October is Health Literacy Month TANI Events...

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Contact Info: Vishal Rishi/Samuel Cho, The Asian Network Inc., 101 Church Street, Onehunga, Auckland. PO Box 27550, Mt. Roskill, Auckland.T: 09 815 2338 F: 09 815 2330 E: samuel.cho@asiannetwork.org.nz

W: www.asiannetwork.org.nz

2019 Spring

In ThIs Issues:TANI Health Promotion for Asian Communities ---------------------------------------------------------------- pg 2Asian Health Initiatives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pg 3Healthcare Information & Disability Support Services --------------------------------------------------------pg 4-5Family Violence Prevention & Safety Information --------------------------------------------------------------pg 6Community News & Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pg 7-8


TANI Events 2019

Please pen down these events on your calendar!

Health TalkWednesday, 11 September

10:30am to 12 noonPapakura Library

209 Great Suth Road, Papakura

TANI Regional Network Meeting

Wednesday, 18 September 10am -12pm

Western Springs Garden Community Hall

956 Great North Rd, Western Springs

Chinese Health SeminarWednesay, 13 Novermber

10am - 12pm Pearce Street Hall, Haskell Hall

3 Pearce Street, Onehunga

TANI Regional Network Meeting

Wednesday, 27th November, 10:00am – 12:00pm

Pearce Street Hall, Haskell Hall3 Pearce Street, Onehunga

Since 1999, organizations around the world have been observing October as Health Literacy Month. It’s a time to address the importance of making health information easy to understand and improving the health care system easier to navigate.Health literacy is the capacity for individuals to find, interpret and use both information and health services to make effective decisions for health and wellbeing. Research has shown there is a strong relationship between one’s health literacy and their health status.However, poor health literacy is a common issue. Over 50% of the NZ adult population are likely to have difficulties with health literacy. Migrants and former refugees would have more challenges because of the language barrier, lack of understanding of the health system, and different experiences from their home countries. Therefore, we need to support individuals and communities to give more attention to improve their health literacy level. MOH insists, health literacy should also be supported by a health system to focus on services being easy to navigate, accessible, effective health worker communication, and clear and relevant health messages to help individuals make informed choices.The theme for Health Literacy Month is “Be a Health Literacy Hero”. It is about taking action and finding ways to improve health communication. Health Literacy Heroes are individuals, teams, or organisations who not only identify health literacy problems but also act to solve them. Click here for more information and many ways to do. WDHB also celebrates the health literacy month and plans to facilitate the 2nd health literacy symposium. David Price, Director of Patient Experience, said, “The focus of the symposium is to create a great awareness of health literacy with an emphasis on what we can do as a community to create better patient experiences”.

October is Health Literacy Month

Waitematā DHB Health Literacy Symposium 2019

When: 31st of October 2019 from 4pm-7pmWhere: Whenua Pupuke, Clinical Skills Centre, North Shore Hospital To RSVP please register here by October 21st 2019. If you have any queries about the event, do not hesitate in contacting me at David.Price@waitematadhb.govt.nz. (Sourced from MOH and hpa)


Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019-2023TANI was pleased to support a team of MSD to hear the voices and have feedback from diverse Asian communities, so the strategy plan to be more inclusive. 38 people of family and professional carers including Chinese, Indian, Korean, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Indonesian, and Philipino, took part in the discussion. The number of attendees indicated their strong interest in carers needs. The consultation workshop took place at Fickling Convention Centre on 8th August 2019.

Albert Eden Intercultural Bus TourTANI in partnership with Albert Eden Local Board designed the tour program to raise cultural awareness and support intercultural group engagement, as part of the local board’s Inclusion and Diversity Project. Chinese, Indian, Korean, and Japanese community members enjoyed a day of culturally rich learning. Immersed themselves in the Kiwi and Asian culture while taking a trip to the All Blacks dressing room, Hindu and Chinese temples. The event took place on 18th June. A massive thank you for the opportunity! Kia ora!

Kia ora & Greeting !On behalf of The Asian Network, I take great pleasure in bringing our Spring newsletter for your informative reading. As mentioned in our

previous newsletters, our Healthy Babies Healthy Futures initiative is at the next level now. We have started more groups of mums/bubs in various localities of Auckland.

Also, we do have limited number of grants available for the formal or informal groups that are keen to get involved in this project. Please feel free to discuss with us about specific requirements to apply for the grant. I encourage all our readers to take part in this initiative and refer the same to your friends and families.TANI continues to deliver more ethnic- specific workshops & seminars at various locations across wider Auckland region. For eg: Health & wellbeing seminars and health talks for our Chinese & Korean communities. I am glad to share that in the last year team TANI delivered more than 50 such health talks and seminars in Auckland region.On behalf of TANI, I humbly value your participation and support for all of our initiatives as mentioned above. Enjoy reading this newsletter and your suggestions for improvements in our activities would be welcome. This newsletter is also available in Mandarin and Korean languages. Team TANI looks forward to seeing you at the forthcoming TANI workshops & events!Virinder Aggarwal Chairperson, TANI

Chinese Health SeminarIn collaboration with the Auckland Chinese Medical Association (ACMA) and guest speakers from Community Link, TANI hosted a Chinese Health Seminar at the Takapuna War Memorial Hall on the 15th August 2019. With around 150 people in attendance, the majority mentioned an enhanced awareness towards gastrointestinal health and social services for older people. A memorable day

in which participants witnessed the signing of the MOU agreement between ACMA President Dr Carlos Lang and TANI Chairperson Virinder Arggarwal. The signing of this agreement will create more collaborative relationships to help Asian Communities and increase the participation of Asian people involving areas of health in New Zealand.

“Working with the Community and Healthcare Service Providers”

HEALTHY BABIES HEALTHY FUTURES (HBHF)HBHF program for this quarter is really a great place to be in as we are starting new mum groups in various Auckland localities. Join us and learn about how to cook healthier meals for your family, when your little ones can start solids, reading food labels, shopping smarter and share ideas with each other on how to live a longer & healthier life. It is free to join this program and well supported by the Ministry of Health, Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) and Waitamata District Health Board (WDHB). One of our mums groups have completed this program in Otahuhu recently and this is what they have to say for this initiative:“It was so knowledgeable to learn about healthy recipes and healthy eating habits. I strongly recommend this program to ones who are concerned about their health before and after pregnancy.” – Neeti Malhotra“I was amazed to know that how little awareness about healthy eating habits for babies, no only keeps them

healthy but prevent them mums and babies from so many diseases. Thanks so much again for making us part of this program. Love to attend more workshops.” – Jazz “It was really a great experience for me. I got a lot of information on healthy eating, cooking and how little modifications can help us to keep our family healthy. I personally recommend everyone to join this programme.” – Harleen. Please contact us directly for more information – Ph:09-8152338 or 022 464 7448 Email: Nutan@asiannetwork.org.nz or Poonam@asiannetwork.org.nz

Cultural support makes all the difference “My name is Ruth and I have a child with Down syndrome.As my son grew up, his behaviour become hard for us to manage, and the only support I had was a Carer Support day.

Worse was to come, as I had an incident of brain haemorrhage, and was extremely worried for my son, if anything happened to me. A few months later, I met Spectrum Care at an expo event. They introduced me to their cultural support service, which helped me to find more support for my son.It was nice to meet Wai, who speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English. It’s really important to have someone who speaks our language, advocates for us and understands our culture. Now I’m receiving much more support after Wai’s help, and I’m happy to share the joy with anyone who needs help.” Spectrum Care’s Awhi (Maori), Pasifika and Asian cultural teams provide a range of specialist services for the people we support. The teams assist people and families/whānau to access services and ensure cultural needs are both recognised and met.Call us today on 09 634 3790 to find out more, email info@spectrumcare.org.nz or visit


Migrant Women Wellbeing Programme:

Optimal quality life and Wellbeing in AotearoaThe programme is designed to empower Asian Migrant and former refugee women to gain confidence of living in New Zealand and integrate with the community. The programme will help you to improve English language and know a Kiwi culture, gain driving skills, and navigate independently New Zealand health system for your family.

English study:learning Kiwi English for

life skill and building up confidence in speaking

Driving lessons & public transport education

Car will be provided by the instructor

Healthy lifestyle workshops about New Zealand health

system, women’s health, pregnancy and so on

For information or enrolment, please contact with a Programme coordinator, Jian Chen at 09- 815 2338 or text 022 464 7441


B l u e S e p t e m b e r – time to get that prostate check!Here are some critical reasons for men over 50 to get a prostate check with their doctor: • 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer • It is the number 1 cancer in Kiwi men – over

3000 are diagnosed every year • 1 man is diagnosed every 3 hours of every

day of the year • It is the third highest cancer killer of Kiwi

men – over 650 every year. • Currently, there are more than 40,000

Kiwi men who have been challenged with prostate cancer, at some stage in their lives.

Men with family history of prostate cancer are at higher risk and testing should begin at 40 years. Early detection is the key. And don’t wait for symptoms. A recent survey has shown that 61% of men diagnosed had no symptoms, so getting that routine check is very important. It can save your life.Blue September is all about raising awareness, and fundraising to support men and their families living with prostate cancer. Organise a Blue Do and get family, friends, mates and colleagues together to have some fun, and share the message.Find out more and register your Blue Do at www.blueseptember.org.nz

* REMOVE any clothing and jewelry from the area which isn’t stuck to skin* COOL under running water for AT LEAST 20 minutes* COVER area with lint free cloth or cling wrap (do not cover the face) * SEEK medical advice if the burn area is larger than a $2 coin or on the face, hands, feet or groin areaIn an emergency telephone 111 for an ambulance

www. burns.org.nz

Migrant Connect, is part of Citizens Advice Bureau Pakuranga which focuses primarily on newcomers to the country. It is funded by

Immigration NZ to help migrants with the settling in process.Moving to a new country can be very daunting and challenging for some. Every country is different, each with its own rules, own laws and own way of doing things. And the the fear of the unknown can make some people quite unsettled and uncomfortable. Migrant Connect works to familiarize migrants with the ways of NZ by offering free face to face settlement information and regularly holding workshops on different topics which could benefit newcomers to take well informed decisions.Free workshops are run periodically by Migrant Connect where the knowledgeable facilitators give useful information on topics such as Health, Employment, Taxation, Tenancy and many other such useful topics.The sessions also offer a chance to socialise with others in a similar situation. People are also made aware of other services they can access. Free workshops organised by Migrant Connect, CAB Pakuranga coming up at Pakuranga Library are: Preparation for Job Interviews – 30th AugustCommunity Safety – 18th October Starting a New Business – 1st November

Changes to Cervical Screening Start Age

The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) will be changing the recommended starting age for cervical screening from 20 to 25 years in 2019. This will bring the screening age in New Zealand in line with international best practice. This decision has been made because there is now a strong body of evidence that screening women between 20 and 24 years of age provides little benefit to women and has the potential to cause harm. The primary reason for this is because screening is not effective in this age group at preventing cervical cancer.Prior to the change in the screening start age:• Until the age of screening is raised to 25, women between 20 and 24 years should continue to be screened, according to the current pathway.After the change to the screening start age to 25 years:• Women between 20 and 24, who have already been screened, should continue with screening.• Women under 25, who have not started cervical screening, can commence screening at 25.

This message is provided by Grafton Medical Centre. We are a newly opened GP clinic focused on your overall well being. Dr Lung has over 10 years of experience in GP practice and he is fluent in both Cantonese and English. We also have staff who are fluent in mandarin. PH: 09- 9308560. Add: Shop 1-2, Ground Floor, 8 Nugent St, Grafton 1023.

Mr Quick Cool says:“Seconds to burn, BUT at least 20 minutes to cool!!!”

Need Healthcare information?Go to www.healthpoint.co.nzHealthPoint provides up-to-date information about

healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatment.


Dance Movement Therapy demystifiedDo you know what Dance Movement Therapy is?It’s a form of psychotherapy that works with the connection between body and mind. It uses dance and movement to support intellectual, emotional, and motor functions of the body. Research has found that using dance movement as a form of therapy activates several brain functions at once.What are the benefits? Dance Movement Therapy provides each person with the opportunity to express themselves through movement in an environment that is safe, supportive and uplifting. It can help those with autism and other special needs to improve socialization and communication, build body awareness, and directly

affect motor deficits and is suitable for both adults and children. Do you want to know more? Dance & Arts Therapy NZ is a charity with 18 programmes to choose from depending on you or your child’s therapeutic needs. Contact us to find out more: info@dancetherapy.co.nz or 09 636 3029I don’t speak English well, can you help? We are lucky enough to have therapists who speak a range of languages. If you need help with initial communication let us know.

Sewing Repair Café

-- every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month

This free service is organised by Chinese Conservation Education Trust and sponsored

by Auckland Council. Our volunteers can change zips, shorten your trousers, help your dress to fit.

Come, it’s all FREE ! (Donation welcome)Venue: 33, Kimberley Road, Kimberley Room, Epsom. Time : 9:30am to 12:30pmIn September , the 2 Sewing Repair Café will be on 6th & 20th Septermber. **Please Note : Repair items will not be accepted after 12 noon. We do not provide any zips or buttons, etc. One repair item is allowed for each person. For those who have 2 items, they need to line up again after their

first item has been repaired.

The Big Blood Pressure Check VanStroke is a major cause of adult disability and death in New Zealand. It is also on the rise in Asian communities. High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke. It can increase a person’s risk of stroke by up to seven times. Most concerning is the fact that it usually has no signs or symptoms, so the only way to know whether you have high blood pressure is to get it checked. The Stroke Foundation is offering FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS to Auckland communities through its mobile blood pressure van. To book the van for your workplace or community event, contact Margot Hagan on 027 555 2232 or bpvan@stroke.org.nz.The Big Blood Pressure Van is bought to you by the Stroke Foundation with the support of Ryman Healthcare. It has just completed an 8-month road trip of NZ, providing more than 10,000 free blood pressure checks and advice on ways to lower blood pressure and stroke risk. Help us get out and about into your community so we can promote the importance message of maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

8:00 to 9:00 AM

BODY FITNESSVenue: Ormiston Primary SchoolInstructors : Eric & Cheryl Wu.

9:00 to10:00 AM

YOGAVenue: Ormiston Primary SchoolInstructor: Nalin Wijetilleke

1:00 to4:00 PM

SPIKE SPIN SMASHPlay Badminton, Table Tennis and / or Basketball. Equipment provided for casual partictipantsVenue: Ormiston Primary School





Community Sport Advisor: Sam BhattacharyaPhone: (09)6237900 | Email: samb@sportauckland.co.nz



4:00 to5:00 PM

DANCE FITNESSVenue: Ormiston Primary School

10:15 to12:15PM

TAI CHIStonefields Primary School

6:15 to7:15PM

ZUMBA WITH GINAPakuranga Intermediate

7:00 to 8:00 PM

KARATEBaverstock Primary

FREE Asian stop smoking support• Our FREE Asian stop smoking support is now available in:• North Shore/Rodney districts, as far as Wellsford• West Auckland, including Waitakere• Auckland Central, down to Otahuhu• FREE support for All Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin

American, and African people• FREE Interpreters are available • Free nicotine replacement therapy products and discounts

products of ongoing use, more FREE supportFor FREE quit smoking support, contact us on 0800 500 601Cantonese and Mandarin 027 357 1800Korean: 027 359 6880Or register at:



2019 Waitakere White Ribbon CampaignIt’s that time of year when we start looking towards White Ribbon Day on November 25, and the Waitakere White Ribbon Committee is excited to share what we have planned for this year’s campaign.On Thursday 28 November from 12-4pm we’ll be doing a free sausage sizzle at Catherine Plaza (outside the WestCity Waitakere mall), giving out White Ribbons and promoting healthy relationships in Waitakere. We’re aiming to create an interactive family event where our local service providers can engage with the public on this important issue whilst also providing information about the support that is available in West Auckland.We want to make this a big event so if you or your organisation would like to be involved then please get in touch! This year we will also be updating the Waitakere White Ribbon Agency poster. This is a great resource and serves as a handy directory of agencies providing relevant support services out West. If you would like to be on the poster please get in touch with Christine from Family Action

New sexuality education resources for years 1-9

We have just updated our set of sexuality education resources from Year 1-9. Our Year 10 resource is in development, and we’ll keep you updated on progress.Accompanying these resources is a guide for the Year 1–10 resources. This guide provides background information for the planning and teaching of relationship and sexuality education and information across all our sexuality education resources.For more information, please visit www.familyplanning.org.nz

Spring Cleaning for Home Fire Safety

Spring means the days are getting longer (and hopefully warmer) and it is a great time to start thinking about making sure your home is Fire Safe for summer.Multi-plug Boards: • Make sure your multi-plug boards are not overloaded

and that they only have the designed number of appliances plugged in.

• It’s a great time to vacuum your Multi-Plug boards as dust can accumulate around the plugs and slowly heat up which is a fire risk.

Smoke Alarms: • Spring is a perfect time give your smoke alarms a quick

vacuum to get rid of any dust that may interfere with your smoke alarm, causing false alarms.

• Check your smoke alarms. All you need to do is press the button to the sound the alarm. Then you know your smoke alarm is ready to alert you in the event of a fire.

• If your smoke alarm has batteries, daylight savings is the ideal time to change the batteries or even better, change your smoke alarms to 10-year long life photo-electric smoke alarms.

Gas Barbecues and Outdoor heaters: • Make sure they are ready to use this summer by

following the instructions here: https://fireandemergency.nz/fire-seasons-permits/outdoor-

gas-bbq/ https://fireandemergency.nz/fire-seasons-permits/outdoor-


Korean Language Suicide Prevention Resource launch in October

Over recent years, the number of suicide deaths among Asian people living in New Zealand has been on the rise. According to the annual provisional suicide statistics released by the Coronial Services of New Zealand 2018, the Asian (Chinese, Indian and other Asian) suicide rate has risen from 5.93 per 100,000 in 2007 to 8.69 per 100,000 in 2018. Many Koreans see suicide as fatalism instead of believing it is preventable if mental health professionals have provided the necessary intervention. Despite a small number of suicide deaths in the Korean community in New Zealand to date, there are unfortunately no culturally and linguistically appropriate resources available for them. Asian Family Services Suicide Prevention Resources Advisory Group and a team of Korean mental health professionals have developed a suicide prevention resource in the Korean language to address this gap. The resource is funded by Auckland District Health Board and will be launched during Mental Health Awareness Week on 10 October 2019.

Asian Family Services (AFS) also developed suicide prevention resources in Mandarin and Cantonese last year, which can be viewed at this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwg9zwyl0mN0uroLnoOAZA


F r o m t h e C l a s s r o o m t o C o m m u n i t y : A U T S t u d e n t P l a c e m e n t E x p e r i e n c e

Interested in becoming a police officer?Need support to pass the Police Recruitment process?Gain confidence, fitness and skills with our Police Preparation Programme. Our team will design a personal plan to prepare your mind and body for the rigours of the Police recruitment process. Allo designed to give your the best prossible chance of success.

0800 22 44 33


Support & Tips for Renters, TenantsFREE Workshops by ODCOSS

Workshop details: Add: Onehunga Community House 83 Selwyn Street, Onehunga, Auckland Time: 9:30am to 1:00pmRegistration required: odcoss.anamaria@gmail.com

Certificate provided upon completionwww.facebook.com/ODCOSS/ www.odcoss.org.nz

Friday 20 September* Tenant rights and responsibilities Where to go if you need help Engaging & interactive session (Tenancy services) * Money Management (CAPNZ)Second of four sessions

Friday 27 September* Financial assistance (TBC)* Money Management (CAPNZ)Third of four sessions

Friday 4 October* How to find a house - apply for a rental Lanlord & tenant communication Insurances (NZPIF)* Money Mnagement (CAPNZ)Fourth of four sessions

Friday 13 September* Maintaining a warm & healthy home (ADHB & Beacon Pathway)* Money Management (CAPNZ)First of four sessions - Manual included

Although we come from different backgrounds, we share the same purpose, which is to promote positive health and well-being in New Zealand. To accomplish this, we have pursued health related degrees at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT), where we learn about the health from individuals, communities and government level initiatives. As part of our study, we have to participate in a student placement to help further grow our knowledge in the health sector, and after much research we were led to The Asian Network Incorporated (TANI).

(Left in the picture: Kimleang NHOEUK, who is an International student from Cambodia and is studying Master of Public Health. Right: Eliss Davies who is studying a Bachelor of Health Science- majoring in Health Psychology and Health Promotion)

During our time at TANI, there were a lot of experiences and lessons that will remain with us as we move on to our next adventures. We came to TANI as students with little knowledge of community work, Asian communities or public speaking; however, after several health talks, Libraries visits, and a Chinese Health Seminar, it was fair to say that we have received our share of experiences. There are also many skills we can take from this organisation, such as networking with Government organisations, building collaborative relationships with Asian communities for future engagement and learning to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds. We have enjoyed our time at TANI as we had the opportunity to work with a group of people who are all passionate about helping the Asian Community. we also were able to grow as people through this personal experience, which we hope to pay it forward in our future careers.


How to fill in the voting form? You will be asked to cast a vote for:

• the mayor • one or two councillors in your ward • 5-9 local board members in your local board area • district health board members. Depending on where you live, you might also be asked to cast a vote for licensing trust board members. Please visit: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/elections/Pages/default.aspx for more information.

Key election dates for voters

Friday 18 October 9:30am - 3:00pmPukekohe Indian Hall, Ward Street, Pukekohe

Over 65 and want to come but don’t have access to transport?

Dial White Rose Cars on 238 9728 to discuss free transport

PInk Ribbon Street Appeal Day Friday October 11 & Saturday October 12

Forget painting the town red! This October, it’s all about pink. Grab a bucket, get pinked up, and join thousands of volunteers collecting donations nationwide to stand up against breast cancer!This year, the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal is taking place on Friday the 11th and Saturday the 12th of October - two days of Kiwi generosity.Sign up to give 2 hours for the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal and take to the streets with official collection buckets and pink volunteer sashes.Or you can donate to the Street Appeal at www.pinkribbonappeal.org.nz at any time!

Let’s stand together and make a difference this October.