OCTOBER 2 - 3, 2021 2 7TH SU NDA Y I N ORD INARY T IME ...

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Transcript of OCTOBER 2 - 3, 2021 2 7TH SU NDA Y I N ORD INARY T IME ...

O C T O B E R 2 - 3 , 2 0 2 1 2 7 T H S U N D A Y I N O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Church of St. Pius X

1315 12th Ave NW • Rochester, MN 55901

Phone: (507) 288-8238 • Website: www.piusx.org

Email: church@piusx.org

O C T O B E R 2 - 3 , 2 0 2 1 2 2 7 T H S U N D A Y O F O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Sacramental Life Fr. Russ

Since “re-opening” for Masses it is obvious to me

that people are staying away from our Eucharistic

gatherings yet because of the COVID and all the var-

iants. Recall when the Bishop lifted the dispensation

from attending Sunday Mass for the faithful, he

specifically mentioned that if one was immune com-

promised or had underlying health conditions, etc.,

they were excused from fulfilling their Sunday

obligation. However, since we have re-opened, I

have been in conversation with some people and

some have told me they would “rather sit home,”

now, and “watch the Mass on television or the com-

puter.” I pray that the “staying home” and watch-

ing the Mass on television or the computer will not

become habit for some who are well and need not

take the precautions an immune compromised

individual needs to take during this Pandemic . At a

recent Pastor’s meeting we discussed if the

YOUTUBE Masses ought to be done away with as

we all know that within a few months people can

develop habits that can become hard to break. We

are creatures of habit and we have been in this Pan-

demic for some time now – enough time to develop

habits we needed to adopt to deal with all this un-


People have come to me to explain “why” they will

not be attending our Eucharistic gatherings so I

know there are some who have legitimate concerns

and excuses for being absent from Sunday

Mass. However, I see this “creeping habit” among

some to be akin to the folks who leave Mass

immediately after they receive the Eucharist. Again,

I do know “why” some need to do this – to get to

work, because they are physically challenged and do

not desire to get run over in the parking lot,

etc. But this is not everyone’s excuse who leaves

after Communion. It all comes down to being hon-

est with God and ourselves and sometimes to be

brutally honest with God and ourselves means we

will need to change habits in order to become true

disciples of Christ, celebrating Eucharist and becom-

ing nourished to carry Christ out into the concrete

and pavement, our homes and workplace. To this

end, may we continue to be prudent and vigilant

during this Pandemic; respectful of my neighbor but

also honest with God and ourselves considering how

much time and energy we are giving our Lord in the

Eucharistic celebration. God bless.

Please remember in your prayers,

Mary Ann Shea��

Mother of: Vicki Shea

May Mary Ann and the all the souls of the

faithfully departed, through the

mercy of God, rest in peace.

Please remember in your prayers,

Robert Richardson��

Husband of: Beverly Richardson

May Robert and the all the souls of the

faithfully departed, through the

mercy of God, rest in peace.


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C H U R C H O F S T . P I U S X 3 R O C H E S T E R , M N

Parish Life

Baby Bottle Campaign

Kicks Off on Respect

Life Sunday

The Baby Bottle Campaign is again

being chaired by the Knights of

Columbus Ladies Auxiliary with the

help of the St. Pius X Office Staff.

Each gift of support will help women and babies

right here in Southern Minnesota! When new and

expectant mothers apply for financial assistance, they

not only receive help with rent or utilities, they also

learn important financial literacy skills and receive

parenting education. They gain support from a caring

social worker and have opportunities to meet other

new parents for support and community. Please

send/drop off your donation to the Parish Office.

Make all checks to Catholic Charities Mother and

Child Fund.

“This grant will give me time to get things in order and

search for a job. I know I’ll have somewhere safe to go

and that my baby will be safe, too.” –Jacqueline

The Intercession of Saint Thérèse

O gentle Jesus, through whom all life came to be,

hear our prayers for all men and women.

Hear our prayers for the great and powerful.

Hear our prayers for the weak and broken.

Hear our prayers for the littlest and most


Hear our prayer for tall human cedars

and the very littlest of human flowers.

May all see in each the souls so precious to You,

and through the intercession of Saint Thérèse

may each of them be kept saved and loved.

We ask this though Christ our Lord. Amen��

Come watch The Chosen.

Let your life be transformed!

See Jesus as real!

Mondays 7-8 pm in Founder’s Hall

October 4, 11, 18, 25,

November 1, 8, 15

Contact Betty at brenner@piusx.org if you

have any questions

Adult Education

Parish Support

Weekly envelopes may be mailed to or placed in the

mail slot in the parish office door at 1315 12th Ave NW.

If you attend Mass, receptacles are located in either

entrance as well the regular collection taken by the


Direct giving from a checking or savings account

remains an option as well. Please contact the parish

office to enroll.

Online giving from your debit or credit card is availa-

ble by logging onto https://piusx.weshareonline.org/ws/

opportunities. Please contact the parish office if you

have any questions.

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���������������������������† / For the Unborn�

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������������������ ���† / Joan Regnier†�

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��������������������� ��� † / Curtis Kalmes†�

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In Reparation for our Sins�

&����������%������$����† / John Wood† �

To schedule Mass intentions, please

contact the parish office at 288-8238.

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Mass Intentions

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Upcoming Pro-Life Events

40 Days For Life Walk: This year's fall campaign is

scheduled for the 40

days from September

22 through October

31. St Pius X Council

has decided to walk on Monday evenings from 6:00-

7:00 PM, so our next night will be October 4. We will

be gathering on each and every Monday evening in

October. This year the other Rochester Knights Coun-

cils and all others are invited to join us. Those who

come will walk together and pray the rosary on the

sidewalk on 7th Street NW in front of Planned

Parenthood. Please join us if you can. If you can't

make it for a full hour, that is OK, join us for as long as

you can. If you would like more information, please

call Mike Sheehan at 288-3767.

Come join pro-lifers at the National Life Chain on

Sunday, October 3rd, from 2:00 pm to 3:30pm on the

sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood in

Rochester. Since 1987, the Life Chain has been a public

witness of prayer and repentance, uniting the Church

in solidarity against abortion, while boldly standing in

the hope of Christ. Signs will be provided. Please

come out in support of life.

Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Fall Tour will

be in Rochester on Thursday, October 14th from 7 -

8pm at St James Coffee House. This free event is

packed with information and is open to all. Please

come to learn ways that you can promote the prolife



Rochester Rosary Rallies—3:00 pm on Sundays

outside of the Government Center at the corner of 4th

St. SE and 3rd Ave SE in Rochester. Bring your families

and friends and spread the word! If unable to join us

physically, consider joining spiritually by praying a

Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet from anywhere.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Is the honeymoon over? It doesn't have to be! A

Marriage Encounter Weekend can rekindle the

excitement and romance in your relationship. This is a

private weekend away from life's distractions that

allows a husband and wife to focus on each other. The

next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are

October 15-17 in Owatonna and November 19-21 in

Windom. Early registration is highly recommended.

For more information visit our website at:

southmnwwme.org or contact Miki:

applications@southmnwwme.org or 507-227-8229.

Benefit Dinner

Benefit Dinner update - The Seeds of

Wisdom Benefit Dinner has been

postponed indefinitely. The board

has taken this step in response to the uncertainty

surrounding the Delta variant. Once it is safe to do so,

we look forward to breaking bread with our support-

ers. Our students in Uganda are having great success,

and we are committed to raising the funds needed to

sustain our momentum. Thank you to all our support-

ers for your understanding during this challenging time.

O C T O B E R 2 - 3 , 2 0 2 1 4 2 7 T H S U N D A Y O F O R D I N A R Y T I M E

Community Events

C H U R C H O F S T . P I U S X 5 R O C H E S T E R , M N

Family Catechesis

Exciting news coming out of St Pius Faith Formation!!

We will me moving to a Family Catechesis Model for

our Faith Formation! We will be meeting twice a month

on Sundays with a potluck following the 10:00 am


The first meeting of the month, after our meal the kids

will get to go play with volunteers while parents

explore the Catholic topic of the month and small group

discussion, along with the materials to be explored at

home with your children. The second meeting of the

month after our meal, we will be doing activities as a

community to support the learning that took place in the


This program is for families with children kindergarten

through 12th grade and includes Private, Public, and

Homeschool children. Let’s grow in our knowledge of

our Catholic faith, St Pius community, and love of Jesus


“Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a

love affair.” GK Chesterton

Look for registration and dates in next week’s bulletin!

Our kick off event will be happening in October!


������������������Would you like to support the

St Pius youth and families? Do you have a passion for

fostering a love of Jesus in our children? St Pius Faith

Formation is in need of the following volunteers:

1 adult to assist with 2nd Grade class, this would be

Wednesday Nights from 5:45pm-7:00pm. No prep

work, will just need to act as a second adult for the class.

On average time commitment for the month of 5 hours.

4-6 adults for the Family Catechesis Program. Will be

meeting 2 Sundays a month from 11:00-1:00. You will be

responsible for interacting with the children for the 1st

meeting of the month (think playing basketball, kickball,

tag, or even games) while parents have the catechesis

meeting. The 2nd meeting of the month, you will be

helping with running the activities to support the at

home learning. No prep work with a monthly time

commitment of 4 hours.

Both roles you will need to be VIRTUS trained. Please

prayerfully consider and contact Jennifer Carlin -

jcarlin@piusx.org if interested.

Faith Formation

Sacrament classes start WEDNESDAY, October

6th at 6:00 pm!

If you missed the parents meeting on Wednesday

there is still time to get your child(ren) signed up and

ready to go! This is for grades 2nd, 9th, and 10th.

Please note - if your child attends the Catholic school,

you need to sign your child up for sacrament

preparation. The Catholic School teaches religion

classes but NOT sacrament prep!

If you are a homeschooling family, I understand you

are able to obtain the sacrament materials and do the

prep in addition to your religious classes in your

homeschool. Please consider joining the classes at St

Pius. It is wonderful for your child to get to know

children in their parish and they really can find

enrichment with the retreats and group activities. Any

questions—please contact Jennifer Carlin at


Family Catechesis Kick Off

October 24th after the 10:00 am Mass

Come to the 10am Mass and then bring the family

downstairs to Founders Hall for food, fellowship, and

a enriching Catholic faith activity!

Look for more details and registration for Faith

Formation in next week’s bulletin.

Trunk or Treat will be held Saturday, October 23,

2021 in the St Pius south parking lot at 6:00pm.

Parishioners please consider joining us by decorating

your car and handing out candy to the kiddos! Arrive

at 5:15pm to park, set up your car, and get ready!

Trunk or Treating will be begin at 6:00pm.

Please refrain from posting this event on social media

platforms. While you are welcome to invite friends

and family to participate, this event isn’t designed for

the greater Rochester community.

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C H U R C H O F S T . P I U S X 7 R O C H E S T E R , M N

RCS Parish Staff

Employment Opportunities

Rochester Catholic Schools is looking for good people

to work with our students. We have several openings

including PE teacher, Counselor, Director of Technol-

ogy, and several coaching and support staff posi-

tions. If you are interested in working with us, please

visit https://www.rcsmn.org/about/employment to


RCS Scrip Update

Lower Your RCS Tuition or Support your Church

with Scrip - Download the new App!

Register with the Scrip rewards program and begin

using the Raise Right app on your cell phone to make

everyday purchases for food, home repair, clothing,

and groceries. It's fast, simple, and convenient! Link

your purchases to a credit card, savings account, or

checking account for convenient online gift card

purchases. Learn more at www.rcsmn.org/scrip! The

RCS Scrip Office is now open from 9:00am to

1:00pm Monday -Thursday, at the new location

behind Lourdes High School at 1710 Industrial Drive


For questions, please contact the

RCS Central Office at 507-424-1817 or the Parish Of-

fice at 288-8238.

First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

for 2nd grade students

Don't forget to contact your parish to sign your 2nd

grader up for First Reconciliation / First Eucharist

preparation! Sacramental Preparation is done through

the parish. If you have any questions about Sacramental

Preparations, please reach out to any of the Catholic

parishes in town to find out more information!

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