OBDM - Comic Book Art - vLog Wi5GCLcKEas 0...

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Transcript of OBDM - Comic Book Art - vLog Wi5GCLcKEas 0...

OBDM - Comic Book Art - vLog_Wi5GCLcKEas_0_en.txt[10/12/2019 21:20:56]

100:00:02,529 --> 00:00:05,650[Music]

200:00:08,029 --> 00:00:14,009hey everyone welcome back to another

300:00:10,769 --> 00:00:15,960video blog my name is mike i host this

400:00:14,009 --> 00:00:18,210channel obedient videos also hosts a

500:00:15,960 --> 00:00:22,230podcast our big dumb mouth you can check

600:00:18,210 --> 00:00:24,000us out at our big dumb mouth calm and in

700:00:22,230 --> 00:00:30,750this video blog I'm going to be talking

800:00:24,000 --> 00:00:32,340about comic books art of life liberty

900:00:30,750 --> 00:00:34,350the pursuit of happiness all that stuff

1000:00:32,340 --> 00:00:35,790I'm just kind of kind of rambling

1100:00:34,350 --> 00:00:38,309haven't done a vlog in quite a while and

1200:00:35,789 --> 00:00:40,530turned out why not let's do it tonight

1300:00:38,308 --> 00:00:44,968I'm not doing anything I have the week

1400:00:40,530 --> 00:00:46,500off work and want to talk about some of

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1500:00:44,969 --> 00:00:49,439the stuff I found to my parents house in

1600:00:46,500 --> 00:00:55,140the basement uh my stuff that I bought

1700:00:49,439 --> 00:00:56,519when I was in my mid-teens this is back

1800:00:55,140 --> 00:01:00,448in nineteen ninety to ninety nineteen

1900:00:56,520 --> 00:01:02,250ninety three when I first got into come

2000:01:00,448 --> 00:01:04,948books very heavily it was as I was

2100:01:02,250 --> 00:01:10,859probably a freshman sophomore in high

2200:01:04,948 --> 00:01:13,408school and every Friday myself my friend

2300:01:10,859 --> 00:01:17,039Mike my friend Phil and Nick we would

2400:01:13,409 --> 00:01:18,930all go up to kenmore comics and we would

2500:01:17,040 --> 00:01:21,090buy whatever comment cuz I came out that

2600:01:18,930 --> 00:01:24,000day and they all said that the major

2700:01:21,090 --> 00:01:25,710players we had DC that that had stuff

2800:01:24,000 --> 00:01:30,209coming out every week and then you had


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00:01:25,709 --> 00:01:33,000the Marvel and I want I bought all those

3000:01:30,209 --> 00:01:36,000comics and I loved them like here's what

3100:01:33,000 --> 00:01:38,640I that I got the the the new Fantastic

3200:01:36,000 --> 00:01:41,549Four featuring spider-man Hulk Ghost

3300:01:38,640 --> 00:01:46,409Rider and Wolverine about that i love

3400:01:41,549 --> 00:01:48,600all like them big players and you know

3500:01:46,409 --> 00:01:53,310during that time period of the the early

3600:01:48,599 --> 00:01:56,30990s a lot of the major comic book guys

3700:01:53,310 --> 00:01:59,549that were working for Marvel and DC

3800:01:56,310 --> 00:02:01,170people of gimli Rob Liefeld and God

3900:01:59,549 --> 00:02:02,579McFarlane they split off and they

4000:02:01,170 --> 00:02:06,118started their own comedy company called

4100:02:02,578 --> 00:02:08,669image and image put out spawn the savage

4200:02:06,118 --> 00:02:13,318dragon Wildcats

4300:02:08,669 --> 00:02:17,579

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Youngblood and Rob Liefeld was the UH I

4400:02:13,318 --> 00:02:20,189i guess the default spokesperson for

4500:02:17,580 --> 00:02:24,000image at a certain point in time the the

4600:02:20,189 --> 00:02:27,689comp about young blood I think was the

4700:02:24,000 --> 00:02:29,340first number 1 million selling calm

4800:02:27,689 --> 00:02:31,050poking in history correct me if I'm

4900:02:29,340 --> 00:02:34,890wrong but they also put out stuff like

5000:02:31,050 --> 00:02:38,459like this blood wolf maybe if you take a

5100:02:34,889 --> 00:02:42,389look through this it's plastic Rob

5200:02:38,459 --> 00:02:45,349Liefeld artwork which if anybody doesn't

5300:02:42,389 --> 00:02:49,048know Rob Liefeld is known for

5400:02:45,349 --> 00:02:55,229exaggerated Anatomy um he can't draw

5500:02:49,049 --> 00:02:58,469thumbs very well and he does draws women

5600:02:55,229 --> 00:03:01,409in various objectively and very

5700:02:58,469 --> 00:03:02,969suggestive poses but I mean if you look

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5800:03:01,409 --> 00:03:06,560at it there's there's some there's some

5900:03:02,969 --> 00:03:11,060actual real cool art going on in here

6000:03:06,560 --> 00:03:13,739and this comp of blood wolf number one

6100:03:11,060 --> 00:03:15,870might take some what I might take avoid

6200:03:13,739 --> 00:03:18,090what he was trying to do in here he was

6300:03:15,870 --> 00:03:20,189trying to capture a little bit of his

6400:03:18,090 --> 00:03:22,739character Deadpool which was owned by a

6500:03:20,189 --> 00:03:26,449Marvel and a little bit of cable lots of

6600:03:22,739 --> 00:03:28,980lots of geo super all-powerful guy and

6700:03:26,449 --> 00:03:30,298just tried to reimagine those characters

6800:03:28,979 --> 00:03:34,738that some of the characters it created

6900:03:30,299 --> 00:03:37,310over marveled at image and they did a

7000:03:34,739 --> 00:03:40,079lot of crossovers back then too like

7100:03:37,310 --> 00:03:43,079least within the Marvel Universe there's

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7200:03:40,079 --> 00:03:45,540like a the x factor and x-men crossovers

7300:03:43,079 --> 00:03:47,579execution of song back in like 92 93

7400:03:45,539 --> 00:03:50,150they cross over multiple different

7500:03:47,579 --> 00:03:53,069complex but usually within the same

7600:03:50,150 --> 00:03:56,159company but I believe this this one this

7700:03:53,068 --> 00:03:58,469image death neat it's called death you

7800:03:56,159 --> 00:04:02,280see it's this it's a glossy cover you

7900:03:58,469 --> 00:04:06,239see how shiny it is death mate was I

8000:04:02,280 --> 00:04:08,579believe an image yeah and a valiant a

8100:04:06,239 --> 00:04:11,159comp a company crossover so image common

8200:04:08,579 --> 00:04:13,950image comics and valiant comics got

8300:04:11,159 --> 00:04:15,389together said hey let's take our comic

8400:04:13,949 --> 00:04:17,988book characters and put it together and

8500:04:15,389 --> 00:04:21,199you know write a nice story and and


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00:04:17,988 --> 00:04:23,989I guess it looks it's okay but look it

8700:04:21,199 --> 00:04:27,710put some of this stuff ters character

8800:04:23,990 --> 00:04:29,750called die hard and this is really

8900:04:27,709 --> 00:04:32,060exaggerated and look at that thumb you

9000:04:29,750 --> 00:04:37,160see a Rob Liefeld thumb up there it's

9100:04:32,060 --> 00:04:39,949curled over and it's it's awful like I

9200:04:37,160 --> 00:04:42,680like the guy you know it gets a lot of

9300:04:39,949 --> 00:04:45,530 online but actually I had to

9400:04:42,680 --> 00:04:48,228respect them and like them as an artist

9500:04:45,529 --> 00:04:49,579and a writer very fun stuff I don't know

9600:04:48,228 --> 00:04:51,168the story is like looking back and I've

9700:04:49,579 --> 00:04:53,598been trying to go back and read through

9800:04:51,168 --> 00:04:58,189some of the stuff and I don't know if

9900:04:53,598 --> 00:05:00,649it's any good it seems like two little

10000:04:58,189 --> 00:05:02,839

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mediocre at times at least with some of

10100:05:00,649 --> 00:05:04,609this stuff not a very big fan of that

10200:05:02,839 --> 00:05:07,758stuff and but this is what was coming

10300:05:04,610 --> 00:05:09,860out every week and so every every Friday

10400:05:07,759 --> 00:05:11,870I'd be picking up more garbage not I

10500:05:09,860 --> 00:05:13,158guess I didn't have good taste at the

10600:05:11,870 --> 00:05:15,949time in comic books cuz I didn't know

10700:05:13,158 --> 00:05:17,750what was good and what wasn't i bought

10800:05:15,949 --> 00:05:21,680the big names that were coming out you

10900:05:17,750 --> 00:05:24,139usually can rely on Silvestri definitely

11000:05:21,680 --> 00:05:26,150Gimli all the stuff he did and in

11100:05:24,139 --> 00:05:28,939McFarland you could rely on those names

11200:05:26,149 --> 00:05:31,218and they would crank out a good book

11300:05:28,939 --> 00:05:35,569there'd be a good story and you kind of

11400:05:31,218 --> 00:05:38,810knew what you were getting but as I as I

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11500:05:35,569 --> 00:05:40,189started to read more and more comics I

11600:05:38,810 --> 00:05:42,550wanted something a little different and

11700:05:40,189 --> 00:05:45,680I also started drawing comics myself I

11800:05:42,550 --> 00:05:49,250at the age of 13 I started doodling near

11900:05:45,680 --> 00:05:51,590in there and and I thought it was nice a

12000:05:49,250 --> 00:05:54,560nice way to pass the time I had no

12100:05:51,589 --> 00:05:57,079expectations of doing compost

12200:05:54,560 --> 00:05:59,500professionally because I didn't think

12300:05:57,079 --> 00:06:03,198was possible I just doodled on my own

12400:05:59,500 --> 00:06:05,598and that was kind of happy Oh with that

12500:06:03,199 --> 00:06:10,129and I want to go into some complications

12600:06:05,598 --> 00:06:14,139and I grew up in the kin Akron area

12700:06:10,129 --> 00:06:17,300that's in Ohio and there was a small

12800:06:14,139 --> 00:06:19,218combo convention going on and I forget

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12900:06:17,300 --> 00:06:22,158who i went with but i remember going

13000:06:19,218 --> 00:06:24,918there and there were some local comic

13100:06:22,158 --> 00:06:28,338artists that I put out their own comic

13200:06:24,918 --> 00:06:30,219books locally this wasn't a big name

13300:06:28,338 --> 00:06:33,310behind these guys they were dissolved

13400:06:30,220 --> 00:06:38,590doing it themselves and the first one

13500:06:33,310 --> 00:06:41,980the first light I think major purser

13600:06:38,589 --> 00:06:46,479made like a meat like a say major the

13700:06:41,980 --> 00:06:50,920first local compact I picked up was this

13800:06:46,480 --> 00:06:52,660this was this is called gumbo and EC

13900:06:50,920 --> 00:06:56,590signed it at the bottom er Aaron Archer

14000:06:52,660 --> 00:07:00,9391993 to even did like a little right

14100:06:56,589 --> 00:07:03,810there a little doodle for me a little

14200:07:00,939 --> 00:07:06,699doodle for me and you look through it


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00:07:03,810 --> 00:07:10,149it's his pure black and white it

14400:07:06,699 --> 00:07:11,379actually is fairly reminiscent of of

14500:07:10,149 --> 00:07:12,969like bone I don't know if you're

14600:07:11,379 --> 00:07:14,920familiar with the comic comic book bone

14700:07:12,970 --> 00:07:17,920but that's really like kind of

14800:07:14,920 --> 00:07:20,439reminiscent of that in style and he put

14900:07:17,920 --> 00:07:22,930out by Aaron Archer put out a couple

15000:07:20,439 --> 00:07:25,870different ash cans of gumbo I was a huge

15100:07:22,930 --> 00:07:28,840fan of his drawing style in the fact

15200:07:25,870 --> 00:07:32,079that he was a local person like me he

15300:07:28,839 --> 00:07:35,079was some guy from Akron couple years

15400:07:32,079 --> 00:07:38,289older than me and he was able to get it

15500:07:35,079 --> 00:07:42,519done and then he finally put out a

15600:07:38,290 --> 00:07:44,650full-fledged comic book and it's just

15700:07:42,519 --> 00:07:47,560

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absolutely amazing this is a great cover

15800:07:44,649 --> 00:07:49,779it looks fantastic the story is good um

15900:07:47,560 --> 00:07:52,050it's got really dynamic like

16000:07:49,779 --> 00:07:56,199black-and-white artwork it's just

16100:07:52,050 --> 00:07:57,490everything I wanted a complete it was

16200:07:56,199 --> 00:07:59,649done very well he means if you take a

16300:07:57,490 --> 00:08:01,870look take a look at like just a bit like

16400:07:59,649 --> 00:08:03,759like did that black and white

16500:08:01,870 --> 00:08:08,259illustration right there of that monster

16600:08:03,759 --> 00:08:13,300running versus what rob liefeld did like

16700:08:08,259 --> 00:08:15,459in blood wolf like a black and white

16800:08:13,300 --> 00:08:19,090version every time it looks

16900:08:15,459 --> 00:08:22,089better it's a just for whatever reason

17000:08:19,089 --> 00:08:24,849they'd stuck with me and I even got the

17100:08:22,089 --> 00:08:28,418issue to right there it stuck with me

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17200:08:24,850 --> 00:08:30,340and when I when I met Aaron he's very

17300:08:28,418 --> 00:08:31,389supportive I would you know write

17400:08:30,339 --> 00:08:33,279letters to them like I'm a

17500:08:31,389 --> 00:08:35,588fanboy yes so he had to do back there

17600:08:33,279 --> 00:08:38,288and I don't think I don't think he had

17700:08:35,589 --> 00:08:40,000an email I mean back in 1992-93 email

17800:08:38,288 --> 00:08:41,470was there but I didn't know too much

17900:08:40,000 --> 00:08:42,879about it

18000:08:41,470 --> 00:08:45,399and so he had the right letters the

18100:08:42,879 --> 00:08:49,419old-fashioned way and he would give me

18200:08:45,399 --> 00:08:52,029recommendations on where to start like I

18300:08:49,419 --> 00:08:53,349told him I'm in the car tuning I I like

18400:08:52,029 --> 00:08:55,929the idea I want to create a comic book I

18500:08:53,350 --> 00:09:00,610think he gave me some supporting words

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18600:08:55,929 --> 00:09:02,529of wisdom and I tried to try to carry

18700:09:00,610 --> 00:09:06,909through I started drawing more and more

18800:09:02,529 --> 00:09:09,600i would take my artwork and drawings to

18900:09:06,909 --> 00:09:12,669other comic book conventions and enter

19000:09:09,600 --> 00:09:16,570enter my artwork into contests and I

19100:09:12,669 --> 00:09:19,569would lose cuz I'm not that good I knew

19200:09:16,570 --> 00:09:22,870it I knew I wasn't good at I knew as

19300:09:19,570 --> 00:09:26,860soon as I entered the contest as soon as

19400:09:22,870 --> 00:09:27,970I laid my work down I knew despite

19500:09:26,860 --> 00:09:29,769looking at one or two of the other

19600:09:27,970 --> 00:09:33,250pieces up there the other competitors

19700:09:29,769 --> 00:09:36,460that I was I was not gonna win pull my

19800:09:33,250 --> 00:09:41,350art work out I let it go up there and be

19900:09:36,460 --> 00:09:45,580judged and you know I lost all the time


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00:09:41,350 --> 00:09:48,009I will not like a strong like compo

20100:09:45,580 --> 00:09:52,050cards not I just know I didn't have that

20200:09:48,009 --> 00:09:55,389natural knack of of drawing gestural

20300:09:52,049 --> 00:09:59,259really quick explosive kind of like

20400:09:55,389 --> 00:10:02,049dynamic characters like an archer or

20500:09:59,259 --> 00:10:06,269live tall Gimli or already got anybody

20600:10:02,049 --> 00:10:08,740like that um I just didn't have it and I

20700:10:06,269 --> 00:10:11,649but I still like to draw I still like to

20800:10:08,740 --> 00:10:14,860die still like to draw complex for for

20900:10:11,649 --> 00:10:16,629me I I continued on to do that at the

21000:10:14,860 --> 00:10:20,980same time you know there were a couple

21100:10:16,629 --> 00:10:25,299of my friends James and Matt they

21200:10:20,980 --> 00:10:26,649started to the get together and draw

21300:10:25,299 --> 00:10:29,139their own own compak and they actually

21400:10:26,649 --> 00:10:33,370

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figured out how to put out one called

21500:10:29,139 --> 00:10:36,090city nights and it's black and white and

21600:10:33,370 --> 00:10:38,860you take a look through it you know it's

21700:10:36,090 --> 00:10:40,060it's pretty interesting it's cool you

21800:10:38,860 --> 00:10:44,800know I was really proud of these guys

21900:10:40,059 --> 00:10:46,029for doing it James Westbrook's live her

22000:10:44,799 --> 00:10:48,099down the street for me instead of Matt

22100:10:46,029 --> 00:10:50,620and so they wouldn't get together and

22200:10:48,100 --> 00:10:52,960draw i would i would bug him in you know

22300:10:50,620 --> 00:10:53,980see what they're working on and and you

22400:10:52,960 --> 00:10:56,200know try to

22500:10:53,980 --> 00:10:57,250you know I know I'm enough to have them

22600:10:56,200 --> 00:11:00,100take a look at my work and give you

22700:10:57,250 --> 00:11:04,779suggestions I think they put out one

22800:11:00,100 --> 00:11:08,860issue of this just I think as a test run

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22900:11:04,779 --> 00:11:10,240to see how would go and and I was uh I

23000:11:08,860 --> 00:11:13,149was kind of blown away that thing that

23100:11:10,240 --> 00:11:14,769they did that and I was like well

23200:11:13,149 --> 00:11:16,120they're gonna do it these guys down the

23300:11:14,769 --> 00:11:18,610street are gonna put out one why the

23400:11:16,120 --> 00:11:21,220hell can't I why can't I put out my own

23500:11:18,610 --> 00:11:28,419combo it might be so I didn't know

23600:11:21,220 --> 00:11:31,870I didn't know how to one the word

23700:11:28,419 --> 00:11:35,500apprenticed off to how to even really

23800:11:31,870 --> 00:11:37,179properly inc a comp book had no idea all

23900:11:35,500 --> 00:11:40,929i could do is emulate what I was seeing

24000:11:37,179 --> 00:11:42,849we had no idea about panels if they

24100:11:40,929 --> 00:11:47,439should be a certain size I didn't know

24200:11:42,850 --> 00:11:51,540about proper layout word bubbles uh if

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24300:11:47,440 --> 00:11:54,190there was any sort of illustrator tools

24400:11:51,539 --> 00:11:55,839the graphic design tools I could use for

24500:11:54,190 --> 00:11:57,970shading because it wasn't just cross

24600:11:55,840 --> 00:12:00,100hatching or dot I don't know i just i

24700:11:57,970 --> 00:12:03,040just kind of like emulating what I saw

24800:12:00,100 --> 00:12:06,970on paper and hope and pray for the best

24900:12:03,039 --> 00:12:15,339and I produced and we have a drink for

25000:12:06,970 --> 00:12:17,500this who i produce a comic book right

25100:12:15,340 --> 00:12:21,550here now as you can tell this is

25200:12:17,500 --> 00:12:23,500non-standard compo you know format I

25300:12:21,549 --> 00:12:25,179think the standard format is like 11 or

25400:12:23,500 --> 00:12:29,649eight and a half by 11 this is like a

25500:12:25,179 --> 00:12:31,179square format I didn't take the time to

25600:12:29,649 --> 00:12:32,649you know do prime the proper


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00:12:31,179 --> 00:12:36,309measurements there I figured that out

25800:12:32,649 --> 00:12:38,470and the titles horrible it is called

25900:12:36,309 --> 00:12:41,759guru the Scottish table leg of doom with

26000:12:38,470 --> 00:12:47,050his a buddy over here quince nib and

26100:12:41,759 --> 00:12:50,679it's about a evil pair that gets sent to

26200:12:47,049 --> 00:12:55,479hell uh one of which is a Scottish table

26300:12:50,679 --> 00:12:57,189leg of doom and I had a good deal of fun

26400:12:55,480 --> 00:12:58,850drawing this you know it's all black and

26500:12:57,190 --> 00:13:02,839whites all we could do back then

26600:12:58,850 --> 00:13:05,000I think I i got this printed at kinkos I

26700:13:02,839 --> 00:13:07,250remember taking the big the big panels

26800:13:05,000 --> 00:13:10,100in to kinkos and explaining to them what

26900:13:07,250 --> 00:13:11,629I wanted I think I was I need to take a

27000:13:10,100 --> 00:13:13,430look at the copyright date on this I did

27100:13:11,629 --> 00:13:15,500

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to a copyright date because she has it

27200:13:13,429 --> 00:13:20,028was very important back then to to cover

27300:13:15,500 --> 00:13:24,409it all your stuff yes this is a 1993 at

27400:13:20,028 --> 00:13:28,159the very bottom there so I was probably

27500:13:24,409 --> 00:13:32,389a freshman in high school freshman or

27600:13:28,159 --> 00:13:34,610sophomore and I kind of figured it out

27700:13:32,389 --> 00:13:38,480as I went along I think I might print up

27800:13:34,610 --> 00:13:41,930like 20 of these and I went over to my

27900:13:38,480 --> 00:13:45,730friends house again the guy who Chris

28000:13:41,929 --> 00:13:48,588seaman who put out this comic the

28100:13:45,730 --> 00:13:50,750Sorcerer's chamber and he put up this

28200:13:48,589 --> 00:13:52,430and we were the same age went over the

28300:13:50,750 --> 00:13:54,198to show him that he kinda you know I

28400:13:52,429 --> 00:13:55,669don't know if he like the artwork I

28500:13:54,198 --> 00:13:59,000think he appreciated my hard work that I

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28600:13:55,669 --> 00:14:01,669put into it and my determination and so

28700:13:59,000 --> 00:14:04,818I mean he was doing you know some pretty

28800:14:01,669 --> 00:14:07,000good work at the time this guy had a

28900:14:04,818 --> 00:14:11,059really strong sense of composition

29000:14:07,000 --> 00:14:15,828layout storytelling which is something

29100:14:11,059 --> 00:14:18,138that I I am still trying to learn but

29200:14:15,828 --> 00:14:20,208then he also had this giant intro this

29300:14:18,139 --> 00:14:21,680endure this this inset this big poster

29400:14:20,208 --> 00:14:24,588here was actually drawn by Aaron Archer

29500:14:21,679 --> 00:14:27,528the guy he did the gumbo comic book and

29600:14:24,589 --> 00:14:31,579but you could tell this guy knew what he

29700:14:27,528 --> 00:14:33,649was doing and really interesting stuff

29800:14:31,578 --> 00:14:35,269was going on and this guy blew me away I

29900:14:33,649 --> 00:14:39,679wound up going to art school with this

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30000:14:35,269 --> 00:14:42,049guy and I could tell like so when we

30100:14:39,679 --> 00:14:44,359were freshmen in art school I looked at

30200:14:42,049 --> 00:14:48,379his stuff and I looked at myself I was

30300:14:44,360 --> 00:14:51,769like whoa it felt the same way when I

30400:14:48,379 --> 00:14:55,450entered those are competitions add the

30500:14:51,769 --> 00:14:57,700compo conventions I felt as though I was

30600:14:55,450 --> 00:15:01,240gonna lose automatically I knew it this

30700:14:57,700 --> 00:15:03,850this guy from a very young age was

30800:15:01,240 --> 00:15:06,789drawing and producing very high quality

30900:15:03,850 --> 00:15:08,940pieces of of our comic storytelling

31000:15:06,789 --> 00:15:13,419composition everything he knew it I was

31100:15:08,940 --> 00:15:15,910a goddamn retard when it comes to

31200:15:13,419 --> 00:15:18,429drawing art and producing stuff like I

31300:15:15,909 --> 00:15:22,000can get things done obviously I can


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00:15:18,429 --> 00:15:26,949produce something but is it out as good

31500:15:22,000 --> 00:15:30,340as this no it's not I knew that it's not

31600:15:26,950 --> 00:15:34,990but I persevered and tried Christon and

31700:15:30,340 --> 00:15:36,940now christina is a fairly renowned

31800:15:34,990 --> 00:15:40,389illustrator for wizards of the west

31900:15:36,940 --> 00:15:42,940coast he does stuff for a D&D Magic the

32000:15:40,389 --> 00:15:45,039Gathering he's a very very good

32100:15:42,940 --> 00:15:49,810illustrator and I'm very proud of him

32200:15:45,039 --> 00:15:53,889i'm glad that he actually pursued art

32300:15:49,809 --> 00:15:56,169and is doing a full time and has been

32400:15:53,889 --> 00:15:57,970very successful I have I don't feel bad

32500:15:56,169 --> 00:16:00,179that I'm not as good as him I mean I

32600:15:57,970 --> 00:16:03,190guess a little i did a little bit but

32700:16:00,179 --> 00:16:06,519that's just a little raw natural talent

32800:16:03,190 --> 00:16:10,480

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can take you a long way but if you don't

32900:16:06,519 --> 00:16:13,569have the drive to carry on your talent

33000:16:10,480 --> 00:16:15,610ain't gonna do chris is one of

33100:16:13,570 --> 00:16:17,560those rare people where he had the

33200:16:15,610 --> 00:16:20,050talent and the drive to actually get

33300:16:17,559 --> 00:16:26,949things done now Aaron arch of the guy

33400:16:20,049 --> 00:16:29,469who was the guy you did gumbo I believe

33500:16:26,950 --> 00:16:32,230he's once he started he once he got out

33600:16:29,470 --> 00:16:34,990of college I believe that he started

33700:16:32,230 --> 00:16:40,120working for Mattel the the toy

33800:16:34,990 --> 00:16:42,100manufacturer and I believe he is a lead

33900:16:40,120 --> 00:16:43,750design toy designer over there and he

34000:16:42,100 --> 00:16:46,389worked on some of the spawn stuff with

34100:16:43,750 --> 00:16:47,980mcfarland I think he also designed some

34200:16:46,389 --> 00:16:50,529of the new Transformers series of toys

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34300:16:47,980 --> 00:16:51,879he became very successful I don't think

34400:16:50,529 --> 00:16:55,360he's doing illustration or complex

34500:16:51,879 --> 00:16:59,189anymore but he stole involved in art and

34600:16:55,360 --> 00:17:01,720by producing toys for four people I

34700:16:59,190 --> 00:17:04,709think I'm like the only one that

34800:17:01,720 --> 00:17:07,769actually graduated from CCAD

34900:17:04,709 --> 00:17:09,808and did art for a little bit night I

35000:17:07,769 --> 00:17:13,439have given it up like doing

35100:17:09,808 --> 00:17:16,769professionally I I now work in IT my

35200:17:13,439 --> 00:17:19,079main focus is Python and JavaScript and

35300:17:16,769 --> 00:17:21,538and putting a web sites and doing

35400:17:19,078 --> 00:17:23,818automated solutions and co deployments

35500:17:21,538 --> 00:17:26,519and server configurations I only

35600:17:23,818 --> 00:17:28,500recently like within the past two days

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35700:17:26,519 --> 00:17:30,720picked up a pen and pencil started

35800:17:28,500 --> 00:17:34,519drawing cartoons again with no

35900:17:30,720 --> 00:17:37,409expectations of it being remotely good

36000:17:34,519 --> 00:17:40,769and I'm not like a horrible it was

36100:17:37,409 --> 00:17:43,799traitor I'm just not topped here I know

36200:17:40,769 --> 00:17:45,990that I have no illusions about that and

36300:17:43,798 --> 00:17:49,500I knew when I graduated I graduated with

36400:17:45,990 --> 00:17:50,640a degree Chris the guy who did this

36500:17:49,500 --> 00:17:51,898convict and the guy who works for

36600:17:50,640 --> 00:17:53,640wizards of the West Coast he was

36700:17:51,898 --> 00:17:58,859actually an illustration made major in

36800:17:53,640 --> 00:18:02,640in college I was what they term was I

36900:17:58,859 --> 00:18:05,099was a time-based media studies major

37000:18:02,640 --> 00:18:08,070meaning I my focus was on hand drawn


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00:18:05,099 --> 00:18:09,599animation video editing and interactive

37200:18:08,069 --> 00:18:13,230design that was more of a computer nerd

37300:18:09,599 --> 00:18:14,548kind of guy and you know it I was drawn

37400:18:13,230 --> 00:18:16,679always drawn to the more technical

37500:18:14,548 --> 00:18:20,278aspects of producing our work rather

37600:18:16,679 --> 00:18:21,870than the more fine art qualities of it I

37700:18:20,278 --> 00:18:23,849was not good at figure drawing at all

37800:18:21,869 --> 00:18:25,889sucked at it took it for years i could

37900:18:23,849 --> 00:18:29,069probably draw a figure but i just didn't

38000:18:25,890 --> 00:18:31,799have that raw natural ability to draw

38100:18:29,069 --> 00:18:33,210the figure it was only in probably

38200:18:31,798 --> 00:18:37,048within the past 10 years that i actually

38300:18:33,210 --> 00:18:39,960really started to understand color and

38400:18:37,048 --> 00:18:41,579color concepts I'm a pretty dense

38500:18:39,960 --> 00:18:43,769

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individual when it comes to that kind of

38600:18:41,579 --> 00:18:48,808stuff I like to learn I just don't learn

38700:18:43,769 --> 00:18:51,798very quickly another person that was

38800:18:48,808 --> 00:18:53,690pretty influential in the akron can

38900:18:51,798 --> 00:18:56,369complexing if you want to call it that

39000:18:53,690 --> 00:18:59,250the comic book seen an acronym can in

39100:18:56,369 --> 00:19:02,729the early 90s was Robert cross or Bob

39200:18:59,250 --> 00:19:05,640cross he put out he had a comp a company

39300:19:02,730 --> 00:19:08,009or called rak press I believe you are a

39400:19:05,640 --> 00:19:11,038kid graphics and he put out stuff like

39500:19:08,009 --> 00:19:13,230thunder maze I also put out shikon the

39600:19:11,038 --> 00:19:15,109forever man which was probably one of

39700:19:13,230 --> 00:19:18,079the biggest books that he put out

39800:19:15,109 --> 00:19:21,558um it was a very interesting compak it

39900:19:18,079 --> 00:19:23,298was basically an undead guy who carried

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40000:19:21,558 --> 00:19:25,670to like a Tata Sabres that have awesome

40100:19:23,298 --> 00:19:27,589hat and a very interesting kind of kind

40200:19:25,670 --> 00:19:29,120of character and he actually I think

40300:19:27,589 --> 00:19:30,619sold the rights and made a video game

40400:19:29,119 --> 00:19:32,869with that character for the second

40500:19:30,619 --> 00:19:34,579Genesis back in the 90s and to see like

40600:19:32,869 --> 00:19:38,119something like that happened for a

40700:19:34,579 --> 00:19:40,129person in the akron canary i was i was

40800:19:38,119 --> 00:19:43,548blown away i was i felt privileged to

40900:19:40,130 --> 00:19:47,390even be living within 20 miles of people

41000:19:43,548 --> 00:19:50,000doing this quality of work and I my

41100:19:47,390 --> 00:19:52,100friends Brian you know you eat

41200:19:50,000 --> 00:19:56,390everything out again he would try a new

41300:19:52,099 --> 00:19:57,649rob Bob cross pretty well and this is a

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41400:19:56,390 --> 00:20:02,059kind of stuff they did really really

41500:19:57,650 --> 00:20:05,269strong stuff and you know Brian

41600:20:02,058 --> 00:20:07,339introduced me to these guys and intercom

41700:20:05,269 --> 00:20:09,349pokes and I always liked them never got

41800:20:07,339 --> 00:20:14,569a chance to meet him until the year like

41900:20:09,349 --> 00:20:17,8992003 of Rob cross or not rob cross Bob

42000:20:14,569 --> 00:20:20,750cross because it is Robert Rob Bob Bobby

42100:20:17,900 --> 00:20:21,890cross was that at a combo convention and

42200:20:20,750 --> 00:20:24,200role-playing convention down here in

42300:20:21,890 --> 00:20:25,490Columbus Ohio and it's like no I'm gonna

42400:20:24,200 --> 00:20:27,830take the time to actually go meet this

42500:20:25,490 --> 00:20:29,660guy and I did actually took in my

42600:20:27,829 --> 00:20:31,220portfolio not at the time of my

42700:20:29,660 --> 00:20:33,798portfolio was all stripped graphic


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00:20:31,220 --> 00:20:37,460design and like kind of like history art

42900:20:33,798 --> 00:20:40,009kind of stuff this really insane kind of

43000:20:37,460 --> 00:20:41,450stuff that's looked at it and we talked

43100:20:40,009 --> 00:20:46,460we chit-chatted for quite a quite a

43200:20:41,450 --> 00:20:47,840while very nice guy very supportive i'm

43300:20:46,460 --> 00:20:51,140just doing anything artistically and

43400:20:47,839 --> 00:20:53,539bullshitting constructive criticism and

43500:20:51,140 --> 00:20:56,179i was very appreciated to look towards

43600:20:53,539 --> 00:20:58,548towards Bob I liked everything he does

43700:20:56,179 --> 00:21:00,080and you know I gotta look him up and see

43800:20:58,548 --> 00:21:04,250if he's still drawing hopefully is he

43900:21:00,079 --> 00:21:06,168was pretty good one of the up we go

44000:21:04,250 --> 00:21:11,089around take out your art to another

44100:21:06,169 --> 00:21:12,770artist and ask for feedback it's fairly

44200:21:11,089 --> 00:21:15,019

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important that they're honest they can

44300:21:12,769 --> 00:21:17,240say this is don't do this or then

44400:21:15,019 --> 00:21:18,918they won't say and say well why

44500:21:17,240 --> 00:21:22,039don't you use a different color here or

44600:21:18,919 --> 00:21:23,360why is it laid out like this or why

44700:21:22,039 --> 00:21:25,279don't you go ahead and push these colors

44800:21:23,359 --> 00:21:26,009a little further there's not much for

44900:21:25,279 --> 00:21:27,839gram

45000:21:26,009 --> 00:21:31,680there's no background is everything is

45100:21:27,839 --> 00:21:32,549this kind of the same it so it's

45200:21:31,680 --> 00:21:34,650important to get that kind of criticism

45300:21:32,549 --> 00:21:36,990when when you're an artist and you're

45400:21:34,650 --> 00:21:38,850doing it and I sought it out from

45500:21:36,990 --> 00:21:42,660everyone I could obviously i sold it out

45600:21:38,849 --> 00:21:45,029from an archer Chris Eamonn rubber cross

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45700:21:42,660 --> 00:21:46,650and I did have a sheriff area the guy

45800:21:45,029 --> 00:21:50,039didn't obey giant take a look at my

45900:21:46,650 --> 00:21:53,640portfolio in 2001 he was very nice as

46000:21:50,039 --> 00:21:55,649well the very supportive gave me a good

46100:21:53,640 --> 00:21:57,509pieces of advice especially what I can

46200:21:55,650 --> 00:22:00,950when it comes to color he gave me some

46300:21:57,509 --> 00:22:03,329really good good points for color just

46400:22:00,950 --> 00:22:05,340have yourself we work with a limited

46500:22:03,329 --> 00:22:07,259palette first and once you master using

46600:22:05,339 --> 00:22:08,490three or four colors and didn't go ahead

46700:22:07,259 --> 00:22:10,039and introduce more don't try to do too

46800:22:08,490 --> 00:22:13,470much too fast that's what he said i

46900:22:10,039 --> 00:22:15,899stoled I still done do art I school make

47000:22:13,470 --> 00:22:17,819kanal art I makeup you know the

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47100:22:15,900 --> 00:22:19,800thumbnails for this YouTube video and

47200:22:17,819 --> 00:22:21,929all the other stuff that I do for this

47300:22:19,799 --> 00:22:24,240YouTube channel and while I don't make

47400:22:21,930 --> 00:22:27,180money on the bar anymore I gave up doing

47500:22:24,240 --> 00:22:30,720graphic design about five years ago

47600:22:27,180 --> 00:22:32,610professionally I just didn't like doing

47700:22:30,720 --> 00:22:35,579corporate graphic design anymore my

47800:22:32,609 --> 00:22:40,769heart wasn't in it and you can make a

47900:22:35,579 --> 00:22:43,349lot more money working in IT and there's

48000:22:40,769 --> 00:22:47,519yes oh no answers to your program work

48100:22:43,349 --> 00:22:49,529yes great No okay go back and make it

48200:22:47,519 --> 00:22:52,049work with art and graphic design in the

48300:22:49,529 --> 00:22:53,279corporate world you might think you have

48400:22:52,049 --> 00:22:55,919a great design you might think you have


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00:22:53,279 --> 00:22:57,750a great layout but it's to a manager or

48600:22:55,920 --> 00:22:59,250marketing director who maybe didn't go

48700:22:57,750 --> 00:23:01,529to our school they're gonna rip your

48800:22:59,250 --> 00:23:03,750piece apart and you're gonna do it all

48900:23:01,529 --> 00:23:06,329over again how annoying I don't want to

49000:23:03,750 --> 00:23:10,880do with that anymore I'm gonna be

49100:23:06,329 --> 00:23:15,929drawing complex again with you will

49200:23:10,880 --> 00:23:18,000maybe maybe a comic strip let's we've

49300:23:15,930 --> 00:23:20,670all said my uh my eyes a little lower

49400:23:18,000 --> 00:23:23,579here how do i do one panel first I'll do

49500:23:20,670 --> 00:23:25,800a one panel far side comics trip kind of

49600:23:23,579 --> 00:23:27,629thing if I can get that done let me go

49700:23:25,799 --> 00:23:30,029make a combo all right well thanks for

49800:23:27,630 --> 00:23:32,370listening to me babble hopefully this is

49900:23:30,029 --> 00:23:35,730

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informative I love all those complex and

50000:23:32,369 --> 00:23:37,569this is just like one fistful a complex

50100:23:35,730 --> 00:23:41,230have whole box up there for

50200:23:37,569 --> 00:23:44,849lunch crappy alright thanks guys

50300:23:41,230 --> 00:23:44,849and I will talk to you later