OCAC Dog Killed Spanky A1437850

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Transcript of OCAC Dog Killed Spanky A1437850

6/29/2016 Summer Parker 1727 N. Crescent Heights Los Angeles, CA 90069 RE: Public Records Act Request # 16-0578 Dear Ms. Parker, This letter is in response to the above-referenced Public Records Act request, which OC Community Resources received on 5/24/2016. In your request, you requested copies of records pertaining to Animal ID “A1437850”. OC Animal Care conducted a search for records responsive to your request. At this time, we are prepared to produce responsive records. The attached records are the only responsive records OC Animal Care possesses with regard to your request. The information redacted in the original responsive records is exempt from release under the Public Records Act. That information has been redacted pursuant to California Government Code Sections 6254(c) and (k) and 6255, Health and Safety Code 121690(h) and the California Constitution Article 1, Section 1. Additionally, we note that the redacted information is personal contact information. If personal contact information were made available, citizens would be reluctant to provide this information to OC Animal Care which could impede their ability to protect public safety and prevent the spread of rabies. The decision to redact this information was made by the undersigned. Sincerely, Jeffrey Kirkpatrick Custodian of Records

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