o ,.- ?tankdestroyer.net/images/stories/ArticlePDFs/811th_TD_Jan_1-31_45... · G~, 9th Armored...

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----- shy--------- ~ ~--~--~



APO 40 u SbullABMI

SUampmarAtt Actiol1 Repcrt Acainat the bull 1-31 Jampm1ampry 1915

10 bull he middotAcijQtUlt Oaeramp1 U S Ar ahiDamptol1 Dbull C

~ bull Co=endi~ Qeaeral SOth lntutry DivuiOJl APo 80 U S ADq

1 Suba1tt_ herewith 1a aoooce with paragraph 10 All 345-105 aa unded by CbaDie 3 ampad Ql~e 4 reporta Alt Action Aaa1Dat the BMIV tor the Uth ampDk Destroyer Batt-lion tor the pet1od 1-31 JampDlaly 1945

2 DuriDg the period covered by this ~part this co wu attach to the 9thArllOred Division 7th TampDk Destroyer Greap 17th A1rborll8 Iatantry Diviai01l 87th Wantry Division ampad 11th ArtlOred Division IA addition

I I ~ortion ot this Battalion were attached to the 4th Anaorecl Divisi through CCA of the 9th Araorecl Division and alao the 101st Airborne lDtantrT D1Usiol1

3 EY thoush in the opiniCill ot the caand1Damp generals JIlentiol1ed ill paragraph 2 ampboye thla Battamp1iol1 operated ettic1entlr while under their cowa_ ~ is beliet that a tank deatrorer battampl1ol1could operate soh 4018 ettic1_tlyen it it were attached to ol1e divisiol1 permanentl3 1b1a would eaable the tut dutrqyer battamp11oa ampDIll the dirtaioa to work out stauu bull operatiDamp procecbtru to learl1 what to apect of each other aDd what l10t to apect thereby becHinamp tamiliar with how each other operatecl The morale of both or~ati_ woal4 be great13 illprOY Farther the mowle11ge that th lIOuU be ra11eTed with the division to which th4V were attachedwoulA creatl3 incre the JIlorale or the tank destroyer battaJ1ol1

A R B Lt Cal FA COftPndi Damp

- ~ I I~~


r--- -=shy-



1-3 January 1945

This battalion less vomp~ A and one platoon of Reconnaissance ~ompaqy

and ~ompaD3 and one platoon of rteconnaissance were attached to G~ 9th

Armored JJivision and contimled on its mission of support nth the 4th Armored

uivision in retaking the surrounding towns around Bastogne BelgiWll and direct

support in the opening the Neufchateau and ustogne highW83 Uuring the first

few dqs of the month they were being held in reserve in position at Vaux-L

Hosier Belgium

At 1430 hours ~ 3 JampmJJAroY 1945 eGA and attched units were ordered to a

-rshaJ1jo amprea at Trampillorant BelgiWll and on 4 Jam1amprS units attached to

(CA l-) ~D3 15 and one reconnaissance platooJl~ Sllth Tampllk DestrooYer Bampttalshy

iOJl~ JUde a motor march to TOltteron~ France via Etamp1le~ BelgiUlamp~ VirtOJl~ JlOAshy

aedy and )edan~ trance ~0JJ1PampIY H and one reconnaissance platoon CCla

to report to General T8yenlor~ Belgiwa~ Barraclai ~ Bastogn~ Balgiua~middot OIl All 18shy

ipendent mission ~A brief discourse of thdr activities follows at the

of narrative for the period or 3-17 January 1945) Headquarters aDII HNdquartera

CampaDl 811th TaAk Destroyer HattaliOll clOllecl in at Touteron France~ aIIIIl

Recannaisaance (QmpampDyen l-) thre platooAS clOIed in at Cberbope lraae lIbere

tber remailled until S JampmarT 19fe5

6-8 amar1 1945

011 6 JampDIlampr1 1945 the 8llth Tank ueetrorer Battalion 1 ~ A B

C ampad thre RecoonaissUlce Platoou reliwed frQa atampcb_ CCAmiddotr the 9Ul

AmRed uiYisiOl1 ampncl rwert to uiTi8iu control copa C Illtll aM

HOGI ~ et __1_ bull 4IWt~ bull ~

- 1 ~

$llth Tank iJdstroyer Jttalion were relieved fron ttache to ~111 lth Almorecl

Division and reverted to othlion control They were billeted at Les Louches

France On 7 January 1~5 ompampIY it and one reconnaissance platoon of Reconshy

naissance C~Pall3 $llth Tank Destroyer Battalion were relieved from attached

CCB 9th Armored Division and reverted to Battalion control

8-16 January 1945

On 8 J-nuary 1~5 the Slith Tnk Destrorer Bittalion was relieved from

9th 4rtloraci Division ani attached to lth Tank Destroyer Group and wen

ordered to move to the vicinity or Bellefounta~ Belgium RecoMaisSamptlCe

CQm~any dosed in at Bellefountaine Belgium Headquarters and Heldquarters

and CompA1Y C ~osed in at St lLarie Belgiwn am Oampany A closed in at

llatin BelgiuCl en 10 J-nuary 1~5 CompalY C mich consisted of only to

gun platoons and one pltoon or Reoonnaissance Compampl)yen 8llth Tank Detrorer

3attalion was ordered to move to Vaux-Lea-Rosiers BelglW1l and r--1A 1rl

reservfll for an anticipated tank attack in trant of the 17th Airborne Iatantry

Division Atter iii shirt was aacle in the rep1nill8 equil8nt in the battaliOll

one platoon or CIlIIIPUyen A was ordered to JllQve to the position or CoiIpaDl C ampad

C~ampnyen C with one platoon of CompaDyen A were attached to the 60ai lampak Detrqrshy

er 3ampttalicm (A brief discoura of their actiTitibullbull foU_ at th eM ot th1a

report) During the periocl 10-16 1anuarr 1945 the lM81n1 na 1__bull at th

Battalion were bus1ly engaged in etting reequipped and refitted tor further

possible action

17-25 JampD1arr 1915

(G 17 1amaary 1~5 the 8Uth Tank netr4V Battal101l e

17th Airborne Infamplltry DiYiiOll ampall to the T101D1tr til bullbull Bamp1_shy

_ 4 Qbull

r I

_ - -

---- shy

whr opeationa were oarri_ QD in coajaAotiOA with the ift nc of

the middot17th ASrborA IAtantr Dt1ai bullbull SUtb uk DeI__V BatbampJjOA ftMI

cloetll 1A at Bertope (52-67) letoauMUO eop ~

at 1Itpx Bellbullbull

(S47-711J - 1 Oft~ platOWl at Labup BLcSu (535-615) later

oviD tomiddotGiY lelampiIIIl (SQ0-657) 00Ip~ bull 1Ibo ~~~ itb

QlJde IAfantrr 1eamp1a_t of th 17th A1rbora lAtutr D1~1_ at 1f100ur

Bel1u (60-68) ampad Ccwpa 0 ~o wu lnlJIPC)ltiq the o7th ampIaabut IAtUltI7

ot ttl 17th AirbOlll IAtuatrr DiY~ion ampD1l alOied 1n at V18SQ1 Be1atu

(500-657) Littl r 1atamplle wu enaawatNcl ttuoaamphCQt t of th priol

(G 19 Jaouarr 1~S thbullbulleoOlld platOOD of Coapu C to the vio1-Jr1tl of

Houra1b~ sJamp1ua (70-70) anel tired el 1OUIl of D amplid on roaal of BY

GO a church tbullbullple located at Vuul Bela rr W tt_ nobullbull~

be1namp used a Oerau~ ~ 20 JaaJArl C B to the icJJdV

of Steinbeok Bela1wl P(6It4-6) Actual ~ 1IIttl the b- _

or 1 ltatto aad ooAtiMll middotiDlr to patrG1liq 1IItIl both optlW B MIll C

be1ac helcl in reacli ~ oh1er obataGl be1na the wather terra1D oocu10na1

r04blocD a1a aad deatrqrecl bridpbullbull OIl 22 J~ C Cia poa1t1_

to one-halt m1lt of Idal Balp- and 11QIfOlte4 tb ljmiddot

caldr lAtantrr ag1meat OWl poaiti_ ~Oftcl to 3-75) OIl b laJdJIc~ of 23 JampIIlamprr 1S Position or QcwpeIPyen B ~ed the OIl ~S JaauI

-1 ~~

lCJS OoapaDl C wed to io1a1ty ot BautbbeUa1a twtellbaarl (745-749) 00Ipi t B olotel in at Wattal Belampiwa (75-77) 1D aupport or Sl3th QUder WaaU7

Reglmeot and torward or elmed in at Ste1nbeck Be1amp1- 91-13S)






ftf Il

middot1 i


~ rt~

til ~ - I






r (~ ~

26-28 Jamp1S1ampr7 19ft~

Oa 26 J_q 1~ lMpa1V C to Hulcluge Lwt_OQrl (m-74~) ani

Battal1011 or 01 1a at looation at 1900 hCW8 the 4 IteconAaishy

CeIIpaItr (6) tw plaooM el 1a at 10aatioA at 1600 houre The

IUtIa ukDtrorer attamp1iOll relkt tr_ attaahc to the 17th Airborne

lAtaatI7 D118t aIId atbob to the 87th IAtaat17 Di18iOll ecpa B

bull to -pport tile 346th lAtaatrl aca-t ampIIi Camp C aupport1Dc the

347tblataIItrT aepat The colinaiaance Platooll8 with Compui B aDd C

8llth TaAk utrqrr Battal1011 were ru ampDIl Ifttcback to CoaplJ

contrcl With Recomalaanc 1ioIIpaD3 under ~ttallon contrQl the platoo were

ent OIl reconnaiuMc a1aaiou CG 21 JampII1ampl7 elating in the npport at both

CoIIpan1 B ( or the 8Uth lank JJtrqyv Battal101l Two platCK1a8 or

OoiIpaDT C -avanc to Leqler Luxellbaorl (800-776) ampId ~ B IIdftllC to

Ippelv la__11 aoo-79~) Qle platooa fIL llecCGllamp1a~ce ~ reca

liPt eA attUlerl tiN 1ft urutlampDCe Luxebaorl bat it cUd Rot 4etyr their

bullbullioa Two ptia fIL ar were taken bl the this platoon fIlL Reoonnaibullbullance

Ocwpa 29-31 Jaauary l~~

Qa 29 JUIlU1 l~ cClAclitiou reaa1nerl practicallT the a the prerloua

bull weather cOD1itiG were ftcb that oatiOll ot the dtrorere OYer the tern1D h1Dd Late OIl 29 Januampl7

~~ crdera were cued from tIn

CcrPl RfMIlqaartera that the 8llth tank Oeatrorer Battalion would be rel18Yed

trc attached to the 87th ntantrl DiTiion and was attached to the llth Armored

Diria1oll aad 1IWld be htid in iQrp8 reaerTe The 602d Tank ueatro1er Battalion

rel1e COIIpaai B ampIIl C in the line

AU clur1ac the period fIL operation it 1iu apparent that all along the


o 1)il8 eet the - with4ramp1l1aamp to the S1amptried Line and the anlT lol~middotmiddot-I

~ - shyI


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

r--- -=shy-



1-3 January 1945

This battalion less vomp~ A and one platoon of Reconnaissance ~ompaqy

and ~ompaD3 and one platoon of rteconnaissance were attached to G~ 9th

Armored JJivision and contimled on its mission of support nth the 4th Armored

uivision in retaking the surrounding towns around Bastogne BelgiWll and direct

support in the opening the Neufchateau and ustogne highW83 Uuring the first

few dqs of the month they were being held in reserve in position at Vaux-L

Hosier Belgium

At 1430 hours ~ 3 JampmJJAroY 1945 eGA and attched units were ordered to a

-rshaJ1jo amprea at Trampillorant BelgiWll and on 4 Jam1amprS units attached to

(CA l-) ~D3 15 and one reconnaissance platooJl~ Sllth Tampllk DestrooYer Bampttalshy

iOJl~ JUde a motor march to TOltteron~ France via Etamp1le~ BelgiUlamp~ VirtOJl~ JlOAshy

aedy and )edan~ trance ~0JJ1PampIY H and one reconnaissance platoon CCla

to report to General T8yenlor~ Belgiwa~ Barraclai ~ Bastogn~ Balgiua~middot OIl All 18shy

ipendent mission ~A brief discourse of thdr activities follows at the

of narrative for the period or 3-17 January 1945) Headquarters aDII HNdquartera

CampaDl 811th TaAk Destroyer HattaliOll clOllecl in at Touteron France~ aIIIIl

Recannaisaance (QmpampDyen l-) thre platooAS clOIed in at Cberbope lraae lIbere

tber remailled until S JampmarT 19fe5

6-8 amar1 1945

011 6 JampDIlampr1 1945 the 8llth Tank ueetrorer Battalion 1 ~ A B

C ampad thre RecoonaissUlce Platoou reliwed frQa atampcb_ CCAmiddotr the 9Ul

AmRed uiYisiOl1 ampncl rwert to uiTi8iu control copa C Illtll aM

HOGI ~ et __1_ bull 4IWt~ bull ~

- 1 ~

$llth Tank iJdstroyer Jttalion were relieved fron ttache to ~111 lth Almorecl

Division and reverted to othlion control They were billeted at Les Louches

France On 7 January 1~5 ompampIY it and one reconnaissance platoon of Reconshy

naissance C~Pall3 $llth Tank Destroyer Battalion were relieved from attached

CCB 9th Armored Division and reverted to Battalion control

8-16 January 1945

On 8 J-nuary 1~5 the Slith Tnk Destrorer Bittalion was relieved from

9th 4rtloraci Division ani attached to lth Tank Destroyer Group and wen

ordered to move to the vicinity or Bellefounta~ Belgium RecoMaisSamptlCe

CQm~any dosed in at Bellefountaine Belgium Headquarters and Heldquarters

and CompA1Y C ~osed in at St lLarie Belgiwn am Oampany A closed in at

llatin BelgiuCl en 10 J-nuary 1~5 CompalY C mich consisted of only to

gun platoons and one pltoon or Reoonnaissance Compampl)yen 8llth Tank Detrorer

3attalion was ordered to move to Vaux-Lea-Rosiers BelglW1l and r--1A 1rl

reservfll for an anticipated tank attack in trant of the 17th Airborne Iatantry

Division Atter iii shirt was aacle in the rep1nill8 equil8nt in the battaliOll

one platoon or CIlIIIPUyen A was ordered to JllQve to the position or CoiIpaDl C ampad

C~ampnyen C with one platoon of CompaDyen A were attached to the 60ai lampak Detrqrshy

er 3ampttalicm (A brief discoura of their actiTitibullbull foU_ at th eM ot th1a

report) During the periocl 10-16 1anuarr 1945 the lM81n1 na 1__bull at th

Battalion were bus1ly engaged in etting reequipped and refitted tor further

possible action

17-25 JampD1arr 1915

(G 17 1amaary 1~5 the 8Uth Tank netr4V Battal101l e

17th Airborne Infamplltry DiYiiOll ampall to the T101D1tr til bullbull Bamp1_shy

_ 4 Qbull

r I

_ - -

---- shy

whr opeationa were oarri_ QD in coajaAotiOA with the ift nc of

the middot17th ASrborA IAtantr Dt1ai bullbull SUtb uk DeI__V BatbampJjOA ftMI

cloetll 1A at Bertope (52-67) letoauMUO eop ~

at 1Itpx Bellbullbull

(S47-711J - 1 Oft~ platOWl at Labup BLcSu (535-615) later

oviD tomiddotGiY lelampiIIIl (SQ0-657) 00Ip~ bull 1Ibo ~~~ itb

QlJde IAfantrr 1eamp1a_t of th 17th A1rbora lAtutr D1~1_ at 1f100ur

Bel1u (60-68) ampad Ccwpa 0 ~o wu lnlJIPC)ltiq the o7th ampIaabut IAtUltI7

ot ttl 17th AirbOlll IAtuatrr DiY~ion ampD1l alOied 1n at V18SQ1 Be1atu

(500-657) Littl r 1atamplle wu enaawatNcl ttuoaamphCQt t of th priol

(G 19 Jaouarr 1~S thbullbulleoOlld platOOD of Coapu C to the vio1-Jr1tl of

Houra1b~ sJamp1ua (70-70) anel tired el 1OUIl of D amplid on roaal of BY

GO a church tbullbullple located at Vuul Bela rr W tt_ nobullbull~

be1namp used a Oerau~ ~ 20 JaaJArl C B to the icJJdV

of Steinbeok Bela1wl P(6It4-6) Actual ~ 1IIttl the b- _

or 1 ltatto aad ooAtiMll middotiDlr to patrG1liq 1IItIl both optlW B MIll C

be1ac helcl in reacli ~ oh1er obataGl be1na the wather terra1D oocu10na1

r04blocD a1a aad deatrqrecl bridpbullbull OIl 22 J~ C Cia poa1t1_

to one-halt m1lt of Idal Balp- and 11QIfOlte4 tb ljmiddot

caldr lAtantrr ag1meat OWl poaiti_ ~Oftcl to 3-75) OIl b laJdJIc~ of 23 JampIIlamprr 1S Position or QcwpeIPyen B ~ed the OIl ~S JaauI

-1 ~~

lCJS OoapaDl C wed to io1a1ty ot BautbbeUa1a twtellbaarl (745-749) 00Ipi t B olotel in at Wattal Belampiwa (75-77) 1D aupport or Sl3th QUder WaaU7

Reglmeot and torward or elmed in at Ste1nbeck Be1amp1- 91-13S)






ftf Il

middot1 i


~ rt~

til ~ - I






r (~ ~

26-28 Jamp1S1ampr7 19ft~

Oa 26 J_q 1~ lMpa1V C to Hulcluge Lwt_OQrl (m-74~) ani

Battal1011 or 01 1a at looation at 1900 hCW8 the 4 IteconAaishy

CeIIpaItr (6) tw plaooM el 1a at 10aatioA at 1600 houre The

IUtIa ukDtrorer attamp1iOll relkt tr_ attaahc to the 17th Airborne

lAtaatI7 D118t aIId atbob to the 87th IAtaat17 Di18iOll ecpa B

bull to -pport tile 346th lAtaatrl aca-t ampIIi Camp C aupport1Dc the

347tblataIItrT aepat The colinaiaance Platooll8 with Compui B aDd C

8llth TaAk utrqrr Battal1011 were ru ampDIl Ifttcback to CoaplJ

contrcl With Recomalaanc 1ioIIpaD3 under ~ttallon contrQl the platoo were

ent OIl reconnaiuMc a1aaiou CG 21 JampII1ampl7 elating in the npport at both

CoIIpan1 B ( or the 8Uth lank JJtrqyv Battal101l Two platCK1a8 or

OoiIpaDT C -avanc to Leqler Luxellbaorl (800-776) ampId ~ B IIdftllC to

Ippelv la__11 aoo-79~) Qle platooa fIL llecCGllamp1a~ce ~ reca

liPt eA attUlerl tiN 1ft urutlampDCe Luxebaorl bat it cUd Rot 4etyr their

bullbullioa Two ptia fIL ar were taken bl the this platoon fIlL Reoonnaibullbullance

Ocwpa 29-31 Jaauary l~~

Qa 29 JUIlU1 l~ cClAclitiou reaa1nerl practicallT the a the prerloua

bull weather cOD1itiG were ftcb that oatiOll ot the dtrorere OYer the tern1D h1Dd Late OIl 29 Januampl7

~~ crdera were cued from tIn

CcrPl RfMIlqaartera that the 8llth tank Oeatrorer Battalion would be rel18Yed

trc attached to the 87th ntantrl DiTiion and was attached to the llth Armored

Diria1oll aad 1IWld be htid in iQrp8 reaerTe The 602d Tank ueatro1er Battalion

rel1e COIIpaai B ampIIl C in the line

AU clur1ac the period fIL operation it 1iu apparent that all along the


o 1)il8 eet the - with4ramp1l1aamp to the S1amptried Line and the anlT lol~middotmiddot-I

~ - shyI


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

$llth Tank iJdstroyer Jttalion were relieved fron ttache to ~111 lth Almorecl

Division and reverted to othlion control They were billeted at Les Louches

France On 7 January 1~5 ompampIY it and one reconnaissance platoon of Reconshy

naissance C~Pall3 $llth Tank Destroyer Battalion were relieved from attached

CCB 9th Armored Division and reverted to Battalion control

8-16 January 1945

On 8 J-nuary 1~5 the Slith Tnk Destrorer Bittalion was relieved from

9th 4rtloraci Division ani attached to lth Tank Destroyer Group and wen

ordered to move to the vicinity or Bellefounta~ Belgium RecoMaisSamptlCe

CQm~any dosed in at Bellefountaine Belgium Headquarters and Heldquarters

and CompA1Y C ~osed in at St lLarie Belgiwn am Oampany A closed in at

llatin BelgiuCl en 10 J-nuary 1~5 CompalY C mich consisted of only to

gun platoons and one pltoon or Reoonnaissance Compampl)yen 8llth Tank Detrorer

3attalion was ordered to move to Vaux-Lea-Rosiers BelglW1l and r--1A 1rl

reservfll for an anticipated tank attack in trant of the 17th Airborne Iatantry

Division Atter iii shirt was aacle in the rep1nill8 equil8nt in the battaliOll

one platoon or CIlIIIPUyen A was ordered to JllQve to the position or CoiIpaDl C ampad

C~ampnyen C with one platoon of CompaDyen A were attached to the 60ai lampak Detrqrshy

er 3ampttalicm (A brief discoura of their actiTitibullbull foU_ at th eM ot th1a

report) During the periocl 10-16 1anuarr 1945 the lM81n1 na 1__bull at th

Battalion were bus1ly engaged in etting reequipped and refitted tor further

possible action

17-25 JampD1arr 1915

(G 17 1amaary 1~5 the 8Uth Tank netr4V Battal101l e

17th Airborne Infamplltry DiYiiOll ampall to the T101D1tr til bullbull Bamp1_shy

_ 4 Qbull

r I

_ - -

---- shy

whr opeationa were oarri_ QD in coajaAotiOA with the ift nc of

the middot17th ASrborA IAtantr Dt1ai bullbull SUtb uk DeI__V BatbampJjOA ftMI

cloetll 1A at Bertope (52-67) letoauMUO eop ~

at 1Itpx Bellbullbull

(S47-711J - 1 Oft~ platOWl at Labup BLcSu (535-615) later

oviD tomiddotGiY lelampiIIIl (SQ0-657) 00Ip~ bull 1Ibo ~~~ itb

QlJde IAfantrr 1eamp1a_t of th 17th A1rbora lAtutr D1~1_ at 1f100ur

Bel1u (60-68) ampad Ccwpa 0 ~o wu lnlJIPC)ltiq the o7th ampIaabut IAtUltI7

ot ttl 17th AirbOlll IAtuatrr DiY~ion ampD1l alOied 1n at V18SQ1 Be1atu

(500-657) Littl r 1atamplle wu enaawatNcl ttuoaamphCQt t of th priol

(G 19 Jaouarr 1~S thbullbulleoOlld platOOD of Coapu C to the vio1-Jr1tl of

Houra1b~ sJamp1ua (70-70) anel tired el 1OUIl of D amplid on roaal of BY

GO a church tbullbullple located at Vuul Bela rr W tt_ nobullbull~

be1namp used a Oerau~ ~ 20 JaaJArl C B to the icJJdV

of Steinbeok Bela1wl P(6It4-6) Actual ~ 1IIttl the b- _

or 1 ltatto aad ooAtiMll middotiDlr to patrG1liq 1IItIl both optlW B MIll C

be1ac helcl in reacli ~ oh1er obataGl be1na the wather terra1D oocu10na1

r04blocD a1a aad deatrqrecl bridpbullbull OIl 22 J~ C Cia poa1t1_

to one-halt m1lt of Idal Balp- and 11QIfOlte4 tb ljmiddot

caldr lAtantrr ag1meat OWl poaiti_ ~Oftcl to 3-75) OIl b laJdJIc~ of 23 JampIIlamprr 1S Position or QcwpeIPyen B ~ed the OIl ~S JaauI

-1 ~~

lCJS OoapaDl C wed to io1a1ty ot BautbbeUa1a twtellbaarl (745-749) 00Ipi t B olotel in at Wattal Belampiwa (75-77) 1D aupport or Sl3th QUder WaaU7

Reglmeot and torward or elmed in at Ste1nbeck Be1amp1- 91-13S)






ftf Il

middot1 i


~ rt~

til ~ - I






r (~ ~

26-28 Jamp1S1ampr7 19ft~

Oa 26 J_q 1~ lMpa1V C to Hulcluge Lwt_OQrl (m-74~) ani

Battal1011 or 01 1a at looation at 1900 hCW8 the 4 IteconAaishy

CeIIpaItr (6) tw plaooM el 1a at 10aatioA at 1600 houre The

IUtIa ukDtrorer attamp1iOll relkt tr_ attaahc to the 17th Airborne

lAtaatI7 D118t aIId atbob to the 87th IAtaat17 Di18iOll ecpa B

bull to -pport tile 346th lAtaatrl aca-t ampIIi Camp C aupport1Dc the

347tblataIItrT aepat The colinaiaance Platooll8 with Compui B aDd C

8llth TaAk utrqrr Battal1011 were ru ampDIl Ifttcback to CoaplJ

contrcl With Recomalaanc 1ioIIpaD3 under ~ttallon contrQl the platoo were

ent OIl reconnaiuMc a1aaiou CG 21 JampII1ampl7 elating in the npport at both

CoIIpan1 B ( or the 8Uth lank JJtrqyv Battal101l Two platCK1a8 or

OoiIpaDT C -avanc to Leqler Luxellbaorl (800-776) ampId ~ B IIdftllC to

Ippelv la__11 aoo-79~) Qle platooa fIL llecCGllamp1a~ce ~ reca

liPt eA attUlerl tiN 1ft urutlampDCe Luxebaorl bat it cUd Rot 4etyr their

bullbullioa Two ptia fIL ar were taken bl the this platoon fIlL Reoonnaibullbullance

Ocwpa 29-31 Jaauary l~~

Qa 29 JUIlU1 l~ cClAclitiou reaa1nerl practicallT the a the prerloua

bull weather cOD1itiG were ftcb that oatiOll ot the dtrorere OYer the tern1D h1Dd Late OIl 29 Januampl7

~~ crdera were cued from tIn

CcrPl RfMIlqaartera that the 8llth tank Oeatrorer Battalion would be rel18Yed

trc attached to the 87th ntantrl DiTiion and was attached to the llth Armored

Diria1oll aad 1IWld be htid in iQrp8 reaerTe The 602d Tank ueatro1er Battalion

rel1e COIIpaai B ampIIl C in the line

AU clur1ac the period fIL operation it 1iu apparent that all along the


o 1)il8 eet the - with4ramp1l1aamp to the S1amptried Line and the anlT lol~middotmiddot-I

~ - shyI


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

r I

_ - -

---- shy

whr opeationa were oarri_ QD in coajaAotiOA with the ift nc of

the middot17th ASrborA IAtantr Dt1ai bullbull SUtb uk DeI__V BatbampJjOA ftMI

cloetll 1A at Bertope (52-67) letoauMUO eop ~

at 1Itpx Bellbullbull

(S47-711J - 1 Oft~ platOWl at Labup BLcSu (535-615) later

oviD tomiddotGiY lelampiIIIl (SQ0-657) 00Ip~ bull 1Ibo ~~~ itb

QlJde IAfantrr 1eamp1a_t of th 17th A1rbora lAtutr D1~1_ at 1f100ur

Bel1u (60-68) ampad Ccwpa 0 ~o wu lnlJIPC)ltiq the o7th ampIaabut IAtUltI7

ot ttl 17th AirbOlll IAtuatrr DiY~ion ampD1l alOied 1n at V18SQ1 Be1atu

(500-657) Littl r 1atamplle wu enaawatNcl ttuoaamphCQt t of th priol

(G 19 Jaouarr 1~S thbullbulleoOlld platOOD of Coapu C to the vio1-Jr1tl of

Houra1b~ sJamp1ua (70-70) anel tired el 1OUIl of D amplid on roaal of BY

GO a church tbullbullple located at Vuul Bela rr W tt_ nobullbull~

be1namp used a Oerau~ ~ 20 JaaJArl C B to the icJJdV

of Steinbeok Bela1wl P(6It4-6) Actual ~ 1IIttl the b- _

or 1 ltatto aad ooAtiMll middotiDlr to patrG1liq 1IItIl both optlW B MIll C

be1ac helcl in reacli ~ oh1er obataGl be1na the wather terra1D oocu10na1

r04blocD a1a aad deatrqrecl bridpbullbull OIl 22 J~ C Cia poa1t1_

to one-halt m1lt of Idal Balp- and 11QIfOlte4 tb ljmiddot

caldr lAtantrr ag1meat OWl poaiti_ ~Oftcl to 3-75) OIl b laJdJIc~ of 23 JampIIlamprr 1S Position or QcwpeIPyen B ~ed the OIl ~S JaauI

-1 ~~

lCJS OoapaDl C wed to io1a1ty ot BautbbeUa1a twtellbaarl (745-749) 00Ipi t B olotel in at Wattal Belampiwa (75-77) 1D aupport or Sl3th QUder WaaU7

Reglmeot and torward or elmed in at Ste1nbeck Be1amp1- 91-13S)






ftf Il

middot1 i


~ rt~

til ~ - I






r (~ ~

26-28 Jamp1S1ampr7 19ft~

Oa 26 J_q 1~ lMpa1V C to Hulcluge Lwt_OQrl (m-74~) ani

Battal1011 or 01 1a at looation at 1900 hCW8 the 4 IteconAaishy

CeIIpaItr (6) tw plaooM el 1a at 10aatioA at 1600 houre The

IUtIa ukDtrorer attamp1iOll relkt tr_ attaahc to the 17th Airborne

lAtaatI7 D118t aIId atbob to the 87th IAtaat17 Di18iOll ecpa B

bull to -pport tile 346th lAtaatrl aca-t ampIIi Camp C aupport1Dc the

347tblataIItrT aepat The colinaiaance Platooll8 with Compui B aDd C

8llth TaAk utrqrr Battal1011 were ru ampDIl Ifttcback to CoaplJ

contrcl With Recomalaanc 1ioIIpaD3 under ~ttallon contrQl the platoo were

ent OIl reconnaiuMc a1aaiou CG 21 JampII1ampl7 elating in the npport at both

CoIIpan1 B ( or the 8Uth lank JJtrqyv Battal101l Two platCK1a8 or

OoiIpaDT C -avanc to Leqler Luxellbaorl (800-776) ampId ~ B IIdftllC to

Ippelv la__11 aoo-79~) Qle platooa fIL llecCGllamp1a~ce ~ reca

liPt eA attUlerl tiN 1ft urutlampDCe Luxebaorl bat it cUd Rot 4etyr their

bullbullioa Two ptia fIL ar were taken bl the this platoon fIlL Reoonnaibullbullance

Ocwpa 29-31 Jaauary l~~

Qa 29 JUIlU1 l~ cClAclitiou reaa1nerl practicallT the a the prerloua

bull weather cOD1itiG were ftcb that oatiOll ot the dtrorere OYer the tern1D h1Dd Late OIl 29 Januampl7

~~ crdera were cued from tIn

CcrPl RfMIlqaartera that the 8llth tank Oeatrorer Battalion would be rel18Yed

trc attached to the 87th ntantrl DiTiion and was attached to the llth Armored

Diria1oll aad 1IWld be htid in iQrp8 reaerTe The 602d Tank ueatro1er Battalion

rel1e COIIpaai B ampIIl C in the line

AU clur1ac the period fIL operation it 1iu apparent that all along the


o 1)il8 eet the - with4ramp1l1aamp to the S1amptried Line and the anlT lol~middotmiddot-I

~ - shyI


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR


ftf Il

middot1 i


~ rt~

til ~ - I






r (~ ~

26-28 Jamp1S1ampr7 19ft~

Oa 26 J_q 1~ lMpa1V C to Hulcluge Lwt_OQrl (m-74~) ani

Battal1011 or 01 1a at looation at 1900 hCW8 the 4 IteconAaishy

CeIIpaItr (6) tw plaooM el 1a at 10aatioA at 1600 houre The

IUtIa ukDtrorer attamp1iOll relkt tr_ attaahc to the 17th Airborne

lAtaatI7 D118t aIId atbob to the 87th IAtaat17 Di18iOll ecpa B

bull to -pport tile 346th lAtaatrl aca-t ampIIi Camp C aupport1Dc the

347tblataIItrT aepat The colinaiaance Platooll8 with Compui B aDd C

8llth TaAk utrqrr Battal1011 were ru ampDIl Ifttcback to CoaplJ

contrcl With Recomalaanc 1ioIIpaD3 under ~ttallon contrQl the platoo were

ent OIl reconnaiuMc a1aaiou CG 21 JampII1ampl7 elating in the npport at both

CoIIpan1 B ( or the 8Uth lank JJtrqyv Battal101l Two platCK1a8 or

OoiIpaDT C -avanc to Leqler Luxellbaorl (800-776) ampId ~ B IIdftllC to

Ippelv la__11 aoo-79~) Qle platooa fIL llecCGllamp1a~ce ~ reca

liPt eA attUlerl tiN 1ft urutlampDCe Luxebaorl bat it cUd Rot 4etyr their

bullbullioa Two ptia fIL ar were taken bl the this platoon fIlL Reoonnaibullbullance

Ocwpa 29-31 Jaauary l~~

Qa 29 JUIlU1 l~ cClAclitiou reaa1nerl practicallT the a the prerloua

bull weather cOD1itiG were ftcb that oatiOll ot the dtrorere OYer the tern1D h1Dd Late OIl 29 Januampl7

~~ crdera were cued from tIn

CcrPl RfMIlqaartera that the 8llth tank Oeatrorer Battalion would be rel18Yed

trc attached to the 87th ntantrl DiTiion and was attached to the llth Armored

Diria1oll aad 1IWld be htid in iQrp8 reaerTe The 602d Tank ueatro1er Battalion

rel1e COIIpaai B ampIIl C in the line

AU clur1ac the period fIL operation it 1iu apparent that all along the


o 1)il8 eet the - with4ramp1l1aamp to the S1amptried Line and the anlT lol~middotmiddot-I

~ - shyI


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR


r ---

contact baing _de was with ene113 rear guard A very weak defensive attitude

was displqed bv the en- and during this period only three enealyen tankB were

ighted by Division Air Observation and were never sighted by either COJIIpampDyen

B or C

~ lbe Battalion operated auccessfullr umer several d1fferent commalyenla

I-I Although both CompaIY B aDd C operated with a miniaum of peronnel am equipshy

aent be~use or previous loa surferec1 in the 1aItial cOUllter-attack their

ertort initiative aai kill were intlu811tial in s1ating the clearance or the

Ardennes Seotor or the enav and JDampldng possible a further idvance through the

en linbullbullbull


The activities or CoaIpaJV B who were not under Battalion control tro

3-16 January 1945 were as follows bull

ColIIDampIyeniing Officer ~ B repwtec1 to General ~lQr lOlst AirborD8

Iotantry Division where he received orders to proceecl to Sav Beliu ODe

platoon ot CClilltPU3 B worked in conjunction with the 327th Iraorecl Iatutrr or

the 10lst Airborne IntampDtry DiviaiOll Arter accomplisbMnt or aission ttl were relieved am CoatpADl B ~d one platoon or Reoonnaissanee CapamplV auth

laak Destrover BattallOD were ~taohed to CoIDat reM therrl 4th AnIorell

Div1siOA 1lle first platOOD was attached to support be firt Battal1OA SOlat

Araond WampDtry ampad mewed to (57-60) ampad th third platoon attached to

upp~t the second Battal1OA SOlt ArlllDrecl WampAt17 lbbullbullcom platOOll waa

attached fOr suppart or the S06th Ar_recl lDtutrl bullbull 8cgD bullbull

tampDka were siamphtecl but the enUre eop~ -btl ill elose coop-at1ontdth til

4tb k_net Div1aiOll in clr1nq the -tIIV -traa the t~ aurrowllliq t



The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR


The lctivities or Cumpampnyen C not unler Battaliol contral tram 12-16

JwoJAIY 1945

Ihe ~r1dir Officer Company C leparted to the Commaming 01ficu

~f the 602lt1 Tan~ Destroyer Battalion rter aosing his column t Juseret

Bdlgium PJ -1d3) On 12 January the CoJnpacV was assigned to the 11th

Araored 0il ~ion ai moved to Longchamps Belgium The COJDpampnl as attached

to CCA of the 11 th ArAlaled tJivision on 13 January am ona platoon attacbed ~

to T~k FQlce StuDcS cL ~CA and moved to ~naville Belg1wn On 16 JaDllarr

~ ~iI1Ittd two platoons to MJt)V8 to vicinity of IIampbaaJpre Be1giWIL and were in

position at this point when the SU th Tank Destroyer Battalion assigned to

the 17th Airborne Division wIi1 the ll~h ampralm DiYision was reUnd the

l~middotth Airborne Inrantrr Divuioll



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR



~ gt--- - -shy~ --~

s-a UPCItt

- 1 50 000 huH bull Belllabull llDO~OOO et- bullbull ma bullbullbull 10 9J lJ11 106 121 __a lS 16 17617 tl22

1- J_ 191

~ b 1Ub ampIlk P~ IIMU- bull 1W U c1 A elI

leu cr- A _tal GaS plampt~ ttb~ t 0 _til ~


ri reo_____ platooa IM attaatl to vel 9tb bullbullbullbull Uln1oa

I r 1b alu10ft t IJCl to ru t 1tb 0 pel Hdampai I MIl aQtht ot the co1rol_ 011 or BUtope Ielal-


usu 1A oa-I

taot thloth PI Lehr Uif1a1on an4 _ Iripd 1dtIl elet tile

h Uly 1n til oSt--a area outht ot

UaepeD1 B ampUth Taak uestrOT_ Battalioa _ Sa ~bullbull bull

til clurinl the roopclQc ot the f1tal aafchat ampad to

abl1aa pU to rGll 1Ato til lent A1rberM lDt-trr Uldo u to all the waauatlOll ef WOWl4l_

1M nOM PlatoOll or KeoSmiddot__ fOIp uel til l -1p It

hal wbull rOIl 0-180741 OA 27 raquoHIIb 1941 lWDftIl _Lel blOeD fr_ the hl~ to ptnIlt tile flow of trattio to frta th b_ta-I


At 1430 bcNn 3 J8A1lflq 19 ltCA ampad _ttMlud uit 1bull t_

aarshall1D area at 1la1Iit Belal- P(461-41lJ aid on tb 4th of Januarr 1

un1te attaabed to iCA l-) ~ B aid OIl_ reooQDataeuco platOOll CLlth faille

Utrbullbullr Battal1oa Md a nor arch to Tcart rra P(76O-Oil) ria


~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

~--~~--------~--------------------shy--------------~-~~~~---=-~- - ~

B_quarten ~ 01bullbull 1a at Tout hc)Ca and booashy uJuuo CoItpur (-) thr plat elbullbull 1A at Illarbope lraac P(725-050)

at 1OO hove t N81Aed utll bull JIUIlampr7 1945

8-18 arT 191 th aat1dt1e8 r tho lattaloa flv1Jtc the pw 4 JIAl1ampI7 1945 to

18 J-U7 15 tho ~3 au 18-25 JUUampr7 19ftS

ca 18 Jaaaq 19feS Bqurt aIIl H_quart eop Roooaaaioouoe

CoIp ~ A -ncI to ~PO area Readq1Wt ampIIIIl HM4quart

~ 100at at Bertop hllu P(S22-671) j teraN or at Campope

hl1wa PSSO-672) J IecOADa100aAOO CoJIPampDI at lAarou Belampiua P(547-712) ampaid

CGIIpDT A at LoqobUIIPII Ba1ampi_ p(5S6-635)

lh 811th TaU Dw1 Battal1oa was attach_ to th 17th A1IborA

lAtaAtryen Divi81oa 18 Jaauarr 1915

ca 19 J_arT 1915 tho _ tound to haft flue ill poeitioAll aloq the

roM P(628-108) P(626-7OI) (629-10) aDA alooa laUrNd at P(6206a9) - shy

P(~) aDi P(617-683) Uaocaapi toxholeo located at P(620-677) bull

bull ulte _ Oar t1OQt baT been 1Aient1t1 ol~_ta or l30th Pz Diy 26

W Diy amplid ltJfQ Baar UD1u CcNtpur A Glth Taak Deetrorer Battalion to Giv P(500-657) 1600

bou- 19 JampIIlaq 1915

On 20 JaAUamprT 1945 the CDDt1aaed bis del_iT policr 111 the area

Alhoaaeat Belpaa P(629-703) Patrols to south of 17thAirborne Illtantry

D1vu1on ampNamp repart Aea-tiy There i_ indications that tho en 18 wlthshy

draw1Aamp trCD the D1YieiOft _ector in the cl1rection of t and southout

Th CCII1tinuoua patrolling OIl 21 JamlarT by 0t1I ferce in preparat101l

for _taok to the t (8 attack orcl PO Ho 7 17th Urborae Dirl81Oft



elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR


elated 21 Jilluary 1~5) yeninefields found in woods on soth bank of the LCAlrthe

River between P(S22-735) and P(6505-7380)

0ampampD3 tl on the above date was operating with the 194th Glider Infantrr

~OIIlPamprY C was in direct support of 507th Parachut e Inrantrrbull Patrolling rampshy

vealed additional ld thdrawal of German forces

Forward CP Sllth Tank llestroyer Battalion JIIOved to Taviony BelgiUll

P(644-964) at 1555 hours 21 Jarmary 1945


On 22 January our patrols received small aras fir at the Luxembourg

border Eneaur outpost line is believed to follow Belgiwa-Luxembourg berder

trom P(7l9-778) P(745-781) P(743-744) and P747-753) It is expectec1 that

the eneDl1 w1ll continue to withdraw to south and southeastbull bull lbe 8llaIV dug in at Yfattermal BelgiUII p(745-m) HautbeUain Belgiuaj

P744-745) has been cleared of en-v Four GellULnl ldlled five Pfs taken

ampDd ampbout forty driven from tom by our patrols The en is defending

lenerally along a line P(744-700) P(750-760) P(753-747) and P(750-~~)

BelMt3 u the ll28th 1129th and mOth VG Regimeftts of S60th Div1aiOll

lApproxlmateJr 250 -en) 11th PIS Gr RiIaerlt of the 9th is lJiv (95 JIINl)

meaents of 1~th h Gr ReaiMnt 15th fa Gr UiviaiOll hay been icieDtitied 1A I-

th1a sector It is belleved that tb1s 1a tbe oal3 eIMIIV ccweriDg tca-CM rshyI I

mainjnamiddot (G 25 Jamlarr 1~5 continut _vance by our tarces A very weak defeasive

att1tu4 has been d1apl~ed by th Three taaka appearuo

t1red the retired to -pel P(800-795) ~wd obeervatlQA repwta

~ traftic withclraw1namp beb1D1l swthern l1Abullbull



26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

26-28 January l~ 5

The $llth rank Destroyer Batlalion relieved from attached to 17th U1borne

Luantry )ivision and attached to 87th IAtantrv Division in direct suppart

Compa1lyen E ith 346th lQiantrv ae~iment CoapaD3 C lidth 347tb Illfant17 Reg1Jl1ent

rteconnaissaDce platoons reverted to Battal1on OOl1trol at 1700 hours 26 Januarv

29-)1 Jmiddot-ars 1

~ 29 lmiddottbe IUtIa uk ~1NllJ

An ampt11eeaive reconnaissance tonard is being instituted by our Reconnaishy

ssance platoons working all road nets 111 SOAe or adTance Blcpeoted route to

be taken is lbQIID811 Scb1ra NtMlbruck and GA Tank D troyers in tun support

or infantrr

Lt Lennart O SUDdstrom Reconnaissance eopaqr took two Ns aear

Bieler P(823-752)

HeampV1 artillerr tire receiveci at lh~ aDCl Bapeter

Forwarcl CP IIOrtd to Hu14ampDce Lwt8lllboura P(771-751) Juaarr 27 1

Caapanr C at Durler P(81J-781h eopu- B to labnck P(~7) ODe p1ateoa

in resern at lI8pelezo P(800-79S)

Roablooka reported south of St V1th 28 Jampaampr7 191bull tna

Gnlttl1Damp- to OlcDer P(83o-79I) acl trea QuIler Buoht rlt-S)

aow blaquolAa GleamprtMl

Three tub repcrMll at tt(867-aJ)bullbulln sw bJ

Ddas_ce lkea1ft ortio IWI n-- wU iaYu bullbulla1l ~tt-aJ1_~ II1a repert _ ~ tin_

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

( - t~ -J_

-was no contact with tne en at th1e t1ae lIho 1e- mdently 14 tbclraw1lll btb1D4

his defenses or the S1eamptried Linbullbull bull

~ LA~middotmiddot 1mVIIJ 0 Oaptaln lQ $2

- -bull 7D


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR


8-4 tIPCIl1

1-31 JUIlary 1945

Dura th e aontb or JampIIIamprr 1945 the greater pQlt1on 01 the t iae

sput 1n draw1ng PelllGDnel eqmpat cGllUllln1cationa equipment aM vehicular

equ1plleAt 1aat durag the previous aonth during the eDeI9 countel-attack

The peraonnel equipment u well ampamp the veb1cWarequ1puat was delivered to

the coapIIl1ea wbUe in the llne

Work1n in clCllle coordlnatJon with the Battalion Motor Olticer vehtWar

equ1plumt a amhanaed between the compan1es on the l1neJ repaired 1a the

field am replaced No ttective 10es 01 tire power 11amp8 susta1ne4 by the

companies Due to the prev10ua l08S UOIIIpUV C and ComJgtaD3 B operated Dine

iW18 per compaqy

CQIIIIDllnicationa equ1pmeDt last durlllg the previoua _gagemeDt 1U reoshy

placed ln veh1cl as soon u th-v were isaue to the reapect1n coJDpac1

Dur1Dg the entire month constant cOIIIPJojcationa wu had with the two compan1bullbull

~lampSs III and Class IV auppl1es were eampampil3 ~ccsab1 Weather conditiOD8

and road conjestiona were the onJy tactor to cause ~ del but neither one

or the two compaui auttered aa a reault of the unavoidable delbullbull

No vehicles were 10 during the JIIOllth amp8 a result 01 vehicle accid_a

The fQUowing intarJllamption is IUbllitted aho1dng ~e distribution of

vehicular replacements and 10 and the srperditure ot -_101 tion

Vehicular Lossbullbull Total-~-r Araorecl Utility 1l-20 ~ Araored Ligbt yen-8 Can-age MotQl 76amp Mol TraUer 14 Ton 2 Wheel Carao Trailer Ammo 11-10

lruck 14 Ton 44 1 1 2 Trailer 1 Too 2 ~heel Cargo

7 - 1 shy

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

- - ---

VMicular Loss (atd) b RcA A- -Truck 34 Toa 4lr4 _e

wl2 Volt Srate Trlok 2 12 lOA 6x6 -

2Totampl 1 0 0 1 0

hi CYlar Beplacct8 Hq BOA L pound Totampl-Car Ano_ Ut1l1tr M-2O 1 1 6 8 Car ANorecl Liampht K-8 1 1 crrjq JlGlQI 7a 11-18 2 5 7 Tra1ler 14 lOA 2 Carlo ~ i t s Tra1ler __ 11-10

I-TNck 14 TOIl 4x4 I J TnUer 1 TOR 2 ibMl CarlO Tnlck 34 TOD lexi 0

wlJ Volt Stu rule 2 12 TGIl 6z6 1 1

j )1 Total l 1 14 cF

Amraquo_ -a -u

7- DC - 0 0cl shy

Cat 0 - 0 Calbull 30 BUle - 0 w 30 Carb1ae - 0 0amp1 ItS BampU - 0 - 0 3 Ate - 0 Qua18t - 0 8laa U 0 AfwA3 -- 0

0 At shy At u IILl1 - 0 lftC- 0

bull -a bull


-- - -- ---~ --_ __-- bull ------_---____--- _--__ --- _ --- -----shy

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR

- - - - -

r-- -shy





1-31 January 1945

Sllth m BN

TABL~ t-1~3~ 1

ETTLE CASUALTY RZPOOT3Y TYPE OF CASlTALTY Figures taken from ~rning Reports up to am including31 January 1945 for the period 1-31 JirJ1uar1 1945)

~ ~ -OOw ~ m HI TOTAL RIDS

1 Jm 1 1 7 JioIll 7 7 -

10 JiUl 2 1 3 1 itshy 12 Jan 2 1 3

13 JiUl S S 1

14 JampI1 3 2 S

15 JampI1 2

16 Jan 1 1 18 Jan 1 1

19 JaD 1 1

20 Jan 1 29 Jan

30 Jrl 1

31 Jioll a shylOTAL 3 ~ 2 2 )0 11

2 DOW 19 llec 44 - 1 OOW 2S Dec 44 report OIl J(amp et 14 aa U

L~ h l~bull ~ -~

-1shy ~shyI

--- - - -- -~- 4



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR



28 JiJi 45 2



1tiJ-lAC~~ tCEIV~ (Iu~ludinG H)s~itampl Returnees)


15 Jan 45 77

16 Jan 45 11

23 Jan 15 L

TarAL 91

0ecorations awarded from 1 Jan 45 to 31 Jan 45 1 incl

Di~~L~~ished ~~-vice ~ross lPosthumously)=DiJ~ ~1Uished S~rice -ross _ ~ilver Star lFosthumously) It- wilver ~tar

u k Lelf vl1ster to SilveT Star =Bronze Star Med31 lFvhwnolsly)-2 or onz e ~ tar raquoedal

Oak lea1 vluster co Drenze gttr ur ledamp 01 le01f Juster to Air tecta

_ ~oldiert lledal ~ turple ~art ampId L ~ 1st) Oak eaf -luster to lUrple heart _ Zd) 01lt ~f ~uster to Purple Heart

- 2

  • 811th TD Jan 1-31 45 AAR
  • Pages from 811th TD Feb 1-28 45 AAR