Nutrition and YOU! You have a choice! This choice: =

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Nutrition and YOU! You have a choice! This choice: =


Or Or THISTHIS choice: choice:


Remember: Obesity does NOT start overnight! It’s all in the CHOICES you


Eating Healthy……..Starting to eat bad……No exercise………OBESE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s talk Let’s talk NUTRITIONNUTRITION!! So what exactly is IN food that makes us healthy?So what exactly is IN food that makes us healthy?

ALL THE FOODALL THE FOOD we put in to our bodies contain we put in to our bodies contain


The66 classes of nutrients are classes of nutrients are:




Our body NEEDS Energy!CaloriesCalories= = ENERGYENERGY!!

Only 3 classes of nutrients provide calories, or energy, to our bodies: Fats, Carbohydrates, and Protein.

CALORIESCALORIES make it possible for our bodies to do work: To breathe, move, make new cells, pump blood, etc.

Calorie Calculations…Calorie Calculations…

1 gram of fat = 9 calories1 gram of fat = 9 calories 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories 1 gram of protein = 4 calories1 gram of protein = 4 calories


into into BODY FATBODY FAT!!

13g of FAT x 9 cal per FAT gram = 117 calories

31g of carbohydrates x 4 cal per carb gram = 124 calories

5g of proteins x 4 cal per protein gram= 20 calories

Now add them up!117+124+20=


Let’s start with Fats! True or False: Fat is bad! Fat MAKES us fat! Both True AND False. Some fats are actually

GOOD for us! There are good fats and BAD fats! Remember: Too much ENERGY (carbohydrates,

protein, or fat) can store as fat! 30% of daily calories should be from fat BAD FATS = Saturated Fat and Trans Fat which

are Partially or fully hydrogenated oil Good Fats = MonoUNsaturated and


Fats do the following for us:

Supply most calorie energy to body Provides raw materials that help

control blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation

Used in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K (no fat- no absorption!)

Cushions body’s organs, helps stabilize body temperature

How many calories do I need to consume in order to gain

a pound? It takes only 3,500 UNUSED calories

to gain a pound of fat.

This means you’re not going to gain 5 pounds for having one milkshake (that is roughly 500 calories). HOWEVER, if you consume one milkshake a day for a week, you might gain a pound.

Functions of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide ENERGYENERGY Simple carbohydrates are first digesteddigested

and absorbedabsorbed in the mouth via saliva. They are quickly used as energy!

Simple carbohydrates come from sugar. Anything ending in –ose –ose (glucose, lactose, fructose).

Found in milk, fruit, soda, candy, cakes.

Simple vs. Complex

Complex carbohydrates are the BEST choice!

Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, and actually store in the muscles liver and to be released later for energy

40% of your diet should be from carbs! Found in starchy vegetables, legumes

(beans and peas), and grains (rice, corn, and wheat)

ProteinsProteins True or False: True or False: If you want to

become a big, lean individual, you should eat a LOT of protein!

FALSE! You only need 30% of your calories to come from protein in a day!

Too much protein can store as fat, and an overabundance can hurt your liver!

Functions of Proteins Muscle, skin, hair, and nailsMuscle, skin, hair, and nails

are made up of mostly proteinHelps body build new cells and

repair existing onesForms hormones, enzymes, and

antibodiesBUT- too much can be stored as


VitaminsVitamins What’s the difference between eating a

500 calorie McDonalds meal versus a 500 calorie sandwich meal?

Well, they both provide the same CALORIES, but McDonalds is EMPTY ENERGY!

Meaning- A Sandwich gives us VITAMINS AND MINERALS, while McDonalds gives us saturated fats and oils- which HARM the body!

Remember- EVERY TIME we eat things like Fast Food, it puts NEGATIVE STRESS on our bodies!

Saturated fats from pepperoni, cheese, andSaturated fats from pepperoni, cheese, andFrench friesFrench fries

Very few vitamins and mineralsVery few vitamins and minerals

White bread=White bread=Not much fiber,Not much fiber,Less protein thanLess protein thanWhole grainWhole grain

Overall high in fat, low in vitamins and minerals= tasty but not a good choiceOverall high in fat, low in vitamins and minerals= tasty but not a good choice

How many food groups can you find? Grains? Meats? Vegetables? How many food groups can you find? Grains? Meats? Vegetables? Fruits? Dairy?Fruits? Dairy?

Whole grain Whole grain Bread- moreBread- moreFiber and proteinFiber and proteinAs well as As well as Complex Complex carbohydratescarbohydrates

Avocado’s provide Avocado’s provide Excellent source of Excellent source of Monounsaturated Fats, Monounsaturated Fats, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and FolateVitamin K and Folate

Tomatoes are an Tomatoes are an excellent source excellent source of vitamin C and of vitamin C and a good source of a good source of vitamin A, vitamin A, potassium, fiber, potassium, fiber, and lycopeneand lycopene

Lean TurkeyLean TurkeyA good sourceA good sourceOf protein, B6Of protein, B6And B12 vitaminsAnd B12 vitamins

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

These vitamins maintain and allow growthgrowth Fat soluble vitamins dissolve in fat and can

be stored in fat tissuestored in fat tissue! Too many are TOXICTOXIC! Not enough can harm your body!

Vitamin A: keeps eyes and skin healthy, needed for bones and teeth

Vitamin D: promotes absorption of other vitamins- like calcium

Vitamin E: protects cell membranes Vitamin K: Aids in blood clotting

Water-Soluble Vitamins

The eight B vitamins and Vitamin C are water soluble- meaning they do not store in the body well. You need to consume these EVERY day!

Vitamin B’s: Needed to release energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Vitamin B6: Needed for protein metabolism and for the nervous system

Vitamin B12: Necessary for forming cells Vitamin C: Promotes healthy gums and

teeth, healing of wounds, absorption of iron, protects cells from damage


More than 20 minerals are essential to good health

CalciumCalcium: needed for development and maintenance of bones and teeth, nerve impulses, muscle contraction

IronIron: Needed to make hemoglobin, which helps blood carry oxygen to all cells in body

PotassiumPotassium: Fluid balance, nerve impulses, muscle contraction

SodiumSodium: regulation of water balance in cells and tissues

And lastly- Water!

Every cell in our body needs water to work properly. In fact, our body is 60% water!

Every day we lose large amounts of water through urine and solid wastes, evaporation through breathingbreathing, through skin as sweat. Extra water CANNOT be stored in the body.

What does it do?

WaterWater ….• Flushes toxins out of vital organs• Carries nutrients to your cells • Provides a moist environment for ear, nose

and throat tissues • Regulates body temperature

Soda’s and Starbucks don’t count! They dehydrate you because of caffeinecaffeine!

The Food Pyramid