ODRC newsletter 2010-09

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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If you have any items you think might be interesting or useful to other members of the Riding Club, please e-mail me at mindaHGF@live.co.uk or post to Minda Wigley, Higher Grange Farm, Millcroft Lane, Delph, Oldham OL3 5UX, or even just ring me and tell me what you want to say over the phone (01457 870421). NEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERNEWSLETTERNEWSLETTER septemberseptemberseptemberseptember 2010201020102010 See page 10 for details Over to you ... Who’s Who at ODRC Show Organisers 1

Transcript of ODRC newsletter 2010-09



septemberseptemberseptemberseptember 2010201020102010

Who’s Who at ODRC

Chair Person Sue Hollingworth 07970 857739 Vice Chair Steve Hopkinson 07973 268261 Treasurer Lisa Wake 01457 839919 / 07877 863513 Secretary Abi Atherton 01457 810211 Membership Lesley Illingworth 0161 785 8989 Instruction Krystina Bamber 07970 813193

Lauren Rothwell 07584 301253 Friezland User Group Sue Hollingworth 07970 857739 Arthur Prowse 01457 870407 Teams Vicky Hollingworth 07970 857739 Northern Liaison Grp Rep Arthur Prowse 01457 870407 Newsletter Editor Minda Wigley 01457 870421 mindaHGF@live.co.uk Bridleways Peter Carter 01457 873344 Website Andy Morrison 01457 820524 silverhillstables@btinternet.com Social Secretary Amanda Godwin 07754 742232 amandagodwin@aol.com Child Protection Haydee Seton-Jones 07734 405258

Show Organisers Members Only Novice Lauren Rothwell 07584 301253

Steve Hopkinson 0161 624 5269 Show Jumping Rachel Roebuck 07968 043539 Christine Howarth 07960 707619 Showing/Working Hunter Tracy Shaw 07927 044804

Judy Worthingt 07876 782941 Dressage Lesley Illingworth 0161 789 8989

Bridget Tibbot 07814 327016 Combined Training Alana Bennett 07872 583182 Denzil Edwards 07899 054799 Sponsored Ride Peter Carter 01457 873344 peter-s-carter@tiscali.co.uk Riding Club Camp Sue Hollingworth 07970 857739 Minda Wigley 01457 870421

Other Committee Members: Tim Partridge 07976 561632 Deb Prowse 01457 870407

Rescheduled working hunter

classes from 29 august See page 10 for details

Items for the newsletter? If you have any items you think might be interesting or useful to other members of the Riding Club, please e-mail me at mindaHGF@live.co.uk or post to Minda Wigley, Higher Grange Farm, Millcroft Lane, Delph, Oldham OL3 5UX, or even just ring me and tell me what you want to say over the phone (01457 870421).

From the Editor:

Welcome to the September edition of the Newsletter. This month we've got:

• articles and results for the August shows: the Mini ODE (8th August) pages 4-7 and the Ridden, In Hand & Working Hunter (29th August) pg 10-12

• Teams news from Mottram Show (see box below), and reasons to pick up the next copy of the Saddleworth Independent on page 2

• Peter Carter's tale of his and Bryn's exploits on their sponsored ride in aid of Friezland Arena pages 8-9

• News of what some ODRC members have been doing with their horses outside of Club activities pg 3

• a reminder of the Helpers Rota for the September & October shows pg 9

• notes of interest from the August Committee Meeting pg 15

• Instruction update with news of jumping practice nights, the Peter Mellor showjumping clinic, and the dressage clinics pg 12-13

• news of how social nights went at the cinema and at Friezland pg 14

• Entry forms for the Pony Club One Day Event pg 18, the Superhorse competition pg 19, and a reminder about the Fun Trec pg 16-17

• Details of some British Dressage forthcoming events pg 20-22

Over to you ...

teams update

We sent two teams to Mottram Show on 15 August. Thanks to Martha Tibbot for filling in at the last minute for Lesley Illingworth on the team with Bridget Tibbot & Vicky Hollingworth. Congratulations to Carla Arthurs, Donna Howarth, Sarah Mottley and Tim Partridge whose team won their class!


odrc in saddleworth independent

from the Editor Make sure you pick up a copy of the September edition (Issue No 6) of the Saddleworth Independent Newspaper. There is an article covering the Jill Bradley Memorial Mini One Day Event with pictures of both Jill herself, and of Lauren Jackson who won the "Biggest Smile" award on the day. Saddleworth Independent is very interested in hearing about horse-related stories that are likely to be of interest to non-horsey people, so if you have any ideas either contact me on 01457 870421 or e-mail me to mindaHGF@live.co.uk and I will pass it on or you can contact Ken Bennett (editor of Saddleworth Independent) yourself on 07802 966922 or e-mail him to ken@sinde.co.uk . You might also be interested to read a "letter to the editor" elsewhere in the September edition of the Newspaper from a local resident complaining about thoughtless horseriders on the roads around Saddleworth. I'd like to think that ODRC riders are not those referred to in the letter, but if you know any riders who ought to be more thoughtful of other road users – show them the letter – it might make them think! I've often thought that the Riding and Road Safety Test should be compulsory for all horseriders who ride on public roads, for their own safety and for that of other road users. It would, unfortunately, be impossible to ensure that all riders took the test as there is no register of riders. But it's very valuable training to undertake if you haven't yet done it yourself. If any ODRC members would be interested in having the road safety training and then taking the test please let the Instruction officers know (Lauren Rothwell on 07816 310375 or Krystina Bamber on 07970 813193) and the Club will try and organise something for you.

Ed: Having just come to terms with losing Jill Bradley at too young an age, we now sadly have to report the loss of another former ODRC member who, tragically, was even younger than Jill:

Kay Dransfield Kay sadly passed away very suddenly on Wednesday 18 August 2010 aged 35. Kay had not been unwell and this was a devasting shock.

Kay loved life and always had so much fun. She had a keen equestrian interest and also used to be involved in running the local Dog Club in Greenfield with her Mum Jennie. Kay was extremely talented in the training of dogs, a skill she was most humble about.

Following her untimely death, Kay is survived by her partner of 7 years, Tony. Deepest sympathies are conveyed to not only Tony, but to her parents, Jack & Jennie and also to her brother Paul and his family. Kay’s funeral took place on Tuesday 31 August 2010 at Friezland Church, Greenfield at 1.30pm followed by a Service at Dukinfield Crematorium, then later at Greenfield Conservative Club.



what odrc members are up to in addition to club activities Dean Valley Cross Country Competition 22 August Sue and Vicky Hollingworth qualified at Dean Valley for the BHS Novice Cross Country pairs championships to be held at Elland Lodge (near Stoke). Others who took part that day and were placed were Kathy Bradley and Bridget Tibbot who were placed both in the Open Class and in the Pairs class. Sarah Mottley was placed in the Novice class. (Ed: By chance I went to watch this competition and it looked a really super course. If there are any of you out there who, like me, are starting again – or even starting for the first time – with cross country, there is an Adult Beginners class of fences up to 2' high which looked very inviting. It will be in my diary for 2011. The Novice height was 2'6"-2'9", the Open height was 3'3", and the pairs was the Novice height for those of you who are more confident and might be interested next year.) North West Working Hunter Championships Gemma Woolley and Beanie (Simply-B) qualified to attend the NWWH Championships, held at Bridgewater Riding Club, Cheshire.(28th & 29th Aug). They got 'Reserve Championship' in the Novice workers & 3rd In the Intermediate workers! Don't know if anyone else has been there? But it's a great set up. The people were very friendly and there was a good atmosphere too! The Working Hunter jumping course was well set out over a fair distance with some inviting but challenging jumps! Though it rained on and off all day it was a great day out! Even when Beanie thought the 6ft hedge was a fence!!! Oops – He he he! Trec Championships of Great Britain 2010 I (Samantha Bentley) recently took part in the Trec Championships of Great Britain which was held at Afonwen in Wales. Unfortunately not on my Rosie (she was lame) so Gemma kindly let me take Beanie & a truck load of his rugs and equipment! We had a ball! People travelled from as far as Ireland & Scotland to compete. Though it rained at night it was dry during the day, there was quite a few big hills, small lane work and plenty of off-road work. The views were fantastic! I did "Level 2 Individuals" which involves riding 20k orienteering on the first day. On the second day we did control of paces (canter as slowly as possible over 150 metres followed by a fast walk over the same path) and the last phase was the 16 obstacles over a cross country course! Beanie was fab, he was like greased lightening going round the obstacle course - we had 5 mins to spare he went that fast! We had a fantastic weekend, met some great people AND we came 6th!!!!!!! Thank you, Beanie!! The team I was asked to be on came 3rd (Liane Robinson, Marie Watson, Kirsty Wylde & Samantha Bentley) – Thanks, girls!! If you fancy having a go at Trec why not enter Liane's Fun Trec on the 18th & 19th September (Details later in this newsletter). It's a great way to have a go and try it. It's about 12k (6miles), you can do it in pairs or as an individual. Hurry up! - the closing date's 12th September.


What a brilliant day! What a brilliant day! What a brilliant day! What a brilliant day! ---- The Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE The Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE The Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE The Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE Sunday, 8 August 2010 by a very grateful and a little emotional Sue Hamer, organiser of the event Firstly I would like to thank ODRC for allowing me to organise and run the show and:- Judges Vicky Tibbot, Leah Barnes, Jodie Rawsthorne & Sue Taylor Stewards Heather Bolton, Kathryn Crawley, Jean Brookes, Cathy Heaven,

Sue Howes, Joyce Bromley, Tracy Shawe and her ever so cute son, Kai.

Helpers Jackie Knight, Sue Hollingworth, Keith, Sue & Nigel Toone, Rachel Roebuck & Peter Carter, Karen & Tim Patridge

Jill sadly passed away in May of this year and I together with so many other people was deeply saddened by her death. Jill, along with her trusty steed Sovereign, competed in many events and like most of us used to compete for the sheer thrill and fun achieved whilst competing. Jill was always willing to lend a hand and offer friendly advice and support and never wanted anything in return.

Jill’s funeral was a sad day but her husband Mark made the most amazing speech about Jill which strangely did not make you sad but made you smile. Jill would have been so proud. Following her funeral I was left feeling that I wanted to do something which not only celebrated Jill’s life and all of the memories that I had of her but also something appropriate that other people could be involved in. It was then that I came up with the idea of a Memorial Show - what could be more perfect? The problem I then had was mmmmmmmmmmm what type of show would it be as Jill was not a showing person but loved dressage and cross country? It was then I had the idea of the Mini ODE, something which would be slightly different from the norm but that would enable people to have a go at something different. The main aim would not be to frighten but to encourage and support people and most importantly have a fantastic time - things that Jill would have regarded as of the utmost importance. Having been given the green light by ODRC to organise and run the show I found myself on a mission. I produced a schedule, aware that the most important thing was not to overface people so the schedule became a Mini ODE which would consist of three classes, the Intro, Pre-Novice and for the brave, the Novice, with the added bonus that people could compete in all three phases wearing cross country colours. With just over two months to organise the Show I set to work. I contacted Ian McConnell Veterinary Practice in Mossley where Jill used to work, Jolly Jodhs, equestrian suppliers


The Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODEThe Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODEThe Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODEThe Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE (continued) (continued) (continued) (continued) at Warth Mill, Diggle and Lesley Illingworth who all without hesitation agreed to sponsor a class. I then contacted the Judges who without question kindly agreed to give up their time and Judge on the day. Having had a lengthy conversation with the lady at Poynton Rosettes explaining what I wanted she did not disappoint, the rosettes were delivered and it felt like Christmas Day had arrived early. I opened the box and was left speechless and very emotional; the rosettes were beautiful. I could not contain myself any longer and was straight on the phone to Minda to share my excitement. This was really going to happen!!!!!! With sponsorship now in place and the Judges all kindly agreeing to give their time up at no charge, raising monies for Jill’s chosen Charities rested on the entries I was to receive. I have to admit I was a little worried the week before close of entries as with only 6 entries I thought I was going to have to enter my 4 year old, Pumpkin who has only jumped a small cross pole twice. However, the following week things changed and my Postman deserved a medal for carrying all of my post. I received a staggering 32 entries. AMAZING!! It was the day before the Show and I started to panic - I hope everything goes well .... I hope people have a good time.... I hope the weather holds out for us.... - I needn’t have worried. The day finally arrived and after being up until 3am the night before making sure everything had been done and not being able to sleep through both sheer excitement and nerves I woke up very stressed and a little behind time. Sue Hollingworth called me to say “Where are you" and "By the way the dressage arena is now set up!!”. I arrived and got stuck into the task of setting out the courses and marking off the rings for both phases of jumping. I had drawn out a course plan for both phases and, with an army of helpers, started to get the jumps from the container and set up. Vicky Tibbot and Leah Barnes were absolute superstars and completely took over the organising of the cross country fences and show jumps respectively, leaving me to tape off the rings and set up the Secretary’s tent in the back of my horsebox!! With the rings now in place we were ready for kick off. The first class started and ran so smoothly I started to relax. It was great that everyone had a huge smile and was having fun. Everyone got behind everyone else and showed so much support for each other it was amazing. After each dressage test was completed there was a huge round of applause followed by the same in the showjumping/cross county ring. The day went from strength to strength. A lot of people were out of their comfort zone and trying something new but having so much fun. Everyone was so calm and there developed a real laid back feel to the day, I couldn’t believe it. I was totally overwhelmed. We even had the pleasure of a local legend, Graham Tibbot making his debut on Mischief Maker. You could have heard a pin drop when he was jumping and I thought Vicky (who is both his wife and the owner of the horse) was going to either pass out or have heart failure! Thankfully, Vicky started to breathe again when Graham and Mischief completed and a huge cheer erupted.


I would like to comment on each and every competitor involved on the day, but that would be so hard as everyone had such a fantastic time. A huge congratulations to everyone and in particular to those of you who conquered your fears and faced the challenge, to name a few, Minda Wigley, Karen Partidge and Andy Morrison. It will be a long time, if ever, before I forget the looks of excitement and the sea of smiles that I experienced on the day. As I had received so many entries I decided to give a really special rosette being the “Biggest Smile Award”. That was one of the hardest things to Judge and came down to trawling through the pictures on Matt Johnson’s website. Following a tough decision as I think everyone deserved the prize it was decided that Lauren Jackson (see photo left) would be the lucky lady who, on receipt of her rosette, had an even bigger smile!! I had set myself several goals to achieve for the day, the first being that it had to be the most fitting tribute to our friend Jill, to raise as much money as possible for Jill’s three chosen charities, to have no

injuries and finally for everyone to have so much fun. The only compulsory thing (apart from the obvious safety measures) was that everyone had to wear a huge smile!! I am so pleased to say that all of my goals were far exceeded. I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who was involved, be it as a Judge, Steward, Helper, Competitor and even Spectator, but I would also like to thank Minda for being my shoulder throughout my organisation of the event, Sue & Nigel Toone for loaning some of their cross country jumps out of their field at home and finally my Partner, James who was an absolute superstar all the way through and on the day, even though he’s not really interested in horses!!!!! With everybody's support and donations we managed to raise a staggering £600 for Jill’s chosen Charities and they will each receive a cheque via ODRC for £200, being The Christie Charity, Cancer Research and Riding for the Disabled. I really can’t thank everyone enough for your support. The day was an absolutely perfect tribute to a wonderful, much loved and missed lady, Jill Bradley, whom I am sure was there in spirit that day. Finally, you will all be pleased to learn that ODRC have agreed that the Jill Bradley Memorial Mini ODE will become an annual event in their Schedule, so here's to next year!!!! Love Sue xx


jill bradley memorial mini one day event – results

Class 1: Ian McConnell Veterinary Surgery Intro

Name Horse Member Dressage SJ XC Overall Place

Lucy Bland Misty PC 40 0 E

Max Prenty Micky PC 39.2 E

Lauren Jackson Roman ODRC 41.3 E

Martina Bland Pixie PC 42.6 E

Karen Partridge Miss Ebony ODRC 40 E

Sarah Cheetham Echo Lady ODRC 39.6 0 0 39.6 1st

Jayne Longden Chester ODRC 38.7 0 2 40.7 2nd

Jillian Dinsdale Jack ODRC 41.7 0 0 41.7 3rd

Sam Toone Crazy Paints 42.2 0 0 42.2 4th

Jane Lees Marley ODRC 41.3 0 2 43.3 5th

Minda Wigley Claude ODRC 36.1 8 0 44.1 6th Andrea Seton-Jones Toby ODRC 41.3 4 0 45.3

Emily Plevin Vicky 43.8 0 2 46.8

Class 2: Jolly Jodhs Pre-Novice

Name Horse Member Dressage SJ XC Overall Place

Andy Morrison Joshua's Dream ODRC 24.6 0 E

Gemma Woolley Simply B ODRC 26.2 0 6 32.2 1st

Martha Tibbot Crazy Paints ODRC 33.7 0 1 34.7 2nd

Tim Patridge Sox ODRC 37.5 0 1 38.5 3rd

Jackie Horrocks Pancras ODRC 38.7 0 0 38.7 4th

Heather Marshall Pendle Taran ODRC 35.8 4 0 39.8 5th

Sue Toone Robbie 43.3 0 0 43.3 6th

Graham Tibbot Mischief Maker ODRC 42.4 0 5 47.4

Louise Frary Tahoe Dollar ODRC 46.7 4 0 50.7

Derryth Hope Charlie 30.8 4 27 61.8

James Taylor Peter Piper PC 44.6 4 15 63.6

Deb Bradbury Cruise ODRC 40 12 67 119

Class 3: Crown Point Farm Novice

Name Horse Member Dressage SJ XC Overall Place

Carla Richardson Corker ODRC 42 0 0 42 1st

Sue Hollingworth Zander ODRC 40.8 0 5 45.8 2nd

Sara Dransfield Greenhill 42.6 8 5 55.6 3rd

Kathy Bradley Harriette ODRC 47.2 4 5 56.2 4th

Abigail Atherton Grace ODRC 40.4 8 27 75.4 5th

Laura Carter Sky ODRC 46.4 0 70 116.4 6th


a long, hard ride but worth the pain! - sponsored ride 7 august by Peter Carter Bryn and I left the yard at Diggle at 7.30am. on Saturday 7th August and set off for Torside on the Trans Pennine Trail to join the rides from there to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the opening of the bridleway. The weather was damp but quite warm as we went along the bridleway to the Royal George and up Shadworth Lane to Mooredge Road.

Going on to Carrbrook and Brushes Reservoir the weather was improving and we had a pleasant ride to Tintwistle where we crossed the A628 Woodhead Road and rode on to the dam at Valehouse Reservoir joining the trail by Valehouse Farm and on towards Torside picnic area to meet up with Jean Tennant and Barbara Haigh who had organised the event.

About a mile from the picnic area I had my only moments of concern for Bryn. We were trotting along nicely when he did one of those stumbles which happen occasionally for no apparent reason, and he went lame front offside. I brought him back to walk for about 50 yards and then tried trot but he was still nodding. Back to walk again for a similar distance, tried trot again and he was ok. A few yards further and another stumble and nodding again, decided to walk the rest of the way to Torside and see how he went after a good rest at the picnic area arriving there at 10.15.

We had 45 minutes break during which I had a chat with Jean and Barbara while watching other riders setting off on their journeys round the reservoirs. Bryn had a good feed from the bag of corn which I carry and a fair amount of wet grass. He would not take a drink. There were 28 horses and riders taking part, setting off at intervals on either the 8 mile or 15 mile circuits. Some of these had already started prior to our arrival at Torside.

Waiting until everyone had gone we set off again at 11.00pm. Knowing there were horses in front Bryn went spanking up the car park with a typical Section D trot. Much to my relief, we caught the pair of riders in front at the first gate. This pair were two sisters from Derbyshire and as they did not know the route we decided to ride together. Their horses were forward going so we went on at a good trot passing the previous pair at the disused railway tunnels at the head of the valley.

Here we crossed the A628 Woodhead Road. onto the north side of the reservoirs, turning left towards Crowden. I had not ridden this side of the valley previously so it was good to ride new territory. It's a very scenic route with views all the way down the Longdendale valley, passing through woodland in places and is mainly a good surface to ride on - the only downside being lots of gates. There were also two bridges to cross which were quite narrow. These, along with the gates, were causing problems to most of the riders in front which meant that before we got to Crowden our group of three had become about fifteen. After waiting for a long time to get through one of the gates we decided to get to the front so that we could push on. We took it in turns to dismount to do the gates, some of which were very difficult.

Riding on really well we caught another pair - the only other male taking part and his wife - they joined us making our team up to five. Continuing on from Crowden we enjoyed a very pleasant ride to the point where we again crossed the A628 and entered the pine woods along Torside reservoir. On reaching the dam, where riders doing the eight mile would cross and return to the starting point, our group continued on alongside Rhodeswood and Valehouse reservoirs.


A long hard ride but worth the pain (continued) On reaching the dam Bryn and I left the group, thanking them for their company. They proceeded across the dam while we started back on our journey home. As we had been going for about three hours since leaving Torside I felt a pitstop was needed so we had half an hour in a meadow at the side of the pegasus crossing just outside Tintwistle - another corn feed for Bryn plus a good amount of wet grass - sandwiches for me. After this break we crossed the main road, again, passed through Tintwistle (The Bulls Head was difficult to ride past) along Arnfield Lane and then the climb up to the moor and a short halt at Ogden Clough where Bryn had a good drink from the brook.

By this time I was feeling quite knackered. My back, neck and knees were giving me jgyp. Bryn was going really well. The long downhill back to Brushes reservoir eased my aches but as we climbed again over to Carrbrook I was quite uncomfortable. I decided another pit stop was required so we took this at Buckton Castle. Bryn had the last of the corn and more grass while I did some stretches. After about ten minutes we set off again on the last part of our journey, along Moor Edge Road. and down Shadworth Lane to the Royal George.

As we were about to cross Manchester Road to join the bridleway past Freizland we saw Barbara and Jean on their way home. Bryn picked the pace up along the bridleway - familiar territory - went into canter past Saddleworth School and a good trot up Brownhill Lane. He was keen to get home and was making me suffer in the process. We arrived back at the yard about 4.30. After hosing Bryn down and another feed I turned him out. He trotted up the field and had a good roll. I went home for a hot bath and a few cans to ease the pain!

In spite of my aches I thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Bryn seems to thrive on them. This 40 miles was a challenge especially for me. I'm not sure whether I will ride this sort of distance in a day again. However thanks to some generous sponsors we have raised about £180 which will help with the maintenance at Friezland.

Cheers Bryn (alias Cresendos Prince) and Peter

helpers rota for forthcoming shows

Just because your name doesn't appear below, doesn't mean you can't help! You will be very welcome at any show – too many helpers are far better than too few! Showjumping – 12 September 2010

Paul Dodkins Jayne Romanczuk Donna Howarth Emma Claire Stewart Trefor Phillips Deborah Traynor

Dressage Show – 26 September 2010 Emily Aylett Kathy Bradley Anne Henshall Andrea Seton-Jones

Emma Stewart Haylee Wild

Combined Training Show – 3 October 2010

Krystina Bamber Sarah Harwood Jane Horrocks Jennie Lancashire Carla Richardson Lauren Rothwell Ann Thompson John Thompson Haydee Seton-Jones


ridden, in-hand & working hunter show 27 june 2010 by Tracy Shaw Ridden, In Hand & Working Hunter Show Organiser Hi All! Well my last two write-ups have started with "the weather was on our side" – not this time! Unfortunately the Working Hunter classes were cancelled due to the ground being unfit for jumping. I didn't want any accidents!! One of our judges (the field judge) had a knee length dress on with her Dubarry wellies! I think she knew she'd ironed the wrong outfit that morning(!), but, nevertheless, she trudged through the monsoons we were having and got on with the job – poor soul! Putting the tent up was a job and a half as well, with Norma and Paul vanishing inside every time we had a gust of wind with the tent doing that magic trick of all four feet off the ground! Then, around 1pm, finally the rain stopped, the sun came out and everyone emerged from trailers/boxes stripping off and even hanging clothes out to dry! I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who turned up to compete/help and groom as, looking out of your windows that morning, you must have had your doubts! Thank you to: Norma Roberts and Paul Dodkins for helping set up. (Paul has been at every show to help – thanks, Paul!). Norma Roberts, Judy and Emily Worthington for manning the tent all day Melissa Chapman for helping out throughout the day My friend, Dionne, Karen and Tim Partridge for clearing up at the end of the day Lesley Jackson for making me two lovely flower arrangements for the championships (much nicer than my own!) Our judges Ruth Garside and Stephanie Howarth and their stewards and all of you who helped that I might have forgotten to mention (you are just as important!) And last of all, well done to all who were in the ribbons and to the champions and reserves on the day. Til next year .... Tracy

RESCHEDULERESCHEDULERESCHEDULERESCHEDULEDDDD WORKING WORKING WORKING WORKING HUNTER CLASSESHUNTER CLASSESHUNTER CLASSESHUNTER CLASSES The Working Hunter classes that had to be cancelled on Sunday 29th August will be run on Sunday 3 October following the Combined Training Show. The start time will not be known until the Combined Training times have been calculated on the Thursday before the show, but the Working Hunter classes will definitely be in the afternoon.




Ridden Cob Type

1st Hayley Lawlor Linwood Blue

2nd Lauren Jackson Roman 3rd Jayne

Romanczuk Jimmy

4th Sian Chadwick Filly 5th Francesca

Irving Ziggy Stardust

Ridden Arab, Anglo/Part-bred

No entries in this class

Riding Horse

1st Becky Hebb Blue 2nd Lauren Jackson Po

3rd Lauren Rothwell Apollo XII

Ridden Show Hunter

1st Sue Toone Robbie 2nd Megan Lockwood Landa

Ridden Mountain & Moorland

1st Katie Donald Trojan 2nd Tim Partridge Ebony 3rd Kiara Hulme Bertie


4th Jade Smith Lillie

Ridden Spotted/Coloured/Palamino

1st Jayne Romanczuk


2nd Janis Collins Apache Paddy 3rd Martha Tibbot Harvey 4th Francesca Irving Ziggy Stardust

Best Riding Club Horse

1st Lauren Rothwell Apollo XII

2nd Sue Toone Robbie 3rd Emily Aylett Blue Boy 4th Jillian Dinsdale Black Jack 5th Lauren Jackson Roman 6th Nicole Lotty

Best Riding Club Pony 1st Martha Tibbot Crazy Paints 2nd Alicia Scholes Boston In Hand Best Condition

1st Helen Lewis Happa Georgie

2nd Karen Partridge Ebony 3rd Amanda Sprung Oscars Image 4th Heather Marshall Echo Lady 5th Emma Longden Ballantrae Brice

of Castle Brean 6th Dionne Prince Max

In Hand Spotted/Coloured/Palamino 1st Amanda Sprung Oscars Image 2nd Lorraine Worrall Deltas Midnight

Promise 3rd Francesca Irving Ziggy Stardust 4th Amy Winterbottom Mrs D In Hand Cob Type 1st Wilma Sprung Linwood Blue

2nd Tracy Shaw Crystal 3rd Bev Chadwick Filly 4th Francesca Irving Ziggy Stardust 5th Lauren Jackson Roman 6th Emily Aylett Blue Boy In Hand Mountain & Moorland 1st Emma Longden Ballantrae Brice

of Castle Brean

2nd Karen Partridge Ebony 3rd Katie Donald Trojan 4th Lesley Sanders Drybarrows

Browny 5th Naomi Burt Harvey 6th Heather Marshall Echo Lady

In Hand Veteran (over 15 years) 1st Tracy Shaw Crystal 2nd Krystina Bamber Big Time Brody 3rd Lauren Jackson Po 4th Martha Davies Whinnie 5th Laura Saxon Blossom 6th Sarah Cheetham Pendal Taran

In Hand Arab, Anglo, Part-bred 1st Dionne Prince Max

In Hand Hunter Type 1st Victoria Tibbot Mischief Maker

2nd Diane Allcock Reo 3rd Megan Lockwood Landa


ridden, in hand & working hunter

results (continued)

Open In Hand 1st Amanda Sprung Oscars Image 2nd Helen Lewis Happa Geordie

3rd Kiara Hulme Bertie Bassett 4th Lissi Scholes Boston 5th Dionne Prince Max 6th Diane Allcock Reo

Ridden Veteran (over 15 years) 1st Sarah Cheetham Pendal Taran 2nd Krystina Bamber Big Time Brody 3rd Lauren Jackson Po 4th Hayley Lawlor Linwood Blue

5th Laura Carter Sky 6th Victoria Challoner Apollo

Ridden Showing 1st Lauren Rothwell Apollo XII

2nd Sian Chadwick Filly 3rd Victoria Challoner Apollo 4th Helen Lewis Happa Geordie 5th Alicia Scholes Boston 6th Martha Davies Whinnie

Novice Equitation 1st Karen Partridge Ebony 2nd Emily Aylett Blue Boy 3rd Martha Davies Whinnie

4th Alicia Scholes Boston 5th Kiara Hulme Bertie Bassett 6th Megan Lockwood Landa

Open Equitation 1st Lauren Rothwell Apollo XII

instruction update

Showjumping Practice Nights: by Rachel Roebuck, Practice Organiser

Thanks to everyone who helped to set the jumps up and put them away - your help was appreciated. What a fantastic turn out - the most we've seen! - Bridget & Martha Tibbot, Gemma Woolley, Jacky Knight, Jenny Lancashire, Jackie Horrocks, Janis Collins, Emily Aylett and Minda Wigley to name a few, although I think there were more !!!!

The practices have been fun-filled and it's been great to see people get something from them.

As the nights are starting to draw in the practices are going to be made shorter (30 mins instead of 45 mins). The next practice is Sept 1st starting at 6.30 for the novices and then 7.00 for the more advanced.

Any questions please give me a ring either on 07968 043539 or e-mail me at rachelroebuck@aol.com

Dressage/Flatwork Lessons…So Far by Krystina Bamber, Clinic Organiser

There have recently been sets of lessons taking place on a Wednesday night, every other week. These were at Friezeland arena with a great local instructor, Fiona Hurst. The lessons were very well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all, even if they did get wet! We've even had a cancellation list in operation as the lessons were so popular. Everybody that participated seemed to learn something new and even I found a dressage pony in my little show jumper!

I would like to thank everyone who attended the lessons and obviously Fiona for providing fantastic instruction. Sadly the dark nights are looming so the Wednesday night lessons have had to be put on hold for now. However, I am going to try and arrange something for the near future.


instruction update continued

Showjumping Clinic 31 August 2010: by the Editor Well done to everyone who took part in the clinic on 31 August with Peter Mellor. I went to watch it for the first time and found myself feeling quite envious that I wasn't taking part. (Of course it's easy to be brave when you are on the ground, and so easy to imagine you could do what they're doing when you know you don't have to!!) The main objective was to improve the riders' course-jumping skills over various scary fillers and combinations of fences and negotiating varying angles of turns. Some comments during the evening included:

Roger Matthews – Peter Mellor was simply delighted that Roger was sober! (Quite what we are to deduce from this comment I'm not sure!) Bridget Tibbot was trying a new bit and was enjoying having more control over Brad! Jessica Goodwin-Sherratt just enjoyed the whole thing. Tim Partridge had a fantastic time and was just speechless at having such a great teacher. Claire Linney, who had her first attempt at jumping her young horse needed superglue as she and her mount parted company more than once! Lesley Illingworth was riding Lucas who, when Lesley has sorted out the steering, will be a fab jumper. Jayne Romanczuk was thrilled she'd jumped the wall and everything! Sarah Mottley was riding Mayfly who, after a week of box rest with a small leg injury, was really full of beans and just about settled down by the end of the lesson! Caroline Coldwell was delighted not to have fallen off and had a big smile on her face after the lesson with Peter. Carla Richardson felt the best thing for her was practising riding the "dog leg" because it was good for improving balance. Lisa Wake thought it was all fantastic and would recommend it to everyone. For her the best bit was practising the off-set lines (where you have to jump to the right hand side of the first fence, the middle of the second fence and the left hand side of the third fence, and you have to be quite determined to hold your line) and last but not least Abi Atherton who was really putting into effect Peter's advice to have a "positive mental attitude" when you are nervous. The riders have been very grateful for the use of Lesley Illingworth's fantastic facilities throughout these showjumping clinics – thanks, Lesley! Future Clinics: As we are now losing the daylight in the evenings any future clinics over the Autumn and Winter will be held at Woodnook. Keep and eye on the website and future editions of the Newsletter for dates and booking-in details.

SHOWJUMPING AT WOODNOOK You might be interested to know that the Wednesday evening showjumping competitions at Woodnook Arena (Meltham) started again on 1st September and will run fortnightly thereafter. The programme starts at 5.30pm with a clear round class, followed at 6.30pm by Mini Novice and other classes that follow on include Novice, Intermediate and Open. For full details see the Woodnook website or ring Peter Mellor on 07979 750066.


social events update

Both Work and Play at Friezland – 18th August by Amanda Rothwell, Social Secretary

Hi everyone Just wanted to say a big thank you for all those who joined the happy gathering of folks at Friezland to practise their flatwork & jumping skills and enjoyed a glass of wine and nibbles after!! It was a packed schedule in the arena for the Dressage lessons with Fiona Hurst which have been very popular, and meanwhile over on the field Rachel Roebuck was very busy giving valuable encouragement, help and support to the show jumpers. I set up my wagon with an array of tempting treats and waited to see if anyone would partake - it wasn't long before an array of hungry jockeys and helpers (not to mention neddies) gathered to clean us out! Brilliant! The chomping of jam doughnuts and clink of paper cups could be heard for miles around. It was great to see some new faces and lovely as always to see the stoical members who came and supported and helped. We just managed to munch the last bits and clear away as the heavens opened - some riders unfortunately weren't so lucky. Hope they've dried off ok. I really enjoyed it and hope everyone else did too – I'd be happy to do it again the next time! Hope to see you soon at the next event!

Night at the Cinema – Tuesday 24th August by Lesley Illingworth There were a select few of us on the night. We had a meal in Frankie & Benny's beforehand and "Salt" was a great film – well worth seeing, and I recommend it to those of you who weren't able to join us on a good night out!

Beach Ride 1st August 2010 by Lesley Illingworth Twelve riders took part plus Sue Hopkinson, Kath Edwards (Denzil's wife) and Keith Chapel on foot with dogs. Steve Hopkinson and John Thompson entered the wet t-shirt competition – but were good sports and laughted it off. (I think they were trying to swim to Ireland really!) We all had a fab time doing our own thing in little groups, so when someone wanted a gallop they just joined a faster group and rejoined the walking lot when they'd had enough. The horses seemed to enjoy themselves and had a good snooze while we had a picnic afterwards.

The riders and horses were: Abi Atherton & Grace Steve Hopkinson & Holly Sarah Mottley & Mayfly Denzil Edwards & Harley Chris Illingworth & Enzo Carla Richardson & Corker Sue Hollingworth & Dana Lesley Illingworth & Lucas Ann Thompson & George Vicky Hollingworth & Buffy Elizabeth Kershaw & Solitaire John Thompson & Rupert

from Elizabeth Kershaw on Solitaire: It was my first time riding on a beach – a dream come true! It was absolutely brilliant – I loved it! We had a great time – went in the water up to her tummy, splashing in the waves and galloping up the sand. I'd recommend it to anyone to do it – can't wait to go again!

from Abi Atherton on Grace: A day trip to the beach has been on my "to do" list every year for the 7 or 8 years I've owned Grace, so this seemed a brilliant opportunity to finally get around to it. After her initial suspicions about the seaweed, jellyfish and the waves, Grace seemed to really enjoy splashing about in the sea. Next time we might even try a swim!?!


just a minutejust a minutejust a minutejust a minute (snippets from the latest committee meeting)

Friezland User Group: � Enquiries are being made into removing the cattle grid at the car park entrance at

Friezland and about making the gateway wider. The timescale is as yet unknown. � John Greenhalgh (Tara Wolosijn's stepfather) has very kindly offered to make repairs

to the toilet block – an offer accepted with great appreciation! (Ed: A huge thank you to John - since the meeting took place, we now have 3 fully functioning toilets!! )

� New letters are to be put around the arena. � The possibility of using the all-weather arena for jumping shows (in emergencies only)

was raised. At this point, however, concern was expressed that, if the Riding Club is seen to set a precedent for jumping on the arena, the public might be tempted to bring their own jumps to use on the arena, and any accident they might have could result in the closure of the arena.

Combined Training Shows: The Combined Training Show on 8 August had been cancelled due to lack of entries and it was acknowledged that the Memorial One Day Event timed to follow it had affected the level of entries. However, it was agreed that the Combined Training Shows for 2011 would have at least two classes: a Prelim dressage test with jumps at 2' 3" and a Novice dressage test with jumps at 2' 9". Consideration would be given to running it on the basis of Style Jumping instead of BSJA rules, and to having 3 classes (including an elementary dressage test) allowing competitors to select both the level of dressage and the height of jumps they wish to do. If it were to be run as a qualifier then the qualification criteria would be specified in the schedule and anyone wishing to qualify would have to enter the specified classes.

It was also suggested, in light of the popularity of the Mini ODE, that in 2011 there should be two Combined Training Shows and one Mini ODE (again to be held as a memorial to raise funds for Jill Bradley's charities). It was noted with gratitude that Sue Toone had donated tyres for a tyre jump, and thought would be given to buying some cross country fences that could also be used as working hunter jumps.

small ads


Spencer Wilton, International Grand Prix Dressage Rider and Trainer, will be teaching at Croft End Equestrian Centre, Knott Lanes, Bardsley, Oldham OL8 3JD on the following dates:

13th September 11th October 29th November

Lessons are £65 for ¾ hour or £45 for ½ hour. Ring Pat Shepherd or Carol Lyons on 0161 624 2849 to book a place.

HORSEBOX FOR SALE Ford Cargo Horsebox. Fully fitted living. £3500. Phone Tref at 01457 837698. TWO BOXES FOR RENT at Stamford Stables. Part DIY or Full Livery for details phone Tref or Sue on 01457 837698


Friezland User Group Fun Trec Unaffiliated Trec Competition

Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th September, 2010

At Friezland Arena, Manchester Road, Greenfield (A635) OS Explorer Map OL2 - Grid Reference SD 988 038

Entries must be received by Sunday 12th September, 2010

Fancy a change from the Show Ring, or the hack round your usual ride? Then why not come along and have a go at the Friezland User Group Fun Trec.

Affiliated BHS Trecs are organised throughout the country by a number of different groups, with British Championships held annually. In order to encourage more people to take part in this fast growing sport, the Friezland User Group hold a Fun Trec each year and it is now in its tenth year, and is returning to Friezland.

Trec is a combined event that aims to reward any horse/rider combination performing well over a range of skills (not all of them equestrian, e.g. map reading) rather than their success in any one particular discipline. The three phases are: 1 POR (Orienteering) 2 CP (Control of paces) and 3 PTV (Obstacle Course). Enquiries: Liane Robinson: 0161 652 8331 before 9.30pm or email: liane.robinson@lrqa.com

For more information: on BHS TREC, visit http://www.bhs.org.uk/Riding/BHS_TREC.aspx

SATURDAY 18th POR (navigating) phase (approximately 12km – 6 miles) SUNDAY 19th Control of Paces and PTV Obstacle phases (maximum height of

obstacle 60cm)

Entry Fees: Friends of Friezland, Members of Oldham Riding Club, Members of Saddleworth Pony Club, WPBA Members - £15 per rider. Non-members £17.50 This is run along the lines of the BHS Trec, however, it is run as a pairs competition but with awards for the individual scores also.

Trophies will be awarded to the Pair and Individual achieving the highest overall scores. There is also a trophy for the highest score on the obstacles. Rosettes (1st to 6th) will be awarded for pairs and individuals. All competitors will receive an entry rosette. Individual scores will be taken from the pairs class. If a competitor is unable to find a partner, they are welcome to enter as an individual. The organisers will try to pair individuals up if possible.


Friezland User Group Fun Trec (contd.) Competitors under 14 years of age must be accompanied on the orienteering phase by someone who is over 16 years of age. This may be their riding partner, or alternatively, could be someone on a bike or foot (if feeling fit). Facilities available � We have been able to organise corralling at a nearby caravan site. Fees for corralling will be

£12 per night. You will need to bring your own electric fencing. � A potato pie supper and buffet will be organised for the Saturday evening with a vegetarian

option. There will be a charge of £7.50 per head. � A caterer will be on site on the Sunday. Please support him. � Start times and directions will be e-mailed out before the event. If you do not have access to

e-mail facilities, please supply a SAE with your entry. � 2J’s – Equestrian Photography will be attending the event. Helpers Needed All TREC competitions rely on the support of volunteer judges and helpers. Can you or anyone coming with you lend a hand? If you can assist us with judging or stewarding on either day. Competitors can also help us with setting up, clearing equipment away, collecting scores etc. No judging experience necessary – we are grateful for all offers of help and you will learn lots from the inside! Even a couple of hours help can make a difference and there are lots of jobs suitable for non-horsey mums/dads/partners. We provide all judges with free lunch and hot/cold drinks, and for volunteers who can help all day on both days the bonus offer of a free ticket for the Saturday evening meal. We will be setting the up the obstacles on the Sunday morning. All help to do this will be gratefully received as it will speed this up.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Tack and equipment will be checked. The items listed below should be carried on the Orienteering phase, failure to have these items incurs a 2 point penalty for each item up to a maximum of 10 penalty points: Each Rider: Hard Hat – current standard, Sensible footwear, Waterproofs (i.e. jacket), headcollar/rope (or combination bridle), whistle, competitor ID/medical information, horse ID and hi-viz clothing. Each pair should have the following items between them, and should be encouraged to carry the full list each if possible: Compass, Map marking pen – fine gel pen or similar, Basic First aid kit for horse and rider Helpful equipment for the Orienteering phase: Map case, Drink/snack for rider, Coins for emergency phone call, Digital watch (or stopwatch), mobile phone








Saddleworth & District pony club are holding a one day event Dressage/Show jumping/Cross-

country to be held on the pony club field Platting Road.

• Open to all members & non-members competitors will complete a dressage test followed by

a show jumping course and finally a cross country element.

• Body protectors must be worn for the cross-country element

• Prizes for winner of each class and rosettes to 6th


• This event is intended to be run as a fun day for members & non-members.

• Event to start at 10.00 am

• Any enquiries regarding the event please contact Stacey on 07749314791


Class 1 Beginners

Dressage pony club D level 2 (obtainable at www.pcuk.org, documents-tests-basic test for younger


Showjumping & timed crosscountry (fences not to exceed 1ft 9)


Class 2 Pre-Novice

Dressage Prelim 12

Showjumping & timed crosscountry (fences not to exceed 2ft 3)


Class 3 Novice

Dressage Novice 20

Showjumping & timed crosscountry (fences not to exceed 2ft 9)


Pony Club/Riding Club Member £12.00

Non Members £15.00

Entries close Tuesday 22nd

September 2010-07-23

Times available on website & by calling Pat Dewhurst on Thursday 23rd

September between

8.00pm & 10.00pm 0161 681 6338

Entry Form

Entries to Pat Dewhurst 39 Stamford Drive, Woodhouses, failsworth M35 9WS

Rider: Contact No:

Horse/Pony: Class:

Member No: Fee:

Cheques Payable to Saddleworth & District PC



25th Annual SUPERHORSE COMPETITION At Friezland Equestrian Arena (between Greenfield and Royal George, A635)

On SUNDAY, 10th October, 2010 Commencing at 10.00am


1 Safe


Judged on safe condition, fit and turnout of

CONVENTIONAL saddlery and dress

(although accessories such as fluorescent

jackets are welcomed by the organisation,

they will not attract bonus points)

2 Handy


A course of obstacles designed to test agility

and obedience

3 Show


One round of novice jumps, judged under

scurry rules

4 Equitation A simple riding test to assess obedience, i.e.

walk, trot and canter on both reins

5 Road Safety A simulated course to test rider’s knowledge

of road rules and horse’s behaviour at hazards

Points from classes 1 to 5

to be added together for

awards of trophies


Rosettes to 6th place in each of the and also for the highest overall aggregate points.

The following trophies will also be awarded – to be held until the 2011 competition

THE EDITH BOON SHIELD: For the Super Horse/Pony with highest aggregate points.

THE OLDHAM MOTOR CO ROSEBOWL: For the highest placed rider 30 years or over

THE H STOCKWELL CUP: For the highest placed rider aged from 16 to 29

THE C & E MILHENCH CUP: For the highest placed rider from 12 to 15 years

The JEAN TENNANT TROPHY : For the highest place rider up to 11 years.

Rule: All riders must wear a current standard riding hat whilst mounted.

Entry Fee: £10.00 for the total competition in advance or £15.00 on the day.

Cheques payable to WPBA

At the discretion of the organisers, entries may be accepted for single classes at £3.50

per class, but these competitors will not be eligible for the aggregate trophies

Enquiries and Entries to: Mrs. Jean Tennant, 114, Haven Lane, Moorside, Oldham. OL4 2QQ

Tel: 0161 665 3536

NAME OF: Age of rider: Please tick Box

RIDER HORSE/PONY 30+ 16-29 12-15 Up to 11



British Dressage (NW) in partnership with Nantwich Veterinary Group Equine Centre

present A series of three talks by

Campbell Thompson BVM&S MRCVS, partner at the Nantwich Vet. Group Equine Centre and Team Vet at the Sydney Olympics.


The overall aim of the talks is to assist in understanding the horse’s

limb anatomy from inside out and how that affects injury and



A fascinating insight into the workings of the lower leg and foot


Understand this complex area, to help prevent, career limiting



Considering the effects of arthritis in various joints and the

effects of front and hind suspensory problems

Presentations commence - 7.30pm


Members £8.00 / Non Members £10.00


ALL Ticket applications with sae to:

Hilary Wells, The Firs, Frog Lane, Milton Green, Cheshire CH3 9DN

with cheques made payable to British Dressage

For further information/check availability of places and book tickets

Contact Hilary Wells - 01829 771031 / 07846 103767

or via email at steve@stevewells.demon.co.uk



2010 Regional Training Clinics


Kate Attlee at

Crow Wood Equestrian Royle Lane, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 0RT


October, 17th



December and at

JWD Equestrian

Windmill Lane, Brindle, Chorley, PR6 8PG

Saturday 6th

November 2010 Each private lesson will last approximately 40 minutes

Cost: Members £50.00 / Non-members £55.00

To check availability / reserve a place

please contact

Rebecca McNair on 07977 426655 or

email rebecca@Logwoodstables.co.uk


NW Region Workshop

For riders, judges & trainers Kindly Sponsored by

www.saddlesdirect.co.uk & www.elitesaddles.co.uk

01254 853002 / 07971 132696

‘What The Judge Wants to See?’

With Clive Halsall (List 1 Judge)

• Clive will work with horses and riders to demonstrate and explain:

• The vital importance of Rhythm

• The development of Balance & Contact

• The progression of Impulsion

• Working towards Collection

Thursday, 16th

September 2010

7pm – 9.30pm At Myerscough International Arena,

Bilsborrow, Lancs


Members £10.00 / Non Members £13.00


ALL Ticket applications to: ELLEN ECCLES

For further information/check ticket availability contact

Ellen on 07889 273367

or email Ellen at ej.eccles12@btinternet.com