ODA – Open Digital Administration and eGovernement in a learning society - organisations moving...

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ODA – Open Digital Administration and eGovernement in a learning society

- organisations moving into the future – flexibility and development – a tool for survival !

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

ISSS/LORIS 2003 Conference Local and Regional Information Society

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

•Founded in the Year 1135•Broadband Network for Everyone - all households•The first urban network, Næstved -1996•Infoville, a demonstration project •New Pathways, •The ODA - Personal Citizens Portal - Open digital administration•Learning Village - Virtual Schools•IVCE - Knowledge Center Life-long Learning

• Main economic sectors: Trade, industry and Service• Policy for the information society - life-long learning for everybody,everywhere, anytime• All projects must be private/public partnerships• Citizens Service 24 hours a day from 2000• Contribution to the regional growth in human capital• “The good life - ON LINE !”

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

1. The agenda for the new policies: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy

2. Local governance for empowerment of competitive societies, enterprises

and regions: The local government as the integrator of the key players of the development

3. Results and benefits in Naestved ODA – Open Digital Administration - eCommunity

4. Learning Regions for survival: Naestved as the center of regional competence-center offering

learning services for app. 75.000 employees of 3 counties, digital services for the mobile citizen and the eGovernment

on demand concept – 11 municipalities together

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Focus on:

The agenda for the new policies: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy

European eEurope action plan 2002: Lisbon Council (March 2000) “to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy in the world, capable of sustained economic growth with more and better

jobs and greater social cohesion”.


By 2005, Europe should have:

• modern online public services e-government • e-learning services• e-health services• a dynamic e-business environment

and, as an enabler for these

• widespread availability of broadband access at competitive prices• a secure information infrastructure

This action plan will succeed the eEurope 2002 action plan endorsed by the FeiraEuropean Council in June 2000. eEurope is part of the Lisbon strategy to make theEuropean Union the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy withimproved employment and social cohesion by 2010.

The e-Europe Actionplan 2005

Next steps to be taken:

The Lisbon strategy is not just about productivity and growth but also about employment and social cohesion. eEurope 2005 puts users at the centre.

It will improve participation, open up opportunities for everyone and enhance skills.

eEurope contains measures regarding e-inclusion in all action lines. One important tool to achieve this is to ensure multi-platform provision of services.

It is generally accepted that not everyone will want to have a PC. Making sure that services, especially online public services, are available over different terminals such as TV sets or mobile phones is crucial to ensuring the inclusion of all citizens.

Next steps to be taken:

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

1. Transition time from Industry to Knowledge Society

2. Technologies

3. How to become a winner

4. How to succeed

- countries, societies, regions, enterprices alike5. Data and information- very soon KNOWLEDGE

Benchlearning for the politicians:

Visions Policy Success factors Evaluation

What is lifelong learning ?

“all learning activity undertaken throughout life, with

the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences

within a personal, civic, social and/or employment related


COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (KOM(2001) 678, final, COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (KOM(2001) 678, final, Brussels 21.11.2001Brussels 21.11.2001Making a European Area ofLifelong Learning a RealityMaking a European Area ofLifelong Learning a RealityReport on results of the hearing of the memorandum of life-long learningReport on results of the hearing of the memorandum of life-long learning

The overall context: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Objectives of learning:

• active citizenship, personal fulfilment and social inclusion• employment-related aspects• centrality of the learner• equal opportunities and • the quality and relevance of learning opportunities.


• lifelong learning should encompass the whole spectrum of formal, non-formal and informal learning

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (KOM(2001) 678, final, Brussels 21.11.2001COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (KOM(2001) 678, final, Brussels 21.11.2001Making a European Area ofLifelong Learning a RealityMaking a European Area ofLifelong Learning a RealityReport on results of the hearing of the memorandum of life-long learningReport on results of the hearing of the memorandum of life-long learning

The overall context: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Focus on:

Local governance for empowerment of competitive societies, enterprises and regions: The local government as the integrator of the key players of the development

Results and benefits in Naestved: 24-hours service, rationalisations 25-60%, higher quality and guidance, scalable collaboration using GoPro as all-in-one, Sunny City learning environment for implementation

ODA - Open Digital Administration – www.oda-com.org


Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

”Making Europe closer to its citizens does not mean that the

Community institutions should be involved more closely

in regional and local administration. It is rather a question

of ensuring that citizens' everyday life and aspirations, which

clearly appear at local and regional level, are properly taken into

account at European level. Taken seriously this would trigger far

reaching reforms in the way the Community works."

Albert Bore, UK, The President of the Committee of the Regions

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk


TeleCities is the European Network of cities committed to leadership in the Information and Knowledge-based Society

Established in 1993 as a Eurocities’ sub-network, TeleCities is open to democratically elected city governments as well as to business and scientific partners


TeleCities provides a platform of over 100 local

authorities from 20 different European

countries sharing experience and developing

practical solutions to achieve an Inclusive

Information Society

 Its aim is to promote eGovernment and

eCitizenship at local level to ensure that all

citizens can equally gain from the benefits of

the Information Society

President Barcelona

 Vice President Naestved

 Steering Committee Members (14)

 Amaroussion • Antwerp • Helsinki • Kingston upon

Hull Cologne • Marseille • Nice • Rome •

Stockholm • The Hague • Vienna • Prague





Other Local Authorities (100)

 Aalborg • Aarhus • Amsterdam • Bari • Belfast • Berlin • Bilbao •

Birmingham Birkirkara • Bologna • Bradford • Bremen • Bristol • Brussels

Capital Region Camden-London • Cannes • Cardiff • Copenhagen •

Edinburgh • Eindhoven • Espoo Frankfurt • Frederikshavn • Gdansk •

Genova • Gent • Gijón • Glasgow Göteborg Grenoble • Grosseto •

Hamburg • Hagen • Hammersmith & Fulham • Hellin • Helsinki • Heraklion

• Huelva • Islington-London • Jena • Jun • Katowice • Leeds Leeuwarden •

Leipzig • Lewisham-London • Lille • Linköping • Linz • Lisbon Liverpool •

Livorno Lodz • Lyon • Maastricht • Madrid • Manchester • Metz • Milan

Modena • Montpellier • Munich • Münster • Nantes • Naples • Newcastle

Nottingham • Nova Gorica • Nuremberg • Olbia • Ostrava • Oulu • Palermo •

Porto Provincia di Piacenza • Rijeka • Ronneby • Rotterdam • Sabadell •

San Sebastian Seville • Sheffield • Southampton • Strasbourg • Sunderland

• Swarzedz • Tallinn Tampere • Terrassa • Totana • Tranås • Turin • Turku •

Utrecht • Valencia • Vantaa Venezia • Vilafranca del Penedès • Vilnius •








Policy development and lobbying the European

Agenda to ensure that the positions of cities are

taken into account

Information provision to members (eNewsbrief,…)

Exchange of experience, transfer of know-how.

Enforced co-operation and networking with South

European and CEE cities is pursued

Development and management of projects relevant

to the members and the network


TeleCities participates directly in EU funded

Projects at the benefit of its Members:

MUTEIS (Macro-economic & Urban Trends in

Europe’s Information Society)

CLIP CARD (Smart Cards based fines system)

THREE ROSES (State of the Art of Open Source

Software at local & regional levels)

Focus on:

Results and benefits in Naestved ODA – Open Digital Administration - eCommunity3

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

First of all you have to have the understanding that administration

In local government is not a classic terminology of “cases”. In many ways administration is more like handling the demands, terms and possibilities of the society for human beings. Human beings seen as a whole person – and focussing to put the individual in the centre.

Every individual citizen and the possibilities of his/hers family to experience transparency, overview and understanding of their life situations – and the rights and duties concerning the possibilities offered by the society (the decision makers).

People, who understand their own terms and possibilities, will feel themselves empowered to handle their own life situations – and will make more contributions to the society and the democracy – locally, nationally and globally – in other words: active citizenship

In short:

The future vision for the administration will be: from bureaucracy to be communicator of the policies, legislation and common sense.

The declaration of a new kind of administration – 8 years ago in Naestved

The challenge: Higher quality and efficiency using less resources

1. Transition time from Industry to Knowledge Society - knowledge doubles every 7-10 years - information is growing without limits - the rate of change accelerates - ineffective competition and communication

- lack of courage hide the truth

2. Technologies- Moore´s lov (-50%+100%-12-18 months)

- Metcalfe´s lov (benefits grows exponential)

- convergence public/private- convergence speach- and datacommunication- broadband "explodes" (Moore igen)

- genetics and biotechnology- energytechnology- sensor- and nanotechnology- brain- and nervetechnologies- knowledge techno

3. How to become a winner - every society and enterprise to optimise the competence and use of all human resources as main priority - without the right and duty for everyone to reflect and react to all threats and possibilities there will be no competitive society, enterprises or region - and in the end no wealth, success or independent survival

4. How to succeed - countries, societies, regions, enterprices alike - organisatons to meet all the demands

of the future - lifelong general and vocational training - re-education and learning for all everywhere, anytime, lifelong development - lifelong challenge of career, work, profession In 10 years 80% of population will work in othe professionsand working places unknown today

5. Data and information- very soon KNOWLEDGE:- personal- organisational- social and cultural- anywhere, anytime for everyone to be delivered at no cost at all- knowledge management- time and human factor

- artificial intelligence ??

Scenario of the realities - challenges !Scenario of the realities - challenges !

Demands from outside the organisation Using new technologies

- like GoPro - for:- Reengineering- New and better services- Development of human reources

To meet the challenge of moreCost-effective services producedin collaboration with citizens

Strengthened democracyvia empowered citizens –

Policiesand strategies

General concept ODA• Updated and correct knowledge:

Legislation, rules and public information –

• Integration to back-end systems: Analysis of the location of the citizens’ and companies’ personal data. Are data stored in central national databases/back-end

systems? • Dynamic forms: Use the standard concept of dynamic forms. This means that every task/service, which legally could be solved by the citizens and companies with the right decision support, should be re-engineered to minimize all tasks behind the “front-line”

• Benefits from using GoPro – all in one systemEstimate the value of the rationalizations coming from using only one system for citizens and civil servants.

Example – Naestved figures: • Integration back-end 10 minutes, • incoming control of forms 20 minutes,• registration and journalising 10 minutes – app. 40 minutes out of app. 60 minutes pr. application. • Direct savings approx. 60-70%.

• Indirect savings:• no resources used for manual, individual update of rules etc. at the homepage.

Fewer resources for training, technical support etc.using the same system for citizens and case-handlers.

Focus on:

Learning Regions for survival : Naestved as the center of regional competence-center offering learning

services for app. 75.000 employees of 3 counties, digital services for the mobile citizen and the eGovernment on demand concept – 11 municipalities together


Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Best practice Naestved- The synergy of clustering


New PathwaysPartners and involved:Partners and involved:

ODAPartners and involved:Partners and involved:

IVCe – Knowledge CenterIVCe – Knowledge CenterPartners and involved:Partners and involved:

The overall context: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy


• 6 open data learning centres 6 open data learning centres (for free, 50.000 visitors in 2001 – out of 47.000 inhabitants)(for free, 50.000 visitors in 2001 – out of 47.000 inhabitants)• Trained staff – earlier unemployed and social excluded personsTrained staff – earlier unemployed and social excluded persons• A technical platform combining Digital self-service with e- A technical platform combining Digital self-service with e- learning – ODA and ComKeen learning – ODA and ComKeen (Business plan GoProDevelopment and IBM)(Business plan GoProDevelopment and IBM)• The staff has suggested, that they could support the citizens The staff has suggested, that they could support the citizens with self-service using the computers in the learning centreswith self-service using the computers in the learning centres• The Telework Award 1999 for Europes best initiative for The Telework Award 1999 for Europes best initiative for handicapped persons to New Pathwayshandicapped persons to New Pathways

The overall context: e-Citizenship for all in a knowledge based economy

Cross-boarder partneringDanish model

Development of New applications

ASP –Platform

eCommunityGo-Pro Case

eLearning-Integrated learningDigital Signature

Knowledge PackageÍmplementation –

Technical, organisational, training newSkills/education flexible as part of

Implemtation processChange-management

Administration of Security andImplementation of digital


Testbed for National initiatives



Dynamic forms –Re-engeneered work-flowsRules legislationChange-management

Technical platform-Software applications


Knowledgeof knowledge =Know how !!

Organizational changes: administrative re-enginering of local administration/civil servants side by side with citizens and companies

The new organization - The new organization - Citizens ServiceCitizens Service

Superspecialists feed the knowledge-bases

Generalists 24-hoursservice Distanceworking

Decentralized institutions - services

Mrs. Millerserves herself- transactionbasedservices Internet

Specialists - outgoing servicesf.ex. to elderly people

ODA - Open Digital Administration –

Sunny City

The ambassadors are coaches:- giving methods and technics- motivation- feed back

Taskforce re-organiseservices and routinesIn the back-office – Workflow

All civil servants-can train the rolesas citizens and asCase-handlers

The developersin GoPro get feed-backand have easy test-teamsfor all new developments


Integrated project – 6th framework programme

Tartu, Estonia Iceland

Naestved, Denmark

Next steps to be taken:

Naestved as home for centre of Education and competencies

• From regional level and to 7 multi-regional centres

• Covering 3 counties – app. 750.000 inhabitants and 75.000 employees in municipalities and counties

• Development of regional learning and training services

• Start 1.1.2003 – now a lot of preparations

• The centres as drivers of implementation of e-Government and life-long learning

Next steps to be taken:Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Næstved Municipality • www.naeskom.dk

Learning Regions – Dollars:Development Of Life-long Learning Addressing Regional Strategies

Blekinge/Skaane, Sweden Gijon, SpainSandwell/Birmingham, UKIcelandZealand South, DenmarkPiemonte, Italy new Hagen - Budapest

"The purpose of an organization is to enable ordinary people to do extraordinary things."

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. . . . . . It is to act with yesterday's logic."

Peter DruckerPeter Drucker

Next steps to be taken: