Objective 3.04 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the nation...

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Transcript of Objective 3.04 Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the nation...

Objective 3.04

Analyze the political, economic, and social impact of Reconstruction on the nation and identify why Reconstruction

came to an end.

Freedman’s Bureau

Offered assistance to the freed slaves, housing, education, food, clothing, registration to vote

Radical Republicans

Political Party in control during the period after the Civil War, they wanted to punish the South for their participation in the war, They were led by Thaddeus Stevens

Reconstruction Plans

Presidential and Congressional plans to rebuild the South after the Civil War

Thaddeus Stevens

Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress after the Civil War

Andrew Johnson

Vice President under President Lincoln, became the 17th President of the US after Lincoln was Assassinated, became the first President to be impeached

Tenure of Office Act

Law enacted to keep President Johnson from replacing Radical Republicans in his cabinet, Johnson is impeached for violating this Act, ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court

Johnson’s Impeachment

President Johnson violates the Tenure of Office Act, Congress fails to remove Johnson from office by one vote

Election of 1876/Compromise of


Rutherford B. Hayes becomes President as a stipulation for ending military occupation of the South, ends reconstruction


Southerners that supported Northern Reconstruction


Northerners that moved South during Reconstruction, supported the freed slaves, wanted to profit from the South

Black Codes

Similar the slave codes, laws that restricted the movements of African Americans in the South after the Civil War

Ku Klux Klan

Violent Organization formed after the Civil War by Southern War veterans to protect themselves from the Reconstruction Governments, Anti- Black, Anti-Catholic, Anti-immigrant, Anti-Carpet bagger, Anti-Scalawag, Anti- Jewish, Anti- Republican

Tenant Farmers

Farmers that work someone else’s land and pay rent based upon profits from the sale of the crop, one of the ways that freed slaves and poor whites made a living after the Civil War


Farmers that work someone else’s land in exchange for a portion of the crops, one of the ways that freed slaves made a living after the Civil War

Jim Crow Laws

Laws that segregated the races, separate water fountains, separate bathrooms, separate schools

Whiskey Ring

1875 scandal where several Republican lawmakers took bribes from liquor taxes, this scandal and other scandals eventually led to the end of Reconstruction Governments

Solid South

Southern politics are dominated by Democrats from 1865 until the 1960’s