NZ Libraries in 2025

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of NZ Libraries in 2025


New Zealand Libraries in 2025Changing the Model to Survive and Thrive


TREND: 1From Patron-Focussed Libraries to Patron-Driven Libraries


TREND: 1From Patron-Focussed Libraries to Patron-Driven Libraries

• Think like your patrons

• Live where they live

• Provide them with personalised, relevant content


TREND: 2From ‘Content in Isolation’ to ‘Content in Context’


TREND: 2From ‘Content in Isolation’ to ‘Content in Context’

• What you say is less important than how you say it

• People are easily persuaded by other people that they like

• People will do things they see others doing


TREND: 3From Publish to Share


TREND: 3From Publish to Share

• Everyone is connected to everyone else

• Everyone who interacts will change the experience of those that follow

• Ownership is less important than access



• From Patron-Focussed Libraries to Patron-Driven Libraries

• From ‘Content in Isolation’ to ‘Content in Context’

• From Publish to Share



• Have conversations with your patrons

• Start experimenting

• Join NZ Libraries in 2025 at


Recommended Reading

Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion. [S.I]: Collins, 1998.The psychology of persuasion through six universal principles: reciprocation, authority, commitment, scarcity, liking, and social proof.

Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference. Boston: Little Brown, 2000.A great read that cleverly describes how little causes can have big effects and that change happens not gradually but at one dramatic (tipping point) moment.

Godin, Seth. Poke The Box: When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time? [S.I]: The Domino Project/Do You Zoom, Inc, 2011.Stop waiting for a road map and start drawing one instead. If this doesn’t get you started, nothing will.

Goldstein, Noah J, Steve J Martin, and Robert B Cialdini. Yes! 50 Secrets From The Science Of Persuasion. London: Profile, 2007.Based on over 60 years of research into the psychology of persuasion, this book reveals many remarkable insights that will help you be more persuasive both at work and at home.


Recommended Reading

Johnson, L, R Smith, A Levine, and K Haywood. The 2010 Horizon Report: Australia-New Zealand Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium, 2010.Emerging technologies and their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative enquiry within higher education over the next five years – ebooks, mobile technology, augmented reality, open content, gesture-based computing and visual data analysis.

Semmel, Marsha. Museums, Libraries And 21st Century Skills. Washington, DC: Institute of Museum and Library Services, 2009.A 21st century skills framework for libraries and museums with some good case studies and a self-assessment tool.

Stoffle, Carla J., Kim Leeder, Gabrielle Sykes-Casavant. “Bridging The Gap: Wherever You Are, The Library.” Journal of Library Administration. 48(1), 2008: 3-30.Success in the future will require libraries to deliberately adopt a “push out” philosophy in which the library extends outward to customers wherever they are and requires libraries to be customer-based, not place based or collection-driven.


Recommended Reading

Walsh, Mike. Futuretainment: Yesterday The World Changed, Now It’s YourTurn. London; New York: Phaidon Press, 2009.23 insights that reveal how the rise of the Internet, mobile devices, social networking, audience networks, user generated content, ubiquitous networks and the ‘adaptive web’, amongst other advances, has affected the worlds of media and entertainment forever.

Wawrzaszek, Susan V., David G. Wedaman. “The Academic Library In A 2.0 World.” (Research Bulletin, Issue 19). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2008.Provides a context for the current state of academic libraries and the issues they face in a Web 2.0 world.

Woodworth, Andy. “BackTalk: We Need Big Tent Librarianship” Library Journal. 135(20), December 2010: 70.Advocates a unity of vision and a sense of greater purpose within the profession.