Objective: Students will describe the Monarchy system and the problems it had. What are the good and...

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Transcript of Objective: Students will describe the Monarchy system and the problems it had. What are the good and...

• Objective: Students will describe the Monarchy system and the problems it had.

• What are the good and bad things about being a child?


• What are the good and bad things about being a parent?

What was the situation in France?

The absolute monarchy of France had controlled one of the richest and most

powerful nations in Europe

How was life in France?

But, the majority of the people were not sharing in the wealth

They wanted a better way of life

How was the Enlightenment involved?

Enlightenment philosophers had talked about change and

making life more fair

Natural rights

Social contracts

Right to rebel to bring about change

What was going on in America?

The American colonists had use Enlightenment ideas during the American Revolution

The American Declaration of Independence, written in 1776, excited many people in France

Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

Some French even participated in the American Revolution… such as a young noble named


Volunteered to fight with Washington’s Continental Army

Became a Major General in the Continental Army

How did the King of France get involved?

Even the King of France got involved in the American Revolution…


Sent 12,000 French soldiers

Sent 32,000 French sailors

How did new ideas reach France?

French volunteers returned home with thoughts REFORMING France


Essential Question

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

Why were the French people upset?

The French people had many reasons to revolt

→ Unfair social divisions

→ Unequal tax burdens

→ Government debt

→ Financial crisis

How were social divisions unfair?

Cause #1: Unfair Social Divisions

Everybody in France belonged to one of the three ESTATES

Social classes

First Estate Second Estate Third Estate

Clergy Nobles Everyone else

.5% of the population

1.5% of the population

98% of the population

How was taxation unequal?

Cause #2: Unequal Tax Burdens

First Estate: 0%

Second Estate: 0%

Third Estate: 100%

Taxes Paid

The Third Estate had no voice in government, however it paid all of the nations taxes

Why was the government in debt?

Cause #3: Government Debts

The French monarchy was in debt for a number

of reasons:

► Royal spending on luxuries

► Costly wars (French and Indian War,

American Revolution)

► First and Second Estates refusal to pay


What had caused a financial crisis?

Cause #4: Financial Crisis

The growing French population increased the

demand for goods

Prices and the cost of living rose were on the

rise as well

How did King Louis XVI respond?In May 1789, King Louis XVI call a meeting of the


A lawmaking made up of representatives from all three estates

Each estate had 1 vote a piece – meaning the First and Second Estate could always outvote the Third Estate

What did the Third Estate want?

The Third Estate wanted more votes since they represented 98% of the


The King refused

What was the plan of the Third Estate?

The Third Estate declared itself the NATIONAL ASSEMBLY and intended to create a new government…

They began working on a new constitution….

revolution would soon begin…

How did the revolution start?

July 14, 1789 – A large crowd stormed the


A hated French prison

The French Revolution had begun….

When King Louis XVI banned the National Assembly from meeting, Paris exploded in rebellion….

How was the government to be run?Aug. 26, 1789 – The National Assembly adopts the


Written by Marquis de Lafayette (with advice from Thomas Jefferson)

This document stated:

• Government gets its power from the people – not the king

• Basic rights and freedoms of the people

What type of government was created?

1791 – The National Assembly declares France a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCY

Obviously, Louis XVI disagrees and rejects any limits to his power

In fear, Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette try to escape to Austria….. But they are caught and imprisoned

How did radicals come to power?

Other monarchs in Europe feared the spread of revolution and tried to help Louis XVI return to power…

While France is fighting against these other nations, a group of

RADICALS took control of France

They set up a new government known as the NATIONAL CONVENTION

People who want big changes QUICKLY

How did Europe reacted to the revolution?

January 1793 – King Louis XVI was beheaded on the GUILLOTINE

A new machine designed to quickly

execute people

The King’s execution outraged European leaders…

Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Austria, and Prussia began a war with France to prevent revolution from spreading into their country

Who was Robespierre?The National Convention set up the

COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY to crush any opponents of the revolution

MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE Leader of the Committee of Public Safety

Robespierre resided over the


What was the Reign of Terror?

During the REIGN OF TERROR, the following were killed:

King Louis XVI

Queen Marie Antoinette

40,000 people who were seen as disloyal to the revolution and

favored the return of a monarchy

The Reign of Terror ended when the National Convention executed Robespierre

What was the Directory?

Middle class leaders decided to set up a 5 person council, known as the DIRECTORY to run the country

…but it lacked support

How did the revolution end?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXsZbkt0yqo

1797 – General NAPOLEON BONAPARTE returns home to France after fighting the British in Egypt

His victories in battle had made him a

national hero

He used his popularity to lead a COUP D’ETAT and took control of the government for himself

… the revolution was over…

Essential Question

How did Napoleon change French society?

How did Napoleon control France?

Napoleon quickly strengthened his power by:

Appointed government officials

Controlled the army

Directed lawmaking

Oversaw foreign policy

What title did Napoleon take?In 1804, Napoleon declared himself Emperor of France

As Emperor, Napoleon planned on building an empire worthy of his title

What changes did he bring to France?

The changes Napoleon brought to France can be classified into 4






What legal changes took place?

Legal Changes Under Napoleon

NAPOLEONIC CODE – a new legal system based on the ideas of the


Equal rights

Religious toleration

What social changes took place?

Social Changes Under Napoleon

State supported schools

Ended serfdom

Ended the estate system

What political changes took place?

Political Changes Under Napoleon

Government jobs based on merit – not birth or class

Reduced power of the Catholic Church

What economic changes took place?

Economic Changes Under Napoleon

→ Required ALL citizens to pay taxes

→ Set up a Bank of France

What is nationalism?

The armies of Napoleon spread NATIONALISM throughout Europe

Pride in one’s country

How big was Napoleon’s empire?In his quest to build an empire, Napoleon took

control of most of the continent of Europe

What ideas did Napoleon spread?

Within his empire, Napoleon introduced ideals from the French Revolution

Such as:

Legal equality for all citizens

Religious tolerance

Economic freedom

However, the spread of revolutionary ideals would also help bring Napoleon’s empire to an end…

Why did many dislike Napoleon?

People under Napoleon’s control resented…

Paying taxes to France

Serving in Napoleon’s army


What did many people still want?

These people felt more loyalty to their home countries than to the

French Empire

They wanted self-rule

What was Napoleon’s legacy?

Napoleon’s dream of empire ended with his capture in 1815

by British forces

Even though his empire failed…

Napoleon left the ideas of revolution

and nationalism with the people of Europe

Who had power in Latin America?For nearly 300 years, Spain and Portugal held control over many colonies in the Latin America

In the 1800s, that would begin to change as Latin Americans became inspired by the American and

French Revolutions…

What was society like in here?Spain and Portugal had forced a very strict

social order on their Latin American colonies

There were four distinct social classes in Latin American society:





Who was at the top of society?


Colonial leaders

Born in Spain or Portugal (the Iberian Peninsula)

These people were at the top of government and society in Latin America

Who was next in social order?


Descendents of Portuguese or Spanish settlers born in

the colonies

The peninsulares looked down on the creoles, and the creoles resented it

Where did most people fall in class?


Largest group of people in most colonies

People of mixed Spanish and Latin American ancestry

These people tended to:

Work as servants and Laborers

Have very few rights and freedoms

Who was at the bottom of society?


Lowest social class – along with Native Americans and enslaved Africans

People of mixed African and European descent

Number of mulattos varied from colony to colony

Were people okay with this?

All lower classes disliked being ruled by the Peninsulares…

But they had little power to challenge their rulers

How did change come?

However, as Napoleon fought his wars to create a French Empire…

Spain and Portugal were left weakened…

Latin Americans saw their chance to win their independence!

What was the situation in Haiti?

The first revolution in Latin America took place in Haiti

Haiti can be found on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea

What was produced in Haiti?

In Haiti, many enslaved workers produced sugar and coffee

More than 500,000 of the 560,000 people who lived in Haiti were either slaves or had

once been enslaved

Nearly 90% of the population

Who controlled Haiti?

Haiti was actually a French colony…

Most Latin American colonies were either ruled by Spain or Portugal

Why did a rebellion occur?

With France tied up with revolution and war…

The time was ripe for a

rebellion in Haiti

Who led the rebellion?

In the 1790s, enslaved Africans began rebelling against French rule


What did it accomplish?

French forces captured Louverture and he eventually died in prison…

The revolution lived on…

In 1804, Haiti announced its independence and became the first Latin American country to win its independence

What happened in Mexico?In Mexico, two Catholic priests led a revolt against Spain


What happened to the priests?

Both Hidalgo and Morelos were captured and executed….

But, the revolution lived on…

What was the result?

1821 – Mexico declares its independence from Spain

1823 – Mexico declares itself a republic


Costa RicaEl SalvadorGuatemalaHonduras


Nicaragua would all announce their independence from Spanish rule as well

Who was San Martin?In 1810, JOSE DE SAN MARTIN freed Argentina from Spanish rule

He then continued on into Chile

Who was Simon Bolivar?Meanwhile, SIMON BOLIVAR was leading revolts in… EcuadorVenezuela Colombia

Did they ever work together?In Peru…

San Martin and Bolivar joined forces to crush the Spanish Army

What was the result?

By the end of 1824, nearly all of South America had successfully revolted and won independence These new nations

hoped to change their governments by building




Were there any problems?

These new governments faced many challenges…

A large gap between rich and poor

Most power was held by a small group of landowners

For example:

What was the biggest issue?

One of the biggest problems were CAUDILLOS

Dictators who ruled by military force

Strong leaders came to power during this time and made it hard for democracy and


In an attempt to maintain power, they did little to help the poor