kv.- B¿.- H. \º¿ 224/2010).

760. Pn . - H. ( -]n) \º¿ 31/2010/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 19-2-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 246/2010).

761. Pn.- H. (-]n) \º¿ 41/2010/tIm -Hm-]v. XobXn 1-3-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 247/2010).

762. Pn. - H. ( -]n) \º¿ 45/2010/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 11-3-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 269/2010).

763. Pn. - H. ( -]n) \º¿ 44/2010/tIm˛ -Hm -] v . XobXn 10-3-2010(-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 294/2010).

764. Pn.- H. (-]n.) \º¿ 75/2010/^n≥. XobXn 18-2-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H.

\º¿ 220/2010).

765. t\m´n -^n -t°-j≥ \º¿ 1357/F®v2/2010/\nbaw. XobXn

22-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 67/2010) Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

766. t\m´n -^n -t°-j≥ \º¿ 358/F2/2010/KXm -KXw. XobXn

27-1-2010 (-F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 174/2010).

767. ]J-ym -]\w \º¿ 809/F2/2010/KXm -KXw. Xob-Xn

29-1-2010 (F-kv.- B¿. H. \º¿ 212/2010).

768. Pn√m eoK¬ k¿∆okv AtXm -dn -‰ n , ]Ø-\w -Xn -´ -bpsS

31-3-2009 -˛¬ Ah-km-\n® h¿jsØ IW-°p-I-fn-t∑-ep≈ HmUn‰v

dnt∏m¿´v Unte tÉvsa‚ v kln-Xw.

March 31, 2010

769. N´-߃ kw_-‘n® kanXn AwKw io. Bc-ym -S≥ apl-ΩZ v

kan-Xn-bp-sS aq∂m-aXv dnt∏m¿´v tai-∏p-dØv h®p.






Date ofIntroductionof the Bill

Name of BillAmendments Received Number of Members

participated in thediscussion

Before referenceto Subject/Select


After reference toSubject/Select















r re













H. M.

Date ofPassing





























17-3-2010 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 2.08 17-3-20102 The KeralaAppropriation

(Vote onAccount) Bill,


15-3-2010 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 1.24 15-3-20101 The KeralaAppropriation

Bill, 2010

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

15-3-2010 23 105 105 107 107 68 6 2 2.55 23-3-20103 The KeralaSpinners,


and Trasnfer ofUndertaking)

Bill, 2010

4-3-2010 .. 109 109 106 106 88 5 2 2.12 23-3-20104 The KeralaRecognition ofTrade Unions

Bill, 2009

18-3-2010 Nil 109 109 102 102 139 5 4 5.06 29-3-20106 The KeralaPrisons andCorrectional


Bill, 2010

17-3-2010 Nil 109 109 109 109 73 4 3 3.17 25-3-20105 The KeralaForest

(Amendment)Bill, 2008


25-3-2010 Nil 110 110 101 101 33 7 3 3.17 31-3-201011 TheRegistration


Bill, 2009

22-3-2010 23 110 110 100 100 62 5 6 4.28 30-3-201010 The Abkari(Amendment)

Bill, 2010

4-3-2010 27 109 109 102 102 37 5 4 3.18 29-3-20108 The KeralaSports

(Amendment)Bill, 2010

18-3-2010 Nil 110 110 100 100 92 5 4 5.59 30-3-20109 The KeralaCo-operative


Amendment)Bill, 2009

17-3-2010 26 110 110 106 106 37 5 5 2.01 29-3-20107 The KeralaDiary FarmersWelfare Fund(Amendment)

Bill, 2010



The Bill is introduced in pursuance of clause (1) of article 204 of theConstitution of India read with article 205 thereof, to authorise payment andappropriation of certain further sums from and out of the Consolidated Fund ofthe State of Kerala required to meet the supplementary expenditure charged onthe Consolidated Fund of the State of Kerala and the grants made by theLegislative Assembly for the expenditure of the Government of Kerala for thefinancial year 2009-2010.


The Bill is introduced in pursuance of Article 204 (1) of the Constitution ofIndia, read with Article 206 thereof, to provide for the appropriation out of theConsolidated Fund of the State of Kerala of the moneys required to meet theexpenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of the State and the grants madein advance by the Legislative Assembly in respect of the estimated expenditureof the Government of Kerala for a part of the Financial Year 2010-2011.


Salient features of the Bills passed





The Kerala Spinners Limited, Alappuzha is a textile mill constituted atKomalapuram in Alappuzha on 2nd January 1964. Production process wascommenced in it on 4th August 1969. Though during the initial years theCompany was functioning on profit, thereafter due to maladministration andcarelessness profit reduced and on 23rd March 2003, the Company was lockedout. As a result of this the livelihood of 500 workers and their family wereadversely affected and they fell into poverty. On 7th September 2006, the Boardfor Industrial and Financial Reconstruction declared the said Company as a sickundertaking and the Indian Overseas Bank was appointed as Operating Authorityand they were directed to submit the draft Scheme for rehabilitation before31st December 2006. But the Operating Authority failed to do so.

In order to make a solution in the case of Kerala Spinners Ltd. and torevive the company through new industrial ventures and thereby to create moreemployment opportunities, Government have convened a number of meetingswith the company management and the Trade Union representatives. But due tothe contradictory attitude of the Management and Company, a practical solutioncould not be traced out. The management of the Mill has not co-operated withthe efforts taken by the Government to solve this problem. They have beenconstantly trying to delay the problem and to keep it unsolved at the cost of thepoor workers.

Government have decided that it is necessary to take over the company soas to protect the interest of the workers who are suffering for the last six yearswithout any income due to the adamant attitude of the management of the KeralaSpinners Ltd. and also to save an industry of the State.

Since the Legislative Assembly of State of Kerala was not in session andthe above proposal has to be given effect to immediately. The Kerala Spinners,Alappuzha (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Ordinance, 2009(Ordinance No. 24 of 2009) was promulgated by the Governor of Kerala on the17th day of November 2009.

A Bill to replace the said Ordinance by an Act of the Legislature could notbe introduced in and passed by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Keraladuring its session on 29th December, 2009.



In order to keep alive the provisions of the said Ordinance the KeralaSpinners, Alappuzha (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertaking) Ordinance, 2010(9 of 2010) was promulgated by the Governor of Kerala on 29th January, 2010.

The Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance by an Act of the StateLegislature.



The Trade Unions Act, 1926 (Central Act 16 of 1926) provides forregistration of Trade Unions and in certain respects to define the law relating toregistration of Trade Unions. The said Act does not contain any provision forrecognition of Trade Unions registered thereunder. Due to multiplicity of TradeUnions registered under the Trade Unions Act in an establishment there oftenarise avoidable disputes. In order to get over the above difficulties, Governmenthave decided to enact a Legislation to provide for the recognition of TradeUnions for facilitating collective bargaining in respect of each industrialestablishment if certain conditions are satisfied, and to check multiplicity of TradeUnions in industrial establishments and connected issue.

The Bill seeks to achieve the above object.




Sandalwood tree is one of the most precious trees of our country. It occupiesan important place in the ecological, cultural and spiritual heritage of India. Thesandalwood tree is mainly exploited for its heartwood from the bole and roots whichyield fragrant sandal oil. India accounts for nearly 99% of sandalwood oil productionthe world. .

In Kerala sandalwood grows in a small tract of 63 sq. km. in Marayoor inIdukki District. Only 15 sq. km. of this tract is notified as sandal reserve Sandalwoodis an extremely rare and precious resource which is fast depleting in our State dueto smuggling. The sandalwood is a very handy commodity for being smuggled inview of its physical maneuverability, to carry it in various forms. Sandalwood oilis in very high demand in the international market. The smuggling of sandalwoodin the state during 2001-04 has increased by leaps and bounds and has threatenedthe very existence of the species besides resulting in socio-economic evils. TillFebruary, 2005, 23 illicit Sandalwood factories were functioning in the state, whichwere ordered to be closed by the Government as per G.O. (Ms.) No.17/2005/F&WLD, dated 9-2-2005. The existence of the unlicensed sandal oil factoriescontributed to the sandal smuggling substantially in the state. Government thereforefelt it to be of utmost urgency to protect the endangered sandal resources andconserve the sandalwood for future.

At present, the Kerala Forest Act, 1961 (4 of 1962) has no special provisionfor the protection of sandalwood. In fact, sandalwood has the same status as anyother timber or even firewood and penal provisions are also the same as for timber/firewood. Further there are no restrictions as far as, possession, trade or distillingof sandalwood is concerned. It is therefore felt necessary to amend the Kerala ForestAct, 1961 by incorporating severe penal provisions for offences related to smuggling,storage and transport of sandalwood.

The Bill seeks to achieve the above objects.




The administration and management of Prisons and Prisoners were so farperformed as per the provisions in the Prisons Act, 1894 (IX of 1894), thePrisoner’s Act 1900 (Central Act 3 of 1900) and the Travancore–Cochin PrisonsAct, 1950 (XVIII of 1950), which had applicability to the whole State ofKerala. The Kerala Prisons Rules providing for the various matters relating tothe prisons management also came into force in 1958. These rules weresubjected to so many amendments and modifications in the course of time.Some provisions in the above said Acts and Rules were unwanted and notenforceable by law. The above said legislations were made to keep the convictedprisoners in custody during the period of punishment and to keep the under trialprisoners, and remanded prisoners in safe custody. Many of the provisions inthese were giving priority for punishing the prisoners or retreat them fromcommitting offences in future or to keep them in custody. Thereafter, the jailmanagement put thrust on the reformation of guilty persons and making themgood citizens, correcting their misconduct and for their welfare and rehabilitation.The Government have taken so many measures to literate the prisoners and toprovide them higher education and vocational training so as to equip them tosearch for new employment opportunities. In the prison so many welfareprogrammes are still being implemented by the Government. But the changes inthe policy of the Government regarding the administration of prisons have nolegal support. Having convinced that steps are necessary to keep the prisoners insafe custody, to treat them mercifully, to impart them education and vocationaltraining, to arrange welfare programmes in prisons, to correct their misconductand to ensure their rehabilitation, the Government consider it necessary to makea comprehensive legislation in this matter.




The majority of the dairy farmers now having membership in the KeralaDairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund have taken membership as per the provisions of theOrdinance which was in force before the date of publication of the Kerala DairyFarmers’ Welfare Fund Act, 2007 (7 of 2007). Since the Act has been givenretrospective effect, the said members, eventhough otherwise qualified, underclause (b) of sub-section (4) of section 3 of the Act, they will become entitledfor pension only if they have measured milk in a society for 5 years and havecompleted 60 years of age after the 24th day of August 2005, the date on whichthe said Act is deemed to have come into force. The provisions in the Act hasto be clarified for giving pension to the said members in accordance with theearlier provisions on the condition that 500 litres of milk shall be measured peryear. For this, the Government proposes to amend clause (b) of sub-section (4) ofsection 3 of the Act. The Government also proposes to omit the words andbracket, ‘(This provision shall not be applicable to those existing members of theWelfare Fund who are getting pension or other benefits from it)’ in clause (a) ofsub-section (4) of section 3 which is related to this. Further, as per the existingprovision in clause (a) of sub-section (4) of section 3, giving of pension to adairy farmer who became incapable of being engaged in rearing of cattle due todisablement is possible only if he had measured milk in a society at least for10 years. Amendment has to be made that the quantity of milk to be measuredand the period up to which it is to be measured by the dairy farmers comingunder this provision like other dairy farmers in the mannner as 500 litres per yearfor five years.

2. It is possible to undertake and implement more welfare activities only byaugmenting the income of the Welfare Fund by accepting the contributions alsoas may be received from other institutions besides the grants, loans, etc. of theCentral-State Governments. Hence it is also proposed to make necessaryamendment in the existing provisions in respect of this.

3. If a person being a member of the Welfare Fund dies within theminimum period of eligibility for getting the benefits, for giving pension to hislegal heir members, the period of measuring milk by the deceased member in asociety shall also be taken into account and in respect of this, now theGovernment also proposes to include a provision by inserting as sub-section (7)of section 3 by deleting the explanation under sub-section (1) of section 4.



4. The source of the Dairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund is the contributionsreceived at specified rates from the dairy farmer, dairy societies, regional unions,milma, etc. If the authorised officer makes default in remitting such contributions,for realising the arrears the existing legal provision is not sufficient. Hence theGovernment proposes to include effective provisions in the Act for realising thearrears from the authorised officers.

5. This amendment Bill is intended to make necessary amendment in theKerala Dairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund Act, 2007 to ensure pension only to theeligible dairy farmers as manifested while implementing the Kerala DairyFarmers’ Welfare Fund Act and also for giving more clarity to certain provisionsin the existing Act.

6. As the Legislative Assembly of the State was not in session and as theabove proposals had to be given effect to immediately, the Kerala Dairy Farmers’Welfare Fund (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 was promulgated by the Governoron the 15th day of December, 2009 and the same was published in the KeralaGazette Extraordinary No. 2335, dated the 16th day of December, 2009 asOrdinance No. 28 of 2009.

7. A Bill to replace the said Ordinance by an Act of the State Legislaturecould not be introduced in, and passed by the Twelfth Kerala LegislativeAssembly during its single day session held on the 29th day of December, 2009.

8. As the Legislative Assembly of the State was not in session and as theabove proposals had to be given effect to immediately, the Kerala Dairy Farmers’Welfare Fund (Amendment) Ordinance, 2010 was promulgated by the Governoron the 28th day of January, 2010 and the same was published in the KeralaGazette Extraordinary No. 204, dated the 29th day of January, 2010 as OrdinanceNo. 10 of 2010.

9. The Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance by an Act of the StateLegislature.



The term of the State Sports Council and the District Sports Councils,nominated by the Government under section 47 A of the Kerala Sports Act, 2000was two years from the 18th day of August, 2006, the commencement date of theKerala Sports (Amendment) Act, 2007. Accordingly the term of the said Councilsexpired on the 17th day of August, 2008.

2. Under the circumstances that the process of constituting the Councils byelection, as provided in the principal Act, needed more time for its completion, inorder to avoid the administrative standstill in the existing Councils it was decidedto make provision for extending the term of the State Sports Council and theDistrict Sports Councils, constituted by Government by nomination throughnotification in the Gazette under section 47 A of the Act, for a further period ofone year and for purporting that the term of the said Councils which had beenexpired on the 17th day of August, 2008, as extended under the amendedprovisions of section 47 A, and thereby to validate the actions taken or deemedto be taken by the said Councils for exercising the powers and duties given by orunder the principal Act.

3. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately the Kerala Sports(Amendment) Ordinance, 2008 was promulgated by the Governor on the 26thday of September, 2008 and the same was published as Ordinance No. 38 of2008 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 2127 on the 29th day ofSeptember, 2008.

4. In order to keep alive the provisions of the said Ordinance and forincluding, in the nominated members, sports expert members having nationalstandard also in the State Sports Council and District Sports Councils and forincluding a member, elected by the members of State Sports Council from amongthem, who is a sports expert having national standard in the Standing Committeeof the State Sports Council and for appointing an officer not below the rank ofSection Officer instead of Deputy Collector in the post of the Secretary of theDistrict Sports Council and for providing provisions for this, it was decided toamend the Kerala Sports Act, 2000 (2 of 2001).



5. Though a Bill containing the said proposals was published as BillNo. 241 of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, the same could not be introduced inand passed by the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly during its ninth sessionwhich commenced on the 24th day of November, 2008 and ended on the 18thday of December, 2008.

6. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand as the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately the KeralaSports (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 was promulgated by the Governor on the3rd day of January, 2009 and the same was published as Ordinance No. 2 of2009 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 38 on the 5th day of January,2009.

7. Though a Bill containing the said proposals was published as BillNo. 251 of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, the same could not be introducedin and passed by the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly during its tenthsession which commenced on the 13th day of February, 2009 and ended on the3rd day of March, 2009.

8. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand as the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately the KeralaSports (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 was promulgated by the Governor on the26th day of March, 2009 and the same was published as Ordinance No. 8of 2009 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 675 on the 26th day of March,2009.

9. Though a Bill containing the said proposals was published as BillNo. 261 of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, the same could not be introduced inand passed by the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly during its eleventhsession which commenced on the 22nd day of June, 2009 and ended on the 24thday of July, 2009.

10. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand as the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately and as the termof the Sports Councils constituted under section 47A had to be extended for aperiod of three and a half years, the Kerala Sports (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009was promulgated by the Governor on the 1st day of August, 2009 and the samewas published as Ordinance No. 14 of 2009 in the Kerala Gazette ExtraordinaryNo. 1409 on the 1st day of August, 2009.

11. Though a Bill containing the said proposals was published as BillNo. 293 of the Kerala Legislative Assembly, the same could not be introduced inand passed by the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly during its Twelfth Sessionwhich commenced on the 8th day of September, 2009 and ended on the 17th dayof September, 2009.


12. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand as the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately, the KeralaSports (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 was promulgated by the Governor on the19th day of October, 2009 and the same was published as Ordinance No. 22 of2009 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 1923 on the 19th day of October,2009.

13. A Bill containing the said proposals could not be introduced in andpassed by the Twelfth Kerala Legislative Assembly in its one day session whichheld on 29th December, 2009.

14. As the Legislative Assembly of the State of Kerala was not in sessionand as the above proposals had to be given effect to immediately, the KeralaSports (Amendment) Ordinance, 2010 was promulgated by the Governor on the15th day of January, 2010 and the same was published as Ordinance No. 4 of2010 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 127 on the 16th day of January,2010.

15. The Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance by an Act of the StateLegislature.



Government have constituted a committee vide G.O.(Rt.) No. 434/2007. dated28-6-2007 under the Chairmanship of Shri E. Narayanan, Chairman, StateCo-operative Union, to make proposals and recommendations so as to amend theCo-operative Law in the State with the object of strengthening the Co-operativemovement and to make it free from corruption. Based on the recommendations ofthe committee and considering the overall development of the co-operativesocieties in the State, the Government have decided to bring comprehensiveamendments to the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act, 1969 (21 of 1969).

2. The Preamble of the Principal Act is proposed to be amendedincorporating the “co-operative principles” for the diversification of the workingof the co-operatives, to empower them to run institutions of professionaleducation and health care and also to enable market intervention by theco-operatives. It has also been decided to include the Government as a memberof Apex, Central and Federal Co-operative Societies. The powers of the Directorof Co-operative Audit and the powers of the Vigilance Officer in the principalAct are also to be conferred upon the subordinate officers for easyimplementation of the provisions of the Act. It is also proposed to define certainnew terms like “Miscellaneous Societies” and “Urban Co-operative Societies”.The term “Primary Agricultural Credit Societies” is needed to be defined with theobject of compulsorily requiring such societies to provide loans and advances foragricultural purposes.

3. As regards the registration of co-operative societies under section 6 ofthe principal Act, clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 6 at present does notspecify the requirement as to age of the applicant. Hence it has been decided thatan individual signing the application for registration of a society shall attain theage of 18 years as provided under clause (a) or sub-section (1) of section 16 ofthe Act. In order to fulfill the objectives of public policy, it is intended to conferpower on the Government and the Registrar to regulate and control the workingof a society by inserting a proviso to section 9 of the Act. It has also beendecided to amend section 28 of the Principal Act so as to reduce the maximumnumber of members of the committees of primary co-operative societies fromfifteen to eleven and also to add a proviso to sub-section (IA) of the said sectionto maintain the status quo of the existing committees where such committees areelected before the commencement of the Amendment Act. Sub-section (IC) is



also proposed to be newly inserted to section 28 so as to reserve one seat in thecommittees to primary credit societies and urban co-operative banks, for memberswho have deposit of more than Rupees 10,000. It has also been decided toincrease the reservation for women in the committees to two of the total seats inthe place of one and to empower the Government or the Registrar to nominatewomen and SC/ST members to the committees of all societies where there are nosuch elected members by suitably amending section 28A of the Act. Provision isalso made for the reservation of persons with banking experience or professionalqualification in the Urban Co-operative Banks.

4. At present the State Election Commission has power to conductelections only to the committees of Apex, Federal, Central and Credit societies.Government have decided to amend section 28B of the Principal Act with theobject of entrusting the State Co-operative Election Commission the duty ofconducting elections to the Representative General Bodies also of all Apex,Federal, Central and Credit societies.

5. It has been decided to disqualify the member of the committeesuperseded under section 32 of the Act from contesting the election to anysociety or for being appointed as administrator in any society for the next twoconsecutive terms. The amendments proposed to sections 32 and 33 of theprincipal Act are mainly intended to make the provision clear, that where aCommittee is superseded, the administrator or the members of the administrativecommittee appointed by the Registrar under the said sections need not bemembers of the society and also that in the case of administrative committee, onemember shall be appointed by the Registrar as Convener.

6. The Gehan system is at present applicable only to the borrowers of StateCo-operative Bank, District Co-operative Banks, Primary Agricultural CreditSocieties and Primary Housing Societies. Government have decided to amendsection 36A of the principal Act so as to extend the ‘Gehan’ system to theborrowers of Urban Co-operative Banks also.

7. At present no advance intimation is made to employees before requiringtheir employers to deduct from their salaries. It is intended to amend section 37of the principal Act to the effect that societies shall inform the employees(loanees/sureties) about their dues to such societies 30 days in advance beforerequiring the employers (salary disbursing officers) to deduct dues from theirsalaries. Government have decided to insert a new clause to section 53 of thePrincipal Act so as to enable government to recover any dues to government outof new financial assistance given to such societies.


8. It is also intended to enhance the rate of dividend payable to membersby societies from twenty per cent to twenty five per cent and to effect acontribution of seven per cent of the net profit to Agricultural Credit StabilizationFund by making necessary amendments to section 56 of the Act. Provision isalso made in the said section to divert the utilization of balance of the net profitfor any or all of the purposes specified in the bye-laws of the societies other thanpayment of bonus to employees. The contribution by a society towards Co-operative Development and Welfare Fund under section 57A of the Act has beenmade compulsory. Government have also decided to insert a new section 57D inthe Principal Act for framing Co-operative Risk Fund Scheme for meeting theloan liability of those members who had availed loans from the co-operativesocieties and died within the repayment period of such loans.

9. At present there is no provision in the Act to prescribe a criterion orstandard for payment of loans and their recovery by societies. Government have,therefore, decided to amend section 59 of the Principal Act for enabling theGovernment to make Rules for the purpose. Necessary amendments are alsoeffected in section 63 of the Principal Act so as to incorporate provisions todelegate the powers of the Director of Co-operative Audit in the Act to hissubordinates and to bring the post of Director of Co-operative Audit under thecontrol of the Registrar.

10. The existing sub-sections to section 64, refers to the rate and levy ofaudit fees only. It has been decided to include audit cost also in the saidprovisions. The committee of a society is at present not entrusted with the dutyof getting its accounts audited in time and making available the necessary booksand accounts for audit. As a result, audit has been pending for years. Governmenthave decided to specify certain duties to the committees of societies to get theiraccounts audited in time. The Committee is made responsible to place and readover the defects contained in the audit certificates in the General body orRepresentative General Body meeting and to submit rectification report to theRegistrar and the Director of Co-operative Audit. Comprehensive amendments areaccordingly made to section 64 of the Act.

11. Government have also decided to amend section 66 of the PrincipalAct to empower the inspecting officers of the Government Department to verifythe cash balance, securities and other properties of societies in addition to books,accounts, records etc. and to incorporate provisions in the Act to conduct anenquiry and inspection in a society on the basis of public petitions. It is also


intended to insert a new sub-section, sub-section (12) to section 66 to empowerRegistrar to inspect the Charitable societies and companies formed under theauspices of a Society or where such Companies and Charitable Societies arefunded by Co-operative Societies.

12. As per the provisions in section 66A of the Act, Registrar has powerto issue general directions and guidelines to the societies in furtherance of thepurpose of the Act. Government have decided to amend section 66A of thePrincipal Act with the object that the Registrar shall have power to issue generalor specific directions and guidelines to societies in furtherance of the purpose ofthe Act or for implementing government policies for the benefit of the membersand the general public. Amendments are also proposed in section 68 of thePrincipal Act so as to empower Registrar to recover the loss sustained by asociety, on account of the conduct of any officer of a society, as arrears of publicrevenue due on land as specified in section 79 of the Principal Act. At present,Registrar has power only to issue an order of surcharge to recover such amounts.

13. Government have decided to insert section 69A to the Principal Act soas to appoint Co-operative Ombudsman with the object of enabling redressal ofcomplaints relating to deficiency in banking or other services rendered byco-operative societies dealing with banking business. The Ombudsman orOmbudsmen so appointed shall be a person or persons having experience andexpertise in banking or co-operative field and shall have a degree in managementor law. Amendments have also been proposed to section 70A of the Act so as toenable Government to appoint necessary officers and staff to assist the Co-operative Arbitration Court. It has also been decided to insert a new Chapter,Chapter XB, in the Principal Act so as to incorporate special provisions relatingto societies, their office bearers and employees.

14. Government intends to amend section 80 of the Act in order toincorporate express provision for making applicable the reservation principles inthe Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958, to the posts to whichappointment is made from a select list prepared by the Kerala Public ServiceCommission. Further amendments are also made in the said section to provide forreservation to handicapped persons in the appointment of employees of thesocieties, to empower the Government to fix pay, bonus, allowances and otherbenefits of employees of co-operative societies and to frame uniform service rulesand conduct rules of any or all of the co-operative societies. The Co-operativeService Examination Board will be entrusted with the conduct of all examinationsto the posts which are to be filled up by promotion on the basis of a competitive


or qualifying examination by suitably amending section 80. Government havedecided to amend section 82 of the Principal Act in order to prescribe a timelimit for passing an award after receipt of the case by the Tribunal.

15. Comprehensive amendments are also to be effected to section 94 ofthe Act for enhancing the gravity of the offences specified thereunder. Theoffences punishable under section 94 have also been made cognizable under theproposed amendments to section 95 of the Act. Government have decided tonewly insert section 95A to the Principal Act to specify the offences committedby companies.

16. As per section 99 of the Principal Act the decision or award passedby Registrar or any officer or liquidator under the Act shall be pronounced on thesame day. If it is pronounced on a subsequent day, it must be informed to theparties by due notice. Government have decided to include the Co-operativeTribunal, Arbitration Court and the Arbitrator within the purview of the saidprovision. It is also intended to specify that the future date of passing the awardmay be declared openly on the last day of hearing and sending separate notice isnot compulsory. The amendments proposed to section 108 of the Principal Actare intended to ensure the assistance and protection of the Police Officers to theRegistrar, Director of Co-operative Audit and the Vigilance Officer or any Officersubordinate to them in the exercise of the powers, duties and functions conferredon them under the Act.

The Bill is intended to achieve the above objects.



Government have constituted an Expert Committee to study and report onthe changes required in the Abkari Act, 1 of 1077 to solve various problemsfaced by the Excise Department and to control the manufacture and sale of illicitliquor/toddy in the State vide G.O.(Ms.) No. 234/07/TD, dated 26th November,2007. Government have considered the report of the said Committee and decidedto make the following amendments in the Abkari Act 1 of 1077 along with theamendments proposed in Bill Nos. 37 and 47 published in the 12th KeralaLegislative Assembly, namely:—

(i) amendment of section 6 for exempting Rectified Spirit/Extra NeutralAlcohol from the levy and collection of import fee with effect from 30thday of March, 1996 ;

(ii) insertion of section 12 C so as to include a provision in the Abkari Actfor prohibiting, counterfeiting, selling, buying, receiving, possessing etc.of any forged labels and security stickers and for imposing punishmentfor such offences ;

(iii) amendment of section 15 C to widen the ambit of the term ‘public place’under this section, so as to include goods vehicle also within itspurview ;

(iv) insertion of section 30 A for providing Abkari officers similar powers ofpolice officers for the purpose of investigation of offences as providedin the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Central Act 2 of 1974) ;

(v) insertion of new section 53 B for providing jurisdiction to courts for thetemporary release of vehicles or other conveyance involved in anyoffence seized or detained under the Act on execution of sufficient bondby way of cash security ;

(vi) incorporation of new sections 55 C to 55 H to impose penalty forcounterfeiting, selling etc. of label or security sticker, for criminalconspiracy, for false marking of property, for unlawful possession ofgoods, vehicles etc. intended to be used for traffic in liquor, for makingor using of false documents and for unlawful advertisement ;

(vii) insertion of a new section 62 to make each of the offender guilty foroffences committed by several persons in furtherance of commonintention ;



(viii) amendment of section 67 so as to empower the Commissioner to imposesuch fine as may be prescribed on any person holding a licence orpermit for contravention to any rules made under the Act ;

(ix) insertion of section 67 A for empowering the Abkari officers tocompound offences on payment of fee specified therein.

As the Legislative Assembly was not in session and the above proposal hadto be given effect to immediately, the Governor of Kerala had promulgated theAbkari (Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 (26 of 2009) on the 6th day of December,2009 and the same was published in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 2274dated 7th December, 2009.

A Bill to replace the Ordinance No. 26 of 2009 by an Act of the StateLegislature, could not be introduced in, and passed by, the Legislative Assemblyof the State of Kerala during its session held on the 29th day of December, 2009.Therefore the Abkari (Amendment) Ordinance, 2010 (6 of 2010) waspromulgated by the Governor on the 22nd day of January, 2010 and the samewas published in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 166, dated 23rd January,2010.

The Bill seeks to replace Ordinance No. 6 of 2010 by an Act of the StateLegislature.




Due to the high demand for land in Kerala, real estate has become animportant area of speculative business and the tendency of making bogusdocuments to grab lands owned by Government, non-resident Indians or poorilliterate people is increasing. There is a public perception that the absence ofa provision in the Registration Act, 1908 making registration of agreement to sellimmovable property mandatory is being misused by economic offenders to dealin real estate transaction and park their ill gotten wealth with an eye ongenerating more wealth by making it part of speculative business. As there is noprovision in the Act as it now exists to prevent the above said transactions andalso to refuse registration of documents which involve transfer of ownership ofland belonging to Government or other public sector undertakings, Governmenthave examined the matter in detail and decided to make State amendments in theRegistration Act, 1908. The instruments of contract for sale and power ofattorney are not compulsorily registrable documents in the State. Hence it isdecided to make provisions for the registration of agreement for sale compulsoryand also to make power of attorney creating right other than those executedbetween family members as compulsory registrable documents. It is intended toinstead to insert clauses (f) and (g) to sub-section (1) of section 17.

It has come to the notice of the Government that immovable propertybelonging to or vested in the Government of Kerala or other public sectorundertakings in the State are also fraudulently being transferred. As there is noprovision in the Act as it now exists, to refuse registration of documents whichinvolve transfer of ownership of land belonging to Government or other publicsector undertakings, Government have decided to prohibit registering officersfrom accepting for registration documents involving transfer of Governmentproperty unless they are accompanied by a no objection certificate issued by anofficer authorised by the State Government. It is intended to amend section 71by inserting sub-section (3) to the said Act.

As the Act now exists, Government are not empowered to canceldocuments, which are found registered through fraudulent means. HenceGovernment have decided to make a provision for cancellation of registered


documents got registered by someone falsely personating another, which isdetrimental to the interest of another person and also to cancel registration ofbogus documents executed without following the procedure prescribed in sub-section (3) of section 71. Any person aggrieved by an order of cancellation ofregistration of bogus documents may prefer an appeal to Government. Newsections 83A and 83B are inserted for the above purpose.

The Bill seeks to achive the above objects.


4-3-2010 X 4-3-2010 4-3-2010 9-3-2010 Shri MVijayakumar,

Minister for Law,Parliamentary,Affairs, Sports

and YouthAffairs and


1 The KeralaSports

(Amendment)Bill, 2010

4-3-2010 VII 4-3-2010 9-3-2010 11-3-2010 Shri P. K.Gurudasan,

Minister for Labourand Excise

2 The KeralaRcognition ofTrade Unions

Bill, 2009

15-3-2007 II 15-3-2010 Nil Not Shri S. Sharma,presented Minister forduring the Fisheries and

session Registration

3 The KeralaInland Fishery

Bill, 2010




Date ofIntroduction

Name of Bill

Date ofmeeting ofthe SubjectCommittee

SubjectCommitteeto whichreferred

Date ofreferenceto SubjectCommittee

Date ofpresentation

of Report

By whomthe Report


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

15-3-2010 IV 15-3-2010 15-3-2010 18-3-2010 Shri Elamaram Kareem,

Minister forIndustries

4 The KeralaSpinners,


and Trasnfer ofUndertaking

Bill, 2010

17-3-2010 I 17-3-2010 17-3-2010 19-3-2010 Shri C. Divakarn,Minister for Foodand Civil Supplies

and AnimalHusbandry

5 The KeralaDairy Farmers’Welfare Fund(Amendment)

Bill, 2010

17-3-2010 II 17-3-2010 17-3-2010 19-3-2010 Shri BinoyViswam,

Minister forForest and


6 The KeralaForest

(Amendment)Bill, 2008


18-3-2010 IX 18-3-2010 18-3-2010 23-3-2010 Shri G. Sudhakaran,Minister for

Co-operation andCoir

7 The KeralaCo-Operative


Amendment)Bill, 2009

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

102 18-3-2010 X 18-3-2010 18-3-2010 25-3-2010 Shri Kodiyeri

Balakrishnan,Minister forHome andTourism

8 The KeralaPrisons andCorrectional


Bill, 2010

22-3-2010 II 22-3-2010 Nil .. Shri RamachandranKadannapally,Minister for

Devaswom, Printing and Stationary

9 The TravancoreCochi Hindu


(Amendment)Bill, 2009

22-3-2010 VIII 22-3-2010 22-3-2010 23-3-2010 Dr. ThomasIssac,

Minister forFinance

10 The Abkari(Amendment)

Bill, 2010

25-3-2010 V 22-3-2010 25-3-2010 26-3-2010 Shri S. Sharma,Minister for

Fisheries and


11 The Registration(Kerala

Amendment)Bill, 2009




Name of Bill Date ofPublication

Date ofCirculation

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1 The Indian Partnership (Kerala Amendment) Bill, 2009 (Bill No. 300) 9-10-2009 28-12-2009

2 The Kerala Sports (Amendment) Bill 2009 (Bill No. 302) 4-12-2009 23-2-2010

3 The Kerala Essential Articles Control (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 303) 4-2-2010 23-2-2010

4 The Kerala State Housing Board (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 304) 10-2-2010 23-2-2010

5 The Kerala Professional Colleges or Institutions (Prohibition ofCapitation Fee, Regulation of Admission, Fixation of Non-ExploitativeFee and other measures to ensure Enquiry and Excellence in ProfessionalEducation) Amendment Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 307) 15-2-2010 23-2-2010

6 The Kerala Police (Amendment) Bill 2010 (Bill No. 308) 18-2-2010 28-2-2010

7 The Kerala Advocates’ Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 310) 19-2-2010 28-2-2010

8 The Kerala University of Health and Allied Science Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 315) 5-3-2010 11-3-2010

9 The Kerala Local Authorities Loans (amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 318) 8-3-2010 10-3-2010

10 The Kerala Medical Officers’ Admission to Post Graduate Courses underServices Quota (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 322) 9-3-2010 10-3-2010


11 The University Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No.323) 9-3-2010 11-32010

12 The Kerala Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill 2010 (Bill No. 327) 12-3-2010 17-3-2010

13 The Kerala Panchayath Raj (Second Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 328) 12-3-2010 17-3-2010

14 The Kerala Fiannce Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 330) 16-3-2010 18-3-2010

15 The University Laws (Second Amendment) Bill, 2010 (Bill No. 332) 23-3-2010 28-3-2010

16 The Cochin University of Science and Technology (Amendment)Bill, 2010, (Bill No. 333) 24-3-2010 28-3-2010

(1) (2) (3) (4)




I. Motion for leave to introduce the following Bills on 12-3-2010

(1) The Kerala State Child Rights Protection Commission Bill, 2009

(Given notice of by Shri M. Prakashan Master M.L.A.)

Discussion inconclusive

(2) The Kerala Medical Insurance Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri M. Murali, M.L.A)

Discussion inconclusive

(3) The Kerala Teachers’ Welfare Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri M. Murali, M.L.A)

Discussion inconclusive

II. Motion for leave to introduce the following Bills

(Continuation of discussion)

(1) The Kerala Water Resources Conservation and Preservation Bill, 2006.

(Given notice of by Shri Saju Paul, M.L.A)

Not introduced.

(2) The Kerala Plastic Articles, Bio and Non-degradable Garbage(Prohibition and Control) Bill, 2007

(Given notice of by Shri K. Kutty Ahammed Kutty M.L.A)

Discussion inconclusive

(3) The Private Hospitals’ Quality Improvement Bill, 2007

(Given notice of by Shri M. Hamsa M.L.A)

Not introduced

III. Motion for leave to introduce the following Bills on 26-3-2010

(1) The Kerala Prohibition of Sexual Harassment on Children Bill,2010

(Given notice of by Smt. K. K. Lathika, M.L.A.)

Discussion Inconclusive


(2) The Kerala Municipality (Amendment) Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri A. P. Abdullakutty, M.L.A

Discussion Inconclusive

(3) The Kerala Panchayat Raj (Amendment) Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri A. P. Abdullakutty, M.L.A)

Discussion Inconclusive

(4) The Muvattupuzha River Basin Authority Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri Babu Paul, M.L.A)

Discussion Inconclusive

(5) The Kerala Book Authority Bill, 2010

(Given notice of by Shri M. Murali, M.L.A)

Discussion Inconclusive

IV. Motion for leave to introduce the following Bills :

(Continuation of Discussion)

(1) The Kerala State Protection of Destitute Families Bill, 2006.

(Given notice of by Shri R. Selvaraj, M.L.A)

Not introduced

(2) The Kerala Immigrant Other State Workers’ Welfare Security Insistence Bill, 2008

(Given notice of by Shri Saju Paul, M.L.A)

Not introduced

(3) The Kerala Domestic Workers’ Welfare Fund Bill, 2009

(Given notice of by Shri B. Babu Prasad, M.L.A)

Not introduced




Name ofMember who


Date ofDiscussion

Text of Resolution which wasmoved/adopted by the House

Name ofMinister replied


1 19-3-2010 Shri M.Prakasan

Master, asauthorised byShri Alphons


tIµ-K-h¨sa-‚ v kwÿm-\-߃°v t\cn v

Km‚ v h¿≤n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\p]Icw tIµm-

hn-jvIr-X- ]-≤-Xn-Iƒ IqSp-X-embn ]J-ym-]n-

°p∂ ]h-WX i‡n-s∏-Sp -I -bmWv.

C¥-y -bnse hnhn[ kwÿm-\ -߃

hy -X -ykvX PohnX \ne -hm -c -hpw

hy-X-ykvX ASn-ÿm\ kuI-c-y-hn-I-k-

\hpw sshhn -≤-y -am¿∂ ]iv\-ßfpw

\ne-hn-ep-f-f-h-bm-Wv. F∂m¬, kwÿm-\-

ß-fpsS Cu sshhn-≤-ysØ ]cn-K-Wn®p

sIm≠p≈ kao-]-\-a√ tIµ-K-h¨sa‚ v

tIµm-hn-jvIrX ]≤-Xn-I-fn¬ k-zo-I-cn-°p-

∂-Xv . tIµm-hn -jvIr -X- ]-≤-Xn -Ifn¬

kwÿm-\ -ß-fpsS ]tX-y -IXIfpw

]iv\-ßfpw ]cn-K-Wn-°m-Xn-cn-°p-∂Xv

G‰hpw henb ]bm-k-ap -≠m-°p-∂Xv

tIcf kwÿm-\-Øn-\m-Wv. P\-km-µ-X-

bnepw tkh\ hnI-k-\-Ønepw henb

apt∂-‰-ap-≠m-°nb Cu kwÿm-\-Øns‚

khn -ti -j-X -Iƒ tIµm -hn -j vIr -X -

] -≤ -Xn -Iƒ ]cn -K -Wn -°p -∂-tXbn -√.

Shri KodiyeriBalakrishnan,Minister forHome andTourism

The Resolutionwas moved andafter the reply ofMinister, theResolution wasadopted by theHouse.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

2 19-3-2010 Shri P. KrishnaPrasad

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

The Resolutionwas moved andafter the reply ofMinister theResolution wasadopted by theHouse

108hnhn[ taJ-e-I-fn¬ tIµ-K-h¨sa-‚ v

\S-∏n-em-°p∂ tIµm-hn-jvIrX ]≤-Xn-I-

fnse hy-h-ÿ-Iƒ AXXv kwÿm-\-

Øns‚ khn-ti-j-X-Iƒ ]cn-K-Wn-®p-

sIm≠v am‰w hcpØn \S-∏n-em-°m≥

tIµ-K-h¨sa-‚ v k∂-≤-am-I-W-sa∂v

Cu k` tIµ - K -h¨sa -‚ n -t\mS v


F.-]n.-F¬. hn-`m-K-Øn¬s∏´ IpSpw-_-

߃°v hnX-cWw sNøp-∂-Xn\pth≠n

kwÿm-\-Øn\v A\p-h-Zn-°p∂ Acn-bpsS

Af-hn¬ Ipdhv hcp-Øm\pw Cu hn`m-K-

Øn-\p≈ Acn-bpsS k_vknUn ]n≥h-en-

°m\pw D≈ tIµ Kh¨sa‚ ns‚

\o°Øn¬ Cu k` ]Xn-tj[w tcJ-s∏-


F.-]n. -F¬. hn-`m-K-Øn¬s∏´ apgp-h≥

IpSpw -_-߃°pw Intembv°v 8 .90

ss]kbv°v Acn-\¬I-W-sa∂pw CXn\v

Bh-iy-amb apgp-h≥ Acnbpw kwÿm-\-

Øn\v A\p-h-Zn-°-W-sa-∂pw \mev ]Xn-‰m-

≠n-te-sd-bmbn \ne-\n¬°p∂ Ãm‰yq-´dn

tdj-\nwKv kº-Zmbw \n¿Ø-em-°m-\p≈

\o°-Øn¬\n∂v ]n¥n-cn-b-W-sa∂pw Cu

k` tIµ Kh¨sa‚nt\mSv Bh-iy-


Shri C.D i v a k a r a n ,Minister forFood andCivil Supplies


3 19-3-2010 ShriThiruvanchoorRadhakrishnan

Jc-am -en -\y kwkv°-c -W-Øn -\pw

\n¿Ωm¿÷-\-Øn\pw Bh-i-y-amb kmº-

ØnI klm-b-ßfpw kmt¶-XnI hn⁄m-

\hpw Xt±-i-k-z-bw- cW ÿm]-\-߃°v

\¬In kwÿ-m-\sØ ASn-b¥n-c-ambn

amen-\-y-ap-‡-am-°p-∂Xn\v \Zn-I-fn-tebpw

Imb-ep-I-fn-tebpw a‰v Pe-tkm-X- p-I-fn-

tebpw A]-I-S -I-camwhn[w h¿≤n®p

hcp∂ tImfnt^mw _mIvSo-cn-b-I-fpsS

\n¿Ωm¿÷\-Øn-\pw InW-dp-I-fpsS ip≤o-

I-c-W-Øn\pw ac-WsØ t\cn- p-sIm-≠n-cn-

°p∂ \Zn-I-tfbpw Pem-i-b-ß-sfbpw ]p\x-

cp-÷o-hn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\v 2010- 2011 h¿j-tØ-

°p≈ XnXe ]©m-b-Øp-I-fptSbpw

kwÿm\ Kh¨sa‚n-t‚bpw hm¿jnI

]≤-Xn-bn¬ CXn-\m-h-i-y-amb ]cn-]m-Sn-

Iƒ°v ap≥K-W\ \¬I-W-sa∂pw ka-b-

_-‘n-X-ambn \S-∏m°n kwÿm-\-Øn-

s‚bpw `mhn Xe-ap-dbp-tSbpw \ne-\n¬∏v

kpÿn-c -am°n Xo¿°-W-sa∂pw Cu

k` kwÿm\ Kh¨sa-‚ n-t\mSv


The Resolutionwas not moveddue to theabsence of theMember concerned.

4 19-3-2010 Shri Babu Paul tZiob `£-y-kp-c£m ]≤-Xn-bn¬ tIc-f-

Ønse apgp-h≥ Pn√I-tfbpw Dƒs∏-SpØn

kwÿm-\sØ Im¿jnI taJ-e-bp-tSbpw

A\p-_‘ taJ-e-I-fp-tSbpw ka-K-amb

]ptcm-K-Xn°v Bh-i-y-amb ^≠v e -y-am-°-

W-sa∂v kwÿm\ \nb-a -k` tIµ

Kh¨sa‚n-t\mSv Bh-i-y-s∏-Sp-∂p.

The Resolutionwas moved andafter the reply ofMinister theResolution wasadopted by theHouse.

Shri MullakaraRatnakaran,Minister forAgriculture