
Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Objectives:. Student will identify steps to setting a goal. Students will set goals (short and long term) that apply to their life. What will HHS have to do at the start of the basketball season to have a winning season?. Susan Boyle. Did she have a goal? What was her goal? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Objectives:


1. Student will identify steps to setting a goal.2. Students will set goals (short and long term) that apply to

their life.

What will HHS have to do at the start of the basketball season to have a winning season?

Susan Boyle

Did she have a goal? What was her goal?

Did people believe she could achieve her goal prior to her performance? How about after her performance?

What is a goal?

The result or achievement toward which effort is directed.

(According to www.dictionary.com)

What is a goal?

Discussion Activity: Shrinking Circle

Discuss outcome of the Shrinking Circle What happened when the circle got smaller and

harder to fit? How does this relate to our lives? What are some things that prevent us from reaching

our goals?

Long vs. Short

A short term goal is achieved quickly (finish term paper, wash dishes, mail Christmas cards by Friday, etc.). They help you achieve your long term goals.

Long term goals will take months, years, all your life.

Things to remember:• Goals must be realistic – you

can’t lose 40 pounds in one month

• Must prioritize – rank in order of importance you, can’t accomplish it all at once.

• Do you have the resources you need to reach your goals (money, information, health, energy, skill, etc.).

Seven goal areas








SMART goals





Time bound


Goal Writing:101

Specific: The outcome or end result is very clear to me and all audiences.

Measurable: You can tell if you have achieved your goal because you can count it or see it.

Attainable: While achieving the outcome might be a challenge, it is possible with the current team and resources.

Results-Oriented: The goal is inline with the results expected by the district CSIP, APR, Building goals and plans.

Time bound: A specific date has been set by which to achieve the goal.

Why does SMART work?

FocusedShort & Long TermAlignedResults-oriented

Team Hoyt

How did team Hoyt get started on their goal?

Has their goal changed during the course of their competition?


#1. Aim High, As High as the STARS” worksheet.

#2. Watch the movie “Rudy”. Complete study guide that goes with movie.