OCEANIA · (Australia), flag Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia), flag Dalby (Australia), coat of...

Post on 14-Aug-2020

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Transcript of OCEANIA · (Australia), flag Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia), flag Dalby (Australia), coat of...


central province fl

choiseul prov fl

Cook Islands, coat of arms

Cook Islands, flag

Fiji, flag

Kiribati, flag

Marshall Islands, flag

Micronesia (Federated

states of Micronesia), flag

Nauru, flag

Palau, flag

Papua New Guinea, flag

Samoa (West Samoa), flag

Solomon Islands, flag

Tonga, flag

Tuvalu, flag

Vanuatu, flag

Fiji, coat of arms

French Polynesia, flag

guadalcanal prov fl

honiara city fl


isabel prov fl

Kiribati, coat of arms

makira ulawa prov fl

malaiita prov fl

Marshall Islands, seal

Micronesia (Federated

states of Micronesia), seal

Nauru, coat of arms

New Guinea (German

colony), coat of arms


New Guinea (German

colony), flag (1914)

new zealand Governor

General 2008 fl

New Caledonia, emblem

Niue, flag

palau coa

palau coa2

Palau, Government seal

Papua - New Guinea, coat

of arms

Pitcairn, coat of arms

Pitcairn, flag

rennell bellona prov fl

Samoa (German colony),

coat of arms (1914)

Samoa (German colony),

flag (1914)

Solomon Islands, coat of


suva city coa

temotu prov fl

Tokelau, flag (2008)

Tokelau, proposed flag

(1989) Tonga, coat of arms

Tuvalu, flag (1995)

Tuvalu, coat of arms

Vanuatu, state emblem

Wallis and Futuna,

unofficial flag

western province fl

Samoa (West Samoa), coat

of arms


Auckland (New Zealand),

coat of arms

Christchurch (New

Zealand), coat of arms

Dunedin (New Zealand),

coat of arms

New Zealand, flag

Hamilton (New Zealand),

coat of arms

new zealand Governor

General 2008 fl New Zealand, coat of arms

New Zealand, naval


New Zealand, merchant

ensign Wellington (New Zealand),

coat of arms


Australian Aboriginal flag

Adelaide (Australia), coat

of arms

Ashfield (New South Wales,

Australia), coat of arms

Australia, coat of arms

Australia, naval ensign

Australia, merchant


Australia, flag

Beaudesert (Australia), coat

of arms

Brisbane (Australia), coat

of arms

Canberra (Australia),

coat of arms

Christmas Island

(Australia), coat of arms

Christmas Island

(Australia), flag

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

(Australia), flag

Dalby (Australia), coat of


Darwin (Australia), coat

of arms

Australia, Eureka Flag


Queensland (Australia),

coat of arms

Hobart (Australia), coat of


Maroondah (Australia),

coat of arms

Melbourne (Australia),

coat of arms

Melbourne (Australia),


New South Wales (NSW,

Australia), coat of arms

New South Wales (NSW,

Australia), flag

Norfolk Island

(Australia), coat of arms

Norfolk Island

(Australia), flag

Northern Territory

(Australia), coat of arms

Northern Territory

(Australia), flag

Perth (Australia), coat of


Queensland (Australia),

flag South Australia

(Australia), coat of arms

South Australia

(Australia), flag

Sydney (Australia), coat of


Tasmania (Australia), coat

of arms

Tasmania (Australia),


Torres Strait Islanders

(Australia), flag