October’s Principal’s Message October’s...

Post on 28-Sep-2020

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Transcript of October’s Principal’s Message October’s...

October’s Principal’s Message

To all members of our school community, First off, I would like to congratulate everyone for an outstanding September. September is always a bit of a whirlwind and this one was certainly no different. Class lists have now been settled and, for the most part, all of those little wrinkles that happen in September have been ironed out. Thank you to the staff of NRHS for all of your hard work on this and to the students for

their patience!

October 1st marks Treaty Day and the start of Mi'kmaq History Month. Each October, CCRCE schools celebrate and recognize the social, cultural, historic, economic and scientific contributions of the Mi'kmaq people. We are looking forward to being a part of

these celebrations.

Our fall sports are now in full swing. Soccer, golf, cross-country and baseball are all beginning to wind down and volleyball, hock-ey and basketball are just starting up. I wish all of our teams

good luck and look forward to seeing you play.

October tends to be the month when we start to get a lot of aca-demic and attendance questions from students and par-ents. Teachers will be checking in with students for their 5-week progress reports between October 15th and 18th and midterm reports are right around the corner. Students and parents are asked to review our late assignment policy as well as academic

and attendance expectations in our student agenda. Please do not hesitate to contact your teachers if you have any questions.

I hope that you all have a great month!

Cheers, Matt O’Toole Principal

Pictured at right are 2019-2020 Co-Presidents Hannah Warren and Ethan Mathias

Hey Nighthawks! This past month has been a blast. The students’ council held the opportunities expo earlier in the month which allowed new and re-turning students to sign up for clubs, teams and committees. We later had our first spirit week to kick off the school year, which saw awesome participation. Towards the final days of September we also gathered all the 2020 grads for the first grad event; the grad potluck! We’re off to a fantastic start to the 2019-2020 school year and can’t wait for what October holds, leading into the fall season! “CAW!!”

~~Hannah and Ethan 2019-2020 Students’ Council Co-Presidents

October’s Students’ Council Notes

Important Dates for 2019-2020 October

October 14—Thanksgiving—No Classes October 25—Provincial Conference Day—No Classes November

November 11—Remembrance Day—No Classes November 14—Parents-Teacher—6:00—8:00 P.M. November 15—A.M.—Professional Development—No Classes P.M.—Parent-Teacher—1:00—3:00 P.M/


December 23—January 3—Christmas Break January

January 31—Assessment and Evaluation Day—No Classes February

February 17—Heritage Day—No Classes February 24—Professional Development Day—No Classes March

March 16-20—Spring Break April

April 8—Parent-Teacher—6:00—8:00 P.M. April 9—A.M.—Professional Development—No Classes P.M.—Parent-Teacher—1:00-3:00 P.M. April 10—Good Friday—No Classes April 13—Easter Monday—No Classes May

May 18—Victoria Day—No Classes May 21—Grade 8 Orientation & Open House June

June 26—Assessment & Evaluation Day—No Classes June 29—Assessment & Evaluation Day—No Classes June 30—Last Day of School

Twin Day at NRHS

September 17 was Twin Day at NRHS. Right: Rhys Stevenson and Ms. Chisholm-MacDonald may be dressed alike, but there’s slight height


Below Centre: Ms. Jean Ann Dorie and Mrs. Anna Lee Hamper, our librarians, are twins for the day as we celebrate

NRHS Spirit Week.

Bottom Right: Mrs. Mandy Little, Mr. Kyle Fraser, Mrs. Lisa Aucoin, and Mrs. Shel-ley Atkinson dress alike

in the gym.

A celebration follows the walk offering an opportunity to celebrate the efforts of community and to thank the individuals, volunteers and groups who help in every step of creating the magic of a wish. This is an opportunity to become involved and participate in a great community event. Event details as follows:

2019 Wishmaker Walk for Wishes in Memory of Daniel Arsenault—October 19/19 300 Stewart Street—Registration begins at 11; walk at noon. Everyone is encouraged to dress up in their favorite costume.

Kids Party to follow the walk with entertainment, prizes, pizza and face painting. Please contact msdonnarichard@gmail.com for more info and to get a pledge sheet.

The Children’s Wish Foundation is dedicated to granting heart felt wishes to children between the ages of 3-17 dealing with a life threating illness. Our largest fundraiser is October 19, 2019. The annual Wishmaker Walk for Wishes is a pledge-based, family oriented fundraising event.

Schools Plus Pictou County in Partnership with Mental Health and Addiction Services Present

Helping Your Child Series

Session 1: Helping your child with attention and organization

Session 2: Helping your child manage their behavior Session 3: Helping your child with anxiety

Session 4: Helping your child safely use technology and social media

Monday Nights—6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

West Pictou: October 7, 21, 28, November 4 Pictou Landing First Nation School: November 18, 25, December 2, 9 A. G. Baillie: January 6, 13, 20, 27 Walter Duggan: February 3, 10, 24, March 2 East Pictou: March 23, 30, April 6, 13

Note: No need to pre-register. Child care can be arranged if parents call a Schools Plus Facilitator at 902-759-0469 or 90-759-9816 at least THREE SCHOOL DAYS PRIOR to the session you wish to attend. If you do not call in advance, onsite child care cannot be provided. You are welcome to attend all sessions at one location or each session at different locations depending on what works best for your family.

Scotsburn 4-H 2019-2020 The new 4-H year will be getting underway on Monday, October 21, 2019. We will be having an information session and registration on that evening. The meeting will take place at the Scotsburn Elementary School at 7:00. We will be going over 4-H requirements, etc., for people new to the program, what projects are available in the club, and passing out registra-tion forms. A parent(s) is/are asked to attend this meeting with their child/children. Health card numbers are required for the registration form. All past members are welcome as well as any new children who will be 9 years old (or older) as of January.1, 2020. Children who are 8 years old as of January.1, 2020, are eligible to attend as Cloverbuds. 2018-2019 members must have completed their projects (attended Achievement Day) last year in order to be eligible this year.. There will be a $45.00 registration fee ($35 for registration with 4-H NS and $10 for dues for the club). Deadline for registration is October 28. On October 21, we hope to have a list of all projects available for the coming year. We are always looking for new leaders because this provides the club with a wider base of projects from which the children can choose. The first general meeting will be October 28, 2019. Our general meetings are usually held on the 3rd or 4th Monday of each month. We encourage parents to attend these meetings with their children so that important announcements, dates and activities are known and marked on the calendar. If you have any questions please call Cathy Lavers at 485-8204.

Take Back the Night

Join us to support survivors and raise aware-ness of sexualized violence.

Music, speakers, and march

October 15, 6:00 p.m. Laurie Peace Park

Dalhousie Street, New Glasgow

For more information: 902-755-4647


MORPH Pictou County Mapping Our Road to Power & Healing

United Way of Pictou County

West Pictou Schools Catering Society

Two Week Rotating Menu for High Schools—There will be an "Open Menu" from Thursday September 5th until Friday September 13th. The menu will begin on Monday September 16th and start with week 1 at that point.

All Meals are $5.50 unless otherwise specified

Items Available Every Day

Sandwiches Snacks Baked Good 3.75—Egg 1.20—Yogurt 1.25—Muffins (Large) 4.85—Turkey 1.25—Large Apples .80—Cookies (Small) 3.75– Tuna 1.00—Small Apples 3.75—Lean Ham .25—Crackers (pkg. / 2) 4.50—Lean Ham & Cheese 1.10—Nutrigrain 3.70—Grilled Cheese 1.10—Oranges 1.10—Cheese and Crackers 1.10—Cheese Strings 2.00 / 3.50—Veggies Miscellaneous Beverages Soup (Homemade) 4.45—Cheeseburger .40—Milk 1.70—Small 5.60—Caesar Salad with Chicken 1.60—Small Chocolate Milk 3.00—Large 3.65—Deli Roasters (Small) 2.50—Large Chocolate Milk 5.00—Cold Veggie Sub—9” 3.95—Deli Roasters (Large) 1.50—Juice 4.75—Tossed/Caesar Salad (Small) 4.90—7” Garlic Fingers 1.50—Water 5.25—Tossed/Caesar Salad (Large) 1.10—Toast / English Muffin 3.00—Rice 1.35– Bagel 4.85—Large Wraps 2.70—Egg/Cheese/Ham on English Muffin 3.90--Hamburger

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Nuggets &


Lean Ham Sand-wich & Small Tossed Salad

Grilled Cheese &

Tomato Soup

Chicken Finger Wrap &

Deli Roasters


Potatoes, &


Week 2 Egg Wrap & Small Caesar


Hamburger &

Oven Fries

Spaghetti &

Garlic Bread

Chicken Fingers &


Meat Loaf,

Potatoes, &


NRHS Students, Athletes, Artist and Staff of the Month - May 2019 The Appleseed Restaurant and NRHS School Advisory Council sponsor the Students of the Month Program . Students of the Month are nominated by NRHS staff according to the following criteria:: someone who is caring and thoughtful; someone who is a good citizen; someone who is an active participant at NRHS; someone who is achieving at his/her academic ability level; someone who demonstrates NRHS’s Guiding Principles: (Safety, Opportunities, Achievement, Respect). Students who are selected as Students of the Month receive certificates and Mr. O’Toole will take them to The Appleseed for lunch.

Students of the Month Blayse Stevenson

Olivia Fitt

Raven Eldstrom

Alaina Bryce

Carter Welsh

Lance Crosby

Staff of the Month Robyn Alcorn-Martin Athletes of the Month Jordyn Ferguson—Girls’ Soccer Cal Maxner—Boys’ Soccer Artist of the Month Abby Lochead

Teachers’ Phone Extensions & Rooms 2018-2019 Support Staff Phone Extensions & Rooms 2018-2019

1126 Alcorn-Martin, Robyn 1077 Baird, Mary, Educational Assistant

2001 Ali, Mary Alice, Math Dep’t Head 1040 Bonvie, Kim, WPSCS

1023 Atkinson, Shelley 0 / 2075 Caddell, Roger, Custodian (Daytime)

1101 Aucoin, Lisa 1052 Clyke, Janelle, African NS Student Support Worker (Wed)

3001 / 1140 Aucoin, Tom 10651 Cormier, Lori, Student Monitor

1005 Baillie, Carla, English Dep’t Head 10650 / 0 Crosby, Shauna, Admin Assistant (1 :15 – 3 :15)

1025 Beaton, Taylor 1087 Delorey, Jason, Schools Plus Program

2024 Bell, Alison 1070 Dorie, Jean Ann, Librarian

2022 Berezowski, Karen 1052 Duff, Kaitlyn, First Nations Student Support Worker (Tue)

1001 Bezanson, Sylvia 1042 Dunn, Ann, School Psychologist

1050 Brown, Krista, Guidance 11 & 12 1041 Fraser, Theresa, Schools Plus Program

1024 Cameron, Christina, IB Coordinator 20781 Greene-Cosh, Amanda, ISS EA

2054 Campbell, Keir, Sci. Dep’t Head, St. Co. Ad. 0 Hambly, Greg, Custodian

1026 Chisholm-MacDonald, Kelly, Fr. Dep’t 1070 Hamper, Anna-Lee, Librarian

1002 Connell, Jill 1087 Hennick, Jillian, Schools Plus Program

2057 Duguay, Chris, Resource Teacher – CEP 2084 James, Jan, Educational Assistant

1004 Fitt, Jackie, Athletic Director 1077 Johnson, Lindsay, Educational Assistant

1138/3002/1140 Foley, Trevor, CEP Coor./Phys Ed Dep’t Head 2049 Kang, Charlotte, APSEA

2076/2060 Fraser, Kyle 2049 MacAulay, Jennifer, APSEA

2058 Frenette, Kim 2084 MacIntosh, Darlene, Educational Assistant

20780 Gagnon, Angela, Registrar, St. Ser. Dep’t Head 1077 MacKay, Shirley, Education Assistant

1077 Gladney, Sabrina 10650/1057/0 MacLean, Margaret, Admin Assistant (8 – 4)

1055 Karen Green, Vice-Principal 1043 MacNeil, Cst. Shane, School Safety Resource Officer

2025 Head, Chris N/A Nielsen, Monica, NSISP

2023 Hill, Jessica 1129 O’Brien, Cindy, Cafeteria

1084 Jennings, John 1129 O’Neil, Joyce, Cafeteria

1100 / 1085 Little, Mandy St. Council Advisor 0 Patton, Denise, Custodian

2005 Lochead, Mike 1077 Pearce, Belle, Educational Assistant

2004 Long, Julie 1129 Ross, Karen, Cafeteria

1003 MacDonald, Erin 0 Smith, Robert, Custodian

1136 / 1135 MacDonald, Lori 10440 Thompson, Jane, Health Nurse

1007 MacDonald, Savannah 0 Tree, Dana, Custodian

1083 / 1086 MacKenzie, Dawn 10652 / 0 Vint, Marie, Admin Assistant (8 :30 – 3 :30)

1022 MacKenzie-Sharpe, Shawna, Res. - 10, 11, 12 1077 Willett, Crystal, Educational Assistant

2056 MacKinnon, Wendy, Resource 10651 Williams, Donna, Student Monitor)

1027 MacNeil, Julie 1121 Justin Woods, IT Specialist

2003 MacNeil, Tracey Areas / Labs / Rooms

2053 Marks, Gillian Ext Name of Area

1021 Mathieu, Christie 2049 APSEA Office – Jennifer McAulay, Charlotte Kang, Morganne West 2002 Meyer, Sarah

1056 Morrison, Jim, Vice-Principal 1086 Food Lab

2007 Murray, Ruth Ann 1129 Cafeteria

2026 O’Sullivan, Mike, Social Studies Dep’t Head/OHS 2061 / 2064 Chemistry Labs

1054 O’Toole, Matt, Principal 2084 EA’s Room

2027 Patterson, Christine 20781 In-School Suspension Room

2041 Penner, Tessa 1121 IT Support

1145 / 1140 Reade, Dennis 1070 Library

1051 Reid, Kathleen, Guidance 9 & 10 1071/1073 Library Offices

2079 Rutledge, Matt 2075 Maintenance

1006 St. John, Tara 1085 Phys Ed Classroom

1137/1142/1140 Todd, Colin 1087 / 1041 Schools Plus Program

2043 Turner, Steve 1068 Seminar Room

2040 Vlasic, Charles 2044 Staff Room

1019 Walsh, Sheri Lee, Resource – 10, 11, 12 10651 Student Monitors

2006 Whynott, Trevor, Resource Teacher – 9 10653 Student Phone in Office 2051 Wolf, Alex 10440 Teen Health Centre (Jane Thompson) 10441 Teen Health Centre Community Office



Girls’ Run Club Great showing by our Girls’ Run Club in the NNEC True Grit Race on September 22. Pictured above are members of the club.

Grad Potluck

The first Grad Potluck for the 2020 Grads was held on Sep-tember 22. It was very well attended and enjoyed by all. Pictured at left are future grads Abby Vint and Kaleigh Foley



Terry Fox Walk and BBQ—On September 19 and 20 NRHS participated in a

Terry Fox Walk and had a Terry Fox BBQ to raise funds for the Terry Fox Foundation.