Occupation Identity Power Point

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Occupation Identity Power Point


These are my occupations, that make up my occupational Identity!Enjoy- Marina Maxwell


This occupation, is a means of socialising, gathering together and catching up with family and friends over a nice hot cup of sophisticated tea.

TRAVELLINGTravelling is an occupation I engage in everyday, whether its driving to school or going on a road trip to new places and spaces.


Exercise is a key occupation that is so important to me; this boosts my happy endorphins, gets the body moving and makes me feel good on the inside-out

YOGA Yoga is a means of meditating, stretching and reviving the body. It eliminates stress from a busy life style and relaxes the mind body and soul. It is valuable occupation as it is time to myself.


cooking food is a means of survival, and nourishing the body, I love to cook fresh foods and experiment with different dishes

I love going on adventures on the farm; eeling is an occupation we have done since little kids, its fun bonding time and Is an exciting occupation


STUDY “LEARNING IS FUN”R E T R I E V E D F R O M H TT P : / / W W W. P I N T E R E S T. C O M / P I N / 2 4 7 6 2 7 6 7 9 4 8 3 0 8 1 5 7 2 /

As I am a full time student, studying is part of the process in becoming an Occupational Therapist; making it fun is equally important!


Being in various sports team is a crucial part of who I am today. I used sport to define my occupational identity and it was something I was passionate about

FISHING Fishing is an occupation I love in the summertime; I live near a river so we have competitions to see who can catch the biggest fish

SWIMMINGSwimming is an occupation that I could not live without! I have always been a keen swimmer and love to swim especially in the summetime