Ode to Elmer Portfolio

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Ode to Elmer Portfolio

ode toe l m e rw w w . o d eto e l m e r . c o m

LARISSA HORN 845 .489 .0 164

Ode to Elmer is an ecommerce retail business focused on fashionable collegiate accessories andmerchandise that aligns with the current college student DHVWKHWLF�DQG�VW\OH��:H�DUH�WKH�¿UVW�WR�UHFRJQL]H�D�FRPPRQ�V\PERO��1<8�%REVW�/LEUDU\¶V�ÀRRU�GHVLJQ��ZLWK�our product the Classic Tote. We have adapted this LPDJH��ZKLFK�LV�LGHQWL¿DEOH�WR�1<8�VWXGHQWV�DQGtranslated it into a functional and fashionable piece of DFFHVVRU\�WKDW�DOOXGHV�WR�RQH¶V�DI¿OLDWLRQ�DQG�DIIHFWLRQ�to NYU Elmer H. Bobst Library and the university atlarge.


n y ustudentsasthetic

Standard school apparel does not

equate to the everyday fashions

of college students today.

the inspiration

NYU’s Elmer H. Bobst library is an iconic landmark at the heart of the Nyu community. Inside its huge exterior is the sprawling geometric marble floor that all nyustudents have passed over during their college career.

inspired by the many hoursnyu scholars spend inside this building

ode to elmer was born.

THE bag

w w w . o d e to e l m e r . c o m

The classic tote is available for purchase onthe independently designed ecommerce website

for $14.00 plus tax and shipping.

promotional m a t e r i a l


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