ocal Magazineeople of Thornbury .bs35local.co · 2011-02-12 · Thornbury Castle increasing as the...

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Transcript of ocal Magazineeople of Thornbury .bs35local.co · 2011-02-12 · Thornbury Castle increasing as the...

This Month...Meet The Neighbours; Steve Webb - Kimberley Wall Interviews - Page 3

Park Life; Brett Dye And His Views On The Local Skate Park - Page 12

Nuclear Winter; Power Station Proposals - Page 9

Local Art Showcase; Thornbury Art Club, Recent Exhibition - Page 15

Plus much more...

For the People of ThornburyThe Local Magazine








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Welcome to the second installment of BS35 Local. The community magazine for the people of Thornbury.

Every month we aim to fill our pages with interesting and informative content from Thornbury and the surrounding area. We want to print what you want to read, so if you have any ideas for great content or current issues that you feel the people of Thornbury should know about, why don’t you drop us a line on 07717 488139 or email us with your ideas on content@bs35local.co.uk.

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Issue 002

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An Old Lamp Post

How long have you lived in South Gloucestershire? We rented for a year in Stoke Gifford and I was commuting back to London from Bristol Parkway. We moved to Olveston in 1995 and we’ve lived there ever since, so our children were born locally.

What do you like about the area?It’s a great area to live. I was brought up in an urban environment in Birmingham. I then lived in London for 9 years and so I like places where there are things going on and there are good communications, but I also like the sense of community in somewhere like Olveston. A village that has got everything, for example, the shops, the post office, the pub, the butchers and the school, where you can still hear horses trotting by on a Saturday morning and yet you’re 5 minutes from the M5.That is a really nice mix; the country but also the community and the good connections.

What other future ambitions do you have for Thornbury? The debate about house building is the classic one; where are young folk in the Thornbury area going to live when they get older? On the other hand, if you build over every green field then Thornbury won’t be Thornbury, it’ll just be like Greater Bristol. It is always a dilemma because you want to preserve all the good things about Thornbury while trying to get that balance right.

There is also an Arts Community project which is trying to get a theatre site in

Thornbury. The drive to get a venue would be fantastic although it’s a huge ask

when money is tight. I see my job not as ‘taking

over’ or doing things for people, but when people are getting motivated then I support, encourage and work with them.

Is it true that certain street lights are planning to be turned off after midnight in Thornbury?I think it was Charfield where they tried this out on a pilot basis. Clearly you want people to be safe but the argument was that in certain residential areas between approximately midnight and 5am, there are streetlights on and virtually nobody about. It costs money to keep them on and there is an environmental impact. The pilot seemed to work and I think Thornbury council has decided to do the same.

Each month we will be featuring an interview of somebody who lives or works in Thornbury. Kimberley Wall will be exploring the different lives and careers of people from our community and continues the series by interviewing Steve Webb; MP for the Thornbury and Yate constituency.

Meet The Neighbours...

page three

So do you believe that residents needn’t be worried about it?I think it’s the sort of thing that if it doesn’t work or if it causes problems it can easily be reversed. So if there are problems or if anyone is concerned then just contact the council and it will be looked at.

There are also plans to close the ‘front desk’ of Thornbury police station. What is meant by this and what do you believe will be the affects or the benefits to local people? Obviously in an emergency people would call 999, and in other situations most people would contact the police using off-peak numbers, mobile phone numbers and email addresses for community police. Compared with 20 years ago, the number of people who literally want to go into a police station and talk to someone face to face has dropped alot. Therefore they are going to close the front desk at the police station but possibly have officers based at the South Gloucestershire headquarters in Thornbury. Also, if people would like to speak to a police officer they could go into the council offices and maybe make an appointment or something. I’m keen to make sure that that happens, because mobile phone numbers and email are fine but it’s not suitable for everybody. The police have also said they will go and visit people in their own home but it is vital that people see the police out and about and can get hold of them easily; that’s the challenge.

Are there any plans for the future of Thornbury hospital? There are, and I’d guess you’d say some good and some bad. The good news is that instead of going to see your hospital consultant at Southmead, more of the consultants would try to come out to the local hospital site. The downside is that there were 2 wards in Thornbury; one was a mental health ward which has moved already, and the other one is the Henderson ward which provides some end of life care. The NHS are saying they would close Henderson ward because if someone is really ill then they should be treated at Southmead or alternatively they will support looking after people in their home. I ask whether somewhere in the middle is needed, where people can get a bit of nursing care while remaining close to their relatives. There also seems to be a lot of attachment to this ward, for example, the letters page in the Gazette is always full of feedback from people saying what fantastic treatment they’ve had. So that is the challenge and we are trying to get the NHS to think again about the needs for beds in Thornbury.

In October you published proposals asking the government to provide better

support for grandparents who provide child-care

to their grand-children while their parents go to

work. Has this been received positively by the government and have your proposals initiated any change so far? Yes, in the current system, if you are a parent at home with your children and not working or paying National insurance it is recognised that this is important so the system protects your pension record. So even though you’re not paying National Insurance, the system will treat you as if you had. But very often, it’s not mum or dad who is looking

February 2011

page four

after the children, it is the Grandparents and amazingly the average age of becoming a grandparent in this country is 49. So it’s very common for someone in their mid-50’s to look after a grandchild which means they cannot work so they miss out on their pension rights and that’s what we are trying to sort out. I think all being well that should come in from April.

What first interested you in a

career in politics? I’ve always been interested in current affairs and the news, and I’ve always loved election night with all the swings, facts and figures. Then I did an economics degree and went to work for a Thinktank in London who were doing alot of research on poverty, taxes and benefits. We weren’t far from Westminster so I’d go and advise select committees and I got to meet the media, politicians from all the parties and was drawn into that world really. So I have gone from being an academic, being very balanced, measured and analytical, to saying “I actually care; I have a view, I have an opinion, I want to change these things”. And so I wanted to make the transition from just analysing and commenting to actually campaigning and changing things.

What do you most enjoy about your job?Two things I suppose; one is the way you can help an individual. Someone comes in and says “look Mr Webb, I’ve tried everything else, so I’ve come to see you” and if you can use your position to do something and help people, then that’s great. And the other thing, is that it’s exciting standing up in the House of Commons being in the Dispatch Box. Yesterday, for the first time, I had a meeting with the Prime Minister, in number 10, around the cabinet table and it’s kind of like; is this really me?! I don’t do that all the time, I’ve met the Prime Minister before, but this was a meeting around the cabinet table setting out the plans I’ve got, so that was quite exciting really.

What do you believe is the hardest challenge about being an MP?Two things really, one is lack of sleep (laughs)! For the last 13 years I’ve been working hard as an MP, which fills up all my time, and then I’ve acquired the role as a minister of the Government aswell, which isn’t a spare time job either. So regularly doing 14/15 hour days you just don’t sleep and you never seem on top of things. The other thing is that politics can be a rough business. You expect criticism and that’s entirely proper- you need to take it- but sometimes people can be very personal or aggressive or bitter or angry, and when you get alot of that on a particular issue then it can be quite hard going.

What advice would you give to other people who

are interested in a career in politics?I would encourage people to give it a go and to recognise that politics is at all levels. There are lots of ways to get involved; In Thornbury the town council is making decisions that affect people’s lives, we are affected by a European parliament and there is local/regional government. You don’t have to get elected; you can be a school governor and serve the community. I think it’s great when people want to get involved and I think you’ve got to be motivated by something

page five

you believe in. You’ve got to really care about an issue and then politics, for all its rough and tumble and compromises, is often the way to get things changed. I got involved partly because I was very bothered about third world development and debt, and as an individual I could play my part, I could give my money to charity, but then the Government was doing the opposite and was completely wiping out what I and millions of other people like me wanted to do. I suddenly thought if I want to change the system, I don’t just need to do my bit (which was part of it) but I needed to get involved politically. And I would encourage people to join any party. You know I have my party, but I think it’s important that people join political parties because they then choose the candidates, and it is crucial to choose the people who stand for election. So even if you haven’t got a lot of time, joining a party and choosing who represents you, is really important.

How do you juggle your career and fatherhood?(laughs) Ask Mrs Webb! It is a challenge. My children are teenagers now so they are often out doing stuff as well, but the frustrating thing is that I’m essentially In London from Monday morning to Thursday evening. If there is something like a parents evening then it’s not always possible to attend because if you’ve got to vote in the House of Commons then you’ve got to vote in the House of Commons! So it is frustrating; you do feel you miss out on some things so you have to try and make sure that when you’re there (at home), you are there. The children were born around the time I was elected, my daughter just before and my son just after, so it’s kind of all they’ve ever known. At least they can get used to the routine, but, it can be hard. I think it’s hard for my wife sometimes.

What do you do to relax?Sleep! (laughs) We acquired a rescue dog a couple of years ago and funnily enough it doesn’t matter how busy you are, she needs walking! So on a weekend off it gets you out of the house to spend a bit of time with each other. So that’s nice. But beyond that I just like to hide away a bit. If you get spare time it’s kind of nice just to have a bit of peace and quiet, such as having a Chinese takeaway and watching the telly, something like that.

Thank you for your interview

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February 2011

“Our House” is a modern musical based around the many hit songs of the group Madness including “Embarrassment”, “Baggy Trousers” and “It Must Be Love”.

Matt Poad, who is studying A levels at Thornbury’s Castle School and is keyboard player for the band said “Members of NYTC were so taken by the show’s music that we decided to form a band and put on a gig to raise awareness of and funds for “Our House”. We’ve been rehearsing many Madness songs such as “One Step Beyond” and “Night Boat to Cairo” and other ”Ska” hits from that era such as

songs by The Beat and The Specials. We’ve also been making our own arrangements of other well known songs so there will be a few surprises in there. ”

Guitarist and Marlwood A level student Anthony Pengelly said “ We’re hoping that this gig will not just appeal to our age group but also to people our parents’ age. They were growing up when this music was at its peak and many of them will know the songs really well.”

The band consists of NYTC members Matt Poad (keyboard, vocals) Anthony Pengelly (guitar, vocals) Tim Boothman (bass,

vocals) Ed Berry (drums) Alyce Lazenbury (clarinet) and their friend James Sawyer (saxophone). Guest vocals, backing singers/dancers and other musicians will be provided by members of NYTC who all have roles in ”Our House”. Lighting and sound will be provided by NYTC crew members.

The gig (called A Night of Classics) will be held at Thornbury’s Armstrong Hall on Friday 4 March from 8 pm to 10 pm with doors opening at 7.30 pm. Refreshments will be available and there will be a box office for people to buy tickets for the “Our House” show. Tickets for the gig are only £4.50 and are available from Thornbury’s Town Hall or by phoning 07748054184. Proceeds will go towards NYTC’s forthcoming production of “Our House”.

IT’S MADNESS!Members of Northavon Youth Theatre Company (NYTC) are staging a one-off concert of “Ska” inspired music to celebrate the company’s forthcoming Easter production of the musical “Our House”.

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Professor Gareth Williams, a Bristol University medical expert at the faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has made a simple analysis of the implications if EDF at Hinckley in Somerset and Horizon’s nuclear plans are approved. “It would create the most intensive concentration of nuclear power plants on the planet !” Should we be concerned ? “Absolutely” he explains. One would expect this honour to rest with one of the remote parts of the former Russian empire or perhaps a rapidly growing part of a province in China. But no. If Hinckley and Oldbury were built this part of the West Country would be planet earth’s ground zero for nuclear power.

Reg reels off a list of more than a dozen objections that have been made by SANE and others to DECC against the development of Oldbury. Deployability by 2025, proximity to populated areas, flooding in Zone 3, coastal erosion, effect on internationally designated sites of ecological importance, impact on nationally designated sites of ecological importance, adverse effects on areas of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value, inadequate access to suitable sources of direct cooling, inappropriate ground conditions for building, scale and size of plant, the use of new and untried reactor designs, major visual impact, effect on the marine environment, significant congestion and environmental impact during the construction process.

All valid reasons. Worryingly for Reg however the Government doesn’t agree. In February 2010 DECC undertook a public consultation exercise seeking comments on its snappily titled draft National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation. They received over 50,000 replies the majority raising concerns and objections to 11 selected sites for proposed nuclear development. DECC then revised its thousands of pages of consultation documents and sought further comments.

DECC responded on the suitability of Oldbury and 10 other sites around the country for nuclear installations. Whilst the Government has recommended that 3 of the 11 sites are dropped off the preferred list of suitable locations, it still believes that Oldbury is suitable. Of the 3 sites that were dropped all were rejected on environmental grounds that apply equally to Oldbury. Despite the support of Dr Steve Webb, MP for the area and Matthew Riddle, the Government is unmoved by the breadth depth and number of objections to Oldbury and Horizon. That’s not to say that consent will ultimately be granted but it is a major blow for Reg, SANE and other concerned residents.

He finds the response and official justification unacceptable, unreasonable and illogical. It doesn’t seem to matter what valid objections and rational concerns we put forward they are all swept away. DECC believes that they are all the objections are capable of remediation or are justified in the national interest. The are just not listening and the impression we get from their formal response is they are determined to designate Oldbury whatever we say. So much for consultation, it’s just a token PR exercise as they have made their decision and they’re ignoring local opinion.

So what of Horizon’s plans and what are the advantages of nuclear power that they are extolling. They argue that nuclear will be producing clean electricity and creating about 800 permanent skilled jobs and 6,200 temporary construction jobs. However on other parts of the plan they are worryingly vague. They haven’t chosen a reactor design yet and of the 2 which are being built in France and Finland both are over budget and behind schedule. They also have no staff on the payroll that have either built or operated a nuclear power plant, which seems a revelatory admission for a prospective operator of a complicated nuclear operation.

Nuclear Winter

page nine

A massive new Nuclear Power station could be the newest edition to our community. David Price reports in the final part of our local David & Goliath story...

Reg is sceptical of Horizon’s claim to generate clean electricity. He points to earlier studies of the Severn estuary where increased concentrations of tritium have been detected in marine life. Also the raw material of nuclear power is uranium, mined around the globe, imported and processed which in itself creates carbon emissions, not least from its transportation. He points out that the by-product of the process is nuclear waste some of which will have to be stored on site for decades if not hundreds of years. This is not the clean image Horizon wishes to portray but an annoying detail they would rather skate over.

Though they will not admit it the nuclear industry has been lobbying hard for what they argue is a level playing field with renewable sources of energy. The development and take up of renewable non polluting energies such as wind, solar, wave and tidal have been encouraged by the Government with financial subsidies. There has been no subsidies for the nuclear industry which had been expected by the Government to be delivered by the free market private sector without assistance from the taxpayer or energy consumer. However the Government has done a U Turn and in October 2010 Chris Huhne announced that in future the Government was now not ruling out financial assistance for nuclear power stations.

Reg is unhappy that a scheme being developed by a private sector foreign multinational company (over which he has no control), is promoting a scheme (over which he can have no democratic say because it is being decided by a Government Quango) is likely to receive financial assistance from him whether he likes it or not.

Horizon have argued that we need new nuclear plants like Oldbury to fill the energy gap caused by the shut down of old traditional coal burning power stations from 2015 onwards. Otherwise the lights will go out. Even if we accept that there is an energy gap, which incidentally many experts do not, Oldbury is not currently envisaged to produce any power until 2025. Which is a decade too late to make a difference. So if it’s not going to deliver the power we allegedly need, when we require it, its very reason for existence is fatally flawed.

The problem is that the lead in time to develop a new nuclear power station is more than a decade due to its inherent complication and public sensitivity. And this assumes that the plant can be built on budget and on schedule. Given that these are new untested and untried new reactor designs, this is highly optimistic.

Reg is disappointed that DECC did not accept his objections and those of SANE and others but he is undaunted. This is a marathon not a sprint and we are determined to fight on and battle Horizon every inch of the way and every detail of their proposals. This is a very complicated process and is already the subject of change. The more we make it difficult for Horizon and slow up the process the more it will cost them and the less viable the exercise will be. After all Horizon is a private sector business like any other, they need to make a profit, they just happen to be in the business of making a profit from nuclear power. Despite what Horizon may say everyone Reg talks to either objects to the scheme or has grave concerns so he is confident that the community support his view, not Horizon’s.

Reg is in a modern day David and Goliath tussle with a multi national foreign giant which has the advantage of all the PR and media resources money can buy; and they have a budget of millions of pounds to spend. However the British have always admired and supported the under dog so he has a chance to pull off a change of mind. He knows he is in an unequal struggle with just a small group of volunteers and amateurs to help him but accepts that’s his role.

“We are a group of concerned community minded locals up against professionals who can lobby at the highest levels” he says. “But we can’t let Horizon wreck our community; remember it’s not just our generation we’re fighting for but our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren. We just want to keep this part of England green fields and free of a concrete health hazard, what’s wrong with that?”

The whole article can be read on-line at www.bs35local.co.uk.

For further information on this subject matter:www.shepperdineagainstnuclearenergy.org.ukwww.oldburynuclearviewpoint.org.ukwww.horizonnuclearpower.com

February 2011

page ten

And so it shall continue to be in 2011. Heading the Parade this year will be the third, top military band in succession that the organisers have managed to secure. The Band of the Royal Logistics Corps will travel from Deepcut Barracks in Surrey and spend the day in Thornbury, first leading the Parade along its familiar route, then playing a couple of stage sets and concluding with a “Beating the Retreat” Finale.

One of the delights of previous Parade has been the enthusiasm with which the local Pre-School, Primary School and Brownie/Guide groups have participated, turning out in colourful and simple, but well thought-out, themed costume, including the Parents who accompany the youngsters in the Parade. Added to these were colourfully dressed teams from some Primary Schools and other Sports Clubs, to swell the numbers of those marching.

We hope that the Dray Horses and Cart will be with us again in 2011, and there is scope for other animal content – with samples of some of the varied types of horses that local folk like to ride, alpacas, dog clubs etc.

The 2010 Parade had seven musical groups involved, including the popular and familiar local, Irish combo “Mo, Mac ‘n Me”, and the fabulous Caribbean Melody Steel Band from Birmingham. Both of these were on floats, and the organisers would like to encourage other groups to consider preparing a float entry, though they will have to be responsible for all aspects of its organisation. A good Parade needs lots of music, so all local groupings are invited to apply to be involved. The Bristol ACF Band and the City of Bristol Pipes and Drums will make return visits again this year, and the Dolphin Marching Band from Poole will join us, too.

One difference in the parade this year will accommodate the special needs of the older classic cars, which find the slow pace of the Parade a problem. For these, there will be a pre-Parade cavalcade of older classic vehicles that will follow the same route, do a double loop of the Town Centre and return to the Mundy filed for the static display. During this time, there will be other street entertainers

in the Town Centre. Classic cars of newer vintage, and military vehicles will still be a part of the Parade as last year, and there will be an extensive static display of vehicles on the Carnival field.

Full details of the Carnival are available on the website: www.thornburycarnival.co.uk

In the March issue, details of the entertainment Programme.

David Goldring - Chairman,

Thornbury Carnival Association

The thousands of spectators who have watched the Parade at the start of each of the two past Carnivals have come to expect something big, spectacular, diverse, interesting and representative of the local community, and including other attractions that add variety and generate an impression not to be forgotten.

A Carnival Parade To Delight!

Band of the Royal Logistics Corps, Buckingham Palace

I love skate parks, I feel at home at a skate park, I feel I am with my (other) family when I am with my friends and new friends at a skate park. There is a reason for this; the reason is simply that at the park is where I learn, where I fall, where I bleed, where I help, where I eat and drink and where I can relax. I can relax because I am supposed to be there, it is my safe haven, some where I can skate without fear of getting hassle from any one.

A skate park is some where I know my friends will be and some where I know I will meet new friends. Skateboarding and all the other

activities that happen at a skate park have always had a social element to them, we unite in our common interest, no matter what social background or age or ability or race or gender.At a skate park you will not find young people partaking in anti social behaviour because we are all busy trying to perfect our latest tricks, we are all busy helping and encouraging each other and most importantly we are all busy respecting each other. This is not just propaganda, the only problems I have ever seen at a skate park has been when non-users (people who do not skateboard or BMX or roller-blade or scooter) come into the park and try to ruin it for the users.It might look like there are no rules in a skate park but that is because the rules are not written down on paper, they are more substantial than that. The guidelines of the park are unspoken and thus run deep within all of us:1, respect each other2, help and encourage each other3, if someone take’s a slam (falls off badly) then stop the session and check they are ok, offer help if they need it.4, only one person on the ramp’s at a time5, congratulate someone according to their ability level, not yours (even if you can do that trick, if it’s the first time they have done it then celebrate it, give them a shout of approval, bang your board, show your respect)6, learn guideline 1 really well7, have a good time8, always always encourage young blood, for they hold the future in their handsSkate parks help to teach young people many different skills that they simply don’t get taught at school. They help to teach spatial awareness, they help to teach social interaction skill’s (remember at a skate park you could end talking to someone, on a peer level, who is older than your peers at school), they help to teach balance, both physically and mentally (you all are trying to use the park so you balance out what areas of the park you are going to use) and they

Park Life...

It might look like there are no rules in a Skate Park but that is because the rules are not written down on paper“

My name is Brett and I’m 31 years old, I have been skateboarding for the last 19 years and I have been using skate parks for all of that time.I would like to tell you some firsthand experience of Skate Parks that I have used up and down the country.

February 2011

page twelve

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help to keep users of the park happy healthy and away from the television and sofa.Every town should have a skate park and every town should understand the benefits that a really good skate park can bring to their young, and sometimes not so young, users. If you don’t believe me then please take the time to visit your local skate park and see for yourself, if you don’t see every user smile or laugh or learn something or push themselves or offer encouragement or help at least once then you weren’t really watching properly…

Brett Dyeyouknowyourself.publisha.com

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Life today, especially in town, can lend itself to a physical sense of separation from nature and perhaps also from each other. It’s easy to spend a great deal of time communicating virtually and over great distances and yet remain physically isolated from friends and neighbours.

Last June we went camping and sitting on the grass one afternoon outside my tent, I watched as a large bumble bee settled on a small twig. Adjusting my glasses I was spellbound to see the exquisite precision with which this tiny creature went about grooming himself. Carefully and systematically he used those furry feelers one at a time to clean his wings and then brush down his dark brown furry back; just like a cat washes her face with her paws. Finally satisfied, smooth and sleek, my bee gave a little wriggle and a stretch and then buzzed off to a nearby wild rose. And – here comes the weird bit – I was left with a real a sense of connection. I kept thinking about him and noticing him around the tent for several days.

This small incident got me thinking how vital and healthful it is to make an effort to stay grounded and connect with each other in a focused conscious way and let go of all the mental speeding and rushing about life seems to demand of us today. It’s so easy to live life “second hand”. Watching TV, reading newspapers, surfing the net we’re absorbing mentally the ideas of other people and yet we’re not relating to anyone or expressing our own thoughts.

Thornbury is a great community to live in with many clubs and organisations where many of us meet up with each other in town. But how much do we get out and meet neighbours at a very local level? Taking time out to chat to a neighbour, making a conscious effort to slow down and focus on our immediate surroundings can renew our energy and lift our spirits. We come out of our heads and into our hearts and our body when we shift our attention in this way.This winter has been a difficult one especially for travellers. Climate change and also the increasing cost of fuel and heating suggests that future travel could become more difficult. Getting to know the place and people where we live may become central to our quality of life and wellbeing. Slowing down, connecting and giving ourselves the gift of a little time each day, we nurture ourselves, our personal space and each other in so many ways.

Maggie Jeffery

Take Time Out

Advertise With Us, Call Now on: 07717 488139

February 2011

Thornbury Art Club The Affordable Art Fair

In Aid of the Armstrong Hall Backstage Refurbishment Fund, members of Thornbury Art Club generously sold off works of art in order to raise the money needed for the fund.

The Affordable Art Fair was held at the Cossham Hall, Thornbury on Saturday 5th Feb. All artwork on display was to be sold off in order to raise the money needed for the Fund. The Mayor of Thornbury attended and opened the event on Friday 4th during a private viewing. The Fair was considered a great success as the total of paintings sold during the day came to 47 and money raised from selling work and other fund raising efforts came to £1282.

To enquire about supporting the fund raising efforts or to purchase a painting, contact Patricia on: 01454 417236 or Lewis on: 01454 632497

Jenny Gregson

Battersea P

ower S


Sue JonesSheep on the Beach

Wendy Titterton

Buttercups, V

icarage Lane H



l - O

ff P


Margaret Rowley - Dancer 2

page fifteen

Delia PoultonThe Road into Tockington

June Hopkins - On The Beach

Pauline Wilson-SmithSteven’s Track - Hartygrove - Spring

Wendy Titterton - Fishing

Pauline DarleyDuart Castle, Scotland

Rita Dee - Wiltshire Landscape

Mary W

ilkins - Old O


Grand Opening with the Mayor of Thornbury

Libby &

Molly D


Portrait P

ainting at the Fair

February 2011

HairbydesignDry Trim - £13.00

Shampoo Set From - £13.00Cut & Blowdry From - £24.00

Retouch From - £24.00 lookgoodfeelgreat



Security Grilles EtcAll Types of Ornamental Iron Work

Plantstands & BracketsBalconies & BalustradesOrnamental Fire GratesRepair & Repaint Gates

Candle SticksCall Mark: 07989 243678

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We are a club of around 75 enthusiastic and friendly model aircraft builders and flyers, ranging in age from 8 to 80 years old. All types of model aircraft, from scale bi-planes to sports models using both internal combustion and electric power are flown, as well as gliders, jets and helicopters from a prepared grass strip approximately 140metres by 40 metres. Flying is available from 9.00am to 9.00pm, 365 days per year, weather permitting.

The club is affiliated to the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) who provide governance and guidance to around 750 UK clubs.

During the year we participate in, and organize several events from a national aerobatic competition to club social functions.

New members are always welcome and we have local instructors who will give interested parties free trial flights using the clubs training aircraft. Once bitten by the bug, help and advice are openly offered to guide new members through starting in the hobby with equipment selection and flight training in a safe environment.

Why not visit our website www.brcmac.org.uk or contact the Secretary at secretary@brcmac.org.uk or Chairman at chairman@brcmac.org.uk for more information.

The Bristol Radio Control Model Aircraft Club has been in existence since the late 1940s, and has been based at Duckhole near Thornbury for nearly 30 years.

Bristol Radio Control Model Aircraft Club (BRCMAC)

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